Science FIction Puzzle Tales

Page 37

PUZZLE 16 low as possible. To this price I added enough to bring it up to a multiple of a hundred, then I wrote a check. After look­ ing over my driver’s license and all my charge cards the gnome tied the dusty magazines into bundles, and I carried

them to my car parked around the corner on Grove Street. During dinner with my wife at Chumley’s— she was annoyed by my being late—I told her about the bizarre bar­ gain. “Some bargain!” she said. “How much was the gratuity? I mean, how much did you add to the price to bring it up to a multiple of a hundred?” “Let me put it this way,” I said. “For one magazine, and only one, I paid exactly five times as much in dollars as your age.” “If you think I’m going to try to figure that out,” she said, “you’re nuttier than usual.” How many dollars did the old man get as a gratuity?


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