Southern Seminary Viewbook | 2013-2014

Page 7

the gospel? i n g r ow i n g urban p o p u l at i o n s ?

13.3% population growth in u.s. downtown areas

i n t h e fa c e of a moral r e vo lu t i o n ?


Over half of Americans now approve of same-sex marriage. to a n ag i n g p o p u l at i o n ?


t o “ p o s tchristian” u.s. cities?

Most post-Christian U.S. cities according to Barna: Albany, NY Boston, MA Buffalo, NY Burlington, VT Hartford, CT New York, NY

Portland, ME Providence, RI San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA

The number of older people (age 60+) will exceed the number of children (under 15) globally for the first time in 2047. through hypera c c e l e r at e d t e c h n o lo gy ?

43% of the world’s people groups remain unreached. to t h e g r ow i n g number of “nones”?

One-fifth of the U.S. public — and a third of adults under 30 — are religiously unaffiliated today.

Of the 7 billion people in the world, 6 billion have access to a cell phone where only 4.5 billion have access to a working toilet.

Sources: United Nations, World Future Society, USA Today, Pew Research, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Pew Forum, NBC News, Barna, New York Times


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