Togetherhood Project at the Rye Nature Center

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Planting Saplings at Rye Nature Center A Togetherhood Project Togetherhood is the YMCA's Signature Program for Social Responsibility. This program invites Y members to lead and participate in volunteer service projects that benefit the communities where they live. By Hannah Blake

The Rye Nature Center’s mission is to protect our natural resources and promote environmental stewardship and education.

Since storms hit this one area of town quite hard, members of the Togetherhood committee, and other Y members, joined together to plant tree saplings at the Rye Nature Center in order to help rejuvenate the forest.

A round hole was dug for all the saplings to ensure that they stayed in as best as they could.

Saplings were placed into the holes that were made, then filled with soil so there was some sticking out from the top. The soil around it was then packed in so the sapling would remain secure.

With any luck, this little sapling will grow into a big tree!

It was important to have the plants to plant...

But it is also important to have the tools to do the job!

There was a huge sense of teamwork, and everyone worked so well together to get the job done!

Jacqueline said that she came out that day to volunteer and spend an afternoon in the outdoors. She also said that community service benefits everyone and brings us together.

Katelyn said that community service is all about working together. By planting some trees and coming together, we are making a difference.

You can’t be serious the entire time you work. Sometimes you have to be a little silly.

Thank you to Taro Ietaka from the Nature Center for showing us how to plant the saplings!

Thank you to the Rye Nature Center for allowing us to help out!

And the biggest thank you goes to the volunteers!

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