Its happening autumn 2014

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Birmingham Vineyard

It’s Happening

Autumn 2014

4 Connect


Alice’s poem

10 12







Cells and community

20 24 22



City Pastors


Healing on the Streets




Trustee talk

welcome Hi everyone and welcome to the new edition of It’s Happening. We hope you have had a restful summer! The Autumn term is always an exciting and eventful one. For many of you it will be the start of the new academic year. You may have just arrived to go to university or to start a new job, or maybe you have been in the city for years. Whatever your story, we want to give you an overview of church life so that you’ll know what is going on here and can get plugged in. Our prayer is that you will feel welcomed and encouraged to explore or grow in your faith with us at the start of this new term. Our church is a large and growing, diverse community of people in Birmingham, where anyone can belong. We are centred around the person of Jesus and committed to making a difference in the city and in the neighbourhoods where we live. You can find out more about this on the cells and communities page.

It’s Happening will just give you a flavour of all that is going on in our church. Amongst other things you can read exciting stories about how the Alpha course has made a difference in people’s lives and how you can get involved in the next course starting in October. We are delighted to tell you about the new developments with Foodbank on page 18 and also to introduce our 2 new interns, Chris and Kirsty, who are coming to work with us for a year, starting in September. You can meet them on page 14. There is a great article about student life, as well as details about lots of other exciting ministries and events happening during the autumn term. We’d love you to join us on this journey of following Jesus as we look forward to a great autumn together.

Andrew & Rosie Simon & Keely

Andrew & Rosie McNeil and Simon & Keely Bateson [Senior Leadership Team]




find out more We aim to be a church where anyone can come, feel welcomed and find their way in at their own pace. Our desire is that everyone can experience God’s life and love and find a place to belong. Our Welcome Dinners are a great opportunity for anyone new, or relatively new to the Vineyard, to ask questions and hear more about the church. The evening is hosted by Andrew, Rosie, Simon and Keely, and is an ideal way to get connected, meet other new people and find out more about who we are and the sort of church that we’re trying to build here in Birmingham. First, come and introduce yourself at the welcome area at the end of any one of our services. Second, fill in a connect form on an iPad at the welcome area or by following this link:

Third, come along. You’ll receive an email invitation with details of the next Welcome Dinner. Welcome dinners this term: Sept 19 Oct 18 Nov 14

informal y r e v is r e n in A welcome d troducing in f o y a w r u - it’s simply o urch you to our ch osie

Andrew & R


Got questions



Does it get any better what am I doing later


Is there more to life than this

Alpha launch Wednesday 8 October 2014 - with a celebration meal should i text back

7.30 - 9.30pm at Network House, 174 Barford Street, B5 7EP You can register online at:


What is it

Sometimes it’s easier not to ask questions but on Alpha we think life is worth exploring, so your questions are welcome no matter how ‘out there’ they are. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the meaning of life. It’s fun, relaxed and totally no pressure (that’s why over 22.5 million people worldwide have already done it).

Who’s it for Got lots of meaningful questions? Never really understood the Christian faith or been to church? Maybe you gave up on it a long time ago. Alpha was designed for you, or anyone who doesn’t go to church much, if at all.

What’s so great about

How does it work

Ever wanted to explore the meaning of life or ask challenging questions about the Christian faith? Maybe you’re just curious about church stuff and want to have a nosy? Alpha doesn’t care about your background, it welcomes all those big questions and it’s free. Can’t say fairer than that right?

During each of the 10 sessions there is a short talk, a bite to eat, drinks and a chat around your table.

How much is it

There’s no charge to do Alpha.


Alice Taylor wrote this poem for her baptism after going on the Alpha course

If I were an artist I would travel to the highest point on Earth and paint a landscape depicting the sobering contrast of our size against the awesome majesty of His creation. I would use every colour, and every colour would still not compare. I would become lost on my way home, a wandering babe in the woods, torn apart by the thorny wilderness and I would curse myself for ever making the journey. But God is love, and He would seek me and bring me home. If I were a dancer I would choreograph a ballet with thirty movements. A spectacular feast for the eyes and an emotive story of grace and forgiveness. I would use every position I could shape my body into, but every step would still not compare. My feet would become blistered and bleed and I would curse myself for ever putting on those shoes.


But God is love, and He would heal my A man found me. He led me out of the broken toes. wilderness. If I were a singer I would write a song. A melody taken from the sound of the winds in the trees with words that would reach deep inside the soul. I would use every note, and every note would still not compare.

He washed my feet and bandaged them.

Alas, I cannot do any of these things. But I was a babe in the woods, wandering with blisters on my feet and a broken heart.

He will always find me, heal me and fill me with joy.

He hugged me, and he threw his head to the heavens and cried “Abba, Father. I have found Your daughter, and she is just as perfect as You My voice would become sore and the always promised.� words would break my heart, and I And then I knew that man. would curse myself for ever sitting in front of that piano. And from this day no matter how far I wander, how sore my feet get, how But God is love, and he would flood my broken my heart is and how much I heart with joy. curse,

Because God is love. p9

students Birmingham is the second biggest city in the UK. It also has the largest number of universities in any one city outside of London – there are roughly 65,000 students studying in Birmingham every year. It’s a really exciting time for us as a church, with some of these students coming in through our doors, from all over the country and from all walks of life. At the end of September and start of October, after the 11.15am service, we will be welcoming students by hosting a meal for them at Network House. This will give them a flavour of what we are about and will be a great opportunity to meet people and ask questions. As a team, we believe that we should always be looking ahead and constantly moving forward. Because of this, we have made some changes to how student work is structured to try and make church life as accessible as possible, to enable those following Jesus to follow Him in the best way possible, and to allow those who are asking questions to get an insight into who He is. We have summarised some of the changes in 3 ways:


We are aware that at the moment everyone has to travel some distance to get to Network House, which can sometimes be an inconvenience and a barrier for students especially if we put on an event for their mates to come to as


well. So we have decided to bring student work to their doorsteps in the form of something called BASEs (Birmingham Area Student Events). There will be two student work BASEs, one in the centre and one in the south of the city. From September we’ll begin to run the majority of our events through the BASEs. The idea is that we can run events in the heart of some of Birmingham’s student communities to see the Gospel go out further.

Social Media

To go along with BASEs, we are also making some changes to how we run social media. We are quite aware that our current Facebook group has over 80 people in it which can be a lot of people to post prayer requests etc to. So we’re moving to two separate Facebook groups for the BASEs, to help foster community on a smaller level. There will also be a new Facebook page, where students will find all the latest updates. This central page is where we will post the weekly e-bible study. This was started a couple of years ago and has worked really well, so we’ve spruced it up a bit and will be putting a study out every week - each covering a different topic.

Love Brum

We are also aware that it can be difficult to share the Gospel on campuses and in halls of residence using the name of the church. We want to be able to work out our biblical mandate to serve our city and our fellow students, so we have set up a new initiative called Love Brum. This includes events like water bottling, picnics, socials, parties and accoustic nights. Watch out for more info...

ide student gu d to Vineyar

For more info rmation please pick up a copy of ‘FREE.’ our student guide to Vineyard.

meet the team James Pickin Student Team Leader Jon Solway Daisy Hill Central BASE Worship and Prayer Coordinator Coordinator

Alice Wynne South BASE Coordinator

ord y Platf Melod eveloper nD Missio

Kirsty Tulloch Assistant Team Leader

Heather Marlow Compassion Coordinator

Lucy White Discipleship Coordinator

Ben Whale Development Coordinator


Discovery Zone is the childrens ministry at Vineyard Network Church. As a church family we believe that children are the church of today as well as the church of tomorrow and are immensely important to us. The vision of Discovery Zone is: Putting Jesus first Getting to know God better together Showing our friends how to live God’s way Living a life full of God’s power

The 4-11s have age-related groups at all 3 of our services and there are groups for the under 4s at both morning services. We are thrilled that the upstairs of Network House has been remodelled and all the children are now back in the building (see pictures on p19). Sparks (0-2s) – F1 (first floor) LaunchPad (2-4s) – F3 (first floor) Rockets (4-7s) – S1 (second floor) Orbits (7-11s) –S1 (second floor)

We want to have a culture of partying with our children and hosting events that they can bring their friends to. Exciting things to look out for this term: Bright Party, an alternative halloween party Great Big God 5 CD Launch Event Christmas Party, Sunday 21 Dec during 5pm carol service Please come and chat to me to find out more about this exciting ministry. We thought some photos would give you a taste of what goes on….


Network Youth is our vibrant youth group for those of secondary school age. The youth are a vital part of our church family and you’ll see them involved in worship, Discovery Zone, hospitality, PA, media and many other areas of church life.

Our vision for the youth is: Micah 6:8: Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with our God Looking Up: 100% reliance and devotion to God Looking Out: Making a difference in the world As a church we value our young people and want to encourage them in their faith and deepen their foundations as they approach adult life. During the spring and summer term, we reviewed how our youth ministry functions. Two of the areas we want to improve are building a sense of community amongst our young people and also facilitating a “first space” to bring friends to. Doing social events on an ad-hoc basis makes it difficult to maintain community and create momentum to facilitate growth. We are therefore going to start a youth club environment here at Network House on the Friday of community weekend. Youth cell will continue to happen on weeks 1 and 2 during our Sunday night service. On the Friday night of week 3 there will be Friday Night

Live with a new format. This will be an event for youth and students consisting of great live worship and prayer. There will also be other activities for the younger youth. We will continue to have groups for our younger youth during weeks 2 and 3 on a Sunday morning. During the summer we took our young people to DTI (Dreaming the Impossible), the Vineyard Youth camp as well as Soul Survivor A. We saw several young people commit their lives to Jesus, get healed, decide to get baptised, meet with Jesus and we had a lot of fun! Please join us in praying for our young people, for those who have left us to go to university and those of Secondary School age who are joining us. Do come and chat to me about this amazing ministry and watch out for our unmissable youth led Carol service in December.


discipleship year We are thrilled to have Kirsty and Chris joining us on our first Vineyard Discipleship Year. The year is tailored towards serving God in a variety of ways and runs from the beginning of September 2014 to the end of June 2015. A typical week will see Kirsty and Chris devoting around 20 hours a week to the church, mostly on Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, and will include training, ministry, serving and relationship building. Please pray that this year will be exciting, pivotal, envisioning, challenging and transformational for Kirsty and Chris.


Phil & Sue James DY Co-ordinators

There aren’t as many explosions in chemistry as you think. After studying at the University of Birmingham for three years, I feel it’s time to hang up my lab coat and do something more exhilarating. That ‘something’ is this internship. Over the past year I’ve focused my time obtaining a degree, whereas this coming year I will get to serve the church, something I’ve wanted to do for ages! I’ll be helping out with Discovery Zone and joining the guys in Youth along with other bits and bobs I find along the way. Over the next year I’d love to get to know more people in the church and their families, so if you ever want to invite me over for lunch or to hang out I’d love to accept the invitation! Chris Poole Hi, I’m Kirsty. Three years ago I moved to Birmingham to study Psychology. I didn’t have a clue what I would end up doing and I’ve now graduated but I’m still unsure! But what I do know is that God has called me to stay in Birmingham for the time being, which is why I’m sticking around (also because there are some great people here and Birmingham’s a great city!). God’s faithfulness has been so evident to me over recent years so I’m excited to serve God by taking on the Discipleship Year. It’s a privilege to serve this church that I’ve found to be so welcoming and supportive and I’m looking forward to deepening my relationship with God over the year. As part of this year, I will be working on the student team and we have many great things planned already. I’m really looking forward to all that God’s going to do. Bring it on! Kirsty Tulloch

sozo “My Sozo was a releasing and life giving experience. It was so helpful to see the connection between what is happening now and things that have happened in the past. God affirmed who I am and also helped me to be able to walk in that freedom. I was tested two days later with things that would normally have upset me but they didn’t have the same hold and I was able to overcome with the truths I’d learnt. I recommend anyone to give Sozo a go.” Margaret Nyumbu.

“It’s like coming home to a place where curtains are drawn back, shutters and windows thrown open & light and fresh air come pouring in. Dust sheets removed and shaken, fire lit, flowers on the table .” Anon

Our church has always been passionate about helping people on their journey towards wholeness. We want people to have life-transforming experiences that help them know more of God’s love and enable them to live life to the full, in healthy relationship with God and with one another. A Sozo appointment facilitates a time of listening and responding to God, aiming to get to the root of problems and issues that may hinder our relationship with Him and others. If you would like to book a Sozo appointment with one of our team, then please pick up our application pack from the Information Wall or download the forms from the website. Keely Bateson


cells & community Stirchley West Brom Halesowen

Solihull QuintonNorthfield Harborne


Perry Common


Selly Oak

Jewellery Quarter

Cotteridge Kings Norton Digbeth Moseley Bearwood Bournville

On the 4th Sunday* in each month we have Community Sunday. We don’t meet in one central location but we gather in many places across our city (currently 9 communities across Birmingham). It’s all about building and extending community. We build community so everyone has a place to belong and can forge great friendships. We extend community by inviting our friends and neighbours to experience the life of our church. We do this through our cell groups coming together to host social events, community church with lunches, projects that serve others, family activities, prayer gatherings and many more expressions of God’s love in action. Community events are perfect to invite friends to and are a unique way to make a difference. Our vision is to touch every part of our city with cell groups and cell communities all across Birmingham.


Cell groups are central to our church vision as they help us live out what Jesus said. They are a place to discover more of what it practically means to follow Jesus. Meals together, serving one another, growing in our faith and ‘being Christ’ to the people we meet all helps create a sense of community with a purpose. All of our groups have slightly different flavours but the same values run through all of them: We want to live life with Jesus at the centre rather than at the edge of our lives. Everyone needs a place to belong, a community within their wider community,

where they can be known and feel safe to grow. We want to become everything God has destined us for, in work, in our relationships, and in all of life. That process of growth is central to our groups. We know that Jesus led by example in serving others and showing God’s love to the world. He is the one we follow as we learn to serve our friends and neighbours. All our cells are open and love to welcome new people. Feel free to call, e-mail or visit a group near to you. Alternatively ask our Sunday Welcome Team to introduce you to our cell leaders. *Autumn Community Sunday dates No community Sunday in September 19 October 23 November 28 December



5 cell groups

Andrew & Rosie McNeil Tristan & Louise Mitchell

Solihull Yardley

B91 B26 1PR

2 cell groups

Northfield Stirchley Bournville Kings Norton Kings Norton Kings Norton Moseley Selly Oak Stirchley

B31 5DP B30 2PH B30 1PA B30 1PB B30 1DB B30 1AP B13 9SB B29 4BU B30 2SA


B76 9QH B71 1DA B23 5PX B23 5HS B23 5HG

Steve & Jackie Philpott Suzie Slater Jake Bateson & Kat Speirs Sue & Dewi Miles Mark & Louisa Skedgel Josh Stone Jamie & Helen Whitehouse James & Kerry Cullis Fred & Sally O’Loughlin


James & Rachel Longmore Wishaw Colin & EJ and Mohinder West Brom Rich Floy, Lee & Rosie Nash Topcroft Andy & Beky Button Perry Common Amy & Steve Heyes Short Heath

Paul & Joyce Bullock Matt & Jo Bullock Iain & Hilary Dougall

Halesowen B62 0HP Quinton B32 1DB Harborne B17 9LJ Joan Jennings & Sylvia Worton Halesowen B62

4 cell groups


cell groups


cells & community

Andy & Elle Smith Stuart & Anja Pawson

2 cell groups

Edgbaston B16 9HR Jewellery Quarter B3 1RD

22 cell groups


For up-to-the minute group information please see the cell flyer on the info wall. Hope community Perry Common Central community

9 cell groups

North Birmingham community

East Birmingham & Solihull community

James & Kerry’s community Jamie & Helen’s community Northfield community

Bournville community


building work & moving out of the satellite building


A fisherman, a garlic seller, a seamstress and a single mum. Lowly positions by worldly standards but they represent some of the Dalitso Trust team in Malingunde. We are very proud of the team who show a lot of courage living out their faith. In Mbanga the lives of our team were threatened; a village, where no one dared go before to offer education or preach the gospel. Yet God made it clear that this was a place to serve and to transform lives both spiritually and physically. Patterson, a team member had his life and that of his family threatened by his fellow villagers, for choosing to do God’s will and not succumbing to the local authority. This was in the village where he had lived all his life. These are just two examples of the cost to the team in Malawi of bringing health education to rural communities, biblical teaching to church leaders and kingdom values to families. The fruit of the team’s dedication is illustrated by Melu’s testimony.

‘I was elder of Gule Wamkulu (witchcraft) helping the village Chief. I liked this tradition but I was not happy in my life. When I attended CHE lessons, my mind


started thinking less about my position in the village. I was not considering my life because I had no husband - therefore nothing to live for. I learnt that God knows my ways and everything I do. I believed that many sicknesses come from being cursed through witchcraft but I have learnt that they are preventable and mostly come from poor hygiene. You can come to my home and see the new toilet I made & share with 2 other families. I am not getting tired of being a light to other people because CHE has opened my mind & heart.’ We are reminded of the parallels between our team and the story of Gideon in Judges Chapter 6. In verse 15 Gideon replies to the Lord that he doesn’t think he can help as he says “my clan is the weakest and I am the least in my father’s house”. When God calls us, He will give us the necessary resources to partner with Him to fulfil His vision.

Discipleship is at the heart of everything that we do. It took five years of discipleship to build the current team, who now pass this on to over 50 church leaders who attend Follow Me. ‘I cycle 13 miles to learn FM. I am in my 6th year and I feel peace when I attend class. It keeps me healthy inside and out, on my spiritual journey.’ Mrs Fulose After living in Malawi for 10 years, Phase 1 of establishing a healthy, functioning team was complete. We sensed God’s call for us to return to the UK and continue Phase 2 of making the work in Malingunde sustainable. We believe that part of the call on the Dalitso Trust is to fulfil its vision with church partnerships. Mission is collaboration, where we can bring our gifts together to serve. We are thankful for the strong relationship that we have with VNCB, helped especially by the support and encouragement of Bill Dixon, Nick & Fiona Harding and Simon & Keely Bateson. Thank you to everyone who has welcomed our family, as we continue to settle in to UK life. There are regular trips to Malawi to equip the team as the work continues. These are specific and target the team’s training needs. We will be communicating these opportunities later in the year.

We love mission and seeing people equipped & released into their God-given calling. If we can serve you in any way regarding overseas mission please let us know. If you would like to know more about The Dalitso Trust please look at our website or chat to us on a Sunday. Tom & Ali Husbands


city pastors

A friendly face, a listening ear and a caring heart

We just finished training our 8th generation of pastors and put in a large order for more jackets! We were a welcome presence at Birmingham Pride again this year. I’ve included the shift report from the evening to give you a feel for what City Pastors get up to:This was the Saturday night of Pride hence the two teams of pastors on duty. It was a very enjoyable, if busy evening, with people generally in good, celebratory spirit. There were obviously a huge number of people out; this meant far more police, far more security and (most confusingly, for us!), a very different layout to the patch - the familiar became very unfamiliar, particularly with streets/access blocked off. We received wristbands which gave us full access to all locations, but it also meant we helped a number of people with directions, as (without a wristband) you would have to go a round about way of getting to your destination.


We assisted in a variety of incidents, including: - Ambulance call for a young woman whose drinks had been spiked. We also had to deal with the woman’s friend (and the friend’s mother - who had refused to take them home). Extracting a semi-conscious person from a 2CV is not easy! - Getting a number of people to the minicab drop-off (temporarily relocated to outside Scarlets, due to surrounding road closures) - Domestic incident outside Jesters - Chatting to Pride security staff - Extended conversations with revellers If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to and we’ll send you a link to our online application form. If you just want a chat to find out more, catch me on a Sunday and I’ll be happy to share a few stories. Simon Bateson – on behalf of City Pastors Steering Team

City Pastors is a project involving volunteers from local churches working together with other night time services to ensure everyone who visits Broad Street or Southside encounters a safe vibrant environment.

healing on the streets Our team meets every month at the Cathedral. We often witness divine appointments when people unexpectedly find themselves receiving prayer! A while ago, a lady in London was praying about her problems when she had a distinct impression that she should go to Birmingham. She didn’t know where to go, or why God wanted her to go, but got on the train anyway . She wandered into the cathedral grounds, pulling her case behind her, and got chatting to one of the HOTS team. She was able to pray with the lady about her problem and was set free from some things that were keeping her captive. Another time while we were praying together before starting, a man sat on one of the chairs. We asked him if he would like us to pray for him and he replied “I only sat on your chairs because the benches were wet!“ I got chatting to him and he shared his harrowing life story. His mum was murdered by one of her clients when he was a teenager and he was battling alcohol addiction . He did receive prayer and was really grateful.

The last time we did HOTS , a couple from Tewkesbury came past and said that they wanted prayer. She had diabetes and he had recently lost his job and also had backache. We prayed for them both. He told us that his back pain had gone from about 8 out of 10 in severity to 0. He had no pain! Another guy walked by and I got chatting to him. “I don’t know why I am here, I live in Sedgley and never usually come to town. I meant to be in another place, but took the wrong turning.” I asked him if he would like us to pray for him and he shared his story that his best friend had died last week of cancer. He let me pray for comfort and peace for him. It’s amazing how our compassionate Father God has ways of bringing people to us for prayer! If this excites you too, do join us! We meet usually on the 3rd Saturday at 12.30pm by the Cathedral doors to pray, then start HOTS from 1.30pm 4pm. You are very welcome even if you can only come for a short time. Dates for this term: Sat 20 Sept Sat 25 OCt Sat 15 Nov Sat 20 Dec

Sandra Eagle: or Jackie Tearle:

p13 p11 p23


a bag

Pick up a bag from church and take it home with you. Choose from the following – Asian, Caribbean, Meal, Instant, Breakfast, Toiletries or Baby Bags.

fill a

bag Remove the shopping list on the front of the bag and use it as a guide when you shop. Please supply all the basic needs and choose one ‘optional extra’ item. This can be done individually or as part of a group.

give a bag

Please return your filled bags to Network House where they will be checked and stored. The bags will then be distributed through our partner organisations and to individuals known to us at Vineyard Network Church.


Our Partner Organisations Thank you to those people who regularly fill Foodbank bags. We are now able to regularly supply our partner organisations with food and toiletries bags, showing God’s love to people in a time of crisis. Through Foodbank we support the following organisations: Freshwinds Children’s Centres Gateway Family Services South and City College Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid

Help us reach our 5000 bag total




4700 4500 4000



Since our Foodbank started in 2008, we have given away around 4700 Foodbank bags. This year we are aiming to reach a total of 5000 bags distributed to our partner organisations. You can help us reach this target by regularly grabbing, filling and giving a Foodbank bag; or maybe you would like to get together with your cell or community group to fill a number of bags.

Try out our new, stronger Foodbank bags You may have noticed our brand new Foodbank bags, with stronger string handles. These will replace the old bags which regularly split and fell apart when being carried about.

One of our partner organisations is Freshwinds, a Birmingham based charity that tackles issues of discrimination and social exclusion for those living in the city. The Foodbank bags are regularly collected by Patricia Fleming, a support worker, who helps ex-offenders resettle into the community. She reports “people released from prison into temporary housing have nothing”. Patricia and the team deliver essential items donated by Vineyard Network Church, which support an individual for up to 3 days whilst waiting for benefits to be received. This support prevents many clients from becoming destitute or returning to crime. Patricia states “over the past 5 years, your church has supported more than 100 individuals and without this support these people would have had nothing to help them stay on the right path. So my thanks and prayers go out to all of you at Vineyard Network Church on behalf of Freshwinds and our clients for all your continued support. Together we make a difference”

a generous


In May a generous gift of £400 was given to Foodbank by a local family in memory of their mother, Mrs Kadviben Govind Fatania, to mark the first anniversary since she passed away. She was well known for her generosity and hospitality, and never let a visitor leave without being fed. We wish to thank the family for this kind gift. It will be used to fill as many Foodbank bags as possible.

Helen Pipe


events All events are at Network House unless stated. For more details visit our website

Friday 5 Sept Friday 9 Jan An evening of worship and prayer as we seek God’s presence and blessing for our city


Starts 8 October 2014

A fun, action-packed event for children aged 4-11

BRIGHT PARTY Friday 31 October p18

7.30 - 9.00pm

Parents - you’re invited to

While the children are at the Bright party come and have a chilled evening, a chance to relax and chat, with free drinks, nibbles and music. On the 2nd floor of Network House.

Saturday 29 Nov 7.30pm

Baptism and Dedication services Sunday 30 Nov Mornings: 9.30am 11.15am Evening: 5.30pm

Sunday 14 Dec Sunday 21 Dec

Youth Carol Service

All Age Nativity Service

5pm and 7pm


Sunday 21 Dec Thursday 25 Dec

Carol Service 5pm and 7pm DZ Christmas party during the 5pm service

Christmas Day Service 10.30am p19

Phil James

Mike McMaster

Hilary Dougall

Bill Dixon

trustee talk

Ian Rogers

Andrew McNeil

Vineyard Network Church Birmingham is a registered charity and so has a board of trustees that volunteer their time and wisdom to serve the church. If you have any questions about church governance you can contact any of them at any time.

number of people in church

Our trustees are:- Phil James, Hilary Dougall, Ian Rogers, Bill Dixon, Mike McMaster, Andrew McNeil


249 171 men


166 171 166

women children


people in church






Area Grant




Gift Aid








18% 36%

36% 18% 3% 8% 21%


Leadership Development

Buildings & Operations



Training & Discipleship

Community Care & Outreach

21% 3%


Worship services Governance

Hope community Perry Common

Central community

North Birmingham community

East Birmingham & Solihull community

James & Kerry’s community Jamie & Helen’s community Northfield community

Bournville community




activities City Pastors is an initiative involving volunteers from local churches working in partnership with the Broad Street and Southside Business Improvement Districts to ensure that the city is a safe, vibrant environment for everyone who visits.

Simon Bateson

Every month a team of people go out onto the streets to show God’s love by praying for people who need healing. They meet outside St Phillip’s Cathedral from 1.30-4pm.

Jackie Tearle Sandra Eagle

We aim to help young people find space to make friends, learn more about Jesus, serve the church and live out the reality of the kingdom of God.

Zara Llewellyn

FOODBANK The focus of Sozo is to break lies and heal the wounds in our lives. If you are in this church and in a cell group and would like a Sozo appointment then do pick up an information pack. Keely Bateson

Vineyard Bible Institue (VBI) is an accredited Bible study programme. Contact Adam Pipe for more details.

Foodbank reaches out to serve those in need by providing a bag of provisions in a time of crisis. Every bag has a card inside with a simple message from the church to express something of God’s love. Helen Pipe

Network Netball meets regularly on Monday evenings at Selly Park Technology College sports hall from 8pm. New players welcome.

Adam Pipe

Jo Bullock

Children’s ministry meeting during the morning and evening services: Sparks (0 - 2) Launch Pad (2 - 4) Rockets (4 - 7) Orbit (7 - 11)

Zara Llewellyn

Dalitso Trust works in partnership with rural villages in Malawi with its team based in Malingunde. Tom & Ali Husbands

Contact Addresses Pastors

DZ / Youth


Office admin

City Pastors

Healing on the Streets





Dalitso Trust

Vineyard Network Church

Sunday services 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday of every month: 9.30am 11.15am 5.30pm

Network House 174-178 Barford Street Birmingham B5 7EP 0121 622 1230


get connected There are many ways you can connect with the church:Through Sundays: morning or evening services are a great way to experience the vibrancy of worship and ministry

Connect Events: if you are new and want to find out more, we hold regular welcome dinners – fill in a connect form and we’ll be in touch:

Through cells: the place to make friends and build community

Through communities: experience the synergy of cells working together to make a difference

Through facebook: like our facebook page and join our group

Through the web: download the latest Sunday talks and keep up to date Through e-bulletins: make sure we have your email on our database and you’ll receive a nice (brief) reminder of key events

Follow us on twitter:

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