2007 04re newsletter no 5 april 2007 Eric Rotaract Newsletter

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April 2007

European Rotaract Informational Centre

Newsletter Bringing people together!

h t t p : / / w w w. r o t a r a c t e u r o p e . o r g

Issue #2 (5)

E.R.I.C. meeting – BURSA, Turkey EUCO 2008 From January 11th till 14th, the annual Winter meeting of E.R.I.C./Rotaract Europe took place. This year it was held at the ski-station ULUDAG in Bursa, Turkey. Really a nice place to organize this event in a winter landscape. After arriving at the Istanbul airport, Turkish Rotaractors guided us towards the ferries that had to take us from the European part to the Asian part of Turkey. Once arrived we took a bus to Bursa and finally a taxi to the top. Turkish people claim that the Uludag mountain area was in the old days the well known Mount Olympus from the old Greek mythology. Centuries ago, Zeus would have lived here. After a good breakfast, some of our European Rotaractors visited the city of Bursa, while Tobias, Oscar, Gregory and I preferred taking the chance of skiing! What a nice experience, my first time on Turkish snow, and yes, there was a lot of snow, much more than in Europe. In the evening other Rotaractors arrived and the convention really started with a great Turkish night. Special Turkish meals were served, we had Turkish entertainment, special dances were performed by professionals and we heard a lot of Turkish music. After all this and a good coffee at the bar, we went for a big party in the local disco. Again, it was really late when we got to our hotel, let’s say 03h30 or was it 04h30??? ;-) Saturday morning after the breakfast we attended the beginning of the Turkish Rotaract conference, where Tobias gave his welcome speech. After that we, the representatives of the different countries, went to our meeting room to start our Rotaract Europe meeting. We were with many representatives and we had visitors from Europe as well.

Lebanon and China were represented and the new representative for Russia was also present. We discussed many issues and Timothy of Denmark was so kind to take care of the minutes (thank you Timothy). Those minutes are spread and you can read them probably on your countries’ websites. We took a break at noon and there was a delicious barbecue waiting for us. After this great meal, we had a

workshop organized by Duygu, the Turkish representative. Quite interesting - we talked about communication in Rotaract Europe. When this workshop finished at 16h00, we still had to take care of the most important part of this meeting, voting to where the EUCO 2008 will be held. After the presentation of the United Kingdom and Turkey, the reps voted for London. Their theme was very cool, “The world is not enough… for Rotaract” (James Bond theme). Finally after a good 6,5 hours of meeting, we could go for a shower and… Then came the Gala night. Tobias requested a big table so that all the reps could sit together to discuss and to get to know each other better. A great evening with again a very good meal. Suddenly we heard somebody

sing, and yes, it was Sebnem (Turkish Rotaractor). Great performance Sebnem, thanks! Tobias got the honor to cut the great cake and to give a little farewell speech. Then fanions (flags) were exchanged between the different clubs. After a coffee or something a little bit stronger, some of us decided to go with the Turkish Rotaractors to a bigger disco. Rizwan and Gregory accompanied me. We had a good time, that’s for sure. We met a lot of new Rotaractors, to whom we hadn’t got the chance to speak yet. Again a great evening and night. On Sunday, a lot of our friends had already left, but Tobias and I had the whole day, so we decided the have lunch in the mountain restaurant, socializing with our Turkish friends. In the late afternoon, we left Uludag together with Elif and Bikem (two Turkish Rotaractors) and we went back to Istanbul, where we stayed at Elif’s place. What great hospitality. Elif’s mother cooked for us - it was very nice. Then we went to bed and in the morning we took breakfast with Elif. Elif and Bikem, thanks for this hospitality, we’ll come back very soon! On Monday the two of us visited the Blue mosque and the Hagia Sofia, than we took our plane back home, very tired but also very satisfied of this great conference. We got a lot of energy and a great boost to continue the work in Rotaract Europe. I hope that this article can stimulate people from all over Europe to come to the RE meetings - as you can read, we always have a great time. See you all at the EUCO in Milan, or somewhere else in Europe. Yours in Rotaract, Benoît Klinkers Belgium representative – ERIC/ Rotaract Europe

London Rotaract in Great Britain & Ireland (RGBI) is extremely pleased to announce that we have won the bid to host the European Rotaract Conference (EUCO) 2008 in London. EUCO 2008 will take place 30th April - 4th May and has the theme “James Bond and the World is not enough…for Rotaract”. Why London 2008? Experience sights & sounds of one of the worlds greatest cities It’s a destination on every tourist’s top five places to visit Steeped in history, packed with famous sites, museums, theatres & buildings Easy to get to – fly from over 100 destinations in Europe – average cost €50 Celebrate 40 years of Rotaract in style at the Grand Gala Ball

EUCO will include sight-seeing tours, a company visit, personal development sessions, the Rotaract Europe meeting, workshops and the annual RGBI Conference, a somewhat abridged version! You will be able to enjoy all of this for just €155! Where else, other than London, can you breathe the same air as The Queen of England, ride the London Eye, walk down Oxford Street and be locked in the Tower? So check out www.euco2008.com and book today without delay! Lisa Burnett EUCO 2008 Co-ordinator


Issue #2 (5)

European Rotaract Informational Centre

April 2007

E.R.I.C. Autumn meeting 2007 Cremona, Italy (September 28-30) Cremona - city of music - has a distinguished musical history. The 12th century cathedral was probably the focus of organized musical activity in the region in the late Middle Ages. By the 16th century the town had become a famous musical centre. Nowadays there are important ensembles for Renaissance and Baroque music, i.e. Choir & Consort Costanzo Porta, and festivals which maintain Cremona as one of the most important town in Italy for music. Composer Marc Antonio Ingegneri taught there; Claudio Monteverdi was his most famous student. From the 16th century onwards, Cremona was renowned as a centre of musical instrument

manufacture, beginning with the violins of the Amati family, and later included the products of the Guarneri del Gesù and Stradivari shops. To the present day, their work is widely considered to be the summit of achievement in string instrument making. In particularly Antonio Stradivari became the ‘genius of violin’ and today is known all over the word like the best violinmaker of the history.

Looking back at EUCO 2006 Now that EUCO Milan is coming closer and that everybody is preparing for pizza, pasta and chianti, we would like to look back just five seconds to Euco Belgium 2006. First of all for thanking all of you who have come to Antwerp for your enthusiasm. We hope you all enjoyed your stay in Belgium . But we also want to announce the final balance of EUCO 2006. During the Gala in Antwerp , the Belgian Euco organising committee already gave prizes to the best European and Belgian service projects. 5000€ was split between six clubs. We also gave a contribution of 5000€ to the Make-a-Wish foundation. We thought this was a

very good result and hoped it was the start of a new EUCO-tradition to support service projects. But today we’re proud to announce that we have increased our gift to Make-a-Wish. After cross checking of our accounts and paying all invoices, we have raised our gift during a press conference in September from 5 000€ to 20 000€. Make-a-Wish in Belgium has already granted 1000 wishes of kids with life threatening diseases. This cheque will help them to continue their excellent work. We would like to thank all our sponsors, supporters and participants who made this possible! The EUCO2006-team

Bringing people together!


Violins’ Weekend II Friday 14.00 - 16.00: Registration – Check In in Hotel Ibis Cremona 16.00 - 18.00: Visit of Ponchielli’s Theatre. Visit to one of the most famous Italian theatres realized in 18th and entitled to Amilcare Ponchielli, the great “cremonese” opera maker 18.00 - 19.30: Free Time 19.30 - 23.30: Meeting in the Hall and Leaving for Dinner in a Typical Farm Supper in a farm holidays with the products of the territory. 23.30 - 3.00: Dj & Explosive Open Bar

Saturday 9.00 - 10.00: Breakfast 10.00 - 12.30: RE Conference Only for committee. 10.00 - 12.30: Etnogastronomic Excursion Visit of one of our typical enogastronomic factory 12.30 - 13.00: Audition of Stradivari’s Violin Concert with one of the violins of the great “cremonese” master. 13.30 - 15.00: Brunch 15.00 - 18.00: City Centre Tour City Hall, Cathedral, Baptistery and a Violinmaker Boutique 18.00 - 19.30: Free time Relax or shopping in the city center. 19.30: Meeting in the Hall and Leaving for Gala 19.30 - 24.00: Violin’s Gala Dinner (black tie) Evening in the magical atmosphere of Vialli’s Castle, also know as,

Villa Affaitati 24.00 - 4.00: Dj & Explosive Open Bar

Sunday 10.00 - 11.00: Breakfast 11.00 - 13.30: Climb up the Torrazzo Visit to the symbol of Cremona, the highest tower made by bricks in Europe, 112 m. 13.30 - 15.30: Lunch (not included) in a traditional restaurant place directly on the river Po. 15.30: Farewell & See you in Thessalonica! http://www.remcremona2007.com/



Issue #2 (5)

European Rotaract Informational Centre

April 2007

“MAGNA EST VIS HUMANITATIS” The World Rotarct Week Blood Donation project “Magnificent is the power of humanity” (Cicero) is not just a blood donation project, but something more than that. Let’s see if you would join the idea which lies beyond this project? It is known that the World Rotaract Week is designated to honor the chartering of the first Rotaract club in North Carolina, USA, on 13 March 1968. To commemorate Rotaract’s anniversary in March, clubs from all over the world complete a service project. We decided to invite not just Slovenian Rotarian family members, but others as well, to participate in a project throughout which different communities around the world are helping each other and gaining their personal, organizational, and community growth. We strongly believe that Blood Donation Project which honors the World Rotaract Week could get bigger and has a bright future in the international Rotary organization, but just with YOUR help, with WORKING TOGETHER SIDE BY SIDE in Rotarian families throughout the world. I believe that we all can do globally and locally more, if united working side by side. IDEA: ...”Some simple reasons: blood donating is simple to be done - you should just go to the local hospital, donate blood and let US know about that. It can be done anywhere in the world. Moreover, I prefer this idea even more as blood is a symbol of life. So by donating your blood, you are giving “life” to somebody else. You are helping “blood to circulate”. It is the same with the Rotaract organization. By donating blood during World Rotaract Week members of Rotarian family (Rotarians, members of Inner Wheel,

Interactors and Rotaractors) are supporting the idea of Rotaract by donating blood -“circulate”, be alive, spread, and later on make the community grow.

supports the idea of blood donation during World Rotaract Week (and that has happened in Slovenia), Cicero was right when he said: “Magnum est vis humanitatis.” That is just the first step; the others are yet to come…” FIRST, SECOND YEAR… The project was recognized by Rotary International by publishing an interview Meet Rotaractor Nina

Tanzania donation Because blood contains living cells, blood is alive. It is the same with Rotarian family - when they are being active they are alive. Then blood donating makes sense, because by being active, by supporting this project, ROTARACT really becomes ROTARY in ACTION CLUB. So the blood donating project is moreover a symbolic one - to unite the whole Rotarian family by the humanitarian project and spread Rotarian idea (in the commemoration week) at least once a year. Blood donating as well as Rotarian idea does not know borders or nationalities - it can unite nations. If the whole Rotarian family

Bringing people together!


Kolenc with the initiator of “Magna est vis humanitatis.” project http://www.rotary.org/newsroom/ programs/060320_blood.html. The first (last) year project was done within a month and half at least in one club within four continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, South America), six countries (Slovenia, Brasil, Ethiopia, Nepal, Egypt, Hungary) there were 250 donors, united Slovenian Rotary family (Rotaract, Rotary and Inner Wheel members have donor blood). But this second year is full of surprises too. “Magna est vis humanitatis “ project was done in at least one club in 14 countries (Slovenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary,

Ukraine, Turkey, Ethiopia, Egypt, Nepal, Tanzania, Mongolia, Brasil, Urugvay), on four different continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, South America). Though the project is not over yet it was done in more than 50 clubs, more than 900 donors, joined Rotarian family club members (Slovenia, Nepal etc.)… I am very happy that Helina Tadesse (Ethiopa) and Yugal Bajracharya (Nepal) are back this year too…as well as the most other clubs from last year. If you would like to join us too, you still have a time. I would just ask you to let me know on bloodunites@gmail.com ,if you are joining us. Do not worry if you will have just a few donors. What matters to us is that we start the project and spread the idea among members of Rotary family. Since when it starts it will be spreading… More on (pictures, report, how to participate etc.): http://www.rotaract-celje.org/bloodunite.htm I hope that being united at “Magna est vis humanitatis” on the 40th anniversary of the first Rotaract club we could send another strong message to our communities, and that is the importance of families (in today’s world!) and positive family values throughout the united Rotary family in this world. Therefore “Magna est vis humanitatis” project will not just be the blood donating project, but something more. At least for me. I hope that we all will be able to say someday, Cicero was right when saying:”Magnificent is the power of humanity.” Nina Kolenc RCO Slovenia 2005/06 d 1910 DRR 2007/08 d 1910 RAC Maribor, Slovenia



Issue #2 (5)

European Rotaract Informational Centre

April 2007

Visit of delegation D1630, Rotaract Germany Committee Belgium to RAC of Jena, Germany Meeting in Gera with Polish Accents It was in October that a delegation of Rotaract disWe, as the representatives of the Rotaract Club of trict 1630 from Belgium visited the charter party of Ro- Poznań (Poland D2230) had the pleasure to participate taract club Jena. This party was organised because of in the German Rotaract Conference in Gera, which their 10th anniversary. took place during the last weekend of January. We (Bart, Sophie, Bram and myself), went to our friends in Jena to give their weekend an international character. After a drive of ten hours instead of seven because of too much traffic on the German highways, we finally arrived, but once we entered our hotel, we forgot our long ride immediately. The organisation committee of Rotaract Jena did a very nice job. A four star hotel and this for a very cheap price. WAAAUW After a good shower, one phone call from Bart to Jana-Lena was enough and five minutes later, Jana and Eva came to guide us to the Jena-tower where we were invited to the welcome party. A very nice buffet was waiting for us, and of course we met a lot of new German Rotaractors. The dj was really good and we partied until late at night. After a good breakfast at the university on Saturday morning, we started with a sightseeing tour true the city of Jena. We visited the university, the city centre and had lunch on a big square. Did you know that Jena has the oldest planetarium of Europe? It’s really a nice city, especially for students, and this because there are so many schools.

ct a r y goal of our partaa The In the afternoon, a little walk, main n o a R we ticipation good cup of coffee after which m was to briefly present had to prepare for the big gala night.erThe Rotaract Club of Poznań, G to compare its structure with They offered us a great reception followed by a huge buffet. After the dinner there was the ceremony and all of the visitors had the chance to congratulate the celebrating club. Benoît did his little word while Bart was distributing the district 1630 pins to the members of the Rotaract club of Jena. During the tombola Sophie won a flight above Jena city. She was so happy. The music was performed by a big band and they played marvellously, so we were also able to dance a lot! When the party at the hotel was over, we couldn’t stop partying, so Jana-Lena took us to a private student party in a flat that was much too small for 70 people, but we enjoyed. Sunday morning we had a brunch in a local tavern in Jena, and when Sophie came back from her flight experience, we decided to go back to Belgium! To all the members of the Rotaract club of Jena: Thanks a lot for the great time we had, and we will certainly come back to your city!!

German Rotaract Clubs, gain new ideas on how to improve our activity and last but not least to find potential partner clubs which would like to organize “joined actions” with our club.

very nice atmosphere with other participants between numerous presentations. We were so close to Leipzig and Dresden, so we used this opportunity to visit those beautiful cities where we were hosted by Lydia Gürich and Ralf Schmitz (RAC Leipzig) and Friedmann Bohne (RAC Dresden).

Yours in Rotaract, Benoît Klinkers Belgian representative – ERIC/ Rotaract Europe Our ideas were greeted with great enthusiasm from all participants and so far we have received a few offers of possible cooperation, for example with RAC Hannover. We have an invitation to them in May this year. We hope that our participation will be effective in the future and that it will be a learning experience for all involved. Of course we had a chance to visit the “Hohle” in Gera and to spend some time in a

Bringing people together!


In this short notice we would like to thank Antonie Specht, Stephan Bernhardt, country representatives of Rotaract Germany, our hosts and all Rotaract Clubs for their hospitality, as well as we would like to invite all German clubs to the cooperation with our club (www.rotaract.poznan. pl). Thank you very much!!! Agnes Milczarek, Lucy Giese, Sophie Krzymień RAC Poznań Poland



Issue #2 (5)

European Rotaract Informational Centre

April 2007

Flying to the other side of the world: our Philippine twinning! Our dream was born one year ago when Marco (PP of our Club) invited us to go to Philippines where he lives. On 14th January of this year, our dream came true and we left towards our marvelous experience. So, 24h after a 9942 mile journey, we landed in Cebu, a big island of Philippines, where we were hosted by Marco, his wife Jumabel, Colonel Carmagnola (Founder and PP of Rotary Montebelluna) and his wife Luisa.

ct ra ta y Ro Ital

Once there, we were immediately fascinated by this different environment, completely dipped in the nature. We stayed in Panagsama Beach for two weeks, knowing the way of life of the inhabitants and proving what Marco told us about the necessities of the Philippines population. On 17th we met Rotary and Rotaract of Metro Cebu in their office Casino Espagnol. We exchanged some products and Rotary things and the greetings of our Rotary and District 2060. Together we decided to complete three services in favour of Moalboal students. The first one regarded a funding for Moalboal High School that had to build a potable water tank. This one was realized in short time to permit us to inaugurate it on 23th Tuesday.

We were moved when 600 students sang, to thank us, their national inn. In the same day we concluded the other services concerning the payment of two checks of 5000 pesos each one that were used to buy some books for Elementary School of Moalboal and to repair the roof of Tunga Elementary School. We concluded the rewarding day having lunch in Marco’s house with Metro Cebu Rotaractors. During lunch we spoke about all activities and services that we could do in the future and we signed a twin agreement. It was surprising to discover how the Rotaractor’s soul is the same all over the world and how, even though the distance and differences that divide us, we felt part of the same Club and shared the same ethical values.

During the last days we visited some places nearby Panangsama and Moalboal. We went to Kawansan falls like little Indiana Jones, we had snorkelling around Pescador Island where we met the fish “Nemo” and we could admire the wonderful reef. We spent some nights laying on the

flying away. They gifted us a signbook, which summarized with a lot of photos all the projects they did in the last two years, and some sweets (even mango!) to bring in Italy where we could have remember with tender nostalgia the beautiful days spent in Philippines.

mole watching stars like in Orange Country series… unbelievable. We will never forget the delicious typical dishes we tasted, cocked by Jumabel, especially the fresh mango juice in the morning. On 29th we met again with Rotaractors in Cebu. We had lunch together and we greeted before

We’d like to thank the Member of Metro Cebu Rotaract and Rotary and all the population of Panagsama for their warm hospitality. Halik! Silvia Zanon, Filippo Zanella Rotaract Montebelluna, District 2060, Italy


In November I got an email from the Italian ERIC representative, Lilia, saying that there was a contest called MEXPERIENCE. Mexican clubs were giving the possibility to some people from all over the world to be their hosts for ten days. I decided to participate. After some time I got an email from the Mexican Rotaract: I was selected! The group that left for Mexico was me from Italy, Maja from Poland, Kylie from Australia and Katie from Canada. I can’t imagine my trip with different people, the girls were so nice and we had so much fun together. We had the opportunity to visit Mexico City, Pachuca and Puebla and

learn a lot about Mexican culture and history. The people from Mexico are very warm and they made us feel at home. They brought us to eat tacos and quesadillas at night. We tried tamales, danced salsa, climbed up the Pyramids of Teotihuacan, visited the Parliament, discovered wonderful churches and colorful streets and much much more. We also had the opportunity to participate in their Rotaract sessions and learn what services they are doing. On the day before we left to our countries we did a service with the

Bringing people together!


guys from Mexico City.We gave eight wheelchairs to people in need and it was so nice to see people from different parts of the world all working for the same purpose and with the same ideals. It was the first time I went on a Rotaract international exchange and I will definitely recommend it to everyone. I will do my best to encourage this kind of exchange in my district. There are no words that can express how amazing this trip was! I only want to thank the districts 4170 and 4180 for what they did. They made the Mexperience unforgettable! You made me understand how fantastic it is to find a Rotaract open door when you travel around the world. A special thank you to the guys from the club Las Torres-Satelite (especially Hèctor, David, Karla, Gabriel,

Katia) for being with us all the time in Mexico City and taking care of us for all the journey, they did a great job and I’m missing them so much! Thanks to the organization staff (Tania, Carolina, Hèctor, Gabriel and Jorge) for their patience in answering every single question we had ...and for choosing me! I would also like to thank the people who hosted me¬: Karla and David (Mexico City), Francisco (Pachuca), Miyi (Puebla), they are the best hosts ever! Thanks everybody I will never forget this trip! Gracias a todos, nunca voy a olvidar este viaje! MEXICO I MISS YOU SO MUCH!! Angelica Montagner Rotaract Treviso Terraglio – Italy, District 2060



Issue #2 (5)

European Rotaract Informational Centre

April 2007

Venice Carnival Everything is ready. The boat is full of instruments. Musicians are on board. We head to the Navy Petty Officer Club in Venice, a wonderful ancient palace, where in the past the sea power of “Serenissima” made a strange kind of bread “Gallette” to keep on board for the navigation. We are very nervous about the party’s success and so happy because we will meet again our friends from all parts of Italy again. There are many reservations indeed, from the south and north of Italy, with the same goal, spending a wonderful carnival’s night together.

Rotaract Georgia

THE INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CAMP FOR ROTARACTORS (ISCR) – GEORGIA – 2007 27 July – 3 August, 2007 Racha & Guria Regions

ISCR takes place in Georgia, which locates in Caucasus Region. This year the campers will discover Racha region’s high mountains (4000 m) and Guria region’s Black Sea seaside. Why should YOU come? The International Summer Camp for Rotaractors -2007 is not

place for boring workshops and meetings, it is the perfect opportunity to make new friends, discover new Rotaract Clubs, have FUN, discover and experience Tbilisi, unique Racha region, Grigoleti and Guria Region, etc! Who can join this event? Anybody who has been born no later than July 25th, 1989 and no earlier than July 25th, 1977. The participant doesn’t have to be a Rotaractor but a reference letter from either a Rotaract Club or Rotary Club is required if the participant is not a Rotaractor. Is there anything special that we should bring with us? Actually YES - FUN, National elements of your Culture (clothe, food, spirits) and the spirit to Discover as much as possible! Swimming equipment! Oh, Yes, two more IMPORTANT things- SLEEPING BAG per

person and HIKING BOOTS!!! Technical Information: Participation Fee: 225 USD till May 27th, 2007 (ALL INCLUDING) Late Registration: from May 27th till June 27th, 2007 – 250 USD Accomodation: As you might understood the Summer camp is in high mountains and on Seaside of Black Sea, the accomodation therefore will be in tents and marquees as well as in private housing in Grigoleti (places are limitted due to the touristic season). Meals: 3-4 times per day, including Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Supper and specific activities, such as beer party, Banquette, etc. The Rotaract Club of Tbilisi – Motion for Life www.rotaractge.com info@rotaractge.com


District 2060 RTC Club of Venice Adviser Umberto VEGNA

Here is the Draft Program (the final program will be available on May 25th , 2007) of the Camp: 26-27 July, 2007 09:00-14:00 REGISTRATION in Tbilisi 14:00 Lunch (Tbilisi) 15:00 Departure to Racha Region (Nikortsminda - Shaori) 21:00 Arriving in Camp Base 22:00 Oppening Ceremony 28 July, 2007 10:00 Breakfast 12:00 Departure to Nikortsminda Cathedral 14:00 Departure to Caves and its underground springs “Sakinule” 16:30 Barbeque + wine 17:30 Departure to Khotebi Castle 20:00 Departure back to camp base 21:00 Dinner + Fun Activities

29 July, 2007 10:00 Breakfast 12:00 Moving Camp to G’vardia 13:30”Rock Bridge”, extreme :) going through the gorge 16:30 Dinner 21:00 Traditional Racha Supper in G’vardia Singing Competition 30 July, 2007 10:00 Breakfast 12:00 Departure to Tetonduri 14:00 Lunch 15:00 Departure to Famous village Khvanchkara Visiting village and the wine factory, degustation 20:00 Back to G’vardia - Dinner 31 July, 2007 09:00 Breakfast 10:30 Departure to Guria 16:30 Arriving in Grigoleti Camp base-dinner

18:00 Going to the seaside for rest, bear party 20:30 Banquette & Party 1 August, 2007 10:00 Breakfast 12:00 Competitions in swimming and sand ball 15:00 Lanch 16:00 Rest on the beach, some fun 19:00 Club presentations, project discussion 21:30 Dinner 2 August, 2007 10:00 Breakfast 12:00 Fun on the beach 15:00 Lunch 16:30 Sightseeing 20:30 Departure to the DiscoPool Party 3 August, 2007 08:30Breakfast 10:00 Departure to Tbilisi 16:00 Departure of participants

ERIC Newsletter Issue #2 (5), April 2007 MDIO European Rotaract Informational Centre www.rotaracteurope.org

Editor-in-chief Julia Kurbaka Marketing&Communication Officer, Rotaract Club Kyiv-Centre, D 2230, Ukraine Julia_kurbaka@yahoo.com

Technical editor Andrij Eremenko Rotaract Club Kyiv-Centre, D 2230, Ukraine obshaga@ukr.net

Literal correction Thomas Krepitch East Valley Rotaract, D 5510, USA tkrepitch@cox.net

These were our thoughts when we arrived. We climbed the stand and after the last adjustments all the Venetian Rotaractors opened the doors to the invited, many friends from different cities with many carnival costumes and masks. Lots of beautiful ladies in typical Venetian style were accompanied by smart gentlemen. The party began with a welcome cocktail and a rich buffet. The party was a success. All participants enjoyed the pleasure of staying together and having fun keeping in mind the meaning of being a Rotaractor: fellowship through service.

Bringing people together!



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