SHOWCASE Magazine (SCMzine Publication) October 2013 Edition

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LaShanda Henry





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october 2013

SHOWCASE MAGAZINE * GUEST CONTRIBUTORS* Melisha Anderson-Ruiz Author Sharon Fox Tifini Lewis


INSIDE EDITION october 2013

10 FEATURE: LaShanda Henry Web Designer and Founder of 15+ Websites for People of Color LaShanda Henry has been developing websites for over 10 years. She owns over 15 web properties and is most passionate about two things: creating positive websites for people of color and helping women entrepreneurs learn how to build successful businesses online. Ms. Henry graduated Columbia University and received her bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2002. “My life’s mission is to motvate.inform.inspire.connect. With my mother in mind, I do what I do for parents looking to better their children’s lives and for women striving to live their dreams. I love to share information and build communities online. It’s what I do and who I am.”

Bichelle Harrison Gaetane Borders

Kathryn Finney Connie Muhammad

Glenell Randolph

Valerie Burton

Contact SHOWCASE Magazine 13. Bichelle Harrison, celebrity massage professional, entrepreneur. Born and raised in Whitesboro, a small black community in Southern New Jersey, from parents Bobby and Brenda D. Harrison with nine other siblings who all begin with the letter “B” a.k.a. “The ‘B’ Family”. 15. Kathryn Finney is the founder and Managing Director of digitalundivided (DID), a social enterprise that develops programs that increase the participation of urban communities, especially women, in the digital space. DID’s programs have reached over 4 million people. In 2013, Kathryn received the Champions of Change Award from The White House for her working in increasing inclusiveness in tech. 22. Gaetane Borders is one of Georgia's highly acclaimed School Psychologists, and has devoted her life to making an impact in the lives of families. She is an advocate of children rights, and works tirelessly to help parents achieve healthy, harmonious, and emotionally stable environments for children. As President of Peas in Their Pods, Gaétane helps to spread awareness about the epidemic of child abduction, and aims to arm parents with the knowledge necessary to prevent such tragedies. 24. Connie Muhammad Singer, songwriter, lyricist, and producerConnie Muhammad (formerly known as Nutmeg) is a native of Phoenix,Arizona. Early on, her influences such as Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and Fire, and Chaka Khan were being played throughout her childhood home. Connie honed her skills to first imitate her favorites. She then grew to recognize her own gifts and the joy that music gave her. In the early eighties, hip-hop music and its' span of influence was growing immensely. 6 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

Building Relationships I read somewhere recently that women are not supporting each other in record numbers, the problem stems from insecurities, not wanting other women to succeed. That may be true for some, I can honestly say we do support one another, timing is everything. In my own opinion building relationships first has become a critical component when it comes to networking, a lesson I learned along time ago We may be all going in different directions when making an impact in this world, and yet I truly believe that in everyway Women still have the most valuable presence on this earth. Be inspired by all the women featured in this edition, each one has the opportunity to bring something unique and special to your table. I hope you become inspired, encouraged by all the Women in this edition.. Denise Bethune Editor-In Chief/Co-Founder

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Photo courtesy DList Magazine/Photograher Mark Chard

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Achieve your own personal definition of succ When I approached LaShanda about being the featured progressive Black Woman, I have to admit I was alittle nervous about what her response would be. I have been apart of her growing network, which provides so much information for entrepreneuers, featured in some of the top publications, conference host and so much more. Why would she agree to be apart of a new magazine focusing on Black Women, because her MISSION: TO MOTIVATE. INFORM. INSPIRE. CONNECT. That’s exactly what I get. I will insist that you connect with LaShanda Henry, taking your business to the next level..

Web Designer and Founder of 15+ Websites for People of Color LaShanda Henry has been developing websites for over 10 years. She owns over 15 web properties and is most passionate about two things: creating positive websites for people of color and helping women entrepreneurs learn how to build successful businesses online. Ms. Henry graduated Columbia University and received her bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2002. “My life’s mission is to motvate.inform.inspire.connect. With my mother in mind, I do what I do for parents looking to better their children’s lives and for women striving to live their dreams. I love to share information and build communities online. It’s what I do and who I am.” Some of LaShanda’s most popular websites include: Multiple Shades of You Online (an African American Web Portal) The Black Business Women Online Social Network SistaSense Money and Marketing blog designed to help women entrepreneurs make sense of making money online The Black Moms Club (a Social Networking community) The Black Parenting Blog

As both a web designer and internet marketing coach, LaShanda has been featured in magazines such as Essence, Ebony, The Network Journal, and As a blogger she has worked with brands including Disney, General Mills, TNT, Walmart, and many others. LaShanda is truly on a mission to use technology as a tool to affect positive change within the black community online and at home. She presently lives in North Carolina with her son Christopher Eden Ottley (CEO) and his loving father Jean Paul Ottley. 10 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013


cess To contact LaShanda Henry or learn more about her work: | Q: LaShanda you certainly are the Woman about business, when did this all start, and what or whom inspired you? I’ve had an entrepreneurial spirit for as long as I could remember. As a kid I would make bracelets and sell them at school. I’ve just always had a desire to do my own thing. When I got pregnant with my son, I read Kimberly Aller’s Seals book – ‘Mocha Manuals Guide to Pregnancy’, in which she talked about making the decision to leave her full time job and work at home. As I read her story I felt like it mirrored my own. At that point I made the decision to officially become a work at home mom and I haven’t looked back since. Strangely enough, a few years later Kimberly joined my social network ‘Black Business Women Online’. I’ve shared my story with her and we’ve worked together on occasion. I know how powerful it is to see other women actually living your dream, so I devote a great deal of my time to inspiring women around me. Q: You saw a need in bringing Women of Color together, what has been your biggest challenge, would you do anything different? My biggest challenge has always been that most of the women within my target market aren’t aware that my kind of online community and services are available to them. In combination with word of mouth marketing from the women within my online circles, I’ve worked very hard to proactively find and connect women entrepreneurs online. Q: Your expertise I'm sure comes with alot of questions, concerns from women who are not sure about certain steps to take in becoming entreprenuers, what advice have you given that has been most effective? I always encourage women to do one simple thing,

“Before you go online, get offline and write down your vision.” The web is filled with so much information, it’s easy to get lost, overwhelmed, or spend hours endlessly searching. I find that when you write down ‘specific questions’ or ‘areas of interest’, it is easier to go online and look for ‘targeted information’ vs ‘general information’.I also encourage women to get in the habit of blogging about their business experiences, as blogs are great low cost tools that can help you build a following and stay connected with your customers. Q: Black Business Women Online (BBWO) has become a wealth of resources, growing everyday, a result of your vision, how does it feel to be recognized amongst the top Women in Business? ( when your name is mentioned the words respect, powerful echo's) I truly appreciate all the support and recognition I have received over the years, but I honestly feel there is so much more that I can do to make BBWO better. At the end of the day if I see a need, I want to fill that need. Plus I like doing things on my own terms and feel good knowing that I don’t get caught up in outside agendas or public perceptions of me. The key is to achieve your own personal definition of success; this is what I strive to do and encourage others to do the same. Q: What does the future hold for LaShanda Henry? Over the past decade I’ve seen many online entrepreneurs come and go. My goal is to continue to build on the communities I’ve established for women and sustain trustworthy brands that others can look to as a source of inspiration and information. I’m definitely not looking to be a one hit wonder in the web world. As technology evolves I hope to stick around for the ride and continue to develop wonderful web projects along the way.

“My life’s mission is to MOTIVATE. INFORM. INSPIRE. CONNECT LaShanda Henry

11 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013


AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT Megan Mottley Glamour Girl: How To Get The Ultimate Makeover takes a fresh look at a woman’s need to feel and look beautiful not only in the sight of man but most importantly in the sight of God. Beauty was created by God, therefore, in the midst of all the cosmetics and beauty rituals are biblical principles. The Glamour Girl book teaches women how to recognize the beauty that God has given them and how to utilize this special gift. This book also takes beauty rituals to another level by teaching women the spiritual and practical applications of makeup. Glamour Girl: How To Get The Ultimate Makeover explores and explains the biblical book of Esther. Before becoming queen, Esther, had to undergo a very rigorous beauty treatment that lasted 365 days! Readers will quickly recognize why Esther’s portrayal of beauty, strength and courage make her a True Glamour Girl and the perfect example for women to follow. By the end of this book, the reader will acknowledge the need to look deeper and dig deeper to find purpose in their beauty and beauty treatments, just as Queen Esther did. Glamour Girl: How To Get The Ultimate Makeover explores and explains the biblical book of

Esther. Before becoming queen, Esther, had to undergo a very rigorous beauty treatment that lasted 365 days! Readers will quickly recognize why Esther’s portrayal of beauty, strength and courage make her a True Glamour Girl and the perfect example for women to follow. By the end of this book, the reader will acknowledge the need to look deeper and dig deeper to find purpose in their beauty and beauty treatments, just as Queen Esther did. As the most unique book on its subject, Glamour Girl: How To Get The Ultimate Makeover features practical beauty tips that are woven throughout the book and includes a Self Discovery B.E.A.U.T.Y. Guide at the end of the book for personal reflection. Writing is therapeutic and by indulging in the Self Discovery B.E.A.U.T.Y. Guide, readers will be one step closer to discovering their purpose and walking boldly in their purpose like a true Glamour Girl! Glamour Girl: How To Get The Ultimate Makeover is a “must read” for any woman seeking true beauty – both inner and outer. Every woman who reads this book will discover the BIGGEST beauty secret ever and she will know exactly how to get the ultimate makeover! 12 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

LIFESTYLE An Exclusive Experience

“The It Girl” Bichelle Harrison, celebrity massage professional, entrepreneur. Born and raised in Whitesboro, a small black community in Southern New Jersey, from parents Bobby and Brenda D. Harrison with nine other siblings who all begin with the letter “B” a.k.a. “The ‘B’ Family”. Bichelle has always had a strong, go-getter personality with big dreams for herself and her family until this day. Her passion for God and servicing those in need has helped her to overcome some of the biggest obstacles of her life, one being her own attitude. That is one of the reasons why she positions herself in fields of service that helps those who want to be helped to achieve their goals, whatever that may be. Whether it’s feeling good about him or herself, getting rid of anger issues, dealing with their current situations or environment, improving their inner and outer self. Bichelle began her massage career at NMTI an NCTBMB school where she was at the top of the class, and had her start with celebrity clientele when working for a celebrity masseuse who is also a pioneer of backstage massage. Bichelle has also sharpened her skills by training at an academy for one month in London, learning many massage techniques before going to work on the cruise ships and experiencing the beauty of many countries in Europe and the Caribbean. Last year, Bichelle had decided to overcome another obstacle; having the faith and confidence to launch out as a business owner. Continuing in the field of service she now relieves stressors of life within the mind, body, and spirit. Enlightening others through massage, THE IT GIRL MASSAGE THERAPY, L.L.C. (founded in 2012) gives each and every one of the ‘IT’ clients his or her own exclusive experience. “We focus on the individual so it’s not just the rubbing and kneading of the muscle, but with healing hands, dispensing love; allowing the muscle to heal itself. No one body is the same so all should not be massaged the same either, but all should be given the exact pressure needed for the individuals’ body and/or muscle type. We feel that the right pressure and body mechanics are crucial for our clients’ relaxation. It can either make or break the massage.” THE IT GIRL MASSAGE THERAPY will be accepting

incalls at its new location at The Flowers Healing Arts & CKG, a wellness center at 460 Bloomfield Avenue in Montclair, New Jersey. You can follow this new up and coming company on Facebook: TheITGirlMassageTherapy and on Twitter @ITGirlMassage. You can also follow Bichelle Harrison on Instagram @LadyBichelle. Bichelle, if you had one thing to say to black women business owners, what would that be.? Stay focused, be yourself and don't let anyone discourage you from completing your vision. You have an idea? Go for it! Start making plans even if you may not have all of the resources to complete whatever it is you're trying to do. Romans 4:17 states "....calleth those things which be not as though they were." So walk everyday as if you already have it without the fear and take a step each day toward that goal.

13 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

SoulFoodie™ Healthy Living Tips SoulFoodie™ – You Are What You Eat, Duh! You are what you eat. The foods you choose influence your weight, body fat level, and overall health. Your dietary options are as follows: Option 1 – A junk food diet does not feed your body what it needs. It reacts by telling you to eat more! You keep feeding your body nutrient devoid foods in mass quantities. You eat more still. And you enter the obesity cycle. The end results are weight gain, inflammation, acne, depression, diminished energy, infertility, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, cancer, migraines, constipation, fibromyalgia, and so on. Option 2 – A SoulFoodie™ diet where the more super or power foods you include in your diet, the healthier and more fit you will be. A diet filled with nutrient rich foods, fiber, protein, and healthy fats work together to get you feeling satisfied. Your digestive system functions the way it should. Nutrients pass into your body and fiber and waste products are eliminated out. Your cells (skin, muscles, brain) are regenerated with nutrients and are healthy. When you feed your body nutrient rich foods, it says, ―full‖. It tells you are powered up for an active lifestyle – not to sit around and eat another package of cookies, ice cream, or chips.

A SoulFoodie™ diet is really quiet easy and the right choice for you. 1. Eat a rainbow of colors of fruits and vegetables every day. 2. Make sure that you eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Spicing Up Your [Super] SoulFoodie™ Foods Cooking with herbs and spices is very beneficial for our health. Adding herbs and spices to your meals to detox your body, lose weight naturally, balance your hormones or serve as a sleep remedy. Some herbs and spices act on digestion, metabolism, or appetite to impact weight loss. Certain substances can increase your metabolism or thermogenesis, which may lead to weight loss. For example:

2. Olive oil is the oil to use. It helps to keep your cholesterol levels down and is one of the best fat burning super foods. 3. Cayenne contains a substance called capsaicin, which may stimulate digestion and increase metabolism and fat burning. Try natural herbs and spices to bring out the true flavors of [Super] SoulFoodie™ foods. You may be surprised at how much you can enjoy food without adding salt. Below is a list of herbs and spices that are excellent in bringing out the true flavors of soul food vegetables:

Vegetable: Tomato dishes Spice: Olive Oil, Bay Leaves, Marjoram, Chives, Garlic, Parsley, Thyme and Basil Vegetable: Fresh Salads/Fresh Vegetables Spice: Olive Oil, Cilantro, Dill Weed, Black Pepper, Parsley Vegetable: Bean dishes Spice: Olive Oil, Parsley, Black Pepper, Cumin, Thyme, Cayenne Vegetable: Green Beans Spice: Olive Oil, Savory, Parsley, Celery Seed, Rosemary, Saffron Vegetable: Carrots, Cauliflower Spice: Olive Oil, Black Pepper, Basil, Chili Powder, Rosemary For extra spice, use black pepper, red pepper, and white pepper. Lemon or Lime juice over fresh steamed vegetables also adds flavor. ―Vinegars such as cider, balsamic, flavored, red wine, or white, are excellent with cucumbers, cooked greens, and spinach dishes.‖ Source: -veggie-article.html

1. Garlic is good for natural weight loss and assists in the reduction of fatty deposits. 14 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE: Increasing the participation of Urban communities in the digital space, especially for women Kathryn Finney is the founder and Managing Director of digitalundivided (DID), a social enterprise that develops programs that increase the participation of urban communities, especially women, in the digital space. DID’s programs have reached over 4 million people. In 2013, Kathryn received the Champions of Change Award from The White House for her working in increasing inclusiveness in tech. She’s currently serves an Editor-At-Large, an advisory role, at BlogHer, inc. She’s also the CEO of TBF Group, LLC, parent company of the highly influential The Budget Fashionista Brand, which reaches a global audience of more than 13 million+ unique visitors a year. An honors graduate of Yale University and Rutgers University, Kathryn and The Budget Fashionista has been featured in more than 1000 media outlets, including the TODAY show, Good Morning America, the New York Times, USA TODAY, the Wall Street Journal, Black Enterprise, New York Magazine, Forbes and InStyle. The success of the SGM sites have led to several cross platform partnerships, including the book: How to be a Budget Fashionista (Random House), which is currently in its 9th printing, and partnerships with major brands such as Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble, TJ Maxx/ Marshalls, Sears, Nordstrom, and Paypal. Kathryn is a frequent keynote speaker at conferences such as FOCUS100, Black Enterprise Small Business, BlogHer, General Assembly, South by Southwest (SXSW), New York Women in Communications, Women’s Funding Network,


Columbia School of Business, and numerous colleges and universities. Kathryn and her family live in New York City. More info may be found at

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Finding herself trying to climb the corporate ladder of a mid size bank, La Shonda Tyree quickly found out that job security was a thing of the past. After being downsized after a corporate merger, La Shonda began to wonder if her new hobby of soapmaking, which was La Shonda Tyree helping those closest to her would benefit others. In 2002 Nyah was born. After operating her full time handcrafted bath and body line for four years, La Shonda, aka The Handmade Soap Coach, began to turn her focus to teaching others the artisan craft of soapmaking and handmade natural cosmetics. During this time it was the perfect opportunity to streamline the focus of her bath and body line which currently only manufactures luxury artisan soaps for retail. She loves sharing the craft of soapmaking with others through her teachings. Seeing how it sparks a light of hope for those who may be looking to transition careers, build confidence in what current business owners already possess or unleash creativity that has laid dormant due to day to day living brings her joy. La Shonda served the handcrafted soapmaking community for five years on the board of directors of the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetics Guild (formerly the Handcrafted Soapmakers Guild) and cur-

rently serves the handcrafted natural cosmetics industry as the Indie Business Network Local Director in North Jersey, http:/ She has spoken before an elite group of handcrafted and small business owners on the mastermind Indie Cruise in February 2013. In 2011, she co-founded Beauty That Cares which improves the lives of girls and women through education, creation and donation. This hand-on natural cosmetics workshop empowers girls to become entrepreneurs, instill teamwork, spark creativity, learn about natural beauty and understand the importance of giving back to the community. Beauty That Cares Workshop has become a regular offering for the Girl Scouts Heart of NJ Council.

18 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013


ELEGANT PASTA SALAD 8 ounces tri-colored pasta, any shape 1 cup grated parmesan cheese, from the deli 1 cup fat-free Italian salad dressing 1 cup Caesar dressing 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1 red onion, chopped 1/2 lb. cheddar cheese, cut in 1/2 inch cubes 2 cups broccoli florets, steamed until barely tender 1/2 cup sliced ripe olives Cook and drain the pasta. Toss all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Chill for a minimum of four hours. Put in your prettiest clear glass bowl, and serve. Makes 8

I have held a passion for cooking since I was a small child. I learned the basics from my great-grandmother, and later my skills were sharpened by my late father. I have worked in the food industry since I was 16, but was quite skilled in my craft by the time I turned 13. Over the years I have worked as a cake decorator, wedding cake designer, owned a catering business, instructed cooking classes, worked as a Private Chef, developed a line of gourmet grilling sauces and seasonings, become a radio personality, worked as Food Editor for 4 magazines, and written 2 books! In addition to cooking and writing about food, I also love to

inspire others to live their best life. I believe we were all born with a divine purpose. That purpose is not for us to use selfishly, but to make a difference in the lives of others. I encourage everyone to find their purpose, and believe that they can use it to benefit humanity, and live a fulfilling life. When I am not cooking or writing, I love to spend quality time with my family and friends. I enjoy outdoors, travelling, reading, and spreading love to everyone. 19 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

Believe You Can Do It How you explain your success and failure predicts more about your potential than you think Key Lessons Optimism is a key to reaching high levels of success Adopt a “growth mindset” rather than a fixed one Take notice of your thoughts—and adjust them as needed Cecily struggled with her weight for several years before her doctor gave her a serious wake-up call: she was prediabetic. She needed to lose 40 pounds and maintain a regimen of exercise and a healthier diet. The midafternoon vending machine runs for Little Debbies and potato chips would need to stop. So would the couch potato habits and all the excuses for why she didn’t have time to exercise. But every time Cecily talked about doing better, her thoughts and subsequent words looked something like this: I’ve tried before and failed. What’s the point of trying again if the same thing is going to happen? It’s a waste of time. I just need to accept that I’m a big woman. My mother is big. My sister gained weight after 30. Why should I think I can be any different? Healthy food is bland. I don’t want it. And I’m embarrassed to work out in public. I don’t want people staring at my flabby, overweight body. I can’t do this. With these thoughts, Cecily set out to do what the doctor suggested. As you can imagine, her efforts were short-lived. Her counterproductive thoughts overpowered her intentions. Actions follow thoughts, and counterproductive thoughts will always send you in the opposite direction of your goal. Think back for a moment to a recent failure. Maybe it was a relationship that went south or a promotion you were denied or a decision that got you into hot water. Or maybe it is something simpler—a test you failed or that 21-day diet that you’d already given up on by day two. Got a failure in mind? We all have them. Now, answer this question honestly and without too much thought: Why did you fail? Jot down the first things that come to mind. Just a short bullet-pointed list: Did you write down your reasons? If not, don’t skip that part. Write it down.

It’s a simple exercise, but noticing how you think about failure can tell you a great deal about how high you will ascend on the success ladder. Numerous books will tell you that to be successful, you should simply emulate successful people. It can be tempting, then, to observe a woman who has achieved success, whether in her relationships or finances or health or work, and take notes about the steps she took to get to her destination. Why is it, then, that you can take two women with very similar backgrounds, education, and experience, and one excels while the other languishes? Why does one clear the hurdle when she faces it and the other trips and falls flat on her face, never to get up again? Why does one set big, compelling goals while the other settles for far less than she seems capable of    ? Many of the answers to these questions cannot be found by simply observing the steps each woman chose to take. The more important insight is to understand what caused one of them to take those steps—to even think to take those steps—while the other did not. The edge the successful woman has over the average is in her thought processes. It is not external, but internal. Sometimes it is learned through experiences and parental examples. However, some aspects of the thought process come very naturally to you. You are either more optimistic or pessimistic in your thinking. Although you may naturally lean in one direction or the other in the face of a challenge or opportunity, an optimistic thinking style can be learned. Let me be specific about what I mean by these two terms. The hallmark of a pessimist is that she tends to believe negative events in life will last forever, will impact everything she does, and are all her fault. But when faced with similar circumstances, the optimist believes just the opposite. She sees the event as a temporary setback, believes it is limited to this specific instance, and doesn’t blame it all on herself. Instead, the optimist sees all of the external circumstances that contributed—other people, poor timing, and even God’s will. So let’s go back to that recent failure you identified a moment ago and take a look at the reasons you gave for it. Re-read what you wrote. Then, answer one more question: Are all of your reasons personal faults and character traits? In other words, are your reasons things that you can’t do anything about or are some of your reasons changeable? 20 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT Valerie Burton Women who are most successful explain their failures in terms of things they can take control over. In other words, they realize they have weaknesses and faults, but those are not the sole reasons why things go wrong. Instead, they focus on the external reasons— people who made things more difficult, the fact that they weren’t as prepared as they could have been, the fact that the economy was bad, the weather was bad, the boss was having a bad day again. None of these reasons have permanent implications. After all, next time she can prepare better, the weather may improve, the economy won’t be bad forever, and even if the boss keeps his job, she can always find another boss to work for in another department or company. Failing this time doesn’t mean failing next time. With a few intentional tweaks and changes, the next go-round will be a clean slate. The successful woman is hopeful. She is empowered by knowledge of lessons gleaned from the failure of the previous try. She doesn’t take failure personally and she knows that failing doesn’t make her a failure. She knows that internalizing failure is a death sentence for her dreams. After all, if you’re a failure, what’s the point of attempting to be a success? This last question is critical. The two thinking styles—optimistic and pessimistic—produce specific results. Numerous studies illustrate that pessimists don’t persevere. They give up more easily. They become depressed more often. And for women, this is even more pronounced. We are twice as likely as men to experience depression, and the average age of the first onset of depression is now just 14 years old—half the age it was just a few decades ago. Because we experience higher highs and lower lows emotionally than men do, we can be more sensitive to the emotional impact of our goals and efforts to reach them. Having an optimistic thinking style results in feelings that encourage us to persevere in the face of challenges. Consider the girl who sets out to sell Girl Scout cookies. Her goal is to sell 20 boxes in front of the grocery store on Saturday. When her four-hour shift is over, she has sold just four boxes. You ask her what happened and the conversation goes something like this: You: I’m sure you were disappointed. Why do you think you only sold four boxes? Girl: I’m no good at selling anything. My mom said she had a sales job once and she’s no good at it either. Nobody likes these cookies that much. I hate bothering people. Everybody’s on a budget these days and all the women say they’re trying to lose weight and can’t eat sweets. I don’t know if I’m going to bother going back next Saturday. Now, I know you’re not a little girl, but sometimes when it comes to self-talk that little girl voice emerges and it can sabotage your success. The eternal pessimist explains her failures as personal (flaws or traits that have no hope of changing), permanent (the problem will exist forever), and pervasive (the personal flaw that caused the failure will sabotage your success in other ways too). Psychologists call it your “explanatory” or thinking style. I call it the determining factor in whether or not you will be as successful as

you are capable of being. The sooner you start paying attention to what you say to yourself about your life, your circumstances, and yes, your failures, the sooner you will break through to the next level. Learning to fail forward At 28, Meredith Moore became the youngest director in the McDonald’s Corporation. But her stellar career didn’t start off so stellar. A series of bumps could have bruised her, but instead took her on an inner journey that landed her in a role reporting to the president of one of the most recognizable brands in the world. When Meredith graduated from Howard University with a degree in communications, the Minnesota native took a job at an international financial services firm. Initially she was trained to be a stock-broker, but passing the licensing exam proved to be struggle. Still, on the job she was a star performer her first year—an accolade she thought would be rewarded. But in the stodgy “good ole boy” environment, her talent wasn’t as great an asset as she’d imagined. “The HR rep at the company said something peculiar after my first year and I’ve always remembered it: ‘Talented people push back.’ ” In other words, talented people see where there is room for improvement and expect that others want to improve. Talented people question the status quo. Talented people are driven to succeed and therefore they notice what’s happening—or not happening—that might impede success. The culture was not a good fit and Meredith was soon reassigned from the East Coast to the Midwest. “The company was stuck in 1955,” she reflects. “They didn’t want new people.” If the culture had been the only problem, she may have been able to persist longer, but soon Meredith found that her competence was being called into question on a regular basis— something she’d never experienced before. For years, Meredith had confidence in her ability to write—it was something that brought her a sense of joy and accomplishment. It was a gift she’d honed over the years, especially in college. Now, she had a supervisor who told her plain and simple, “You can’t write.” To make matters worse, the supervisor refused to offer any feedback on what exactly she needed to improve. “I had always been pretty good at assessing my abilities. Since childhood, I had been a good writer. The organization beat me down so much that I started to say to myself, ‘I’m not a good writer.’ But my job in marketing and communications was 90 percent writing.” Taken from Successful Women Think Differently. Copyright © 2012 by Valorie Burton. Published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon. Used by Permission.

21 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

Advocating for children and families Gaetane Borders School Psychologist-Parenting Expert-Writer-Child Advocate With her bubbly and feisty personality, Gaétane is able to reach a broad audience. Her experience is diverse, and her passion is unparalleled. She is one of Georgia's highly acclaimed School Psychologists, and has devoted her life to making an impact in the lives of families. She is an advocate of children rights, and works tirelessly to help parents achieve healthy, harmonious, and emotionally stable environments for children. As President of Peas in Their Pods, Gaétane helps to spread awareness about the epidemic of child abduction, and aims to arm parents with the knowledge necessary to prevent such tragedies. Gaétane's dedication to empowering parents has made her sought after, as she is often asked to contribute her expertise on radio shows, magazines and television programs. She has been featured on the Maury Povich Show, CNN News Room, HLN, CBS The Early Show, Real Savvy Moms, and has written articles for, and various other national publications. Gaétane has also been a regular contributor to the Nancy Grace Show. As a frequent guest parenting expert on Fox's "The Morning Show," Gaétane shared effective parenting techniques that resonated with the viewers. Q: What are your hopes for our children and families, and as a community what more can we do to foster change? As a psychologist, community member and parent, I have so many hopes for our children and families. I


want so much to see great things coming from our communities and schools. I want to see adults modeling appropriate behavior for kids, and raising them to know that it is okay to be smart, respectful, and to value education. I definitely think that as a nation we can do better, and that there is a chasm between where we can be and where we actually are. Change will come if we collectively see this issue as a priority. No longer can we simply focus on our own nuclear families, because that only places a bandage on a bigger issue. Issues in the community will eventually affect you. That is why it is so important to get involved by mentoring our youth, volunteering in schools, and recreating that sense of community that we once had. Q: Do you believe our missing children of color are getting more media attention if so what are the changes that you see.. Years ago when Peas In Their Pods was first established, we found that there was a resistance to acknowledging that children of color did not receive adequate media coverage. Moreover, we even found that people often did not want to talk about the issue at all. We even found that the Black media was also disinterested in the subject. Thankfully this has changed somewhat. Although children of color continue to receive the least amount of media coverage, what has changed are people's attitudes. I have always said that if we could get people to talk about this issue, they would begin to care. Once they care...they will be motivated to help make a change.

22 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT Glenell Randolph Lula Mae is on the bus returning from Los Angeles, California. She is now over 30 years old and full of regret and disappointments. She’s a woman now; wise and ready for the opportunity to take back what she felt she had lost. Lula is heading back home to Angelwood, Texas. She’s coming home to regain the spirituality in her soul and to regain the inner respect she lost while trying to find her womanhood. She steps off the bus on a hot Saturday afternoon. The sun is a scorching at 100° and the wind is barely blowing a breeze. Lula lays her head back and remembers when she was 17 years old. She was so full of excitement, adventure, and pure innocence. She wiped the sweat from her brow, takes a seat on the bench at the bus station, and starts to wonder back to the thought she had before the scorching sun kissed her face. As she waited for her cab, Lula started to reminisce back to what made her want to leave this small town. She was looking for what she thought would be love, respect, and beauty. Not knowing all the time it's inside a person's soul and mind. She remembered the woman that she thought was the essence of what every woman should be. That woman’s name was Ms. Shanta Hawkins. Lula knew the cab may take a while so she closed her eyes, leaned her head back, and then reminisced back to a place long ago. Lula thought back to when she was 17 years old. Lula is no different than a lot of us that have lost their inner spirit, and hope when a devastating event has occurred. We tend to take on our battles alone, instead of trusting in our relationship in God to lead us, and carry us through our times of troubles and disappointments. We have to let go and let God just a Lula realized in the end. However, it’s too bad she didn’t realize earlier that silver and Gold is not more important than the Love and goodness you can feel through believing in the name of Jesus. Lula was beaten, prostituted, and contemplated suicide before she realized what Grace and Mercy meant. Thanks to the Trinity-God the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, Lula is now at peace. She can go back home to Angelwood, Texas as a matured woman ready to heal and live again. Available: dp/1483956539 Kindle: Website:

23 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

Female-focused production can help to empower the music scene altogether Singer, songwriter, lyricist, and producer-Connie Muhammad (formerly known as Nutmeg) is a native of Phoenix,Arizona. Early on, her influences such as Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and Fire, and Chaka Khan were being played throughout her childhood home. Connie honed her skills to first imitate her favorites. She then grew to recognize her own gifts and the joy that music gave her. In the early eighties, hiphop music and its' span of influ ence was growing mmensely. Connie aspired early to not only sing but rap as well, in lyrical battles around town, she found she had something special. She wrote and performed her own songs for local festivals and showcases. A critical turning point for her was by age 16. Connie was homeless and living in the crack infested “hoods” of Phoenix. These experiences later fueled her raw writing skill. At short time later, she was offered a record deal with local record company, Soul Sauce Records distributed by Raging Bull Records of Encino,Ca The CEO, Johnny Salcido, signed her within days and excitedly expedited her project ahead of label mates. The album "Ghettos Child" written and co-produced all by Connie herself (except for featured artist) was one of the first rap cds' out of Phoenix to get national attention, distribution and a guest feature from a major rap artist, Kool g Rap. The project was strictly "g-funk" laced with Connies' rap and old school rnb inspired vocals. In July of 96, The Source Magazine featured "Nutmeg" as a promising new talent for the Southwest rap scene! Sampling SOS Bands' "Take your Time" the single and video "Much Love" featured Kool G Rap and was one of the first of its' kind "East meets West" compilations (male/female) the blend was surprisingly cohesive and heralded more collaborations of its' kind to come. However, problems developed with the distributor , Raging Bull CEO and industry mogul , Joe Isgro , was later indicted on payola schemes. It was a volatile year for

POETRY Melisha Anderson-Ruiz

Miscommunication She kissed my mouth Uninvited Stunned silent, hands out Defensive I became “What signal?” I asked. “I just thought…” she said We were both wrong. I loved a friend Not because she was a woman But because that woman was her And she was my soul's mate I hadn't thought to love her THAT way It was clear she had And we were both changed. Forever I'd remember What I'd forever try to forget The secret she left on my lips Was one never told to me Though since that day we've yet to speak It's a secret I will always keep.

Love Me 'til Death Love has no rest; It either lives or dies Love me to death and love me for life For without your love I would surely die I wish to swallow whole your love So that no small piece would miss my mouth I wish to hold your love closer than my own black skin, So that I could go nowhere And be seen without it I wish your love to be my air, So that I could breath it, smell it. Love me like the water loves the earth, Like the moon loves night and the sun loves dawn Love me how I love you. Love me to death and love me for life For without your love I would surely die 24 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

MUSIC suffered as well. Losing distribution without securing a new deal for her, the label lost the ability to market and distribute the cd, “Ghettos Child” which was eventually only a underground classic. Her vocal talent and writing ability was still noticed. As G Rap said himself in a interview that Connie “was a very talented young lady” . Connie was later part of the experimental compilation group THE REALIST FAMILY. The project "Enter the Realist" was released in 2001 and included rappers from California, Arizona, and Chicago. Her songs "Muthahustla" were recognized by Pub Magazine (local urban music publication) as best new single that year. Other efforts "Nothing to Lose" boasted her developing vocal style that was hard to miss. A distinct soulful sound was brewing in Connie's music. The group broke up a year later. After a long hiatus and recovery from being left destitute by her record deal, an abusive marriage, and longtime battle with alcohol and marijuana abuse, Connie came back in 2008 with a new sound and new outlook altogether. A write-up in the international publication, The Final Call signified the validation that her music was being heard and appreciated . Converting back to the Islam as she was taught in her childhood, she made a proclamation within each track. The cd "Shahadah" is a fresh blend of hip-hop soul, jazz, and alternative with a conscious lyrical content embellished with her rich vocals. Songs such as "9000 miles", a tribute to the founder of the Nation of Islam, has a unique flavor with jazzy riffs over an urban beat complimented with funk synthesizers. Connies' lyrical storytelling skills are also seasoned and raw with sincerity and courage to speak on subjects that most shy away from. Since that new beginning, Connie Muhammad has produced and delivered new music every year and showcases at the Annual Saviours' Day Conventions that has tens of thousands of participants annually. Her stage show is energetic and yet relaxed. Some of the most memorable were at the 2009 Holy Day of Atonement in Memphis, and The 2011 Saviours' Day Jazz showcase in Chicago, before a pleased "standing room only" audience. Her upcoming engagements includes her as a featured artist and panelist at an event focused on empowering independent artists, The DFS (DoFor Self) Music Seminar . The topic of the discussion (which she holds dear) “Restoring

the image of the black female in hip-hop” as well as concert featuring other popular indie artists StaHHR and Problem 13, will be held at the first in Atlanta,Ga this August. Mrs.Muhammad is also scheduled to perform at The Million Youth March in Harlem,NY this September. In her hometown, she is currently hosting her own music showcase, The Feminine Project. The show is a production consisting of minority women artists, singers, musicians, rappers and poets giving live performances. It is said to spotlight some of the best of Phoenix! She encourages artists to seek beneficial outlets if they are unsigned and feels that her streamlined ap-

proach of a female-focused production can help to empower the music scene there altogether. If in the area and wish to be a featured artist, send your information to Femprojectmusic1@gmail. As for her musical work, She is re-releasing "Sound Doctrine" an experimental, neo-soul /hip-hop fusion collection produced partly by herself and all songs she has written. Look for it on ITunes, Amazon,CD Baby and more, Feb 2014.

Overall, Connie Muhammad’s career can be seen as interesting and inspiring as well as uplifting. To learn more about her work and music, go to, - Martin Coates

25 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

Ladies, this is Beverly Johnson and I want you to know I am launching my new hair collection, which is the world’s finest 100 Percent Human Virgin Remy Indian Temple Hair. Now that my non-compete agreement has expired with Amekor Industries I am free to do my own thing and I am. My new company BJE Hair LLC (Beverly Johnson Enterprises) is my own company. I am offering all of my fans and followers the very best Beverly Johnson Luxurious Hair. My new Beverly Johnson Luxurious Hair Collection is 100 Percent Human Virgin Remy Indian Temple Hair. Initially, I am launching The Beverly Johnson Luxurious Hair Collection exclusively on my NEWLY redesigned website. My new line is 100 Percent Human Virgin Remy Indian Temple Hair that is absolutely superb and is imported directly from Indian to meet my exacting standards for the finest quality human hair on the market today.

26 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

27 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

feature LASHANDA HENRY How I make money online I maintain Several Social Networks and Websites As I mention in more detail below, I generate revenue from my online properties in several different ways. Developing Websites If you have a skill that you can offer to others online, monetize it. Though I am currently not working on any new sites, I have sold a number of web services like web design and blog design. Right now my web services are limited to banner design and urban marketing for web entrepreneurs. I’ve learned how to turn my design skills into an online business and this is something that you can do too. You don’t have to be a web designer, there are lots of ways to turn a skill into web profit. Exploring your skill set and learning how to turn it into an income is something that I talk about in my web coaching program for entrepreneurs. 2. I make money online through Adsense and Affiliate Programs. I actually did an audio podcast on ‘How I paid my Rent with Google Adsense Revenue’ . I also generate an additional revenue from other affiliate programs that I work with. Some solicited me with their service and others are from niche specific sites that I incorporate into my webpages and blogs. I know that most entrepreneurs don’t have much luck with affiliate programs, but it’s not because they don’t work and it’s not about luck. Generating money from affiliate programs requires more than just cutting and pasting links onto your site. It’s really a matter of knowing how to use them. I have several techniques that have worked for me, which I am now teaching to others. 3. Selling Ad Space. On the topic of affiliate sales, I also make money by selling ad space on my sites. I find that there are so many website owners who have decent traffic and no income, because they don’t know how to turn their

clicks into cash. There are tons of ways to not only self promote on your site, but use it as a marketing tool for others. I actually have a simple guide on setting up and selling ad space on your website, if this is something you would like to do. 4. Learning to Monetize My Blog Having a blog is an integral part of my online success. My blogs serve as free promotion and also spaces to house affiliate program links as well as informative posts that keep readers interested in what I do. Blogging really does bring in the bucks. Whether I am sharing an informative post, which brings in new readers or posting about my business to bring in more customers, I am always finding new ways to tap into the promotional and profit potential of my blog. And yes, I’ve got more than one blog, on various niche topics. Creating niche specific blogs, like my SistaSense Busines Blog, has helped me to increase my visibility by appealing to different target audiences. Niche Marketing is something that I talk about all the time because it really works. You have to learn how to make your own market if you want to make money online. And you also need to know about the types of web tools that can help your blog or business grow. 5. I sell eBooks and eCourses Information is gold online. If you know how to do something that is in demand by others in your field you can capitalize on that by creating information tools like eBooks, online courses, teleseminars, and more. Of course, it helps your sales if you have an audience who wants to buy. I’ve created my own networks and shared my tips on creating social networks, because these are the spaces that have helped me increase my online exposure and sales. These are some of my most profitable means of making money online with a few others that I have up my sleeve.

28 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

Clearing the “Smoke” By Tifini Lewis By clearing the smoke, I refer to dispelling the myths of wearing and applying the all too famous “smokey eye” look. Found in nearly every magazine, runway, and city street in some form or another, this eyeshadow look is one of the hottest ways to dramatize your eyes. The idea of the smokey eye is a dark effect around the entire eye, upper and lower lids. They key in application is to not come off as a raccoon, unless that is the specific effect you are trying to achieve. While black shadow is the classic shade used, you can use any color that is considered dark against your skin. Whether deep hues of brown, purple, blue, and even green, the possibilities are endless. Here are a few tricks to keep in mind can help you to apply and pull off the look effortlessly: Step 1-Create Your Base Begin by applying a light shade of concealer to the under eye area, and all over the top lid. Your mineral makeup foundation is a great concealer for this step and prepares your eyes for the eyeshadow that you are going to apply. Step 2-Using Liner First, line both the top and bottom rims with an eye pencil, paying close attention to going into the lash line itself. If you have small eyes apply liner starting from the middle of the under eye to the outside of the eye. If your eyes are large feel free to line from corner to corner. Step 3-Adding Shadow With a small eye shadow brush or a q-tip, soften the edges of the eye pencil line. Apply a dark shadow using a sponge-tip applicator, smudge brush or a qtip directly over the penciled area and smudge. (If you prefer, you can use your finger tip.)The shadow helps to set and soften the look. Step 4-Finishing Touch Next apply a lighter shadow in a neutral tone with a larger eye shadow brush. Encircling the entire eye area, be sure to soften and graduate outward for that perfect blended look. Add 2-3 coats of mascara. Brush away any shadow that has fallen below the eye with a fluffy brush and clean up any areas that have smeared with a q-tip. A few extra touches can be added by applying a shimmery shadow under the brow bone, or in the corner of the eyes.

“Hair excites me, and makeup makes me happy. Fashion, art, culture, and style invigorate me. What makes these of any significance are the people attached, and writing about those experiences has opened me up to connect to the world differently, in the most beautiful way. I believe in enhancing true beauty, starting with the inside which only adds to the powof these external factors. Helping people this way gives me the greatest joy. So does quality chocolate and coffee…”


I am a Beauty Expert. TheophaniStyle is a one-stop glam squad brand. A full line of cosmetics for every ethnicity, TheophaniStyle also offers hairstyling, and makeup artistry. We offer all aspects of beauty consultations and applications for any occasion.

More Jobs. Support for Entrepreneurs . Increased Transparency. Diversity

Melanie Collins could be the first AfricanAmerican female to sit on Middle Townships Township Committee, in Cape May Court House, NJ. To some that may have no bearing on her platform, to others it would be consider a milestone. Her character, education, affiliations have been questioned, (nothing new with anyone running for office).., to know the area one could understand why her decision to run for office and accomplish said position, will definitely change the face of Township Committee, and perhaps bring a new perspective on true diversity. Melanie Collins holds a Master of Public Administration degree in Public Administration from Marist College and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from University of Phoenix. November 2013, the results will be in. We need to create more jobs in Middle. It’s no secret that at 8.6% Middle Township’s unemployment rate is unacceptably high. It is discouraging teaching career choice as a part of a financial literacy curriculum and hear that all they want to do is “get out of here” to get work. Middle is a wonderful place to live geographically and we have warm and friendly citizens. People would not leave if they didn’t have to provide for their families. The committee has accomplished a lot over the past year, but there is more to be done. I am ready to roll up my sleeves with Mayor Lockwood and Deputy Mayor Donohue to find more innovative ways to improve the economy and encourage job growth in Middle Township. A focus on helping small businesses and entrepreneurs. Like everywhere else in America, small business is the backbone of Middle’s economy. Middle can continue to focus on small businesses and entrepreneurs by providing opportunities for businesses to openly communicate their concerns to the Committee, prioritizing issues important to Middle’s small business owners and entrepreneurs, streamlining unclear and confusing regulations, and seeking more convenient ways for small businesses and entrepreneurs to interface and comply with Middle regulations. continue pg30 29 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

30 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

More Jobs. Support for Entrepreneurs . Increased Transparency. Diversity Continue to increase transparency by following best practices for transparent local government such as streaming public meetings live on the internet through a video cast or podcast; recording public meetings and posting video or audio online within 48 hours; posting online all agenda materials reasonably anticipated to be discussed or distributed at a meeting at least 24 hours in advance. Diversity: Finally, I will provide diversity to the township committee more representative of its citizens. I am not just speaking of

the obvious cultural and gender diversity. I am talking about diversity of thought and a fresh perspective. While Mayor Lockwood, Deputy Mayor Donohue and I agree on issues in principal, we have diversity of views about the best ways to get things done. While sharing a mutual respect, we and understand none of us is a rubber stamp for the other.

Lunaversoul was founded in 2007 by Seattle Washington artist & designer, Camisha Jackson (also known as "CJ"). CJ recognizes the importance of individuality which is why all of her jewelry is produced in limited numbers or are one of a kind make a statement creations. You will be wearing a beautifully handmade piece of jewelry that is as unique and stunning as you are. With vivid colors, rich textures, and clean design, each piece is guaranteed to turn heads while adding that extra spice to your favorite outfit. At Lunaversoul there is something for EVERYONE, so if you are looking for that special bracelet, necklace or set of earrings to jazz up your wardrobe or to add to your already fresh style you have come to the right place.

EXCUSE ME...... WHAT IS KURVZ ? Kurvz is a premier start-up online retail business that specializes in the retailing of high end apparel. Kurvz is a word play of “curves” which simply defines our curvy clients, the chic boutique and the essence of confident woman. Reclaiming the beauty, style and confidence of plus size women. To provide a brand that offers exciting bold, trendy, chic clothing that will empower and motivate plus size women to embrace, celebrate and “love thy curves”. We recognizing that there has been a culture shift in fashion in waves of epic- proportions, the market for trendy, unique and quality plus size fashion is becoming a need as well as quite competitive. We are a NEW trendy new Plus Size Boutique for the Bodacious & Curvaceous woman ! Soon you can shop online or our Mobile Boutique will come right to your doorsteps coming Spring 2014 We carry sizes 12 - 24. A brand new fashion experience for full figure women. We your Kurvz ! JOIN THE KURVY NATION! :::::: LIKE! SHARE ! FOLLOW ! TWITTER I INSTAGRAM @kurvzboutique FACEBOOK: PHONE: 469 245 1903 31 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013


32 SHOWCASE Magazine October 2013

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