Express, Volume 96, Issue 3

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SERVING THE SACRAMENTO CITY COLLEGE COMMUNITY SINCE 1922         Volume 96 Issue 3 October 09, 2012


Speaker of the house 02

‘Let’s talk about sex’


Philosophy of the duel 15

Editorial: SEX & SAC CITY A woman’s perspective

• Tony Wallin Photographer • • Callib Carver Photographer •

How often are you distracted by thoughts of sex in the classroom?


immed lights, seesaw sounds, soft moans and heavy breathing while glancing at each other’s eyes once in a while. Another disappointing night, there in a bed lays my friend Holly wishing it would just stop already. After realizing once again that what she wants won’t be coming, she reconciles with the performance she’ll have to act out once again. Routinely she arches her back, closes her eyes and let the “oh” form the shape of her lips and escape her mouth. The guy on top feels proud with what he accomplished and then makes his final performance of the night. Silence falls and while he stares at the ceiling with a grin, she stares at it with dissatisfaction. Men and women don’t always know what they’re doing when it comes to sex, in particularly college students, but without communication in the bedroom women continue feeling disappointed and unsatisfied night after night while men have no idea how their partner feels. When asked in a survey I conducted if they’ve ever faked an orgasm, nine out of 10 random City College women said they have and they all said their partners could never tell. “A lot of women say that they don’t want to hurt the guy’s feelings, that they feel like he’ll be disappointed or maybe get angry with her, kind of like, ‘Well what’s wrong with you? Any woman I’ve been with would have had an orgasm by now,’” says City College psychology professor Robert Ackley who teaches Human Sexuality and Love and Intimacy. In the risk about worrying about hurting your partner’s feelings, women lose out on the pleasure of an orgasm. Sure, it might not be the most important thing to a relationship, but it does help. Communicating between each other is the only way that men and women can both leave satisfied and if women don’t communicate with


"I don't know it depends on what class and if I'm bored and how much stuff I have to think about."

Deyanir a Madrid , 19 Nutritio n

their partners, how can the relationship work? “When it comes to sex, many of us assume that we know what our partner wants, or we clam up instead of giving feedback,” says the sex book “Guide to Getting it On.” The truth of the matter is that many couples don’t know how to talk to each other about sex, says Ackley. “Most of us don’t communicate very well about sex,” Ackley says. Learning how to talk to each other is what men and women need to learn how to do. Partners need to learn to communicate and be comfortable to get to know each other physically. It all comes down to communicating between two people. Sex should be satisfying to both partners and when reaching climax, neither partner should be faking it. Take time to discuss what you like and what you don’t, what gets you going and what just doesn’t—this way college men could say they performed well this semester.

hite, 24 Jessica W tudies Ethinic S

"Not often because im too sleepy in class, plus I'm not sexually attracted to any of my teachers. A classroom is not an internal turn-on."

"Everyday in class, to some degree."

Brady Harris, 18 Recording Arts

Views published in the Express do not reflect those of the Los Rios Community College District Board of Trustees, the Associate Student Government, City College Journalism department, administration, student body or faculty, unless otherwise stated. Let the Express know what you think. Letters should be 300 words or less. Please include contact information. No anonymous letters will be printed. The Express reserves the right to edit or reject any article, advertisement or illustration deemed inappropriate, including letters to the editor.

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Journalism Association of Community Colleges California Newspaper Publishers Association


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Cover Design: Vivian Liu

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"Often, whenever I see a girl that's my type [sex] always the first thing to come to mind."

Advisors Randy Allen Dianne Heimer Rachel Leibrock Kate Murphy

Cover Photo: Jason Van Sandt

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Suspect identified, apprehended City College student is accosted at light rail station •

Jessica Rine Staff Writer •


male passenger on the light rail inappropriately groped a female City College student from behind while she was waiting for her train on Aug. 30 at the 16th Street light rail station The suspect has since been identified and arrested by the Sacramento Police Department and is currently in custody, according to the Sacramento Police Department’s bulletin to the Los Rios Police Department. According to RT Chief Operating Officer Mark Lonergan, RT spends about $6 million a year on security for the light rail and bus systems. Sacramento City police officers, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department deputies and RT’s transit officers make up the eyes and ears of security for the transit system. Crime statistics from Sacramento Police Department and RT determine where and when officers should be concentrating their efforts, but they can’t be everywhere all of the time. “I’m not surprised that happened,” said Tami Moore, 25, when hearing of the incident. Moore, a City College student, rides the light rail daily. She has never feared for her safety while on the trains, but said she steps up her awareness at the 16th Street station. At night the station is not well lit, and there are either too many people there or not enough, Moore said. The 16th Street station is a central hub of activity. Passengers can switch between blue and gold lines for the light rail, catch a bus, or walk to their desired downtown destination. Approximately 4,800 people get on or off the light rail at 16th Street on an average weekday. It is the busiest light rail stop in the region, according to Sacramento Regional Transit District Fact Sheet. While officers are checking fares and patrolling within the boundaries of the transit system, cameras positioned on the trains and at the stations are keeping track of the people coming and going. With 50 light rail stations, 31 bus and light rail transfer centers and over 3,300 bus stops to patrol, security officers cannot physically be everywhere incidents might occur. Cameras, monitored live by security officers, catch occurrences when they happen and alert RT. The closest officer is then able to respond quickly.

Tony Wallin |

Sacramento RT spends roughly $6 million on security forces for both light rails and buses.

“We want our passengers to feel safe when using our system,” said Alane Masui, assistant general manager of marketing and communications for SRT. Although officers are deployed daily to police light rail stations, bus stations and on the trains, there is no way to prevent crime altogether. Where there are large concentrations of people, crime happens. “The train is like any other public place and people need to be aware of their surroundings,” said Lonergan. When incidences like the assault last month affect City College students, Sacramento Police Department notifies the Los Rios Community College Police Department, who then notifies students and offers safety information. The Clery Report, released annually, reports crime statistics for all campuses in the Los Rios Community College District and is made public to students The LRCCPD also provides literature on safety, awareness and specifically, in this case, light rail safety. The light rail station at City College isn’t one of the worst places for crime on

campus, according to statistics, but Captain Valerie Cox, LRCCPD believes students should be aware of their surroundings everywhere they go. “No location is immune from crime,” said Cox. According to Cox, one of the most frequent complaints on campus has been the “snatch-and-grab,” but not because people leave their items unattended. With the emergence of smart phones and tablet computers, students can check their emails and text messages anywhere anytime. Strolling around campus, students can be seen staring at screens 3 inches away from their faces instead of staying alert to their surroundings, says Cox. The tendency, according to Cox, is to bring out the smart phone or tablet on the train to catch up on homework or respond to emails. These high-priced items can attract theft. “I think that whenever you go anywhere, whether you are using the light rail station, traveling in your vehicle, or walking to and from campus you have to be cogni-

zant of where you are, what’s around you, and be alert to your surroundings in general because crime is not something that has boundaries,” said Cox. “Crime is something that happens anytime and anywhere.” The LRCCPD and RT provide the following advice to increase the personal safety of transit riders and students on campus. - Stay alert to your surroundings. Try to travel with another person especially at night. LRCCPD does provide an escort service to students who feel unsafe walking to their vehicles or to the transit station alone. - Walk quickly and confidently to your destination. - Hold bags close to your body. - Avoid areas with few people. - If you are walking to a vehicle have your keys out and ready, check both the front and rear seats before entering and lock the door immediately after getting into your vehicle. - If you feel you are being followed, walk to a well-populated area.

SAC  CITY  EXPRESS  •  NEWS  •  10.09.12   3

Moving on up Dr. Brice Harris to head California Community Colleges • Claire Sullivan Staff Writer •


rice Harris, former chancellor to Los Rios Community College District was named as the new chancellor of California Community Colleges by the Board of Governors on Sept. 27, 2012. "[Harris] is an exceptional educational leader and all of us in the community college system are fortunate to have him as our state chancellor," said Jon Sharpe, deputy chancellor at LRCCD. Sharpe is charged with the role of chancellor at LRCCD until the college finds a permanent replacement, which is expected to happen early next year. When Harris took his place as chancellor of the Los Rios Community College District 16 years ago, enrollment was down, fees were rapidly increasing, and the number and variety of classes offered was diminishing. In the early and mid ‘90s, college enrollment declined. Students enrolled diminished from over 1.5 million students to around 1.3 million almost a 10 percent decrease across the state. Fee hikes and class cuts were cited as the cause in the

City College Davis Center, where transfer students are able to get a feel for university lifestyle and more effectively integrate into the four-year institution. Among other things, Harris will be responsible for strengthening key relationships with political and educational lead-

tion in Washington D.C. In 2010, Harris was named Sacramentan of the Year by the Sacramento Metro Chamber, and he was recently named by the United Cerebral Palsy of Sacramento as the “Humanitarian of the Year.” Now he will add the role of chief executive officer to the 112 schools

report from August 2012, Harris has been chancellor for a decade and a half of a district that encompasses 2,400 square miles of the central California area — an area that serves 85,000 students. As of fall 2012, 2.6 million students were enrolled in California Community Colleges — almost double the

“His success is really a significant honor because it means that we have been successful as a school.” – Prof. Paul Frank Tony Wallin |

Brice Harris was named the new chancellor of California Community Colleges by the Board of Governors in September.

1993 Fee Impact Report analysis. Several years after the fee impact report was published, Harris came in as chancellor at Los Rios from Fresno Community College where he served as president. In his time as chancellor at Los Rios, Harris worked to modernize area campuses, and he expanded the district by establishing the Folsom Lake campus; this created educational opportunities to thousands of students who were not previously in a position to commute to one of the other campuses in the district. He also developed the Sacramento

ers, identifying new revenue opportunities, advocating for strengthened state support, continuing the drive for student success, and serving as a voice for community colleges nationally. Harris has been an instrumental leader in representing community colleges and education in the legislature as well as throughout the community. He has served on many committees, boards, and commissions on both the state and national levels, and he is currently serving on the board of the American Council on Educa-

4    10.09.2012  •  NEWS  •  SAC  CITY  EXPRESS

in the 72 districts across California; this is the largest system of higher education in the United States. “Harris is notorious for his honest plan for the district and we are very proud that he is now taking that to the state level,” said professor Paul Frank in the City College Department of Political Sciences. “His success is really a significant honor because it means that we have been successful as a school.” According to a student financial aid

level from 20 years ago. Harris has exerted tremendous effort to ensure that these 2.5 million students will be in the right place to be guided towards success.

Occupy City College A year later and the movement persists • Jessica Rine Staff Writer •


“I have to focus on getting through school,” said Brooks. “[Activism] becomes so much fun that nothing else looks fun in comparison. Robert Mullis, a philosophy major at City College, also dove right into the Occupy movement. For him, the emergence of Occupy meant there were other people who were also thinking about the presence of government, the growing homelessness and unemployment throughout the country and all the unethical things he had noticed. “The feeling of being part of something you believe in is exhilarating,” said

he Occupy movement may have lost some momentum over the past year, but its principals still rage on in the hearts of those who were involved. The Occupy movement began with Occupy Wall Street on Sept. 17, 2011. In Manhattan’s Financial District a group of individuals joined together to protest the economic and political injustices of our country, specifically the unequal distribution of wealth to 1 percent of American citizens. “We are the 99 percent” became the slogan of the movement, spreading throughout the country and inspiring uprisings in over 100 cities in the United States according to Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Sacramento was one of the many inspired uprisings. Following the example of Occupy Wall Street, a group of Sacramento citizens began protesting on Oct. 6, 2011 with peaceful demonstrations on the front lawn of Sacramento City Hall. City College students Sara Beth Brooks, 27, and Robert Mullis, 26, were there that day among others.“There were a lot of passionate, intelligent, engaged people wanting to bring about a change,” said Brooks. Brooks, a communications major at City College, joined Occupy Sacramento and became involved in its coordination. She protested in Cesar Chavez Plaza every day for the first couple months of protests, coordinated the General Assembly and was also involved with coordinating the people who decided to protest after hours. Tony Wallin | Due to a medical condition, however, Alexa Baca, 22, English major at SCC, with his when things started to dwindle as winter homemade sign at Ceaser Chavez Park on Oct. approached, Brooks had to find other ways 16, 2011. to remain engaged. Mullis. “Knowing that other people care “I still believe in the Occupy movement about the world and the people in it struck a and the principals of Occupy,” said Brooks. chord for me.” Mullis started helping with Since she can’t be active in the streets, the social media aspect of Occupy, mainBrooks has turned her to focus toward taining the Facebook and Twitter accounts, education. Brooks continues to emanate the but soon moved to scheduling workshops movement’s principals of knowledge, truth, and placing event information on the webtransparency of government and accountsite and calendar. Like Brooks, however, ability for our leaders through the debate as winter drained the momentum out of the team at City College. She means to hone protests, Mullis followed it out. her public speaking and critical thinking Also like Brooks, Mullis is taking the skills in order to advocate more effectively time to focus on finishing his education. He in the future. then plans to teach others how to think for

5    10.09.12  •  NEWS  •  SAC  CITY  EXPRESS

Tony Wallin |

Sacramento State environmental studies major Laurel Rhodes at the Occupy together protest rally at Cesar Chavez Park on Oct. 6, 2011.

themselves, and then perhaps the principals behind Occupy can find a foothold in educated individuals and beget change. “I still support the movement and what it means,” said Mullis. “However, I decided that the best method in which mass reform could take place is through means of education."

“The feeling of being part of something you believe in is exhilarating.”

– Robert Mullis Occupy Movement participant

Dr. Nancy Olsen, English reading professor, agrees. When hearing of Occupy Wall Street in 2011, Olsen organized a walk out for students soon after Occupy Sacramento began their protests. Students and faculty members at City College walked out of their classrooms in the middle of scheduled classes on Oct. 13 and peacefully protested in front of the campus library for about an hour. A small group of students then made their way over to the Cesar Chavez Plaza to join Occupy Sacramentoprotestors.

Just after the protests began Olsen attempted to educate students on Occupy by making up a facts sheet and passing it out to students.She also organized an Understanding Occupy Day. “A lot of students didn’t know about it,” said Olsen. A year later, Olsen encourages students to be informed of the issues, to ask questions, and to walk out if that is what they feel is right. Her main focus has turned to getting the students to vote and educating them on the issues so they are informed voters who can make a change in society, according to Olsen. Supporters of the Occupy movement still continue to meet weekly at a General Assembly in Cesar Chavez Park in Sacramento according to occupysac. com. Supporters such as Sara Beth Brooks, Robert Mullis and Nancy Olsen have found new ways for Occupy to live on through their educational pursuits, and all hope one day to have enough educated people in the system to force a change. “We can educate the right values into our future generations,” said Mullis. “Being an informed citizen of the world is a part of Occupy,” said Brooks.

Printmaking classes move to dedicated space • Jessica Rine Staff Writer •


Angelo Mabalot |

Art major Garrett Mueller, 45, sets up his etching plate on paper to be pressed.

California, Davis in the '70s, and said that elements of the process have changed since then. She said she did not know vegetable oil was used to clean plates, for example, and that chemicals she had a lot of practice with were not being used anymore. “We have some pretty cutting-edge equipment,” says Wilson. “We don't have any limits on what we can do, and we have the means to stay current.” While students purchase their own supplies such as paper and tools to carve a drawing into their matrix, the facility is also well stocked with presses and ink. There are no textbooks required for any of the printmaking classes, but students do have to provide their own paper, pencils and tape. They can also spend anywhere from $30-$45 on other materials such as etching and woodworking tools for the etching and relief class, and fabric and wood to make screens for the silkscreen class. Students pay a lab fee of $23 for use of equipment provided in the classroom including inks, glues, staples, solvents, emulsion and copper. The fee, Wilson says, is a steal. “You have better equipment here than most university art departments,” Wilson says.

6    10.09.12  •  FEATURES  •  SAC  CITY  EXPRESS


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he glass had just been laid that morning on the counters in the printmaking lab in the newly remodeled Performing Arts Center and the room, still clean and smelling of fresh paint, was now ready for artists to come in and get it dirty. “I want you to experience real printmaking,” City College art professor Emily Wilson tells her students. Printmaking, an artistic process that involves the transfer of ink from a matrix, such as carved stone-to-paper, was previously offered at the West Sacramento campus, but now the Performing Arts Center features new rooms specifically designed for printmaking. Wilson teaches the four different printmaking classes offered at City College's main campus. The different matrices involved determine how ink will react to paper when a print is made. Rebecca Kendrick, 34, took Wilson's silkscreen printing class at the West Sacramento location and said she is glad to be here at the main campus because the new facilities are better-equipped. Silkscreen printmaking, for example requires use of a darkroom, which the new facility is equipped with. “We had to use a closet for the darkroom,” Kendrick recalls. Wilson explained that the printmaking technique is unique, not only because multiple prints can be made, but also because colors can be layered in a different way than with drawing or painting. “We are so lucky to have this facility on a community college campus,” Wilson says. “My instructor from grad school visited at the beginning of the semester and she was super-jealous.” Creating prints is a lengthy process that takes time and effort, Wilson explained, but having access to the proper equipment aids the process. She says she believes artists who are drawn to printmaking enjoy the process, and especially love the result. Retired art teacher and current printmaking student Robin Giustina, 59, previously took printmaking at University of


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A designer is forever Graphic communication faculty encourage sustainable practices • Aisha Shah Staff Writer •


embers of City College’s graphic communication department's faculty say they are hoping to construct a whole new world for aspiring graphic designers that will influence them to create projects not only from a social point of view, but from an environmental one as well. "I try to get the students to think about some kind of cause, whether it's something local, or international; political or controversial." says Don Button, GCOM professor. "[We] sort of focus their attention by using design to kind of make the world a little bit better in some way— culturally or economically." According to Button, graphic design is a curriculum that is supervised periodically from industry contacts to ensure students are equipped with skills and practices that are current in society. Button says that the GCOM department's main influence comes from the Designers Accord, an organization of design educators, designers, business firms and leaders around the world who all share similar ideas and principals about graphic communication. "[The Designers Accord] plays various roles," says GCOM Professor Don Button. "One role is that, as a department, it gives us an internal focus to try to reduce our carbon footprint by not using as much paper in our assignments. It gives us a guidance to reduce that." Button explains that the Designer's Accord encourages graphic design educators to encourage future designers to think about sustainability and resources that are being used when working with clients. "[We're the] second [community] college in the entire world to join Designer's Accord," says GCOM professor Robyn Waxman. According to the Designer's Accord website, its goal was to make sustainability an idea that designers would always keep in mind in their practice of design and pass on this idea to the worldwide creative community when using things such as paper and computers. "The thing about graphic design is that there is a lot of waste," says Waxman, "So what we're trying to do is create a culture

nois sent her a box of grass to make paper over the summer. Favorable growing conditions in California allow Waxman to grow grass all year that will be sent back to Illinois for sustainable paper production. “They can't grow anything in the dead of winter,” says Waxman. “We're in California so we can so we have a trade going." Waxman says she will use the paper she is growing for the special projects her students create in her classes, such as printing student-designed posters. In contrast, Tom Capaletti, GCOM professor and department chair, rarely uses paper. Everything GCOM major Michael Allen, 25, works on his Advanced Digital Imaging project as GCOM professor Don Button watches. except for his class syllabi is created and turned in Angelo Mabalot | digitally. "Paper that is generated GCOM major Michael Allen, 25, works on his Advanced Digital Imaging project as professor Don Button watches. in general, [like] printing the school catalog, is money where future designers are more conscienally preferred over that. that probably adds up to huntious about the work they are producing." What we're doing is dreds of thousands of dolWaxman explained that the GCOM trying to nurture the lars, and a lot of teachers staff's computers are replaced every three next generation of get kind of stuck in a rut years while their old computers are handed designers who is where they do the same down to other departments. Eventually, conscious about thing every semester,” the amount of says Capaletti. “Maybe waste that they they can realize they can are producing, have it all downloadable and maybe apfrom their website." proaches design Whether the GCOM that takes that into department is taught digiaccount, and helps tally or on homegrown paper, future clients to make Capaletti also strongly encourages choices that are conscientious his students to consider the environmental of the environment and how envieffects their project will create, such as the ronmental conditions can affect people and cost of resources it will require to construct, animals too. — Robyn Waxman and what materials they will be using to creOne way that Waxman says she tries to ate their project. create sustainable resources in design is by "Designers have a lot of sway over how once they are too old to operate, they will making her own paper from a certain type be shipped back to the manufacturer where of grass that can be boiled down into a fiber a lot of things are made,” says Capaletti. “We teach from the get-go that, as designthey will be stripped down and recycled. The that is then used to create homemade paper. ers, this should be in your head every step parts that can't be recycled can become very "I'll be growing it at my house on a 2.6 of the way.” toxic to the environment,Waxman says. acre property,” Waxman says. "Electronics are actually more toxic Waxman says that a friend from the than paper," says Waxman. "Paper is actugraphic design program at University of Illi-

"What we're trying to do is create a culture where future designers are more conscientious about the work they are producing."

SAC  CITY  EXPRESS  •  FEATURES  •  10.09.2012   7

A man of service Former Marine serves his country at City College find ways to serve his country, his community and his fellow veterans. Today, Kattan can be found in the Admissions and Records Office at City College. He serves as a clerk. He is also a member of a team made up of classified staff, faculty and administrators, known as

• Reymon A. Hernandez Guest Writer •


is stride is still long, and his stance is still tall. His demeanor exudes confidence. From a glance you would not know it, but he still carries himself like a Marine. The motto for the Marines is “Semper Fidelis,” which is Latin for always faithful. Though the term has been reduced to Semper Fi, it has never lost its true meaning. Another saying, “Once a Marine, always a Marine,” may seem simple, but is complex. Some Marines embody the saying to its core. Jake Kattan is one of those men. No longer an active Marine, Kattan has never stopped being a Marine in spirit. One would not know it aside from the fact that he still wears a military style haircut and carries himself with the same confidence as a full-dressed Marine. Kattan continues to

“I knew it was something I wanted to do since I was a child, so I signed up as soon as I could.” – Jake Kattan Admissions and Records clerk



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8    10.09.12  •  FEATURES  •  SAC  CITY  EXPRESS

the Veterans Resource Center Planning Committee. “The VRC Planning Committee is a committee created to improve campus services to properly accommodate returning veterans,” says Kattan. And there are many of returning veterans. Kattan knows their stories well. He is one of them. He joined at the tender age of 17 and never looked back. “I knew it was something I wanted to do since I was a child,” says Kattan. “So I signed up as soon as I could.” You can still hear the conviction in his words as he says this. He served four honorable years in the Marine Corps, a time he says went by too fast. A veteran who has been impacted by Kattan’s work is Justin Turner. Turner has worked alongside Kattan for years and now works at the Capitol for Assemblyman Chris Norby. “Jake is a mentor to me,” says Turner. “He has shown me that you can continue to serve and he forces me to push myself and never quit.” Kattan is also the faculty Trevon Johnson | adviser for the City College Vet Jake Kattan, a former Marine, serves as an AdmisClub. With his support they have sions and Records clerk and is also a member of the been able to organize an involved Veterans Resource Center. group of veterans from all branches who come together to improve each Not just a man of service, Kattan is also others’ educational experience. happily married. He is father to a 2-yearOutside of work, Kattan is an active old girl and to a son who was born in June member of the local VFW, Post 67. As a 2012. He says his family has always been member of Post 67, he has been able to there for him and supports him with the network and put together events for the same strength and conviction he supports Sacramento-area community. Post 67 has his fellow veterans. also performed as color guard detail in A call to serve is a call not many people many events at City College and actively answer. Jake Kattan heard the call and donates to improve the quality of the City aswered it with a resounding “OOH RAH.” College Veterans Resource Center. He has never stopped serving. “He is a great networker,” says Ian Saunders, president of the Vet Club. “Jake is really good at branching out and pooling together resources for vets.” “He is a selfless person,” says Zach Pierce, a City College student and the former president of the Vet Club.

Internship hunter Matching students with employers • Antony Noukhay Guest Writer •


eing born as the middle child and only daughter in a traditional Hmong family, May Yang understands being an underdog and fighting for attention. She grew up competing against seven brothers. Today, Yang continues to fight. However, since 2008, she chooses to fight for college students by assisting them with work and internship experience as the internship developer in the Career Center at City College. “I love it because a lot of the students are my age and for me to help them and see them successful, it reminds me of how I struggled through college, trying to find people to support me academically,” Yang says with a big smile. At 26, standing 4-foot-11-inches and weighing 98 pounds, the internship developer enters the cubical ring with her hair tied back, along with a light touch of makeup, wearing a cardigan and a pair of slacks.

Treyvon Johnson |

May Yang, right, Internship Developer and Sandeep Singh, her student assistant, help students with work experience and internship details.

On a regular basis, you’ll find Yang keyboarding left and right while coordinating her eyes on two computer screens, hunting internships from employers for students. To keep her motivated, she surrounds her desk with colorful academic fliers and personal thank you cards from co-workers and students. “I see about 20ish students per week. They are very serious,” Yang says. “We have internships from television, radio

stations, to graphic design to business, accounting and political science. It just varies across the board.” Of the many students Yang has helped is Bonyia Vang, who regularly visits her for academic and personal advice. “May has helped me a lot with advice on school and my personal life,” Vang says. “She is a very powerful. She keeps you coming back because she is so nice and helpful. You’ll want to return.” One particular person who is familiar with the work ethnic of Yang is retired internship coordinator Wendy Slobodinik. After working with Yang for two years, Slobodinik explained Yang’s loyalty.

“My life is like a fight, and I think I won.” — May Yang, Career Center internship developer “She is so dedicated. She would work overtime for me, and not get paid for it,” Slobodinik says. “You can’t find that kind of loyalty.” Prior to her position at City College, Yang says she grew up poor and lived in 10 different houses throughout her childhood and adolescent years. She says she was small and physically weak, constantly surrounded by bullying brothers. “They were like bulldogs. I felt very outcast,” Yang says in a quiet tone. However, she says it was the struggles that kept her fighting spirit alive because that was the way of getting her mother’s and father’s attention. The achiever began her academic training at age 9. “My parents would encourage us to compete among each other. The one with the best grades would get to go to McDonald’s to get a happy meal,” Yang says. From the many years of academic achievements, hard work finally paid off. Of all things, Yang is recognized for her determination, loyalty and invaluable guidance to the many students and staff faculty members. “My life is like a fight, and I think I won,” Yang says.

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SAC  CITY  EXPRESS  •  FEATURES  •  10.09.12   9

The silent world of sign language Professor Pat Masterson lends a hand with the deaf community • Alicia Duran Staff Writer •


world without sound. The sound of the rain pouring onto a tin overhang, gone. The sound of a sultry singer’s smooth falsettos, gone. The sound of a loved one’s familiar voice never known. This is the everyday life of someone who is deaf. While this seems sad to those who can hear, the silent world is all people of the deaf community know. Many people only know that people are deaf, and they speak sign language. Most do not know much about the deaf community. Pat Masterson is there to teach people about the many different aspects of the deaf community. Masterson, 59, is a sign language professor at City College. Every semester she comes to campus hoping to excite students about sign language. “I want to get them so excited that they want to stay in class,” Masterson says. Students can become frustrated when they feel like their workload is too much in one class. Sign language can be one of those classes. “Once they realize how much work it is, if I don’t have them excited, then they will drop,” Masterson says. Masterson knows all about the work it takes to get through sign language courses. She started taking sign classes at City College. After a few interpreting jobs at offices she began interpreting for American River College. She eventually made her way to where she is today, at City College teaching sign language. In her classroom, “NO VOICE” is written on the board. Masterson uses grandiose facial expressions to capture the student’s attention without sound. Her clever wit and passion for teaching is expressed through sign language and helps students feel more comfortable. From the first day of the semester students learn Masterson’s teaching style quickly. Masterson’s former sign student Jessica Davis says: “It was hard for me to adjust

Tony Wallin |

Professor Pat Masterson (right) instructs the class on sign language.

“I want to get them so excited that they want to stay in class.” –Pat Masterson sign language professor to the fact that we couldn’t say anything throughout the class. But as we learned more about the deaf community I think a lot of people respected it.” Davis mentions how much she learned about the deaf community. This is because Masterson makes it a point to inform students about the people who use this language every day.

10    10.09.12  •  PROFILES  •  SAC  CITY  EXPRESS

“As with any other language, culture is important in order to really understand the language,” Masterson says. She informs students about the culture by showing emotionally moving videos about the deaf community, sharing stories of individuals who are deaf, and incorporating volunteer work into assignments. Each student in her sign classes must write a paper about an event they attend. The event must be a deaf event, meaning the deaf community must be the focus of the event. There are many options Masterson gives students, including deaf sporting events, bingo games and ice cream socials. “We have a lot of sign students volunteer at these events,” Norcal Center event

organizer Tammy Lavario says. “Sometimes we have so many that we don’t have any jobs for them. It’s great!” While there are many options for an event, Masterson has only one goal when sending her students out to these events. “If we can get students to go out into the community and make friends and see the advantages of doing that, then they get back probably more than they give,” she says. Masterson has successfully taught her students at City College for many years now. When asked about her favorite part of teaching sign language she says, “Learning as much from my students as they learn from me.”

A RTS & ENTERTAINMENT A love for words City College student shares 'raw emotion' through poetry • Cherene Briggs Staff Writer •


ity College student and poet Marlette Reaves is a 23-year-old English major who says she’s known for her trademark love poems that were influenced by her yearning for true love. Inspired by music and the desire to have an actual romantic relationship, Reaves says she began writing at the age of 14 and has been sharing her raw emotion ever since. Reaves, who won third place at the City College Poetry Slam contest on Sept. 10, aspires to encourage people of all ages who go through the highs and lows of being in love and says she hopes to touch as many souls as possible throughout her journey of becoming a famous poet, author and an accomplished song writer. “When I recite, I want people to be inspired to want true love, to get over heartbreak and to understand that people only put you through dirt so you could see that you want to be clean and free,” says Reaves.

“I have cried all night in misery and pain,tears coming out my eyes from all the hidden pain.” – Marlette Reaves Reaves’ love poems not only inspire her fans who can watch her recite them on her YouTube channel, her friends says, but also those who are close to her because they are relatable and pertain to real life. City College student Terry Buford, 21, is a close friend of Reaves and an inspiring poet. He says he remembers a Valentine’s Day card that Reaves gave him when they both attended Luther Burbank High School. The poem made him feel really good, he says. “So good that I can’t even explain with words,” Buford says. “Reaves is an amazing person.”

Kate Paloy |

Marlette Reaves, third place winner of the City College Poetry Slam, shares her favorite female poet, Maya Angelou.

Reaves’ love poems tell a story which represent who she truly is as a person, however also creates a safe haven for her fans who may be too afraid to express their own feelings of heartache. “I have cried all night in misery and pain,” Reaves wrote in “My Hidden Pain.” “Tears coming out my eyes from all the hidden pain. There’s nothing in my life that caused so much heartbreak.” Reaves’ poems are not just nouns and verbs thrown together for entertainment, rather true emotion expressed with confidence and courage say her friends. “[Reaves' poetry] symbolizes a very strong part of her,” say Buford. “It’s bold and through her writing she relates to a lot of people who can’t express themselves like they want to. People don’t have to feel alone. Her poem’s give people a sense of confidence and boosts their self esteem.”

“Her poems make you happy or sad.” — Rebekah Hampton Rebekah Hampton, 22, is also a close friend of Reaves since high school and says she is inspired by her friend of five years. Hampton says Reaves' poems are a representation of what everybody is going through and feels like she can relate to them on a personal level. “Her poems make you happy or sad,” says Hampton. “I can feel what she is talking about, especially when I am going though something similar.” Reaves is on a mission to stand up, speak out and inspire others with her love of poetry, she says. Reaves often participates

in open mic night at the Florin Business Arts Complex on Saturday nights in the Obama room. Reaves says she has grown up from being a shy 14-year-old girl searching for love, to a outspoken and motivated young woman who is in a serious relationship since she met her true love here at City College in 2008 after high school. Determination, Reaves says, has become her motivation. ”You can achieve your dreams as well just make sure you are encouraged by yourself before anybody else tries to put you down,” says Reaves. “Time can only tell when you find true love and love yourself first before you love anyone else.”


A RTS & ENTERTAINMENT Bleeding life Photographer uses experiences to capture life • Zaneta Brown-Porter Staff Writer •


n a world where image is everything, photographer Brian Graham expresses himself through images of life with his own design company Bleeding Artist Photography. Graham is a designer, artist and photographer here in Sacramento, who says he uses life as inspiration for his work. Graham, a former City College student, has been in the photography field for over 20 years and launched Bleeding Artist Photography 13 years ago. “Before you gotta bleed,” is Graham’s motto. “You have to work at it, struggle with it, suffer through the learning process and be vulnerable to critique,” Graham says. Graham says he believes that to be an artist of any kind, one must learn from life’s experiences. “You need to have experience in life that give you something to say through art,” Graham says. “It’s not easy and it’s not supposed to be.” Graham was formally a student a City College where he studied photography and graphic communication. While attending, Graham took photography classes and was also teacher’s assistant and tutor for graphic communication professors Donald Button and Thomas Capaletti.

"Before you paint... you gotta bleed," is Graham’s motto. – Brian Graham “Graham was a great student,” says Capaletti of his former student.“He was one of the talented ones and he had a passion for design.” Graham says he is an instinctual photographer. “I tend to have a clear general concept in mind, but the details usually happen once the shootings starts,” says Graham.

A technique of Graham’s is to take a beautiful girl and places her in an ugly setting to give the balance of a real situation, he says. “My favorite type of photo include those that have something beautiful in the least expected places,” Graham says. “I am fascinated with the concept of shooting glamour shots in a less-than-glamorous setting.” Graham says he like when models bring their own ideas to the table. “I would rather hear, ‘how about if I do this or that,’ rather than ‘what do you want me to now?" he says. Graham takes a regular photo and makes it his artistic canvas, he says, while creating a different style of art through his photography. For the past three years, Graham’s specialized in digital photo editing-manipulation. Although he is self-employed, Graham says he currently works almost exclusively for one client, and additionally does one to three photo shoots a month to continue to build his photography portfolio. Graham says he plans on returning to City College in the spring of 2013 to complete his A.S. in graphic design and his A.A. in photography. Graham’s current passion in design is based on digital editing and photography and says he is working on opening his own design studio and learning center in Sacramento where he can teach photography. His life’s experiences have taught Graham much, he says, and he will keep moving forward in his career. Capaletti says Graham’s approach is key. “There is only one way to do it,” says Capaletti. “Dive in.”

Photo courtesy of Brian Graham|

12    10.09.12  •  ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT  •  SAC  CITY  EXPRESS

A RTS & ENTERTAINMENT Namaste every day Find your inner-self with yoga • Yvonne Santy Staff Writer •


trolling through the quiet, air conditioned halls of City College’s Performing Arts building, I noticed two copies of the same orange, half sheet of paper tacked onto different bulletin boards. On both flyers was a chart of the 32 yoga classes the Yoga Seed offers. Descriptions of the classes were given at the bottom of the flyer: vinyasa would be active and sweaty, “ALL BODIES” would be for all mobility levels with minimal pressure on the wrists, Yoga Para Todos was for Spanish speakers; there was even a vinyasa-based, “Queer Community” class. Above the class schedule it read that these classes were donation-based, from $7 to $15 a class or unlimited classes a month from $60 to $120. “Neat,” I thought. Reasonable prices are some of today’s biggest requests. But what’s the deal with yoga, anyway? I’ve seen enough people walking around in yoga pants, carrying Starbucks cups to associate the practice as something emerging from some secret society. I’ve wondered for too long, now what the secret behind the exercise is. I mean, if others can enjoy and incorporate into their busy lives, what was my excuse? It’s not like I haven’t tried it before. The last time I got my yoga on was actually my first time. About three years ago, a roommate invited me to class with her and I basically recall insane amounts of stretching and sweating. I wanted to get out of the class as much as I wanted a new roommate. At the time I felt like she lured me into torture, and I acquainted with sore body parts I didn’t realize existed. It was great workout. I decided it was time to explore yoga again, and in an effort to learn more, went straight to expert. The Yoga Seed, explains the studio’s director Zach Pasillas, is about “breaking through financial and cultural barriers… [serving as] a community who wants to benefit everyone coming through the door, no matter what.”

Photo courtesy of Mariah Shoppman | photographer email

Yoga Seed Collective holds classes at 1400 E St., Sacramento.

Pasillas also recommends people through my nose connected me to an intake the class they feel most comner rhythm. My heart hit my chest fortable with. as I flailed my arms, trying not to I exhaled relief with my laugh at my own balancing act, miniscule knowledge about and Pasillas walked about the yoga and wound up takroom reminding everyone to ing Pasillas’ beginner’s breathe, focus on where to course. shift our weight, plant our Initially, I penfeet and point our toes. ciled in the challenging At one point, we “8limb vinyasa” class. were instructed to lie on As the universe would our backs. That’s when I have it, a busy weekfell asleep in the savasaend halted my vinyasa na pose. practice and placed me While some City in Pasillas’ beginner’s College students volTrinidad Stassi class, which was a better unteer at the Yoga Seed. –yoga instructor fit for me. Others probably fall asleep Pasillas’ class included in asanas, yoga positions, in soft music with mats and a Trinidad Stassi’s yoga class at handful of other beginners on City College. the cold floor. Stassi, a computer science profes“There’s an emerging spirituality that sor and yoga practitioner of 15 years, says works really well with what yoga has to of- the most challenging aspect of yoga could be fer,” says Pasillas. the concentration of maintaining an inward Reaching for the sky and breathing focus because yoga is self-analysis as well.

"If you practice with sincerity and honesty, its light will spread to all aspects of your life."

“If you practice with sincerity and honesty,” says Stassi, “its light will spread to all aspects of your life. It can remove obstacles to good health and stable emotions. In this way, yoga will anyone achieve emancipation and self realization, which is the ultimate goal of every person’s life.” Elaine Hobday, Stassi’s student, says she practices yoga to breathe, stretch and relax. “Yoga is enlightenment, a clear mind,” notes Hobday. I’ll say the same. Relaxing is awkward with lanky limbs and a clumsy nature. Honing into my breathing, I now see my unique rhythm and energy in a different light.

Yvonne Santy is a writer for the Express, focusing on pop culture in and around the City College campus.


Voice of the Panthers City College sports announcer thrust into the spotlight •

Michael Jones Staff Writer •


booming voice announces that the Sacramento City Panthers scored a touchdown. When the crowd cheered to drown out the volume, the man in the booth excitedly proclaimed their team just took the lead. They didn’t think about who that man was. Sports Information Director Steve Gill, 35, says he announces home games for almost every City College sports team just because he wants to. “[My coworkers and I]do it for the love of the game,” he says. After attending Christian Brothers High School, the Sacramento native went to City College in 1996 to play baseball. That year he was a redshirt, meaning he could practice with the team, but not play in games, thus extending his eligibility another year. That was also the year he first spoke into a microphone as an announcer.

“[My coworkers and I]do it for the love of the game.”

—Steve Gill

Spor ts information director

“One of the assistant coaches at that time brought me and the other kid up to the press box and gave us a microphone and said ‘OK, go ahead and talk,’” Gill says explaining his start as an announcer. It was customary for the redshirts to help out the team in some way, he explains, and he says the assistant coach found the proper avenue for Gill’s contribution immediately. “I got on the microphone and started talking and [the assistant coach] goes ‘OK’…” he says. “He looks at the other kid and says ‘You’re working the snack bar.’” After playing on the baseball team for two years, he went back to the announcing booth for baseball games. Since then, Gill has diversified; he also announces

home games for baseball, soccer, men’s and “He’s good,” he says. is extensive. He isn’t the only one running women’s basketball, and volleyball, in addiIn addition to announcing games, Gill things behind the scenes. He credits the tion to football also works on the City College Athletics numerous people he works with for the “I pretty much do whatever I can to website, smooth sailing. He even says he hasn’t had help out, with being the ‘Voice of the PanCampbell doesn’t just like his passion a technological malfunction. The whole thers’ so to speak,” he says. and skill at announcing, but also his knowloperation, regarding not just his job but the Speaking into a microphone is not edge of sports. jobs around him, is complicated. his primary means of income, either; he’s “He knows athletics. He knows the “It really is a production,” he says. “It’s worked for the last 11 years as a manager at games,” says Campbell, who has known kind of like a TV show.” Hewlett-Packard. Gill for about five years. At a football game, for example, Gill “That’s the money-maker and this [anGill is for aiding the student-athletes works alongside a statistician, a play clock nouncing] is the fun job,” he says But, he says, he likes his day job, too. “I love them both. I wouldn’t do them if I didn’t love them,” says Gill. Part of his love for announcing, he adds, comes from being able to feel the energy of a game and get a crowd into it. “I love being able to incite the crowd on a big play,” he says. Gill says his energy and flow depends on the individual game, and that he adjusts his tone according to the pace of the game. When the game amps up, he says he does too. “Me as an announcer, there’s a time Tony Wallin | when I feel the adrena- Steve Gill, City College's sports information director, says he announces every home game of almost all the school's sports teams just because he likes it. line,” says Gill. Dean and Athletic Director Mitch Campbell praises Gill’s abil- and their families. operator and a scoreboard operator. ity to balance that adrenaline with a sense of “Our job is to help and promote the “So there’s a lot that goes on not just restraint and professionalism. kids,” he explains. with the on-field action, but also afterward “He knows when to speak up and be And he does talk personally with some and getting stuff online,” says Gill. emotional and he knows when not [to],” of the student-athletes. Regarding football, With all of this, Gill says it’s about an says Campbell. he says he primarily interacts with the eight-hour workday, but he says being at the City College football fan Dan Wooten, coaches, but that isn’t the case with some games elates him. 65, and father of defensive tackle coach other sports. “Coming here [City College] lifts your John Wooten, says he goes to every home “Being a baseball guy, I have a lot spirits and makes you feel that much betgame, and has for the past six years. He more interaction with the baseball team,” he ter,” he says. gave brief but kind words about the man says. “Basketball is a little bit more closewhose voice he has heard echoing over the proximity. loudspeakers countless times. The preparation for announcing a game

14    10.09.12  • SPORTS •  SAC  CITY  EXPRESS

Slash and thrust City College fencing club learns to defend, attack • Steven Senn Sports Editor •


ity College has many chartered clubs that meet throughout the course of a semester all across its campus. But the fencing club is the only one that will make you think you stumbled into some sort of medieval fight club where duels are settled with swords. Each Friday in the South Gym, the club meets to practice and hone their skills under the guidance of their head coach, Professor Brian Gillespie and the club’s president, Taylor Valmores. “We give you three free lessons then if you want to stay on with us you would pay club fees, which is only 20 dollars for the whole semester,” says Valmores, who is also president of City College’s Student Associated Council. “We teach you to how to fence and you can go with us to compete against other schools,” says Valmores.

can help him out with it,’” says Crane. Crane had been fencing for years and is one of the club’s premier talents but all skill levels are welcome to join the club. The last remaining original member besides Crane, architecture major Jonathon Taylor, 30, had dabbled in smithing swords and was interested in learning how to use a sword because of its use in pop culture and its role in a cult classic film of the 80s. “[The] Princess Bride always comes to mind,” he says. “I actually sign up for the tournaments here as Inigo Montoya [a main character in the film].” The Princess Bride seems to be a well-

watched movie among the club’s members. “I googled best sword fight scenes in movies of all time…” says Valmores. “[The] Princess Bride is still one of my favorites.” Although fencing offers the fun of swinging a sword and dueling, it also is very technical and tournaments take place to test their skills. Throughout the semester the club usually competes around three times in tournaments set up with other colleges. Though the club member’s are mostly male, the club is open to both men and women of all ages and athletic ability.

“We welcome everybody,” says Valmores of the club’s admission policy. “I’ve seen some really fast people that are really small, and some tall people that have a long reach.” The fencing club meets every Friday in South Gym 105 from 1p.m. to 4p.m. Contact Coach Brian Gillespie at (916) 849-5721 for more infomation on the club.

“It is an extremely good workout, it’s really good for development of leg muscles and core muscles; it definitely keeps you in good shape.” — Coach Gillespie Others join to club simply for a fun and different way to keep fit. “It is an extremely good workout,” says Coach Gillespie. “It’s really good for development of leg muscles and core muscles; it definitely keeps you in good shape.” One of the founding members of the club, broadcasting major Stephen Crane, 23, was already a trained fencer when he helped start the club back in 2007. “Back in 2007 a guy came into my fencing class asking about starting a club and I thought ‘I’ve fenced before, maybe I

Tony Wallin |

Metti Etana, 20, anthropology/pyschology major, demonstrates fencing techniques for students during Club Day on Sept. 13, 2012.

SAC  CITY  EXPRESS  •  SPORTS •  10.09.12   15

Armed and dangerous

City College quaterback leads the Panthers to a 4-2 start • Nicholas Avila Staff Writer •


ity College quarterback Ron Beverly, 20, has been around the game of football since he was just 2 years old, having grown up in a football family. “I was around it every day,” he says. “That’s all I was around.” His father, Ron Sr., was a coach at Solano Community College, where Beverly played last season before the school’s football program was cut. He was always at his father’s practices and when he became old enough, he worked as a ball boy. “My biggest influences are my brother, [Joseph] and my father [Ron],” he says of his football backround. After the program was cut at Solano, Beverly, a criminal justice major, said he weighed his options and decided to move to Sacramento to play football for City College. He has only lived in Sacramento for two months, but his coaches and teammates say he is already helping to turn around a team well known for its football program. “He’s still growing right now and has some things to learn but for the most part he’s helped this program out a lot,” says head coach Dannie Walker. On the field, Beverly says his main inspiration is Brett Favre. “He’s an iron man,” he says of the NFL great’s toughness on the field. He also brings up the countless records Favre holds as further testament to his skills. Beverly says he hopes to amass his own records. He is currently ranked as the third leading passer in the state according to the California Community College Association, but he is determined to be even better. “The goal is number one in state before the season’s done,” he says. “It’s still early in the season.” Offensive Coordinator Corey Fipps says he believes that the team’s offense is well suited for Beverly’s skillset. “[It’s] a very quarterback-friendly system,” Fipps says. Beverly calls his team’s offense an “air show” because of the pass-friendly system.

Although the team has recovered from two early losses with three wins, Beverly believes the team is still young and “learning on the fly” since the system has only been in place for seven weeks. Fipps, though, believes that they have the right guy. “Ron’s a great quarterback… a solid guy from a character point of view,” says Fipps. “You gotta have somebody who’s willing to put the work in, who’s trustworthy… especially when you’re throwing the ball 50-60 times a game.” On the field Beverly says he’s “loose” and his teammate, offensive lineman Kameron Kind agrees describing his quarterback as “calm.” “I think Cam Newton taught me that [since] he’s out there smiling all the time,” says Beverly. When he’s not playing football Beverly enjoys listening to music, such as Wale and Kanye West, as well as playing video games and collecting shoes. He jokes that due to his hectic schedule his favorite activity is sleeping. He is a diehard San Francisco 49ers fan, making sure to stress that he was a fan “before the success” as well as a USC Trojans fan. A very goal-oriented player, he says hopes his success at City College leads him to playing in a higher division on the collegiate level. “I’d like to go to a Division 1 Pac 12 school,” he says. Walker says he believes the hard work will pay off. “I think he’s going to go on and play at the four year level and be successful,” he says.

#10, Ronald Beverly, City College quaterback drops back to pass against Reedley College. Richard Hanna |

“The goal is number one in state before the season’s done,” he says. “It’s still early in the season.” –Ron Beverly quarterback

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