Saint ignatius Togetherhood Project

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Painting Saint Ignatius A Togetherhood Project

Saint Ignatius is a small middle school in the Bronx, that provides quality education for children whose families are struggling financially.

With a bunch of volunteers and buckets of paint, the Togetherhood Project decided to head down to the school to add a coat of bright blue paint to the walls. The volunteers had to tape the walls before they could get started.

Paint is not the only necessity, donuts are really important too.


Throughout the day, questions were asked about the experience and how volunteering was apart of their life before. Lisa Stevens(in orange) said that the project sounded like a great idea and that she wanted to help. In terms of helping prior to that day, she’s taught dance classes to children that enjoy the arts but can’t necessarily afford it.

Katherine Doyle (in black) said that a lot of life’s problems have to do with feeling lonely and that reaching out to others and making them feel included and connected is important. Nicole Ball (in blue) said that with giving back to the community, people will often sense a feeling of accomplishment and teamwork.

Thank you to the YMCA for forming the Togetherhood Project to be able to give back to the community.

And thank you to Denise Woodin for putting us all together.

A big thank you to A.G. Williams for supplying a foreman, Nat, to help organize a group of nonprofessional painters. Also, thanks to Sherwin Williams for the paint and paint supplies

And a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers!

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