CCO Commission Study Leader Guide

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Commission Leader Guide Created and published by Catholic Christian Outreach Canada. Copyright Š 2013. All rights reserved.

Nihil Obstat:

Msgr. Gregory N. Smith, JCD Censor Deputatus

Imprimatur: +Terrence Prendergast, S.J. Archbishop of Ottawa June 12, 2011 Solemnity of Pentecost

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Catholic Christian Outreach Canada.

1247 Kilborn Place Ottawa, ON K1H 6K9 Canada Phone: 613-736-1999 Fax: 613-736-1800 Printed in Canada. 3

The cover image for Commission is wheat, which reminds us of the importance and urgency our Lord placed on the mission to bring the Good News to the whole world. But I tell you, look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting. John 4:35 He said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.’ Luke 10:2 Image © Iakov Kalinin 2010 Cover Design © Chris Pecora 2011



Quotations from: Pope John Paul II messages to the youth for the 7 th and 17 World Youth Days, Incarnationis Mysterium, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Address of his Holiness John Paul II to the Bishops of the United States of America on their "ad Limina" visit March 20 1993, Deus Caritas Est, Apostolic Letter Ubicumque et Semper, Decree on the Apostolate of Laity, Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church, Verbum Domini, Redemptoris Missio, Lineamenta for 2012 Synod on the New Evangelization and Catechism of the Catholic Church, used with permission from Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Pope Benedict XVI, On Christian Unity in 2009, "When He Wishes and When We Are Prepared, [God] Will Create Unity". Used with permission., Fr. Jean C. J. d’Elbée, I Believe in Love, Sophia Institute Press 2001 (English translation by Marilyn Teichert and Madeleine Stebbins of Croire á L’Amour. All rights reserved. Used with permission. This book can be ordered at or by calling 1-800-888-9344. Referenced from The New Evangelization: Overcoming the Obstacles, edited by Steven Boguslawski, OP and Ralph Martin. Copyright © 2008 by the Sacred Heart Major Seminary of Detroit. Paulist Press, Inc., Mahwah, NJ. Used with permission of Paulist Press, Inc. Excerpt from Evangelization for the Third Millennium, by Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ. Copyright © 2009 by New York Province of the Society of Jesus. Paulist Press, Inc., Mahwah, NJ. Reprinted with permission of Paulist Press, Inc. Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used with permission. All rights reserved. The excerpt regarding Dr. Peter Kreeft at Boston College is used with permission from Dr. Peter Kreeft, May 2002. Fr. Bob Bedard, CC (founder), quoted with permission from Companions of the Cross. All rights reserved. Merriam Webster Dictionary,


Dedication to John Paul II All CCO staff and students would agree that laced throughout our formation on evangelization is the teaching and heart of Pope John Paul II as exemplified in his various addresses to the youth of the world and, in particular, his encyclical Redemptoris Missio. During the early years of CCO, André and Angèle Regnier regularly immersed themselves in John Paul II’s writings as published in the magazine The Pope Speaks. As a result, CCO has endeavoured to put into action what John Paul II taught about the missionary identity of the Church. In 2002, CCO was honoured to receive a personal letter of encouragement from the Holy Father following World Youth Day (see a copy of the text on the next page). Three years later, CCO members, gathered at our national student conference, sent the Pope a pledge signed by nearly 400 young people. Through this pledge, they committed themselves to the Pope’s World Youth Day Toronto vision of “a new generation of builders” and promised to join in the work of evangelization. Canada’s Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Luigi Ventura, forwarded the pledge to John Paul II while he was ill in the Gemelli Clinic in Rome. As we now know, the Pope had only a few more months to live. Shortly after the message was sent, Archbishop Ventura wrote to CCO: I am pleased to inform you that your message was presented to the Pope by Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz, his private secretary. The Holy Father has responded in turn by signing, in his own hand, a copy of the text and returning it to you, as an expression of recognition to the organizers of the initiative and all those who participated. With great affection and admiration, this faith study is dedicated to the memory and legacy of Blessed Pope John Paul II. We thank God for the privilege of having been formed under his leadership and in his ‘school of evangelization’.


The following is the letter written and personally signed by His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, to Catholic Christian Outreach on the occasion of the Rise Up 2002 Christmas Conference in Edmonton, Alberta.

From the Vatican, December 28, 2002. It is a great joy for me to greet you on the occasion of your National Christmas Conference. The memory of my meeting with you and so many other young people from around the world in July of this year remains vividly etched in my mind. At the World Youth Day Prayer Vigil held in Downsview Park on Saturday, the evening of July 27, I called for a new generation of builders to respond to the aspiration of humanity for a civilization of love marked by freedom and peace. Indeed I entrusted this hope of mine specifically to you, my dear young people. As members of the Catholic Christian Outreach you are generously responding to that appeal through your courage to be disciples of Jesus, living the life of the Beatitudes on campuses throughout Canada. In this way, as you strive to be the salt of the earth and light of the world for others, you become shining beacons illuminating the way of the Lord, answering the question that stirs in the hearts of all young people: "to whom shall we go?" (Jn 6:68). Yes, Jesus Christ is the sure foundation of your hope and joy. Immersed in him and his paschal mystery your own lives will grow in holiness, which is the authentic path of true witness to the light of his loving presence in our world. And so I confidently renew my appeal to you: listen to the voice of Jesus! Let His light shine in your lives, continue steadfastly on the path of holiness, share with everyone "the good news of a great joy which will come to all the people" (Lk 2:10). Invoking upon all of you the joy and peace that the birth of our Savior brings, I cordially impart to you and your families my Apostolic Blessing. JOANNES PAULUS PP. II 7


Table of Contents Introduction Faith Study Objectives Leading a Faith Study

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Lesson 1 – The Premise


Recognizing that evangelization is our deepest identity.

Lesson 2 – Holiness and Mission


Holiness and mission are interdependent.

Lesson 3 – The Message


Comprehending the necessity of clearly and simply proclaiming the kerygma.

Lesson 4 – The Message and You


Recognizing how we have experienced God's saving action in our own lives.

Lesson 5 – Heart for the Lost


Uniting with God’s heart of compassion and concern for those who are far from him.

Lesson 6 – Understanding “Timothy”


Taking into consideration the perspective and experience of those we want to evangelize.

Lesson 7 – See Opportunities


Identifying people and situations in my sphere of influence that could be transformed through the clear proclamation of Jesus.

Lesson 8 – Next Generation Mindset


Understanding a ministry of spiritual multiplication.

Lesson 9 – Struggles and Doubts


Examining common areas of discouragement for missionaries.

Lesson 10 – Commissioned


Recognizing, with great expectations, the work of the Holy Spirit both in the evangelizer and the one being evangelized.

Appendix Commission Follow-Up

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Creating a strategic plan to reach out to a "Timothy" or influence a group/ministry to be more evangelistic.


Introduction Commission is the fifth in a series of faith studies written by Catholic Christian Outreach. Commission expresses more than twenty years of outreach and leadership formation on Canadian campuses. In our evangelization efforts, we strive to identify with people, and to celebrate the beauty and good in each individual. We also look for appropriate opportunities to introduce these people to Jesus in a non-judgmental, relevant, clear and simple way. The three pillars of CCO are to proclaim, equip and commission. We believe that a clear and simple proclamation of the Good News of Jesus is urgently needed in the world, even among Catholics; this is the mandate of the new evangelization. Having proclaimed the Gospel, we then seek to equip those who have experienced conversion with the necessary skills to evangelize others. We hope that through this Commission study our alumni, supporters and friends will put into action the great task Jesus gave his disciples, “to go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18). Our goal is not just to share the message of Jesus, but to spread his mission. This mission is to form apostles — believers who, through the empowerment and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, send others to proclaim the message. This multiplication strategy comes from scriptural models which the study expounds. It helps to have completed CCO’s other faith studies, particularly Discovery, in order to understand some of the concepts and illustrations used here. The relationships diagram used in CCO evangelization is available in the appendix of this booklet. Since the present study can offer only a summary of the Church’s teaching on the new evangelization, we strongly recommend some background reading on this topic, namely, the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi by Pope Paul VI and the Encyclical Redemptoris Missio by Pope John Paul II. (These documents can be found on the Vatican website: I Believe in Love, by Fr. Jean C. J. d’Elbée, is another text that expounds ideas briefly presented in this study. Many of the dispositions CCO members strive to embody in 10

their missionary work come from the teachings of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Fr. d’Elbée beautifully articulates St. Thérèse’s spirituality in this book. In fact, all three of these works are required reading for CCO full-time lay missionaries. We hope that as you study this material and take it to prayer, the Father will commission you, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to send others out to boldly proclaim that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.


Faith Study Objectives 1. CCO's Strategy Proclaim / Equip / Commission. To bring people to Christ, build them up as Catholic Christians, and send them out to reach others. 2. The Objectives of CCO Small Group Faith Studies · For students to hear spiritual truths. · For students to hear the truth about Jesus and be introduced to him. · For students to make Christian friends and be drawn into a Christian community. · To provide a means to get students involved with activities in CCO, their parish, their diocese and the universal Church. · For students to grow in their understanding and love of the Catholic Church, especially the sacraments. · For students to encounter the love, forgiveness and salvation offered in Christ Jesus, and to have a deep and lasting “metanoia” (conversion of heart and life). · For students to learn transferable concepts which enable them to transmit the truths they learn to others. · To equip students for future leadership. 3. Goals of Each Thematic Study CCO has formulated five small group thematic faith studies: Discovery, Source, Growth, Obedience and Commission. These are faith studies, not Bible studies in a pure sense (i.e. the study of long passages of Scripture in their context). CCO studies look at particular Scripture passages and other Church documents as they relate to certain topics or themes (e.g. prayer, the love of God, the Holy Spirit). The studies do not attempt to teach comprehensive theology. They are simply meant to (re)introduce students to the basics of the Catholic faith, challenging them to greater holiness by means of group discussion. Leaders should understand the purpose of the studies: what they teach, how they complement each other, and the objectives of each lesson. Small group sessions should be purposeful (for example, we want to avoid spending hours looking up verses that may quickly be forgotten). Adhering to the objectives of each lesson will help us to successfully pass on their content. Discovery – Evangelization. The first four lessons of this study introduce the basic concepts of Christian faith. In the fifth lesson, participants are invited to make a commitment to Christ. The sixth lesson aims to help them better grasp that commitment.


Source – Holy Spirit. This study looks at the Holy Spirit's vital role in our lives, which is to empower and direct us to be holy, and teach us to overcome our sinfulness. Growth – Daily Christian Growth. This study explores the living out of a commitment to Christ. It explains the essential components of the Christian life (prayer, Scripture, sacraments, fellowship, service and witness). Obedience – Lordship. The focus of this study is obedience to the Lord in various aspects of life (speech habits, sexuality, hardships, Church teachings, etc). Commission – Missionary Identity. This study explores the Church’s deepest identity, which is her missionary character. Truths and principles about evangelization and discipleship that CCO has learned over the years are examined. 4. Commission Goals For participants: • To be convinced of the centrality of evangelization to the life and identity of both the Church and us, as members of the Church. • To have a heart of compassion and concern for those who have not yet encountered God’s love and mercy. • To gain understanding as to why some people are far away from God and the Church: and how to best relate to them. • To restore evangelization as a desired, uniting purpose of all Church activity. • To identify opportunities for evangelization in ministries, parishes, and with their friends and acquaintances. • To multiply their efforts by learning to entrust the message (of salvation) and mission (of multiplication) to other faithful people. • To encounter the Holy Spirit and understand his primacy in the work of evangelization.


Leading a Faith Study A. Qualities of a Faith Study Leader Faith study leaders should be: F A C T (Faithful, Available, Contagious and Teachable). They agree to chaste conduct, daily prayer, committed attendance at their parish and dedication to whatever their primary vocation is. (For example, students should be diligent in their academics). They must be: a) Faithful: · To the Lord · To personal holiness (prayer, Mass, discipleship, etc.) · To Church teachings · To a parish – faithfully attending Mass every Sunday · To the call of evangelization b) Available: · Diligently prepare each lesson · Spend time with group members c) Contagious: · Welcoming, affirming · Authentic witness of a vibrant relationship with God · Strive to identify with those to whom they minister · Enjoy and delight in each group member d) Teachable: · In the areas of personal holiness, ministry, character, involvement · Willing to grow in faith (prayer, reading, conferences, retreats) · Able to accept constructive criticism B. How to Lead a Faith Study 1. Phone Contact · As you are dialling, say a brief prayer for each person. · Identify yourself and how you know the person, or received their contact information. · Confirm the time and place of the small group meeting. · Make sure each person knows where to find the meeting room, or... · Plan somewhere obvious to meet so that you can lead your group to the meeting room. · Let them know that every week they should bring a Bible to the group, preferably with an Old Testament. If anyone doesn't have a Bible, ask a CCO staff member if there are extra Bibles available for small groups.


2. Preparation a) Personal Prayer · Leaders should have a consistent personal prayer life (with daily prayer time). · Leaders should be reading Scripture on a regular or daily basis. · Leaders should faithfully attend Mass every Sunday. b) Intercession · Intercede specifically for each participant. · Pray for one student each day. · Ask the Holy Spirit to open the hearts and minds of the participants. · Pray the rosary, offering a decade or a Hail Mary for each member. c) Prepare · Review the faith study as a whole and the lesson to be led. · Have The Catechism of the Catholic Church handy for reference, as per preparation notes. The index in the back of the CCC is the best way to search for information. · Call a CCO staff member or student leader for guidance if necessary. · Note which part(s) of the study are most important and which could be covered more quickly. · The answers provided are intended as a guide and sometimes contain more information than is required. Use as needed. · These studies are tools that you use, not just studies that you lead. Make the content your own. Share your relationship with God and your personal faith journey. 3. Logistics for Your First Meeting · Meet your group members but do not wait too long — 10 minutes after the starting time, go to the study location. · Have everyone introduce themselves, then hand out the studies and go over logistics. · You will need to collect money from each small group member to cover study guide costs. Please forward this money to CCO student executive members (as applies). · Give participants your phone number. · Explain that you are committed to this study time and ask the group to make the same commitment for the semester. This commitment is important because the lessons build on one another. Ask them to let you know if they cannot make it to a meeting.


4. Components of a Faith Study a) Casual sharing · Start the small group meeting in an atmosphere of fun and sharing. · Discuss how the group implemented the study challenges that week. b) Announcements · Make announcements at the beginning of each lesson. If you only make announcements at the end of the lesson, many will be rushing off to class and will not take proper note of the upcoming events. c) Prayer · Open the faith study with prayer. d) Recap last week’s study e) Overview of this week’s study · This helps participants focus on the topic. f) Go through the study material · Summarize each section as you go, so participants understand the direction of the lesson. This avoids a verse-by-verse checklist approach. g) Closing comments · Summarize clearly and concisely the points the group has discovered. · Go over the challenge/homework. h) Closing prayer · Add any special intentions that have come up during the study. · Time permitting, you could close with 10 minutes of small group prayer. Have each person share a need and pray for the person next to him/her. 5. Helpful Tips a) Set the tone · Be on time for the meeting (arrive early when possible). This sets a good example and shows your commitment to the group. · Greet each member by name. Vary comments, but let each know they are welcome. The sooner you remember their names, the sooner they will feel comfortable with the group. b) Facilitate discussion · A circle without barriers is best for group discussion. If anyone comes in late, make sure he/she is brought into the circle. · Your group may be quiet because they may be concerned that the answers are really "deep" ones. They might not want to give the ‘obvious’ answer for fear that it is too simple to be true. For the most part, the answers are very straightforward. Remind the group of this.


· Give people time to think after you have asked a question or invited sharing (wait 2-5 seconds before speaking again). Relax. Don't fear silence. · Avoid answering your own questions. Re-word a question if it is unclear. · Sometimes you may want to expand on someone's answer by asking, "What else do you see?" or "What other ways are there?" or "Does anyone else have anything to add?" · Do not struggle to get participants to say exactly what you think is the right answer. Better to let a few questionable responses go by than to discourage people from talking. However, if it is a matter of basic truth or the answer is wide of your aim, say something like, "That's an interesting point of view. Does anyone else have a thought about this?" To avoid confusion sum up briefly, "I appreciate your sharing. I guess my thoughts are... because..." · Acknowledge each person's answer. Let him/her know (verbally and non-verbally) that you are listening and that you appreciate the contribution. If necessary, ask questions like "could you explain more?" Be natural in your response. If someone brings up something new to you, say so ("I hadn't seen that before. Thanks for pointing that out."). · If someone talks too much, try saying, "Let's hear from someone who hasn't had a chance to comment yet." · If someone is barely talking in the study, ask him/her to read aloud certain sections of the faith study or Scriptures so that he/she can participate verbally in the group. · Direct a question at an individual to draw out timid participants. It is a good idea to direct easy questions their way to build their confidence in speaking out. · You can also use this technique (of asking specific people to answer questions) to allow other voices to join in when there are individuals monopolizing the discussion. · Keep the sharing current and personal. Encourage people to share things God has done in their lives that week or during the meeting. · Please be sensitive and welcoming if you have non-Catholics in the group. It would be considerate to prepare them before the study begins, in case they do not want to be in a Catholic program. Assure them that they are most welcome in the group, and that it is in fact an honour to have them join. Be sure they understand that the content will be very Catholic, with quotes from Scripture, popes, saints, and The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Although the material has been written to communicate the Catholic Church's teaching, non-Catholics will probably be pleasantly surprised at how understandable it is. Assure them that you will be sensitive to their situation in the small group discussions. Let them know they can approach you if they have questions.


c) Pace the study within the time limit · Know the objective of each lesson and communicate it clearly to ensure that people stay on track and do not go off topic. Do not get bogged down in unimportant details; keep the discussion moving. · Be mindful of how much time is left and of how quickly you are progressing through the material. d) Leader's role · The onus is not on the leader to convert the hearts of the students — that job is for the Holy Spirit. The leader’s role is to present the material in an enthusiastic way and to facilitate discussion. Most of the speaking should come from the students. · The leader intercedes quietly in and beyond the study, staying closely connected to the Holy Spirit. The leader recognizes that: No one can say “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:3b

Those who are unspiritual do not receive the gifts of God’s Spirit, for they are foolishness to them, and they are unable to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14

We are not to be concerned with being effective. We are to be faithful, faithful simply to what the Lord has called us to be. What he may want to accomplish through us is his business and known only to him. Father Bob Bedard, CC

6. During the Semester · Plan a social or meal as a celebration/reunion of your study group. · Remember: you are encouraged to book a one-on-one appointment with each member of your study after lesson 7.


Commission Small Group Information Time: Place: Leader: Phone Number: Email:



Lesson 1 Preparation Notes "The Premise" In Brief: Evangelization is our deepest identity.

Key Elements: · This lesson begins by looking at texts which support the Church’s teaching that evangelization is our deepest identity. · After reading the texts, we discuss the importance of identity in selfknowledge, and how this concept relates to the Church. The aim of this discussion is to show that if we understand evangelization to be our deepest identity, then we can be united in purpose in the various ministries and organizations within the Church, or within a parish. · There is a large amount of text in these lessons. They should be read aloud as a group. You can do this by having one person read an entire section, or alternating people from paragraph to paragraph. The advantage of the latter is that people have to be engaged and pay attention or they might miss their cue to read. The disadvantage is that it can be distracting to hear multiple people read. It’s your call. Encourage people to underline or circle things as the text is being read so that, during the time for questions and discussion, they can refer to the things that stood out to them.

Background Information: Some participants may be unfamiliar with the term "the new evangelization": · It is a term, coined by JPII, which does not mean “the new evangelization” as opposed to “an old evangelization” of some kind, it is more of a re-evangelization: clearly proclaiming the message of salvation in Jesus and the Church to those who are baptized and have received the sacraments, but whose hearts and lifestyles do not reflect the faith. Its purpose is to bring them to a personal encounter with God’s love. · The 2012 synod of Bishops is focused on the promotion of the new evangelization. In the Lineamenta document released in preparation for this synod we read, The new evangelization is not a matter of redoing something which has been inadequately done or has not achieved its purpose, as if the new activity were an implicit judgment on the failure of the first evangelization. Nor is the new evangelization taking up the first evangelization again, or simply repeating the past. Instead, it is the courage to forge new paths in responding to the changing circumstances and


conditions facing the Church in her call to proclaim and live the Gospel today.... Pope John Paul II again took up the expression in his Magisterium and proposed it to the universal Church. "Today the Church must face other challenges and push forward to new frontiers, both in the initial mission ad gentes and in the new evangelization of those peoples who have already heard Christ proclaimed.... The Church's renewed efforts to meet the challenges which today's society and cultures, in view of the significant changes taking place, are posing to the Christian faith, its proclamation and its witness. In facing these challenges, the Church does not give up or retreat into herself; instead, she undertakes a project to revitalize herself. She makes the Person of Jesus Christ and a personal encounter with him central to her thinking, knowing that he will give his Spirit and provide the force to announce and proclaim the Gospel in new ways which can speak to today's cultures. Lineamenta for the 2012 Synod on the New Evangelization, 5

· The new evangelization is commonly understood as re-evangelizing those cultures which have a Christian history, whereas, in “the mission ad gentes," evangelization is directed at those who have never heard of salvation in Jesus. · In the past decade, the new evangelization has become regarded as a key pastoral concern in parishes, dioceses, and countries . The time has also come for a new evangelization in the West, where many of those baptized lead totally unChristian lives and more and more persons maintain some links to the faith but have little or a poor knowledge of it. Lineamenta for the 2012 Synod on the New Evangelization, 9

Recommended Reading: (General note: The titles in the “Recommended Reading” section of the Preparation Notes are valuable resources. If you have not yet read them, you should do so before leading the study.) · Evangelii Nuntiandi: ents/hf_p-vi_exh_19751208_evangelii-nuntiandi_en.html · Redemptoris Missio: s/hf_jp-ii_enc_07121990_redemptoris-missio_en.html · Message of the Holy Father for the VII World Youth Day: ments/hf_jp-ii_mes_24111991_vii-world-youth-day_en.html


Lesson 1

The Premise In this lesson and the next, we will look at a number of truths upon which Commission is built. Today, in particular, we will focus on the Church’s teaching in regards to our calling and identity as Catholic disciples of Christ. It is a critical premise to establish as we begin our pilgrimage with Commission. 1. What kinds of answers do you think people would give to the question, 'what is the Catholic Church's deepest identity?' The purpose of the question is general sharing rather than to elicit “the right answer.” The wide range of responses will highlight the fact later on, that there is confusion.

Deepest Identity The Church in her very nature is missionary, sent by Christ to all nations to make disciples of them. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), 767

Evangelization is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize. Evangelii Nuntiandi, 14

The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature, since it is from the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit that she draws her origin, in accordance with the decree of God the Father. Ad Gentes, 2


It is the duty of the Church to proclaim always and everywhere the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He, the first and supreme evangelizer, commanded the Apostles on the day of his Ascension to the Father: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-20). Faithful to this mandate, the Church—a people chosen by God to declare his wonderful deeds (cf. 1 Peter 2:9)—ever since she received the gift of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (cf. Acts 2:14), has never tired of making known to the whole world the beauty of the Gospel as she preaches Jesus Christ, true God and true man, the same “yesterday and today and for ever” (Heb 13:8), who, by his death and Resurrection, brought us salvation and fulfilled the promise made of old. Hence the mission of evangelization, a continuation of the work desired by the Lord Jesus, is necessary for the Church: it cannot be overlooked; it is an expression of her very nature. Ubicumque et Semper Apostolic Letter of Pope Benedict XVI establishing the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

These statements are central to Commission. They confirm that the Church has a clear understanding of why she exists. There is, however, confusion among some of her members. In recent years Catholics have become increasingly aware of the importance of evangelization, yet uncertainty remains about the “why,” “how” and “who” of the evangelistic mission. “Who are we?” is a question we must be able to answer with confidence and clarity. When we know our deepest identity — personally and as a community — we are able to live meaningful, abundant and vibrant Christian lives. Unfortunately, many Catholics do not know their deepest calling, and the Church has consequently suffered an identity crisis. We must overcome this crisis in order to accomplish the task God has entrusted to us, which is the mission of evangelization. Leaders: The next two questions deal with life in general, not specifically spiritual life.


2. What happens to someone who has lost his/her identity? Leaders: This question is intended to create open discussion to get the juices flowing. We have a basic human need for identity, self-esteem, belonging and love. If we do not know our identity, we will be unsure of what defines us. We risk feeling lost, confused or sad, and may become psychologically, physically or morally unhealthy. We might misguidedly search for anything to fill our yearning for identity. This could lead to addictions, damaging relationships or self-harm. People who have lost their identity are often not content with their lives (e.g. The Bourne Identity movie). They will always be searching for their past identity or striving to create a new one.

3. What happens in our lives when we know who we are? Peace: we have both roots and direction. We are centered and focused. We see ourselves clearly, knowing our strengths, weaknesses, and purpose. We have the capacity to give and are prepared to reach out to others. We are healthier mentally, physically and morally.

4. How does confusion about our Catholic identity affect the life of the local Church? Lack of clear understanding of our Catholic identity breeds confusion among individuals within the body of Christ. It also affects how the world perceives the Church. It is common for people to define "being Catholic" by their personal involvement in church activities, by what Church teachings they personally believe, or by how they practice their faith. This way of defining Catholic identity lacks consistency — being Catholic seems to mean something different for everyone. This confusion about our identity affects the message we communicate to the world, and as a consequence, influences the world’s perception of the Church. Division occurs between ministries when the overarching identity and purpose of the Church (along with a vision for how all parts of the body fit together) is unclear. Because each group has its own purpose, spirituality and way of serving, there can be misunderstanding and lack of solidarity


among groups who approach things differently. In worst-case scenarios, this leads to labelling and judgement. It can also promote a disjointed image of the Church.

5. How would clarity of Catholic identity help the local Church? The following excerpt from Redemptoris Missio provides some context: Faith must always be presented as a gift of God to be lived out in community (families, parishes, associations), and to be extended to others through witness in word and deed. The evangelizing activity of the Christian community, first in its own locality, and then elsewhere as part of the Church's universal mission, is the clearest sign of a mature faith. A radical conversion in thinking is required in order to become missionary, and this holds true both for individuals and entire communities. The Lord is always calling us to come out of ourselves and to share with others the goods we possess, starting with the most precious gift of all - our faith. The effectiveness of the Church's organizations, movements, parishes and apostolic works must be measured in the light of this missionary imperative. Only by becoming missionary will the Christian community be able to overcome its internal divisions and tensions, and rediscover its unity and its strength of faith [emphasis added]. Redemptoris Missio, 5

A common understanding about Catholic missionary identity would enable each group to appreciate the contribution of the others and to support one another in solidarity. This fosters respect for each ministry. We know we are working towards a common goal and can rejoice in the success of other ministries (resulting in authentic unity). We would have a fresh outward focus. We would not be satisfied with what is happening “in house,� but would seek to support other ministries and help others (especially those outside our parish) in any way we can to know and love God. Leaders: You can pull together the answers with the segue below. Have someone read it. Then move on to the next section


The Church's roles and ministries are varied and extensive. They include defending and teaching the faith, working for social justice, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, loving our neighbour, faithfulness to our vocation (religious or family life), sacraments, prayer, penance and the worship of God. Let us be very clear: none of these things should be seen as lesser than, or separate from, the call to evangelization. The challenge is to look at all these roles and ministries, and everything the Church does, through the lens of her deepest identity: evangelization. In everything, love must be our motivation. “For the love of Christ urges us on, because we are convinced that one has died for all; therefore all have died� (2 Corinthians 5:14), and without love we are nothing (cf.1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

Personal Connection Being Christian and "being Church" means being missionary; one is or is not. Loving one's faith implies bearing witness to it, bringing it to others and allowing others to participate in it. The lack of missionary zeal is a lack of zeal for the faith. On the contrary, faith is made stronger by transmitting it. The Pope's words on the new evangelization can be translated into a rather direct and crucial question: "Are we interested in transmitting the faith and bringing non-Christians to the faith?" "Are we truly missionary at heart?" The new evangelization is the name given to the Church's project of undertaking anew her fundamental mission, her identity and reason for existence. Linementa for the 2012 Synod on the New Evangelization, 10

Many Catholics do not feel any personal responsibility for the work of evangelization and mission. They perceive this work to be for those who seem more directly called: priests, sisters and a few radical people who choose to be missionaries. Fortunately, there is today a growing number of Catholic lay people (many of whom are involved in ministries and movements committed to the new evangelization) who recognize their responsibility in this task.


A challenge we face in CCO is to keep our alumni alive with the same apostolic zeal they demonstrated as students. Some think that once they have graduated, they move on to a new and different stage of life, even spiritually. Although they often continue to be faithful Catholics and believe in the work of evangelization, they might not participate in the life of the Church with the same apostolic purpose they did when they were students. Their zeal for Jesus was somehow connected, perhaps too exclusively, to that state of life, time of youthfulness or period of involvement in a particular ministry or movement. 6. Why do you think some Catholics are (or become) disconnected from evangelization? Common answers may range from being too busy or fearful, people aren’t held accountable to share their faith, or many people feel that faith is just a private matter. Some people feel like they have tried and failed, or just become complacent.

7. How can we combat this tendency to become disconnected from our deepest identity? A variety of practical answers can be brainstormed here such as: · Community and fellowship with likeminded people who can encourage assist and keep us engaged in evangelization efforts, · Education: books, encyclicals, seminars · Do it! Actively evangelize in any variety of ways. When we see people come to faith, we are inspired to reach out more. We can serve in parish ministries or apostolates. Leaders: If your small group is with students on campus, ask them how this makes them feel about their “life after university/after CCO” when they may have to battle becoming disconnected from zeal for evangelization.


Summary If we, as Church, do not know our deepest identity, how can we really be who we are meant to be? The Church exists to evangelize. This truth has the power to transform how we see ourselves as Church and minister to the world around us. We, too, are personally invited to connect with this identity and engage in the life-giving mission of evangelization.

Challenge Do at least 30 minutes of reading from: Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemptoris Missio, or the Message of the Holy Father for the VII World Youth Day. Be prepared to share what you learned about evangelization. Leaders: These documents can be found online (at the addresses listed in the Preparation Notes for this lesson). The first two can also likely be found in a parish library or Catholic bookstore. They are a great investment and worth owning.

Closing Prayer Heavenly Father, As difficult as this may be to pray, I know that I must surrender my very identity to you. In you alone can I find my true identity to be who I am meant to be. Help me to see all aspects and activities of my life through the lens of my deepest identity: evangelization. Lord God, I want to embrace your plan for my missionary identity and I also desire this for the whole Church! I pray that you would pour out your grace so that many more would come to embrace who they are as a missionary people. I desire to see the whole of God’s people united in that same call and purpose. May your Kingdom come and your will be done! Amen. 28

Lesson 2 Preparation Notes "Holiness and Mission" In Brief: Holiness and mission are interdependent. Key Elements: · Holiness and mission are complementary and united. One is not more important than the other is. One cannot be separated from the other. They work together for our sanctification and the sanctification of the whole world. This is often not understood. · We then look at how missionary activity revitalizes the Church and the believer. · The lesson ends with an overview of the discipleship model from 2 Timothy 2:2 which will be used throughout the study. · You will need to practice presenting the 2 Timothy 2:2 diagram in order to comfortably share it in an interactive way. · The goal of this lesson is to have participants see the legacy of Paul’s discipleship model (entrusting the message and the mission to faithful people). The topics of the message, multiplication, entrusting the message and the mission will all be discussed in in upcoming lessons. Be patient — this is just an introduction. · This lesson, along with lesson 1, establishes important foundational concepts for the rest of the study.


Lesson 2

Holiness and Mission 1. Share with the group what you learned from your reading assignment last week. Did you find any inspirational quotes?

Our spiritual life can be understood as being both interior and exterior. The interior life is our personal relationship with God. It is our personal growth in holiness that happens through prayer, study, obedience, repentance, and the pursuit of Christian perfection. Our exterior life can also be called our apostolic life, or our apostolate. It is our call to mission: our actions of service, witness and proclamation which invite others to encounter the love of God through the person of Jesus Christ. Today, we will look at how these two aspects of our spiritual life are complimentary and united. We will then look at the Church's call to mission, and wrap up the lesson with an introduction to 2 Timothy 2:2 — a verse which will inform the rest of Commission.

Interdependence of Holiness and Mission Evangelization is not a task to which only certain people are called. We must not exempt ourselves from this mission. Nor should we limit our missionary contribution to a limited time when we felt more qualified or ready than we do now. The Church teaches that evangelization is not just an activity: it should be the natural outpouring of our spiritual life. From Baptism, every Catholic is called to be a disciple of Jesus and to share in the Church’s mission (CCC 1269, 1270). To be 30

true disciples of Jesus and to live fully our relationship with him, we have to embody these two essential elements: holiness and mission. We all agree that for a Christian, the call to holiness is obvious and necessary. We know the importance of living a good moral life. This call to holiness is well supported in countless Catholic homilies, books and formation opportunities that inspire us to live a prayerful, godly life. The second dimension of being a disciple is the call to mission. From our intimate relationship with God should flow a desire to make Jesus known to others. This desire should be a natural expression of what is happening inside our hearts. If we are close to the heart of God through our personal prayer and quest for holiness, then we will share the Father’s loving concern for people. Zeal for evangelization is indicative of a healthy spiritual life. Listen to the words of John Paul II: In the spiritual realm, too, no one lives for himself alone. And salutary concern for the salvation of one's own soul is freed from fear and selfishness only when it becomes concerned for the salvation of others as well. This is the reality of the communion of saints, the mystery of "vicarious life", of prayer as the means of union with Christ and his saints. Incarnationis Mysterium, 10

To be true disciples of Christ, we must live a deep spiritual life woven together with apostolic (missionary) life. One is not more important than the other; they are two sides of the same coin. CCO recognizes and teaches this, inspired by the words of John Paul II: The universal call to holiness is closely linked to the universal call to mission. Every member of the faithful is called to holiness and to mission. Redemptoris Missio, 90

Pope Benedict XVI has also spoken about this in his homilies:


In this perspective it is clear that the Church's holiness and missionary character are two sides of the same coin: only because she is holy, that is, filled with divine love, can the Church carry out her mission, and it is precisely in terms of this task that God chose her and sanctified her. Benedict XVI's Homily at Port of Brindisi, June 15, 2008

Holiness and mission are truly interdependent. As one area grows, the other should also be stirred to action. If this communion of life and growth between the internal and external spiritual action of a Christian is not happening, something is out of order. 2. How is the missionary life dependent on our holiness? Without God’s grace, we can do nothing. We need to reach out to others in a state of grace and through the power of the Holy Spirit (e.g. Acts 1 and 2: the disciples waited for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before they launched out on the mission Jesus gave them at the Ascension). We must pray and intercede for those we want to help (e.g. by making sacrifices and fasting). To be credible and authentic, we must live a transformed and holy life. We cannot give what we have not received.

3. We understand that our spiritual life should activate our apostolic fervour. How might our apostolic life cause us to grow in holiness? When we step out of our comfort zone to love and evangelize others, God moves in our hearts and fills us with joy and zeal. The more you give, the more you receive. · Our hope is increased as we see God acting through us in people’s lives, in conversations, and in "divine appointments" (when God has put us in the right place at the right time to minister to someone in need). · Our love is increased when we identify with our brothers and sisters and are moved to bring Jesus to them. · Our faith is increased as we are impelled to pray and intercede for the needs of others. There are people in our lives now for whom we MUST be strong spiritually! It is not just about our individual relationship with Jesus — we must each see how connected we are to the body of Christ and the mission, and recognize that we must connect to God even more for the sake of those we want to reach.


Mission as Vital to the Life of the Church Missionary drive implies action. As Catholics we have to go beyond simply agreeing on the importance of evangelization — we must evangelize! The Church entrusts lay people with a spiritual responsibility for the new evangelization; we are the ones who have direct contact with those who may have walked away from the Church or do not believe. A disciple of Christ is never a passive and indifferent observer of what is taking place. On the contrary, he feels responsible for transforming social, political, economic and cultural reality... You must have the courage to speak about Christ in your families and in places where you study, work or recreate, inspired with the same fervour the Apostles had when they said: "We cannot help speaking of what we have heard and seen" (Acts 4:20). Nor should you be silent! There are places and circumstances where you alone can bring the seed of God's Word. Message by the Holy Father John Paul II 7th World Youth Day, 4

The twentieth century often tried to do without that cornerstone, and attempted to build the city of man without reference to Him. It ended by actually building that city against man... The aspiration that humanity nurtures, amid countless injustices and sufferings, is the hope of a new civilization marked by freedom and peace. But for such an undertaking, a new generation of builders is needed. Moved not by fear or violence but by the urgency of genuine love, they must learn to build, brick by brick, the city of God within the city of man. Allow consign this hope of mine to you: you must be those "builders"! ...God is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and uplifting, of working with him in the building of the civilization of love. Address by the Holy Father John Paul II 17th World Youth Day Evening Vigil, 2-3


The vision John Paul II outlined in these words is the transformation of civilization. This task can seem overwhelming. Contemplating the enormous demands of this mission, we can relate to what the apostles might have experienced before Jesus’ ascension into heaven. They were commissioned with an enormous task and a grand vision for the salvation of the entire world (Matthew 28:18-20). John Paul II further reminds us that evangelization has always been necessary for the wellbeing of the Church. For in the Church’s history, missionary drive has always been a sign of vitality, just as its lessening is a sign of a crisis of faith. Redemptoris Missio, 2

When our lives, our parishes and our ministries are missionary, we experience vitality, energy and dynamism. It is exciting to live in a Church engaged in evangelization! When the Church is not alive with missionary zeal, the result is a crisis of faith. Lack of missionary activity corrodes our faith and pursuit of holiness because it is a denial of our true identity. 4. Why does a lack of missionary activity signal a crisis of faith? How do you see this played out in a parish, for example? Leaders: We want participants to see that if people are just silent specators, they can easily fall into complacency. Their faith life can become dull, irrelevant, self-focused and unattractive. Faith can be reduced to simply cultural elements, rather than a living relationship with a God who loves us and invites us, as his disciples, to find life by sharing him with others.

Reach the World One Person at a Time Jesus has entrusted the Church with the great task of making disciples of all nations. Though its objective is to reach the whole world, this mission actually happens at the level of the individual human heart. God loves each and every soul and wants to touch each one individually. We believe that an effective model to reach the world one person at a time is found 34

in the Second Letter of St. Paul to Timothy. This passage will be a central paradigm for the rest of our study. And what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well. 2 Timothy 2:2

5. Clarify the two key elements in this verse: the people and the strategy. · The people: Leaders ask: "Who are the people identified in this verse?" Paul, Timothy, and people identified as: “witnesses” “faithful people” and “others”. · The strategy: Leaders ask: "What strategy do we notice in this verse?" The strategy is to pass on what they have heard from Paul to those who, in turn, will continue to transmit the message to others.

6. Let us take a closer look at how the people and the strategy are connected. Leaders: You will be directing this next set of questions as they are not in the student guides. There is space in the student guides to draw out the 5 types of people in the passage. Here is what the diagram will look like at the end. Say what is in bold type face.

· Who is speaking in this passage? Paul [Draw a circle or box with “Paul” written inside] · Look carefully at this verse, how did Paul's message get to Timothy? It is through witnesses that Timothy hears Paul’s message. [Draw next circle: witnesses; draw next circle: Timothy]


· But it does not end there. What is Paul asking Timothy to do? ENTRUST the message to the faithful. [Draw next circle: Faithful] · Does it end there? No! Entrust the message to faithful people who will pass it on to others. [Draw next circle: Others] · What do these people have in common? The message Paul is communicating (the Gospel) and the mission to keep spreading it to others. · What is the verb Paul uses to explain how this message and mission is transmitted? Entrust (to give somebody responsibility for something) [Connect the 5 circles by arrows or bars that represent “entrusting”]

7. What would happen if Timothy did not understand Paul’s strategy? Many would not hear, and the spreading of the message would be stopped or slowed down because of Timothy (or the next person after Timothy). The message would end with him. The people would be dependent on Timothy and not know how to move the message or mission forward without his leadership.

This was a very brief orientation to 2 Timothy 2:2. We will take time to unpack the strategy and the message of Paul, Timothy and friends in upcoming weeks. 8. To wrap up, what would you say are the important points covered in this lesson? Leaders: See "Summary" for overview or glance back at section headers.


Summary Mission goes hand-in-hand with our growth in holiness. Our mission as members of the Church is to bring the message of Jesus to the world, one person at a time. Paul and Timothy set an example for us of how to accomplish this mission. Their method is concrete and carries amazing potential for the spread of the Gospel. We too are called to put this method into action.

Challenge Do another 30 minutes of reading from: Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemptoris Missio, or the Message of the Holy Father for the VII World Youth Day. Be prepared to share what you learned about evangelization. Leaders: These documents can be found online (at the addresses listed in the Preparation Notes for this lesson). The first two can also likely be found in a parish library or Catholic bookstore. They are a great investment and worth owning.

Closing Prayer Lord God, I thank you for the opportunity to understand more deeply my baptismal call to be a disciple of Jesus, especially by recognizing the two calls of a disciple: holiness and mission. Holy Spirit, increase my desire to be counted among the new generation of builders, and stir in me the urgency of genuine love and concern for the salvation of others. Give me the courage to speak about Christ so that I may say with the apostles, “I cannot help speaking of what I have heard and seen!” I pray that I may be a “Paul” to “Timothys” out there in the world. I pray for the grace to be faithful to all you entrust to me. Amen.


Lesson 3 Preparation Notes "The Message" In Brief: It is necessary to proclaim the kerygma clearly and simply.

Key Elements: Important: This week you should bring your Discovery leader guide for reference and some copies of The Ultimate Relationship to hand out. · This lesson explains the message of a missionary: the kerygma. · André Regnier’s story shows the necessity for a clear and simple proclamation of the Gospel. It is a powerful story that speaks of the exodus of Catholics to Protestant churches. · The section on puzzle pieces describes an all-too-common Catholic experience: knowing many truths about God but not understanding how they all fit together. A clear proclamation of the kerygma helps put those pieces together. · Be aware that some participants may be confused when we use the word "Gospel" to mean the message of salvation in Jesus - not a book in the Bible. Here is a helpful explanation: In referring to the Gospel, we must not think of it only as a book or a set of teachings. The Gospel is much more; it is a living and efficacious Word, which accomplishes what it says. It is not so much a system of articles of faith and moral precepts, much less a political programme, but a person: Jesus Christ, the definitive Word of God, who became man.[34] The Gospel is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, not only does the Gospel have Jesus Christ as its content; but even more, through the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ is also the promoter and the centre of its proclamation and transmission. Consequently, the goal of the transmission of the faith is the realization of a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, in the Spirit, thereby leading to an experiencing of his Father and our Father. Lineamenta for 2012 Synod on New Evangelization, 11 · The section on 2 Corinthians 5 unpacks Paul's commitment to spreading the message of God's reconciling love. Be sure to prepare your explanation of this passage ahead of time. Here are some helpful points to assist your preparation: o In this passage, Paul refers to the ministry of reconciliation. He is not referring to the sacrament of Reconciliation per se, although what he describes as the ministry of reconciliation most definitely


happens in the sacrament of Reconciliation; Christ forgives us our sins and reconciles us to the Father. o The use of the term in this passage has a broader meaning. We can all (not just priests) participate in the ministry of reconciliation by sharing the Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection with others, and invite them to make their peace with God (be reconciled with him, receive salvation). Through the ministry of reconciliation, we invite people to become “new creations in Christ,” and to surrender all things to him so that the “old things pass away.” This is the grace specifically given in Baptism (see CCC 1214, 1265). o Since the sacrament of Reconciliation is an essential means in helping people restore their relationship with God. We should encourage and help participants get to the sacrament (letting them know where, when and a refresher on how). · The lesson closes with a challenge to share the Gospel with someone else. Many participants know the message, but lack confidence in their ability to share it. This challenge gives them an opportunity to practice sharing the Gospel clearly and simply. It would be ideal if they could share the message with someone who has not heard it, but it is still valuable for them to practice sharing , even with a believer. · The Ultimate Relationship booklet is a helpful tool for sharing the Gospel. Participants can share the booklet as is, but they should not feel confined to using it. This can be done in whatever way they feel is most appropriate in each circumstance, whether it be telling a story, drawing on a napkin or sharing the booklet. The goal is for each participant to be comfortable communicating the Gospel.

Recommended Reading: · The Ultimate Relationship


Lesson 3

The Message 1. Share with the group what you learned from your reading assignment last week. Did you find any inspirational quotes?

In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul begins by saying, “what you have heard from me…” It is clear that a message is central to the missionary relationship he has with Timothy and the others described in this verse. This week’s lesson is dedicated to understanding the message of a missionary. The most important message we have to communicate is straightforward: Jesus. This week we will recall the basic Gospel message of the redeeming work of Christ: his death and resurrection. We will study the importance of this message and learn how to communicate it clearly and effectively.

A CCO Story Over the years, CCO has sometimes been criticized for the way we articulate our message. Some have said our material seems too basic, lacks theological depth or sounds too “Protestant”. In developing our material, however, we sought to connect with those who are confused and unsure about the person of Jesus. These people need to be introduced to Jesus in a clear and simple way so they can understand and respond to his invitation in their lives. This invitation to a personal relationship with Jesus should not be considered unique to either Catholics or Protestants: it is the Father himself who desires such a relationship. The mystery of the Gospel is in its universal appeal: the most simple of minds can grasp its meaning, while the most learned can spend a lifetime discovering its richness. What fuels us even more to focus on Jesus is the direct call from the Church:


There is no true evangelization if the name, the teaching, the life, the promises, the kingdom and the mystery of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God are not proclaimed. Evangelii Nuntiandi, 22

André Regnier (co-founder of CCO) speaks of a formative experience which occurred before CCO began: I was invited to a “college and career” event at an Evangelical church while attending university. What I witnessed there influenced the direction of my life. There were over 200 young people at church! I had never seen this before as a Catholic. Although there may have been such gatherings in the Catholic Church, I was not aware of them! Although the crowd was impressive, the conversations I had with these people were what really affected me. It was evident that Jesus was important to them. They spoke of him as if he were relevant and real in their lives. Their enthusiasm and authentic, genuine witness were undeniable. I could see they truly loved God. I was impressed but at the same time deeply saddened because it seemed as though every second Protestant I spoke to was an ex-Catholic. They would share how they now had a personal relationship with Jesus: implying that they had to leave the Catholic Church to experience Jesus in an intimate way. I wanted to drop to my knees and beg them to come back! But then I thought, where could I bring them so they could continue to experience the encouragement and growth in their relationship with Jesus that they were currently experiencing outside of the Church? Nothing came to mind. I left that experience with not only a great concern for the Church, but a desire to do something about the problem. It was at a Campus Crusade for Christ Christmas conference in Edmonton that the solution became clear to me. The keynote speaker quoted St. Paul: “All that matters is that Jesus is proclaimed. That is what brings me joy” (Philippians 1:18). I left that conference with great excitement, anticipating the amazing things God could do within the Church. I felt called to proclaim Jesus as clearly and simply as possible so that everyone could understand and respond. Only a few weeks later, a friend handed me an encyclical that he thought I might enjoy. It was called Evangelii Nuntiandi (Evangelization in the Modern World) by Pope Paul VI. I was 41

astounded at how God was showing me that evangelization and a personal relationship with Jesus are most definitely at the heart of the Church. 2. Do you agree that proclaiming Jesus clearly and simply would help Catholics? Why or why not? Catholics would know and understand clearly the “reason for it all” the “why” to our Catholic faith. In hearing the Gospel message simply and clearly they would also be able to explain it to others simply and clearly.

Puzzle Pieces In our experience of ministry with Catholics, we have found that people are often confused about Jesus. They may be unsure whether he is actually God or what his death on the cross means. They often see Jesus’ death as a great sign of love for humanity, but not for themselves personally. It is very difficult to share Jesus with non-believers if Catholics themselves are confused about who he is. They may believe that Jesus is important but not understand exactly why. As one student explains, "I was always very involved in my faith, but I was never clear on who Jesus was in my life. I had great respect for him and I knew somehow that he was important in my life. My understanding of Jesus was like pieces of a puzzle (death, sin, mercy, miracles, sacraments, heaven etc). I was somewhat aware of each piece but was unable to understand and see the complete picture. This limited my ability to know and love Christ. Going through Discovery, I saw how all the pieces of my faith fit together: I saw the relevance of Jesus’ death and resurrection in my life." A CCO staff member shares the following experience: It is rare that I have met a Catholic who is clear, comfortable, and able to articulate who Jesus is and what he has done for them. I have shared the "St. Catherine's bridge illustration" and the “Relationships Diagram” many times. Often people are speechless as the bridge illustration is presented to them. They finally see the pieces of the puzzle being put together. During a particular lesson, a lady in her mid-forties spoke up with an 42

angry voice. She said, “I have been a Catholic all my life, why did I not know that Jesus was God? Why was it not explained to me why he died? It has been hidden from me.” 3. What is your reaction to these stories? Do you think this is a common experience for Catholics? Leaders: Follow up by asking, “Why is there confusion? How do we explain why this is happening?” In our CCO experience, most people who have walked away are either indifferent, critical or frustrated based only on what they have been taught and told. Pointing a finger at them for their lack of faith formation and belief is neither helpful nor just. We should consider the fact that the fault may not be in their failure to understand, but in our failure to communicate the message. We need to take responsibility for what has not been clearly given to them. Leaders: We want to encourage a paradigm shift, moving away from judgment and into understanding. They ("Timothys") don’t know what they don’t know.

The Kerygma: Jesus The student who shared her testimony above understood Jesus because she heard the Gospel presented clearly and simply and was able to respond to its message. This is the same message those young Protestants that André met at the College and Career group were experiencing in their lives. But one does not have to leave the Catholic Church in order to discover Christ! Indeed, it is on Jesus that the Church is founded and it is him whom she proclaims. Evangelization will also always contain — as the foundation, center, and at the same time, summit of its dynamism — a clear proclamation that, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, who died and rose from the dead, salvation is offered to all men, as a gift of God's grace and mercy. Evangelii Nuntiandi, 27


In the complex reality of mission, initial proclamation has a central and irreplaceable role, since it introduces man "into the mystery of the love of God, who invites him to enter into a personal relationship with himself in Christ" and opens the way to conversion. Faith is born of preaching, and every ecclesial community draws its origin and life from the personal response of each believer to that preaching. Just as the whole economy of salvation has its center in Christ, so too all missionary activity is directed to the proclamation of his mystery. The subject of proclamation is Christ who was crucified, died and is risen: through him is accomplished our full and authentic liberation from evil, sin and death; through him God bestows "new life" that is divine and eternal. This is the "Good News" which changes man and his history, and which all peoples have a right to hear. This proclamation is to be made within the context of the lives of the individuals and peoples who receive it. It is to be made with an attitude of love and esteem toward those who hear it, in language which is practical and adapted to the situation. In this proclamation the Spirit is at work and establishes a communion between the missionary and his hearers, a communion which is possible inasmuch as both enter into communion with God the Father through Christ. Redemptoris Missio, 44

4. What stands out to you in these quotations?

The Church often uses the term kerygma synonomously with "Good News" or "gospel message" The word kerygma is related to the Greek verb κηρύσσω (kērússō): to cry or proclaim as a herald. It means proclamation, announcement or preaching. It is this basic Gospel message that the early Church proclaimed. Definition of kerygma: the apostolic proclamation of salvation through Jesus Christ (Merriam Webster Dictionary,


One of numerous scriptural examples of this can be found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: Now I should remind you, brothers and sisters, of the good news that I proclaimed to you, which you in turn received, in which also you stand, through which also you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the message that I proclaimed to you — unless you have come to believe in vain. For I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures 5. How does CCO communicate the kerygma in four clear points? Leaders: This is a quick review for those who know it, but there may also be people in your group who are not familiar with how we communicate the kerygma. 1 – God created you for a relationship with him 2 – Our relationship is broken through sin 3 – Jesus restores our relationship 4 – We respond by inviting Christ to be at the centre of our lives Note that the previous quote from Evangelii Nuntiandi says the kerygma succinctly: "in Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, who died and rose from the dead, salvation is offered to all men, as a gift of God's grace and mercy."

Entrusted with the Message 6. Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. Paul speaks with tremendous conviction in this passage. What is the object of his passion? Paul is passionate about the Good News of Jesus! He recognizes that people need to hear about Jesus. There is a sense of urgency in this passage: he is being compelled to reach out and pursue others.


This passage describes God as being passionate too. He pursues us. The proof of his pursuit: he sent Jesus to take our sins upon himself in order to reconcile us to the Father (vv. 17-19 and 21); he also sends his witnesses (Paul and others) (v. 18). Leaders: Ask, “Where do we see the message/the kerygma identified in these verses?” · “one died for all” (v. 14) · reconciled to God through Christ (v. 18) · Jesus took our sins upon himself so we could be reconciled to God (vv. 19 and 21)

7. What fuels his passion? Leaders: Mention that there are a number of contributing factors; encourage participants to back up their answers with Scripture. · Fear of the Lord (v. 11) – God is commissioning him to this task. You don’t take those marching orders lightly! There is also a sense that this task is of eternal importance — a top priority from God. · Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God because his mission was not only about transforming lives and hearts here and now (“behold, the kingdom of God is among you” [Luke 17:20]), but for eternity. He came to bring us salvation and the hope of heaven; the eternal Kingdom of God. This message is a matter of life and death and was central to Jesus’ proclamation. · Love of Christ (v. 14) – implying gratitude for what Jesus did on the cross. · Love for those to whom he is reaching out (his “Timothys”) (v. 13). · Conviction that the message of Jesus is of eternal importance and meant for all to receive (v. 15). · Understanding of the great treasure that is found in Christ, in that through him, we become a new creation and are reconciled with God (vv. 17, 18). · Privilege and responsibility of being entrusted with the message of reconciliation (v. 19) and of being an ambassador for Christ (v. 20). · Memories of his own conversion (v. 16).


8. Paul calls us ambassadors for Christ. How does this perspective of our missionary role affect the way we communicate the kerygma? With this in mind, we approach our ministry with a sense of dignity, responsibility and importance. Recognizing that we are Christ's ambassadors gives us a sense of our dignity. It is an honour to proclaim the Gospel, and we should do so with peaceful confidence. We should not be ashamed of our message. We approach our call to apostolate with the fear of the Lord as Paul says in verse 11. This means we act with deep respect for God, serving him well and obeying his directives because he is GOD. This attitude also implies that we share the kerygma clearly and simply in order to directly and accurately pass on the message entrusted to us. We should do so in a way that is timely, appropriate, loving, compassionate and inviting, avoiding attitudes and actions that are judgmental, impatient, or patronizing. We must treat those we speak to with respect, strive to identify with them, and be patient with them. Furthermore, we should avoid assuming that the people we meet do not need to be reconciled. Someone to whom you are ministering may not have had a chance to be reconciled with God. It would be a shame for them to miss out on this opportunity only because it was not offered.

9. In conclusion, what would you say are the important points of this week's lesson? Leaders: See "Summary" for overview or glance back at section headers.

Summary There is much confusion, even among Catholics, about who Jesus is and why he is important. The message of a missionary is the basic Gospel message: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our salvation. Jesus sends us out as his ambassadors to implore people to be reconciled to God.


Challenge This week, share the kerygma with someone in a clear and simple way. Be prepared to share your experience with the group next week. Leaders: You can offer The Ultimate Relationship booklets as a helpful reference tool.

Closing Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for the free gift of salvation. I thank you for all the times in my life that I have been able to hear the Gospel and respond. Not everyone has had that opportunity. Lord, I ask that you would write the kerygma on my heart, so that I would know it and be able to communicate it to others in a clear and effective way. You have entrusted to me the message of reconciliation. I accept the call to be your ambassador and pray for the courage to live it out. I also pray for all those who will hear the Gospel: give them the grace to understand and respond so that they may become new creations in you. Amen.


Lesson 4 Preparation Notes "The Message and You" In Brief: Recognizing how we have experienced God's saving action in our own lives.

Key Elements: · The purpose of this lesson is to help participants identify their moment of conversion. Each person is encouraged to reflect on how they came to understand that Jesus died for their sins. The importance of being able to tell the story of their conversion is also emphasized. o Some people are able to identify a definite moment of conversion. Others experience the full impact of Christ’s mercy later in their faith journey. o In this lesson, examples of both of these situations will be described through stories. One story demonstrates that, although it may be necessary to dig a bit to help people recognize their moment of conversion, the moment can most often be identified. A second story describes how someone recognized Jesus as Saviour later in her faith journey. · It is important to recognize that we were saved from our sins. This helps us to authentically and effectively communicate the Gospel, and to identify with others who are lost. · Leaders: In this lesson your group will be identifying when they made an adult decision to choose to follow Jesus. Some might call this time in our lives as "making an adult decision to respond to their Baptism," being "lost then found," "blind but now they can see" or "their conversion moment". It is truly understanding the great gift of salvation and the divine life that Jesus gave them at their Baptism and choosing to appreciate and embrace it in their lives. · Also you will notice that we are using the term "the lost" and "Timothy" interchangeably. Like we said, Timothy began somewhere: as someone who needed to hear and respond to Jesus first; he was once “lost.” In this study when we talk about reaching out to a "Timothy" it is generally referring to someone who has not had this adult conversion yet (ie. is "lost" and has not responded as an adult to God's gift of salvation). · The question may arise: What if the "Timothy" we are reaching out to isn't exactly "lost" but someone who is practicing their faith? Yes it is possible we have "Timothys" in our lives who are at this place. · A great starting point in working with this "Timothy" is to do exactly what is being done in this lesson — helping this person identify when he/she was lost and came to know Jesus.


· Make sure to budget your time during this lesson so as to leave at least ten minutes for the closing activity. It is not necessary for participants to answer all the questions, only those which help them identify how they first experienced Jesus' forgiveness and mercy in their lives. · The discussion in this lesson might create a wide range of emotions and responses. Some participants may get upset, defensive, sorrowful or despairing when they consider the grave mistakes and wrong decisions they or their loved ones have made. It is important to remind them that God can bring good out of any situation. We cannot give in to despair as though situations are too drastic for God to redeem. We need to trust that God is God and that nothing is impossible for him. Remind your group of the testimony of people like Paul (who sought out and killed Christians), or Mary Magdalene (who was possessed by demons). · Prepare your testimony and your own answers to the lesson’s questions in order to model the tone and vulnerability of the sharing. You may want to lead by being the first to share, as people might be shy. This will allow you to model appropriate content and length of sharing. · We want each participant to grasp that he/she is desperately in need of a Saviour. You may find that some are not able to answer convincingly (or answer at all). Perhaps they have not yet experienced their need for a Saviour. Perhaps they have never actually put Jesus at the centre of their lives. Perhaps they have always been good and faithful and it is harder for them to have an emotional connection to Christ’s sacrifice for them. It is GREAT that they have always been faithful — they do not need to go looking for dirt. To help them understand their need you could: o Suggest that if they are not sure whether they have ever really understood their need for a Saviour, they should ask God for the grace to recognize it. They can meditate and reflect on the gift of faithfulness, how Christ has preserved them from serious sin, and what their life could have looked like without his grace. o After the meeting, discreetly offer to meet with these people individually to help them further their reflection and/or help them concretely reach out to Jesus as their Saviour (sharing the relationships diagram and praying with them, bringing them to the sacrament of Reconciliation, etc.).


Notes on Conversion: Conversion happens in many ways. Someone might truly understand Jesus as Saviour at their initial conversion, but this understanding can also be gained through prayer, the confessional, Mass, hearing a talk, a faith sharing group or growing up in a faithful family. Somehow, in these situations the individual has a meaningful encounter with the forgiveness, mercy and love of Jesus. Generally, there are three types of faith journeys/testimonies: 1) Definite Adult Conversion Moment. Many people can identify a definitive moment when they acknowledged Jesus as their Redeemer. They have a personal encounter with God and his truth at a very specific time and place (for example, on a retreat, praying to put Jesus at the centre of their life, etc.). There is often a "Paul" connected with their experience who assisted in reconciling them with the Father. 2) Season of Adult Conversion. Some people have a general idea of when things began to change, but they are not sure when they gave God permission to have Lordship in their lives. This may be a fair assessment of how they became a disciple. However, sometimes with more reflection, they can find a decision moment. It is very liberating for them when they do! Is it necessary to dig endlessly for a conversion moment? Of course not. What is important is that the person can say, "I see that during this period of my life I received the love and forgiveness of Christ and chose to follow him as a disciple." 3) Faithful One's Whole Life. Some people have sought to put their trust in God and follow Jesus throughout their entire life. Instead of having a dramatic adult conversion, their story is one of faithfulness to God with many “yesses” over the years. They have lived daily in the graces of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation — as should be the ordinary faith journey for all Catholics. This is a beautiful testimony of God's grace, empowering them to habitually avoid and repent of sin, and reminding them of Jesus' saving action in their lives. However, there is still room for these people to reflect on key moments of decision to follow Christ. For example, Mary the Mother of God or St. Thérèse of Lisieux would have been faithful their whole lives, but there are specific occasions when they made their big yesses — important decisions to follow God and receive his grace. For example, Mary's yes at the Annunciation. In her testimony in the magnificat, (Luke 1:46-55) we read of Mary rejoicing in God her Saviour who has had mercy on her in her lowliness. St. Thérèse talks about her Christmas conversion. She was 14 years old when she overhead her father expressing relief that this would be the last year he would have to hide presents in Thérèse's 'petit soulier' shoe. Her usual response would have been to burst into tears and have an emotional meltdown. Instead, she felt the grace of God acting


in her and helping her to choose not to give into selfishness, but to be mature and not cry. Many would see this as a very ordinary story, but St. ThÊrèse, who is a doctor of the Church, would identify this as a pivotal moment in her spiritual growth. It was here that she chose to put Christ first in her life, no longer herself preoccupied with selfish desires and tendencies. Surely if these women have a story to tell, so do we! In order for all these people to be effective as missionaries, they should ponder this question: "How have I experienced Jesus as the one who saved me from sin, death and separation from God?"


Lesson 4

The Message and You 1. Share with the group how your experience of sharing the kerygma went. What did you learn from this experience?

“What you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well” (2 Timothy 2:2). Through the loving concern of a “Paul” or other witnesses in your life, you encountered the message of Jesus. Thank God for these people! Perhaps last week, you tried to be a “Paul” in someone else’s life by sharing Jesus. This week, we will learn to identify with Timothy. Think about it. There was a time when Timothy must have first heard and responded to Jesus. We should all recall the starting moments of our faith. For most of us, our narrative begins with our parents' faith at our Baptism. In a variety of ways, we chose this faith for ourselves as an adult or at an age of reason. This week, we will look back at our faith journey, remembering when we were a “Timothy,” and how we have come to know the person and presence of Jesus in our lives, especially in the initial conversion of our hearts and minds.

The Value of Identifying our Conversion Leaders: Conversion happens in many ways, such that the individual has a meaningful encounter with the forgiveness, mercy and love of Jesus. Remember, there are three types of faith journeys/testimonies: definite conversion moment, season of conversion, faithful one's whole life (see preparation notes).

We understand that Jesus is God. We know that he died on the cross to take away our sins — after all, we have crucifixes in our homes and we proclaim at every Mass: “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” But do I, personally, really


grasp that Jesus took away my sins, that he died to reconcile me to God's love? Some of us understand this as children, but most of us appreciate it more fully at our adult conversion. Others comprehend their poverty and need for Jesus as Saviour later on in their faith walk. No matter when we “get it,” we must be able to “give it” to others. “Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). 2. Why is it important that I know Jesus saved me, that I value this gift and am able to communicate it to others? 1) To authentically and effectively communicate the Gospel. If we are not convinced of our NEED for Christ, how will we be able to effectively convey this truth and present this Person to others? To be effective in our evangelization, we should be able to articulate our conversion story: "What happened to me? How and when did I have a conversion? What has changed? How did I come to know God's love and forgiveness in my life?" This allows for the listener to know how, they too, can come to experience God the way you have. Being able to give clear testimony to your faith and to glorify God's saving action in your life is very important for a missionary. However, some people struggle to find their exact conversion moment. Receiving training in how to give a testimony can be very helpful. All of this will be discussed in this lesson. 2) To identify with others. It is also important to be able to identify our personal need for Jesus as Saviour so that we can relate to others with empathy and humility. When we are conscious of the sobering reality that without Christ, we would be much worse off, we are able to be sincerely patient, compassionate and empathetic towards others. It is important to help people identify how they came to understand the Good News in their lives and how Jesus heals them from sin and death. The classic lifeguard analogy, for example, helps people to recognize that they were drowning in their sin and weakness and that they needed Jesus to rescue them. See Discovery Leader's Guide, Lesson 5.


Identifying our Conversion It can be challenging to help people develop their testimony. Often the moment or season of conversion is not clearly defined in a person’s mind. He/she sees how life is different before and after conversion, but when this change occurred is not so clear. Our challenge is to help illuminate the conversion process. There are two aspects we can help people to identify: · Their personal decision to open their heart to Jesus or, · If they have remained faithful to God since childhood, how

has Jesus' death and resurrection been personally understood or experienced? The following stories illustrate both scenarios: A CCO staff member describes helping a student identify the moment of his adult faith decision. I was working with a student on his testimony. He spent much of his energy trying to convince me that he always believed in Jesus and practiced his faith. That was fine, but pretty vague. I wanted to hear more. He wanted me to understand that he did not have a dramatic conversion. It was more of a gradual awareness and intimacy with Jesus. He tried to explain how there was not a moment he could identify but a whole lot of experiences, one of which was a weekend retreat he went on that had a particular impact on his faith. Seeing an opening, I asked him what it was that specifically affected him on that weekend. Frustrated with my line of questioning, he emphasized that it was not a moment or realization but that it was more simply a process of opening up his heart to Jesus. That sounded good but I wanted to know what moved him to open his heart. His patience with me was running thin. He repeated that it was not a moment, but the whole weekend that had affected him. I recognized that he had lived an authentic life-changing experience on this weekend but, like him, I was confused as to how the conversion came about. After more probing questions, his story began to unfold. He explained how he went to the retreat feeling very distant from God, yet desiring to be closer to him. These words caught my attention, as I noticed that there had been a struggle of faith and that he was crying out. When I asked more about this, he 55

started to see more clearly how things began to change for him. He recalled one of the retreat leaders explaining to him that Jesus would have died even if he were the only person in the world. He said that he had been moved to tears. It was at this point that he realized, probably for the first time in his life, that Jesus knows and is concerned with him personally. It was soon after this talk that the retreat participants were invited to give their hearts to Jesus. He was the first to go forward. None of the digging to find this moment was intended to deny the journey of faith this young man had lived. All of his life's experiences were leading him to faith. However, it was very important for him to identify that he had in fact made an adult decision to make his faith his own. He was so excited that he had concretely encountered Jesus’ love and forgiveness, and chosen to follow him. With great joy and enthusiasm, he left that meeting telling everyone about his conversion moment, because now he recognized it. 3. Why do you think this realization gave so much clarity and life to this young man's faith?

Connecting to the Cross Angèle Regnier, co-founder of CCO, tells how she came to the realization that Jesus died on the cross for her personally. I have always wished that I had a dramatic testimony. I would listen in awe and wonder at the stories of people who were criminals or drug addicts before coming to the Lord. I was amazed at how God had intervened in their lives. My story was not dramatic in the least; in fact, I would consider it flat-out boring. I was raised in a Christian family and went to church all my life. I have always believed in God and in Jesus. I never chose to rebel from the faith and way of life modeled for me by my family. I suppose I should really be grateful that God and his commandments were never hidden from me." Because I had never made any seriously wrong choices in my life, I really did not find I could emotionally connect with Jesus’ crucifixion. Every Good Friday, I felt that I should try to muster up sadness and regret for what he had done for me on the 56

cross, but I really could not feel it. After all, I had been a pretty good person my whole life." During Lent of 1996, I prayed that God would show me the depth of my sin so that I could understand what he had done on the cross for me. That Lent and Holy Week came and went, and by Easter Sunday I was eating chocolate bunnies with, sadly, no greater understanding than I had before. However, in the two years that followed, my spiritual journey took me to deep and dark places in my soul. The Spirit of God unveiled incidents and relationships in my past that had caused me pain. The pain of these situations and people had locked me into resentment, fear, anger, lack of forgiveness, hatred and other forms of rebellion in my life. I had never before realized how ugly and invasive the rot was. I saw for the first time that I had very serious sin in my life and that I needed God’s mercy and grace to face it and repent of it. It was a few days before Palm Sunday 1998, and I found myself spiritually exhausted. I had previously thought that I had a substantial “spiritual résumé,” however over those forty days of Lent I was aware of how very weak I was. I had done a miserable job of my Lenten commitments and I felt defeated and useless. I prayed, wept and cried out to God to help me! I had nothing to offer him: no courage, no strength and no spiritual fervour. In prayer, I imagined myself before Jesus on the cross. I saw myself desperately clutching the nailed feet of Jesus, barely having the strength to hang on to him while I screamed for help. I have never before felt like such a complete failure, and I am happy to say that I received such sweet mercy and consolation in knowing that I indeed do need a Saviour, and this Saviour is Jesus Christ. This was a holy time for me. My hero and rescuer, Jesus, had stooped down to save me from all my weaknesses and from all my sins and failures. Then, in his mercy, he reassured me of the love and of the great plans he had in mind for me all along. Knowing that I have been loved, fought for and rescued from the gravity of my sin (that I got myself into) inspires me to love and fight for the message of Jesus to be understood by others. I had followed Jesus as Lord my whole life, but now I also know him as my Saviour.


4. Although this was not the moment of Angèle's initial conversion, how was it significant for her and her evangelistic witness to have had this experience? This experience enabled her to be humble and know her need for a Saviour. This need was not just in her mind, it was deeply felt. Her experience enabled her to have greater compassion on those with more "obvious sins," since she understood that she too was, really, truly, desperate without God's mercy and forgiveness. Knowing what mercy really felt like, she knew how good this Good News is for others.

You We can be witnesses only if we know Christ first hand, and not only through others — from our own life, from our personal encounter with Christ. Finding him really in our life of faith, we become witnesses. Pope Benedict XVI, On Christian Unity in 2009, "When He Wishes and When We Are Prepared, [God] Will Create Unity",

5. Having heard these two testimonies, let us spend the next ten minutes in personal reflection. Recall your own journey. When and how did you experience conversion and God's mercy? Here are some further questions to direct your reflection: Leaders: Participants may want to take some time alone to do this exercise. They can also journal their thoughts. We want each participant to grasp that he/she is desperately in need of a Saviour. You may find that some are not able to answer convincingly (or answer at all). You can respond to this in a few ways. Perhaps they have not yet experienced their need for a Saviour. Perhaps they have never actually put Jesus at the centre of their lives. Perhaps they have always been good and faithful and it is harder for them to have an emotional connection to Christ’s sacrifice for them. It is great that they have always been faithful — they do not need to go looking for dirt. To help them figure this out you could:


Here you can suggest that if they are not sure whether they have ever really understood their need for a Saviour, they should ask God for the grace to realize it. They can meditate and reflect on the gift of faithfulness, how Christ has preserved them from serious sin, and what their life could have looked like without his grace. After the meeting, you could discreetly offer to meet with these people individually to help them further their reflection and/or help them concretely reach out to Jesus as their Saviour (sharing the “Relationships Diagram” and praying with them, bringing them to the sacrament of Reconciliation, etc.).


Who was the “Paul” in your life? Were there several “Pauls” in your life? We use the name “Paul” intentionally because to him, what was of first importance was that Jesus be proclaimed. What is it about these “Pauls” and what they communicated to you that brought you to a clearer understanding of Jesus?


At what times in your life did you really understand that Jesus died on the cross for you, to save you from your sin and weaknesses?


What were your big "yesses" to God? When did you choose to follow him or invite him to be at the centre of your life?


From what has Jesus rescued you? This could be your past failures, or perhaps the wrong choices you might have made, were it not for God’s grace in your life. For example, on this last point, Angèle would say that if it were not for God’s presence in her life she would be broken and despairing. Because of her woundedness, she would have done anything to receive any semblance of love or acceptance. She could imagine herself making many damaging choices in relationships. By God’s grace in her life, she was protected with a formed Christian conscience. This is sobering and helpful in reminding her of what God has spared her (i.e. what could have been).

6. Based on your reflection, share with the group when and how you experienced Jesus' mercy and forgiveness. Leaders: Be prepared to be the first to share, as people might be shy. This will also allow you to model appropriate content and length of sharing.


Summary The name “Jesus” literally means “God saves." We are dependent on God and the salvation offered through Christ. We should never take for granted our salvation, as though we have earned or deserved it because we are faithful. A deep understanding of our redemption is indispensable for us and for our effectiveness in evangelization. With this understanding we are better able to articulate how we personally came to know the saving action of Jesus.

Challenge Write a letter to your “Paul” to thank him/her for praying for you, fighting for you, loving you and pointing you to Jesus.

Closing Prayer Lord, I thank you for the cross. I thank you for making a way for us to live eternally with you in heaven. Father, I am grateful that not only did you love the world enough to send your Son, you also loved me enough to send your Son. Holy Spirit, thank you for your mercy — despite my weaknesses, sins and failures. I give you permission to continue purifying me, that I may better know your grace and power in my life. In a special way today, I pray in thanksgiving for my “Paul.” Bless and protect all “Pauls” as they continue to love and serve you. Amen.


Lesson 5 Preparation Notes "Heart for the Lost" In Brief: Uniting with God’s heart of compassion and his concern for those who are far from him.

Key Elements: · This lesson is based on the “Parable of the Lost Sheep” and the story of the Samaritan woman. · It is important to be sensitive and caring when presenting this lesson. It is not easy to talk about the fact that some people are lost. Despite the difficulty, however, this fact must be addressed. Heaven and hell are real. This is what makes evangelization urgent. People are in need of a Saviour — their eternal life depends upon it. · Recognizing that some people are lost does not mean we are judging or condemning them. We all need a Saviour. We all struggle with sin, failure and weakness. We must recognize that we too would be lost were it not for Jesus. Seeing our own need helps us to empathize with those who are bound by sin. We should reach out to them in compassion, offering them the Good News that will set them free. · The story of the Samaritan woman illustrates Jesus' compassion for the lost. It also shows how conversion can lead to missionary zeal. The woman’s encounter with Jesus changes her. Aware of her weaknesses and sins, she rejoices in the new life Jesus gives her and is compelled to share her experience with others. She goes out immediately to share the hope and freedom she has received. Reflecting on our own conversion should move us to do the same. · Take the time to read the notes below. It is essential that you understand the concepts presented in this lesson and be well prepared to answer difficult questions. Studying the information below will help solidify your own understanding and give you tools to guide your group’s discussion.

Notes on “The Lost”: A.” I was lost or I am lost?” Some group members may want to say “we are lost” rather than “we were lost.” The perception is that it is prideful to say "I was lost, but now I am not lost." This is very similar to when people are reluctant to say they are in a Christ-centred relationship. In both cases, it must be understood that this should not be a proud declaration but, truthfully, one of humility. I would be lost without God’s grace but I have been found, was blind but now I see. Its not about me, its about the fact that Jesus rescued me and I acknowledge that gratefully. I now have a


responsibility to help others who are lost. Because of original and personal sin, we WERE all lost. Jesus died to save each one of us, but by God's grace and having come to accept Jesus’ saving act, I'm no longer “lost”. Yes, I still sin; there are still areas in my life that need to be redeemed and healed, I still need his saving grace, but I am not lost: I WAS lost. I can wander and find myself lost again, but for now I am with the Good Shepherd and he's asking me to bring others to him. B. "Do not know him or do not know him well enough" Those who are "lost" ultimately fall into two categories: those who do not know Christ and those who do not know him well enough. (1)Those who “do not know him” are people who do not actively practice the Christian faith. This could be a person who does not believe in God, or is not sure if there is a God. Another kind of person in this category may believe in God, but not in Jesus (his deity and his salvific work). This person may be baptized and may have a faith background, but has typically fallen away from it. (2)Those who “do not know him well enough” are people who are making an effort to practice their faith but they do not understand why Jesus died on the cross. To them, Christ’s action is just a symbol of love for the world in general. They do not understand that Jesus, through his death and resurrection, is reaching out to them with love and mercy in a very real and life-altering way. They probably go to church, but view their faith as a system of ethics or rules by which to live. They are not sure how God can be relevant and real in their lives. These people find themselves discouraged and frustrated with their faith. C. We all need a Saviour It is important to understand the following: Ephesians 2:13 says “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have become near by the blood of Christ.” To ensure that we never slip into selfrighteousness we must remember that we ourselves were once lost and needed (and continue to need) a Saviour. We acknowledge that, because of original sin, we were lost and separated from God's divine life. In the waters of Baptism we were plunged into the death and resurrection of Jesus. This was a pure gift and grace for us. We did nothing to earn or deserve this salvation. In fact, many of us were too young to have chosen it for ourselves (infant Baptism). Our parents exercised their faith on our behalf. The ordinary way the Church intends for us to grow in holiness and fidelity to God is to mature in our faith through the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. It is a beautiful witness when Catholic children steadfastly grow in their relationship with God in the sanctifying grace they received as infants.


Ideally, the life of faith grows after infant Baptism as a person matures. Unfortunately, however, this is not the case for all Catholics. Many turn away from God's laws and love. They find themselves lost again. They need to hear the kerygma once more. They need to be invited to an adult decision to repent and believe, to embrace their baptismal vows. For many people, there is a moment or a period in their lives when they experience a spiritual awakening, an adult conversion, an epiphany or an "aha" moment — when they recognize the person and presence of Jesus as their God and Saviour and orient their lives around him. There are also those who have never been baptized nor heard the Gospel and are in need of an initial proclamation about Jesus, "the word of life" (Phil 2:16). Refer to CCC 402-406. D. Never a judgmental approach While it is wrong to stand in judgement, we do people a disservice if we assume that they know about Jesus and how to have a right relationship with him. Being lost describes an attitude towards Jesus. An unbeliever who does not know Jesus is lost because he/she is either unaware of or has not embraced the truth that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Countless personal experiences and attitudes keep people away from Jesus and from the Church. The reasons may vary, but the fact remains that these people are lost and waiting to be found. E. The problem with being lost The problem with being lost is that we may never find heaven. We may never have a chance to repent and be baptized as Peter proclaimed in Acts 2:38. Our eternal destiny is at stake. Popular modernist positions would assert that practically everyone in his/her own way and path will end up in heaven. This position has become increasingly popular, even among Catholics. If there really were a hell, then surely only true deviants and mass murderers would be there. In the Gospel, however, Jesus emphatically warned that what we believe and do in this life matters for eternity. The Church has always taught that we are all born in a state of original sin (except Jesus and Mary) and as such, we need to experience a spiritual rebirth (through faith and in Baptism). For, As a result of original sin, human nature is weakened in its powers, subject to ignorance, suffering and the domination of death, and inclined to sin (this inclination is called "concupiscence"). CCC 418


Without the grace of Christ, mankind is separated from God's love for eternity and deprived of paradise. As much as we might prefer to avoid such theological truth, it is fundamental for grasping the entire good offered through the Gospel. The doctrine of original sin is, so to speak, the "reverse side" of the Good News that Jesus is the Saviour of all men, that all need salvation and that salvation is offered to all through Christ. The Church, which has the mind of Christ, knows very well that we cannot tamper with the revelation of original sin without undermining the mystery of Christ. CCC 389

The Word became flesh for us in order to save us by reconciling us with God, who "loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins": "the Father has sent his Son as the Saviour of the world", and "he was revealed to take away sins": Sick, our nature demanded to be healed; fallen, to be raised up; dead, to rise again. We had lost the possession of the good; it was necessary for it to be given back to us. Closed in the darkness, it was necessary to bring us the light; captives, we awaited a Saviour; prisoners, help; slaves, a liberator. Are these things minor or insignificant? Did they not move God to descend to human nature and visit it, since humanity was in so miserable and unhappy a state? CCC 457

If everyone finds their way to heaven, regardless of how they live, the urgency and necessity to spread the message of salvation is undercut. There is certainly no gripping reason to undertake the mission of evangelization. If the warnings of Jesus about hell in the Gospel narratives are simply figurative, then: 路 Why the great condescension of the Son of God to leave heaven to become man? 路 Why the paschal mystery? 路 Why do we say "Jesus is the Saviour of the world"? It should be clear, in the full context of salvation history (God's love, original sin, personal rebellion and Christ's death and resurrection), that Jesus saved us from eternal death. The Church indeed confirms the existence of hell (CCC 1033-1037). Since heaven and hell are real, there is an urgent need to proclaim the Good News and make disciples of all nations. This was Jesus' commission to the apostles before his ascension. In obedience to Christ, we continue that mission. We would be remiss to assume that it is no longer applicable to modern civilization.


Obedience, however, should not be our only motivation to respond to Christ’s command. Since Jesus is our Saviour and Redeemer, we should respond to his call in gratitude. Finally, love of neighbour impels us to be heroic in our efforts to invite others to the heavenly banquet. Some may ask about those who, through no fault of their own, have not heard the Gospel, yet seek God with a sincere heart. The Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for salvation. He also commands his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to baptize them. Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament. The Church does not know of any means other than Baptism that assures entry into eternal beatitude; this is why she takes care not to neglect the mission she has received from the Lord to see that all who can be baptized are "reborn of water and the Spirit." God has bound salvation to the sacrament of Baptism, but he himself is not bound by his sacraments. CCC 1257

"Since Christ died for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the same destiny, which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made partakers, in a way known to God, of the Paschal mystery." Every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of Christ and of his Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with his understanding of it, can be saved. It may be supposed that such persons would have desired Baptism explicitly if they had known its necessity. CCC 1260

To be sure, the Church declares that God is God, and we can hope that, in his mercy, he will save such people in ways known only to himself. However, regardless of what is possible for God, we know what he has asked of us as a Church. It is not our place to judge whether his truths, laws or commands (i.e. the missionary mandate) are still appropriate and valid in a post-modern age. *Insight for this section gained from the book The New Evangelization: Overcoming the Obstacles, Boguslawski and Martin, with content gleaned from the following contributors: Avery Cardinal Dulles, Ralph Martin, and Fr. Richard John Neuhaus.


F. "Timothys" and "the lost' Again, as mentioned in the last lesson, you will notice that the terms "the lost" and "Timothy" are used interchangeably in this lesson. As we said in Lesson 4, Timothy began his faith life as someone who needed to hear and respond to Jesus — he was once lost. When we talk about reaching out to a "Timothy", we are generally referring to someone who has not yet had an adult conversion (i.e. is "lost" and has not responded as an adult to God's gift of salvation). The question may arise: "What if the “Timothy” we are reaching out to is not exactly “lost,” but rather is practicing his/her faith?" Yes, there may be "Timothys" in our lives who find themselves in this situation. A great starting point in working with these "Timothys" is to do what we did in Lesson 4: help them identify when they were lost and how they came to know Jesus.

Recommended Reading: · The New Evangelization: Overcoming the Obstacles, Boguslawski and Martin


Lesson 5

Heart for the Lost 1. Share with the group how you have been more aware of Jesus as Saviour in your life as a result of last week’s discussion.

The poem, “The Hound of Heaven” describes the merciful and unstoppable character of God who goes after the most wayward soul. The poet, Francis Thompson, was an Englishman who lived in the late 1800s. He came from a devout Catholic family and studied many years to become a physician. Nonetheless, he walked away from it all due to an opium addiction. As a result, he lived a destitute life on the streets of London, suffering from ill health, poverty, homelessness, depression and suicidal thoughts. His poem “The Hound of Heaven” is a testimony of God's loving action in his bleak, desperate existence. He describes how God pursued him relentlessly, like a hound — seeking him out to rescue him from his sin and misery. Thompson's description of “the hound of heaven” is a powerful image of God’s love. The Father’s heart is for the lost: he yearns for their return to him and rejoices when they are found. Jesus reveals this heart of compassion through his parables, most notably in the stories of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son (Luke 15). We too should have a "heart for the lost." As followers of Christ, we should take on his care and concern for those who wander far from him. We will now turn our attention to the parable of the lost sheep to gain insight into the pastoral heart of Christ. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10) Interesting fact: Francis Thompson's writing and this poem had a great influence on J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings.


Lost and Found 2. Read Luke 15:1-7: The Parable of the Lost Sheep. 3. Who is coming to Jesus? Why are they attracted to him? The tax collectors and sinners are coming; they know that Jesus has good news for them.

4. What can we learn from this? We can ask ourselves, "Are sinners attracted to us?" How do we make it easy for them to reach us?

5. What does Jesus do with them? What does this indicate? Jesus receives them and eats with them. To eat with someone in Jewish culture is to be family, to be intimately identified with that person. He is communicating that he desires a relationship with them. He wants to identify with them. He desires intimacy with them.

6. What can we learn from this? We can apply this to our own situations by not keeping people at arm’s length. For example: not simply waving at people, or saying a passing “Hi” to a neighbour, co-worker or someone at Mass, but going further in connecting with them through more meaningful conversation, or inviting them to coffee, brunch or an event.

7. What is Jesus willing to do to find the lost sheep? What does that say about what matters to him? Why is it important to fight for one sheep? Jesus heroically goes after that lost sheep. Leaders: You could give the example of the hero in so many books and movies who goes to all lengths, faces any and all dangers to save the beloved. This message resonates with everyone because it is a reflection of the soul’s need to be rescued by God.


People matter to Jesus, the individual soul matters to Jesus. “I tell you in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” (Luke 15:7) The shepherd intentionally goes and gets the wandering sheep.

8. What does he do with the lost sheep? He lifts it up on his shoulders and brings the sheep back to the sheepfold. Take note, though, that this is not just a “me and Jesus” faith life; we are united with other believers as the Church, the body of Christ.

9. The 99 sheep in the sheepfold represent the Church. Let us imagine the many different ways they might have responded when the lost sheep was returned to the sheepfold. How do you think they acted? They may have welcomed him, snubbed him, ignored him or resented that the shepherd had to go get him.

10. These same responses can easily be manifested in the body of Christ. What might be motivating each of these responses? The response to welcome the sheep back (obviously the correct response) stems from having the same heart as the shepherd: a heart for the lost. It ties in all the dispositions we have looked at in the study so far: compassion and recognition that we too were once lost but by God’s grace, that we were found. Consider why there might be negative reactions. Perhaps these reactions are motivated by disapproval of the wandering, unwillingness to welcome the wanderer as though that would indicate approval of their past choices, discomfort with how they talk or act, resentment of the attention they are getting or jealousy. Leaders: ask, “How would it change the environment of a parish or a CCO event if a lost person ‘came back to life’?” Joy, rejoicing, celebration, hope and expectation, a sign of the Spirit working.


“How would it change the environment of a parish or a CCO event if a lost person ‘came back to life’ — AND this conversion was rejoiced in and celebrated in the community?" Members of the community at large would be made aware and recognize the value of this person's conversion, the wonder of God's mercy on their life and the joy of their return to the body of Christ. It would create momentum and inspire others to share their faith more.

Who are the Lost? The following texts will support our discussion: At the end of the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus recalled that God's love excludes no one: "So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." [Mt 18:14] He affirms that he came "to give his life as a ransom for many"; this last term is not restrictive, but contrasts the whole of humanity with the unique person of the redeemer who hands himself over to save us. The Church, following the apostles, teaches that Christ died for all men without exception: "There is not, never has been, and never will be a single human being for whom Christ did not suffer." CCC 605

In the countries of more ancient Christian tradition today there is an urgent need to call attention again to the message of Jesus by means of a new evangelization, since there are widespread groups of people who do not know Christ, or do not know him well enough; many, caught by the mechanisms of secularism and religious indifference, are far from him. The same world of young people, dear friends, is a mission land for the Church today. Everyone knows the problems which plague the environment in which young people live: the collapse of values, doubt, 70

consumerism, drugs, crime, eroticism, etc. But at the same time every young person has a great thirst for God, even if at times this thirst is hidden behind an attitude of indifference or even hostility.

John Paul II, Message for the 7th World Youth Day, 3

What the Church proclaims to the world is the Logos of Hope (cf. 1 Pet 3:15); in order to be able to live fully each moment, men and women need “the great hope” which is “the God who possesses a human face and who ‘has loved us to the end’ (Jn 13:1)”. This is why the Church is missionary by her very nature. We cannot keep to ourselves the words of eternal life given to us in our encounter with Jesus Christ: they are meant for everyone, for every man and woman. Everyone today, whether he or she knows it or not, needs this message. Verbum Domini

11. Who, then, are the lost that Jesus wants us to find? Because of original sin and personal sin we all were lost. There is not a single person on the earth, not a single person we meet, who is not lost and for whom Jesus did not die. There are "Timothys" all around us.

12. John Paul II said our evangelization should be directed at “those who do not know Christ or those who do not know him well enough.” How does this statement help us understand who the lost are? Leaders: The following is from the Preparation Notes (B and D). Those who are "lost" ultimately fall into two categories: those who do not know Christ and those who do not know him well enough. (1) Those who “do not know him” are people who do not practice any faith. This could be a person who does not believe in God, or is not sure if there is a God. Another kind of person in this category may believe in God, but not in Jesus (his deity and his salvific work). This person may be baptized and may have a faith background, but has typically fallen away from it.


(2) Those who “do not know him well enough” are people who are making an effort to practice their faith, but they do not understand why Jesus died on the cross. To them, Christ’s action is just a symbol of love for the world in general. They do not understand that Jesus, through his death and resurrection, is reaching out to them with love and mercy in a very real and life-altering way. They probably go to church but view their faith as a system of ethics or rules by which to live. They are not sure how God can be relevant and real in their lives. They find themselves discouraged and frustrated with their faith. Leaders: Ask, “Is it wrong to think that these people need Jesus?” While it is wrong to stand in judgement, we do people a disservice if we assume that they know about Jesus and how to have a right relationship with him. Being lost describes an attitude towards Jesus. An unbeliever, who does not know Jesus, is lost because he/she is either unaware of or has not embraced the truth that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Countless personal experiences and attitudes keep people away from Jesus and from the Church. The reasons may vary, but the fact remains that they are lost and waiting to be found.

13. What is the problem with being lost? Leaders: You could also ask, “Does it really matter if people are lost? Do we need to be concerned?” You may find this question is answered very quickly and easily, which is fine. (I.e. the problem with being lost is that we may never find heaven. We may never have a chance to repent and be baptized as Peter proclaimed in Acts 2:38. Our eternal destiny is at stake.) If not, refer to section E (“The Problem with Being Lost”) in the Preparation Notes for this lesson.


Conversion and Compassion The Gospel writers describe many examples of Jesus' concern for the lost: from his weeping over Jerusalem, to his parables about coming for the sick rather than the healthy, and ultimately, to his passion, death and resurrection. In the narrative of the Samaritan woman, we read about an intimate encounter with Jesus. Let's look at her dramatic story: 14. Read John 4:7-30, 39-42. Leaders: This passage is long. So as not to get lost in the length, read it in the Ignatian style: one person reads while all others close their eyes and imagine themselves experiencing the story.

15. What kind of encounter did the Samaritan woman have with Jesus? Here we want participants to see the powerful encounter she had. She would never be the same; her life was changed. She encountered truth and compassion in this meeting. Jews would have disapproved of Jesus speaking to a Samaritan, let alone a woman with such a sordid background. The fact that Jesus is speaking with her is incredible. She is obviously moved by this and must sense the love with which he is speaking to her. He tells her everything she has done and her mistakes in life; he knows and she knows that she is spiritually lost and searching. The truths he speaks into her life are not communicated in a judgmental way, but rather with compassion — inviting her to receive true life and freedom from him as Saviour and the source of living water.

16. What can we learn from Jesus’ example? We should not be afraid to approach others, no matter who they are. We should have confidence that they need to hear what we have to share. Everyone needs Jesus; everyone needs God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. Our disposition should be compassion. We should speak the truth in love, never in a condemning way. We must clearly present the hope that people need in their lives (Jesus). .

We can imagine that in the conversation at the well, Jesus saw what was possible for this woman’s life, should she


receive his healing and grace. We can also reach out to others with this virtue of hope, having great expectations for what God's mercy and power can do in their lives.

17. Why is the woman filled with such apostolic zeal after her conversion? What can we learn from this? She has received a tremendous gift of mercy, healing, freedom and new life. Here we want the participants to see how closely tied the woman’s conversion is to her ‘going’. She got up, ‘left her water pot and went into the city to tell the men.’ She rushed. Her conversion led her to extend compassion to others. We see this played out today in the lives of people who experience conversion. They immediately want to tell others about Jesus because they are so grateful and excited about what God has done in their lives. The freshness of the experience and the treasure they have just found fills them with wonder and awe. They want others to discover this treasure and its great value. Some may think it necessary to receive extensive formation before beginning to evangelize others. Although new converts may face some challenges and questions they cannot answer, they certainly can evangelize because their authentic witness and zeal is undeniable. Like the Samaritan woman, their message is simple: Jesus changed my life. You've just got to meet him too! When we stay close to our own conversion story, our desire to tell others of God’s goodness remains strong. Keeping this zeal alive enables us to be like the Samaritan woman, who quickly rushed to share her experience with others.


Summary We embrace the commission to bring the Good News to all creation out of obedience to God and love for our neighbour. We ought to have compassion and concern for those whom the Father seeks. Indeed, “the love of Christ urges us on” (2 Corinthians 5:15a). Mindful of how we have received God's grace and mercy in our lives, we practice a ministry of reconciliation with “Timothys” around us. We appropriate Jesus' heart for the lost, and echo the words of St. Paul: “we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Challenge This week, pray and seek to see each person with whom you interact as Jesus does. Speak to them with care and compassion, desiring to bring the love of Christ to them. If the opportunity arises in conversation, share Jesus and his message of reconciliation with them. Leaders: This week’s challenge is more about the participants’ disposition towards people — each person they encounter — than about sharing the Gospel. The challenge is for them to see people through Jesus’ eyes — to see how the Father loves, longs for and seeks the lost. They should also remember that they were (and may sometimes still be) in those people's shoes. They should reach out with kindness and love.


Closing Prayer Lord, thank you for finding me and rescuing me when I was lost. Thank you for continuing to unveil to me areas of my heart and mind that remain lost and in need of your mercy. Lord, you have shown me what it means to have a heart for the lost. Help me to recognize that every person I meet is loved and cared for by you. Give me your heart to see them as you see them, to love them as you love them. Help me to hear your voice directing me to pray for them and talk to them. I pray that I may be empowered by the Holy Spirit to communicate the Gospel with sensitivity, clarity and compassion. I pray that I may be faithful in making Jesus known and loved. Amen.


Lesson 6 Preparation Notes "Understanding 'Timothy'" In Brief: Taking into consideration the perspective and experience of those we want to evangelize.

Key Elements: · This lesson’s format involves more text to be read, so you can warn your group that it will be a bit different than previous weeks. Either name a reader for each section, or switch from person to person with every paragraph. · You should be well prepared to explain the two illustrations (churches and bridge). It will be helpful for your communication of the material if you are comfortable enough to explain it to them without the answer guide. · The perception of the two churches exposes a great deal. We want participants to understand the Church’s teachings on faith and morals in light of a loving relationship with God. The core message of the Church is a relationship: God making himself known to us in the person of Jesus. · When explaining the “churches” illustration, we must not give the impression that there are two churches: one ‘dead’ and based on rules and one ‘alive’ and based on a relationship with Jesus. The idea that there is a "purer" church within the Church, one that is more spiritual than the other, is an old heresy. Instead, we are attempting to show that there are two perceptions of the Church. We want participants to recognize that the Church's teachings and morals are indispensable, but that relationship with Jesus is the lens through which we understand these teachings and morals. · It is also important to understand that we are not suggesting that the teachings and traditions of the Church are unnecessary or unimportant. On the contrary, these teachings are most relevant and best understood in the context of a relationship with Jesus. · The bridge and the lifeguard analogy emphasize that we must understand and communicate our desperate need for a Saviour. · Dealing with issues a "Timothy" will bring up is also touched on in this lesson. It is important to respond in love. People need an answer that is respectful, truthful and dispassionate (i.e. not influenced by emotion). Suggest resources that address particular issues (books, websites). From here, try to navigate the conversation back to Christ, directing their questions away from the issues and back to their life. · Issues brought up are often a smoke screen. The real issue might be coming from an area of sensitivity.


· The material presented thus far in Commission has dealt with how to share the first 3 points of the Gospel message. There are further resources to teach you how to present the fourth point of the kerygma with the "relationships diagram", inviting people to enter into a relationship with Jesus. These resources include: The Ultimate Relationship booklet trainings, Discovery leader guide and training on how to give a personal testimony.

Resources (regarding section on "Issues": · · · · · Peter Kreeft, author, Christopher West author, Fr. Spitzer ( and


Lesson 6

Understanding “Timothy” 1. Share with the group how you interacted with people around you this week, striving to see them through the eyes of Jesus, mindful of what he has done for you.

As we engage in conversation with “Timothys”, we might feel we are wrestling with their hearts and souls to point them to Christ. Many people have incomplete perceptions of the Church, of Jesus and of morality, which influence their openness to the Gospel message. The “Timothys” you are trying to reach may share these perceptions. We want to communicate the Gospel in a way that will encourage people to receive it. We should thus always take into account their perspective and experience. Effective missionaries are more concerned with the perspective of those with to whom they minister than with their own personal understanding. It is not what we know but what they need to know that matters. Therefore, we must communicate the message that is most important for them to hear in the way they can best understand and receive it.

Perception of the Church


2. Which of these perceptions of the Church looks more attractive? Why? We want participants to recognize through this diagram and the following explanation, that the Church's teachings and morals are indispensable, but that a relationship with Jesus is the lens through which we understand these teachings and morals.

Many people have a mistaken understanding of the Church. They think the Church is purely about imposing ethics and morality, a set of rules, or “do’s and don’ts”. Because of this perception, people are critical, cautious and hesitant to listen to the message of the Church. We need to help them understand that Catholic Christianity is not simply a set of rules, but that it is first a love story, a relationship with God. Sadly, this first perspective is found not only among those who wander away from the Church, but also within our parishes. Peter Kreeft’s question to Catholic students at Boston College sheds light on this reality. He often asks: “If you were to die and God asked you, ‘Why should I let you into Heaven?’ what would you say?” The students generally respond with a résumé of their actions. This reveals the perception that God merely measures our conduct; demanding from us a certain set of behaviours and rewarding or punishing us according to our compliance. Some people assume they are doing a good enough job and that God will likely rule in their favour. Others are not sure they can measure up to God's demands for perfection and holiness. Both types of people think God and the Church are evaluating how well they follow the rules. In Discovery, the following question is asked: “Why did the prodigal son want to take his inheritance and leave?” The answers given by participants in the study reveal their impression of God and the Church. A common response is, "The son does not agree with the father’s rules because they are boring and limiting — too many do’s and don’ts. There is more freedom and adventure in the world than within the father’s house." They might provide a similar answer when asked why they think people leave the Church. Their responses indicate that there is little in the 'rules' of the Church that 80

attracts them. The Catholic way of life is perceived as limiting, controlling and unrealistic. Even many practicing Catholics identify with the Church mostly on the level of ethics. Some put up with or even try to live out the Church's moral teachings, but often become discouraged by the challenge this presents. Trying to follow all the rules is frustrating when their efforts are not supported by a vibrant relationship with God. They see the letter of the law without the heart of the law. Some Catholics, aware of the Church's moral teachings, avoid them all together, considering them repressive; others put their energy into trying to change the Church's stance and teachings. Unfortunately, these Catholics often do not identify with God’s love and mercy, nor can they express a sense of freedom and intimacy with him. They seem unaware that God is with them in their joys and struggles, and that he can bring healing, forgiveness and meaning to their lives. They do not see that God is alive and active in the Church. They would likely be astounded to hear that the Church is not simply about rules and regulations, but about the love of God as shown through Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, and made real and tangible for all his people. Many non-Catholics also share this mistaken perception of the Church. Their paradigm of the Church is unattractive, irrelevant and uninteresting. The gap becomes even more pronounced when they perceive vast differences between their worldview and that of the Church. 3. How could explaining these two perceptions of the Church help those people whom we want to evangelize? We want them to understand the Church’s teachings on faith and morals in light of a loving relationship with God. The core message of the Church is love, mercy and relationship. God makes himself known to us in the person of Jesus. The creed of our faith does not speak of how we should live, but for whom we should live. In our CCO ministry experience, we have found that once people encounter Jesus and live a personal relationship with him, their perception, through the power of the Holy Spirit, changes. They begin to see that the teachings of the Church are no longer rules and regulations limiting our lives, but principles and truth that give us life. For example, we often


have seen people who have a conversion then become prolife.

4. Even people who are church-going can be bound by their “spiritual résumé” and their ability to abide by all God’s commandments. How do you think their faith life would change if they could understand the second way of viewing the Church? Even baptized, faith-filled Catholics can become unhealthily preoccupied with complying with regulations and may lose sight of their relationship with Jesus. Leaders: Here is a supporting quote: Sometimes even Catholics have lost or never had the chance to experience Christ personally: not Christ as a mere ‘paradigm’ or ‘value’, but as the living Lord, ‘the way, and the truth, and the life’. Address of his Holiness John Paul II to the Bishops of the United States of America on their "ad Limina" visit, p.3

5. Consider those Catholics who may struggle with, put up with, avoid, or try to change the teachings of the Church. How do you think their faith life would change if they could approach the Church from the lens of the second model? They too could likely make sense of it all if they understood the relational nature of the Church and encountered the living God. A relationship with the living God would illuminate the Church's ethical and moral teachings. Relationship is, after all, foundational to obedience as a disciple of Christ. Leaders: Here is a supporting quote: Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. Deus Caritas Est, 1

We must be patient with these people, as we would with those who are far from God. Let us keep in mind that perhaps they have never really heard or understood that in Jesus we find mercy, forgiveness, freedom and new life. They need our patience and compassion, and as we "speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15) on issues, let us not forget to speak the


"capital T" Truth — the person of Jesus. We can ask the Holy Spirit to make all the pieces of the Church's teachings come together through an encounter with Christ, and with the wisdom and authority given to the Church.

Despite these varying perceptions, the spirit behind the rules and laws of the Church is best understood in the context of a loving relationship with God. Having recognized this truth, let us now look at another common obstacle to faith.

Perception of Jesus For some, the barrier to faith is an incorrect image of Jesus. Although they revere and respect Jesus, they do not appreciate what he has done and why they need him as a Saviour. We looked at how this can be true in our own lives in lesson 4. Practicing and non-practicing Catholics have, for the most part, varying degrees of reverence and respect for Christ. Although respect is important, the lack of awareness of their need for him affects their spiritual life. They consider God as an aspect of their life, but they do not think they actually need him until a serious problem arises. The bridge analogy illustrates our need for God not just when we have a life crisis, but at all times: we need him because he rescues us from sin. Leaders: for sake of time, this will be a condensed look at the St. Catherine of Siena bridge illustration from Discovery lesson 4.

God and man stand on opposite sides of an immense river. In this huge crevice separating God from man are SIN and DEATH.


6. How does this image, just as it is (without a cross) make you feel? How does it change your perspective on your need for Jesus? Leaders: Of course, the personal, unconditional love of God should be clearly communicated before elaborating on the "bad news". Once this is established, it is actually helpful to let them sit in the "bad news" for a while, so that they can comprehend its gravity. In this context, the good news is rightfully understood as good! This method of using the bridge analogy is an effective way of communicating our desperate need for Jesus. I do not have to hit rock bottom in order to need Jesus. Because of sin, I am already there. However, some participants could still be left with only an understanding of “Humanity’s Salvation”: they see that humanity sinned and Jesus saved the world. To emphasize our personal need for Jesus, follow up with the lifeguard analogy. Leaders: When you share the lifeguard analogy, be sure to communicate the gravity of the situation: “You are in fact choking, you are in fact drowning. Each of us is drowning.” The following analogy can also help us recognize our need for Jesus: When I go to the beach, I recognize and respect the importance of having a lifeguard on duty. The lifeguard is there to help those in need. I am a competent swimmer, however, so I do not feel I need the lifeguard. Once a week I wave and acknowledge him, then go out for a swim in the deep waters. One day, as I am swimming, I unexpectedly swallow a mouthful of water and begin to choke. Gasping for air, I swallow more water. I begin to panic as I start to sink. I go down once, twice. At this point, I know that if I go down a third time, I will die. My attitude towards the lifeguard has changed drastically: I realize that if he does not get off his chair and come rescue me, my life is over. I have moved from simple respect to desperate need for the lifeguard.


7. Why is it important to help people shift their perception of Jesus from one of ‘respect’ to one of ‘need’? Leaders: Remember the students we looked at earlier who did not see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together and did not really understand Jesus. They probably had a vague reverence and respect for Jesus but did not really understand his significance and value in their lives. Their perception of Jesus dramatically changed when they grasped that he saved them from sin, death and separation from God. [Point at the bridge analogy and say, “We are all drowning.” Go back and draw the cross bridging the river — Jesus bridging the chasm between Heaven and Earth.]

It is important that we all recognize our need. Without this understanding, we will only relate to Jesus with a vague sense of respect and reverence. When we individually see our need, and what Jesus did, he becomes good news for our personal lives. Although the people you you are evangelizing appear to 'have it all together', deep down many may be burdened with regrets, guilt, weaknesses, perhaps hidden addictions, or failures. Everyone needs mercy and forgiveness. There is no one you will speak to who does not have this ache in his/her soul.


Issues Speaking of Jesus should always be central to our efforts in evangelization: he is the heart of the message we want to communicate. Sometimes, however, when attempting to share our faith, we fail to emphasize the most important part. Instead of speaking of Jesus, we focus on issues, teachings, practices, laws, rules, etc. Although discussing these issues can lead to a conversation about Jesus, the issues often become the primary message. By the time the topic of Jesus comes around, the conversation has become argumentative and confrontational. The most important message for our “Timothys” to hear is Jesus. Until this foundation is in place, they will not be able to truly understand the Church’s moral and social teachings. We must be patient and avoid trying to tackle every moral issue at once. We risk doing great damage by dwelling on issues with those we are trying to evangelize. A confrontational attitude can create a negative environment in which the love of Jesus cannot be sown. This does not mean we should avoid speaking the truth. We must speak the truth without becoming argumentative, thereby missing the opportunity to focus our conversation on proclaiming God’s love. Sometimes it is the people we are trying to evangelize who bring up issues. This can happen while we are sharing the Gospel, or before we even begin to share the Gospel. The first circumstance causes us to shift our focus from Jesus to the issues introduced. For example, as you are explaining God’s personal and secure love, someone may ask about suffering or poverty in the world. People will often bring up similar questions: “But how would a loving God allow for things like tsunamis?” Or, “My aunt just died. She was young and had children. How can there be a loving God who cares for us?” Naturally, it would be difficult to understand these problems without a solid faith. It thus becomes all the more important to bring God’s love and concern to light. In the second case, issues arise before we begin sharing the Gospel. You are standing at a CCO table on campus when a student approaches and immediately confronts you about Catholic “intolerance” towards homosexuality. Or a casual conversation with your uncle turns to the subject of religion, and 86

he suddenly attacks the Church’s teaching about contraception. We may feel obligated to address these concerns before sharing the Gospel, fearing that the person will otherwise stop listening. As mentioned above, however, the conversation often becomes confrontational and we miss the opportunity to talk about Jesus. It is important to remember that he is our message. Brett Powell, a staff member with CCO, says, “You can spend years trying to tackle the issues in someone’s life. Bring them to Jesus and he will tackle them all.” We must recognize that our beliefs are not necessarily understood by those outside the Church. As St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:14, “Now the natural person does not accept what pertains to the Spirit of God for to him it is foolishness and he cannot understand it.” The problem for most is not closedmindedness, but lack of faith. The virtue of faith enlightens the mind and helps us see truth more clearly. To those who are without it, many Church teachings do not seem to make sense. People’s inability to accept these teachings, however, is not necessarily evidence of a lack of the Spirit. More often this attitude is a result of the pervasive influence of secular society. Our desire is clear: we want Jesus to be known. We are aware, however, that certain issues distract people from the message or prevent them from hearing it. We can choose either to dwell on these issues (which may result in confrontation and a lost opportunity to share our true message), or to look for a chance to speak of Jesus. It is important to remember that if people know Jesus, they are better able to deal with the various issues that obstruct their faith. The Holy Spirit will help them to sort through these issues. 8. Have you ever missed an opportunity to speak to someone about Jesus because you got bogged down in argument?

9. How has your relationship with Jesus changed your perspective on issues that may have previously obstructed your faith?


10. How would you now approach conversations that are focused on an "issue"? · We need to show great love for them. We need to listen and understand. · People need an answer that is respectful, truthful and dispassionate (i.e. not influenced by emotion). We cannot give into frustration and anger. · Offer resources that address their particular issues (books, websites). · From here, try to navigate the conversation back to Christ, directing their questions away from the issues and back to their life. We do not need to win the argument, but we want to win their heart. Some ideas for doing that: · Try to help them see the issues and Church teachings through the lens of "relevance, relationship, freedom". For example, "The Church's teachings on sexuality sound repressive, but it is so important to understand the great reverence the Church holds for sexuality. The Church is the guardian of the purity and integrity of our sexuality and our human value." (You can continue to explain the reasoning behind the teachings.) · Stay in close dialogue with the Holy Spirit during this time! Continually ask him for wisdom and guidance as you are talking and listening to them. Pray for the courage and creativity to move the discussion towards God's love and Jesus' mercy offered through the cross. For example, you could say, "You seem to care a great deal about the faith, how did your faith become so important to you?" or "I hear you. You bring up very important points. Has this issue affected your belief in God, (or in Jesus)?" These kinds of questions reach away from the issues and direct the conversation towards their personal faith and understanding of God. This is a much better platform for evangelization. · Be confident that he is ultimately what they are struggling to find in the midst of the issues and frustrations raised. Leaders: Point out that the issues brought up are often a smoke screen to change the subject. You will have a good idea if the issues raised are not a smokescreen, if they actually avail themselves of the resources you offer to them. Also be aware that the issues brought up may be emotionally charged because they are coming from an area of personal woundedness. We must be sensitive to this, and pray for them to receive peace, forgiveness and


healing in this area. Perhaps the Lord will use you to help them. Also it's helpful to know that, sometimes, we just are not the right person to do the convincing. We may be too close to the person and they simply won't listen to us. Our role then is to love them, be good to them and intercede actively for them. Maybe the teachable moment will happen some day, with you or with someone else!

11. As a group, brainstorm some resources (books, websites, organizations) that would be helpful to people who have questions about certain issues. For example: · · · Peter Kreeft, author, · Christopher West author, · Fr. Spitzer ( and

Summary The message is Jesus. Problems of confusion, disconnection and frustration can be dealt with when we clearly understand who Jesus is and what he has done. We need to know and understand what influences people’s attitudes and respond to them in charity. With these abilities and dispositions, we should now have the confidence and desire to share the Gospel.

Challenge Apply what you learned in this lesson to conversations you have with "Timothys" this week.


Closing Prayer Lord, I pray for all those who are blind to you. I pray for those who struggle with issues, that in finding you, they will also find peace. I pray for those who struggle with the Church and do not see the life, love and freedom she offers. I pray that when my Catholic brothers and sisters see a crucifix, they will be moved to reflect on what it really depicts. May they see the love of the one who rescued them and gave them the hope of heaven. Almighty Father, I also pray for myself. I pray that I will not be intimidated by the opinions of others, but always remember that you are the truth. Holy Spirit, give me the wisdom to consider the experiences of others and speak to them out of love. Let my disposition and words not be obstacles to your grace, but use them to dissolve the barriers that prevent people from seeing you clearly. Amen.


Lesson 7 Preparation Notes "See Opportunities" In Brief: Identifying people and situations in my sphere of influence that could be transformed through the clear proclamation of Jesus.

Key Elements: · This week is about giving participants a vision for how to share the kerygma. This is done either through direct evangelization with a "Timothy" or in helping to make the Gospel more central to ministries in which they are involved. · This lesson is meant to inspire participants to reflect on possibilities for evangelization, and to encourage them to expect great things from God. · Case studies are presented to practice planning how to bring the Gospel to the forefront in a variety of situations. · Participants are also challenged to start thinking about their own sphere of influence. With whom or how is God calling them to spread the Gospel? · As the group leader, you will be helping them in their discernment, especially when you meet with them for their Commission study follow-up. For example, they may have very ambitious plans for a particular group/organization or ministry/parish and need to talk to their spiritual director, their parish priest, organizers and leaders about their ideas. It is extremely important to work within the appropriate chain of command and to respect the leadership and authorities already in place. Nothing is gained for Christ through a haughty or pushy approach. When it comes to influencing groups of people, it takes wisdom to approach things sensitively and respectfully. · Invite participants to meet with you personally for the Commission follow-up to talk about their evangelistic opportunities. At this meeting, help them pray and discern, and to offer suggestions and support for making a personal plan. Be prepared to secure meeting times after this lesson’s closing prayer.


Lesson 7

See Opportunites 1. Share with the group how you were able to integrate the illustrations and suggestions from last week in your conversations with others.

This week we will do some dreaming and hoping. We will ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us in our call to be his ambassadors. The world is full of lost “Timothys”. To whom is the Holy Spirit leading me to speak? To what particular mission he is calling me? Am I involved in communities, faith groups or ministries with whom I can share the kerygma? In this lesson, we will discuss these potential mission fields and dream of how God may want to use us to proclaim the Gospel.

“Timothy” Opportunities In this story, André Regnier tells of how God directed him to share the Gospel with certain individuals. André responded eagerly, his heart full of great expectations for how the message of Jesus could transform their lives. Back in the early days of CCO, I was at a Sunday evening Mass and my heart cried out for all the young people there. I knew from experience that many were unaware of the extent of Jesus’ love for them. A young couple sat down in the pew directly in front of me. The writing on the young man’s jacket caught my eye: “U of S Huskie Basketball” I thought to myself, “what a platform he could have to speak of Jesus to young people. What a blessing it would be if this young couple gave witness to Jesus being at the center of their relationship.” I did not give in to the idea that all this would be highly unlikely given the spiritual state of young people in 1990. Rather, I was encouraged and somehow I expected that something would come from this cry of my heart. I asked God for that young man’s life and soul.


Two years later at one of CCO’s large group events, I sat at the back of the room listening to a couple giving a testimony of how Jesus was the third person standing in the center of their relationship. These two people giving testimony were the same couple I had seen at Mass years earlier. Brett and Andrea Powell would say that at the time I saw them at Mass, they were not living in a dynamic relationship with God. Today, they are married and witness to the whole world that Jesus is at the center of their relationship and their family. That did not just 'happen'. When I saw these two young people at Mass, God gave me hope that one day they would be powerful witnesses of his love. Later, he gave me the opportunity to minister directly to this couple for whom I had prayed. I heard that the young man was interested in a Christian group of which I was a member. I knew of his interest, but I also noticed that he never actually came to any of our meetings. So I sought him out. I saw an opportunity, so I prayed and worked hard to make contact with him. I called him, I went to his basketball games, and I tried to set up a meeting with him through his girlfriend. My desire was matching up with God’s desire for Brett, so the meeting and the relationship developed. I was there when he gave his life to the Lord. I had the opportunity to pour my life and faith into him. Through the work of the Holy Spirit and God appealing through me, he stands today as a man of faith and influence. In another incident, I was walking by the cafeteria when I saw a young man who had been a classmate. My heart longed for him. I asked the Lord for an opportunity to speak to him. Only twenty minutes later I found myself standing next to him at the bus stop. After introducing myself, I proceeded to invite him to a faith study. He said yes, then shared with me how he was finding it very hard and lonely being away from home. He was praying to God for help and encouragement. Fred is happily married now and practicing his faith.


2. How did André consciously act on what God had put on his heart? He says: “I saw an opportunity, so I prayed and worked hard to make contact with him. I called him, I went to his basketball games, and I tried to set up a meeting with him through his girlfriend. My desire was matching up with God’s desire for Brett, so the meeting and the relationship developed.” When he had the chance to talk to Fred at the bus stop, André did not hesitate to start a conversation and invite his friend to the faith study. Leaders: You could also ask, "How did André exercise the virtues of faith, hope, and love?" Faith that what he was sharing was true, hope that God had great plans for these people, and love for God and neighbour to put his reputation on the line to pursue them.

3. Is there a particular “Timothy” in your sphere of influence to whom you sense God calling you? Take three minutes to think and pray about how you can seek this person out. Share your ideas with the group and ask for feedback.

“Timothy” Situations There are many environments, ministries and events where “Timothys” can be found. There is no lack of opportunity to be more mission-oriented. Pope John Paul II says in Redemptoris Missio, “No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all peoples.” (3) Let us take some time to dream and pray that God would inspire not only one individual, but large groups to actively proclaim Christ. Let us imagine what new energy and vitality could be brought to these groups if the kerygma were central to their life and work. The following story describes how one parish group was encouraged by two CCO staff women to focus on evangelization and grow in their missionary identity. 94

We had been regularly attending a parish near our apartment for a couple of years. We began getting involved with a group of committed parishioners who gathered every month. During these meetings, we saw a great deal of potential. However, despite a lot of talk about serving and plenty of ideas, nothing significant was happening. There didn’t seem to be much life, fervour and purpose coming from the meetings. Instead of criticizing the dry meetings and lack of fulfillment of the group’s stated mission, we saw an opportunity to align this group’s activity with the kerygma: to show them there could be so much more for them and for the parish if they knew the 'point of it all.' We started small by introducing Discovery as a part of each monthly meeting, and linking it to the group’s purpose and mission. Each time the message of the Gospel was exposed, the group's leaders were changed. This revelation enabled them to live more purposefully as disciples of Christ, parishioners and members of their group. We were thrilled as the members saw how to align their activities and events with the Church's universal call to evangelization and their ministry's mission statement. 4. How could integrating the sharing of the kerygma (through tools such as the Discovery faith study, The Ultimate Relationship, etc.) be an important help to ministries, groups, parishes? Through the sharing of Jesus in these groups, individual “Timothys” will come to understand their need for a Saviour and will experience new freedom in their spiritual lives. This will be contagious and encouraging for all members as they witness others coming alive in their faith. It will affect the momentum of the group and its members. Leaders: Here is a supporting quote: For missionary activity renews the Church, revitalizes faith and Christian identity, and offers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive. Faith is strengthened when it is given to others. Redemptoris Missio, 2


Seeing and Seizing Opportunities When we are presented with “Timothys” or opportunities towards which God is directing us, we need to step out in faith to make the Gospel heard. Here are some practical tips from our CCO ministry experience: · We need to look for individual conversations that allow us to share Jesus. We should seek out opportunities to proclaim the Gospel and invite others to respond. · We need to sow broadly, inviting many people to hear the Gospel. An example would be to walk into your parish and look for a way to invite everyone, or as many people as possible, to participate in a Discovery group. · When people attend our events, we should not just be content that they came, but make sure they are personally cared for and given a chance to encounter Jesus. The following three scenarios present opportunities to evangelize. Let us discuss how to see and seize the opportunity at hand. Scenarios: 1) You invite a friend to a CCO event. Afterwards you decide to go for coffee together. What can you do to build off of this event in your evangelization efforts? 2) You see someone new at mass. What can you do to reach out to them? 3) You are in leadership with the Baptismal Preparation course at your parish. How can you clearly proclaim the gospel and give parents an opportunity to enter a Christcentred relationship? 5. How could each of these situations be evangelistic? Leaders: These scenarios could take a fair amount of time to discuss, so allow as much as you can (approximately 15-20 minutes). You may need to take their ideas, and stretch them further to see how to stretch or create further opportunities. You can help them practice the virtue of hope, to have great expectations for what could happen — to dream big!



You could find ways to direct the conversation after the event towards sharing our faith with our friend. Start with: "What did you think? What spoke to you?" Keeping asking clarifying questions. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know what to say, and if or how you could share the kergyma with him/her at this time?


You could take the time after Mass to ask the person what he/she thought, and look for ways to explain to him/her what the Mass means and how it fits into a life of faith. Think of something else in the parish you can invite him/her to attend. Invite them over for brunch to keep the relationship and conversation growing.


You could encourage a baptismal preparation group to see their activities through the “lens” of the kerygma. These families, often not actively practicing, have to come to the Church to have their child baptized. This is a perfect opportunity to communicate the kerygma (as it is the central message of the sacrament of Baptism), and to make sure the evangelization of the parents is top priority (as this offers the best hope that the child will be raised in the faith into which they are baptized).

Personal Reflection 6. Take 3 minutes to reflect on the opportunities in your sphere of influence. Ask yourself: · What opportunities do I have to advance the proclamation of the Gospel in ministries, groups and organizations to which I am connected or toward which God is leading me?

· What is God’s dream for these situations and opportunities?


Share your reflections with the group and ask for feedback. Leaders: After the sharing, introduce the Commission follow-up. Invite group members to meet with you personally to talk about their opportunities for evangelization and to help them pray and discern those opportunities. The follow-up worksheet is a very helpful tool in this discernment process. Try to secure meeting times after the closing prayer.

Summary There are missionary opportunities all around us. The Father loves every single person and he puts people on our path so that we can show them his love. The Holy Spirit desires to point us towards “Timothys� who need to hear the Gospel. The Holy Spirit can also inspire us to see how a ministry or group might be revitalized through the work of evangelization.

Challenge Take to prayer the things you have reflected on in this lesson. Intercede for people and opportunities. Discern how and where God is asking you to proclaim the Gospel. Is there anyone you can ask for advice about this? Is there anything you can begin to do this week? Leaders: Remember participants may have very ambitious plans for a particular group, organization, ministry, or parish and should be encouraged to talk to their spiritual director, their parish priest, organizers or leaders about their ideas. It is extremely important to work in the appropriate chain of command and to respect the leadership and authorities already in place. Nothing is gained for Christ through a haughty or pushy approach. When it comes to influencing groups of people, it takes wisdom to approach things sensitively and respectfully.


Closing Prayer Lord, thank you for trusting me with opportunities to share you with others. I bring to you these “Timothys� that you have placed on my heart. Come Holy Spirit! Give me the gift of creativity to see ways that I can connect with them and reach out to them. Come Holy Spirit! I also ask for the creativity and wisdom to see other opportunities for the message of Jesus to be proclaimed. Prepare the way for me. May I have the grace to follow your lead and be docile to your promptings. Give me a heart of great expectations, anticipating what you can do in these opportunities and trusting that you will be with me as I step out in faith in accordance with your will. Yes, Lord, may your will be done! Amen.


Lesson 8 Preparation Notes "Next Generation Mindset" In Brief: Understanding a ministry of spiritual multiplication.

Key Elements: · This lesson introduces a shift in focus: we move from the passing on of the message (the kerygma), to the passing on of the mission. We want our participants not only to be good evangelists, but also to be able to communicate the Gospel clearly and simply. We want them to be multiplying disciples who can teach others how to teach others to be apostles. · In this lesson, we will review the image of the 5 circles (from 2 Timothy 2:2) and the spiritual legacy it demonstates. · Spiritual multiplication is a compelling way to explain the potential of investing in a few faithful people, rather than becoming overwhelmed with the immensity of the task before us. We want participants to see that they are part of something great, and that through a very simple, manageable investment in a few who will be sent out to be multiplying missionaries, they are contributing to the accomplishment of Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) · We are often distracted from the best thing we could be doing (building multiplying missionaries who can clearly and simply communicate God's love to others) by doing "good" things that actually become inward-focused very quickly. This is understandable. It is a constant challenge to keep our focus outward. · We need to encourage participants to pass on this next generation mindset to their “Timothy” too. The single most important question of this faith study is presented in this lesson: “How can we give our “Timothy” a next generation missionary mindset?” The answer is: do what was done for you in this study! Pass on the lessons you have just been taught. Commission your "Timothy" to make the message and the mission known. The message is the kerygma (Jesus); the mission is spiritual multiplication (evangelizing and discipling others who can evangelize and disciple others). Make sure he/she knows that the goal is to send out multiplying missionaries. We want our “Timothy” to be able to say, “I am a 'Paul' and my 'Timothy' has multiplied into 'other Timothys'.” · The objective of a disciple with a next-generation mindset is to pass on the message and the mission to another.


· The participants are encouraged to look at their personal plan (from Lesson 7 and the follow-up) and revise it in light of a mindset of multiplying the message and the mission.

Notes on the Model of Spiritual Muliplication: · Some participants may become analytical or despairing about this model, claiming that it will never work in the real world because people will not be committed to it. Are we to take this model literally? · It will not work if people do not hear about it — hence Commission! Our part is to teach Catholics about the need for the new evangelization and for multiplying missionaries. To be a true missionary is to send out other missionaries, so let us be committed to a ministry of spiritual multiplication. · It is important to communicate that we recognize the difficulty of perfectly living out this model (work with two people who can influence two people every two years). Indeed, it is idealistic but at the same time, it proves the potential. · It is not our intention to overwhelm people with the pressure to pump out multiplying disciples consistently every two years. Ultimately, the Holy Spirit inspires any missionary work. He must call and lead us. · There may be seasons in your life when you cannot do this as effectively or easily as you would like (because of responsibilities to family, work, sick loved ones, personal health). However, like St. Thérèse of Lisieux, in all that you do, even if it is not outwardly apostolic, your heart is missionary and your prayers and sacrifices for conversion and spiritual multiplication are still fruitful. Therefore, even if your circumstances prevent you from evangelizing, or the Holy Spirit has not opened a door for ministry, the prayer and desire of your heart continues to be that of a multiplying missionary. This disposition permeates all your actions and prayers. For example, you may find that you are not gifted at striking up interesting conversations with new people — as much as you would like to be, you are just not natural at being that "first welcoming face" people meet when they come to church. However, through prayer and selfknowledge, you can discover other ways that you can reach out to the lost. Perhaps you have a gift of hospitality, design or décor. You can use these gifts to help your parish be more welcoming and attractive to new people. (But that does not mean you are exempted from speaking about your faith to others!) You can also pray for and perhaps offer financial support to missionaries in countries or orders/organizations that you feel called to assist to further the spread of the gospel. Your disposition as you share these kinds of gifts is missionary to the very core!


Lesson 8

Next Generation Mindset 1. Share with the group how your discernment and intentional planning is going regarding your outreach to a “Timothy”, or to a group, parish, ministry, etc.

Much of our discussion up to now has been about proclaiming the redemption Jesus won for us through his death and resurrection. We have recalled the “Pauls”, the witnesses in our lives who have shown us the way to Jesus. We know we have been entrusted to bring this message to a “Timothy”. The goal of Commission, however, is not evangelization alone. The goal is to send out missionaries. As Pope Paul VI describes: Finally, the person who has been evangelized goes on to evangelize others. Here lies the test of truth, the touchstone of evangelization: it is unthinkable that a person should accept the Word and give himself to the kingdom without becoming a person who bears witness to it and proclaims it in his turn. Evangelii Nuntiandi, 24

Let us go back to our anchor passage, 2 Timothy 2:2: And what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well. 2. Draw the people described in this verse, showing how the message is passed along. (Reviewing from Lesson 2.)


3. How does this illustrate that evangelization alone is not enough? Paul is showing Timothy the big picture of his strategy in ministry. His message and teaching (which is the kerygma) is propagated through the raising up of missionaries. You can almost hear him saying, “I want to raise up faithful people who can raise up faithful people, who can raise up faithful people … so that Jesus can be proclaimed!”

4. What would happen if Timothy focused only on the message and not the mission? People would come to faith, evangelization would be taking place, community would be built, but it would be leadercentered because only a few would be evangelizing.

5. How does the result change when Timothy entrusts both the Gospel AND the mission to others? He multiplies himself. He multiplies his efforts. He is able to reach a greater number of people. The potential is not solely dependent on Timothy.

Spiritual Multiplication In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commissioned the disciples to go and make disciples of the entire world. In both the Scriptures and Tradition, it is recorded how seriously the first disciples took the final words of Jesus to “go”. Two thousand years later there are 2.2 billion Christians in the world. The “great commission” is as relevant and necessary today as it was for the first disciples. Today, 2.2 billion are commissioned to “go”. Imagine what would happen if they were all equipped and ready to carry out this commission! Reaching the world may be a daunting task, but it is possible. The world becomes much smaller if we focus our efforts on building into “Timothys” who can also join in this mission. This was Paul’s strategy. He strove to proclaim Jesus, then equip and commission others who would also proclaim, equip and commission — and on and on. 103

Let us examine this method, which we call spiritual multiplication. To reach the whole world, we could be tempted to focus on events at which large numbers of people gather to hear the Gospel message and respond. In this task of evangelization, however, quality has to come before quantity. While large groups may be attractive to those of us who hope to reach the world quickly, according to the math, our efforts are better spent focusing on one person at a time. The principle of spiritual multiplication shows us that to reach the world with the Gospel, we must do more than just bring people to conversion: we need to build “multiplying disciples.” To highlight the potential of spiritual multiplication, let us first look at the model of spiritual addition. Spiritual addition is simply focused on evangelization. Evangelization on its own, however, is not sufficient. Consider if just one Catholic could reach 1000 people per day and bring them to conversion: · 1000 people per day x 365 days a year = 365,000

people/year. · In 100 years, this one evangelist would reach 36.5 million

people. While this is an amazing number of people reached, we have fallen far short of our goal to reach the whole world. A missionary committed to spiritual multiplication focuses his/her effort not just on helping a person experience conversion, but takes it one step further. The missionary also helps the person develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become a multiplying disciple who can pass this formation on to others. Instead of focusing on large numbers of people, this missionary is dedicated to spending a lot of time on a few people, in the hope of reaching the world through those people. Theoretical potential of multiplication: One person disciples two people for two years. At the end of the two years, each of the three would then find two others to disciple.


after 2 years there would be 3 after 4 years there would be 9 after 10 years there would be 243 after 20 years there would be 59048 after 30 years there would be 14,348,907 after 32 years there would be 43,046,721 (approximately Canada's population) · after 36 years there would be 387,420,489 (approximately USA's population) · after 42 years there would be 10.46 billion — the whole world would be reached! · · · · · ·

By focusing on just two people for two years, helping them not only to experience conversion, but building them up to be multiplying disciples, we can reach the world in our own lifetime! The numbers show that focusing on one person at a time can have extraordinary results.

6. How do you feel about this model and your part in it? By looking at this model of spiritual multiplication, we see that the monumental task of reaching the world really happens in very tiny steps. We have a part to play in building the kingdom of God by investing in a few who can then invest in a few. The long-term exponential effect of everyone’s faithfulness to his/her missionary call is great and eternal. Yes, you are small, but you are important to the bigger picture! We live in hope, with great expectations for what God is doing in the mission field. Leaders: Remember: You want participants to see that they are part of something great, and that through a very simple, manageable investment in a few who will be sent out to be multiplying missionaries, they are contributing to the accomplishment of Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Be aware that some may become analytical or despairing about this model, claiming that it will never work in the real world because people will not be committed to it. You could ask: "Do you think we are to take this model literally?" (Refer to “Notes on the Model of Spiritual Multiplication” in your Preparation Notes to help answer this question.)


Multiplying Ministry A CCO staff member shares how challenging it is to stay focused on this important multiplication mindset: Throughout history, it has been through people that God has accomplished his purposes for spreading the Gospel. We also need to work through people to help accomplish God’s plan. The challenge of working through people is that it requires time, effort, sacrifice and hard work. It is common among Catholics working in evangelization to focus their energies on seeking out and forming good Catholics. Their desire to evangelize can soon transform into one of community building. While it is good to seek out and build community with other Catholics, this is not the work of evangelization — this is the work of fellowship. For example, a few years ago a group of Catholic students began a prayer meeting. Their focus was “evangelization of the campus”. I was very impressed by their faith and excitement, and the number of people coming to their meeting each week. There was something very good happening for these faithful students. I noticed, however, that there were no active outreach efforts happening to meet their goals. I encouraged them to do more than just talk about reaching out; they must go out and do the work of evangelization. Even more, they should be building up and multiplying themselves so that when they move on, there would be someone there to take their place. It was only a matter of time before their initial excitement faded. There was little impact on the campus because there was little reaching out into the campus. As you can imagine, four years after the original leaders graduated, there was no one to pick up the vision for evangelization. Evangelization is very different from community building, and being missionary is much more than evangelization. As a movement, we do not simply want to gather all the good Catholics to support and encourage each other in the work of evangelization. Our desire is to invest our energies in reaching out to the lost, bringing them back, building them up and sending them out. Is is important not only to build community but to build the mission. We must gather people to whom we can entrust the work of multiplication. 106

Our “Timothy’s” “Timothy’s” “Timothy” 7. Did you have to read that section title a few times? What does it mean? Leaders: Point to or redraw the discipleship chain from before.

8. Why is it important for us to have this paradigm in our ministry and mission? If we do not have this clearly in our minds, to build others who can build others, chances are that the message and the mission will end after one or two generations. To leave a "spiritual legacy" we want to keep this strategy and great expectation in our thoughts and prayers as we invest our lives for the sake of the Gospel and our "Timothys". In our prayers for our “Timothy”, we should be praying for those whom our “Timothy” will reach (and so on). Jesus sets this example for us. In John 17, we see how he prayed for the people his disciples would reach.

9. How can we give our “Timothy” a next generation missionary mindset? Leaders: This may be the single most important question of this faith study! Do what was done for you in this study! Pass on the lessons you have just been taught. Commission your "Timothy" to make the message and the mission known. The message is the kerygma (Jesus); the mission is spiritual multiplication (evangelize and disciple people who will evangelize and disciple others). Make sure he/she knows that the goal is to send out multiplying missionaries. We want our “Timothy” to be able to say, “I am a 'Paul' and my 'Timothy' has multiplied into 'other Timothys'.”


In CCO, we see the legacy of people who have invested in other people in chains of people 5, 6, 7 people long or more. Leaders: You may want to initiate a discussion on how we can implement this model IN THE CONTEXT of a parish ministry. For example, in youth ministry: are there potential leaders on whom we should focus extra energy? How should we do that? Some may ask about the rest of the formation our “Timothys” will need. What are we to do about that? Ideas: · Parish life, sacraments, RCIA · Christian growth essentials: (Scripture, prayer, sacraments, fellowship witness and service) · One-on-one discipleship to help them in their spiritual walk · Conferences, retreats, courses, missions · Books · Finding a spiritual director · CCO faith study series: o Discovery (to understand the kerygma more fully) o Source (to understand the role of the Holy Spirit in your daily life) o Growth (to understand the essential elements for Christian growth – Scripture, prayer, sacraments, fellowship, witness and service) o Obedience (to identify potential areas of growth in surrendering to God’s Lordship)

Summary A missionary’s desire is that Jesus would be proclaimed, for as Paul says, “that is what brings me joy” (Philippians 1:18). The greatest hope of a missionary, however, is that the person he/she evangelizes will be empowered to proclaim Jesus to others. The objective of a disciple with a next-generation mindset is to pass on the message and the mission to another. “And what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well.” (2 Timothy 2:2).


Challenge In Lesson 7, we took time to pray and dream about potential “Timothys” or outreach situations. At the time, we were likely seeing this only from the perspective of evangelization. Your challenge this week is to continue praying and dreaming about the people and opportunities the Holy Spirit brought to mind in Lesson 7. This time, however, ask yourself: · How can I have a next generation mindset with this person or

opportunity? · What is the bigger picture I was missing before? · How could these people or opportunities have a multiplying

effect?" Be prepared to share with the group next week.

Closing Prayer Father, we unite ourselves with Jesus’ prayer for his disciples in the Gospel of John. "I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word" (John 17:20). We pray for our "Timothys", for our “Timothy’s Timothy’s Timothy”, and for all those who will hear through their witness. We pray for the generations of believers who will follow from their apostolic labours. Holy Spirit, empower them to be your instruments to evangelize and mobilize others to be missionary. May their lives and their witness leave a legacy — that Jesus is proclaimed, one person at a time, to all creation. May you forever be glorified in all our lives. Amen.


Lesson 9 Preparation Notes "Struggles and Doubts" In Brief: Examining common areas of discouragement for missionaries.

Key Elements: · This lesson begins with a look at 1 Peter 5:8-10. We discuss how we might experience attacks of the enemy and how to overcome them. · We then look at discouragement in two situations: when there is a lack of success and when we feel a lack of confidence. · The key points under lack of success are found in question 4. Detailed answer notes are provided under this question. · Concerning lack of confidence, participants need to be encouraged to step out in faith and believe that God can actually work through them. They also may need the encouragement of a "Barnabas" to co-labour with them, or a "Paul" to mentor them in their mission. · Finally, participants are reminded to keep an eternal perspective when facing struggles and suffering in ministry. It is important to read ahead and prepare your thoughts on 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 in this last section. This passage calls us to believe that the "hidden life" of suffering is indeed bearing fruit for the greater glory of God somewhere in the world.


Lesson 9

Struggles and Doubts 1. Break into pairs to share your new insights, hopes and strategies for your “Timothys� and evangelistic opportunities. Discuss how you have adapted your original ideas from Lesson 7 to include a next generation mindset.

Last week, our understanding of the call to be missionary was widened through learning about spiritual multiplication. This week, we will look at some of the challenges we might encounter in our ministry.

Opposition A ministry of spiritual multiplication carries amazing possibilities. To the enemy, these possibilities are very dangerous. Our approach is strategic, and so is his. Don't be surprised when he tries to sabotage missionary efforts. St. Peter gives us important guidance on this. Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in your faith, for you know that your brothers and sisters in all the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering. And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5: 8-10

2. What are some ways we encounter spiritual warfare? Leaders: This question is broad. People can anticipate what could happen, or speak from their own experience, or the experience of the saints.


3. What advice does St. Peter offer us? · Be sober (i.e. self-controlled, serious, careful, balanced). The word “sober” is often used in the context of alcohol. Even this sense of the word can work — that is, avoid getting yourself into situations (sin) in which your judgement and behaviour is impaired or you are led astray. Leaders: Ask, “What kinds of situations/sin could lead us astray or impair our judgment?” · Be vigilant, be aware — spiritual warfare is a real possibility. · Resist — through prayer, Scripture (truth), sacraments, intercession of others, sacramentals (such as holy water)), fasting, sacrifices. · Be steadfast in faith — do not waver, doubt, falter in your piety (missing daily prayer, frequent Confession or Mass). · Communion of saints — We are not alone; many have gone before us (the Church Triumphant) and many are currently fighting the good fight (the Church Militant). We can look to the witness of the saints who have suffered for the Gospel and intercede for us in heaven (e.g. The Canadian Martyrs). We can also turn to likeminded brothers and sisters for encouragement, strength and communion. · Great expectations — Jesus will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

There are other ways we can be tempted to despair in our missionary efforts. This can happen (1) when there is a lack of success, or (2) when we feel a lack of confidence.

Lack of Success What if you have tried to revitalize a certain ministry in your parish but nothing seems to be changing? Or perhaps you’ve been working with a “Timothy” for a long time, but they are not really interested in spiritual multiplication. How do you deal with this apparent lack of success? What is going on? Mother Teresa is often quoted as saying: “God has not called me to be successful; he has called me to be faithful.” We need to have this truth engrained in our missionary hearts, so that we have proper perspective when we are discouraged in ministry. 112

4. How might this quote change our perspective when struggling with lack of success? People will only understand and grasp the mission and model if the Holy Spirit reveals it to them. We cannot carry the burden; we do what we can and leave the results to God. We have to understand that people have free will and as such, they can choose to reject this calling. God gives us freedom and we have to respect other people’s freedom as well. It is really between them and God. This is why we constantly need to intercede and pray for our “Timothys” and for ourselves, that we will “be steadfast in faith”. It is freeing to see that our role is to take the initiative. We are to be ready to do what God is calling us to do. Taking the initiative involves effort, commitment, love and hope. If we take the initiative to build up a “Timothy” or start a ministry and the response is favourable, then we have the responsibility to keep moving forward. If there is no response, however, then we leave it in God’s hands. We give the people we want to reach space, keep loving them, and do not allow our heart to become resentful. We initiate again as God directs us. We keep praying for them with a heart of great expectations for what “could be”. Our success is not in the results, but in our faithfulness to what God has called us to do. Did we act in faith, reaching out when God prompted us to do so? If so, that faithfulness and obedience is a success in itself. It may not feel as concrete and satisfying, but it is still success. We need to keep reminding ourselves of this truth. Maybe we have not yet found the right opportunity to spread the Kingdom of God through our gifts. With the help of brothers and sisters in Christ, our pastor, and spiritual director, we can discern the most suitable opportunities to live out our missionary calling. These people may be able to help us see opportunities the Lord is giving us to bear fruit. Our disposition is key. We have to ask ourselves what we desire most for these people, these ministries, our parish, our family, our neighbours. If our desire for them is to encounter God's love, then our disposition and prayer is in itself a source of grace for them. We may not see the results or available opportunities for which we long, but we trust that God is nevertheless "on the move" in their lives.


Lack of success can cause us great suffering. It is a cross we bear that challenges our pride (which would love to see obvious results). This suffering is part of being a disciple of Christ. Lack of success is one of the many sacrifices we can offer for our “Timothys” and for the greater glory of God.

Lack of Confidence We understand the Church’s call to evangelization and the need for multiplying missionaries. We are enthusiastic about this ideal and want to see it accomplished. The trouble is, we do not believe we would be any good at actually doing it. Who would want to follow us? We will not be able to do this! God will not use us. 5. What is the lie here? It is all about my abilities; lack of faith in what God can do THROUGH me; no one will be interested in what I have to say. Maybe Satan is trying to prevent us from taking the initiative!

6. How could like-minded friends encourage us? We may need support and encouragement from our brothers and sisters in Christ when we feel this lack of confidence. We are not meant to tackle this mission on our own. The Christian life is not just a “Jesus and me” thing. As Catholics, we understand that we are incorporated into the body of Christ, and so we should look to the body for support. You might find encouragement from like-minded friends, your parish priest or your spiritual director. Maybe your only source of encouragement is long distance — you can still connect with that person in many ways thanks to technology. Do not let Satan “pick you off” because you strayed from the flock and are isolated. United we stand, divided we fall. Surround yourself with the body of Christ.


We are not alone in this mission, nor in our trepidation before it. In fact, we are in the company of heroes. Courageous men and women such as Moses, Esther, and Jeremiah rose to the challenge of God’s call. But even these great heroes of the faith did not think they were qualified for the task. They had to put their trust in God and not in their own abilities. We must do the same. Mary gives us the greatest example of this disposition: “May it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). Let us follow her example and her words by doing whatever the Lord tells us to do (rf. John 2:5). 7. Jeremiah is a great model for us. Read these two passages: Jeremiah 1:5-8 and Jeremiah 17:7. What can we learn about confidence, or the lack thereof, from Jeremiah’s life and words? "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated You; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." Then I said, "Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a boy'; For you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, For I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD." (Jeremiah 1:5-8) Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, Whose trust is the Lord. (Jeremiah 17:7)

Jeremiah saw his natural weaknesses. Weaknesses are not a hindrance for God — if he is calling us, he can qualify us for the task. God essentially tells Jeremiah to “just do it”, to take the initiative and leave the rest up to him. In some Bibles, the word “trusts” in Jeremiah 17:7 is translated as “has confidence”. This verse tells us that Jeremiah has lived out his calling. He knows what it means to put his trust in the Lord and not in himself.

In St. Thérèse's spirituality, she is very aware of her inabilities, and purely chooses to trust in God's abilities instead of her own. Here's how she defines holiness: A disposition of the heart which makes us humble and small in the arms of God, conscious of our weakness, and confident to the point of audacity in the goodness of our Father. I Believe in Love, p. 20


8. How does this encourage us if we feel incapable before the task ahead of us? We should not take ourselves too seriously. Instead, we should focus on the greatness of our God. We should expect him to act because he is infinitely good. (Even if the outcome isn’t what WE expected, we still trust that God is bringing good out of all situations).

Eternal Perspective 9. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-18. What is Paul’s perspective on struggles, challenges and suffering? How does he apply this perspective to his mission and ministry? Some points: · (v. 7) - It is not about us (our success), it is all God’s doing, by his grace and for his glory. · (vv. 8-12) - Redemptive suffering experienced in myriad ways (lack of success could be included in that list); we suffer so that others may receive blessing and life. · (v. 13) - Taking initiative; we are compelled by our calling to proclaim the Gospel. · (v. 15) - The grace won through sacrifice is not just for the “Timothy”, but for more and more people (legacy of those who will follow after this “Timothy”). · (v. 16) - Although we may not see results, we choose hope and great expectations. · (v. 17) - KEY: We must have an eternal perspective on what is happening. The unseen suffering and sacrifices of the missionary life are not unnoticed by God — they have eternal value and purpose.

10. How do holiness and mission interact in this passage? Holiness and mission are constantly working together, as the mission is a catalyst for the life of holiness, and vice versa. Mission, by its very nature, creates opportunities for suffering and sacrifices as well as the need for greater prayer, faith, hope and love. The eternal and temporal graces from these sacrifices are furthering the mission and building treasure in heaven. The graces won through our prayer and sacrifices are likely being poured out on people and situations we do


not yet know (maybe even our “Timothy’s” “Timothy” for example). In heaven, we will see what is now unseen. Perhaps we might even be blessed to see how those sacrifices bore fruit while we are on earth!

Summary When we learn to expect opposition and understand the tactics being used on us, we can be ready to counteract. We must not allow our perceived lack of success or feelings of inadequacy to stifle our missionary spirit.

Challenge Memorize one of these quotes: God has not called me to be successful; he has called me to be faithful. Mother Teresa

A disposition of the heart which makes us humble and small in the arms of God, conscious of our weakness, and confident to the point of audacity in the goodness of our Father. St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Leaders: Remind them that the truths in these quotes will be a source of consolation when they encounter challenges and difficulties in the mission. Leaders: You can mention that today's closing prayer comes from what was just read in 2 Corinthians 4.


Closing Prayer Heavenly Father, we turn to you with the words of St. Paul: “I believed, and so I spoke” — we also believe, and so we speak, because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus, and will bring us with you into his presence. Yes, everything is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure, because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal. We know you will restore, support, strengthen and establish us in the mission. Lord Jesus, though we will encounter suffering and sacrifice along the way, let us unite it to your ultimate act of redemptive suffering on the cross. Thank you for the opportunity to win graces not only for ourselves, but for the Church as a whole and for individual “Timothys”. Holy Spirit, keep our minds and hearts enlightened so as to live always with an eternal perspective. (2 Corinthians 4:13b-20). Amen.


Lesson 10 Preparation Notes "Commissioned" In Brief: Recognizing, with great expectations, the work of the Holy Spirit in the evangelizer, and in the one being evangelized.

Key Elements: · The goal of this study is to commission participants to be multiplying missionaries. It is, in fact, the Holy Spirit who calls and sends forth apostles into the mission. In this lesson, we look at how the Holy Spirit sends us out. · The first point focuses on Ephesians 3:20. The Holy Spirit at work in us is a source of supernatural power and potential. Participants are encouraged to believe that the Holy Spirit can do more than we could ever expect, as he wills. Be sure to carefully prepare the answers for question 3. · We then look at the primacy of the Holy Spirit in the mission. · All our training affects nothing out in the field unless the Holy Spirit directs and animates the mission. He is also the one who inspires the people with whom we share the Gospel to be receptive to it. · At the end of the lesson, participants are given time to pray for each other. We lay hands on each individual, praying for a stirring up of the Holy Spirit in his/her personal life and mission. The prayer time concludes with the "CCO Apostles' Prayer". You will want to allow 10 to 20 minutes for this time. · After the lesson, set a reunion date for your group. At this reunion, share how you have been living out your call to holiness and mission, and pray for one another.


Lesson 10

Commissioned 1. Recite the definition you memorized last week. Why did you choose that particular quote?

The Source of Great Expectations An excerpt from Father Jean C. J. d’Elbée’s book on the spirituality of St. Thérèse of Lisieux beautifully links the concepts from last week on the trials of the missionary life to this week’s theme of hope and great expectations. In any case, there will be failures, contradictions, very difficult moments and sometimes very distressing ones. But if there is, on our part, this total confidence which we ought to have in Jesus, He will take care of everything. He will bring good out of evil and even, as I have already told you a greater good than if there had been no evil; and the trial will have been an immense good for us. Yes do everything as if it all depended on you, and leave the results to the Divine Master, on whom everything really depends. I Believe in Love, p. 91

We desire to see lives changed: not only the lives of others, but our own as well. For this to happen, we need to have a heart filled with confidence that God will act. We must have faith, trusting that God will do something incredible. We take the phrase "great expectations" not so much from Dickens as from Ephesians 3:20, which speaks of "him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine.” Great expectations can significantly influence our faith and how we share it with others.


2. How can "great expectations" significantly influence our faith and how we share it with others? 1. Bolder in our faith in God. "Great expectations" means believing that God is truly real, and will use me, and act in my life and others. Living with great expectations means believing that the promises of Christ are not limited to other people or stuck in another age, but are relevant now to our own lives. As Jesus tells us, “for God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Great expectations gives us hope that he can do more than expected in every situation and that his will will be done, even in spite of difficult circumstances (as read in the quote above from St. Thérèse). 2. Bolder in our proclamation. Because we have faith that God is alive and active, we have confidence and boldness to proclaim him. It inspires us to believe, hope and have great expectations that God will act in people's hearts and lives! This expectation carries the hope that God will accomplish his purpose if we obey and communicate the message entrusted to us. In believing we have the hope of Heaven It is the hope that we will be with him forever in heaven. Without this hope, we will not step out in faith and be his witnesses. 3. More compelling in our witness. How attractive it is to the world to see people who are expecting God to do great things! What a powerful witness it is for the lost to see a Christian fully alive for the glory of God. The world needs us to live with this attitude of great expectations. Expecting great things of God fills us with hope and makes our lives vibrant witnesses of his power.


3. A word of caution about exercising "great expectations" is that one could become demanding rather than hopeful in the way we expect God to act. We could be tempted to slip into a spirit of entitlement. How could we avoid this? It might be helpful to offer a definition of the term entitlement. According to it is the "belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges" We should remember that our great expectations, based on the virtues of hope and faith, do not come from a sense of entitlement. Rather, they are born of humility. Our disposition is one of abandonment and submission to the will of God in our lives. We should see ourselves as servants through whom the master is choosing to work for his glory. Ultimately, we abandon ourselves to his plan. No matter what happens, we believe, hope and trust that “all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Having great expectations does not mean we will always get what we want. Because of our fallen world, things are not always the way we want them to be, nor the way God planned. There can be suffering, pain, hardship, weakness and failures. Our great expectations do not make us immune to these situations. We must remember, though, that life, goodness, healing and restoration will come even through challenges (as we saw in last week’s lesson). At the core of our great expectations should be the belief that God can be trusted, that he has our good in mind, and that in the end, we have the hope of heaven where all tears will be “wiped away”.


Indispensable What exactly is this "power at work within us" we hear in Ephesians 3:20? This power is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit as the primary agent of mission is the focus of today's lesson. The Holy Spirit is the sometimes forgotten and misunderstood third Person of the Trinity; and we tend to politely avoid him. We just don't know how to relate intimately to "a dove", "a fire" or "a cloud" in the same way we relate to the Father or the Son. Yet Scriptures tell us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), and the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Spirit alive in us today! (Ephesians 2:18-21). He is so intimately connected to us that he is inside of us — directing and empower us! As missionaries, we cannot limp forward with an unformed knowledge and experience of the Holy Spirit. We must know at our very core that the Holy Spirit is indispensable to our life, and in particular to our missionary life. From some earlier presentations of evangelization and missionary activity, one might get the impression that, while the Holy Spirit inspired the apostles, apostolic activity in subsequent generations depends on merely human initiative. Avery Cardinal Dulles, Evangelization in the Third Millennium, 10

How tragic it would be if we left this study with the same impression! Over the past several weeks, we have studied Scripture, Church teachings and missionary methods. None of this has any power or efficacy without the activity and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. It is only through the Holy Spirit that we have grace to do good, especially the good work of evangelization. Vatican II and numerous papal documents underline the Church's teaching on the primacy of the Holy Spirit in evangelization. Today we will focus on a large section from Pope Paul VI's encyclical Evangelii Nuntiandi, 75.


4. Underline key phrases as the selection is read aloud. Evangelization will never be possible without the action of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit descends on Jesus of Nazareth at the moment of His baptism when the voice of the Father — "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased" — manifests in an external way the election of Jesus and His mission. Jesus is "led by the Spirit" to experience in the desert the decisive combat and the supreme test before beginning this mission. It is "in the power of the Spirit" that He returns to Galilee and begins His preaching at Nazareth, applying to Himself the passage of Isaiah: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me." And He proclaims: "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled." To the disciples whom He was about to send forth He says, breathing on them, "Receive the Holy Spirit." In fact, it is only after the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost that the apostles depart to all the ends of the earth in order to begin the great work of the Church's evangelization. Peter explains this event as the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel: "I will pour out my spirit." Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit so that he can speak to the people about Jesus, the Son of God. Paul too is filled with the Holy Spirit before dedicating himself to his apostolic ministry, as is Stephen when he is chosen for the ministry of service and later on for the witness of blood. The Spirit, who causes Peter, Paul and the Twelve to speak, and who inspires the words that they are to utter, also comes down "on those who heard the word." It is in the "consolation of the Holy Spirit" that the Church increases. The Holy Spirit is the soul of the Church. It is He who explains to the faithful the deep meaning of the teaching of Jesus and of His mystery. It is the Holy Spirit who, today just as at the beginning of the Church, acts in every evangelizer who allows himself to be possessed and led by Him. The Holy Spirit places on his lips the words which he could not find by himself, and at the same time the Holy Spirit predisposes the soul of the hearer to be open and 124

receptive to the Good News and to the kingdom being proclaimed. Techniques of evangelization are good, but even the most advanced ones could not replace the gentle action of the Spirit. The most perfect preparation of the evangelizer has no effect without the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit the most convincing dialectic has no power over the heart of man. Without Him the most highly developed schemas resting on a sociological or psychological basis are quickly seen to be quite valueless. We live in the Church at a privileged moment of the Spirit. Everywhere people are trying to know Him better, as the Scripture reveals Him. They are happy to place themselves under His inspiration. They are gathering about Him; they want to let themselves be led by Him. Now if the Spirit of God has a preeminent place in the whole life of the Church, it is in her evangelizing mission that He is most active. It is not by chance that the great inauguration of evangelization took place on the morning of Pentecost, under the inspiration of the Spirit. It must be said that the Holy Spirit is the principal agent of evangelization: it is He who impels each individual to proclaim the Gospel, and it is He who in the depths of consciences causes the word of salvation to be accepted and understood.

5. How does Pope Paul VI describe the action of the Holy Spirit in: a) evangelization In Evangelization: Evangelization is impossible without the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is most active in the Church in her evangelizing mission. He is the principle agent of evangelization; without him, our efforts are in vain.


b) the evangelizer For the Evangelizer: The Holy Spirit acts in the evangelizer, impelling and calling him to proclaim the Gospel. The Holy Spirit explains deep spiritual truths to him, leads him, inspires him to speak and gives him the words to say.

c) the one being evangelized? For the one being Evangelized: The Holy Spirit prepares him to be open to receive and understand the Good News. Leaders: Follow up by asking, “Have you witnessed the Holy Spirit's action in these three areas?�

6. Redemptoris Missio, 45, also speaks about the working of the Holy Spirit in evangelization. Underline key words as it is read. In proclaiming Christ to non-Christians, the missionary is convinced that, through the working of the Spirit, there already exists in individuals and peoples an expectation, even if an unconscious one, of knowing the truth about God, about man, and about how we are to be set free from sin and death. The missionary's enthusiasm in proclaiming Christ comes from the conviction that he is responding to that expectation, and so he does not become discouraged or cease his witness even when he is called to manifest his faith in an environment that is hostile or indifferent. He knows that the Spirit of the Father is speaking through him and he can say with the apostles: "We are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit" (Acts 5:32). He knows that he is not proclaiming a human truth, but the "word of God," which has an intrinsic and mysterious power of its own. Redemptoris Missio, 45


7. What does Pope John Paul II tell us about our missionary efforts? 路 The Holy Spirit prepares people to hear the kerygma 路 We are confident that our proclamation a response of obedience to God's call, and to meet the need of the hearer, to hear the Good News. 路 We are confident that God is working through us in our witness. 路 We are confident that the Word of God, and of course the Gospel message itself has intrinsic power. For example as it says in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes."

8. How does the Holy Spirit allow us to have great expectations in our mission? How does he affect your specific mission to your "Timothys"? If I truly recognize the power of the Holy Spirit and understand that evangelization is impossible without him, then I can expect great things when I depend on him to make my mission fruitful. I can expect him to accomplish great things today, as he has done in the past, in the lives of the apostles and saints. Regarding our mission to our "Timothys", recognizing these truths about the Holy Spirit should give us greater freedom, because see that success does not depend on us. Ultimately, it is the Holy Spirit who will open their hearts. I can have confidence that if the Holy Spirit has led me to this person, then somehow he has a plan to do something!


Summary The mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit is brought to completion in the Church…. The Spirit prepares men and goes out to them with his grace, in order to draw them to Christ. The Spirit manifests the risen Lord to them, recalls his word to them and opens their minds to the understanding of his Death and Resurrection. He makes present the mystery of Christ, supremely in the Eucharist, in order to reconcile them, to bring them into communion with God, that they may "bear much fruit." CCC 737

Because we are assured of the Holy Spirit's direct activity in evangelization, we can have a heart of great expectations that God is truly seeking and able to speak to people's hearts as we step out in faith and witness to our faith in Jesus Christ. At the end of this final lesson, Commission sends its participants out — commissioned and empowered by the Holy Spirit to pass on the message and the mission. Consider yourselves sent to go and bear much fruit for the greater glory of God!

Closing Prayer Understanding the Holy Spirit as the primary agent of evangelization, and his active and indispensable role in all missionary efforts, let us now take a moment to invite the Holy Spirit to activate the graces and gifts we received at our Baptism and Confirmation, so that we might be strengthened for the ministry to which we are called. 1. As a group, pray for the Holy Spirit to be stirred up in your lives. · For openness and docility to the Holy Spirit. · For the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit to be active and effective in our lives. · To invite the Holy Spirit to have his way in the lives of the "Timothys" to whom we feel called to reach. · To invite the Holy Spirit to direct the plans and projects we feel he is leading us to undertake. 128

2. Pray for each member of the group individually. Throughout the Bible, the "laying on of hands" is modelled as an effective way to pray for someone, especially when invoking the Holy Spirit (e.g. Acts 19:6). Take turns praying briefly in this way for each member. Suggested prayers: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth. Or Stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and selfcontrol. (2 Timothy 1:6-7) 3. Together, pray aloud the "CCO Apostles' Prayer". CCO Apostles’ Prayer Lord, when you called Abraham, he responded, “Ready.” When you called Isaiah, he answered, “Here I am Lord.” When the angel Gabriel called out to Mary, she responded, “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.” Lord, I hear you calling my name. I hear you entrusting me with the task of building your kingdom. Like those holy men and women who have gone before me, I give you my ‘yes!’ I will go anywhere you want me to go. I will do anything you want me to do. I will say anything you want me to say. Holy Spirit I welcome you and ask you to guide me. Form in me an apostle’s heart — filled with love for Christ and zeal for souls. I will commit myself with courage and generosity to the New Evangelization. I will build brick-by-brick, the city of God inside the city of man. Amen. * “I will build brick-by-brick, the city of God inside the city of man” is taken from Pope John Paul II’s homily at WYD Toronto on the evening of July 27, 2002.



Appendix The Relationships Diagram The relationships diagram is an effective tool to help people open their hearts to Jesus. It also helps people to understand the kind of relationship he desires to have with us: a relationship of friendship, intimacy, commitment, fidelity, mercy and love.

The top three images represent levels of commitment in three kinds of human relationships. The dashes around the person represent various aspects of their life such as: career, school, family, recreation, etc. The first image represents someone who is single; there is no romantic relationship in their life. The second image represents 131

someone who is dating. This relationship is a part of their life, but commitment is limited. The third image represents someone who is married; there is an intimate relationship and a permanent mutual commitment. Let's compare this to our relationship with God The bottom three images represent levels of commitment in a relationship with God. The first image represents someone who does not have a relationship with Jesus. As far as this person is concerned, Jesus is outside their life. The second image represents someone who acknowledges Jesus as a part of their life, but has not completely committed to him. Jesus is just one aspect of their life among many others. The third image represents a Christ-centered relationship. This relationship is primary and central, influencing all decisions and every aspect of their life. Which image best represents your relationship with God? Which image would you like to have represent your relationship with God?


Commission Follow-Up Objective: to help participants make a personal plan for their “Timothy”. As you meet with each group member, your goal is to help him/her identify the “Timothy” or “Timothys” in his/her life. Sticking to one “Timothy” is probably the best place to start, as this will allow you to develop the most concrete and clear plan. Some may feel that their “Timothy” is not an individual, but rather a ministry or group. This is fine too, although it might involve more planning. The meeting outline is straightforward:

1. Brainstorm: To whom do I sense the Lord calling me to reach out? What opportunities for evangelization is he presenting to me?

2. Select: Select just one “Timothy” for now.

3. Plan: a) For a “Timothy”: Discern how to be intentional. · What are my dreams, hopes and great expectations for my “Timothy”? · Am I willing to love him/her, listen to him/her, and truly

communicate God's love and care for him/her in a nonjudgmental way? · Pre-evangelization (if necessary) o How can I build my relationship with this person? o How can I connect with him/her? o How can I delight in him/her? o How can I identify with him/her?


· Evangelization

o What would be a good venue/opportunity to share the kerygma with him/her? o How can I communicate the Good News and God's love to him/her in a way that takes into account his/her situation? o Do I need practice or tools to help me communicate the kerygma clearly, simply, confidently, comfortably?

· Strategy to keep him/her connected

o What can I do to make sure he/she keeps growing? o How can I help him/her get to the sacraments (Eucharist, Reconciliation)?

b) For a ministry or group: · What is my dream for how this ministry/group could be revitalized though a greater focus on Jesus? · What relationships do I need to build and invest in so as to

strengthen the missionary spirit of this group? · What lines of authority do I need to go through before I

implement changes in the ministry (for example, group leaders, pastor, pastoral council, etc.)? · How can I move forward in the best way possible? · Goal-based planning: How can I make the Gospel message

central to this ministry or group? · Planning: timeline, strategy for implementing change one step

at a time, etc. · Support: a core group of likeminded people, “buy-in” from

others, advice from others who have done similar things, prayer support.


· Logistics: materials, location; are we creating conflicts with

other groups in our use of space or competing with their mandate? 4. Pray/intercede: Take time to pray and intercede together to ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and wisdom. Lay hands on the person and pray for a stirring of the Holy Spirit in his/her life, to empower him/her. This is very important. Jesus told his disciples not to go out on mission until they received the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-8).

Challenge: This week, prepare a draft of what you think God is calling you to do with your “Timothy” or ministry. (You will continue to discern over the course of Commission).



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