Welcome june! summertime is here!!!

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some of our longest lasting herbal remedies--stock up today!

It's official--Summertime is Here!!! We've waited so long for it and it's finally made it up to the Northwoods! Spring and several snows have come and gone and the summertime visitors are trekking back up here--and from what I've heard out there--it's about time. My kids have about a week or so left of school--Faela is almost a graduate and Shea is about to start his summertime travels. He's worked long and hard for a trip with the Band and Choral groups to head off to NY for a week! Then a few days to unpack and do laundry and he's off to another week of Band Camp down in Steven's Point. Faela is taking a break from school and will be helping me as I journey down the long road of Farmer's markets and having a table up to showcase our products.

ALL of our soap is ready to go so look for us out and about in Eagle River at the Farmer's Markets. I had the complete pleasure of setting up tables at Granny Fay's Funky Junk n' More monthly Sale to get some practice and it seems I made the cut. We've had incredible reviews of our pain salve, our bug balm, our lotions, salves and balms so make it a point to stop by and say hello! I was incredibly worried about the pain levels of my back while lugging tables and boxes of product around--but thanks to my kids (going forward, thanks be to Faela) YOU will see us out and about. As I create new products I'll still be searching for testers so stay in our radar and post your reviews! New businesses always need good reviews! This month's newsletter is all about our new products--both on our Etsy site and on our tables. If you see anything you love or simply must have--contact us today! I do deliver--and soon enough we'll be at the area Farmer's markets so you'll be able to see us regularly and stay up to date on our new products. We have tinctures, linaments, syrups, jelly and salves! Body oils, room sprays, cedar and sage wands, and some incredible Bugg Off body oil and/or balm for you to try! I'm

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even setting up more soaps for the first part of July (they need a good 4 weeks to set up!). New herbal remedies for colds and flu type symptoms are also setting up! I may need a secretary soon lol....the hardest part getting ready for my tables out at Granny Fay's? definitely the labels. As we make it a practice to do the farmer's markets regularly we'll also need to source out some new containers for our salves and balms. Finding jars up here in the Northwoods is tough! As an added bonus I've added several of my readings to our Etsy site--Ancestor Readings, Dreamtime Readings and Moonlodge Readings. I've been doing these for decades when friends and family have asked--used to lead groups on these lessons too--but for now, we'll focus on a step at a time. Giving thanks to the Elders and our Ancestors for continuing to speak truth and issue guidance along the way. Thank you again for sticking close by--and for all of the special orders we've been working on for you! You've kept us busy, creating and incredibly Happy!!! Our love and respect, MountainsDreamz

One of our new Soaps! Dream

For those of you who are in to

Dancers Soap with our signature blend of essential oils: Amber,

working on your Dreams! Dream Dancer's Balm with our signature

Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Rose of Sharon, Frankincense, Myrrh and Rose Absolute. You'll

blend of essential oils: Amber, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Rose of Sharon, Frankincense,

see this one at our Farmer's Market tables--not on Etsy!

Myrrh and Rose Absolute. For sale on our Etsy site.

Healing Skin Balm...a special order for those of you who are healing

Healing Skin Soap--again with the same incredible scent! Not yet

forms of skin cancer. You will also love the scent on this one--even if you don't have skin cancer--its

available on our Etsy site but we WILL have it for sale at the Farmer's Markets. Wonderfully rich

incrediblty emollient and rich for your tired and overworked skin!

and emollient for tired and overworked skin!

Nettle Garlic Buttermilk Biscuits

• 2 cups organic unbleached flour • 1⁄2 teaspoon fine Himalayan pink salt • 1 1⁄2 teaspoons baking powder • 1⁄2 teaspoon baking soda • 4 cloves fresh garlic, crushed • 5 tablespoons organic unsalted butter • 1 cup 1.5% organic buttermilk • 3/4 cup finely chopped fresh Nettle leaves • Thick gloves for harvesting and chopping the Nettles 1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Combine flour, salt, baking powder, and baking soda in a large mixing bowl and stir thoroughly. Using two butter knives or a pastry cutter, add the butter until the mixture resembles a crumbly meal. 2. In a separate bowl, combine buttermilk with finely chopped garlic and Nettle leaf. Add this liquid mixture to the dry ingredients and gently fold together to form a soft dough. 3. Turn the dough onto a floured cutting board, knead gently until it just comes together adding a little more flour if needed, and roll the dough out until it’s about 1⁄2-inch in thickness. Using the rim of a small glass, cut the dough into 2.5 to 3 inch rounds and place on an ungreased baking sheet. 4. Bake the biscuits for 18 minutes or until light golden brown. 5. Remove from the baking sheet to avoid over crisping your biscuit bottoms and serve warm fresh from the oven with butter. Makes 12-15 biscuits.

Enjoy! ~Erin Mountain Rose Recipe blog

For those of you seeking guidance on your Dreams....contact us today for a Dream tarot reading! Only $33 and now available on our Etsy site!

Your very own Ancestors Reading--gain guidance from those who have crossed over, your very own Spirit Guides! $64 and available on our Etsy site!

A Full year of readings to be done at or around the New Moon! Selected guidance for Women as you walk your sacred journey with Grandmother Moon! $33 per month for 12 months--available on our Etsy site!

This month we are focusing on our Medicinals made from the Herbal blends or single herbal notes from Mother Earth. Decoctions, Tinctures, Syrups and Linaments all made to heal your body of illness or dis-ease! Each of these blends takes 4 - 6 weeks to create. Our Etsy shop has several of them listed but we have many more available! Our tinctures are made with everclear (100 proof) so they will definitely get every single drop of medicine in the herb or flower as they brew. These medicines are handy for travel and have a solid 10 year shelf life! As they are so condensed, they are incredibly potent too. The tinctures I have available at present are: Herbal Tinctures -- 1 oz. $20 OR 2 oz. $40 Herbal Pain Relief Herbal Fortifier Herbal Protector Herbal FIBROMYALGIA BLEND chaga shroom blend throatcoat’ blend CBD PAIN RELIEF BLEND--2 oz. -- $37.50 Moontime Relief DREAMTIME TINCTURE YARROW TINCTURE CALENDULA TINCTURE DAMIANA TINCTURE MULLEIN TINCTURE NETTLE TINCTURE FEVERFEW TINCTURE CATNIP TINCTURE Contact me with your issues and we can create one specifically for YOU!

Decoctions Decoctions are simmered teas that are perfect for the extrac - tion of hard roots, dried berries, barks, and seeds. • Place 3 tablespoons of dried herb into a small saucepan. • Cover the herbs with a quart of cold water. • Slowly heat the water to a simmer and cover. • Allow to gently simmer for 20 to 45 minutes. • Strain the herb and reserve the tea in a quart jar. • Pour additional hot water back through the herb in the strainer to fill your jar. ****Add a bit of honey, fruit juice, Licorice root powder, or powdered Stevia leaf to sweeten your tea. Freeze in ice cube trays or popsicle molds. Kids love these herbal ice pops!**** from MountainRose Blogs' ebook Herbal Preparations

More feedback from our MountainsDreamz shop on our Spring Tonic Allergy Bath Salts!

....Gonna try this tonight in a bath. Very excited because my allergies have been really bad this year, even on all the meds Im on. Hoping this will help a little! Smells strong & wonderful. Arrived fast & thanks for the free salve. THESE BATH SALTS WERE AWESOME! It's like sitting in a giant cup of tea with the herbs floating around. But I didn't mind as it smelled great, not too strong. I didn't sneeze like normal & my headache went away. Also afterwards I noticed an allergy rash on my foot was calmed, reduced & smooth. Wow! Thanks sooo much! Joey

Tinctures Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts using alcohol as the solvent. You can use any spirit you like, but we prefer something neutral like vodka to fully experience the flavor of the herb. They can be made with fresh or dried flowers, leaves, roots, barks, or berries, and they can be taken by the dropper or diluted in tea. Simple, practical, and efficient, this method allows you to estimate your measurements by eye. The only supplies you'll need include organic herbs, glass jars, a knife or chopper, metal funnel, cheesecloth, alcohol, and amber glass dropper bottles.

How much plant material to use? Fresh Herbal Material: Leaves & Flowers • Finely chop or grind clean herb to release juice and expose surface area. • Only fill the jar 2/3 to 3/4 with herb. • Pour alcohol to the very top of the jar. Cover plants completely! • Jar should appear full of herb, but herb should move freely when shaken.

Dried Herbal Material: Leaves & Flowers Use finely cut herbal material. • Only fill the jar 1/2 to 3/4 with herb. • Pour alcohol to the very top of the jar and cover plants completely!

Fresh Herbal Material: Roots, Barks & Berries • Finely chop or grind clean plants to release juice and expose surface area. • Only fill the jar 1/3 to 1/2 with fresh roots, barks, or berries. • Pour alcohol to the very top of the jar. Cover plants completely! • Jar should appear full of herb, but herb should move freely when shaken.

Dried Herbal Material: Roots, Barks & Berries Use finely cut herbal material. • Only fill the jar 1/4 to 1/3 with dried roots, barks, or berries. • Pour alcohol to the very top of the jar and cover plants completely! • Roots and berries will expand by 1/2 their size when reconstituted!

Use of Alcohol as Tincture Base : 40%-50% (80 - 90 Proof Vodka) "Standard" percentage range for tinctures. • Good for most dried herbs and fresh herbs that are not super juicy. • Good for extraction of water soluble properties. 67.5%-70% (1/2 80 proof vodka + 1/2 190 proof grain alcohol) • Extracts the most volatile aromatic properties. • Good for fresh high-moisture herbs like lemon balm, berries, and aromatic roots. • The higher alcohol percentage will draw out more of the plant juices. 85%-95% (190 proof grain alcohol) • Good for dissolving gums and resins – but not necessary for most plant material. • Extracts the aromatics and essential oils bound in a plant that do not dissipate easily. • The alcohol strength can produce a tincture that is not easy to take. Stronger is not always better! • Often used for drop dosage plants. • Will totally dehydrate herbs. Store your tincture in a cool, dry, dark cabinet. Shake several times a week. If the alcohol evaporates a bit and the herb is not totally submerged, top off the jar with more alcohol. Herbs exposed to air can introduce mold and bacteria into your tincture. Extract for 6-8 weeks. Time to squeeze! Drape a damp cheesecloth over a funnel. Pour contents of tincture into an amber glass bottle. Allow to drip, then squeeze. Optional: Blend herbs into a mush and strain remaining liquid. Keep extracts in a cool, dark place and your tinctures will last for many years.

Labels This last step is perhaps the most important of all! Once you've strained and bottled your tincture, be sure to label each bottle with as much

detail as possible. You'll be so happy to have this information to play with next time you tincture the same herb. Don't lean on your sense of taste or smell alone – regardless of how well-honed your organoleptic skills may be, tinctures can trick even the most experienced herbalist. Skipping this step will surely lead to a dusty collection of unused mystery extracts. Important details to include on your labels: Common Name Latin Name Part Used Fresh/Dried Alcohol % Habitat/Source Date Dosage from MountainRose blogs ebook Herbal Preparations

Don't forget to share our newsletter and have your friends sign up! We have our monthly giveaway going on--and our winner this month is Jack Campbell! Congrats Jack--let us know how you like everything! At 11:59pm on the last day of each month a winner is chosen--we then contact the winner to get an address and ship off a monthly goody pack! All that we ask in return is that you let us know how the product works. If you have time and are so inclined--post it to our Facebook page so others can know too! Thank you again for being on our newsletter list--we love our clients!

Some feedback from our Clients on our Relaxing Lotion Bar!

...I love this shop!! The owner, Sandy, really cares about her clients and gives fantastic recommendations. I started by ordering my favorite perfume, but ended up with my favorite new product. She sent me a lotion bar sample that was such a lifesaver. I had just come back from a two month trek through desert and rainforest and my feet were destroyed. Blister on top of callous and winter dryness.. I was filing and soaking my feet in oils and lotions. Nothing was working. Two uses with this lotion bar and was back to normal manageability. FANTASTIC product. I highly recommend it. Thanks Sandy!! Skitzlovesya

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