Mystics and Women of the Divine

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Evolution in Consciousness At a public lecture many years ago a speaker surprised me by saying the

some of the most sexist organizations on this planet have been the world's great religions. Indeed many of them, he went on to say, claim to base such prejudiced attitudes on the inspired written word of God. It occurred to me then that the matter bore investigation.

Knowing how far apart the belief and practice of any organization can sometimes drift I wondered if this prejudice was a matter of fundamental doctrine for the great religions, or was it just how things happened to develop in practice for any number of the many reasons imaginable. So I began to look afresh at the principal writings that the great religions hold sacred, to see how they estimated women, such as the Old and New Testaments, the Talmud, the Koran, and the sacred scriptures of the Buddhists and Hindus. It was a discouraging investigation.



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