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MOReS 2012-2014

Just more than a story‌

Once upon a time‌ make a story write a story tell a story ~ stories made by our learners ~

MOReS 2012-2014

Just more than a story‌


Partners -

Centro de education de adultos de Castuera (coördinator) Spain


Miejski Osrodek Doradztwa Metodycznego w Bialymstoku



Associaçao Portuguesa de Paralisia Cerebral de Faro



Kentro Perivallontikis Ekpaidefsis Kilkis



Gehandicaptenwerking Krekenland



BuSO Tongelsbos



Cyprus Scientific Educators Assciation for the Utillization of Information Communication Technologies



MOReS 2012-2014

Just more than a story‌

Forword Europe’s diversity is a rich source of vitality and creativity. Many countries hold their own stories as a part of their cultural heritage. We would like to explore the stories as a tool to promote equal opportunities for learning to people with different social backgrounds. In this way, the awareness of the culture and customs of the project partners will increase. We intend to explore and share stories using English in order to improve the language and cultural skills of our learners and gain an awareness of belonging to a super national community. We will use information and communication technology to share these stories and to disseminate information about local and regional festivals, as well as to strengthen the bonds of friendship and communication among members. This project gives the chance to people to express themselves and transfer the knowledge of their lives and culture.

MOReS 2012-2014

Just more than a story‌

~~~ Once upon a time‌ there was MOReS ~~~ This book is a collection of all creations and events that took place with our adult-students in the project MOReS and the link to our pupils in the schools. You will find the themes of the project in it and the meetings in different countries. These chapters are complemented by photos, video-presentations, poetry and stories of the project or specially made for it. We hope you ‘ll enjoy it! A word of thanks to the creators of the digital book. This digital book has been made by the teachers and ICT students BuSO Tongelsbos in Belgium.

MOReS 2012-2014

Just more than a story‌



Meeting in Greece


Meeting in Belgium

Meeting in Poland

Meeting in Cyprus

Meeting in Portugal

Meeting in Spain

MOReS 2012-2014

Just more than a story‌



The history of festival

Halloween in Greece and Traditions

Religious Festivals in Belgium

Events in Belgium

Limassol Carnival

Wine Festival of Limassol

Flower Festival

Podlaskie Regional Festivals

Fern Flower

Santos Populares

International Festivals

La Encamisa


El Rosquete

El Rocio

MOReS 2012-2014

Just more than a story‌



The Sun Mythology

On earth and under earth

Aerial viewing of Greece



The myths

HELIOS HELIOS (or Helius) was theTitan god of the sun. He was also the guardian of oaths and the god of gift of sight. Helios dwelt in a golden palace located in the River Okeanos at the eastern ends of the earth. From there he emerged each dawn driving a chariot drawn by four, fiery winged steeds and crowned with the aureole of the sun. When he reached the the land of the Hesperides(Evenings) in the West he descended into a golden cup which carried him around the northern streams of Okeanos back to his rising place in the East. Once his son Phaethonattempted to drive the chariot of the sun, but losing control, set the earth on fire. Zeus then struck him down with a thunderbolt. Helios was depicted as a handsome, and usually beardless, man clothed in purple robes and crowned with the shining aureole of the sun. His sun-chariot was drawn by four steeds, sometimes winged. Helios was identified with several gods including fieryHephaistos and light-bringing Apollon.

Oceanus OKEANOS (or Oceanus) was theTitan god or Protogenos(primeval deity) of the great earth-encircling river Okeanos, the font of all the earth's fresh-water: including rivers, wells, springs and rain-clouds. Okeanos was also the god who regulated the rising and setting of the heavenly bodies which were believed to emerge and descend into his watery realm at the ends of the earth. Okeanos' wife was Tethys, the nurse, who was probably thought to distribute his water to the earth via subterranean caverns. Their children were the Potamoi or River- Gods andOkeanides, nymphs of springs and fountains. Unlike his brother Titanes, Okeanos neither participated in the castration of Ouranos nor joined the battle against the younger Olympian gods. He was probably identical to Ophion, an elder Titan in the Orphic myths who ruled heaven briefly before being wrestled and cast into the Ocean stream byKronos.

Okeanos was depicted in ancient Greek vase painting as a bull-horned god with the tail of a serpentine fish in place of legs, similar to his river-god sons. His usual attributes were a fish and serpent. In the Hellenistic era, Okeanos was redefined as the god of the newly accessible Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and the old cosmological idea of a great, earth-encircling, freshwater stream was discarded. In mosaic art he therefore appears simply as a sea-god or the sea personified, with crab-claw horns, and for attributes, a serpent, oar and school of fish. His wife Tethys, shown seated beside him, had wings on her brow, in the role of mother of rainclouds. In ancient Greek cosmology the RIVER OKEANOS was a great, fresh-water stream which circled the flat earth. It was the source of all of the earth's fresh-water from the rivers and springs which were fed by subterranean aquifers, to the clouds, which dipped below the horizon to collect moisture from its stream. Okeanos also marked the outer boundaries of the flat earth which it encircled with a nine-fold stream. The sun, moon, and stars were all believed to rise and set into its waters. At night, the sun-god sailed around the northern limits of the stream in a golden boat from his setting in the west to his rising in the east. In a cosmological sense, the river symbolised the eternal flow of time.

Beyond Okeanos lay a dark and misty shore which marked the farthest edge of the cosmos, a place where the great sky-dome rested its hard edge upon the earth, and where, from below, the walls of the great pit of Tartaros rose up to meet earth and sky. Together the sky dome and Tartarean pit formed a great sphere or ovoid which enclosed the entire cosmos. Inside it was divided into two equal hemispheres by the flat earth. The world above was the home of gods and men, the world below of Titanes. Haides, the realm of the dead, was often located on gloomy far shore of Okeanos, beyond the setting sun. At other times it described as buried inside the cavernous belly of earth. Haides and Tartaros were two quite distinct places, the former being found within the earth or at the edges of earth, the latter wholly beneath it. The native gods of the River Okeanos were theTitan Okeanos, his wife Tethys, and their daughters, the three thousand Okeanides. The gods of day and night also possessed palaces on islands in the stream. THE OKEANIDES (or Oceanides) were three thousand goddess Nymphs who presided over the sources of earth's fresh-water, ranging from rainclouds to subterranean springs and fountains. Their numbers included the Nephelai (Cloud-Nymphs), Aurai (BreezeNymphs),Naiades (Spring and Fountain Nymphs), Leimonides (Pasture Nymphs), and Anthousai (Flower Nymphs).

They were all daughters of the great, earth-encircling, fresh-water stream Okeanos and his wife Tethys. The eldest among them were numbered among the Titanides - Styx, Dione, Neda, Metis, Klymene, Eurynome, Doris, Elektra, and Pleione. These were most likely heavenly goddesses of the clouds. Some of the Okeanides personified divine blessings, such as Metis (Wisdom), Klymene (Fame), Plouto (Wealth), Tykhe (Good Fortune), Telesto (Success), and Peitho (Persuasion). The goddess Nemesis (Distributor) was also sometimes included, as one who provided balance to her sister's gifts by punishing undeserved good fortune. These Good Spirits (daimones agathoi) were ephemeral in nature much like the dark children of Nyx (Night), the Spirits of Harm (daimones kakoi). Another group of Okeanides were described as attendants of the Olympian goddesses, the most prominent of these were the sixty Okeanis companions of Artemis, Peitho the handmaiden of Aphrodite, and Klymene a handmaiden of Hera. The Okeanid Naiades were mostly Nymphs of springs, wells and fountains which never ran dry. They were often portrayed as the wives of the Potamoi (River-Gods) and mothers of a host of younger Naiades. The Okeanides were very rarely described as Sea-Nymphs. It was only later, when the mythical, earth-encircling, fresh-water river Okeanos came to be equated with the salty seas of the Atlantic, that his daughter nymphs came to be described as marine.

Greek Mythology The Myth of Persephone Ο Μύθος της Περσεφόνης

Goddess Demeter had a beautiful daughter named Persephone (Περσεφόνη). Persephone's father was mighty Zeus himself. Zeus decided to marry her with Hades. One day while she was picking flowers in the forest, Hades took her to the underworld. Demeter went all over looking for her beloved daughter. She could not find her anywhere. With pain and tears in her eyes, she begged the god Helios(sun) to tell her what has happened to her daughter. Helios told her that Zeus gave Persephone to Hades as a wife. Demeter became very angry with this decision of Zeus. She left Olympus and she transformed herself into a regular mortal woman. Dressed in black she walked among the humans crying for her daughter. Because of this, nothing was growing on earth.

Humans and animals were starving and slowly dying. Demeter had abandoned her responsibilities as goddess of agriculture. Zeus was watching from Olympus. He did not want life on earth to disappear. He sent goddess Iris (Ίριδα) to tell Demeter to return to Olympus. Demeter denied his request. Zeus sent other gods to beg her to return. Her answer was that she would come back only if Hades returned Persephone back to her. Zeus did not have any other solutions. He talked with Hades who agreed to let Persephone return to her mother for part of the year. From then on, two thirds of the year Persephone lives with Demeter. This is the time on earth, that everything grows. The trees and plants are green and they are producing their goods. These are the seasons of spring, summer and autumn. The rest of the year Persephone returns to the underworld to live with her husband, and Demeter, again sad, makes the earth unfruitful. This is the season of winter. With this myth the ancient Greeks explained the cycle of the seasons.

Poseidon God of the sea, protector of all waters. Poseidon is the brother of Zeus. After the overthow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Hades, another brother, for shares of the world. His prize was to become lord of the sea. He was widely worshiped by seamen. He married Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the TitanOceanus. At one point he desired Demeter. To put him off Demeter asked him to make the most beautiful animal that the world had ever seen. So to impress her Poseidon created the first horse. In some accounts his first attempts were unsucessful and created a varity of other animals in his quest. By the time the horse was created his passion for Demeter had cooled. His weapon is a trident, which can shake the earth, and shatter any object. He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. He has a difficult quarrelsome personality. He was greedy. He had a series of disputes with other gods when he tried to take over their cities.

Cultural Club of Palaio Gynaikokastro Lyrics-Music: K. Karapanagiotidis

“My Sun that comes from the East”

My Sun that comes from the East Please, bring my little child to me Don’t say to me that you can’t You ‘ll burn my heart

The Sun fades away. Another day comes All refuges come from far away …but my child doesn’t come My Sun don’t leave me, please even though I’m already dead because I’m desperate without love and deeply burnt by pain Performer-today: Aris Tsamantouridis


The story of my live : the SUN

The story of my live : WATER

The story of my live : EARTH

The story of my live : AIR

The story of my live : COLORS

The story about : FIRE and a vieuw of our country

~~~ Once upon a time‌ ~~~

Little Adam Adam is not happy with the world . He thinks the whole world is a mess . He sweeps everything away by a drain pipe .

Adam with his crayons drawing a new world . He begins with the sea and flowers. And because it is so quiet , he also draws birds . But the birds wanted trees to build nests. They squawking and screaming . Adam draws a forest and falls asleep. When he wakes up , screaming birds to eat . Now Adam draws insects , mosquitoes and flies , and even fish . To keep the noisy birds away Adam draws a cat. But that cat behaves as if everything is his. Adam really wants to see people now . He draws his friend Jeroen and his neighbor , and his nephew David . But that crying baby has a daddy and a mommy needed . Adam is tired. " Everything has been figured out once ," he sighs. " Let the world to be like he was. But people should not fight , and not fighting . The world must be as beautiful as I signed him. " But that last sentence has Adam thought too late ‌.

Everything is the way it was : crowds and noise everywhere , too many houses and too little green. Adam calls , but nobody listens . They shrug their shoulders for a little boy and say, " Do you not have to go to school ? ' At home mom and dad is waiting. And the TV is already bad news again. There is somewhere war , people have to flee , children are hungry . No one can do something about it ? Fortunately, Adam does not give up . He draws a big rainbow to cheer up the people. And he hopes that the world has ever changed a bit .

This story shows that there are a lot of things are not so good in our world, but also how difficult it is to change things. Still, Adam continues to hold his dream of a better world . Expect something better in the future , we call hope. The message of Little Adam after more than twenty years, is still topical. The activity has only increased . In the world of Adam , there is still no computer, internet or mobile phones . We are aware of the environmental problems , but only slowly change our habits . And unfortunately there is still war and famine. Little Adam therefore invites young and old to think about the world and how we deal with it . The poetic text of Mariette Vanhalewijn contains many little thinker and is an excellent starter to philosophize with children. Animals are so sweet as we believe ? Can children change the world ? How can we break through the daily hustle and keep a stop ?

- by Rita Ghesquiere -


The Myth of Aphrodite in colors

The little river : WATER

Our town

Cyprus Million of years ago, in the Mediterranean Sea an island was born. Its name was Cyprus, the island of Aphrodite. “A golden-green leaf thrown in the ocean”… Our country was influenced by many and different civilizations which crossed paths with the island through the years because of its geographical position. Cyprus lies between three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. Despite the above, it developed and maintained its character and civilization for thousands of years assimilating all the influences. The history of Cyprus is among the most ancient histories of the world and attracts the interest of archaeologists from all over the world.

Since 1960 Cyprus has been an independent democracy with presidential governing. Nevertheless, half of the island is under Turkish occupation since 1974 and Nicosia is the only capital city in Europe that is still divided... We all hope that Cyprus will be reunited soon and Cypriot refugees will return to their homes. Our country develops relations and collaborates with many countries in the world and actively supports the attempts for the promotion of international peace and collaboration based on the principles of International Law and the agreements and resolutions of the United Nations. Environmental ム…onscience on the island is guided by a certain policy for the protection of the natural environment.

Cyprus has a mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers. The wonderful climate and the variety of landscapes offer unique opportunities for those who love the natural environment and those who enjoy outdoor sports, fishing, cycling, walking, golf, sail boating and other water sports. Cyprus, besides its bright sun, has beautiful beaches with rich alternations of landscapes. Moreover, small, traditional and quiet villages, modern cosmopolitan cities, luxurious hotels with many facilities and various natural attractions are few of the reasons that many tourists visit Cyprus every year. Exquisite and rare wildflowers grow in abundance in spring. Cyprus is famous for its richness and variety of birds. What is more, migratory birds fly to Cyprus during the various seasons of the year.

Sightseeing around Cyprus and especially on the majestic mountains is truly worthwhile. Specifically, ten of the churches in Troodos, the highest mountain of Cyprus, are included in the list of World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO. Furthermore, Cypriots are hospitable and helpful people. On the highest mountain tops of Troodos, inhabitants can enjoy natural footpaths and skiing on the snowy slopes of the mountains during the months. Fresh pine clad mountains are the succession of the cold and surrounded by the sea beaches present an impressive picture of rock and sand with many cape and bays.

Festivals, traditional fiestas, shows, cultural events, carnivals and flower festivals are frequently organized on the island. All the above, are usually accompanied by the famous Cyprian food and wine. Tradition and customs are part of the lives of Cypriots. Christmas and Easter are celebrated with great reverence. Cultural life in Cyprus involves exhibitions, musicals, theatre productions and dance shows. Moreover, Cyprus is fast developing into a centre for international conferences. It offers fully equipped council centres with specialized staff. Above all, the island offers peace of mind and calmness assorted with a sense of safety. It is not strange that George Seferis, one of the most important Greek poets and a Nobel winner, had said that:

“Cyprus is a place where miracle still works�!!! ********

The Myth of Aphrodite Aphrodite was born in Cyprus, well not born exactly because as the story goes, she was "foam born". Her father was Uranus (Father heaven). In fact her conception was caused by her half brother Cronos (Time?). He was a son of Uranus and Gaea (Mother Earth) and at his mother’s instigation had castrated his father with a sickle. The resultant blood that dripped from his severed organ (as it was carried of on the shoulder of Cronos) created a race of giants, the nymphs and the furies, as they landed in the sea, white foam was created from the friction of water and flesh.

This foam formed the shape of a beautiful woman when it came to the island of Cyprus. She has also been called "Godess of love" "Cytherea," " Cypris," " Cypria," and "the Cypriate". Petra tou Romiou is the rock where she emerged from the foam, and you can visit it between Limassol and Paphos. ********

Narcissus and Echo In Greek mythology Echo was a wood nymph who loved a youth by the name of Narcissus. He was a beautiful creature loved by many but Narcissus loved no one. He enjoyed attention, praise and envy. In Narcissus' eyes nobody matched him and as such he considered none were worthy of him. Echo's passion for Narcissus was equaled only by her passion for talking as she always had to have the last word. One day she enabled the escape of the goddess Juno's adulterous husband by engaging Juno in conversation. On finding out Echo's treachery Juno cursed Echo by removing her voice with the exception that she could only speak that which was spoken to her.

Echo often waited in the woods to see Narcissus hoping for a chance to be noticed. One day as she lingered in the bushes he heard her footsteps and called out “Who's here?” Echo replied “Here!” Narcissus called again "Come", Echo replied "Come!". Narcissus called once more “Why do you shun me?... Let us join one another.” Echo was overjoyed that Narcissus had asked her to join him. She longed to tell him who she was and of all the love she had for him in her heart but she could not speak. She ran towards him and threw herself upon him.

Narcissus became angry “Hands off! I would rather die than you should have me!” and threw Echo to the ground. Echo left the woods a ruin, her heart broken. Ashamed she ran away to live in the mountains yearning for a love that would never be returned. The grief killed her. Her body became one with the mountain stone. All that remained was her voice which replied in kind when others spoke.

Narcissus continued to attract many nymphs all of whom he briefly entertained before scorning and refusing them. The gods grew tired of his behaviour and cursed Narcissus. They wanted him to know what it felt like to love and never be loved. They made it so there was only one whom he would love, someone who was not real and could never love him back.

One day whilst out enjoying the sunshine Narcissus came upon a pool of water. As he gazed into it he caught a glimpse of what he thought was a beautiful water spirit. He did not recognise his own reflection and was immediately enamoured. Narcissus bent down his head to kiss the vision. As he did so the reflection mimicked his actions. Taking this as a sign of reciprocation Narcissus reached into the pool to draw the water spirit to him. The water displaced and the vision was gone. He panicked, where had his love gone? When the water became calm the water spirit returned. “Why, beautiful being, do you shun me? Surely my face is not one to repel you. The nymphs love me, and you yourself look not indifferent upon me.

When I stretch forth my arms you do the same; and you smile upon me and answer my beckonings with the like.� Again he reached out and again his love disappeared. Frightened to touch the water Narcissus lay still by the pool gazing in to the eyes of his vision.

He cried in frustration. As he did so Echo also cried. He did not move, he did not eat or drink, he only suffered. As he pined he became gaunt loosing his beauty. The nymphs that loved him pleaded with him to come away from the pool. As they did so Echo also pleaded with him. He was transfixed; he wanted to stay there forever. Narcissus like Echo died with grief. His body disappeared and where his body once lay a flower grew in it's place. The nymphs mourned his death and as they mourned Echo also mourned.

******** The story of Echo and Narcissus is used as a warning to those who love someone that can not love them back and is often used as a basis for understanding the implications of a condition known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). It is also used in reference to Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

The legend of the Wawel dragon

Poetry with ‘AIR’

Legend about Aquarius from Mielnik Once upon a time, in the little village near the river called Bug, lived a really evil Aquarius. The legend says, that he fell in love without reciptority with local nymph when he was a normal man. After a failed relationship, he drown him and has been staying there to this day. Everyone said that he was a dwarf. He was known as a person who had wrinkly face with big green eyes. Even the bravest were afraid of his gaze. His hands and feet were fused with membrane like frogs and toads have and he had long crooked claws. Wherever he stood, he left huge, greenish puddle of water. He drowned innocent children, little cattle, local girls, who after working outside, after an exhausting day, were swimming in The Bug River. He tempted them with colorful ribbons. It wasn’t possible to get him out of the water even with checked spells.

When people started to avoid the River, Aquarius had an evil idea. The phantom-bridge started to appear on the river. Everyone who tried to cross the bridge, died. It lasted for many years. One Day, in Mielnik a powerful magician from Netherlands-Edo van Uchelen appeared. He was going to Cracow to the royal court, were he was invited by Kazimierz Jagiellończyk. As a legend says, Edo agreed to cross the bridge, but the only thing he wanted from Aquarius, was to answer three questions. Aquarius couldn’t make it. Phantom-bridge stopped to appear since that moment. Until today in Mielnik there is no bridge and you can cross the river only by boat or by raft. Some people still believe that in leap years, when the moon doesn’t shine, the ghost of Aquarius appears. Is it true?


Rewa Legend

A long time ago, by a wide and deep river Reda, large pieces of wood were drifted from Darżlubska forest. Near the river Rewa next to Beka on the landfill, they were recycled before sending them into the world. Rewian people had their church called st. Rocco with a high tower, on which there were three bells : ‘Barbara’, ‘ Mikołaj’ and ‘Wojciech’. The biggest of them was ‘Wojciech’ and it was played only in very important feasts or on sad days. From rich Rewa ships continually were sailing out with different things . To a village sailboats were coming with a lot of good. The wellness influenced the people and their behavior and as a result their habits collapsed: people became conceited and they disregarded those who were poor. They stopped going to church despide permament rebuking of the priests. Rewian didn’t listen to any advice until the holy Wawrzyniec night started and the large storm came.

Strong wind sprinkled shaft of sand and cut out the access to the sea for the people meanwhile to all world. The habitants without sea were nothing. They started to suffer from starvation. The storm came again even more dangerous than before. This time the village was absorbed abyss of the sea. Gradually, over the years, again today's cottages of Rewa appeared on the shore, because after that first there was no sign of them. Some people say that it happens that in a very clear night, standing on Szperk, you can hear the muffled sound of "Wojciech". There are also those who repeat the prophecy, which reportedly will meet in very short future. The expected storm will blow again in Rewa, leaving only the part above the beech forest. This will be another - a third - Rewa.


The legend of brave Wanda

A long, long time ago in Cracow, after king Krak’s death, his young daughter Wanda took over the throne. Years passed but Wanda still watched over her castle and its residents alone. Word of the extraordinary beauty and wisdom of Wanda spread around the world. Princes from all corners of the earth began to come to Wawel Castle. They brought gifts, asked for the hand of the queen and hoped to stay in Cracow forever. Wanda dream was to have a husband from the house of Piast, a hard-working Pole who would be ready to devote his life to the country, like her.

One day, a procession of German knights came to the gate of the castle. They came in the name of the German prince Roderyk to ask for the hand of young Wanda. She listened what the knights had to say, but when came to replay she declined the proposal. The offended Germans left Cracow swearing revenge.

She wasn’t frightened by the threat, although she knew how determined Germans were when they wanted something. She called a meeting during which it was decided to defend the castle. Swords were sharpened, bows oiled, arrows were made, barrels of tar were brought out. The day of the battle came. Roderyk’s army was large. The battle for life or death began.

The citizens of Cracow defended themselves. Not only soldiers fought. Women and children also helped. The battle was murderous and bloody. Despite the huge advantage of the German army, the brave residents of Cracow won a deserved victory. The enemy was forced to retreat. The town was filled with joy.

A big party began and the whole castle celebrated. However the queen didn’t share the joy of her subjects. Although tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks, in her heart she had the sad feeling that she would shortly have to leave her castle forever. She knew that as long she was alive, Roderyk would never cease to torment Cracow. Only her death would bring peace to the inhabitants of the town.

When the sun set and the world became shrouded in darkness, the queen put on a shimmering dress, let her blond hair down and put a wreath on her head. Dressed this way, she left the Wawel Hill and went to the foamy waters of the Vistula River. She looked around for the last time. The town was humming . Wanda, wiping the tears from her blue eyes, threw herself into the swiftly flowing river.

In the morning somebody noticed the royal body borne by the calm waves of the Vistula River. The air and water around her shone with brightness. News of the queen’s death spread like wildfire through the town. The castle was in mourning. Even the animals were sad. A heavy rain began to fall on the town. It seemed as if the whole world was crying over Wanda’s death.

The locals swore that the memory of the queen would always be cherished. They found a beautiful place, where they decided to bury Wanda and made a mound above the grave. For days and nights they carried earth, until the great mound was built. It is in Cracow to this day and the name of brave queen will forever remain in the hearts of the town’s inhabitants. ********

In Suntown for many years there wasn’t so, as always. A lot of people don’t remember how sun looks like. That's right, it was always sunny and happy here. Everyone was happy and celebrated annually SunDay, because it was very important for them. It gave them the will to live. But lately the sun was not rising. For many years there were dark and gloomy. Residents also have changed. They stopped celebrating Sunday, became depressed, nervous and rude. No one knew why there's no sun. Bibol who recently completed fifteen years, he decided to deal with this issue alone, because the researchers did not give the council. He decided that he set off on a journey to one of the wizards, and also his friend Gandalif, who lived five days away from Suntown, in small village, Bag End. The man was quite elderly, but no one knew exactly how old was he. He knew very well the magic. Advised that the little boy went into the day of the full moon over the frozen lake where willows grow much.

Bibol did as he said Gandalif. When all slept in Suntown, he ran to the lake, but nothing has happened. He waited a long time and when he wanted to go home, he saw a white, luminous person. This was a woman who had long hair as white as snow and weird pointy ears. The boy wasn’t scared of it, and even feel safe. A woman gave him a beautiful, golden bow and arrows. She told him that he had to shoot 3 times the moon to the sun returned to the Suntown. Bibol obeyed, and then the sun rose over the snow-covered town. The boy was very happy, but he felt something strange, like someone was trying to wake him up. He opened his eyes and saw his mother, who was preparing for Sunday. Yes, it was just a dream. A story written by Wojciech Zdanuczyk

It was in late September in a small village. Old fisherman called Joshua just woke up. When he looked out of window, he saw a beautiful sunrise. He was living in a dirty house next to the lake.

When he was eleven he moved out of his family house and landed here. He wanted to take his younger brother with him but it didn’t work. He had to earn money to survive. Young boy decided to sell some food like fruits, vegetables and fish. At a beginning it was just a way to make cash but over time he really became fond of that. Fishing had become his passion. Joshua got up every day in the morning and went fishing. Even if it was raining and clouds were grey. Sometimes the sun was coming out and everything looked just perfect. Other people could think that his life is so boring but he didn’t care.

When he was twenty he went on holiday to Paris. Man expected something more from this place. Two days left Joshua started to miss home. Then he realized that he will spend all his life right there. When he came back, he was so glad. The first think he did then was go fishing. Like he said – he stay there forever. Every morning looked almost the same but Joshua wasn’t even tired of that. That’s how he grow old. And this is all of a story about old fisherman. A story written by Izabela Popławska

One sunny day Mary and John went for a walk. They lived close to the lake, so they go there. Mary and John were married since 50 years. They love each other very much. There was a little bridge on the lake. That was Mary favourite place, because John has build it especially for her. The couple liked sit there and talk about everything. When they come here they saw something strange. The bridge was broken. They didn’t know what was happen. John decided to fix the bridge. Mary agreed. Mary and John fixed bridge for 1 month. Mary at this time got sick. Bridge was fixed but Mary doesn’t feel good. She want to go at the lake the last time. They sit on the bridge as usually. She say to John that it could be their last conversation in this place. John couldn’t stop tears. Mary was happy that she can sit with John on the lake and just doesn’t think about her sickness. The next day the couple went to the hospital. The doctor say that Mary has a cancer and he can’t do anything. John was desolate, but he doesn’t want Mary saw this.

Mary decide that they come back home. She feel that her end is coming. When they arrive it was late, so they went to bed. Morning John wake up early and went to make breakfast. When he finish he went to wake up Mary. She was lying in her bed and smiled. That was the last smile in her life. John went away from this place. He couldn’t stand sight of the lake and bridge. There is a legend that when sun is going down someone is sitting on the bridge and looking at the sky. Maybe it’s Mary waiting for John, but nobody knows…… A story written by Monika Zaleska-Szczygieł

The legend of Alexander the Great and Water of Life When Alexander the Great conquered many countries, he decided to do something to live forever. He was told: "You need to drink water from the source of life, but to get there you must travel seventy years�. Alexander went on a journey, he only took with him few teenagers aged from fifteen to twenty and a father of one of the young man was following them secretly. After seventy years, they made it to the cave which was so dark that the horses didn't see the road and were afraid to go forward. The old man, who followed them undercover, said to his son:" Throw hay before horses to make them go further". He did it and Alexander was pleased. They were riding and riding to the end of the darkness. And finally, they made it to a few sources, but Alexander didn't know in which there was water of life. The teenager went for a piece of advice to his father. The old man said: “Take these dead fish which you can see here and throw them to the sources. If they are enliven in one of the sources, then it means that this is the source of life."

So he did what the old man told him and in one the sources the fish enlived. Alexander was pleased with his cleverness and shocked, so he asked him how he thought of all that. When the boy told the truth, Alexander rewarded him and his father. They took some water and drove back. When they came back, Alexander wanted to drink the water of live but suddenly he heard a voice: "Peace with you, Alexander. Let the water of life serve you well." Alexander looked around and he saw a porcupine. It said:" I too drank that water and I was transformed to what you can see now. I gain both the eternal life and this look" After hearing that, Alexander didn't want to drink water of life and he ordered to spill it out under citrus trees, palms and conifers. From that moment on, these trees are forever green. ********

Colors of Extremadura

The Sun and the moon

Water in “La Serena”

CEA Castuera


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