Issue 5

Page 15

(Next question was to Yuki, from facebook fan/friend Scott Abitante but she couldn’t come to the interview due to studies and exams. Kaila offered to play the role of Yuki and to answer the question for her) Scott- Yuki what time can I expect you at my place? (Everyone begins to laugh histerically) Kaila-(puts her hands over her mouth and repeats I’m scared! I’m scared!) Jamie-that is such a good one, that is perfect, that’s what she would say. Katt- She’s so innocent, she’s the innocent one of the group. Talk a little about her since she’s not here. What would you describe her as? Kaila- She’s our newest member and she really just jumped in full force. She’s a natural on stage. The first show we put her on was opening for this really big Korean band called “Aziatix.” It was full of these crazy Asian fans and we’re all rock, we came out and they were like WHATS GOING ON!? And then they got into it. She was just a natural. Kiki-She’s awesome, she’s really shy, probably the innocent one from the group. Jamie-She’s really sweet though, she’s the type of person that bakes you cupcakes for your birthday, she’s really sweet. (Everyone laughs and nods). How did you all meet? Kaila-Me and Katt (pauses begins to remember and starts to laugh) were unwittingly dating the same guy. We had no idea, and we hated each other for a long time. He was playing it off like he was innocent and it was our fault. We almost came to blows and almost fought, but then later after ending things with him we realized that it wasn’t our fault. It was him that was skimming at everything. We clicked after that. And then we actually hired her to model our jewelry line for a photoshoot (Laughs and points at Kiki). Then I was reading her Model Mayhem profile and it said, “I’ve been playing guitar since like I was 5 or something. It turned out she had crazy skills! Kiki-So I am a fantastic facebook stalker and we were trying to find a new girl drummer for our band. My boyfriend at the time was playing a show and I looked at the line up and saw (imitates a label/flyer paper with hands) drummer Jamie Scoles, and I was like this doesn’t sound Asian or anything. So I looked her up and sure enough she was this little drummer, this tiny little drummer just tearing it up! And I was like Oh My Gosh, so we went and scouted her out, all nervous, and she was this little girl and I didn’t know how I was suppose to talk to her. Finally we went up to her and brought her over, then she became a part of our fam (Jamie shyly smiles). What started you on Drums? Jamie- My sister wanted to play guitar, she liked to switch around a lot. She then wanted to play the drums, so she started to play the drums, and I was like “oh hey that’s cool too!” So I played and she stopped, and I fell in love with it, so I kept going with it since I was 10. Give us a little heads up on what you’re going to do, on upcoming months or what you’re going to bring to the table this 2012?

Kaila-We have a bunch of K-Pop covers, there’s another one coming out next week that we are really excited about. Our EP is in the process of being recorded it should be done when this article is released. We all wrote so we are very excited about that.

Who are your biggest influences? Kaila- we have a wide variety of influences, which kind of establishes our sound. My favorite band in the world is Muse, but my favorite performer and artist is Lady Gaga. Kiki- I listen to some crazy music, crazy death metal, dubstep, so I guess I am a little detached from that sense, I add that darker edge to the music. Katt-( speaks in a shy voice) I like rappers, I like a lot of dirty rap, and they’re like “what the hec are you listening to!?” I really love Nicki Minaj, Lil Kim, female rappers are a big influence. Jamie- Blink-182 has always been my favorite band, but I listen to almost everything. From Lady Gaga to death metal, and dubstep, hip-hop, and I also like Indie a lot. I’m all over the map. How has music changed your lives? Kaila- There’s nothing like being on stage, it’s like nothing is better than sex, but it’s as good as, but totally different. So I think we all agree that we live for performing. Katt- It’s like a high, it’s just so fun like when

you’re up there and you get to express yourself musically and people are watching, you become another person at that moment and it’s exhilarating. Any big tours that you would like to go to like other states or countries? Kaila- International… Yeah Japan Kiki- I just want to go to a Jager tour (Begins to motion with her hands like it’s party time! Everyone begins to crack up). I really do, but yeah international….Jager tour. Jamie- Yeah see, I’m not old enough yet, so I’d probably be good with a Monster tour. That’s what keeps me up. Anything you want to say to your readers, viewers, fans, all those who are supporting you? Kaila- Just thank you so much, it’s really because of all our supporters that we get to do everything that we do. For the complete video with shout outs and goofyness please check out the video by scanning this tag, or visiting our youtube channel at user/Rocknrollindustries.

By: Angelica Ulloa

Rock N Roll Industries Magazine 15

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