Mystics and Women of the Divine

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About Krishna

Krishna is not someone to describe but rather to experience. He is evocative ... provocative. If you are in his presence - one on one deliberately or quite incidentally, in an auditorium, driving the bus he is in or quite simply walking down the street to mail a package - he will engage you. You might be offered a piece of ginger with a few cardamom seeds. You will most certainly be asked to extend your hand where a drop of an essential oil blend will be placed in the center of your palm. You will be instructed to cup your palms together and inhale deeply. Depending on the occasion or situation, you may be bathed in the tones of a Tibetan bell, a drum, a rattle. If you are very lucky, you might have a foot bath - or even a traditional bath - prepared for you with essential oils. You might be invited to join an all night ceremony in his teepee any of a number of ceremonies and events he participates in around the world. You might be measured scientifically by his - Russian designe GDV/EPC technology to show how effectively your energy system is being distributed throughout your field . You might be enjoined to visit a bristlecone forest, watch the sunset, take a magnifying glass to a drop of early morning dew or chant in the rain. Regardless, you will be engaged to BREATHE, BREATHE, just breathe. The answer to all imbalances of body, mind and spirit will be to breathe and allow life itself - prana - to flow more completely throughout your system. You will always be attended to with great focus, attention, warmth, joy and happiness. Krishna is about essence - what is essential, eternal, everlasting, undying. He is about consciousness - expanding it, exploring it, evoking it - always, in every instance, with everyone, all the time - that which exists beyond all limitations. No one leaves his presence untouched - and if you are even the slightest bit aware - unawakened. I for one am most grateful for all the countless awakenings and expansions of consciousness over the 17 years that I have known him. Written by Parsons Pamela H

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