May Newsletter 2020

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From my Desk as the Competition & Volunteer Officer To all our wonderful volunteers. Today as I sit and begin to write I see that it is 48 days since the RSSS Office Team started working from home. Fortunately, we do catch up via Zoom every morning. The team are working hard to get our competitions up and running for 2020. It will be a very different comp this year, with the team working with the Discipline Chairs to make final arrangements starting next. Over the coming weeks I shall be able to inform you all on what disciplines will be performing live at our 2020 comp. May I take this opportunity also to extend our deepest sympathy to a fellow volunteer, Sandra Fishwick, whose husband Peter died a few weeks ago. You have been in our thoughts Sandra. Also, in our thoughts is Kellie Fishwick-Roscoe (The Academy) and Jodie Vickers (Volunteer) on their loss of their Dad and Yvonne Biggs (mother-in-law), also a great volunteer with RSSS.

COVID-19 Lockdown It is so good now that we are able to have small gatherings of up to 5 and to be able to see family once again. I would love to hear what you have all been up too during the lockdown? I must say I have a done few different things over the last few weeks. I have attended a wedding and funeral via live streaming These were very different events, but it was very special to be able to take part. Hopefully over the coming weeks some more of the restrictions will be lifted, and we can get back to our normal lives. I hope you are all taking care of yourself. Hoping to be able to see you when this is over. If you ever need a chat, or if you are missing your RSSS family, feel free to send me a message via email, or just pick up the phone for a chat. My number is 0417 390 599.

Royal South Street Society Volunteer Newsletter

Tony’s Desk at Home June will kick-off a frenzy of activity in the South Street office. With entries closing on 29 May, we now have the hard task of determining the what, how, when and where of the 2020 competition. The 2020 Eisteddfod will be a smaller competition and there will be compromises. First and foremost, we will need to work to ensure everyone’s health and safety is prioritised. Competitors, Volunteers and Staff. If we are able to have an audience then their wellbeing will also have to be considered. Competitor numbers will be down. Some disciplines will be cancelled. Some may be held “online”. In finalising plans, we be working closely with Discipline committees and the venues. Her Majesty’s Theatre are working through plans with other Victorian theatres to present to the Chief Medical Officer, which will then form the basis of our plans. What continues to drive me, though, is providing an opportunity for our competitors, mainly children, to use their amazing skills on stage. We will be calling on you to help out, so please consider if you are able, and you consider yourself to not be a person at risk. Some have been asking about the AGM. We will be holding this as soon as we are able. It will be held in person as our constitution does not allow us to do it online. In relation to the AGM, there are currently a number of vacancies on the Board as well as the Discipline Chairs for Piano and Bands and Strings. If you are interested in any of these positions, then please let me know.

Getting to Know Volunteers and Staff This month I am going to feature three volunteers and our Finance Officer, Susan. The “Getting to know…” section of the newsletter has been very informative, and I certainly am enjoying learning more about you all. JOAN JAMIESON: Joan told me she was a past teacher and performing art’s co-ordinator. She is a very experienced volunteer with RSSS having been MC and other roles for more than 15 years. She loves seeing young people perform and meeting other volunteers who have become friends. In her spare time Joan loves listening to music, reading, attending the U3A, book club, cooking and gardening. The funny stories her grandchildren tell her always make her laugh. If Joan could be anyone at all for a day, she would like to be Orchestral Conductor because she loves of symphony orchestra concerts. Joan’s most treasured things are her wedding and engagement rings because they are a remembrance of her husband and her marriage. Her favourite meal is Chinese Stir Fry. Her favourite movie is usually the last one she has seen; favourite books are detective stories and she loves travelling overseas.


Royal South Street Society Volunteer Newsletter

JENNIFER SEARL Jennifer was a Primary School Teacher, Service Cashier at Woolworths as well as her home duties. She has been ushering and timing with RSSS for over 7 years. She volunteers because she likes to appreciate the young talent and she loves working with the other volunteers and helping to save the cost for RSSS. Even though Jennifer has never competed at the comps both her daughters have and now the next generation, her grandchildren, are competing. In her spare time, she loves sewing, crafting, gardening, and spending time with her grandchildren. Other people’s mishaps and things kids say makes her laugh. Her most cherished thing is her sewing machine that she bough in 1974 out of her savings. It is still going strong today. She also cherishes her home that she built with her husband. Favourite meal is Chicken Parmigiana or Carbonara. SUSAN HUGHES Susan has been working as the Finance Officer at Royal South Street Society, for five and half years. Many times, through the comps you can find her on Security, but she has also done registration, timing and ushering. When asked what she likes like about RSSS she says “Julie tells me I have to say it is working with her! That is true however I have always worked in the Not for Profit welfare sector and accepted the job at RSSS as a move towards retirement, less pressure (that hasn’t quite worked) the only 3 days a week (which becomes 5 days adding the 2 voluntary days that seem to occur a lot). Performing Arts was new to me and I was welcomed by the most amazing team of dedicated volunteers who were only too willing to teach me, I am still learning from them, particularly during the competitions.” Susan has never competed at South Street and she tells me she is not just talented enough, however her son has competed in the bands and one of her daughters in Choral. In her spare time there is reading, jigsaws being done, and board games being played because socialising with friends and family have been out. Her grandchildren make her laugh constantly. If you could be someone for a day? “Hmm, can I be young, beautiful, and rich, oh no forget that it is only for a day. Maybe the Prime Minister, to see what I could do in a day.” A pearl necklace that her mum gave her is the most cherished item. Her favourite meal is lasagne, her favourite movie is Pretty Woman (good choice as this is mine also), and her favourite book? “I love so many books, Angela’s Ashes is a favourite.” Most favourite holiday destination Warrnambool to soothe my soul. JILL FILMER Jill has been a volunteer with RSSS for around 7 years and usually we can find Jill either ushering or doing timing. She likes to be involved with RSSS as she loves meeting people and watching the young performers. In her spare time, she loves working in the garden, sewing and listening to music. If she could be anybody, she would be herself as she is happy with the way she is. Her most treasured item is a large Persian ceramic heirloom pot given to her over 60 years ago.


Royal South Street Society Volunteer Newsletter

Report on Volunteer Week I would like to thank you all the volunteers for joining in the fun last week by attending the Zoom meetings. I had a lot of fun hearing from you all what you have been up too. All up we had 25 in attendance. See below some of the screen shots from the meetings. As this was a success and most of you asked could this happen again, I have arranged 2 more. If you would like to join me again, I will set up for Wednesday, June 10th at 2pm and 8pm. I will send you all links next week, please let me know if you would like to join me. Pictured below 1) Merle Hathaway; Julie; Bernadette Rues, Judy D’Ombrain, Dawn & Ron Harrington, Amanda Milton & Susan 2) Julie, Lynda Grant and Tarja Ralston 3) Sue Deans, Julie, Susan Hughes, Aimee Riley, Rebecca Norris, Arnie & Joyce Currie, Claire & Peter Thorpe and Merv Romeo. 4) Barb Howes, Julie, Wayne Mitchell, Graeme Ragg, Peter Zala, Graham Paulin, Susan, Aileen Liahan.

Stay safe and take care volunteers hope to hear from you all soon.

Until next time: Kind Regards, Julie 4

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