An Analysis of High School

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The Four Noble Truths of High School 1)

High School is suffering.

Innately, High School is not a pleasing experience. It has all the characteristics of being displeasing. It requires a person to travel every day to some destination, which is bothersome and tiring. It requires a person to work so that in the future that person is able to work even more. It requires a person to interact with other people, many of whom are displeasing to that person. It is not something that a person would want innately to do, as all of these things are burdens. 2)

The origin of this suffering is misunderstanding.

The reason that it is suffering is because of misunderstanding. By not understanding the great gift of education that High School gives us, by not appreciating the fact that it is able to bring people together, and by disliking work, suffering arises. This misunderstanding is due to inexperience and lack of guidance. 3)

The cessation of this suffering is attainable.

It is possible to end this suffering and to turn it into prosperity. It requires some dedication and effort, but the reward is worth the journey. The goal of every student should be to end the suffering that High School brings. By striving to end the suffering many rewards are received along the way, and once the suffering ends it is constant reward. 4) The path to understanding and the cessation of this suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path of High School. All suffering is due to lack of understanding, and understanding leads to prosperity. By following the Noble Eightfold Path of High School one will leave the valley of suffering and enter the field of prosperity.

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