The Retail Storybook - Remarketing in Australia

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Remarketing in Australia A Retail Storybook

98% of your website visitors don’t buy anything.

For most retailers this shouldn’t be a surprise, any analytical tool will quickly identify this issue. The challenge is how to address it. oday’s savvy consumers can spot a sales pitch a mile away. They don’t want to be sold to, T they want to be helped. But delivering this online isn’t easy… it’s a science and an art. SaleCycle work with leading retailers across the globe, to help them engage with the 98% of users who visit your site but don’t convert, elegantly bridging them back into the purchase process to complete the online transaction. Engagement is automated, highly personable, and relevant, without having to offer discounts or short term incentives. When SaleCycle design and manage remarketing programs a number of factors are incorporated to create truly remarkable remarketing campaigns. We show brands how they can effectively re-connect, engage and convert their online customers with the types of interactions they’re actually craving! Take a look at some of the results we’ve seen.


Lorna Jane understands that their imagery and tone are key factors which emphasise the brands message of empowering women. Lorna Jane wanted to ensure their customers associated the remarketing messages with the clean and sleek design of their products. The optimized email creative incorporates images of a complete healthy lifestyle into these messages playing brilliantly on the motivating nature of Lorna Jane’s brand, along with a gentle push to encourage the customer to purchase. The programme has achieved fantastic results, with an incredible average open rate of 60% and over a third of all clickers going on to purchase. Motivational, inspirational and empowering - a remarketing campaign capturing the essence of the brand itself.


Australian fashion retailer SABA designs tailored, modern and simple pieces to redefine the Australian wardrobe. They understand that one size will never fit all, and they needed their remarketing to fall in line. Through the use of multiple templates, SaleCycle have perfectly fit their remarketing messages in a personalised way to each customer. The creative templates for the SABA campaign are personalised based on two main aspects: 1. Items in the basket, and whether they are female, male, or mixed 2. Basket value, and whether this abandoned basket qualifies for free shipping or not This makes for some exceptionally tailored and personalised remarketing emails, which bring a lot of their visitors back to complete their purchase, and has resulted in an increase of over 7% in sales.



No group of customers will behave the same as another. This is especially true in remarketing, when sending relevant email messages at the right time for a particular group of customers can have dramatic impacts on the conversion. The client service team decided to put this to the test for Cath Kidston, to find out when the best time to reach out to their lost visitors is. Cath Kidston originally began sending their remarketing emails 24 hours after an abandonment had occurred. Sending at 12, 6, 4 and 2 hour idle times after an abandonment were tested against this to measure the impact. The results were staggering. In this case, the shorter the idle time, the higher the open rate. Sending two hours after an abandonment had a 13.7% increase in open rate and a whopping 38% increase in conversion from click. Based on the strength of the conversion rates, Cath Kidston have set the idle time for the campaign at 2 hours and continue to achieve steady and impressive results.


Officeworks is Australia’s largest supplier of office and stationery products. Every day many shoppers head online to replenish their stationary stocks, but we all know how easy it is to get distracted, especially in the middle of the busy working day. The team working with Officeworks decided to test the creative of the on-site messaging, to ensure their visitors remained engaged and went on to complete their purchases. Colour themes were tested to see which captured the users attention the most, as well as testing providing visitors with multiple ways of progressing. Turns out, their customers liked the choice, and along with a high-contrast colour theme, they managed to increase conversions from the original creative by 2.32%. Now, more than 46% of the visitors who have triggered the on-site message go on to complete their purchase.


When you feature the top brands, sleek designs and latest trends in fashion sunglasses, you need your messages to match. Sunglass Hut were looking for ways to reach out to their lost shoppers in a way that fit seamlessly into their own branding. After all, their customers know style when they see it! The best remarketing messages are ones that enhance rather than interrupt the user experience. Our team created a beautifully designed campaign following Sunglass Hut’s own style. This makes for a natural continuation of the customer journey in the style their customers are looking for. More than 5% of visitors who trigger the on-site remarketing message, go on to complete their purchase.

RESULTS Data Capture ............................................................................................................................... 125% more remarketing emails sent

Design .......................................................................................................................................... 60% open rate of remarketing emails

Personalisation .............................................................................................................................................. 7% increase in conversions


AB Testing ....................................................................................................................................................... 46% conversion from view

Idle-time testing ........................................................................................................................................ 38% increase in conversions


#AskOurClients I really like the company. From the platform to the people I deal with, it’s a good experience. As a marketer in an extremely busy work place, having SaleCycle takes huge load of my day to day work. I know that its running in the background, generating revenue and making me look good! Lee Dellow at Appliances Online Australia Working with SaleCycle, we put together a highly effective basket abandonment email programme to communicate to customers who leave the checkout process without purchasing; effectively our hottest prospects. I would recommend SaleCycle to anyone looking to implement a cart recovery programme – it’s a great solution. Jayne Knobbs, eCommerce Marketing Manager at Sony

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