2010 Tikhonaire

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Dorney Amusement Park for the whole group. The entire event was such a blessing of fun and fellowship, and it also provided an “icebreaker” welcome event for all the new families at the Seminary. Throughout the rest of the year, classes are held in five groups: toddlers, 5-7 year olds, 8-10 year olds, and junior / senior high groups with younger classes meeting on Saturday evenings and older classes meeting after Sunday Liturgy during coffee hour. Seminarians and wives alike have a chance to “get their feet wet” as Church School teachers within our community of over 50 children.

Schools past, so that he will never forget us! We offer special thanks to our teachers who cheerfully sacrifice their time for the formation of our children, and dedicate this wonderful year of “great performances” to our beloved Bishop Michael, as we sing in closing: Bishop Michael had a school, E-I-E-I-O And at his school was lots of love, E-I-E-I-O With patience here, and kindness there, Generosity everywhere Bishop Michael, we thank you, and we love you so!

2009 – 2010 ACADEMIC YEAR

collection of heartfelt pleas to God from characters in all walks of life stuck on a bus during a Christmas Eve storm. The program closed with the younger children adorably performing the Nativity Story. We even had a visit from St. Lucia on her feast day, as we enjoyed fellowship and a potluck luncheon. The annual outing to “Disney on Ice” in January was loved by all and served There have been many treas- as a celebratory “cast party” for this ured whimsical moments. One such successful work! moment was during a lesson about In the Spring, we embarked why we fast during Great Lent. A teacher, who was trying to explain on a field trip “across town” to All that we sacrifice food and other Saints Church in Olyphant, where activities to show our love for God, Ivan, the Seminary’s iconography asked the class, “What do we sacri- instructor, has been working on a fice?” A young child raised his hand. masterpiece! Following the Liturgy “Yes?” asked the teacher. With a lit- and a special coffee hour graciously tle voice he replied, “A sheep?!” sponsored by the All Saints Church Amused with this reply the teacher School families, the children got to explained that Jesus was the Lamb, see Ivan’s incredible handiwork up so we do not do that since the close as he and Fr. David Cowan, Resurrection. So, another child Rector of All Saints, explained the queried, “A cow?!” Mildly concerned process of iconographing an entire that the children were not under- church. standing, the teacher explained why Our year ended in excitewe do not sacrifice any animals anymore. Reasonably, another child ment, as we ventured to New Jersey innocently responded with the next and New York to attend the consebest option: “Plants and vegetables?” cration of our beloved Fr. Michael, as a bishop. Upon returning home Our Nativity Pageant was from this once in a lifetime event, we also unique this year with the older performed for him at a Seminary children performing an original play Family Dinner in his honor on by our very own faculty member, Fr. Ascension Day, May 13, with an Dan Kovalak. Entitled, “The audience of over 250. We sang his Christmas Bus”, this play is a spunky favorites from Vacation Church


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