Fall 2009

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C h r i s t i n a M ah e r :

Embracing a student-centered approach to teaching

Dr. Christina Maher’s eyes light up when she hears a student say, “I don’t like math.” She believes that everyone is able to do math, but many people have had a bad experience in a particular class that may have soured them on the subject. “I find it to be very rewarding to work with students who don’t like math. They think they can’t do math, then they begin to realize that they really can do it.” She promotes an open-door policy with students. The Notre Dame graduate encourages students to come to her office even when they think that they have a very simple question. Dr. Maher believes her openness to students goes hand in hand with the Catholic, Benedictine traditions of Saint Vincent. Her student-centered approach to teaching enables her to use everyday situations to explain mathematical concepts during classes. For example, she uses games that students like to play. When describing simple games like tic-tac-toe, Dr. Maher relates mathematical concepts that are closely related to the strategies and techniques of the game. The assistant professor of mathematics has discovered that even outside the classroom, people are interested in learning how mathematics relates to simple games like tic-tac-toe.

B r e t t Rob i n s o n :

Developing ethical perspectives on communication Brett Robinson’s path throughout his career in mass communication has brought him back to academia, where he said he feels that he can have the most impact. Currently, he is researching the relationship between media technology and “religion” of consumer advertising to complete his dissertation. In December, an article about the subject will be published in Explorations in 20

s a in t v in c en t q u a rterl y

Media Ecology. He recognizes that his students will be future leaders in the field of communication. He does not take lightly the responsibility of preparing Saint Vincent students. The instructor in communication values the opinions of students, recognizing that each student has his or her own motivations and diverse background. “I can meet them where they are and provide support, assistance, and guidance all because of my own journey through the field.” Robinson hopes to involve his

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