Governor's Monthly Newsletter No 06, Jan 2015

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GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

GML No 06 Jan 2015


Penyerahan Rotaville Global Grant 26169 - Education & Sanitation HANNY ARIANTO DISTRICT GOVERNOR 2014-15

JANUARY 2015 Dear Fellow Rotarians, D3420, Tanpa terasa, waktu telah berlalu dengan begitu cepat, sekarang ini kita telah memasuki tahun kalender yang baru, yaitu 2015 ,ini artinya di tahun Rotary kita telah memasuki semester II atau pertengahan tahun. Untuk Tahun “Light Up Rotary” artinya kita masih akan menempuh perjalanan separuh lagi yaitu 6 bulan kedepan.

Whats inside GML: p.1 DG Message p.3 Pres RI Message p.4 Jan is Vocational Month p.5 New Club Invoice p.6 Top 10 RC in D3420 p.9 The RI Theme 2015 -2016 p.10 Rotary day Info p11. Clubs in Actions p16. RI President 2015-2016 Profile

Marilah kita kembali mendorong semangat kita untuk "1

GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015


mempergunakan waktu yang tersisa ini sambil berusaha mencapai goal seperti yang telah kita sepakati di awal periode 2014-2015. Goal-goal untuk pertambahan member maupun goal kontribusi kepada TRF. Pekerjaan kita masih banyak, masih diperlukan lebih banyak perhatian untuk menyelesaikan proyek2 yang masih sedang berjalan, baik yang sudah di approve atau yang masih dalam progress.

Saya sarankan kepada Club2 yang masih belum menambah member serta memenuhi goal, agar mempergunakan waktu selama 6 bulan ini dengan sebaikbaiknya, jangan biarkan waktu berlalu tanpa kegiatan untuk pengembangan club masing-masing.

Bulan Januari dalam Rotary Calendar yang baru adalah Vocational Service Month, dimana kita berkesempatan untuk menggunakan profesi kita masing-masing untuk menunjang keberhasilan misi Rotary. Artinya, melalui profesi yang kita tekuni, kita dapat membantu suksesnya pengembangan Rotary.

Untuk lebih mengenalkan Rotary kepada masyarakat luas, persiapkan dan buat acara ROTARY DAY di berbagai daerah, usahakan dalam acara itu bisa menghadirkan banyak Rotarian, Rotaractor, Interactor, serta family dan masyarakat sebanyak-banyaknya. Dalam Rotary Day ini perkenalkan apa yang telah dikerjakan oleh Rotary di seluruh dunia, di negara kita, dan di District kita selama ini, dalam usaha membuat kehidupan masyarakat sekitar menjadi lebih baik.

Dengan demikian Rotary akan lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas, sehingga pada akhirnya masyarakat bisa tertarik untuk menjadi bagian dari Rotary dan bergabung menjadi anggota.


Di bulan January ini, saatnya pula kita untuk melakukan evaluasi pencapaian program kerja yang sudah kita buat dan lakukan di tahun 2014-2015. Hal-hal penting yang belum sempat kita lakukan dapat segera kita laksanakan untuk memenuhi criteria pemberian Awards/Penghargaan kepada Club dan Board dari President Rotary International (Presidential Citation) maupun dari District. Saya sangat mengharapkan banyak dari Rotary Club di D3420 yang akan mendapatkan Awards/Penghargaan tersebut.

Marilah kita bersama-sama menyelesaikan Tahun Rotary 2014-2015 ini dengan gemilang dan gembira merayakannya di District Conference May 2015 mendatang.

! Salam Light Up Rotary, !


GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015


JANUARY 2015 At the beginning of this Rotary year, I asked Rotarians everywhere to Light Up Rotary by holding a Rotary Day. How you do this is something I'm leaving up to you: It can be a full day or just a few hours. It can be organized by your club, by your district, or even across your entire country. It can be a service project, a festival, or any kind of event you want. As long as it's open to the community, embraces the whole family of Rotary, and is fun, it's a Rotary Day. The goal of a Rotary Day is to shine a light on Rotary. For many years, we in Rotary felt that it wasn't appropriate to boast about our good work. We felt it was best to serve quietly and let our work speak for itself. But today, in many communities, people aren't even aware that they have a local Rotary club. Not because the clubs aren't strong, or because they aren't serving well. They are. But if Rotarians don't talk about their work, people will never know about it. It is time for us to Light Up Rotary and let people know what we are doing. In the first half of this Rotary year, I've been thrilled to see how many Rotarians have taken up my Rotary Day challenge. I've attended Rotary Days in so many places, including the Philippines, Korea, China, the United States, Turkey, India, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. Every one has been different, and every one has met the challenge to Light Up Rotary in its own way. If you've organized a Rotary Day in your community, tell us about it: Email details and photos of your event to, with "Rotary Day" as your subject line. We'll do our best to feature as many Rotary Days as possible in the coming months. And if you haven't planned a Rotary Day yet, why not? It's a great way to share your love for Rotary with your community. When we tell others about Rotary and let them know how membership can enrich their lives, we share a gift that was given to us when we were invited to join our clubs. By passing that gift on, we help ensure that Rotary, and its service, will endure for generations to come.


GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

JANUARY IS VOCATIONAL SERVICE In his autobiography, Paul Harris wrote “Each Rotarian is a connecting link between the Idealism of Rotary and his trade or profession”. A p er s o n jo in s R o tar y as a representative of his/her business or profession. Hence, each club member has an obligation to his/her fellow Rotarians. At the same time, each Rotarian is obligated to exemplify the spirit of Rotary to others, in particular those associated with him/her. Vocational service emphasizes the need for each Rotarian to personally fulfill his/her service in the daily relationships with his/her fellow workers and associates. The basic question concerning vocational service that every Rotarian should ask is: “What can I do in my daily work to be a little more helpful and friendly to others?” This is especially important since vocational service

RC Solo Kartini melakukan vocational service _mengunjungi Museum Batik Danar

should be a living and daily experience. Founder Paul Harris had an idea that friendship and business could be mixed and that by doing so would result in more business and friendship for everyone involved. As such, every Rotarian should personally contribute to society through his/her business or profession. They Profit Most Who Serve Best The objectives of vocational service are best exemplified if Rotarians work in accordance with the following guiding principles. 1. Corporate Responsibility

2. Economic Stability (Profitability and productivity) 3. Personal Integrity (Honesty, Loyalty and Integrity in all aspects of business) 4. Welfare (the health, safety of others and conservation of the environment)

RC Bali Denpasar melakukan Vocational Service di kediaman arsitek Bali PP Popo Danes


GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

Are you READY for the NEW CLUB INVOICE? January 2015 invoice will be available to clubs via My Rotary by the last week of January. The invoice will be mailed and emailed at the same time to all club of5icers. This means that in the 5irst three weeks of January, clubs will not yet be able to view their invoice and pay their dues. Add to your contacts so emails from Rotary International aren’t rejected or 5iltered as SPAM. Your club will also receive an invoice by mail if it has not opted out of a paper version. Learn how to update your club’s email or mailing address and how to opt out of the paper The Club Invoice includes the club’s most up-­‐to-­‐date membership 5igures as per January 01, 2015. Clubs will be billed for all active members as of 1 January and 1 July and will be required to pay the amount shown on the invoice. There are NO REFUND for membership dues. Report members after they have been of5icially inducted into your club and have paid club dues. Clubs are required to pay the balance IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of the invoice Beginning January 2015, clubs will be subject to termination for nonpayment of dues 120 days after the club invoice is issued You can send general questions to and one of our staff will contact you. If you have speci5ic questions, please ask your 5inancial representative or your Club and District Support representative.

Club Invoice Januari 2015 dapat dilihat melalui Web Rotary pada minggu terakhir bulan Januari. Club Invoice akan dikirim dan diemailkan bersamaan ke seluruh klub of7icer. Artinya, dalam tiga minggu pertama Januari, klub belum dapat melihat Club Invoice atau membayar iuran mereka. Masukkan alamat email <> ke kontak email Anda sehingga email dari Rotary International tidak ditolak atau masuk ke SPAM. Club Anda juga akan menerima invoice melalui surat jika tidak memilih keluar dari versi kertas. Pelajari cara update email atau mailing alamat club dan bagaimana memilih keluar dari admin kertas Club Invoice akan sesuai denan jumlah keanggotaan klub per 01 Januari 2015. Klub akan ditagih untuk semua member aktif terdaftar pada tanggal 1 Januari dan 1 Juli dan akan diminta untuk membayar jumlah yang tertera di invoice. Tidak ada pengembalian dana untuk iuran keanggotaan. Laporkan Anggota setelah mereka resmi dilantik di klub Anda dan membayar iuran klub. Klub diminta membayar saldo SEGERA setelah menerima Invoice. Mulai Januari 2015, klub akan diterminasi jika tidak membayar iuran dalam waktu 120 hari setelah invoice diterbitkan. Anda dapat menghubungi dan salah satu staf kami akan menghubungi Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tertentu, tanyakan pada perwakilan keuangan untuk


GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

! TOP 10 Peringkat Rotary Club di D3420 per 31 Dec 2014 RC Bali Kuta menjadi club no. 1 di District d3420 ditinjau dari membership dan kontribusi ke The Rotary Foundation (TRF) antara tg 1 Juli – 31 December 2014.



RC Bali Seminyak yang bulan lalu menduduki no 1 kini berada pada No. 2, sedangkan RC Bali Denpasar berada diposisi no.3. disusul oleh RC Bali Nusa Dua yang menduduki posisi no 4.


Selamat kepada RC Clubs di Bali, dimana 7 RC menduduki posisi 10 besar.

Aktifitas menambah jumlah anggota dan menyumbang ke TRF semakin

tion a l u t a congr ER N N I W UTA LI K RC BA

Rotary Club

Net gain member


Bali Kuta



Bali Seminyak



Bali Denpasar



Bali Nusa Dua



Solo Kartini



Bali Taman



Bali Ubud Sunset



Surabaja Selatan



Bali Canggu



Surabaya Timur




TIPS to encourage member’s contribution to TRF:

Conduct an insentive scheme by point subsidy (D3420 will match your USD500 contribution with 500 point to get a PHF) Club can encourage its member by doing “Arisan PHF” Encourage member to do PHS (Paul Harris Fellow Society)… Give information of what Clubs can do from the TRF programs !6

GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015



! Kurang dari 180 hari lagi kita akan bertemu dalam suasana meriah yang kita tunggu-tunggu yaitu; DISTRICT CONFERENCE 2015 "The Reunion" yang akan diselenggarakan di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 21-23 Mei 2015. Less than 180 days we will meet in a very much anticipated event for this Rotary year, DISTRICT CONFERENCE 2015 "The Reunion" will be held in Yogyakarta, from May 21st - 23rd 2015. Sampai dengan 30 April 2015, DisCon Registration Fee adalah Rp 1.250.000,-/orang SEGERA Mendaftar dan lakukan Transfer ke : BCA 8610 31 9191 a/n. Niken Wulandari Sudjarwo Kirimkan bukti transter dengan email ke: •

Rtn Rizky Tielman (Sekretaris)

• Rtn Niken Wulandari Sudjarwo (Bendahara) Pilihan Akomodasi "first come first serve" •

150 kamar tersedia di Royal Ambarukmo Venue Hotel.

117 kamar di The Victoria Hotel (belakang Ambarukmo)

! !7

GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

Proposed DGND District Governor Nominee Designated

All Clubs, the proposed for candidates DGND for D3420 Rotary year 2017-2018 are expected to be received

NO LATER than January 26,2015. Please scan and email the Signed Nominating Form to DG Hanny Arianto.;

Nominating Comittee Chairman PDG SOERJO WIBISONO Members PDG THOMAS AQUINA, PDG ALOYSIUS PURWA, PDG PANUDIANA KUHN , PDG IMAM MUDJARI, The proposed candidates MUTS be decided by the Club Assembly.




GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

REGISTRASI INCOMING OFFICERS TERIMAKASIH kepada Presidents RC yang sudah melaporkan Incoming Officersnya, terutama kepada 4 Clubs yang sudah lengkap melaporkan 100% Incoming Officers nya (PE/SE/Exec SE/Trea/FoundaDon Ch/Membership Ch). Thank you to Club Presidents who have reported their Incoming Club Officers, especially to the 4 Clubs who have reported 100% Incoming Officers (PE/SE/Exec SE/ Trea/FoundaHon Ch/Membership Ch.):


26 Club yang BELUM melaporkan Incoming Officernya ke RI; agar dapat segera melakukan pelaporan langsung melalui -­‐-­‐> My Rotary .. atau kirimkan email pelaporan Incoming Officers dari Club Anda (sebutkan Nama Club + D3420 + Club ID) kepada RI Data Service <>. Seluruh nama Incoming Officers sebaiknya disertai nomor ID Members . Kepada rekan AG region terkait, mohon bantuannya untuk dapat membantu RC agar segera membuat laporan langsung ke RI melalui My Rotary atau Email ke RI Data Service. 26 Clubs who have NOT made any report of their Incoming Officers to RI. Please open -­‐-­‐> My Rotary .. or send an email to report your Incoming Officers directly to RI Data Service <>. MenHon your Club Name + D3420 and Club ID Number. Providing Members ID Number for your Incoming Officers would be an advantage. The AGs of your region will help you to do the reporHng.

Be a Gift to the World - RI Theme 2015 -2016


GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

! SEJUTA WARNA ROTARY ROTARY DAY - JOIN 17 ROTARY CLUBS IN BALI Hari Minggu, 1 Maret 2015, dipilih sebagai acara ROTARY DAY bersama dengan 17 Rotary Clubs di Bali. Thema yang dipilih adalah SEJUTA WARNA ROTARY. Thema ini dipilih karena Rotary adalah Organisasi Pengabdian yang anggotanya terdiri dari berbagai macam profesi dan usahawan, berbagai suku bangsa, agama, usia dan pengabdian yang diberikan ada diberbagai macam bidang dan areas. Rotary memiliki segala macam warna. Hal ini yang diharapkan dapat diinformasikan kepada masyarakat Bali dengan acara ROTARY DAY ini. Acara akan dimulai dengan “COLOUR ZUMBA” , kemudian berbagai acara permainan anak, lomba selfie dengan Thema Sejuta Warna Rotary, donor darah , Mobile Women Health Clinic, show case project Rotary baik yang sudah dilakukan maupun sedang dilakukan. Diharapkan dengan acara ROTARY DAY ini, masyarakat Bali semakin mengenal Rotary dan mau bergabung bersama Rotary dalam meningkatkan pengabdian masyarakat. Baik bekerjasama maupun menjadi anggota Rotary.

Colour ZUMBA dengan Hadiah Tunai 1JUTA rupiah bagi peserta berpenampilan terbaik sesuai Thema

Lomba SELFIE dengan hadiah Tunai 2juta, 1,5juta dan 1juta untuk photo SELFIE terfavorit

DOOR PRIZES, Lomba kegiatan anak, Live Music dan Rotary Show Case

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GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015


n Merah ta a b m Je a y a b ra u S C Rotary Day - R politan & RC Surabaya Metro !

Dalam Rangka mengadakan ROTARY DAY, RC Surabaya Jembatan Merah dan RC Surabaya Metropolitan, mengadakan TERAPI KESEHATAN yang berlokasi di Multifunctional Hall, L2 - BG Junction, 12 OKT 2014.


Dukungan datang dari berbagai pihak : BG Junction penyedia tempat acara, Tim Terapis IKNI (Ikatan Naturopatis Indonesia) untuk jasa terapi akupunktur & refleksi, Tim Terapis Longevitology 镡ç”&#x;ĺ­¸ yang melakukan pembenahan chakra tubuh dan PT Kalbe Nutritionals yang menyediakan jasa pemeriksaan kepadatan tulang dan kesehatan kulit.


Tidak kurang dari 200 orang menikmati manfaat bakti sosial pengobatan tradisional di Rotary Day, Surabaya. Berbagai aktivitas RC Surabaya Jembatan Merah juga diperkenalkan, seperti proyek pengadaan instalasi air bersih, donor darah, bakti sosial kesehatan, pengembangan pemuda, meeting mingguan yang mengundang pembicara dan membangun persahabatan antar member dan tamu.


Disamping itu, para Peserta diundang untuk menghadiri seminar bisnis mingguan yang diadakan kedua club secara gratis, dengan jadwal sbb: setiap Selasa pukul 17:00-18:00 di Empire Palace atau setiap Jumat pukul 20:00-21:00 di Shangrila Hotel. !


Rotary Day dengan Pelayanan TERAPI KESEHATAN dari RC Surabaya Jembatan Merah & Surabaya Metropolitan

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GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

ROTARY ACADEMY ROTARY ACADEMY adalah sebuah sesi informasi yang berisi serba-serbi mengenai Rotary. Informasi-informasi sederhana seperti:

* Apa benar hanya orang kaya saja yang bisa join Rotary

* Apa itu Rotary?

Rotary Academy ini sangat membantu dalam memberikan pengertian awal mengenai Rotary, terutama bagi member baru atau calon member.

* Siapa saja yang bisa menjadi anggota Rotary? * Apa saja kegiatan Rotary * Bagaimana Rotary Club itu berkarya? * Bagaimana pendanaan di Rotary?

* dan segala macam serba serbi Rotary yang biasanya ditanyakan pada sesi tanya jawab.

Bila Club anda “berminat� untuk mengadakan sesi Rotary Academy, silahkan contact District Trainers:

* Apa saja yang menjadi benefit sebagai anggota Rotary?

* Berapa biaya untuk menjadi Rotary

PP Suzana Chandra

RC Bali Tirta Gangga - ROTARY ACADEMY.

berlokasi dilantai 2 gedung Hardys Karang Asem, PDG Al Purwa ditemani PP Suzana dan DG Hanny Arianto, menyampaikan informasi re Rotary dihadapan 15 member dan calon member RC bali Tirta Gangga.

Dalam pesannya, DG Hanny menyatakan bahwa RC Bali Tirtagangga sangatlah strategis karena begitu banyaknya proyek Rotary Bali yang dilaksanakan di daerah Karang asem.

PDG Al Purwa


Dalung Bali. Pada Kamis sore, 15 Jan 2015, PP Suzana Chandra ditemani PDG Al Purwa , DG Hanny dan President RC Bali Denpasar Paramitha dan 6 rotarian mengadakan Rotary Informasi bagi 30 pengajar dan badan Mahasiswa STIKES.

Pak Putu selaku ketua STIKES dan segenap peserta menyatakan ketertarikan mereka untuk bergabung. Semoga RC bali Denpasar dapat membantu mereka dalam membentuk RC baru.

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GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015



Meredith B X E T O R ri a d g n ri a h S 013 Malang Mosher, D3420, 2012-2 After living in Indonesia for 10 months from September 2012 July 2013, I experienced so much. The more I think about it and the longer I'm away from Indonesia makes me realize how big of an impact of living there had on me. It really opened my eyes to the religion of Islam and what that country was like.!


I didn't really pay attention to the news about Muslims while I was still living in Canada, but as soon as I told people that I was going on Rotary Youth Exchange to Indonesia they would say things like "Ohh isn't that a Muslim country?", "You should be careful", etc. Hearing people say those things to me didn't really make me afraid or have second thoughts about Indonesia. Honestly, I was thinking more about the exotic and extraordinary animals, insects and fruit that I would find there!! When I got to Indonesia, I was amazed by how many mosques there were and how often they prayed (5 times per day - it's heard from all around for about an hour or so each time they pray!). I didn't really know that much about Islam religion. I found out that Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world!!! I noticed that most girls

and women wear jilbabs or hijabs (a scarf or large piece of material covering their heads). Most of the girls I went to school with wore hijabs and so did my teachers! Although this was something I wasn't used to, it didn't bother me or effect me in anyway - it was just a different piece of clothing I wasn't around before. I made so many friends atSMK Negeri 5 Malang that I still keep in contact with. The majority of the friends I made while living in Indonesia are Muslim.! Although I lived in 4 different host families and was hosted by many other families for short times all following different religions (Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam), they were all very welcoming and loving. Thank you for making me feel part of your family and thank you for taking care of me!! Islam is just another religion. It's unfortunate that there are such horrible people that are Muslim, but there are horrible people in every other religion too.! People are violent and cruel. Not the religion.!

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GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015


ROTAVILLE Global Grant GG 26169 D3420 Indonesia & D3630 Korea ROTTA VILLE Global Grant merupakan GG pertama di District 3420 yang melakukan integrated service dengan melibatkan 14 Rotary Clubs di Bali dan 32 RC di Korea District 36630. Total Grant sejumlah lebih dari 1.8M dibagi menjadi beberapa project yaitu pengadaan air bersih, renovasi health clinic, Pengadaan toilets dan tempat cuci tangan, renovasi ruang computer plus computer dan buku, Ntrition untuk Balita dan Micro Credit. Di GG ini, pertama kalinya ke 6 area focus pengabdian Rotary diaplikasikan di daerah yang sama, yaitu desa

Gullinten, Abang, Karang Asem, yang meliputi 220 keluarga dan sekitar 1000 penduduk. Pada tanggal 10 January 2015, sebagian proyek GG ini, yaitu Education & Sanitation diserahkan kepada sekolah SDN6 Bunutan, Gullinten dan masyarakat setempat. DG Hanny dan Pdg Al Purwa, ditemani Penanggungjawab dari sub project ini PP Suzana Chandra (RC Bali Denpasar), Pres Paramitha beserta 8 anggotanya dan RC Bali Seminyak (Pres Doris dan 5 rotarrian), menyerahkan gedung Komputer lengkap dengan furnitur dan 6 perangkat computer, 500buku bacaan dan 4 brand new toilet plus tempat cuci tangan, kepada Pak Camat yang mewakili masyarakat setempat dan Pak kepala Sekolah SD 6 Bunutan, Gullinten.

Total Grant untuk Education & Sanitation sekitar IDR 500juta

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GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015

Thank you for your Participation on

D3420 PHF Recognition Points Matching Program


Rotary Club

Contributi on

Ni Wayan Suastini

Bali Denpasar

$500 PHF

Budi Hartiningsih

Bali Denpasar

$500 PHF

Taty Sinaga

Bali Seminyak

$200 PHF+1

Contribution in Jan 2015


Contribution in Aug - Nov







Whose NEXT?

Your $500 contribution will be match by 500 points from district - to get you a PHF

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GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015


rnational te In ry ta o R e h T m o News fr t Profile n e d si re P I R g in m co In K.R. (Ravi) RAVINDRAN

! ! ! 2015-­‐16

RI President A member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka, RI Convention Venue: SEOUL, Korea 29 May -­‐ 1 June 2016


Ravindran holds a degree in commerce and is founder and CEO of Print care PLC, a publicly listed company and global leader in the tea packaging industry. He also serves on the board of several other companies and charitable trusts. He is the founding president of the Sri Lanka Anti Narcotics Association, the largest antinarcotics organization in Sri Lanka. As his country’s PolioPlus chair, Ravindran headed a task force with members from the government, UNICEF, and Rotary and worked closely with UNICEF to negotiate a cease-­‐5ire with northern militants during National Immunization Days. A Rotarian since 1974, Ravindran has served Rotary as a director and treasurer of RI and as a trustee of The Rotary Foundation. He has also served as an International Assembly group discussion leader, district governor, Council on Legislation representative, and zone institute chair. He chaired the Schools Reawakening project, sponsored by Rotary clubs and districts in Sri Lanka, which rebuilt 25 tsunami-­‐

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GML NO: 06, JANUARY 2015



s to k n a al Th i c e Sp

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Governor’s Monthly Newsletter (GMN) Team

Chair person : PP Suzana Chandra Contributors: DG Hanny Arianto PDG Al Purwa DDG Yetty Sutan, AG Julia Rivai, and Clubs

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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