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Basic information about Santiago de Compostela Total population of Santiago: 100,000 inhab. approx. Time Zone: UTC + 1 h, the same as Madrid, Paris, Rome, Brussels, Berlin, Warsaw or Copenhagen. As in most European countries, the official time varies during the year: clocks are set one hour ahead on the last Sunday in March and one hour back on the last Sunday in October. Distances by land (km): Madrid_599, Barcelona_1,094, Bilbao_569, Salamanca_424, Toledo_681, Avila_539, Porto_226, Fatima_413, Lisbon_530, Lourdes_858, Paris_1,482, London_1,876, Milan_1,880, Berne_1,850, Brussels_1,785, Amsterdam_1,985, Berlin_2,531, Vienna_2,726, Prague_2,508, Krakow_3,029, Copenhagen_2,686, Goteborg_2,992, Oslo_2,889. Climate: Mild oceanic. Temperatures are mild throughout the year. Mean winter temperature is 8ºC. The coldest months are January and February. In summer (May to September), the temperature is very pleasant, ranging from 20 to 27ºC. The hottest months are July and August. Rainfall may be frequent in autumn, winter and spring. Languages: There are two official languages in Galicia: Galician and Spanish. Most young people speak English. There are tourist maps in the main old town streets and squares, with information in Galician, Spanish and English. The façades of the main monuments also feature signs with information in the three languages. Religion: Spain is a non-confessional country. Most of the population (80%) is Catholic, although only 18% of Catholics are churchgoers. Catholic tradition is essential to Santiago de Compostela, which, since the 9th century, has been a pilgrimage destination and one of Christendom's three Holy Cities, along with Rome and Jerusalem.



Basic information about the Way of St. James Length of main routes: 772 km from Saint Jean de Pie de Port (French Way), and 846 from Somport (French-Aragonese Way). Duration: Walkers usually complete the French Way in 30 stages of 20-25 km; cyclists, in 15 stages of 50 km. Accommodation: There is a total of 115 pilgrims hostels along the French Way, 52 of which are in Galicia. Galician public pilgrims hostels charge a symbolic price (€ 3 approx.) for those undertaking the Way of St. James in any of the recognised ways (on foot, by bike, on horseback). The “Compostela”: Document certifying that the Way of St. James has been completed with Christian meaning; it is awarded to those justifying having carried out the last 100 km on foot or horseback, or the last 200 km by bike. To that end, there is a credential or logbook that has to be stamped in the hostels or parishes that the pilgrim passes through.

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