Healing Journey with your Favorite Hay House Authors

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Science to Sage I n t e r n a t i o n a l

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Healing Journey with Hay House

Articles by • Louise Hay • Cheryl Richardson • Dr. Wayne Dyer • Robert Holden • Marianne Williamson • Bruce Lipton • Gregg Braden • Caroline Myss • and more


The book fuses the wisdom of the ages and cutting-edge science. The mission is to make visible our connection to all of life and our universe. Each month is dedicated to exploring an ideas more deeply with experts - unifying and expanding our global community.

Karen Elkins Themed, designed , layout and production by

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. Albert Einstein "Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." Carl Sagan

Karen Elkins

Science to Sage Magazine and its other enterprises are dedicated to a golden age of wisdom. The goal is to weave a beautifully tapestry between the scientists, sage, alchemist, artist, inventors and innovative thinkers. Engage where the mystical, the magical and the miracle of life are explored. Science to Sage has a global network of contributors. I am grateful for their vision and fascination. Lets discover together.

Volume 10

Inspired by the book InsideOUT the Visual Guide to Understanding the Universe, Sage to Sage by Karen Elkins

HAY HOUSE AUTHORS Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson • Excerpts- Becoming a Creator of an Exceptional Life Wayne Dyer • Change the Concept of Yourself Robert Holden Ph.D • There is Nothing Wrong with You Caroline Myss • Chapter Two- The First Truth: You Can’t Reason with Illness, Crisis, or God Marianne Williamson

• Invoke the Real You Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D • Act Locally, Think Globally Gregg Braden • Deep Wisdom OTHER FEATURED WRITERS Caroline Markolin Ph.D • Basics of German New Medicine

Lorraine Bennington, M.Ed. R.Psychologist/Hypnotherapist • Hypnotherapy the Roadway Eliza Mada Dalian • The Role of the Human Body in Spiritual Transformation

Krishna Madappa • Art, Science and Spirit of Electro Photo Imaging Karen Elkins • Excerpts from “InsideOUT, the Wisdom of the Designer Universe” ARTIST GALLERY Jeff Ham - Artist All material is copyrighted by Science to Sage or is copyright of the authors. Science to Sage reprints these articles with the consent of authors.


Insights into Healing



“We are powerful, creative beings who determine our future with every thought we think and every word we speak.” This is the first thing Louise says when I turn on the voice recorder at the start of our session. We’re sitting opposite each other, stretched out on a long window seat in my hotel room, overlooking the city of Toronto below. It’s a beautiful, sunny afternoon. As I consider Louise’s remark, I realize that, at its core, this message is one of the most important: In our purest, most positive state of mind, we are powerful creators of our very best lives. When we think good thoughts, we feel good. When we feel good, we make good choices. When we feel good and make good choices, we draw more

good experiences into our lives.

It really is

that simple . . . and elegant . . . and true.

Science tells us that energy waves are the “stuff” of the Universe, and that every breath we take and every thought we think has a direct effect on something or someone in it. The chair I sit on, the keyboard I use to write, and the beautiful magnolia tree outside my window are all made of energy. The speed with which an object vibrates determines the density of the form. This energy is directly influenced by the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take. These thoughts, words, and actions produce feelings; and our feelings become the currency with which we purchase our life experiences. As Louise and I talk about the ways in which our thoughts influence our lives, I become even more aware of how significant and powerful this idea really is. So much of what we both believe, teach, and practice in our own lives is based on a concept that is still seen by many as far-fetched, New Age, or simplistic at best. For a moment, I imagine myself searching the web, my personal library, or the minds of my colleagues in the scientific community for solid evidence to back up our ideas. But then I remember, I don’t do that anymore. I no longer defend the spiritual principles that have guided and shaped my life. They work and I know it. Louise and I both know it. As we continue our conversation that afternoon, it becomes clear that Louise and I have each been inspired by New Thought writers such as Emmet Fox and Florence Scovel Shinn, who encouraged readers to use the power of thought to change and improve their lives. By applying these principles to our own lives, Louise and I have been able to manifest opportunities and experiences that we believe are proof of how powerful our thoughts can be. And this evidence has reinforced our beliefs.

While science may ignore anecdotal evidence from people who experience the healing or creative power of thought, the stories are important. They are harbingers of change, catalysts for a shift in consciousness that will ultimately shape the way we live. Miraculous stories and extraordinary experiences often precede understanding. They invite us to open our hearts and minds, making it possible to believe in something that exists outside of our limited thinking. And that’s the point. As a pioneer in the mind-body field, Louise has challenged her readers and audiences to expand their thinking by suggesting that they treat physical ailments with metaphysical tools. Rather than focus on treating disease with conventional methods alone, she invited people to also focus on how they thought about their illness. By making the link between the mind and the body, she allowed others to discover what she herself experienced: that our thoughts do indeed play an integral role in the healing of the body. Louise has seen the evidence of this repeatedly in the smiling faces of men and women who have healed their bodies and their lives. That’s enough proof for her and the many people she’s helped on the healing path. When it comes to harnessing the power of thought, we simply need to act in new ways and trust that Life will present us with our own proof. So with this in mind, I surrender my quest to prove that thought influences physical reality, and instead rely upon my own real-life anecdotal evidence. Once I make this decision, something interesting happens. While grocery shopping with my husband, Michael, later that evening, I stopped at the flower department to look at some orchids. I stood there for quite some time studying them, taking in their vibrant colors and the exquisite shape of their petals. As I examined each one, I considered buying one, but changed my mind after being distracted by a question from a nearby shopper.

Evolutionary leaps of consciousness often begin with ideas that seem magical or astounding. Just think about how crazy the idea of seeing images on a box in their living room must have sounded to people when they first heard about “television.” One wild, seemingly impossible idea changed the face of humanity forever. The next day I returned home from a meeting to find a large box sitting on my front steps. I dragged it inside, opened it up, and discovered an exquisite white orchid nestled inside the box. I instantly recalled my intention the night before and saw this gift as the result of focused, positive thought. I adore flowers, and I’ve had enough experiences like this to know that if I direct my energy—even in a small way—toward them, it sends a powerful signal to the Universe that I believe actually draws them to me. This time, the signal must have been even stronger than usual. Two days later, I received an unexpected delivery from a friend on the West Coast. . . another beautiful white orchid. What we put out into the world has a great effect on what we get back. Most of us are shown examples of this every day, but we never make the connection. “We are constantly working in cooperation with Life,” Louise reminds me, “and we want to inspire people to practice so they, too, can experience the evidence in their own lives. We simply need to keep an open mind and trust our own experience.” I couldn’t agree more. At any given moment, we see, feel, send, and affect energy in ways we seldom, if ever, imagine. Have you ever walked into a room and instantly known that someone nearby was angry? Or looked into the eyes of a stranger and felt overwhelmed by a feeling of compassion, understanding, or love? This is what happens when we receive energy. We tune in to our environment, pick up on the vibe, and download information about what’s going on, often without the need for discussion or explanation.

Of course, we also send energy. Have you ever been afraid of getting sick and wondered if worrying about it had anything to do with it actually happening? Or have you ever desired something so intensely that it seemed as though your focus on the object of desire had something to do with it miraculously showing up in your life? These are the things that can happen when we transmit energy. By sending out

signals in the form of thoughts, words, or actions, we energetically influence our environment—and, s u b s e q u e n t l y, o u r l i f e experiences.

Our Words Give Birth to Form

The word was

made flesh, and

dwelt among us. John 1, 1-3

You formulate with your words and they become your life's work. Your word is the blueprint and the genesis of your form.

Be of

Sound Mind

and Mind over Matter

Excerpts from InsideOUT by Karen Elkins

Bubble diagram by Drake/CC3.0, Hydrodynamics simulation Public Domain/US Gov.

Your thought bubbles up and go out with your breath into the “field” where your word and world are magnified as you illuminate others with your light. Karen Elkins

Spread the Word... Excerpts from InsideOUT by Karen Elkins

copyright/Emoto/with permission

Thought Forms Dr. Emoto’s work vividly displays how our words, have a memory and a crystalized structure. Since our bodies are made of approximately 70% water, one can see how profound the quality of our ‘tone’, our resonance transmit our character. It also shows how our vibration of our words create, and shape our reality. This is why laughter can be healing and how water can be blessed. Water is also know as the solvent of the universe.

Stored Memory The work of Prof. Benveniste, Dr. Ludwig and Prof. Schweitzer also shows how water acts as a liquid tape recorder. Water stores and transmits electromagnetic vibrations. This emphasizes the fact that we are our thoughts spoken into words.

Holy Water used in Baptism takes on an entirely new meaning when it is infused with prayer and blessed thought.

Excerpts from InsideOUT by Karen Elkins

Joe Dispenza, D.C., the author of Evolve Your Brain, studied biochemistry at Rutgers University. http://www.drjoedispenza.com/

New Book

Bonus Article click here


“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they a re only ma nifested by the arrangement of your mind—that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.”1 —NEVILLE

CHANGING YOUR CONCEPT OF YOURSELF There’s a level of awareness available to you that you are probably unfamiliar with. It extends upward and transcends the ordinary level of consciousness that you’re most accustomed to. At this higher plane of existence, which you and every human being who has ever lived can access at will, the fulfillment of wishes is not only probable—it is guaranteed. This is simply a preparation for entering into that realm wherein you have much more say over what comes into your life than you might have envisioned.

The following excerpt is taken from the book Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dyer. It is published by Hay House (Available Mar. 1, 2012) and available at all bookstores or online at: www.hayhouse.com.

After 18 months in relative seclusion, studying, meditating, and literally experiencing what it’s like to live in this miraculous plane of existence beyond anything that might be labeled “ordinary” or “normal,” I’ve undertaken this joyous task of writing about having wishes fulfilled. I’ve seen firsthand how virtually every wish or desire I’ve placed my attention on has transformed from a mental thought into an objective fact. However, I’m not proposing memorizing an esoteric formula leading to a theoretical nirvana. My emphasis throughout this book is that manifestation is real and that it occurs when you make a specific decision to change your mind about who you are and what is possible for you to achieve within these parentheses in eternity called your life. I’m inviting you to be receptive to a radical new idea about yourself. It’s radical because ever since you left your mother’s womb, you’ve been subjected to cultural conditioning designed to help you be content with living a “normal life” at the level of ordinary consciousness, which generally means accepting whatever life hands you. In many ways you’ve been programmed to believe that you do not possess the wisdom or ability to manifest the fulfillment of your wishes and desires. I am saying as clearly as I know how to say it in these opening pages: There’s a plane of awareness that you can opt to live at, wherein you can, if you are willing to change your concept of yourself as an ordinary being, find yourself fulfilling any and all wishes that you have for yourself. Throughout this book I’ll explore with you what I’ve studied, learned, internalized, practiced, and, yes, lived regarding the powers of manifestation. It begins with changing your concept of yourself. I would like to offer a few words on these two concepts of ordinary and extraordinary. Ordinary is, well, so ordinary. It means that you do all of the things that your culture and your family have programmed you to do. It implies that you fit in, study hard, follow the rules, take care of your obligations, fill out the forms, pay your taxes, get a job, and do what every law-abiding citizen does; and then you retire, play with your grandchildren, and then you die. I want to emphasize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this scenario—it is perfectly fine—but if it were completely acceptable for you, you wouldn’t be reading this book.

Extraordinary encompasses most of ordinary, since we all live in the same physical world. There will be forms to fill out, rules that demand our obedience, bills to pay, and family obligations to attend to. But extraordinary consciousness is associated with your soul, that invisible, boundaryless energy that looks out from behind your eyeballs and has very different interests than your ordinary self does. The ideal of your soul, the thing that it yearns for, is not more knowledge. It is not interested in comparison, nor winning, nor light, nor ownership, nor even happiness. The ideal of your soul is space, expansion, and immensity, and the one thing it needs more than anything else is to be free to expand, to reach out and to embrace the infinite. Why? Because your soul is infinity itself. It has no restrictions or limitations—it resists being fenced in—and when you attempt to contain it with rules and obligations, it is miserable. Your invisible self is extraordinary because it is a fragment of the universal soul, which is infinite. The part of you that knows you have greatness, and is stirred by the idea of you expanding and removing any and all limitations, is what I am addressing here in Wishes Fulfilled. This is your new self-concept, one that is inspired by your soul. So let’s take a look at this idea and then examine what you need to do in order to make your self-concept congruent with how you want to live your life, and the powerful role you can begin to assume as a co-fulfiller of all of your rational/sensible wishes and desires.

What Is Your Self-Concept? Simply put, your concept of yourself is everything that you believe to be true. And everything that you believe to be true about yourself has landed you precisely where you live and breathe every day of your life. Your beliefs about yourself are like the ingredients in a recipe that you use to create your self-concept. Those ingredients or beliefs fall into two specific categories: your outer self-concept and your inner self-concept.

Your Outer Self-Concept These ingredients include everything you accept as truth concerning what the physical you is capable of. There’s probably a certain amount of intellectual acumen that you agree is necessary to your outer selfconcept. Smart, perhaps, but not really a genius—more capable in some areas than others, such as technological knowledge. Maybe you add a measure of writing ability, but detect more fluency with numbers and mathematical problem solving than your ability to write prose. Your beliefs about your outer self may be well seasoned and strong in some areas and almost hopelessly incapacitated or weak in others. You very likely have a conceptual framework of just how smart you are and have carried that belief with you since you were a youngster in elementary school. Your outer concept of yourself includes everything you believe about your innate and learned talents and abilities. Your beliefs about your clumsiness, coordination, athleticism, and musical and artistic talents are a partial list of the ingredients that comprise the recipe of you. These descriptors also apply to everything else about your outer self. Your outer self-concept includes how you view yourself in relationship to health: your immunity to, or inclination toward, illnesses of all descriptions. You know if you are prone to being overweight or addicted to various substances such as sugar, caffeine, fat, meat, dairy, and the like. You define yourself as prone to catching colds or immune to such things, likely to gain weight, inclined toward skin rashes, or predisposed to low energy or high sleep requirements. The point is that your outer self-concept comprises essentially everything that you believe your body is capable or incapable of. Given a true/false test on yourself, you’d be able to say with certainty, Yes, these things are true about me. They are the beliefs—the ingredients—that you use to create you. In addition to your intellect, talents, and physical body traits, you spice up your outer self-conception with your personality traits. You know if you’re assertive or shy, loud or quiet, pushy or obsequious, fearful or courageous, daring or frightened—and this is only a partial list of personality descriptors or spices. These individual qualities are interpreted as truisms defining yourself and how you function socially. I could continue detailing all of the other ingredients that go into making your outer self-concept, but I’ve chosen to keep this book short, succinct, and to the point. At this point I’m simply encouraging you to recognize that your self-concept contains a myriad of selfdescriptors regarding this thing that you call your physical body, and that you probably regard them as absolute truth.

Your Inner Self-Concept This category can be pretty difficult to achieve in optimal proportions in our culture. Your inner selfconcept involves your beliefs about the invisible energy and intelligence that is the most significant portion of your being. I’ve often referred to your inner world as “the ghost in the machine.” The machine in my conceptualization is your body and its five senses, as well as all of the physical components that make up your body. The tissue, bones, rivers of fluids, organs, teeth, brain, and everything else are all the machine. And within this machine is an invisible I that you call mind or spirit comprised of thoughts that direct the machine. I once had a conversation with a neurosurgeon who was disputing the presence of this invisible world by saying that he’d cut into thousands of bodies and had never seen a soul. I remember his awkward look when I asked him if he’d ever seen a thought while he was poking around inside a brain. Obviously there’s an invisible inner as well as an outer part of your being. You have a conceptualization of yourself that involves this formless invisible portion of your being, and you have a pretty specific idea about just how far this inner portion of yourself can take you. You may believe that your thinking apparatus is pretty phenomenal, though not understanding exactly what it is—inside or surrounding you—that allows you to scratch your forehead, or pick up a pencil, or move your feet on a dance floor, or any of the infinite commands that your mind is capable of directing all day, every day, and for as long as you are alive. You also have a self-concept about what your inner energetic ghost cannot do. Is it capable of thinking itself out of a serious disease, or is that just a lot of nonsense? Can your invisible intelligence, your imagination, perform feats of alchemy? Does your self-concept contain the power to perform great—or even magical—acts of transformation? Your self-concept is a blend of your beliefs regarding your connection to a higher power. You believe something about the existence or nonexistence of God. You have various points of view about how far faith can carry you. Whether or not there is anything within you that you can or cannot rely on to perform mystical or miraculous things is seasoned by your beliefs. You have acquired specific beliefs concerning the power of your mind. You’re generally confident that you can rely on your invisibleness to do the ordinary things in life such as remember an unseen list of items stored somewhere in your memory, and items to pick up on your way home from work. But what do your beliefs cook up about your ability to create miracles? Is healing your body, or manifesting a long-desired soul mate, an ingredient in your self-concept? Take a moment to examine that unseen list stored away in your mind. Ask yourself, Where is it? How did I put it there? Where is the place I’m calling “there”? What powers am I using to recall it? Where do these powers come from? This is the list of ingredients that you use to create your inner self-concept. You might then want to open to there being other beliefs or ingredients that you want to include, and contemplate other ways to season your life.

The fact is that an invisible list involves a catalog of inexplicable miracles that you take for granted every day. Your inner self-concept tells you what you believe your mind is capable of, and what it’s incapable of as well. You know your mind, that invisible ghost in the machine, is unfathomable. But you also know that there are certain limits to what it can and cannot do. Have you ever considered how you are creating your life with this inner self-concept’s list of ingredients? If it seems interesting to consider some changes, read on.

Changing Your Concept of Yourself If you would like to become a person who has the capacity to have all of your wishes fulfilled, it will be necessary for you to move to that higher plane of existence where you are a co-creator of your life. This means that you’ll need to undertake what is often presumed to be the difficult task of changing your concept of yourself. Recall that your concept of yourself is everything that you believe to be true about your inner and outer self. Those beliefs have created the life you’re now living—at what I call an ordinary level of awareness. To move into the extraordinary space that I’m writing about in this book requires you to change what you believe is true. This can be a laborious project and an undertaking that, in my experience, few people are eager or willing to take on. I am writing this book to give you some very specific guidance and help in doing just that.

I’ll be quoting a man by the name of Neville Goddard, who wrote and spoke to large audiences in America under the solitary name of Neville. A popular speaker on metaphysical themes from the late ’30s until his death in 1972, Neville authored ten books in which he captured the sheer logic of creative mind principles. His work has impacted me in a very profound way; in fact, he’s been a great mentor to me in the past few years. Neville writes in a style that many might find strenuous to interpret, yet I find his teaching congruent with much of my earlier writing on manifestation and co-creation. That being said, Neville’s teachings add a dimension that I hadn’t really contemplated in depth until now. While studying his book The Power of Awareness, I began blending many of Neville’s teachings with other great thinkers’ ideas, revising and refining his unique personal theology into a practice that feels to me is meant for the world we inhabit today. After giving each of my eight children a copy of The Power of Awareness, they individually expressed a variation of this: “I love his ideas, Dad, but I have to read each paragraph over and over and stop to think about what he’s saying. I know he’s right and it makes perfect sense, but I need it explained more—in words that I can understand and apply.” Their comments fueled my desire to share many of Neville’s ideas, most of which are compatible with my own, and create a synthesis addressing the power you have to fulfill your 21st-century wishes. I want to share with you my sense of what this great teacher’s ideas can do for you, as they have done for me. I know that Neville wouldn’t mind because he freely allowed students and audience members to tape his talks without charge. His tapes continue to informally spread his message today, and I’ve listened to them while preparing to write this book. I feel as a kindred spirit to Neville, since I too have had the same policy during my entire speaking career, and have been immersed in the same kinds of spiritual inquiry as this great teacher who preceded me by a single generation. Here is what Neville had to say regarding changing your self-concept in order to elevate your life:

“If you refuse to assume the responsibility of the incarnation of a new and higher concept of yourself, then you reject the means, the only means, whereby your redemption—that is, the attainment of your ideal—can be effected.”2 Get this clearly in your head in this first chapter: A higher concept of yourself involves taking on new truths and shedding your old views of what you can achieve. This is the only way you can achieve your desires. That is the reason I’m stressing this early in this book. You must begin by replacing your old set of truths with a belief in the existence of a higher self within you. This is something that you may not have contemplated at an earlier time in your life.

Your concept of yourself that includes any limitations can be revised by you, and only by you. Nothing I say or write will do that for you. I have done it for myself and I can assist you along this path, but it is your decision to change that creates the possibility of change within you. A new and higher concept of yourself may be shocking and perhaps even rejected by you, depending on the amount of conditioning you have absorbed throughout your life. That is for you to ponder and contemplate in the next two chapters. At this point, simply allow yourself to imagine that you can create a new and higher concept of yourself. Resistance is what will almost immediately appear for most people, and I encourage you to recognize the resistance within yourself.

Overcoming Resistance Making the transition from the level of ordinary consciousness to the level of superconsciousness involves a fundamental renewal—a dramatic change of personality. Very few are prepared to commit to this fulfillment of their Divine purpose. What I’m inviting you to do, if you wish to be truly fulfilled, is to overcome your resistance to including all that you are in your earthly life. You have the ability to enter higher regions so as to consciously fulfill your highest desires here, now, for the greater benefit of all. This is akin to doing a somersault and landing in a new reality—a reality in which all things are possible, a reality where you no longer identify yourself with all of those cultural memes and mind viruses that were programmed into you as a young person, preparing you for an ordinary life.

You begin this exciting adventure of changing your concept of yourself—by being willing to die to your present self. That’s right, by relinquishing your personal history as the arbiter of your life, you cease to resist your fuller potential. You simply no longer choose to form your identity on the basis of what you’ve been taught. Remind yourself that everything you’ve believed to be true has brought you to this point where you want to explore rather than resist your higher powers. Years ago while reading Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, I recall him saying that there’s one distinguishing characteristic of those who live life at a higher level with a richness that’s not just about monetary gain. It is that these unique and rare individuals have a burning desire to succeed. Now, a burning desire is much different from a regular wish or desire because it burns inside—once ignited, it never goes out, regardless of what transpires. This is a quality that I know well. Often it feels like an obsession . . . and I have been labeled obsessive many times in my lifetime. Yet it hasn’t been a curse, because it has always served me in the fulfillment of whatever yearning I felt inside of me. I often think of it as an inner candle flame that never even flickers, though the worst goes before me. All transformation begins with an intense burning desire to be transformed.

An inner knowing, along with a burning desire, is the prerequisite for becoming a person capable of manifesting their heart’s desires. In The Power of Awareness, Neville emphatically explains that “To be transformed, the whole basis of your thoughts must change. But your thoughts cannot change unless you have new ideas, for you think from your ideas.”3 How do you find the way to ideas that will help you change your thoughts? Start by saying and writing an affirmation that appeals to you. Create your unique heartfelt affirmation, such as: I have a burning desire—an inner flame that will not be extinguished by outer forces—to know and live from higher regions, to be transformed so that my new concept of myself will no longer include any limitations. I am willing to challenge and change any thoughts that impede my having a higher vision of myself. Before closing this introductory chapter, it will be helpful to explore your beliefs about the nature of those things we call thoughts, and how to change them.

Do You Really Think? No one has ever been able to say from whence a thought comes, or what that thought is made up of. It’s generally accepted that we think up things and we make up all of our own thoughts. To be perfectly honest, for a large portion of my life, I held these same views on thoughts originating with each individual. But at this juncture I tend to see the entire process as more of an act of observation, contemplation, and choice. I enjoy noticing that I have a continuous stream of thoughts that come from—who knows where? They have no boundaries or forms to examine, and apparently are unlimited in number and permutation! I think of the stock market ticker that runs along the bottom of a screen, with each stock price representing a simple thought. You are capable of thinking many opposing thoughts in just a few moments, jumping helter-skelter from one idea to another—exhilaration, frustration, fear, ecstasy, worry, and so forth. Unguided and unguarded, you serve up an endless array of thoughts continuously from waking to falling asleep. Even while sound asleep, your mind continues observing, grabbing, and contemplating these omnipresent thoughts. There’s very little respite from this mental thought-producing process throughout your entire lifetime. If you really believe that you are the creator of all of your thoughts and control the entire process, then simply stop. That’s right, just try to stop thinking. You may be able to slow the stream of thoughts down considerably, but to simply stop thinking all day and stay in a thoughtless state is quite impossible. I’m suggesting you open your thought processes to a new idea that will help you as you begin changing your concept of yourself. You can think of yourself as a Divine limitless being rather than a person who doesn’t have choice when it comes to your thoughts. Think of yourself as an observer,

contemplating and selecting thoughts that you choose from that never-ending stream of thoughts on your inner screen, 24/7/365. Watch thoughts stream by from wherever they originate, and observe them rapidly transitioning and combining and appearing and disappearing. Snatch a thought from the running ribbon of thoughts and contemplate it. As you toss it around notice how you feel— sad, depressed, happy, frightened, and so on. Every thought going by has an imprint on your concept of yourself. First be the observer, and then the contemplator. Now become the choice maker who can consciously decide to put that thought back into the running stream and pick a different one, a thought that perhaps allows you to feel better. I am okay, I look fine, I will lose a few pounds, I am loved, I am Divine . . . these and millions more like them are thoughts that you can opt for rather than the ones you’ve become accustomed to choosing in the past. This is how you begin a new process to change your concept of yourself. You accept as irrevocable that it is not you setting the stream of thoughts into motion, and that stopping thinking isn’t possible at this stage of your evolution. At this stage the essence of your being is to observe, contemplate, and then choose. This can all be done in a fraction of a nanosecond. The thoughts will keep appearing on your mental TV screen just like the stock quotations. But you’ll now be choosing the ones you want to focus on, gather, retain, or let go. I’m encouraging you to initiate a habit of choosing thoughts and ideas that support feeling good and powerful, and that elevate you to a higher level of consciousness where your self-concept welcomes your higher self. I love Uell S. Andersen’s description of this process in his book Three Magic Words. I leave you to contemplate it as you prepare to befriend that indwelling self that is desperately wishing to be fulfilled at the extraordinary level, rather than at the ordinary where you have lived for far too long: We have assured the indwelling Self that it can be anything it accepts and has faith in, and we are now about to develop in it the habit of choosing only those thoughts and ideas that will constructively add good unto it. We are teaching ourselves to accept only good. . . . We are deliberately compelling ourselves to accept all love, all kindness, all hope, all joy, all expansion, all abundance, all health, all vigor. We are deliberately compelling ourselves to reject all suffering, all sorrow, all depression, all morbidness, all inferiority, all aches and pains. We are saying nothing is true but the great and the good and the beautiful, only these will we add unto ourselves. This is your new way of choosing thoughts that will introduce you to what I am calling your highest self—keeping uppermost in mind that if you want to accomplish something (anything), you must first expect it of yourself.

Three Suggestions — Redefine your self-concept by challenging everything that you’ve held to be true about yourself up until now. Be open to examining everything you’ve previously thought limited you in any way. Affirm: I place no limits and no restrictions on all that I intend to accomplish and become from here on in. — Allow yourself to become aware of the nonphysical reality that you are a part of. Reach out to the angels or occupants of this higher invisible plane. Know that you can access guidance from those who’ve lived here before. Spend time in meditation accessing the feelings of a plane of higher consciousness. — Whenever you’re experiencing discomfort or sadness, rather than trying to change the thought behind your emotional state, instead just put it back onto the never-ending conveyor belt of thoughts, and then select a different thought. Keep doing this until you’ve selected a thought that allows you to feel good, and you’re no longer condemning yourself for creating unhappy thoughts.


There is nothing wrong with you

The following story describes one of the most poignant and tender moments of my life. I met Peter at a summer camp for the Royal National Institute of Blind People in Hampshire, England. Peter was in my class. I was teaching a day on self-esteem to 50 teenagers. They were like any large group of teenagers in school—creative, unruly, funny, boisterous, challenging, and very energetic. They were normal . . . and blind.

The Wounded Angel by Hugo Simberg/Public Domain

Peter was one of the few quiet ones. He sat at the back of the class. He was halfChinese, half-English, about 15 years old, tall, and slender. There were many jokes flying around, most of them at my expense. Peter laughed heartily, but he never spoke. At the end of the class, he stayed behind. “Mr. Holden,” he said. “Call me Robert,” I said. “Can we talk?” he asked. “Certainly.” Peter looked troubled. He was pensive and painfully shy. We talked small talk for a while as we walked around a large green sports field out behind the main college building. “I feel I can trust you Robert, even though we’ve only just met,” he said. “That’s a real compliment,” I said. “I need to ask you a question that I have been putting off my whole life,” Peter said. I was in no way prepared for Peter’s question when it finally came. “I need to know,” he said, “is there anything wrong with me?” “What do you mean?” I asked. “I was born blind, and I have never seen myself. I need to know from someone I trust if I am beautiful or not,” Peter said.

With all my heart, I told Peter that he was handsome, perfect, and beautiful. “You really mean it?” he asked. “Yes—totally.” Peter flung his arms around me. “There’s nothing wrong with me?” “No!” “Not even a little bit wrong?” “Not one bit.” “What about my breath? I had pizza for lunch,” he laughed. “I love garlic,” I countered. We both laughed and cried. Rarely have I felt so moved.

For six years I trained in a profession that focuses on finding things wrong with people. We take in “ugly ducklings” and merrily pluck away for disorders, dysfunctions, neuroses, psychoses, syndromes, and schemas. Psychology is obsessed with diagnosis. Every day we invent new labels, new diseases, and new courses of treatment for the “ugly ducklings.” We never see them as swans.

The fear that something is wrong with you is your greatest block to joy. In truth, there is no other block. For as long as you feel there is something wrong, bad, lacking, or not good enough about you, your life will reflect this belief. On the face of it, it will look as though others reject you, the world blocks you, fate is unkind, life is against you, and the Heavens are punishing you. But in fact, it is you who are condemning yourself and sabotaging all that is good. Hence everything is a struggle, successes are hard-fought, happiness is short-lived, love always goes wrong, and there is no peace. There is nothing wrong with you. Certainly, your perception can be sick. And your thinking can be off. And you can make poor choices. For instance, you can choose to see flaws in yourself that no one else sees. You can invent a story of how bad you are. You can try to convince the world how unlovable you are. Give these strange ideas all of your power, if you want, but who you are—your Unconditioned Self—remains whole, worthy, and well. True psychotherapy is a process of changing your mind about yourself. Shift happens whenever you practice unconditional self-acceptance. Shift happens whenever you give yourself a break. Shift happens whenever you choose kindness instead of judgment, forgiveness instead of self-attack, and laughter instead of condemnation. Life always gets better when you treat yourself better.

Remember that old bumper sticker, God doesn’t Happiness is all about being willing to be innocent again.

make junk? It’s true.

The final (and only) act of healing is to accept that there is nothing wrong with you. Try this powerful exercise today. Make a point of looking for the good in everyone you meet. See the light in their eyes, their faces, their smile, and their presence. Mentally bow to the light in everyone you meet today. Above all, teach no one that there is anything wrong with who they are. As you offer this light to others so will you strengthen it in yourself. About the Author Robert Holden, Ph.D., is the director of The Happiness Project and Success Intelligence. His innovative work on happiness and success has been featured on Oprah and in two major BBC-TV documentaries, The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy, shown in 16 countries to more than 30 million television viewers. He is the author of the best-selling books, Happiness NOW!, Be Happy, and Shift Happens! Visit: www.robertholden.org and www.behappy.net. This excerpt was taken from the upcoming book Shift Happens by Robert Holden, Ph.D. (September 2011, Hay House)

Chapter Two The First Truth: You Can’t Reason with Illness, Crisis, or God

by Caroline Myss The need to know why things happen to us as they do is a gut survival instinct. Something feels so off when we are denied an explanation for events and experiences, especially when they redirect the course of our lives. The absence of an explanation makes us feel powerless, as if we had done something wrong but we just don’t know what.

Most people fall into this line of thinking, which reflects the belief that if you are good, bad things shouldn’t happen to you. So if something bad does



What went wrong? What negative pattern in my mind or heart is the culprit? Surely if I find that current of bad juice and cut it off at the source, I’ll be rewarded with health, right? It can’t hurt, but it won’t guarantee a healing either.

The people who have described their healing process to me have many beliefs and attitudes in common. First and perhaps most elemental among them is the realization that it was essential to give up the need to know why things happened as they did. Most did not come to this realization easily, as this thought pattern has an entire belief system attached to it, including a belief in how the mechanism of good and evil functions and how God interacts with individuals at the behavioral level of life. This isn’t as simple as giving up sugar or caffeine. Giving up the need to know why things happen as they do requires a belief in some higher order or power that transcends rational

To what or whom, then, you might ask, did you release this need to know why? One phrase used to describe this release is “surrendering to God.” thought.

Others might prefer to call it surrendering to the Universe. Either way, such surrender is fundamentally a mystical act of transformation, not a rational or intellectual one. It is a leap into the unknown that defies reason and requires every ounce of courage you have. Jumping such a high inner hurdle wasn’t easy for these people, but it was—and is—a necessary step.

NO NEED TO KNOW Until you surrender the need to know why things happened to you as they did, you will hold on to your wounds with intense emotional fire. Your mind will want to heal, but your pride, anger, and emotions will remain caught up in wanting to make sure that the people who hurt you feel bad about what they’ve done. Or you may want to hurt them back. But rest assured, your emotional self will remain attached to the unfinished business rooted in feelings of abandonment and humiliation, of having lost something or been cheated. Your mind may do what’s required for healing and go through all the prescribed steps, but your heart will never fully participate in the healing process. In the end, forgiveness is an act of release, surrendering the need for an explanation. From that perspective, forgiveness has nothing to do with the individuals who harmed you. It is the act of accepting that there is a greater map of life, through which flow many rivers of events and relationships, all interconnected. Forgiveness is your release from the hell of wanting to know what cannot be known and from wanting to see others suffer because they have hurt you. In order to reach this place of surrender, the people I encountered had to recognize that the word “forgiveness” is all-inclusive, encompassing childhood pain, broken marriages, experiences of betrayal, unresolved differences in various relationships, business deals gone bad, misguided or impulsive decisions that harmed others, and personal acts of misconduct. That understanding represents the first level of wisdom, the one at which you can see that you had at least some role in the unfolding of events—or that although you may not have had a direct role in creating an abusive situation, as in the case of childhood abuse or neglect, no logical explanation will ever suffice for why you personally were the victim. Certainly you will never uncover an explanation that actually heals the full measure of your pain, because reason simply can’t penetrate the heart and soul that deeply. Given that fact, we must strive for a position that is beyond logical understanding, one that may even be transcendent. One man described it to me this way: “My mother was an alcoholic. I have more memories of her passed out on the couch than I do of her conscious. I hated her for years, and after I left home I didn’t see her for almost 12 years. I returned home because I wanted to reconcile these memories, but found I couldn’t, because she denied everything I brought up. When I became ill, I realized that the reason I had been angry all my life is that I felt cheated about not having a loving

mother. I thought there was something wrong with me. I realized then that there was

nothing wrong with me. My mom was a sad, empty, and disappointed person, but I have no doubt she did not want to be that way. There was no one who could help her back then. How was she supposed to get out of her pain? It had nothing to do with me, and in realizing that, I healed this deep, dark wound. She lived long enough for us to truly reconcile, and for this miracle I shall always be grateful.” The next level of experiences you cannot reason with are more cosmic in nature, because they are impersonal, part of a collective catastrophe, or because they are potentially fatal. And the confrontation with our own death inevitability calls us to review our relationship to the whole of our life—that is, matters related to the spirit or cosmos. This level, then, includes accidents and injuries; the death of a loved one; economic crises that are seemingly out of your control (like a stock market crash or a major recession); environmental disasters that take away everything you have; or birth defects in your children. At the high end of this spectrum is personal illness, which often elicits our greatest need to know why—specifically, why we must now confront the crisis of a disease that could kill us. Even if the ailment is the result of our own actions— diabetes caused by obesity, lung cancer from smoking—we still want to know, “Why me, and why now?” Yet when the moment for surrendering our questions finally arrives, we don’t go through the list item by item. Instead, those people who manage to heal release an entire mindset that takes the whole list with it. This represents a cleansing of the ego that liberates the embittered self. In its place emerges an inner truth that assures you that nothing was a mistake or an accident and that all things can be healed. Imagine viewing a garden on the far side of the river that is rumored to have the most fragrant flowers ever to bloom on earth. No matter how poetic a description of each fragrance someone might offer you, your mind would not be able to produce the experience of one of those scents, even for a second. To smell the actual flowers, you must enter the garden. Such an experience is beyond the grasp of reason; it is an act of transformation, or at least of sensory delight.

Giving up the need to know why something has happened to you will definitely count among the most rigorous personal challenges of your life. Everything about human nature craves an explanation for why events occur as they do. Our sense of reason is more than just an attribute of the mind; it is akin to an archetypal power that governs our capacity to ground our lives and balance the forces of chaos in the world. The power of reason connects us to the rule of law and justice, directing human behavior on that tenuous path of right and wrong. Surrendering the need to know “why” represents the release of an entire inner archetypal map, one that the ego relies on for its strategies of survival in a world we perceive as heavily influenced by the polarities of right and wrong, good and evil. To surrender runs counter to all your instincts of protection, grounded as they are in your need for personal safely. Your unconscious fear is that to surrender is to release the force of evil in your life without the rule of good to counteract it. We tend to believe, even unconsciously, that if we do good, bad things won’t happen to us. We not only believe that principle, but we also honor and live by it. Yet healing requires you to relinquish your need for an explanation —why, for instance, you experienced a brutal betrayal, or why you must take on the arduous challenge of healing an illness or assisting a loved one who is ill. Understandably, everyone asks, “How? How am I supposed to let go of this need for reasonable explanations?” Surrendering the need for an explanation represents a profound act of personal transformation. What you are releasing is your need for God or the heavens or the Divine to explain the events of your life in a rational way, as if the heavens operated according to the laws of our land and the rules of human interaction. Surrender represents a course

correction of our belief that others are responsible for our life and, more to the point, for our pain and failures. It also represents a supreme act of faith that states, “With you, God, all things are possible, including my healing.” In saying that prayer, however, you leave it to God to chart the course of possibilities for your healing. As the saying goes, all our prayers are answered, but sometimes the answer is no. Yet how does one accomplish that profound degree of inner transformation? Like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, you need to identify what I consider the unreasonable voice of reason—that part of you that encourages you to feel sorry for yourself or provides you with a list of reasons to go on believing that your life will never improve or that bad things happen only to you. Although we are calling this the voice of reason, in fact it is a voice that you cannot reason with, one that can prevent you from healing and make you believe that nothing you do will ever make a difference. This is a voice that can destroy all hope and lead you into despair and endless cycles of depression. Then your pride forces you to justify your actions and anger, and all the time you know in your heart that you are wrong. So-called reasonable behavior is unreasonable precisely because it is so often driven by toxic emotions, and we end up using our reason to justify actions that are emotionally irrational, negative, and hurtful.

Surrendering the need for an explanation represents a profound act of p e r s o n a l transformation.

The voice of reason is, in the language of Saint Teresa of Ávila, influenced by countless inner “reptiles” that need to be exorcised, because they exert control over our ability to make clear and healthy choices. These inner reptiles can make us believe we are thinking reasonably when we are actually possessed by fear: the fear of poverty, for

Such fears can and do lead us to act in self-destructive ways. instance, or the fear of being wrong or rejected.

People possessed by fear can rationalize all types of behavior, from addiction to abuse, and actually believe what they are saying is completely reasonable. Inner reptiles are the demons of our “reasonable” mind: fear, pride, control, and our need to have the guarantee of a safe outcome before we act on our intuitive guidance. These are the “reptiles of reason” that each of us must discover within. Or, to say it another way, we must each explore the unreasonable side of the power of reason.

U N R E A S O N A B L E REASONS The field of human consciousness acknowledges the crucial role of the spirit, as noted in the holistic body-mind-spirit template, which implies a divine presence encompassed within the human experience. And yet most people are unsure as to how the Divine expresses its influence. So we have to leave it to our imagination to create a variety of beliefs that may seem reasonable on the surface, but upon closer inspection are really a combination of superstitions and cosmic guesswork. Included among these beliefs are some real mystical truths that, when taken literally or out of cosmic context, are frequently misinterpreted. Unfortunately, although these beliefs have come to be seen as reasonable, they often end up doing far more harm than good. They reflect our need to find a logical rationale for experiences that take us beyond our ordinary boundaries of pain or fear, and, in doing so, to reestablish a sense of order, control, and direction in our lives.

The following are the most common “unreasonable” reasons that I have consistently encountered in my work.

1. There Is a Lesson in This Crisis—I Just Have to Find It The search for the one lesson behind an illness or crisis is rooted in the archetype of the “good student” or the “good child” who, upon learning the lesson, is immediately rewarded— in this case, with the return of excellent health or whatever else was lost in the crisis. The fault lines in this belief show that it is far closer to a superstition than to a faith-based conviction: First, the underlying implication is that the student or child was

somehow bad and that the illness or crisis is a cosmic punishment. Second, the individual sets his or her sights on the search for one event, one wrongdoing, one bad thing that happened, instead of placing attention where it should be, on dysfunctional lifetime patterns that call for healing. This belief keeps us focused on the past as the source of healing. Healing becomes dependent on finding this Holy Grail of what one thing went wrong. I’ve seen people become obsessed with this search, which in itself only becomes yet another stress. Is there any truth to this belief? Naturally, up to a point, since otherwise we’d never

The value in a lesson is gathering wisdom and applying that wisdom to the life you have today. What have you learned from your life? You look back to retrieve change our dysfunctional behaviors.

wisdom so that wisdom positions you not to repeat the same errors. Looking into your past in order to find information that gives you leverage to feel worse about your life or that allows you to feel entitled to make others suffer because you have suffered is a useless quest, much less a healing one. Wisdom is healing grace; not guilt, not fear, not the desire to go backward into agonizing over who hurt you so that you can tell them about it. Healing comes from gathering wisdom from past actions and letting go of the pain that the education cost you.

2. It’s My Karma All too often, I have heard people speak of their crises as tied to a past life or negative karma. Earlier, I mentioned that some beliefs are rooted in mystical truths, and karma certainly qualifies; but if any law could blow the doors off the well-guarded room of reason, the law of karma would certainly be it. Years ago I went to the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba in India, where I had a conversation with a longtime resident. Jake had a number of fascinating stories about whom Sai Baba healed and whom he did not. He told me that when he first began to watch Sai Baba, he assumed that the sage would heal the crippled children whose parents had brought them to the ashram. When this didn’t happen, Jake was profoundly disturbed. He believed that “innocent” children should be healed; yet Sai Baba overlooked many of them, healing people without any apparent pattern of preference. Age, for example, didn’t matter. Sai Baba was as likely to heal a very old person as a young person, despite the obvious fact that the young had more life ahead of them. Finally Jake told Sai Baba that he was confused and wondered why he was not healing more of the children. Sai Baba asked him, “Can you see their karma?” Jake replied that he could not. “I can,” Sai Baba said. “The crippled child you see as innocent was once a judge who delighted in handing out brutal sentences to innocent people. The woman who is now his mother helped him in this cruelty.” Then Sai Baba asked Jake, “Do you still feel sorry for him?” “No,” Jake admitted. “He deserves to suffer for what he did.” Sai Baba smiled at him. “Do you see why it’s better that you do not know the secrets of a person’s karma?” he said with a smile. “It is far better that you believe that every child is innocent and that even you do not deserve to suffer all that comes your way in life. Your heart is not yet able to see people’s karma and still feel compassion for them.” Karma is real, but it is a mystical truth far more complex than we can grasp. Is there any way a belief in karma can serve a personal healing? If we believe in the existence of karma, then it follows that we must see the whole of our life, not just the difficulties, as threaded by its strands. Cosmic truth is not to be applied as a problem-solving device, but as a living philosophy or theology that covers every aspect of one’s life, from the challenges to the blessings. The law of karma holds balance and fairness at its core, and if you understand that, you are bound to utilize the ingredients of your life in this present moment based on the principles of this same law.

3. Illness Is the Result of Negativity We are a culture that reaches its conclusions based on simple measures, among them the pain-pleasure scale. If something causes pain, it’s bad; all pain must be stopped immediately. Illness is painful, crises are painful, and so, based on this line of reasoning, we usually assume that the root cause of these conditions is fundamentally negative. That is simply not true. Sometimes a health crisis is one’s highest

calling in life, and in that case negativity has nothing whatever to do with it. For example, Helen Keller developed an infectious fever at the age of 18 months that caused her to go blind and deaf. Was this because of her negativity, or was it a necessary crisis that opened her path of destiny? We know the answer to that now, and even Helen Keller wrote that she viewed her blindness and deafness as essential to her calling in life. Illness is often part of a person’s destiny and not the consequence of negativity or stress. A friend of mine riding on a bus in Chicago sat across from a young man who had lost an arm and a leg in an accident. He noticed her looking at him and immediately struck up a conversation with her about how his accident had occurred. She commented that she found his attitude about his loss of two limbs remarkable, to which he replied, “That’s exactly what I hope people would say. I think my job now is to make people appreciate their lives more.” You may think that losing two limbs is a high price to pay for being a vessel of optimism in life, yet I am now passing on his grace to everyone who reads this story, which makes him an even more effective vessel of grace. Negative emotions and toxic attitudes certainly influence our health, yet I do not believe that they cause our illnesses. Illnesses and crises are the result of many factors, from our lifestyle to our DNA to environmental conditions. The psychospiritual health of our interior life also plays a role. It is certainly true, however, that negativity interferes with healing. No matter how excellent the medical attention or other assistance we receive, negative attitudes undermine even the best support systems. No one can shed a lifetime’s worth of fears and negative patterns in an instant. Nor is it essential to do so. It is possible, however, to invest your energy, your life force, in thoughts and beliefs that are positive and beneficial rather than those that deplete your health. Keep your attention in the present and don’t let your imagination wander into the “future.” You’ll only scare yourself with old fears and end up in some dark, negative space. Instead, keep near you books or films or phone numbers of people who can lift your spirits.

Healing negativity does not require that you excavate every negative thought or emotion; instead, make a decision each day to find something of value to appreciate in your life, but appreciate it all day long. Or choose a positive thought and use it during your ordinary activities. One insight that completely changed the quality of my life came from the writings of Thomas Merton, from an entry in his journal describing a hot summer afternoon. He noted the color of the sunset and how the breeze bent the flowers and how the bulls were resting under the shade of a tree because of the heat. He focused his attention on the simplicity of nature, on all that was silent and beautiful, and he ended his journal entry that day with this sentence: “This day will never come again.” I read that line again and again until I realized it had taken on sacred meaning for me. It had illuminated the ordinary in my life, the way I saw my family members, each day, and each one of my friends. Every time we gathered— and gather—together, I now think,

“This day will never come again. I will never be here with you exactly like this again.” That one sentence was an illumination of my soul, and nothing in my life has ever been the same since. That one insight has given “right proportion” to all matters for me, and I dwell in that thought the same way I dwell in a deep prayer. A thought-prayer like that renews my perspective and lifts me beyond ordinary thinking. It reminds me that no day of my life will ever come again. All lesser

Artist in this article is Bertrand-Jean Redon/ Public Domain/Wikipedia

Join Us for I Can Do It! Vancouver—May 5-6, 2012 Hay House is excited to bring the I Can Do It! conference to Vancouver! Join us for a day or the entire weekend as your favorite authors and speakers lecture on topics ranging from personal and global transformation, manifestation and happiness to past lives, and guidance from your angels. This is event will energize your mind, body and spirit! Register today – seating is limited and passes will sell out! Click here for complete details. Featuring these amazing authors and speakers all in one place: Louise L. Hay • Robert Holden, Ph.D. • Dr. Wayne W. Dyer • Gregg Braden • Marianne Williamson Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. • Doreen Virtue • Cheryl Richardson • Caroline Myss

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The work is done quickly and in the moment to capture spontaneity and avoid over thinking and over working. As an artist I am at a genesis of learning to express myself in an honest and straightforward manner.”

Art by....

Jeff Ham

I paint what I love, people, animals and landscapes. I do my best to translate emotion and feelings into color as well as communicate my individual interpretation of each subject.

Jeff Ham

Raw, bright, explosive colors are used to evoke emotion and draw attention to the subjects Jeff p a i n t s .

“In my paintings

everything becomes an iconic image, no setting or backgrounds.

Jeff Ham Gallery

I N V O K E TH E REAL YOU by marianne williamson

You have a physical set of eyes and a spiritual set of eyes. With your physical eyes you see the material world, but there is more to life than the material world. With your spiritual eyes, you see beyond appearances. You see into the realm of divine possibility, and by seeing a new possibility, you invoke it. Instead of allowing appearances to determine what you think is real, you can decide what you think is real; by doing so, you can cause a change in what you see. Once you see who you really are, you will permit the real you to come forth. This is neither theory nor theology. It’s neither symbol nor metaphor nor hopeful fantasy. This lesson will be as real in your experience as you choose it to be, and to the extent that it is real for you, its effects will be real in your life. The real you is neither fat nor skinny. The real you is not a body at all, but rather a spirit . . . an energy . . . an idea in the Mind of God. The real you is a being of light, and therefore has no material density. As you align more and more with the truth of your being, this higher reality will permeate all aspects of your life. The more you identify with the light of your being, the lighter you will feel. You will materialize a lighter body when you have a more light-filled mind. Fear literally weighs you down, but love en-lightens you. Any subject, energy, circumstance, thought, feeling, interpretation, perspective, goal, substance, or relationship that fosters fear in you is something that feeds your compulsion, because compulsion is your fallback position in the presence of fear. It would be a mistake to think that you have more fear than other people do, by the way, or that you react more dysfunctionally to your fear. What makes your situation unique, and more uniquely painful, is that your relationship to fear is played out in such a visible way. You can’t permanently get rid of your excess weight without first getting rid of your fear. The question, then, is: What are you afraid of? The first answer that suggests itself is that you are afraid of being even heavier, of never getting your eating under control, of never getting this monkey off your back and so forth. But beneath that fear is an even deeper one. Your deepest fear isn’t of being fat; your deepest fear is of being thin.

For many people, compulsive eating is tied to a fear of sex and of being sexy. In particular, the number of women whose excess weight can be almost directly traced to sexual abuse is significant. When I was beautiful, I was molested. Or, When I was beautiful, I was raped. Or, When I’m beautiful, I don’t know how to handle the sexual attention. Such thoughts run rampant through the minds of many who are overweight, men as well as women. If the idea of being skinny frightens you, there’s no point trying to get rid of what your subconscious mind has created as your security blanket. For subconsciously, you will not let it go. There are many ways to hide, and weight is one of them. Some people hide behind a wall of weight as a refuge from the dangers of inappropriate or even criminal sexual contact. If these dark shadows of sexuality lurk behind your fear of being thin, then the way to disperse those shadows is not to deny your sexuality, but to purify it of error. Sometimes that means forgiving someone else, and sometimes it means forgiving yourself. Certainly feminism has helped empower women, the women’s movement has liberated us to actualize more of our human potential, and the modern view of women has helped us right injustices like the subjugation and oppression of females. At the same time, however, there are certain cultural attitudes more endemic to former times that served us well, and the absence of which has left us exposed to energies no woman should be exposed to. Freedom and license are two very different words, and the sexual freedom of the 1960s—while in many ways a wonderful liberation indeed—carried with it, as most things do, some hidden potential for misuse. Modesty is not just some old-fashioned we-don’t-need-this-anymore value; it is a spiritual energy that dignifies and protects female sexuality from both abuse by men and misuse by women. Casual sex is not just wrong for some moralistic reason; it’s wrong because it violates something profound and extraordinary by cheapening its value. “Starting too young” is not just wrong because of societal attitudes; it’s wrong because the brain of a young teenager (and certainly those younger than that) is not developed enough, and the personality of that young of a person is not experienced enough, to integrate such a powerful experience in the most meaningful way. We have been left exposed over the last few decades to a hell-posing-as-heaven of sexual license, leaving us feeling not so much liberated as unprotected. Many walls were torn down that we

by Jeff Ham

then made subconscious and dysfunctional efforts to build back up. Packing on pounds is one of them. As your fear is reduced, your body will reduce itself. When you no longer fear the world so much, you will be more comfortable dwelling in it. Dwelling more comfortably in the world, you will begin to dwell more comfortably in your own skin. And dwelling more comfortably in your own skin, you will subconsciously create a more comfortable body. Feeling fearful of the world, you feel a perverse comfort in a body that keeps the world at a distance. And that is where the real you comes in. The real you loves the world and doesn’t want to keep it at a distance. You are here to love the world and for the world to love you. The real you doesn’t perceive that fact within a sexual context but within a spiritual one. The purity of your spirituality heals the toxicity of any sexual impurity in your past. Your real self is eternally innocent and eternally chaste. Nothing you have ever done and nothing that anyone has ever done to you could make imperfect what God created perfect. What God has created is both changeless and forever. The goodness and purity of your essential self is guaranteed for all time. And the more you make conscious contact with that purity, the more quickly dysfunctional thoughts, toxic shame, and other buried feelings arising from sexual violation will begin to dissolve and disappear forever. In Divine Mind, you exist as a divine image. And that is the truth of who you are. That image has a twin within the physical world, and she is waiting to be born. Her existence expresses itself as you at your healthiest, happiest, and most creative. Your body at its perfect shape and weight already exists within Divine Mind, the realm of pure possibility, because all that is perfect dwells in divine possibility. Your perfect weight, as an expression of the real you, is not just a vague hope dangling out in the universe somewhere—rather, it is a divine imprint gestating within you. As an overweight person, you have given birth to the body of your suffering; it is time to give birth to the body of your joy. There is no wall around the real you, but that doesn’t mean she is unprotected. She is protected by a mantle of blessing. Her weight is down, but her sexual energy reads “Don’t even think about it” to anyone but appropriate partners. Having forgiven herself and anyone who transgressed against her, she has learned her lesson and healed her heart. There is no need or subconscious urge to attract a similar situation again. Having been herself reminded of her fundamental virtue, others are automatically reminded of it as

as well when in her presence. Only those who are worthy will come courting, and only those who are worthy will be invited into her court. The real you is not afraid of being thin, because she knows the real world is not a dangerous place and the real world is where she lives. The real world is not material but spiritual. The real world is not chaotic or licentious or violent or fearful; the real world is simply love. A spiritual practice is your bridge to the real you and to the real world. Through prayer, meditation, forgiveness, and compassion, you make conscious contact with your spiritual self and hasten the process of your healing. As you allow Divine Mind access to your thinking, you allow it access to your body as well. Spirit moves things, including biological forces. And it removes things as well. With this lesson, you ask Divine Mind to remove any fear you have of being who you really are. Learning to be comfortable with your own magnificence—your own reality as a child of God—is the goal of any spiritual quest, including this one. The real you is like a file in a computer that’s not currently being downloaded. It exists; it just hasn’t been brought up on your screen yet. And that’s because it hasn’t been chosen. Fear rather than love has been doing your choosing, but as you do the lessons in this course, you will learn to choose again. Every time you put a piece of food in your mouth, you are making a choice: either a wise choice or a self-destructive choice, but a choice. The more you align with the real you, the real you will make more of your choices. And the real you will always choose love.

by Jeff Ham

The choice to eat wisely is not important simply because it leads to an arguably more attractive you; it isn’t important simply because it offers the possibility of a smaller dress size; it isn’t even important simply because it’s healthier. It’s important because it’s an act of love. It’s a way that you feed who you want to be—the healthier you, the more beautiful you, the more comfortable you, the happier you. And what you feed, you will call forth. You are not truly feeding yourself when you eat excessively; in fact, you are withholding sustenance from yourself when you overeat, for in so doing, you are withholding love.

One of the reasons people consume anything too much is because they don’t consume other things enough. You tend to take in too much material substance when you are starving yourself of certain immaterial substance. Overeating is an act of spiritual starvation, and one of the things the overeater often starves herself of is the natural right to dream. Invoking the real you begins with expanding your imagination, allowing yourself to really want what you want. You have as much of a right to your dreams as does any other person. But if you won’t let a thinner you live in your imagination, then there’s no way you’ll let her live in your body. Perhaps you have a picture of yourself when your weight was what you want now, or you can get a picture from a book or magazine that represents your desired look. Make sure, however, that if you do use an image of another person, that you put a picture of your own face on it—otherwise, this exercise can be used to depress you rather than heal you. These lessons are not about your wanting to be someone else; they’re about your learning to manifest your own best self. And your best self has an appreciation for the beauty of this world, including your own. Beauty and sensuality are gifts of nature, and if anyone or anything has sullied them in your mind, then it is time to heal that now. The sensual aspect of your body is a spiritual gift; experiencing it is part of the glory of being human. Deep down, you want the experience of a waistline; you want the experience of a lighter body; you want the experience of looking at yourself in the mirror and smiling at how good you look. You want the experience of self-love in its totality. And yet for many reasons this might scare you. Your work is to forgive yourself for denying yourself this experience, and to enter into the delights of your sensual self now. It’s not just your right but also your mission on Earth to become the person you long to be. You don’t long to be a victim; you long to be good, healthy, and creative. You long to feel the fun of a fit body and the joy of being able to run around with your children and grandchildren. You long to have a non-obsessive relationship with food, and you long to look in the mirror and like what you see. No one but you is denying yourself these experiences, and your facing that fact—that you are cruel to you, that you are withholding from you, that you are harming you—is both horrifying and liberating to look squarely in the eye. Have you bludgeoned yourself enough yet, do you think? Have you figured out yet what you did to deserve this? And are you ready for a miracle? Regardless of your weight, you might not have the build of a supermodel. And that’s okay. When your body is toned and at a weight that is healthy and right for you, it’s beautiful. But the change you’re making now is happening in the realm of your imagination. If you put a picture of a supermodel on your refrigerator—with your face instead of hers—then that’s fine. You’re not self-destructively setting your sights on an unrealistic goal; you’re simply allowing your heart to own what it really wants.

One of the ways you love yourself is by permitting yourself to want what you want.

Your desire is a good thing, not an enemy. You’re not diminishing your seriousness by celebrating your physicality. You’re not giving in to some chauvinist fantasy by saying, “Yes, damn it, I want that!” You’re not trying to escape your life; you’re trying at last to claim your life! The more you embrace the image of a beautiful body and emotionally permit yourself to desire one, the more your subconscious mind will make one manifest. “I shouldn’t want that,” “I can never have that,” or “I don’t want that anyway” is not the instruction your subconscious mind should be receiving when you look at a picture of someone who is thin. Perhaps you carry ugly pictures in your head—pictures of your fat stomach, huge thighs, double chin, and so forth. These might be exaggerated and distorted images and not how others even see you, but they have led to negative selftalk that both attacks these images and reinforces them at the same time. Now, by putting your face atop a picture of a beautiful body—whether or not it’s even representative of your body type—you have the chance to project the real you into the world, usurping an old, ugly self-image and flooding your mind with a new, gorgeous one. This alchemical shape-shifting is the miracle you seek, because it is a change within your thinking. You are not comparing and contrasting your body with Beyoncé’s, leading only to the seesaw of alternating motivation and despair. You are not trying to be someone else; you are simply invoking the archetype of the beautiful female form. You are embracing the beauty that is absolutely your divine right, every bit as much as it is hers. Beyoncé is not revealing what is hers alone; she is revealing an archetypal beauty. You are invoking beauty as an absolute, an aspect of the divine feminine within us all. Take any action that will further this process. Make copies of that picture of your face atop a beautiful body, and put them in various places around your house. Make sure you put them on your refrigerator, a cabinet in your kitchen, and your bathroom mirror. Make your kitchen and bedroom a visual homage to these images. And do not forget to place one on your altar. No matter what you think of the pictures on a conscious level, or what those around you may think of them, they are imprinting themselves on your subconscious mind.

Every time you look at that picture, you’re inviting your inner thin person to come forth. Your “inner thin” doesn’t represent a false value, a superficial or shallow image created by fashion magazines just to taunt you. Your desire to be thin is a valid desire . . . the desire to be healthy, to be light on your feet, to be comfortable in your skin, to have fun with clothes, to enjoy your body, to be sensual, and to be free of compulsion. You have within you an internal guidance system. It is perfectly calibrated to keep the systems of your body in working order. It guides your breathing, brain functioning, digestion, and so forth. And when you were an infant, it guided your hunger and desire for food. Your guidance system in this area has admittedly been knocked out of working order, but there is nothing inherently permanent about this disorder. When your spiritual guidance system is back in order, your physical guidance system will fall back into place as well. This might not happen immediately, but it will happen. Manifesting your perfect weight is simply a natural result of realigning with your true self.

by Jeff Ham

Are We All Solar Cells Within A System?

...as we flow within its rhythms. We all have many faces, and fazes, and flare ups from time to time. And no matter what, it always affects our electrical nervous systems. This may sound loony...but this design is in all systems. by Karen Elkins SunNASA, Moon Gregory H. Revera/CC 3.0, Moon fazes by Luc Viatour / www.Lucnix.be

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D


The promise of spontaneous evolution signifies nothing less than a global transformation. But before we can reshape our outer environment, we must first be fully aware of the world within.

Excerpt From Spontaneous Evolution

Beneath our skin is a bustling metropolis of 50 trillion cells, each of which is biologically and functionally equivalent to a miniature human. This is not a hyperbolic claim made merely for impact. No, indeed, because once we see the

Act Locally . . . Evolve Globally

“In a shrinking world that can use a good shrink, we don’t need another theory of evolution. What we need is a practice of evolution.” — Swami Beyondananda

remarkable similarity between our cells and ourselves, we will begin to learn some of the processes and practices cells have refined over the course of billions of years. We will also gain insight into how our cells created consciousness. And, by becoming more aware about how that consciousness operates within the cells, we can learn to rewrite our limiting beliefs at this pivotal time in our human evolution.

by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D &AS Steve Bhaerman ABOVE, SO WITHIN CELLS

As Above, So Within

NASA, ESA Credit: G. Bacon (STScI)

Conventional wisdom holds that the fate and behavior of our internal cellular citizens are preprogrammed in their genes. Since molecular biologists James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the genetic code in 1953, the public has been imbued with the perception that deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, acquired from our parents at the moment of conception determines our traits and characteristics. The

conventional view

of genetics further has us believe that our inherited gene programs are fixed and as unchangeable as a computer’s read-only program. The notion that our fate is indelibly inscribed in our genes was directly derived from the now outdated scientific concept known as genetic determinism, which would have us believe that we are victims of genetic forces outside of our control. Unfortunately, the assumption of powerlessness is a one-way street to personal irresponsibility. Too many of us have said, “Hey, I can’t do anything about it anyway, so why should I care? Overweight? It runs in my family. Pass me the bonbons.”

Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny TIMES MAGAZINE

SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE GENES By the 1980s, genetic scientists were convinced that genes controlled life. They thus set out to map the human genome, intending to identify the complete set of genes that define all of the heritable traits of the human organism. They hoped that, by revealing that code, they would find the key to finally preventing and curing human illness. We will read more about the fate of the Human Genome Project later, but for now, let’s just say a surprising thing happened on the way to genetic engineering. Scientists began to uncover a revolutionary new view of how life really works and, in doing so, founded a new branch of science known as epigenetics.1 Epigenetics has shaken the foundations of biology and medicine to their core because it reveals that we are not victims but masters of our genes. For those who don’t know Greek, the prefix epi- means “over or above.” Students in high school and basic college biology courses are still learning about genetic control, which is the notion that genes primarily control the traits of life; however, the new science of epigenetic control reveals that life is controlled by something above the genes.

Exciting new insights concerning what that something above the genes is provides a gateway to understanding our proper role as co-creators of our reality.

As we learned in the previous chapter, environmental signals acting through membrane switches control cell functions. It turns out that environmental signals, using the same mechanisms, also regulate gene activity. In the case of epigenetics, environmentally derived signals activate membrane switches that send secondary signals into the cell’s nucleus. Within the nucleus, these signals select gene blueprints and control the manufacture of specific proteins. This is far different than the conventional belief that genes turn themselves on and off. Genes are not emergent entities, meaning they do not control their own activity. Genes are simply molecular blueprints. And blueprints are design drawings; they are not the contractors that actually construct the building. Epigenetics functionally represents the mechanism by which the contractor selects appropriate gene blueprints and controls the construction and maintenance of the body. Genes do not control biology; they are used by biology. The conventional belief that the genome represents read-only programs that cannot be influenced by the environment has now been proven to be one of those things we thought we knew, but we were, indeed, wrong. Epigenetic mechanisms actually modify the readout of the genetic code. The creative power of epigenetics is revealed in this fact: epigenetic mechanisms can edit the readout of a gene so as to create over 30,000 different variations of proteins from the same gene blueprint!2 Depending on the nature of the environmental signals, the contractor characteristic of the epigenetic mechanism can modify a gene to produce either healthy or dysfunctional protein products. In other words, a person can be born with healthy genes but through a distortion in epigenetic signaling, can develop a mutant condition such as cancer. On the positive side, the same epigenetic mechanism can enable individuals born with potentially debilitating mutations to create normal, healthy proteins and functions from their inherited defective genes.3

Epigenetic mechanisms modify the readout of the genetic code, so that genes represent read-write programs, not read-only programs. This means that life experiences can actively redefine our genetic traits.

This is a truly radical discovery. Where we once were certain that our genes marked our destiny, new-edge science now tells us Nature is smarter than that. As organisms interact with the environment, their perceptions engage epigenetic mechanisms that fine-tune genetic expression in order to enhance the opportunities for survival. This environmental influence is dramatically revealed in studies of identical twins. At birth and shortly thereafter, twin siblings express almost the same gene activity from their identical genomes. However, as they age, their personal individualized experiences and perceptions lead to activation of significantly different sets of genes.4 News media delight in stories about the amazingly similar parallel lives led by twins separated at birth, to the extent that they may even end up with the same job or marry partners with the same name. Although these stories are perceived as generalizations, they are extremely rare exceptions, and, more importantly, those stories fail to consider the important period of prenatal behavioral programming that profoundly shapes the life and behavior of those twins when grown.5 Take a moment to fully comprehend what new-edge biology is revealing. Perceptions not only control behavior, they control gene activity as well. This revised version of science emphasizes the reality that we actively control our genetic expression moment by moment, throughout our lives. We are learning organisms that can

incorporate life experiences into our genomes and pass them on to our offspring, who will then incorporate their life experiences into the genome to further human evolution. Therefore, rather than perceiving ourselves as helpless victims of our genes, we must now accept and own the empowering truth that our perceptions and responses to life dynamically shape our biology and behavior. Now let’s take a look at how those allpowerful perceptions are actually shaped.

FROM THE MICROCOSM OF THE CELL TO THE MACROCOSM OF THE MIND MEMBRANE /memory of the cell For the first 3.8 billion years of life on this planet, the biosphere consisted of a massive population of individual single-celled organisms, such as bacteria, yeast, algae, and protozoa like the familiar amoeba and paramecium. About 700 million years ago, individual cells started to assemble into multicellular colonies. The collective awareness afforded in a community of cells was far greater than that of an individual cell. Because awareness is a primary factor in an organism’s survival, the communal experience enhanced the opportunity for its citizens to stay alive and reproduce. The first cellular communities, like the earliest human communities, were hunter-gatherer clans wherein each member offered the same services to support survival. However, as population densities of both cellular and human communities reached greater numbers, it became neither efficient nor effective for all individuals to do the same job. Evolution eventually led to specialized functions. For example, in human communities some members focused on hunting, others on domestic chores, and some on child rearing. In cellular communities, specialization meant that some cells began to differentiate as digestive cells, others as heart cells, and still others as muscle cells. Most cells in human and animal bodies have no direct perception of the environment beyond the skin. Liver cells, for example, see what’s going on in the liver, but don’t directly know what’s going on in the world. Therefore, the brain and nervous system must

interpret environmental stimuli and send signals to the cells, which then integrate and regulate life-sustaining functions of the body’s organ systems to support survival in that perceived environment.

The successful nature of multicellular communities allowed evolving brains to dedicate vast numbers of cells to catalog, memorize, and integrate complex perceptions. Through evolutionary advances, the brain’s cellular population acquired the ability to remember millions of experienced perceptions and integrate them into a powerful database. Complex behavioral programs created from this database endow the organism with the characteristic trait of consciousness, a term we use in its most fundamental context to mean “the state of being awake and aware.” Many scientists prefer to think of consciousness as something an organism either has or doesn’t have. However, the study of evolution suggests that consciousness mechanisms evolved over time. Consequently, the character of consciousness would likely express itself as a gradient of awareness from less-conscious in primitive organisms to the unique character of self-consciousness manifest in humans and other higher vertebrates. What we mean by selfconsciousness isn’t “I hope my hair looks okay,” but, rather, a quality of being both a participant in life and an observer of life at the same time.

The expression of self-consciousness is specifically associated with a small evolutionary adaptation in the brain known as the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the neurological platform that enables humans to realize their personal identity and experience the quality of thinking. Monkeys and other animals that do not express self-awareness will look into a mirror and always perceive the image to be that of another creature. In contrast, neurologically advanced chimps looking in the mirror recognize the image as their own reflection.6

An important difference between the brain’s consciousness and the prefrontal cortex’s self-consciousness is that conventional consciousness enables an organism to assess and respond to conditions in the environment that are relevant at that moment. In contrast, selfconsciousness enables the individual to factor in the consequences of his or her actions, not only in the present moment, but also in the future.

Self-consciousness is what enables us to be co-creators, not merely responders to stimuli, meaning we can engage a self in the decision-making process. While conventional consciousness enables organisms to participate in the dynamics of life’s theater, the quality of self-consciousness offers an opportunity to be not only an actor but also a member of the audience and even a director. Selfconsciousness provides the option for self-reflection and the ability to review and edit the performance.

As significant as self-consciousness is to our own identity, it is actually a small part of what we call the mind. While the self-conscious mind is engaged in self-reflection, another mind is monitoring the world and controlling everything from our breathing to our driving—enter, from behind the curtain on center stage, the subconscious mind. In conventional parlance, the brain’s mechanism associated with automated stimulusresponse behaviors is referred to as the subconscious mind or unconscious mind because this function requires neither conscious observation nor attention. Functions of the subconscious mind evolved long before the prefrontal cortex. Consequently, organisms unable to express selfconsciousness are fully able to operate a body and navigate the challenges of a dynamic environment. In a manner similar to lower organisms, humans, too, can cruise on automatic pilot with selfregulating systems that manage themselves without need for advice or input from the selfconscious mind.

subconscious mind is an astonishingly powerful information processor that can record perceptual experiences and The

forever play them back at the push of a button. Interestingly, we sometimes only become aware of our subconscious mind’s push-button programs when someone else pushes our buttons.

40 NERVE IMPULSES P ER S ECOND Actually, the entire image of pushing buttons is far too slow and linear to describe the awesome data-processing capacity of the subconscious mind. It has been estimated that the disproportionately larger brain mass devoted to the subconscious mind can interpret and respond to over 40 million nerve impulses per second. In contrast, the diminutive self-conscious mind’s prefrontal cortex only processes about 40 nerve impulses per second. This means that as an information processor, the subconscious mind is one million times more powerful than the self-conscious mind.7


In contrast to its computational wizardry, the subconscious mind has only a marginal aptitude for creativity, best compared to that of a precocious five-year-old. While the self-conscious mind can express free will, the subconscious mind primarily expresses prerecorded stimulusresponse habits. Once we learn a behavior pattern—such as walking, getting dressed, or driving a car—we relegate those programs to the subconscious mind, which means that we can carry out complex functions without paying attention. While the subconscious mind can run all internal systems and chew gum at the same time, the much smaller prefrontal cortex responsible for self-consciousness can juggle only a small number of tasks simultaneously. Although its ability to multitask is physically constrained, the trained self-conscious mind is quite adept at single-tasking. It is the organ of focus and concentration. It was once thought that some of the body’s so-called involuntary functions, like the control of heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature, were beyond the control of the selfconscious mind; however, we now know that persons with higher mental evolution, such as yogis and other advanced meditators, can, indeed, control involuntary functions. This tells us that the subconscious and self-conscious components of the mind work as a marvelous tag team. The subconscious mind controls every behavior that is not attended to by the self-conscious mind. This, it turns out, is just about everything happening in present time! For most of us, the self-conscious mind is so preoccupied with thoughts about the past, the future, or some imaginary problem that we leave the day-to-day, moment-to-moment tasks to the subconscious. Cognitive neuroscientists conclude that the self-conscious mind contributes only about 5 percent of our cognitive activity. That means that 95 percent of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behaviors are derived from the unobserved processing of the subconscious mind.8

Excerpts from Spontaneous Evolution Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D www.brucelipton.com, Steve Bhaerman www.wakeuplaughing.com.





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During the last years of the Cold War, I had a front row seat as a senior systems designer in the defense industry to one of the most frightening times in the history of the world, and the thinking that led to it. During the last years of the most potentially lethal, yet undeclared, war in human history, the super powers of the United States and the former Soviet Union did something that seems unthinkable to any rationally minded person today. They spent the time, energy, and human resources to develop and stockpile somewhere in the neighborhood of 65,000 nuclear weapons—a

combined arsenal with the power to microwave the Earth, and everything on it, many times over.

DEEP WISDOM: By Gregg Braden THE MARRIAGE OF SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY The rationale for such an extreme effort stems from a way of thinking that has dominated much of the modern world for the last 300 years or so, since the beginning of the scientific era. It’s based in the false assumptions of scientific thinking that suggest we’re somehow separate from the Earth, separate from one another, and that the nature that gives us life is based upon relentless struggle and survival of the strongest. Fortunately, new discoveries have revealed that each of these assumptions is absolutely false. Unfortunately, however, there is a reluctance to reflect such new discoveries in mainstream media, traditional classrooms and conventional textbooks. In other words, we’re still teaching our young people the false assumptions of an obsolete way of thinking based in struggle, competition, and war. While we no longer face the nuclear threat that we did in the 1980s, the thinking that made the Cold War possible is still in place. This fact is vital to us all right now for one simple reason:

For the first time in human

history the future of our entire species rests upon the choices of a single generation—us—and the choices are being made within a small window of time—


The best minds of our time are telling us that we must

act quickly to avert the clear and present danger of a host of new crises that are converging in a “bottleneck” of time covering the first years of the 21st Century.

The journal Scientific American released a special edition (vol. 293, no. 3, September 2005) to bring the world up to speed on the critical situation we find ourselves in today. The title, Crossroads for Planet Earth, says it all. The way we solve the simultaneous crises— such as our response to climate change, the unsustainable and growing levels of extreme poverty, the emergence of new diseases, the growing shortages of food and fresh drinking water, the growing chasm between extreme wealth and extreme poverty, and the unsustainable demand for energy—will chart the destiny, or seal the fate of our global family that is estimated to reach a staggering 8 billion by 2025.

The key here is that the way we address the greatest crises of human history is based in the way we think of ourselves and the world. Clearly, the thinking that led to the war and suffering of the 20th century is not the thinking that we want the delicate choices of our survival based upon! Developing a new level of thinking is precisely what we need to do today and the magnitude of crises that face us may prove to be the catalyst for doing just that! The emerging bridge between the sciences that tell us how the universe works, and the spiritual traditions that give such knowledge meaning in our lives, plays a vital role in the new thinking that heads off the darkest possibilities of our future. But while the crises of the moment may be the catalyst for such a shift in thinking, something even deeper is emerging. The new shift in thinking is the gateway to human transformation. And because of the sheer number of people involved in the shift, and the growing magnitude of the crises that are driving us to change the way we think, we are standing on the threshold of human transformation at a level unlike anything ever before known on Earth. The spiritual traditions that I’m describing are the core principles of ancient and timetested understandings—principles now confirmed by 20th century science that include the interconnected nature of all things, the power of the human heart to positively influence the magnetic fields of the earth and all life, and the cyclic nature of life, climate, civilization and change. The spiritual traditions of our ancestors got these principles right and embodied them at the core of their lives in their time. It’s the marriage of these holistic principles with the best science of today that help us to tip the scales of life, balance, and peace in our favor, in ours.


While the specifics of spiritual principles may vary from tradition to tradition, the essence of their message does not. It’s simple, direct and states that we live in a world where everything has meaning, and is meaningful to everything else. What happens in the oceans has meaning for the climate of the mountains. What happens in a river has meaning for the life that depends upon the river. The choices that you and I make as we express our beliefs in our living rooms and around family dinner tables have meaning for the people in our immediate lives, as well as for those connected through the fields of the human heart coherence living halfway around the Earth. By crossing the traditional boundaries that define the science, religion, and the history of our past, we are shown the

holistic worldview.

power of a larger, integrated, and

I cannot help but believe that our destiny and fate as a

species are intimately entwined with our willingness to accept the Deep Wisdom of a spiritually based science. It’s all about the way we think of ourselves, our relationship to the Earth and to one another. When the facts become clear, our choices become obvious.

Gregg Braden is a New York Times bestselling author, a former Senior Computer Systems Designer for Martin Marietta Aerospace, former Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum, and the first Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems. His book, Deep Truth, releases October 2011. For over 25 years he has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to bridge their life-giving secrets with the best science of today. His work has led to the cutting edge books such as The Divine Matrix, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Fractal Time, and Deep Truth. Gregg’s work is now published in 17 languages and 33 countries and shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past. Website: www.greggbraden.com

Mother Earth, Cycles and Spins Mother nature is up to it again, Like the good old washing machine, She does her washing, Through showers and rinses, Cycles and spin. Some items get shredded, Some get cleaned, Depends on your fabric, And if your dial is set, For your temperament, So you don’t get agitated, And get caught in the machine. One thing is for sure, What you put into the spin, Is the fashions you wear, What you carry on your sleeve, The stains on your chest. When we went out to play, In the garden of Eve, We dug too deep, Spilled her blood, Dirtied her waters, Polluted her streets. We cannot rape her, degrade her, Beat her, and bleed her, And then ask her to bear fruit so sweet. There is only so much abuse a women can take, Before she is broken, and in disrepair, Remember there is no replacement, There is no spare.

Mother’s hearth is our home, Her garden our savory treat, For some it’s becoming a wasteland, Where there is no love or respect for the women, There is nothing in the bread basket to eat. So don’t give her the full load, This is overload, For when the load is uneven, She'll begin to wobble, She'll be quake’n and shake’n, To balance the weight. For there is no match for a woman’s wrath, For when she starts to clean, How much mother does is up to you. The bigger the load, The dirtier the laundry, The heavier the setting, The more agitating the spin, It will feel more like a tornado, or a tsunami, A whirlpool, or a whirlwind, Before we can reset her dial back to normal again. To get the best of her, Love and respect her, Then the showers will be mild, No wobble, A gentle cycle, A totally easy spin. Karen Elkins

Excerpts from InsideOUT by Karen Elkins

What We do to Our World We do to Ourselves What we do to this planet, the very body that sustains us, we do to ourselves. HUMANS and the PLANET are of equal measure – 70% water, 99.9% empty space, electric and dynamic.

To see this web of interconnectedness is vital to our survival.

Excerpts from InsideOUT by Karen Elkins


The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace. ----You can start now by becoming a member and learning how to increase your heart coherence and tracking your progress. While the monitoring system continues to be developed and the GCI community and activities continue to grow, the world needs your participation.

What if disease originated from an unexpected conflict or emotional shock?

German New Medicine Dr. Hamerʼs work, German New Medicine, identifies the link between emotional trauma and disease. He explains how our bodies react: with tumor growth(cancer), tissue necrosis or functional loss (paralysis). John Theobald - Lectures & Workshops - Canada DrChris@learningGNM.com - US

GERMAN NEW MEDICINE "Through the millennia, humanity has more or less consciously known that all diseases ultimately have a psychological origin. This understanding became a "scientific" asset, firmly anchored in the inheritance of universal knowledge."

Ryke Geerd


"All so-called diseases have a special biological meaning. While we used to regard Mother Nature as fallible and had the audacity to believe that She constantly made mistakes and caused breakdowns (malignant, senseless, degenerative cancerous growths, etc.) we can now see, as the scales fall from our eyes, that it was our ignorance and pride that were and are the only foolishness in our cosmos. Blinded, we brought upon ourselves this senseless, soulless and brutal medicine. Full of wonder, we can now understand for the first time that Nature is orderly (we already knew that), and every occurrence in nature is meaningful, even in the framework of the whole, and that the events we called diseases are not senseless disturbances to be repaired by sorcerers apprentices. We can see that nothing is meaningless, malignant or diseased."

In August 18, 1978, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D., at the time head internist in the oncology clinic at the University of Munich, Germany, received the shocking news that his son Dirk had been shot. Dirk died in December 1978. A few moths later, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Since he had never been seriously ill, he immediately surmised that his cancer development might be directly related to the tragic loss of his son. Dirk’s death and his own experience with cancer prompted Dr. Hamer to investigate the personal history of his cancer patients. He quickly learned that, like him, they all had gone through some exceptionally stressful episode prior to developing cancer. The observation of a mind-body connection was not really surprising. Numerous studies had already shown that cancer and other diseases are often preceded by a traumatic event. But Dr. Hamer took his research a momentous step further. Pursuing the hypothesis that all bodily events are controlled from the brain, he analyzed his patients’ brain scans and compared them with their medical records. Dr. Hamer discovered that every disease—not only cancer!—is controlled from its own specific area in the brain and linked to a very particular, identifiable, “conflict shock”. The result of his research is a scientific chart that illustrates the biological relationship between the psyche and the brain in correlation with the organs and tissues of the entire human body (the English “Scientific Chart of GNM” is available through the GNM Bookstore).

Dr. Hamer

came to call his findings “The Five

Biological Laws of the New Medicine”, because these biological laws, which are applicable to any patient’s case, offer an entirely new understanding of the cause, the development, and the natural healing process of diseases. (In response to the growing number of misrepresentations of his discoveries and to preserve the integrity and authenticity of his scientific work, Dr. Hamer has now legally protected his research material under the name German New Medicine® (GNM). The term “New Medicine” could not be copyrighted internationally).

THE ORIGIN OF DISEASE IN THE BRAIN Dr. Hamer established that “every disease is caused by a conflict shock that catches an individual completely off guard” (First Biological Law). In honor of his son, Dr. Hamer called this unanticipated stressful event a Dirk Hamer Syndrome or DHS. Psychologically speaking, a DHS is a very personal incident conditioned by our past experiences, our vulnerabilities, our individual perceptions, our values and beliefs. Yet, a DHS is not a merely psychological but rather a biological conflict that has to be understood in the context of our evolution. Animals experience these biological shocks in concrete terms, for example, through a sudden loss of the nest or territory, a loss of an offspring, a separation from a mate or from the pack, an unexpected threat of starvation, or a death-fright. Since over time the human mind acquired a figurative way of thinking, we can experience these biological conflicts also in a transposed sense. A male, for instance, can suffer a “territorial loss conflict” when he unexpectedly loses his home or his workplace; a female “nest conflict” may be a concern over the well-being of a “nest member”; an “abandonment conflict” can be triggered by an unforeseen divorce or by being rushed to the hospital; children often suffer a “separation conflict” when Mom decides to go back to work or when the parents split up.

By analyzing thousands of brain computer tomograms (CT) in relation to his patient’s histories, Dr. Hamer discovered that the moment a DHS occurs, the shock impacts a specific, predetermined area in the brain, causing a “lesion” that is visible on a CT scan as a set of sharp concentric rings (In 1989, Siemens, the German CT scanner manufacturer, certified that these ring formations are not artifacts of the equipment). Upon impact, the affected brain cells communicate the shock to the corresponding organ, which in turn responds with a particular—predictable!— alteration. The reason why specific conflicts are indissolubly tied to specific brain areas is that during our historical evolution, each part of the brain was programmed to respond instantly to conflicts that could threaten our survival. While the “old brain” (brain stem and cerebellum) is programmed with basic survival issues that relate to breathing, eating, or reproduction, the “new brain” (cerebrum) is encoded with more advanced themes such as territorial conflicts, separation conflicts, identity conflicts, and self-devaluation conflicts.

Dr. Hamer’s medical research is firmly tied to the science of


because whether the organ responds to a conflict by a tumor growth, by tissue meltdown, or by functional impairment is determined by the embryonic germ layer from which both the organ and corresponding brain tissue originate (Third Biological Law).

GNM’s “Ontogenetic System of Tumors” illustrates that “old-brain”-controlled organs, which derive from the endoderm or the “old-brain”-mesoderm, like the lungs, liver, colon, prostate, uterus, corium skin, pleura, peritoneum, pericardium, breast glands, etc., always generate cell proliferation as soon as the corresponding conflict occurs. Tumors of these organs therefore develop exclusively during the conflict-active phase (initiated by the DHS). Let’s take lung cancer, for example: The biological conflict linked to lung cancer is a “death-fright conflict”, because in biological terms the death panic is equated with being unable to breathe. With the shock of the death-fright the lung alveoli cells, which regulate breathing, instantly start to multiply, forming a lung tumor. Contrary to the conventional view, this multiplication of lung cells is not a pointless process but serves a very definite biological purpose, namely, to increase the capacity of the lungs and thereby optimize the organism’s chance of survival. Dr. Hamer’s brain scan analyses demonstrate that every person with lung cancer shows a distinct target ring configuration in the corresponding area in the brain stem, and that each patient had suffered an unexpected death panic prior to the onset of cancer. In the majority of cases the death

scare was triggered by a cancer diagnosis shock that the person experienced as a “death sentence”. Given that smoking is on the decrease, this sheds new light on the enigmatic increase of lung cancer (“The #1 Killer”) and calls into question whether smoking is per se an actual cause of lung cancer. Glandular breast cancer, according to Dr. Hamer’s findings, is the result of either a “mother-child” or a “partner worry” conflict. These types of conflict always impact the “old brain” in the area that controls the milk-producing glands. A female can suffer a mother-child worry conflict when her offspring is suddenly injured or seriously ill. During the conflict-active stress phase, the breast gland cells continually multiply, forming a tumor. The biological purpose of the cell proliferation is to be able to provide more milk for the suffering offspring and thus speed up healing. Every female human and mammal is born with this age-old biological response program. Dr. Hamer’s many case studies show that women, even when not breast feeding, developed a tumor in the breast glands from obsessively worrying about the well-being of a loved one (a child who is in trouble, a parent who is ill, or a dear friend who is a cause for concern). What has been said about lung cancer and breast cancer equally applies to all other cancers that originate in the “old brain”. Each is triggered by a specific conflict shock that activates a “Meaningful Special Biological Program” (Fifth Biological Law) which allows the organism to override everyday functioning and deal physically with the emergency situation. For each type of conflict there is a brain relay from where the particular biological program is coordinated. While “old-brain”-controlled organs generate a tumor growth during the conflict-active phase, the opposite is the case with all organs that are controlled from the cerebrum (“new brain”). Concerning the embryonic germ layer, all cerebrum-directed organs and tissues (ovaries, testicles, bones, lymph nodes, epidermis, lining of the cervix, bronchial tubes, coronary vessels, milk ducts, etc.) originate from the ectoderm or the “new-brain”-mesoderm. The moment the conflict occurs, the biologically corresponding organ tissue responds with cell degeneration. Necroses of the ovaries or testicles, osteoporosis, bone cancer, or stomach ulcers, for example, are conditions that only occur while a person is in a state of emotional distress in regards to the related conflict. As is to be expected, the tissue loss has a biological significance. Let’s take, for example, the tissue of the milk duct lining. Since the squamous epithelial lining of the milk ducts developed at a much later time than the milk-producing glands, this younger tissue is controlled from a younger part of the brain, namely, the cerebral cortex. The biological conflict of the milk duct lining is a “separation conflict” experienced as if “my child [or my partner] was torn from my breast”. A female mammal can suffer such a conflict when her offspring is lost or killed. As a natural reflex to the conflict the tissue of the milk duct lining starts to ulcerate. The purpose of the tissue loss is to increase the diameter of the ducts, because with enlarged ducts the milk that is no longer used can drain off easier and doesn’t get congested in the breast.

Every woman’s brain is programmed with this biological response. Since the female breast is, biologically speaking, synonymous with caring and nurturing, women suffer such a conflict by unexpected separation from a loved one they intensely care for. There are virtually no physical symptoms during the conflict-active phase, except occasional light “pulling” in the breast.

Dr. Hamer also discovered that, provided there is a resolution of the conflict, every disease proceeds in two phases, (Second Biological Law). During the first, or conflict-active phase, the entire organism is geared to dealing with the conflict. While a meaningful cell alteration runs its course on the physical level, the psyche and the vegetative autonomous system also try to handle the unexpected situation. Switched into a stress state (sympathicotonia), the mind becomes completely pre-occupied with the conflict contents. Sleep disturbances and lack of appetite are typical symptoms. Biologically speaking, this is vital, because the focus on the conflict and the extra waking hours provide the right conditions for working through the conflict and finding a resolution. The conflictactive phase is also called the “cold phase”. Since the blood vessels are constricted during stress, typical symptoms of conflict activity are cold extremities (particularly cold hands), the shivers, and cold sweats. The intensity of the symptoms is naturally dependent on the magnitude of the conflict. If a person remains in an intense conflict-active state over a long period of time, the condition can be fatal. But Dr. Hamer proves beyond reasonable doubt that an organism can never die of cancer, in and of itself. A person can die as a result of mechanical complications of a tumor that, for example, occludes a vital organ such as the colon or the bile ducts, but in no way can cancer cells, as such, cause death. In German New Medicine the distinction between “malignant” and “benign” cancers is entirely meaningless. The term “malignant” is an artificial construct (the same applies to tumor markers) that simply indicates that the activity of cell reproduction has exceeded a certain arbitrary limit.

If the patient has not undergone any conventional treatment (especially chemotherapy or radiotherapy), GNM has a success rate of 92 to 98 percent. Ironically these statistics for Dr. Hamer’s remarkable success rate were delivered by the authorities themselves. When Dr. Hamer was arrested in 1997 for having given three people medical advice without a medical license, the police confiscated his patients’ files and had them analyzed. Subsequently, one public prosecutor was forced to admit during the trial that, after five years, 6,000 out of 6,500 patients with mostly “terminal” cancer were still alive. With conventional treatment the figures are generally just the reverse. According to epidemiologist and biostatistician Dr. Ulrich Abel (Germany), “Success of most chemotherapies is appalling…There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer… Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland.” (Lancet 1991).

THE BODY HEALS ITSELF The resolution of the conflict signals the beginning of the second phase of the biological program. Our emotions and our organism switch immediately into a healing mode assisted by the vegetative system’s switch into “vagotonia”. During the healing phase the appetite returns, but we are very tired (we might not even be able to get out of bed). Rest and supplying the organism with nutrients are essential while the body is trying to heal. The second phase is also called the “warm phase”, as during vagotonia the blood vessels are enlarged, causing warm hands, warm feet, and warm skin.

With the resolution of the conflict there is also an instant change at the organ level. Cell proliferation (“old-brain”-controlled tumor growth) or cell meltdown (“new-brain”controlled tissue loss) immediately comes to a halt, and the appropriate repair process is set in motion. An area that necrotized or ulcerated during the conflict-active phase is now being refilled and replenished with new cells. This is usually accompanied with potentially painful swelling, caused by an edema that protects the tissue while it is healing. Other typical repair symptoms are hypersensitivity, itching, spasm (if muscle tissue is involved), and inflammation. Examples of “diseases” that only occur in the healing phase are: certain skin disorders, hemorrhoids, laryngitis, bronchitis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, bladder or kidney disorders, certain liver diseases, and infections (see below). Based on the observation of cell multiplication (mitosis) and the standard distinction between “benign” and “malignant” tumors, conventional medicine interprets the natural cell production of healing tissues as a “malignancy”. In GNM we likewise distinguish two types of tumors. But the tumors are not divided into “good” and “bad” ones; rather they are classified according to their tissue type and the part of the brain from which they originate and are controlled. There are those tumors which develop exclusively during the

conflict-active phase (lung tumor, colon tumor, liver tumor, uterus tumor, prostate tumor, etc.) and, conversely, those that result from the natural repair process. As with “old-brain”-controlled cancers, the tumor growth is neither accidental nor meaningless since the cell proliferation stops as soon as the tissue is mended. Testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, various types of sarcoma, bronchial and laryngeal carcinoma, and cervical cancer are all of a curative nature and are exclusively phenomena of the healing phase. Provided that the healing process is not interrupted through medication or a conflict relapse, these tumors eventually degrade during the completion of the healing phase. The second type of breast cancer, the “ductal carcinoma in situ” (DCIS), also falls into this category. While a glandular breast cancer is an indication that a woman is in the active phase of a worry conflict, an intraductal cancer is a positive sign that the related separation conflict (“torn from my breast”) has been resolved. A woman doesn’t develop breast cancer without a reason! Neither does she develop breast cancer by coincidence in precisely her right or left breast.

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF OUR BIOLOGICAL LATERALITY Dr. Hamer found that our laterality determines whether a disease, like cancer, develops on the right or left side of the body. This is the rule: a right-handed person responds to a conflict with his/her mother or children with the left side of the body, but responds to a conflict that relates to a “partner”, e.g., father, sibling, relative, friend, colleague, etc., with the right side. For left-handers it is the reverse. There is always a crossover relation from the brain to the body, because each hemisphere of the brain (excluding the brain stem) directs the opposite side of the body. The simplest way to identify our biological laterality is the clapping-test. The hand on top is the leading hand and indicates whether we are right-handed or lefthanded. Thus, a breast cancer in the right breast, an ovarian cyst on the left ovary, a skin disorder on the right or left side (or both), a motor paralysis on the left side (e.g., after a stroke), give us a first indication “who” was involved when the original conflict took place. Concerning more advanced conflicts (and brain regions), the hormone status also has to be taken into account for an accurate assessment.

THE BENEFICIAL ROLE OF MICROBES Another aspect of Dr. Hamer’s research has been the role of microbes during disease development. This, in brief, is what he found (Fourth Biological Law): Microbes such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses are only active during the healing phase, and the manner in which they operate is fully in accordance with evolutionary logic. Tubercular bacteria, for example, populate only “old-brain”-controlled tissues. Their function during the repair phase is to decompose tumors that are now superfluous, e.g., lung tumors, colon tumors, kidney tumors, prostate tumors, uterus tumors, breast gland tumors, melanomas, and mesothelioma. Tubercular bacteria are essential for breaking down the buildup of “disposable cells” that proliferated for a biological reason during the conflict-active phase. If the required bacteria are not available, due to vaccination, overuse of antibiotics, or chemotherapy treatment, the tumor cannot disintegrate properly. As a result, it stays in place and encapsulates harmlessly. Detected in a routine check-up, however, such an encapsulated growth can lead to a “cancer” diagnosis and, potentially, new conflict shocks with new symptoms. By understanding the biological laws of disease development this prospect can be virtually eliminated. While bacteria break down tumor cells that are no longer needed, viruses appear to be involved in the healing process of exclusively cerebral cortex-controlled tissues (e.g., bronchia, nasal membrane, stomach lining, lining of the bile ducts, and epidermis). Hepatitis, pneumonia, herpes, influenza, and stomach flu, are indications that a “virulent” but natural healing process is running its course. Concerning the role of viruses, Dr. Hamer prefers to speak of “hypothetical viruses” since lately the existence of viruses is called into question. This would be in line with Dr. Hamer’s earlier findings that the reconstruction and restoration process of ulcerated or necrotized tissue still occurs, even if the tissue-related viruses are not present. The dilemma in which conventional medicine finds itself is that by failing to recognize the two-phase pattern of every disease, the first, conflict-active phase, routinely gets overlooked. Since microbes are only active during the healing phase, and since the activity of microbes is typically accompanied by swelling, fever, pus, discharge, and pain, microbes are considered malevolent and the cause of infectious diseases. But microbes do not cause the disease. After all, it is our organism that employs the microbes to optimize the healing process. Microbes can, of course, be transmitted, but they remain dormant until the person is in the healing phase of the same type of conflict.

QUESTIONING METASTASIS Based on GNM’s “Ontogenetic System of Tumors”, the widely propagated theory of metastasis that suggests that cancer cells travel through the blood or lymph vessels and cause cancers at new sites is, in Dr. Hamer’s words, “pure academic fiction”. Cells in general and cancer cells in particular can under no circumstances change their histological structure or cross the germ layer threshold. For example, a lung tumor cell, which is of endodermal origin, controlled from the brain stem (“old brain”), and which proliferates during the conflictactive phase cannot transform itself into a bone cell, which is of mesodermal origin, controlled from the cerebrum (“new brain”), and which deteriorates during a conflict-active decalcification process. In the scenario “lung cancer metastasizes into the bones”, the lung cancer cells would actually be creating a hole (i.e., cell meltdown!—the reverse of a cancer) in some bone in the body. We also have to ask ourselves why cancer cells rarely “spread” to the closest neighboring tissue, e.g., from the uterus to the cervix. If cancer cells travel via the blood stream, why is donated blood not screened for cancer cells? Why are there not multitudinous tumors found in the walls of the blood vessels of cancer patients? Common-sense questions we should ask: If it is true that cancer cells travel via the blood stream, why is donated blood not screened for cancer cells, and why is the public not being warned by the health authorities of the risks of coming in contact with the blood of a cancer patient?

German New Medicine - How You Control Your Own Healing

If it is true that cancer cells migrate via the blood stream, why are cancers of the blood vessel walls or of the heart not the most frequent cancers, since those are the tissues that would be most exposed to cancer cells traveling in the blood and lymph? If it is true that cancer cells metastasize to other organs by way of the lymph system, how is it possible that a "metastasizing" cancer develops in the lungs or in the bones (statistically the most frequent sites of "metastatic tumors"), although these tissues are not supplied with lymph fluid? If it is true that secondary tumors are caused by cancer cells migrating through the blood or lymph system, why do cancer cells of a primary tumor rarely travel to adjacent tissues, for example, from the uterus to the cervix or from the bones to neighboring muscle tissue?

Two years ago, on August 19, 2004, the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail published an article entitled, “Researchers Chase Breast-Cancer Blood Test”, containing the revealing statements, “The hunt for tumor cells in the blood stream has taken 10 years… “, and, “until recently no technology existed to reliably pluck out the odd tumor cell from the millions of red and white blood cells contained in a single vial of human blood.” Besides the fact that the “chase” is far from over (as the article indicates), doesn’t this imply that the “metastasis” hypothesis was misinforming the public and was scaring millions of cancer patients to death for over four decades? Dr. Hamer does not, of course, dispute the fact of second cancers, but these subsequent tumors are not caused by migrating cancer cells that miraculously transform into a different cell type, but rather by new conflict shocks. New DHSs can be initiated by additional traumatic life experiences or through diagnosis shocks. As already mentioned, an unexpected diagnosis of cancer, or being told that it is “metastasizing” can trigger a death-fright (causing lung cancer) or any other type of diagnosis-related shock, causing new cancers in other parts of the body. In many cases these patients don’t make it into the healing phase, because the severe state of stress weakens them to a point where they have very little chance of surviving the highly toxic chemotherapy treatment. The second most frequent cancer after lung cancer is bone cancer. Dr. Hamer found that our bones are biologically linked to our self-esteem and our self-worth. Thus, being told one has a “life-threatening illness”, especially one that allegedly “spreads like wildfire” through the body, is equated with: “now I am useless”, and the bone(s), next to where we feel “useless” start to decalcify (in the case of breast cancer often in the area of the sternum or the ribs). Just as with a fractured bone, the purpose of the biological program (of the “disease”) appears at the end of the healing phase. When the repair phase is completed, the bone will be much stronger at that site, thus assuring that we are better equipped for the eventuality of a new “self-devaluation conflict”.

THE NATURE OF BRAIN TUMORS Once the conflict has been resolved, the brain lesion—along with the psyche and the organ—also enters the healing phase. As with any wound that is being repaired, an edema (excess fluid) develops to provide protection of the recovering neural tissue. On the brain scan the changes are clearly noticeable: the sharp target rings submerge in the edema and appear now as blurry, indistinct and dark. At the height of the healing phase, when the brain edema has reached its maximum size, the brain triggers a brief, strong push that expels the edema. In GNM terminology, this counter regulation is called the “Epileptoid Crisis” (EC). During this crisis, the entire organism is thrust briefly into a state of sympathicotonia, i.e., re-living the typical symptoms of the conflict-active phase such as cold sweats, cold extremities, a fast heartbeat, and nausea. The intensity and duration of this pre-programmed crisis is determined by the intensity and the duration of the preceding conflict. Heart attacks, strokes, asthma

attacks, and epileptic seizures are just a few examples of this crucial turning point. The type of “crisis” always depends on the nature of the conflict and the precise brain area involved. After the brain edema has been pressed out, neuroglia, which is brain connective tissue that provides structural support for neurons, assembles at the site to restore the function of the nerve cells that were affected by the conflict shock (DHS). It is this natural glia accumulation that conventional medicine labels as a “brain tumor”, with often dire consequences for the patient. Dr. Hamer established already in 1981 that a “brain tumor” is not a disease in itself, but symptomatic of a healing phase that runs parallel in the organ (controlled from the correlated area of the brain that is simultaneously undergoing the repair phase). “Metastatic brain cancers”, therefore, do not exist either.

GNM THERAPY (in a nutshell) The very first step in GNM therapy is to provide an understanding of the biological nature of a symptom, e.g., a certain cancer, in relation to its psychical cause. A brain scan and a thorough medical history are vital to determine whether the patient is still conflict-active or is already healing. If still in the active phase, the focus is to identify the original DHS and to develop a strategy to resolve the conflict. It is crucial to prepare the patient for the healing symptoms and for potential complications. These symptoms are very predictable! Dr. Hamer’s findings provide us—for first time in the history of medicine—with a reliable system that allows us not only to understand but also to predict the development and symptoms of each and every disease. This is real preventive medicine, an aspect of German New Medicine which can hardly be emphasized enough. True prevention requires an understanding of the real cause of a disease, and that is what Dr. Hamer’s research supplies in splendid detail. By understanding the “Five Biological Laws” of the cause and healing process of disease we can free ourselves from the fear and panic that often come with the onset of symptoms. This knowledge is more than power, it can save lives. MORE ARTICLES & VIDEOʼS http://learninggnm.com/home.html

GNM and the Five Biological Laws - Part 1 of 7 see You-Tube

ARTICLE BY Caroline Markolin


People ask me, how can my thoughts and emotions affect my body? Well, where exactly do you think your brain is located? Where are those emotions circulating? In your body! It really is that simple.


First, we will briefly discuss

dreams as a roadway

into the subconscious and then look at some real life hypnotherapy case studies. People question, Why would I want to remember my dreams? How can they be important? Frankly how can they not be? The dream state is one of the the easiest ways for your subconscious to communicate with you. It holds a nightly conversation from your deep mind to you, saying Please pay attention to me, I am trying so hard to get your attention, why won't you listen?

Dreams communicate with us regularly. If we don't pay attention to them, they often then accelerate into recurring dreams. If we don't take the time to interpret these dreams and understand their messages these can return as full blown nightmares.



A nightmare is very much like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum

-- what it really wants is to get your undivided attention and your love.

Once you learn to interpret your dreams and nightmares and discover their underlying message, they tend not to reoccur -- because their intended message has been


received. The subconscious can then give a metaphoric sigh of relief -- it is finally being understood!

At this point, hopefully, the dreamer will take the necessary corrective measures and actions the dream has suggested.

I want to simplify the whole process for you since many people have told me they find it very perplexing. They have visualized and practiced affirmations and created treasure maps or dream boards. These techniques were first described by Catherine Ponder in “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” and later popularized in "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. These people have focused and imaged and cut and glued and pasted and yet are still stuck. Their life / love life / finances / health still hasn’t improved. Why? The conclusion I have come to, after working in the fields of hypnotherapy and coaching and counseling for the last 33 years, is that what you don't know can (and does) hurt you.

Ignorance is not bliss.

If you face and own and embrace and plunge

into and ride through to the other side of a thing, it can no longer hurt you. Once you have wrestled with your shadow and have learned to live with and ultimately love that aspect of yourself, it can no longer trigger fear in you. In the wonderful series The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin, the hero (antihero, really) wizard, Ged, has unwittingly released a dark force into the world. Initially he runs away from it -- but of course, because of his fear, it continues to increase in power and intensity. Only when he has developed enough ego strength can he then turn around and begin to pursue it. As he does this, he becomes increasingly stronger until he finally faces and confronts it with its true name, which he has discovered because it is also his own true name. With that he is able to control it by loving, accepting and finally merging with it, becoming a balanced, whole and powerful individual.

So how can hypnotherapy help uncover the powerful memories and beliefs in your psyche which have set up a lifetime of uncomfortable patterns and experiences? One has only to get into a deep relaxation, deep enough to access memory but still light enough so that the hypnotherapist can communicate with you and ask the right questions, leading you into the well of discovery. As you are guided back to the root cause of the belief which is coloring your perceptions and life experiences, you have the opportunity to bring that past memory into the now, which then means that you can heal it in the now. When you move through the emotions and experience catharsis (release) you allow your higher self to transform the old limiting perceptions into new beliefs which are positive and life affirming. Perhaps from a cognitive perspective this sounds too good to be true, but I have seen thousands of self-reported miraculous

transformations result from this work.

Unfortunately, it is fairly impossible to create clinical studies with control groups using depth hypnotherapy, because each person's experience is as unique as the memories and stories that emerge from their subconscious minds. Therefore we must acquire our information from self reported healing.

case $u%&

I have had the privilege of working with a number of wonderful men and women, and would like to share some of their experiences today. Through this, I hope to demonstrate how hypnotherapy can open up people’s lives in ways they never before imagined possible. Of course the names and stories have been altered to protect the privacy of my clients. (all names are fictitious)


...had experienced an uncomfortable pulling in her breast for years, and recently, pain in her arm. She had some recent romantic setbacks, and logically we may have thought that this would be the situation lurking behind her symptoms. However in hypnotic age regression, Susan was able to go back to and relive an important friendship with her six year old love and best friend, a young boy with whom she had been inseparable for three years.. When her family moved west she experienced great grief and loss which could not be expressed. She had no say in her family’s decision to move, and her reluctance to leave her friend was considered unimportant. She realized over the course of the session that the name of her recent romantic disaster was the same name as that little boy whom she had loved and been forced to leave so long ago. They even resembled one another physically! This awareness, along with emotional release, led to the complete elimination of all her physical discomfort -- and she remains symptom free to this day.


...had severe allergy reactions in the spring -- she found herself sneezing uncontrollably, and her eyes became red and itchy. She had also developed difficulty breathing and was at her wits end, since she did not want to take allergy medications that might make her sleepy and unable to drive her car. During our session we identified the emotions behind the allergies, sadness and anger connected to her father, a controlling man who would not tolerate disagreement in his children. As a result she had never dared express her true feelings. When Barbara was finally able to speak out in session and confront her father's unreasonable behavior, her symptoms decreased significantly and she was able to face Vancouver's cherry blossom season unafraid!


had been trying for years to get pregnant, but with no success. Both she and her husband had endured numerous medical tests and were assured there was no medical reason for her lack of conception. As she had exhausted all physical healing modalities, she decided to try hypnotherapy. Over the course of a session, she discovered that she had such deep resentment towards her father, an elderly man living in Europe, that she didn't want to give him a grand child (something he badly wanted). Once she realized this, she also became aware that she was hurting herself more than she was hurting her father. After she did hypnotic inner forgiveness work in session, she became pregnant within the month. Also, she was able to visit him. Their time together was peaceful, made all the more meaningful because he passed away shortly thereafter. Although some of my infertility clients have happily become pregnant shortly after doing hypnotic clearing, that is not true in all cases. In addition to working on mental attitudes to address challenging physical conditions, a person may also need allopathic medicine, and/or acupuncture, homeopathy, and energy medicine techniques to approach the issue from many angles.

Mary had fallen on a bed post a few days before her session and wasn't sure she would

even make it to the scheduled appointment. When she arrived, she was severely bruised, and cautiously lowered herself into the couch. With enough pillows she was able to make herself comfortable enough to relax and forget her body for a while. We were able to identify, release and transform her traumatic emotions, What emerged was an earlier childhood incident, when she had fallen off her bike and was severely bruised. The recent accident had activated old memories from that injury, which compounded the pain of the current situation. Amazingly, by the end of the session, Mary was able to lift herself off the couch with almost no pain, the first time she could do that since her accidental fall!


...a young man of twenty, had problems focusing on his studies. His regression went back to the 7th grade and memories of schoolyard bullying that he could not then confront, because these tormenting fellow students had been bigger and stronger than he was. A great deal of rage had been pent up in his psyche for a long time. Once he expressed and released this fury in session, he felt completely relaxed in a way that was entirely new, even foreign to him. This unexpressed inner anger had inadvertently distracted him from




accomplishment, including his studies. As a result of having addressed his inner turbulence, Joe is sleeping well. He now finds it easier to focus and as a result, is not only handing


in homework on time but also scoring much higher on his exams.

I believe hypnotherapy is one of God’s gifts to the planet. With the help of a skilled practitioner one can change the course of one’s life, health and relationships and develop a sense of purpose and clarity. Hypnotherapy gives a person the tools to lower stress and to know how to both deprogram and reprogram the mind towards a more positive and successful life. When working in the subconscious it becomes clear that every event is connected to every event, that our time in the womb and our birth experience, our babyhood and childhood set the tone for our entire lives. By being able to access key memories and the emotions lodged in them, we can also change these memories, rewrite them, alter unhealthy beliefs that developed as a result and

free up the locked emotions that have held us prisoner. There are patterns in play in our brains and in our lives and once we can see and understand these patterns, we can transform them. Scientists have found that the brain forms new synapses and that it is malleable or “plastic”. Therefore it does have the capacity to change. We cannot leave the past behind us just by ignoring it. Our past tends to follow right behind us, and unless we are conscious of it, we bring the baggage of that past into everything we do, every relationship we have, including the most important relationship -- our relationship with ourselves. It is wonderful that we now have the technology to transform the past and clear out old beliefs that have interfered with our truest expression of self. Having done that, when we visualize and affirm and create our treasure maps, there is now space for this new self image to take hold and become our new positive reality.


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Lorraine Bennington, M.Ed. R.Psychologist/Hypnotherapist www.creativetransformations.ca

Healing into Consciousness The Purpose of Life We often forget that life is a school that gives each one of us an opportunity to discover who we truly are. In the realm of time and space, our anxiety, pain and suffering are simply signals pointing to the lessons that we need to learn in order to find our inner wholeness and grow spiritually. Life’s challenges such as pain, illness, and death are only opportunities for transformation and liberation from the limiting beliefs and conditionings of our ego-mind. All our lessons are hidden within the flux of life’s ups and downs that each one of us needs to experience and learn in our own way. Regardless of our upbringing, culture, color, or national and religious beliefs, each person must sooner or later discover the answers to the most fundamental questions of life: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is the purpose of my life? and Where will I go after I die?

By Eliza Mada Dalian The Role of the Human Body in Spiritual Transformation The human body is one of the most sophisticated laboratories ever created. Everything in the body, including bones, is made of energy. The body is like a barometer that indicates where we must direct our attention in order to heal and grow spiritually. To help us with our healing and transformation the body is equipped with seven major energy centers or chakras that are designed to purify and transform our energy from the unconsciousness of the ego-mind into consciousness of the soul. With the energy movement through the body and its chakra system day-after-day, year-after-year, we experience the blessings and challenges of life and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Each chakra has its own location in the body and plays an important role in assisting with the process of individual development and transformation into consciousness. The state of the energy flow or blockage in one chakra directly affects the state of energy flow and consciousness in the other chakras. When the energy is blocked in one chakra it undermines the functions of the other charkas and sabotages both our physical and spiritual wellbeing. To harness the full power that the body offers during its limited lifespan, we must pay close attention to the signals that the body gives us through pain and illness, understand the lessons hidden in our physical and psychological ailments, and take responsibility to transform the causes of our pain and suffering into consciousness. By mere recognition of the lessons, our old ways of thinking and living spontaneously and immediately transform into new heights of understanding, love, and compassion for ourselves and others. Increased selfawareness naturally changes the quality of our life and the way we feel about ourselves and interact with the world.

What Causes Energetic Blocks, Pain, and Ailments The body is filled with multiple layers of repressed thought forms, emotions, beliefs, and conditionings that accumulate layer upon layer through our experiences from this and previous lives. Overtime, these repressions force the energy to stagnate and cause physical pain, depression, stress, and many ailments such as thyroid imbalances, asthma, digestion problems, cystitis, cancer, and so on. Like clouds that block the sun and the emptiness of the sky, all our repressed desires, judgments and beliefs about others and ourselves sabotage our innocence and block the clarity of our inner consciousness. These repressed beliefs run in the body like invisible programs, projecting outwardly, even when we are not aware of them and perpetuate our pain and suffering. For example, every time you feel like saying “no” to something but instead say “yes,” you compromise your inner truth and block your energy and consciousness from authentically responding to life in the present.

Only Consciousness Can Heal Pain and Suffering In a very real way, all our pains are growing pains. When we try to fix something on the outside or try changing negative thoughts into positive ones instead of trying to find and erase the original causes of the negative thoughts, we only create a new belief and continue to remain unconscious of the causes of our ailments. When we try to substitute something negative with something positive without becoming conscious of the underlying causes we also miss learning precious life lessons that are hidden in our pain and ailments.

In order to find true health, peace, and happiness and live in the Now we must look inside, dis-identify from our thoughts, beliefs and conditionings, and find the silent presence of our being.

How to Become More Present & Conscious A tool that has been used for centuries to help people quiet the mind and connect to their inner stillness is meditation. Meditation helps to cultivate the needed awareness so we can dis-identify from our mind and emotions and experience the stillness of our being. Witnessing helps us experience that we are not our mind, body, and emotions. It is an alert watchfulness of whatever is happening moment to moment without mental or emotional engagement. Through self-observation, you see that everything in life, including all your thoughts and emotions are impermanent – they always change and move like passing clouds. All your problems exist because you are unable to observe and dis-

When you don’t observe your mind and emotions, you remain caught in the story created by the mind. When you witness the mind and its story, you realize you are not the story but identify from your thoughts and emotions.

the observer of the story. When you simply observe your body and its sensations, thoughts, emotions, and everything that happens around you, you jump out of the ego that likes to stay in the story. You heal into consciousness with each moment of witnessing and disidentification, no matter how brief. During this pivotal time of transition into a new species of homo spiritus we are existentially asked to abandon our outdated structures and create new tools to support our transformation into a more loving, joyful, and conscious humanity. We are at a brink of a huge shift both internally and externally and if we are to physically survive the magnitude of this shift must find new ways to rapidly become more conscious.

Eliza Mada Dalian is a modern-day mystic, spiritual guide, best-selling multi-award winning author of In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness, creator of No-Yes Active Meditation and founder of the evolutionary Dalian Method™ for health and consciousness.

A Quick and Direct Tool to Heal and Dis-identify from the Ego-mind

What others are saying about the self-healing Dalian Method: "I have seen Mada's techniques help others, but never thought that she could come up with something I could do in my own home to heal aches and pains this 68-year old body has carried for many years. The nerve sensations in one leg left after a traumatic car accident over 20 years ago have lessened dramatically as a result of just one session with the Self-Healing Dalian Method. Thank you. Thank you!" – Dr. Roshani Shay, Retired Professor of Political Science "I was able to get a glimpse and feel what it is like not to be my thoughts and emotions. I saw a part of myself that sees and feels joy, living in the light. This would be a completely different planet if people had this new awareness about themselves. There would be a fundamental shift from negative energy to a much more positive energy. I highly recommend this experience to anyone who is tired of living their old patterns and want to live a new life." – Paul Molund, PhD in science

Upcoming workshops with Mada 10 Day Healing into Consciousness Intensive Vancouver, Canada, April 13-22 http://youtu.be/EVx6IT3omNw 8 Week Healing into Consciousness Online Course

The Dalian Method™ (DM for short) is a new evolutionary tool that helps with this needed speedy jump into greater consciousness. This light-speed method helps each person take their healing and transformation into their own hands by healing their body and transforming their ego-mind into consciousness as quickly as they are willing and ready to do so. The DM helps the individual identify and release the many repressed layers of emotions, beliefs, and thought patterns from their body’s cellular memory, without using medication, mechanical devices, acupuncture needles, hypnosis or even the intellect. By using a system of inhalation, verbal expression, and exhalation through different parts of the body, the Dalian Method™ helps to detoxify the body of the many repressed thought forms, emotions and beliefs, and spontaneously eradicate the causes of pain and ailments without much effort. As a result of consciousness coming to the forefront, you immediately see the lessons hidden in your pain and ailments and understand that these were necessary to help liberate you from pain and suffering. As you step out of pain and suffering you effortlessly connect to your life purpose and take the responsibility for your health and happiness into your own hands. The Dalian Method™ is available as a self-healing system and has the potential to rapidly transform millions of people into health and awakened consciousness! HEALING INTO CONSCIOUSNESS WITH THE DALIAN METHOD: A Light Speed Self-Healing System for the New Humanity book and CD set will be released in the summer of 2012. To pre-order your copy visit www.MadaDalian.com.

Freddy Silva Wed, May 2, 7pm $20 advance, $25 at the door Unitarian Church 49th & Oak Ticket:www.sciencetosage.com/Banyen

Can a temple transform ordinary humans into extraordinary beings? Ancient texts speak of sacred sites as living entities where people are ‘transformed into gods, into bright stars’, and evidence shows how these places of power are indeed built at special locations and according to a prescription capable of altering consciousness. In this groundbreaking presentation featuring over 100 images, best-selling author Freddy Silva demonstrates how groups of initiates sharing a singular vision have been engineering a spiritual project around the world since at least 15,000 BC by building temples which act as windows into a place called paradise.

Through the forces at work inside stone circles and other sacred sites, a transformation of the soul occurs, offering the individual mastery of the self and, ultimately, self-empowerment. Not only are temples repositories of an incredible ancient science, they serve as an insurance policy whenever we lose sight of the fact we too are gods.

Presented:John Theabold Science to Sage

Art, Science and Spirit of

Electro Photon Imaging A Light Stream Emanations from a Happy Finger

Exploring Frontiers of Light that quantify Integral wellness of in ALL living systems.

Pre + Post Light induction

What is Electro Photon Imaging : Is based on stimulated emission of photons and electrons in excited states in a high-density electromagnetic field. The avalanche and sliding discharge effects that take place, function as amplification of weak emissions of electrons in excited states and photons (photon-multiplier effect) from materials or living objects/subjects.

Blue Sapphire Bio Photon Study Images

How does it function:

EPI utilizes a weak, electrical current applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The body’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge (invisible to the human eye) is captured by an optical CCD camera system and then translated into a digital computer file.

What is Measured with GDV: Humans, plants, soil, gemstones, crystals, water and all biological systems.

Here’s an example of the Human Finger tips:

We are ALL children of the Sun, living on the light of the world, and we ourselves (cells) emit light! What can we learn from this: - Express-assessment of psycho-emotional and physiological states of a human body - Express-assessment of stress level - Express-assessment of overall wellness - Express-assessment of energy state of organs and systems in human body - Revealing of real reasons and sources of illness - Holotropic states of consciousness - Assessment of person’s reaction on different energetic practices and meditation - Assessment of person’s reaction on different influences and physical loads - Assessment of person’s reaction on the applied treatment (energy therapy, SPA, massage, color therapy, acupuncture, meditation, relaxation, extrasensory influences, etc.)

Here is an example of water induced with LOVE over 7000 miles To obtain a Human Energy Field evaluation or for research consultations:You may contact Krishna Madappa at his Institutes lab in Taos, New Mexico, who is a close colleague of Dr.Konstantin Korotkov, visionary inventor of the EPI/GDV. Krishna can be reached in the following pathways: E-mail: Krishna@krishnaprana.com Cell: 575-770-3304 Web sites: krishnaprana.com; gdvusa.org; issstaos.org Dr.Konstantin Korotkov’s web site: korotkov.org

SCIENCE TO SAGE I n t e r n a t i o n a l Dr. Miceal Ledwith



Photon Imaging

e - M a g a z i n e

SCIENCE TO SAGE I n t e r n a t i o n a l

M a g a z i n e

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Fractal Explorer with Dan Wills

Fe a t u r e d A r t i s t A u g u s t - M a r c h 2 0 1 1 / 1 2


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