Veneers and Lumineers

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Veneers & Lumineers

Veneers A porcelain veneer is a thin layer of tooth-coloured ceramic material cemented onto the tooth surface. It improves the appearance of a stained or a chipped tooth or to protect a damaged or worn tooth surface.

Lumineers Lumineers are wafer thin porcelain veneers that are fixed over the original teeth and custom designed to give you a beautiful smile. Their translucent nature replicates the appearance of enamel and they can quickly solve a multitude of dental problems and issues. A long-term cosmetic solution, they can be placed on top of crowns and bridges and are often used as an additional treatment for renewing old dental work or as a solution to blemished or chipped teeth. Why might I need lumineers? • To eliminate spacing and gaps • To align crooked teeth • To reshape misshapen or small teeth • To brighten stained or discoloured teeth Fitting your lumineers In 90 percent of cases, no injections or drilling is necessary and lumineers are a great solution if you have sensitive teeth. How long do lumineers last? Lumineers are proven to last for over 20 years, and they come with a 5-year guarantee of not decementing.

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