Scion Metal Zine 7

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freedom. Whereas in the past I may have written

while and it’s been five years since the last album.

about things going on in my life—the status of

Once again, we’ve broken our promise of, “Sure,

this, the status of that—things I could actually see,

you’re gonna hear a new Down record before

touch and control, with Down I can write in a not

five years are up!” Didn’t happen.

-so -pointed direction and still come up with lyrics that allow the listener to have their own way of

Other members of Down have said in

interpreting it.

interviews that this EP is the first in a

Is that the idea behind “Witchtripper”?

next couple of years.

That song came about when we were last in Spain.

There’s definitely a contingent in the band that

series of four EPs to be released over the

We were in this tiny little town, and when we got

wants that to happen. But we’ll see where it goes.

off the plane, we saw all these witches, like lady-

There’s talk of doing an acoustic EP. But is my


head there right now? I’m not sure. It’s a cool idea,

airport. We get into town, and there’s all these

though. But what would we do on the other two?

little shops with little witches for sale, witches in

Speed metal? That ain’t happening. I mean, Down

the hotel lobby—it was bizarre. So we asked the

is Down is Down. We can go in different directions,



locals what was going on, and someone brought

and we’ve shown on every record that we’re a

to our attention that there were all these big rocks

flexible band. We can write metal, we can write

on the local roofs and on people’s front porches in

acoustic songs, we can write a “Stone the Crow”-

this particular town. They told us that the stones

type song. We’ve done all those things. I think

were symbols to ward off the evil of witches

it’s within our capabilities to do whatever we want.

and the spells they may cast. Now, I’m not one

It’s just a matter of doing it.

for believing in curses or any of that stuff, but we were all out one day and Pepper says, “Damn,

Did you write or record any other songs

man—them things must be witchtrippers!” Like,

that didn’t make the EP?

the witch comes to land on your roof, trips over

Two or three things come to mind. Maybe they

one of these stones, and it’s over with. So you

didn’t fit stylistically for this EP. But if there’s a

hear this whole story I’m telling you, and obviously

completed Down song that isn’t on any of the

there’s no way that I can put into two or three

records, I’m all for putting it out. If we have a song

verses that this is what the song is particularly

that is unreleased and kinda has a different feel

about. I basically took the lore of the land and went

than what’s coming out or what has come out, I

from there. But if someone isn’t privy to the story

don’t wanna write around that song. But we can

and they hear the song, they’re not gonna know

always write Down material. Down songs aren’t

what the hell I’m talking about. So let them come

like science. It’s very off the cuff, and it comes very

up with their own ideas. It has to work both ways.

easily to us, depending on your definition of easy.

Do any of the other songs have any

You guys recently split with Rex [Brown, bass,

particular stories behind them?

also formerly of Pantera]. Is Patrick Bruders

Like I say, the lyrics are meant to be open to

the Down bass player from here on in?

interpretation. There are lines in the songs that

Pat is a bad mother******, I’ll tell you that. And

make perfect sense and other lines that are like,

I think you’ll hear it on the new EP. He’s really

“Where the hell is Phil coming from on this stuff?”

stepped up big time. He’s really classically and

And where I’m coming from is a place where

truthfully a bass player. He plays with his fingers,

I want to stir your imagination.

and he’s got this particular feel. I’ve played in a million bands where the bass just basically follows

Why did you guys decide to record an EP

the guitar riff, but Pat has a knack for hearing the

instead of a full-length?

riff, digesting it, and writing a complementary

To be perfectly honest, it’s easier on us and it’s

bass line that not only doesn’t get in the way but

quicker to get the stuff out to the public this way.

actually enhances the riff. So the answer is yes.

We’ve been sitting on some of these songs for a

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