Royal Living Magazine Volume 13, December 2012

Page 124

1. You’re at a party/club. What are you doing? A. You stick with your friends B. Mingle of course! C. Flirting in everyone’s IMs..partnered or not fair game! D. Make a move on the hottest person there

2. You friended someone. When do you think they’ll IM you? A. Psh... never, as usual! B. In a day or two C. Don’t know, but I will be right in the next IM waiting D. Later that night

3. How did you break up with your last ex? A. Offline B. Email C. I just stopped stalking their profile, fb, flickr, plurk, sim on my alt D. Skype

What’s Your SL Dating Personality 4. What’s your kind of date? A. Hanging out at a live music event B. Going to a romantic out of the way sim to explore C. Introducing them to ALL my friends on the 1st or 2nd date D. Hanging at their place or mine with access to a set of pose balls just in case ;)

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