Saskatoon HOME magazine Spring 2013

Page 50

“We have so many people walk into that house and their jaws drop. The response is, ‘Wow, I want to move in here today!’”

Unique lighting fixtures set a range of moods. In the Crystal, recessed LED lighting in bulkheads, opulent chandeliers and funky globes, even neon in the basement bar area reminiscent of Vegas nightlife. Exquisite floor coverings like travertine marble and Centiva cost more, but the effect is mesmerizing. “Ricky and I always look for inspiration when we travel,” Rhonda explains. “We know that by using the right materials designed to meet the demands of the prairies, we can work with influences we love to create something spectacular.” Find That ‘Speaks to Me’ Piece “You really need to define the style, select an inspirational piece and move from there,”


Saskatoon HOME



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