2nd Edition - ABL Newsletter #StayConnected

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July 2022


This Photo by Unknow n Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

African-American 2nd Edition Newsletter

Employee Business Network (EBN) Quest Diagnostics

Business Leaders

Photo by Connor Vaughan


“I want to be a part of ABL” Lashawn May Photo by lashawn May

It is important for me to be a part of a group that offers a space for underrepresented employees to find one another and stave off the sense of isolation. ABL creates a welcoming atmosphere for all, but also increases vulnerability and trust amongst people of color.

I love that ABL brings to light concerns that impact people of color. ABL brings a sense of togetherness that you aren’t alone because you have shared experiences with the people surrounding and supporting you. Joining ABL provides me the opportunity to educate others and advocate for their network.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et dolore magna aliqua. consectetur Author Photo by Tete_escape

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi

ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure ex ea dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla ex ea pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt.



PUT YOUR RECORDS ON!! Relieve that Stress! With so much happening in the world around us lately-and more happening every day; it is very hard not to feel increased stress! But how we deal with it is very important.

Sheila Bostick ABL Core Team Member The symptoms of stress can take many forms. Sometimes, stress can boost our productivity and motivate us into success. It has its benefits in small doses. However, when we feel stressed over long periods of time, it can have a grave impact on our health. We may notice that our sleep is affected, and we start to become more anxious than usual. We may suffer with headaches, stomach aches or skin irritations. In the more acute cases, we can become depressed, isolated or worse. That is why we need to deal with our stress before it becomes dangerous.

H ow do we do that? Let’s start with 3 steps! 1.

OWN IT: Don’t dismiss any negative emotions being felt. Don’t shrug it off and cover it up with something else. Identify it and deal with it!


SIMPLYFY LIFE: Make your life simpler so that you have less cause for stress around you. Practice your time management skills with a to-do list. Work on building a positive and practical morning and evening routine that will help you get the most out of every day, as well as a good night’s sleep. The power of a restful night can NEVER be underestimated.


BR EATHE: When you feel stressed, your breaths can become shorter and shallower, which means your lungs are unable to push as much oxygen around your body. Focus on longer breaths, rather than deeper, as this will help to slow your heart rate and give you a chance to rationalize your feelings.

Try a practice of meditation called MINDFULNESS-it is a simple idea to become more present in the moment. Just the act of paying attention over time can make it easier to rationalize minor irritations when they arise. OR you might simply turn up your favorite song and let the music wash over you. Sometimes this is the only therapy that we need in the moment! Whatever it is…OWN it and do SOMETHING to alleviate your stress level and move on to becoming a better YOU!


Fran Kiser ABL Core Team Member

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