Natural Awakenings of Rochester January 2016

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2016 Directory Natural Living

Rochester, NY Edition

natural awakenings

January 2016



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natural awakenings

January 2016


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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

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by Dennis Merritt Jones

8 EATING ECOLOGY Daily Decisions Make a Difference


by Judith Fertig

10 IT’S EASY TO BE GREEN At Home and On the Road by Avery Mack



New Paradigm Gets to the Root Cause of Disease by Lisa Marshall




Simple Ways to Boost a Child’s Long-Term Health by Lisa Turner


Natural Care for a Sick Pet by Dr. Shawn Messonnier



Try These Tips for Better Workouts


natural awakenings

January 2016



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Key Signs We’re Approaching a Defining Moment by Dennis Merritt Jones


ur authentic self is constantly trying to get our attention so it may be more fully expressed. When we set our intention to genuinely evolve, we naturally begin to pay attention and see how redefining moments appear as needed. They are drawn to us sequentially to support us in the process of staying the course on our pilgrimage, each one a perfectly aligned portal in space and time, opening and closing, creating whatever experience is required to guide us to heightened awareness of our authentic self. While the possible circumstances that preclude such a moment are limitless, there are key signals to watch for. When they pop up, it helps immensely to stay engaged in the moment, rather than zipping past them on to another distraction. Rather, consider ways in which this might prove to be a pivotal point forward in our life journey. n Moments that challenge our ego and moments that our ego challenges us n Unexpected events n Times of significant loss n First-time experiences n Discontentment n Disappointment n Experiencing someone or something that instantly inspires us to grow n Birth of a loved one n Death of a loved one Personal growth and evolution can be motivated by either inspiration

or desperation. Both may prompt us to ask big questions of ourselves and the universe that cause us to dig deep. The deeper we dig, the closer we come to merging with our truest self. We know the answers to such questions are correct because they will lead to actions that honor life—like harming no one, including ourself— and affirm the presence of a prevailing power for good that lies within; a power that guides, protects and sustains us. Satisfying answers seek only the highest and best of us and bless all. They connect our mind, heart and soul, moving us forward on the path of wholeness as a fulfilled and joyfully self-expressed person. When we are impelled to ask an important question of our self and the universe, don’t rush the process and are willing to embrace the answer we receive, it pushes a reset button as to what defines us. It brings us an enhanced sense of authentic wholeness. The lesson is that when redefining moments appear, we must be open and prepared to go where we had no plans of going—because that’s where our bliss awaits us. Dennis Merritt Jones, D.D., is the author of Your (Re)Defining Moments, the source of this essay. He has contributed to the human potential movement and field of spirituality as a minister, teacher, coach and lecturer for 30 years. Learn more at natural awakenings

January 2016



Eating Ecology Daily Decisions Make a Difference by Judith Fertig


onsuming food has such an enormous ripple effect that making small changes, one meal at a time, can reap big benefits. How we choose, prepare, cook, serve and preserve our food can improve nutrition, weight loss, cost savings and the environment.

Decide What to Eat

Choosing what we eat is critical. New York Times food columnist Mark Bittman believes that no food is absolutely off limits because, “It’s all in the way we use these things.” Yet, he adds, “The evidence is clear. Plants promote health.” For the past few years, Bittman has experimented with eating vegan for breakfast and lunch, and then indulging at dinner. “It’s just one model of a new way of eating,” he says, “but it makes sense on many levels. By eating more plants, fewer animals and less processed food, I’ve lost 30 pounds and my cholesterol and blood sugar levels are normal again.” When a friend sent him a 21stcentury United Nations study on how intensive livestock production causes more greenhouse gas emissions than 8

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driving a car, Bittman realized how a change of diet is a win-win for him and the environment. For a wake-up call on how our food choices affect the planet, the Center for Science in the Public Interest offers a short quiz at EatingGreenCalculator.

Identify Good Sources “One of the most ecologically conscious things you can do to make a great meal is prepare it with food that you grew yourself,” says New Yorkbased lifestyle writer Jen Laskey, who blogs at “Plant a small vegetable garden and a few fruit trees in your yard or join a local community garden. Even sprouting an herb garden on a windowsill will make a difference; plus, everyone in your household will appreciate the choice in fresh seasonings.” Kansas City Star journalist Cindy Hoedel suggests planting parsley, basil, dill and other herbs every three to six weeks in eggshells in a sunny window after the outdoor growing season for a year-round tasty harvest. When shopping, renowned activist, author and eco-stylist Danny Seo, of

“Double recipes to maximize your time and the fuel used to cook, bake or grill. Then, think like a restaurant chef and use what you have in creative ways.” ~ Kim O’Donnel, author, The Meat Lover’s Meatless Celebrations: Year-Round Vegetarian Feasts Bucks County, Pennsylvania, suggests bringing along reusable shopping bags and choosing local foods when possible, plus sustainable seafood and free trade, organic and hormone-free foods. The Socially Responsible Agricultural Project offers more eco-shopping tips, such as carpooling grocery trips and avoiding products with more than five ingredients, at Tinyurl. com/ShopHealthier.

Prepare and Serve Righteously “On average, each person throws about $600 worth of food into the trash every year because of spoilage,” says Seo. Instead of rinsing food before storing, which causes more spoilage, he recommends cleaning it right before meal preparation. Buying what’s in season (and thus less expensive) makes sense, advises Hoedel. “When you find fresh produce on sale, buy it in large quantities and boil it (one to five minutes, depending on how long the regular cooking time is), and then freeze it in glass containers. This saves money and plastic packaging waste.” Hoedel also likes to store lemon wedges, chopped onions and other leftovers in small glass jars instead of plastic bags. Seo suggests using real dinnerware, glasses and utensils instead of disposable products. For a touch of elegance, take the advice of travel expert Kathy Denis, of Leawood, Kansas. “Adopt the traditional French practice of using—and reusing—a cloth napkin all week, or until it is too soiled to use,” she recommends. “Family members like to have a personal napkin ring. Each napkin gets shaken out and then rolled up in the ring for use at another meal.” “Saving leftovers in the freezer helps keep it full (which helps it run more efficiently) and ensures future meals that require minimal energy to prepare,” advises Seo. Hoedel’s zero-waste tips, shared via Twitter, include making and freezing lots of end-of-season pasta sauce with tomatoes, peppers and basil. Food can also be canned or pickled. Seattle cookbook author Kim O’Donnel, who founded Canning Across America and is known for her meatless recipes, says, “My only regret about canning is that I waited so long. Learning how to extend the season of my favorite fruits and vegetables in a jar is one of the most gratifying and useful skills I’ve acquired as an adult.” As green eating habits add up, Bittman says he enjoys… “a bit of self-satisfaction knowing that, by an infinitesimal amount, I’m reducing the pace of global warming. And I’m saving money by buying more ‘real’ food and less meat and packaged junk.” Award-winning cookbook author Judith Fertig blogs at natural awakenings

January 2016



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It’s Easy to Be Green At Home and On the Road


by Avery Mack


“ In a universe

made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one. ~Bruce Lipton

iving green means living well, using what you create with minimal waste,” says Mike Bond, an ecologist and bestselling activist author in Winthrop, Maine. Here, he and other savvy sources share tips to go ever greener in ways that are painless and affordable.

Start Small 4 Choose the best bulb for the job. Light bulbs can confuse even informed shoppers. Incandescent bulbs last more than 750 hours, but aren’t energy-efficient. Fluorescent bulbs use 75 percent less energy than incandescent and last 10 to 15 times longer. A 20-watt compact fluorescent light (CFL) uses 550 fewer kilowatt-hours than a 75-watt incandescent bulb. For additional information, check InfoLightBulbs. For a free app showing the best buy, visit 4 Use appliance thermometers. Widely available, this useful tool will confirm a correct operating temperature of 37 to 40 degrees in the refrigerator and zero degrees in the freezer. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a warmer fridge allows bacteria to grow, while 10 degrees cooler than


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the ideal range increases energy use 25 percent. Chiller units work harder if the room temperature exceeds 70 degrees, so keep appliances out of direct sunlight and away from the stove. 4 Find the right seeds and plants. Then get quick advice on how many to buy and how and when to plant using the step-by-step app. It encompasses more than 3,000 organic, GMO-free, edible varieties. 4 No dishpan hands. A full load of dishes in a water-efficient dishwasher uses four gallons of water versus 24 gallons for handwashing them, according to Seametrics, which manufactures flow meters. 4 Test the toilet. If a few drops of food coloring added to the toilet tank colors water in the bowl, replace the flap. It’s an easy and inexpensive DIY task. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that one in 10 homes leaks a cumulative 90 gallons a day. 4 Fix the faucet. One drip per second equals 3,000 gallons a year wasted, Seametrics calculates. 4 Reset the hot water heater to 120 degrees. This safe and efficient setting also reduces corrosion and mineral buildup.

4 Discover soap nuts and wool dryer balls. Dried soapberry fruit shells contain saponin, which works like most detergents and soaps. Toss five or six whole shells (one-half ounce) in a wash bag with the laundry. They’re good for five to eight reuses. All-natural sheep’s wool dryer balls shorten drying time, soften and fluff fabric, reduce static and help keep pet hair off of clothes. 4 Change the car’s air filter. Maintain a clean filter according to manufacturer’s guidelines and visual inspection, about every 30,000 to 45,000 miles. 4 Use an oil-change service. In Connecticut alone, do-it-yourselfers change 9.5 million gallons of motor oil a year, and 85 percent of it ends up in sewers, soil and trash as a major groundwater pollutant. Earth Talk reports that one quart can create a two-acre oil slick; a gallon can contaminate a million gallons of fresh water. While the more costly chemicals in synthetic oil create the same amount of pollution as traditional oil, it doesn’t need to be changed as often. 4 Carpool. The Green Living Ideas media network condones Uber, Lyft and Sidecar apps for making ridesharing ultra-accessible.

Go Greener 4 Replace old appliances with energyefficient models. Check out a unit’s Energy Star rating. Consider a tankless heater for hot water on demand, rather than 24/7 heating. 4 Choose eco-tires. Low rolling resistance improves gas mileage and reduces emissions. Keep tires properly inflated and periodically rotated for

longer wear. Watch for future innovations in sustainable materials currently in research and development. 4 Ban idling. Don’t idle an electronic fuel-injected engine for more than 30 seconds when parked in cold weather; it warms up faster by being driven, explains the U.S. Department of Energy. Fuel injection engines took over in the 1980s and early 90s. Only older carburetors need a couple of minutes’ warm-up. The Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory further advises, “Idling for more than 10 seconds uses more fuel and emits more CO2 than engine restarting.” 4 Ask for pet- and eco-friendly antifreeze. Choose less toxic red-orange propylene glycol antifreeze instead of green ethylene glycol antifreeze, which is poisonous to pets and people. Dispose of both types properly, as they are toxic to wildlife and fish via groundwater, as well. 4 Green-clean car windows. Choose a brand like EvergreeN Windshield Washer Fluid, which is plant-derived, eco-friendly, non-toxic and biodegradable. Traditional blue fluid is methanol, combined methyl alcohol and wood alcohol, and extremely poisonous, especially to children and pets.

Go Big 4 Switch to a heat pump. “A heat pump works the reverse of a refrigerator; it takes cold air from the outside and turns it into warm air inside, and uses no oil or gas,” explains Bond. 4 Go solar. It’s the eco-alternative to conventional electricity generation. “Solar means that you’re creating your

own power,” says Bond, who has used solar for years. “It works on an elegant cycle—create energy, use energy.” Leased solar panels reduce the cost of equipment, which has dropped dramatically in recent years. 4 Get a hybrid car. In combination with solar power, a hybrid vehicle can reduce or eliminate daily energy costs. “An electric car is perfect when commutes are not long,” Bond discloses. “If charged in the day, it can serve as the battery for a solar home at night, when no power is being created.” Connect with freelance writer via

Go-Green Apps Here are three apps we suggest among the many available. n Green You is a free app. It calculates our eco-friendliness and suggests steps toward a deeper shade of green. greenyou n Recycle offers a free national database of 100,000 recycling and disposal locations for 200 products. Specify the item and find local options with contact information. eco-tech/irecycle-now-on-android n eEcosphere helps users discover, adopt and share the best sustainable living ideas and makes it easy to share specific actions and ideas with friends via social media.

natural awakenings

January 2016


than she has in decades. “I spent a lot of years and money in the traditional medical system and got nothing,” says Mills. With functional medicine, “In a very short time, they had me feeling nearly 100 percent.”

Distinctive Characteristics

The Rise of Functional Medicine New Paradigm Gets to the Root Cause of Disease by Lisa Marshall


y the end of 2014, Trina Mills, of Parker, Arizona, had given up on conventional medicine. She’d been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder 17 years earlier and taken medication ever since without feeling her symptoms of fatigue, muscle aches and stomach problems ever fully subside. She’d visited endocrinologists, gastroenterologists and a half-dozen other specialists, each of which offered a different diagnosis and prescribed a different drug. At one point, she had her gallbladder removed. At another, her doctor suspected she had bleeding in her brain and sent her for a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan. Some thought she was a hypochondriac; others said she was depressed. “I would tell them, ‘I’m just depressed


Rochester, NY

that you can’t figure out why I’m so sick,’” she says. Weighing a skeletal 82 pounds, the 54-year-old mother of three finally wrote out a living will and braced for the inevitable. Then she heard of a new Center for Functional Medicine opening at the prestigious, century-old Cleveland Clinic. As the first clinic of its kind to open at an academic medical center, it promised to look at the underlying causes of disease, while focusing on the whole person, rather than isolated symptoms. Intrigued, Mills caught a flight to Ohio and soon was offering up 30 tubes of blood, stool and saliva samples, as well as an exhaustive life history. One year later, thanks to a series of personalized diet and lifestyle changes, she’s 10 pounds heavier and feels better

In the 25 years since nutritional biochemist Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., of Gig Harbor, Washington, coined the term, this science-based, whole-body approach to addressing chronic disease has gained widespread traction. More than 100,000 physicians—60 percent of them medical doctors—have trained with the Institute for Functional Medicine he founded in Washington and New Mexico, and numerous medical schools have added its tenets to their curricula. More naturopaths and chiropractors are also distinguishing themselves with a functional medicine emphasis. “It is not alternative medicine at all,” stresses Bland, whose latest book, The Disease Delusion, details how functional medicine can curb chronic diseases like arthritis, diabetes, dementia, and heart disease, which constitute 78 percent of U.S. health care costs. “It’s the basis of 21st-century health care,” he says. For most of the 20th century, conventional medicine centered on a singular objective: Arrive at a diagnosis and treat it with drugs or surgery. Then, the alternative medicine movement proffered a toolbox of more natural therapies, including acupuncture, herbs and massage to address these same diagnoses. The 1990s brought integrative medicine, a best-of-bothworlds approach. “While all of the above have merit, they lack the necessary guidance to help practitioners determine which tools work best for which patient,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, director of the Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine. “Alternative therapies and conventional treatments are tools. We need a new map that can teach us how to skillfully use those tools,” maintains Hyman. “That map is functional medicine.” Because one chronic disease such as diabetes can have dozens of underlying causes, or one culprit such as a genetic predisposition or exposure to

toxins can lead to multiple chronic conditions, functional medicine focuses on systems, rather than organs, and origins, rather than diseases. “It’s about listening to the patient’s story in a different way, where the objective is not simply about arriving at a diagnosis,” explains Bland.

Ferreting Out Key Clues

Key to discovering the underlying origins of a health issue are a host of new gene, blood and gut health tests. “They allow us to look under the patient’s ‘metabolic hood’ at the genetic and biochemical factors influencing health,” says Naturopathic Doctor Kara Fitzgerald, who heads up a functional medicine clinic in Newtown, Connecticut. For instance, certain genes influence how a person burns and stores fat. Depending on which variant a patient has, based on a genetic test, they might be guided toward a higher- or lower-fat diet. Those genetically prone to difficulty in metabolizing the amino acid homocysteine (an excess of which can raise the risk of heart disease) might be advised to take folic acid supplements. If a patient displays intractable gut problems, rather than simply look for blood or pathogens in the stool, Fitzgerald also looks at the DNA of their gut microbiome, mapping out which strains of good bacteria are present or absent and prescribing prebiotics, probiotics or whole foods to promote a healthful balance. For another patient with thinning hair and aching joints, she might use specialized blood tests to look for micronutrient deficiencies, signs of allergies or certain autoantibodies—proteins produced by the immune system that mistakenly attack one’s own tissues— that might herald a brewing autoimmune disorder. “Research shows that predictive autoantibodies can show up in the blood 10 or even 20 years before an autoimmune disease such as Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis makes itself known,” says Fitzgerald, pointing to a seminal review published in 2007 in Scientific American: “If a patient with mild, early-stage symptoms is proactive with diet and lifestyle changes, they may be able to fend it off.” High-tech tests aside, Bland stresses that what’s most important is “a tool that

has been largely lost in medicine today: Knowing how to listen to the patient.” In a typical exam, Fitzgerald thoroughly inspects often neglected body parts, including the tongue and fingernails, which can hold important clues to underlying health. She asks about past emotional trauma which might trigger chronic disease, and inquires about what environmental toxins and harmful chemicals both the patient and their birth parents may have been exposed to. One example might be a

patient exposed to cigarette smoking in utero having a bias toward an allergic disease. If their parents grew up in a period of famine, they might have inherited a genetic disposition for rapid weight gain. “She spent two-and-a-half hours with me,” in her initial consultation, recalls 52-year-old Lauren Zambrelli, of Long Island, New York, who credits Fitzgerald for helping her tame her multiple sclerosis into remission. “It was like having a sister for a doctor.”

natural awakenings

January 2016


Who Pays

Functional medicine doctors don’t shy away from prescription drugs when necessary, but they do lean decidedly toward the lower-tech modalities, using dietary supplements, allergen-free diets, exercise, mind-body practices and toxin avoidance as their primary tools. “We basically take out the bad stuff from the body and put in the good stuff,” says Hyman. Maintaining good health is priceless, but without conventional insurance coverage, it can be expensive. While Mills’ doctor visits were covered by insurance (which is rare), she spends roughly $1,000 a month on supplements to address her diagnosed leaky gut syndrome, nutrient deficiencies and mercury poisoning. Zambrelli has paid thousands out of her own pocket, too. Some people worry that, like most conventional physicians, some functional medicine practitioners place too much emphasis on expensive tests and too little on the most crucial and affordable remedy—self-care. “Functional medicine as a concept is an important step forward,” says integrative medicine pioneer Dr. James


Rochester, NY

Gordon, founder of the Center for MindBody Medicine, in Washington, D.C., and San Francisco. “However, some practitioners do a lot of tests and prescribe a lot of supplements and work on cleaning out the gut, but neglect the psychological, spiritual and social issues. That concerns me.” Bland and Hyman concede that

Learn More Online Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine FunctionalMedicine Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s blog Functional Forum Dr. Mark Hyman’s blog Institute for Functional Medicine

some practitioners over-test, but say that will fade over time as they learn to better discriminate which ones are useful for specific patients. Several efforts also are underway to get more functional medicine providers and the acupuncturists, massage therapists and nutritionists they work with covered under the Affordable Care Act, which expressly emphasizes a need for more preventive medicine. Viewing the big picture, Bland believes that functional medicine is just what the country needs to save on exploding healthcare costs. Rather than spending dollars on extraordinary measures to save heart attack victims or diabetics in emergencies, we can prevent such dire situations by identifying underlying problems sooner and halting their progression. In the meantime, some patients are finding priceless relief. “Am I poorer right now? Yes,” says Mills. “Am I healthier? Way. It’s been so worth it.” Lisa Marshall is a freelance health writer in Boulder, CO, who specializes in health care. Connect at LisaAnn

DIY Testing W

hile most practitioners recommend that patients consult with a physician to interpret their test results, several companies offer gene, blood and microbiome lab testing directly to consumers. Here are a few options to consider. uBiome, Inc. ( Send in swab samples from gut, mouth, nose, genitals and/or skin and the company will genetically sequence the DNA of resident bacteria and send findings back within six weeks, identifying good and bad varieties present, deficiencies, and how that personal microbiome compares to others with similar lifestyles, such as smokers, vegans, meat-eaters, etc. It’s also possible to test a client’s microbiome over time to see if dietary changes implemented to change gut health are working. WellnessFX ( Visit an affiliated diagnostic lab to submit blood samples with results posted within a week on a secure website. Different packages targeting weight loss, sports performance, heart health or women’s health issues look at different biomarkers in the blood, such as levels of certain micronutrients, hormones or signs of inflammation. Clients can request an online consultation with a doctor or dietitian to interpret the results. Pathway Genomics (Pathway. com): The company’s DNA Insight Genetic Health and Wellness Tests use genetic material taken from saliva to analyze genetic markers. Ordered via a licensed practitioner, online or through a smartphone app, clients receive a kit, send in a sample and get results within three weeks. The Pathway Fit tests snapshot 75 genetic markers related to metabolism and sports performance. Others look for genes that influence nutrient absorption, heart health or hormonal function. natural awakenings

January 2016



Pinpoint Allergies

Super-Immunity for KIDS Simple Ways to Boost a Child’s Long-Term Health

Shore Up with Supplements

by Lisa Turner

We’d love it if our kids had fewer sick days away from school, but what if by bolstering their immune systems now, we could also protect them from serious diseases going forward?


uring childhood, when the immune system is still developing, there’s a great opportunity to set the stage for improved health and resilience,” says Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a family physician and nutritional researcher in Flemington, New Jersey, and author of Disease-Proof Your Child. “A healthy diet and lifestyle can help kids avoid common childhood illnesses like colds, ear infections and allergies, as well as ensure greater resilience against disease later in life.”

Focus on HighQuality Foods

Fruits and veggies have a wealth of protective phytochemicals that enhance immune cell function and protect against disease. In a study published in


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Food allergies and sensitivities can suppress the immune system by increasing inflammation in the body and call for consultation with a health specialist. “Whenever there is extra inflammation, the body has less available energy to keep the immune system functioning as well as it should,” says Dr. Fred Pescatore, a New York author of The Allergy & Asthma Cure. “It’s like putting the wrong type of gasoline in the car; it hinders your performance.”

the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, kids that ate the most fruit had a 38 percent lower risk of cancer later in life. Berries, cherries, plums and pomegranates are among the most powerful immune-boosting fruits. For veggies, eat more dark leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. Also emphasize whole grains and healthy fats such as those found in nuts, seeds and avocado, advises Fuhrman. Sugar-laden calories depress the infection-fighting activity of white blood cells, says Dr. Alan R. Gaby, of Concord, New Hampshire, author of the textbook, Nutritional Medicine. Even natural sweeteners such as honey and juice have similar effects when consumed in excess, he says. Try healthy options like pomegranate and kiwi fruit salad; trail mix with raw almonds; dried cranberries and air-popped popcorn; and hummus with red pepper strips and baby carrots for dipping.

Probiotics can enhance immune function in children by stimulating white blood cells and reducing inflammation, says Gary B. Huffnagle, Ph.D., a University of Michigan Medical School immunology research professor and author of The Probiotics Revolution. They are especially protective against allergies, diarrhea and respiratory tract infection. Start with yogurt: Serve with cereal; mix with mashed bananas and freeze in ice cube trays for a cool treat; or make smoothies with unsweetened, non-dairy yogurt and frozen berries. Or consider a Lactobacillus acidophilus supplement; aim for 5 billion CFUs per day of Lactobacillus or bifidobacterium. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), an ayurvedic herb, boosts immunity by supporting and balancing adrenal function, says Dr. John Douillard, Ph.D., a Boulder, Colorado, chiropractor, ayurvedic physician and author of Perfect Health for Kids. The adrenal glands produce cortisol, and overproduction of this “fight-or-flight” hormone can dampen immunity. Ashwagandha is particularly helpful for preventing colds and can also be used when kids are stressed or tired. For children ages 6 to 12, give 500 milligrams per day with breakfast; children over 12 can take 1,000 mg a day.

Stabilize Hormonal Changes

“Puberty and adolescence are marked by dramatic shifts in and surges of hormones,” says Dr. Richard Shames, of Sebastopol, California, co-author of Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled? “This is monumental, as far as the developing immune system is concerned. As the immune system is directly linked to hormonal in-

Tell kids they’ll get sick, and chances are it’ll happen. Instead, nurture an attitude of wellness and help them learn they have control over their own health. fluences, any hormonal imbalance will affect overall immunity.” Shames recommends selenium—a potent antioxidant and general immune booster—to help balance hormones. For children ages 8 to 18, aim for 100 mg per day.

With the new day comes

new strength and new thoughts. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Let ’em Get Dirty

“Once a child has been exposed to dirt and germs, the immune system responds by trying to expel those bacteria from the body, which strengthens immunity,” counsels Jane Sheppard, owner of and founding executive director of the Holistic Pediatric Association. Avoid antibacterial soaps, cleansers and gels; most contain the chemical triclosan, which some researchers suspect of contributing to development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Instead, use a natural antibacterial gel or make one, by combining witch hazel or alcohol, tea tree oil and lavender essential oil.

Stay in the Sun

“The sun is our primary source of vitamin D, which has broad effects on the immune system,” Fuhrman says. “Depending on your skin tone and the local climate, about 15 minutes of full sun exposure a day will lead to natural production of sufficient amounts of vitamin D.” If kids have dark skin or live in a cloudy region, they may need vitamin D supplements—at least 200 IU per day.

Laugh Out Loud

“You can give your kids the best food and nutrition, but if they have underlying sadness, their immune system will suffer,” remarks Sheppard. “When you’re happy and when you laugh, your brain releases chemicals that increase immunity.” Lisa Turner is a Colorado-based health writer. natural awakenings

January 2016



Holistic is Best Natural Care for a Sick Pet by Dr. Shawn Messonnier


he best course of action for any pet that appears to be sick is to see a holistic vet early, before a disease can progress or before the pet has been made even more ill by improper conventional treatment.

Downsides of Conventional Treatment

Many sick pets brought to a holistic vet’s office may not have been formally diagnosed, even if they’ve been receiving medical treatment by a conventional doctor for weeks or months. In most cases, the standard blanket prescriptions of antibiotics and corticosteroids—regardless of the cause of illness—have failed to produce positive results. Worse, such drugs carry side effects that can make the pet even sicker; indiscriminate use of antibiotics, for example, has led to antibiotic resistance in bacteria, making it harder to treat serious infections when antibiotics are the only viable treatment option. So by the time the holistic doctor sees them, the condition of these pets may have worsened. The good news is that with precise diagnosis of the underlying issues, most sickly pets can be treated with good success. Because a holistic approach to

healthcare relies on individual factors, the exact treatment will vary according to the patient and situation. A cookiecutter treatment will not be very helpful.

Holistic Nutrition Therapy Helps

Owners can take several steps to provide relief for a suffering pet right away while awaiting the results of proper diagnostic tests. In my practice, three vet-supervised nutrition therapies have been shown to be effective in stabilizing a sick pet for the 24 to 48 hours needed to return test results before the appropriate treatment can be initiated. Ask the attending veterinarian for other safe, comforting measures he or she likes to recommend. First, most sick pets benefit from receiving fluid therapy (intravenous or subcutaneous) in a veterinary hospital. The fluids rehydrate and help detoxify the pet by causing increased urination that flushes out cellular toxins. Second, injectable vitamins C and B complex added to the fluids often have a temporary pick-me-up effect, reducing lethargy and improving appetite. Third, using supplements selected to restore homeostasis also helps make the pet feel better and encourages healthy eating. I like to use a natural immunity support I developed called Healthy

Chi, which contains amino acids, potassium, green tea, ginseng, gotu kola and the herb astragalus. Homeopathic combinations also can be useful; I’ve developed a natural remedy combining gallium, colchicum, hydrastis, anthraquinone and glyoxal.

Case Studies Exemplify Success

Two recent cases illustrate the benefit of an informed holistic approach. Gus, a 7-year-old male standard poodle, had a history of inflammatory bowel disease and gastrointestinal cancer. He did well immediately following cancer surgery, but then became lethargic and showed a disinterest in food. So, we conducted a fecal analysis and complete blood profile. While awaiting test results, I prescribed the recommended nutrition therapies, along with a special diet. The next morning, the owner reported that Gus was feeling and acting much better, including showing more interest in eating. His owner was pleased with this rapid response and relieved to avoid unnecessary medication. A young Persian cat arrived in our office with a chronic herpes virus infection. Percy’s owner made an appointment because the feline had a congested nose and wasn’t eating as much as normal. Natural treatment for the herpes virus began with the amino acid lysine and the herb echinacea, both also helpful in preventing cold and flu. Supportive care for the general malaise and lack of appetite relied on the same recommended nutrition therapies and again resulted in overnight improvements in the pet’s attitude and appetite; the nasal congestion left during the following week. While antibiotics and corticosteroids can be helpful in properly diagnosed cases, using natural therapies can provide quick relief without the harmful side effects often seen from the use of conventional medications. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. Visit


Rochester, NY



largely responsible for the yoga buzz that helps keep students coming back for more.

Strength Training

Try These Tips for Better Workouts


t’s easy to take breathing for granted. But tune in to your breath—when, say, halfway through a sun salutation or headed for a finish line—and you’ll find that it not only feeds muscles fresh oxygen, but also indicates whether it’s time to increase the intensity of the activity. To get the most out of every breath, follow these exercise tips from acknowledged experts.

Running With closed lips, breathe in sharply and deeply through the nose. Then purse the lips as if trying to blow out a candle and exhale through the mouth. While running, breathe in for one step and out for two. “The rapid inhale and slower exhale in this technique fills lungs from the bottom,” explains Danny Dreyer, author of ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running. “Breathing exercises help take in

more air when inhaling and empty lungs completely when exhaling. Muscles receive more glycogen, which lowers the chances of their cramping up.”

Yoga Use the Hindu breathing method called ujjayi, in which the lungs are fully expanded. First, inhale once with the mouth open, and then exhale the same way, making a “Ha,” sound. Then close your mouth and continue making the same sound while inhaling and exhaling through the nose (it will resemble the rushing sound that Darth Vader makes in Star Wars movies). “Your breathing is the barometer of all your poses,” says Elena Brower, founder and co-owner of Virayoga, in New York City. If you’re gasping for air, back out of the pose. “Always give preference to deeper breathing over deeper postures,” advises Brower. This controlled breathing technique is

Exhale through the mouth when lifting weights and inhale through the nose when lowering them. As a rule of thumb, take two seconds to raise weights and three to four seconds to lower them. “Focusing on your breath keeps your brain in the game, so you’re more likely to pay attention to overall form,” says Tom Holland, an exercise physiologist, personal trainer and fitness consultant in Darien, Connecticut.

Cycling “The key to breathing on a bike is to go in through the nose and out through the mouth, and to be as relaxed as possible,” Holland counsels. As intensity increases on climbs or long rides, breathe more forcefully— deeper, quicker inhalations through the nose and rapid exhalations through the mouth. “The more relaxed your breathing is, the more relaxed your entire body will be,” says Holland. “Relaxed breathing conserves energy, prevents fatigue and improves endurance.” Using forceful breaths when you’re tired also sends more energizing oxygen to muscles to help counter fatigue. Source: Women’s Health online © 2012 Rodale Inc. All rights reserved; used with permission.

natural awakenings

January 2016



Pamper Your Skin With Natural The Awakenings Best Nature Has To Offer Advanced Healing Skin Cream


Satisfied Customer


Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream is a wonderful product. The skin cream goes on smooth and absorbs into the skin quickly - it is not “greasy”. I have been plagued with dry skin around my ears, belly button and scalp for over 20 years and this product

has healed those areas in just 3 days of use. The Manuka Honey that is in this product, I was told repairs damaged skin - now I am a believer!!! I continue to use this skin cream to keep my skin soft. I have to mention the product has a wonderful aroma, like peppermint, and when applying the cream one can feel a slight warming sensation and I know it is working into the pores to do it’s work! Glad I tried this product! ~ Jim

The cold, damp winter days are upon us. Don’t let chapped or dry, flaky skin get in the way of your daily life. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream, a soothing therapeutic balm made with exclusive Manuka Honey from New Zealand, is the ultimate skin moisturizer for everyone in your family. Order one for the office, too!

Restore Your Skin to Natural Youthful Beauty You’ll love Natural Awakenings’ therapeutic cream’s clean, fresh botanical fragrance. Discover what our amazing skin cream can do: • Provides Ultra-Hydration of Skin • Enhances Anti-Aging and Skin Renewal • Soothes Dry, Itchy, Cracked Skin • Relieves Most Burns Including Sunburn • Comforts Wounds and Sores MANUKA HONEY is produced by bees that pollinate New Zealand’s Manuka bush. Advocates tout its antibacterial properties.

Therapeutic Qualities

Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream combines botanicals and a unique blend of essential oils for a deep moisturizing therapy. It soothes and relieves dry, itchy or cracked skin quickly while restoring moisture and provides ultra-hydration protection and soothing comfort to wounds, sores, cuts and burns. Manuka Honey also relieves the pain and itch of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Besides its potent antibacterial properties, honey is also naturally extremely acidic, and that will eliminate organisms that decides to grow there.

Our Skin Cream Contains: Essential Oil of Rosehip Peppermint Nutmeg, Clove Black Pepper Lavender

Manuka Honey

Oat Flour Aloe Vera Flower Essence of Self-Heal Oak Sunflower Pine Vervain There are no parabens, dyes or fragrances, and no animal products or testing.

Hydration is a Must

The skin has a water content of 10 percent to 30 percent, which gives it a soft, smooth and flexible texture. The water comes from the atmosphere, the underlying layers of skin and perspiration. Oil produced by skin glands and fatty substances produced by skin cells act as natural moisturizers, allowing the surface to seal in water. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream, applied after a shower or bath as daily maintenance, will improve the appearance of skin and heal unwanted conditions. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream also combines pure botanicals and a unique blend of essential oils for a deep moisturizing therapy.

What Is Manuka Honey? 4-oz jar $21.99 • 8-oz jar $39.99 + ONLY $5 for shipping Order today, available only at or call: 888-822-0246

Like us on Facebook at Natural Awakenings Webstore


Rochester, NY

Manuka Honey is gathered in the wild back country of New Zealand from the native Manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). The bees don’t use the pollen from a variety of other flowers or plants, so the content of the honey is very consistent. A 2013 study in the European Journal of Medical Research used Active Manuka Honey under dressings on postoperative wounds for an 85 percent success rate in clearing up infections, compared with 50 percent for normal antibiotic creams.

Natural Living Directory


business profiles 22-38 natural directory 39-51 acupuncture and oriental medicine 39 acupressure 39 advertising/marketing 39 aromatherapy 39 bakery 39 birth resources 39 body work 40 breastfeeding products 40 business development 40 business opportunity 40 children’s fitness 40 childbirth preparation 40 children’s health and wellness 40 chiropractic 40 coaching 41 cold laser therapy 41 cold presssed juice 41 consulting 41 counseling 41 craniosacral therapy 41 custom wellness events 42 dentist 42 emotional freedom technique 42 energy healing 42 essential oils 42 family medicine 42

financial health and wellness 43 functional medicine 43 functional nutrition 43 health and wellness 44 health foods 44 holistic healing 44 holistic psychotherapy 44 homeopathy 44 hypnotherapy 45 integrated energy healing 45 integrative psychiatry 45 internal medicine 45 intuitive arts 45 life coaching 45 lymphatic drainage therapy 45 massage and wellness 45 massage therapy 46 mental health 46 mindbody 46 natural healing 46 natural skin care 46 mature education 46 naturopathic medicine 46 nutritional counseling 47 organic foods 47 organic salons 47 parenting 47

personal growth 47 personal training 47 pet resources 47 photographer 48 physical therapy 48 positive psychology 48 postural alignment 48 qigong 48 reiki 49 relationship marketing 49 retreats 49 rosen method 49 schools 49 social media 49 spa 49 spiritual center 49 spirituality 49 stress management 49 supplements 49 therapeutic massage 50 thermal imaging 50 trauma recovery 50 weight loss 50 weight management 50 wellness center 50 wellness products 50 women’s health 51 yoga 51

natural awakenings

January 2016


businessprofiles AdairForce LLC

Arbonne with Nevada Ott Category: Wellness Products

Category: Mindbody


laude Adair, of AdairForce LLC, provides oneon-one coaching and Brainwave Optimization services to people looking to maximize their own innate ability to self-heal and enhance their overall well-being. The only certified provider of Brainwave Optimization services in western New York, Adair helps people of all ages turn to the natural expertise of their own brain by letting it observe itself and selfadjust on its own terms. “We often generate our own stress and get out of balance because we’re holding on to core beliefs that are just not true,” says Adair. “My coaching style and the technology-assisted experience of Brainwave Optimization are both about helping you relax more fully into who you are.” This spring, the BRAINtellect 2, a new, wearable product for home use, will be available—broadening the scheduling options for full Brainwave Optimization engagements, and allowing for programs that combine full sessions with use of the headband at home. “As someone who has a passion for helping kids develop, I’d encourage all parents to consider the BRAINtellect unit (BRAINtellect 2) for their children,” says Adair. “If you are worried about the effects of soccer headers, repeated sub-concussive blows to the head from football or have lingering doubts about possible birth trauma, assist the healing process as much as you can with the BRAINtellect 2.” Standard coaching engagements are 12, one-hour, weekly sessions. Brainwave Optimization engagements are composed of between four and seven two-hour sessions during a one-week time frame. For more information, call 585-721-2131, email or visit

Alice’s Wonderland Category: Breastfeeding Products


rika Szustakowski, owner of Alice’s Wonderland, makes customized and practical maternity and nursing clothes for moms, as well as clothes for baby. Her goal is to make nursing in public functional, as well as stylish. She can customize everything from fit to fabrics to create the ideal garment for each client. “I started out as a first-time breastfeeding mom, and I was scared to death to have to feed my baby in front of anyone, including my own family,” explains Szustakowski. “I knew I would eventually have to do it in a public place, and the only thing I knew was a cover. We all know covering your baby to eat is not only impossible, but most of the time very distracting for baby.” Szustakowski wants new moms to know that nursing doesn’t have to be as shameful as many first-time mothers think. Her goal is to change the view about breastfeeding and make it a pleasurable experience for both mom and baby. For more information, call 585-698-5696, email or visit


Rochester, NY


rbonne is a highly regarded premium brand with a Swiss Heritage that takes a synergistic approach to wellness, based on the idea that what we put on our bodies matters as much as what we put in them. They combine the best of plants and science to offer over 400 toxin-free, effective products, including a baby line, a teen acne line, sensitive skin and anti-aging skin care, as well as cruelty-free cosmetics. Arbonne also offers vegan protein shakes that are soy-, dairyand gluten-free. “I’ve been doing the business for three years and love helping people become the healthiest versions of themselves,” says independent consultant Nevada Ott. “We have private Facebook groups that offer education, support, recipes and shopping lists as clients transform their health in our 28-day Clean Eating Challenge. Unlike other programs out there, we combine our products and healthy food for lasting results, whether looking to get healthier or lose weight.” Arbonne offers a preferred client program that offers rewards for each order. Unlike department stores or online ordering, Ott is able to build relationships with each of her clients and discuss their individual concerns, often meeting one-on-one to review which products are the best fit for an individual. For more information, call 585329-5751, email NevadaOtt@ or visit NevadaOtt.

businessprofiles Awakenings Categories: Energy Healing, Integrated Energy Healing, Personal Growth


wakenings focuses on emotional wellness and empowerment through the use of energy, balance, awareness and nutrition. Lori Palmer, owner of Awakenings, is a master-instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy and a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. “I understand what it’s like to be held back by emotional baggage—to think you’ve gotten over something, just to have it sneak up behind you and knock the wind out of you,” says Palmer. “Learning why I created the reality I did and how to change it successfully saved my life and allowed me to thrive.” Sharing this, she says, has become her purpose: to help others release the past, appreciate and love today and manifest their desired future. Awakenings offers Integrated Energy Therapy, which allows the body to release stored emotional baggage; Manifest Coaching, facilitating those trying to build the life of their dreams; and Transformational/Empowerment Programs, individualized and meant to help one become a healthy, balanced and empowered being. All of Palmer’s services are designed to help people connect to their most authentic self. The energy work and individualized personal growth programs provide a unique integrated approach to wellness for the entire mind, body and spirit. Location: 625 Ayrault Rd., Fairport. For more information, call 585-615-6427, email or visit

W ork like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching. ~Satchel Paige

natural awakenings

January 2016


businessprofiles Lisa Benesh – Next Level Life Coaching

Lindsay Cray, Earthworks Institute Inc.

Categories: Positive Psychology, Weight Management

Category: Nature Education


isa Benesh, owner of Next Level Life Coaching, offers a program to help people understand compulsive and emotional eating and to improve their relationships with their bodies and food. She says the bulk of her work is thought work, teaching clients to choose what to think—difficult to do in a culture that emphasizes unhealthy eating. “We dissolve limiting beliefs that are not true, cause you pain and propel you to use food as relief,” Benesh says. “Once you do this, the weight will come off without actually going on a diet, because your body will no longer ask you for things it doesn’t need. You will only crave foods that put you at your ideal weight.” Every client is first introduced to the Body Compass exercise, teaching them to listen to and interpret their body signals. Another important tool for healthier eating and weight loss is the hunger scale. “I teach people the hunger scale so that they can start to participate in a more healthy diet,” explains Benesh. “Negative 10 on the hunger scale is when you’re about to pass out because you haven’t eaten, and positive 10 is when you are Thanksgiving-full, but you still eat another piece of pie.” The ideal time to eat on the hunger scale, she says, is between negative two and positive two. Location: Eastside Wellness Center, 625 Ayrault Rd., Fairport. For more information, call 585-350-8138, email or visit

Bodymind Float Center Category: Mindbody


he area’s only provider of floatation therapy and salt therapy, Bodymind Float Center prides itself on going above and beyond for its clients. The facility is maintained by staff that aims to provide unparalleled customer service. Floatation therapy was developed over 60 years ago and provides a blissful method to manage stress and pain. Floating induces a meditative state, which may be used for meditation and prayer or to probe deeply into life’s problems. Floating helps with addiction, PTSD and sleep issues. Athletes use floating to aid in the recovery from strenuous workouts and injury. Floating also helps with the pain of arthritis and fibromyalgia. Salt therapy is a natural and safe way to address respiratory issues. Inhaled salt cannot be felt, but it is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and draws moisture to it. This moisture thins mucous in the lungs and sinuses, enabling the body to clear mucous through its natural processes. “Our clients are our guests and we will move heaven and earth to take care of them,” says owner David Brickman. Bodymind Float Center offers discounts for students and military and has a program of free and discounted floats for those with fibromyalgia. Location: 622 Park Ave., Rochester. For more information, call 585-413-0616, email or visit


Rochester, NY


arthworks Institute is a local, nonprofit organization comprised of highly trained and diversely practiced professionals with over 25 years of aggregate experience in the environmental education, conservation and social work fields. They offer programs that educate, inspire and empower people to reconnect with themselves and their world through education, jobs training, wilderness therapy and meaningful experience with the land and community. “Our goal is to teach life skills, while creating sustainability in Rochester by building a shared responsibility for stewardship and a future of greater equity,” says Lindsay Cray, co-founder and executive director of Earthworks. “People are amazed to find out that our world is not just some abstract background, but instead, full of beauty and treasures and wonder. We help people step out of their comfort zones and take a new look.” Earthworks is about reestablishing that critical interconnectedness that makes humans feel whole again—the ancient link between people and land. Their programs are designed to pull away from the empty norms of society, to create challenge, break boundaries and learn through nature. Whether it is curriculum-based environmental education for schools, survival skills workshops for families and friends, or wilderness therapy for those who need healing, Earthworks teaches life skills. For more information, call 585-8618127, email Info@EarthworksInst. org or visit

Derleth Family & Sports Chiropractic Categories: Birth Resources, Chiropractic, Functional Nutrition, Wellness Center


erleth Family & Sports Chiropractic, owned and operated by Drs. Paula and Phil Derleth, is onestop shopping for optimal health. The practice focuses on treatment of the entire family. Paula is certified in pregnancy (Webster certified) and pediatrics, and Phil is certified in sports and pregnancy (Webster certified). Phil has treated many professional athletes and golfers to optimize their performance. “We have taken additional training to become certified in the areas of pregnancy, pediatrics and sports,” explains Paula. “We find dysfunction before it becomes disease and help you to optimize your health and function.” The practice orders blood work and provides functional blood work analysis to enhance health. They offer functional nutritional consultations and use whole food nutrition, in addition to offering 21-day purification programs. “We treat the entire family, and can optimize and help everyone through all stages of life; from infancy, through childhood, fertility, pregnancy, the athlete and the elderly, we have something for everyone to make you not only feel, but function optimally,” says Paula. Location: 625 Ayrault Rd., Fairport. For more information, call 585-5983535, email DerlethChiropractic@ or visit Derleth

Emily Kyle Nutrition Category: Nutritional Counseling


t Emily Kyle Nutrition, registered dietitian nutritionist Emily Kyle strives to empower and enable clients to develop the healthy and happy lifestyle that they have always dreamed of. She can provide clients with the tools and education needed to build nutrition and wellness into a busy life. Clients can choose from a single, individual nutrition counseling session, nutrition packages customized to fit their needs, as well as Kyle’s 52-Week Guide to Creating a Happy and Healthy Lifestyle. When working with Kyle, clients learn to develop wellness through small, yet effective, lifestyle habit changes. Kyle does not endorse any diet or exercise programs, but works with individuals to improve mind, body and spirit through a holistic health care approach. “By working with you where you’re currently at in your life, my approach offers the framework to build the healthy lifestyle you desire. You can start on the path toward achieving your health and wellness goals by working one-on-one with a nutrition expert,” explains Kyle. “Through a non-diet, holistic health care approach, together we help you to achieve your health and wellness goals.” For more information, call 585-953-8330, email or visit

Amity Engleson, Classical Homeopath Category: Homeopathy


mity Engleson, a classical homeopath, works with homeopathic remedies to treat both children and adults. Homeopathy can help treat nearly any health complaint naturally. It restores balance to the body using micro doses of substances found in nature that mimic the symptoms being portrayed. The modality can be used with other medicines without fear of negative interactions. Engleson enjoys helping children overcome recurring infections or behavior issues such as ADD and ADHD. In adult clients, she helps with chronic complaints as well as issues like anxiety, IBS, insomnia, migraines and more, and helps pregnant women and pregnancy-related ailments, natural labor induction and labor support using homeopathic remedies. “As a homeopath, I take the whole-person approach, rather than focus only on the main complaint,” explains Engleson. “You are a unique individual and the symptoms your body produces are unique to you. A homeopathic remedy is then given based on you as an individual, thus providing a deeper healing effect.” Throughout the year, Engleson teaches classes suited for beginners that teach simple ways to incorporate homeopathy into one’s life and help the family through various non-emergent ailments. Location: 625 Ayrault Rd., Fairport. For more information, call 585-766-7893, email or visit natural awakenings

January 2016


Finger Lakes Yogascapes Categories: Custom Wellness Events, Retreats, Yoga


inger Lakes Yogascapes (FLY) is a yoga and adventure event and retreat company for women. FLY offers weekly trail adventures (hikes, snowshoeing, biking) and monthly events that focus on yoga, the outdoors, fitness and fun. FLY also hosts multi-day retreats and creates custom events for private groups—girl’s night out, bridal and wedding yoga, bachelorette parties and corporate events. FLY provides women the space and tools to focus on the whole self: mind, body and soul. They are about empowerment, building strength through physical challenge, encouraging introspection by letting go and incorporating gentle pampering to recalibrate. “Being a nomadic company, FLY is able to create one-ofa-kind events all around the Rochester and Finger Lakes area. We collaborate with other businesses to make a variety of events that bring women together for fitness and fun,” says cofounder Jennifer Hess. “Sharing yoga and the outdoors is what we do best. We are passionate about building community, encouraging physical activity and balance in women’s lives.” FLY offers weekly outdoor “classes” such as trail hikes, snowshoeing and snowga (yoga on snowshoes), mountain biking and cycling, boot camp classes and more, depending on the season. FLY has one or more events each month on evenings or weekends that capture the spirit of a girl’s night out with a mind/body twist. For more information, call 585-746-2674, email or visit

FLYAROO Fitness Category: Children’s Fitness


LYAROO Fitness provides a fun way to exercise and teach children about healthy habits through yoga, dance and imagination. This unique program keeps kids moving and learning simultaneously. “My mission is to empower families to live healthier and happier,” says Stacey “Fit Smartie” Martin, the first certified FLYAROO Fitness instructor in the Greater Rochester area. Children and family classes are offered throughout Rochester, on an ongoing basis. They are also available for special events and programs, such as schools, daycares, recreation activities, birthday parties and more. An up-todate class schedule can be found online. For more information, email or visit


Rochester, NY

Grounded By Yoga Studios & Yoga Teacher Training Center, LLC Category: Yoga


rounded By Yoga Studios & Yoga Teacher Training Center LLC, with locations in Bloomfield and Canandaigua, offers true guidance in the path and light of yoga. Grounded By Yoga (GBY) offers a non-competitive, safe and sacred space with multi-lineage teachers. It is their mission and philosophy “to live yoga, then teach yoga.” GBY’s mission is to assist students in becoming highly inspiring and spiritually evolved yoga guides. “Based on the first principle of yoga—compassion—one will learn, develop and teach from the heart,” says founder Sandy Hicks. “By training’s end, expect to skillfully guide others into the sacred landscape of their bodies, minds and hearts and teach uplifting and intelligent classes infused with compassion and joy.” Classes offered by GBY include Kundalini yoga, yin yoga, meditation, children’s yoga, therapeutic yoga, prenatal yoga classes, yoga for addiction recovery, workshops and more. In addition to yoga teacher training for adults and children, GBY offers restorative yoga teacher training and an experiential philosophy group, with continuing education credits available. “We want everybody to experience yoga,” says Hicks. “Our certified teachers bring decades of training to a range of practitioners, from beginner to expert. We encourage people to seek the teachers and the classes that will best serve their goals and interests.” This spring, the outdoor yoga and meditation sanctuary will be unveiled.

Grow 2 B U Category: Health and Wellness


row 2 B U provides a holistic alternative to wellness through guided meditation, energy balancing, nutrition, fitness and yoga. Clients can learn to apply these techniques in their daily life and experience the benefits of relaxation, clarity and vitality. Living a full life, free of worry and suffering, comes with the practice of mindfulness. Bringing awareness into one’s life can provide benefits such as reduced stress on the heart, time for physical fitness, alleviated chronic pain, reduced headaches, quality sleep and increased productivity. Alana Cahoon has been practicing meditation for over 30 years and is also an artist, singer and songwriter. She combines her holistic health skills along with her artistic talents to create beautiful guided meditations. “I love watching my clients grow from within, bringing joy and peace into their everyday lives. The transformation is phenomenal,” says Cahoon. Programs and retreats available include Getting the Body I Want!, Goddess Within, Master Reiki sessions, Creative Coaching, yoga and more. Location: 595 Blossom Rd., Ste. A, Rochester. For more information, call 585-953-0503, email Alana@Grow2BU. com or visit

Locations: 1 Wellness Way, Bloomfield; 514 S. Main St., Canandaigua. For more information, call 585-703-4676, email or visit YogaAndMeditation.Training.

natural awakenings

January 2016


Loree Harpole, Waddell & Reed

Inspire Yoga, LLC

Category: Financial Health and Wellness

xperience perfect balance between heart, mind and body with the welcoming community of Inspire Yoga, a full-service yoga studio offering classes for all ages and abilities. Inspire Yoga is the only Upstate NY Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School specializing in training adults who would like to teach safe and effective yoga to children and teens. Owner Joan Nichols is an experienced registered yoga teacher and a registered children’s yoga teacher through the Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga to adults since 2001 and to children/ teens in the Rochester area since 2004. She is also a National Educator/Trainer for Yoga Ed and has been volunteer teaching yoga in city schools for the last five years. “We meet the student where they are at and help them build the appropriate practice that is safe and effective for the individual,” says Nichols. “We believe in paying forward, being of service and living our yoga in all our interactions with our students and the community at large.” Classes offered at Inspire Yoga include restorative yoga, gentle yoga, beginner flow yoga, power yoga, kids/teen classes and workshops and more. They also offer a 40-Day Yoga Challenge, a 21-Day Spring Cleanse and workshops for existing RCTs and AFFA members needing credits for their certifications. Inspire Yoga won Rochester Business Journal’s Healthiest Company Award 2015.


s a financial advisor with Waddell & Reed, Loree Harpole is on a mission to educate, inform and empower clients in a collaborative environment built on developing long-term relationships. She works with individuals, families and small businesses holistically, as they pursue financial and personal goals. Financial planning is a comprehensive strategy designed to help one prepare for important financial decisions. “I offer a more thorough, holistic and client-centered service in the area of financial planning and investment advisory,” she says. Strategies implemented offer clients an opportunity to make informed choices as they work toward achieving their goals. “Have you considered financial wellness as an integral part of your overall health and well-being? My approach is holistic in nature, concentrating on finding solutions for my clients in order for them to pursue their financial goals,” explains Harpole. “I consider working with clients an honor and privilege.” Harpole, a graduate of Nazareth College with a master’s degree in education, has been with Waddell & Reed since January 2012. She serves on the Board of Directors for RESOLVE of Greater Rochester, is a member of the Rochester Women’s Network and a Brighton Chamber of Commerce member. Waddell & Reed is not affiliated with organizations referenced herein. Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Waddell & Reed, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC and Federally Registered Investment Advisor. Location: 345 Woodcliff, 2nd floor, Fairport. For more information, call 585-4364510, email or visit

Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center Categories: Massage and Wellness, Wellness Center


t Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center (HAWC), Carol Morissette—a licensed massage therapist, certified herbalist and aromatherapist—offers a variety of holistic healing services, including Thermo Therapy, Integrated Energy Therapy, massage, raindrop therapy, allergy retraining technique, sound healing and guided meditations. Thermo Therapy detoxifies the body, relieves pain and stress and assists with hormone balance. It can be beneficial for fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, autism and neuropathy. Morissette also offers classes on chemical-free living and allergy reduction. Individual sound healing sessions can relieve stress, anxiety, pain and inflammation, clear sinuses, lower blood pressure and improve the immune system. Guided meditation is offered using the sounds of singing crystal, Tibetan and Kaliski bowls, pyramid and chakra chimes. “My mission is to promote holistic wellness and encourage healthy alternatives for the mind, body and spirit,” says Morissette. “For years, I suffered from numerous health conditions, until I discovered I could take back my health naturally. Now I want to help others in their journey to improve their health.” Location: 458 Stone Rd., Rochester. For more information, call 585-663-6454, email or visit


Rochester, NY

Category: Yoga


Location: 1802 Penfield Rd., Penfield. For more information, call 585-5451451, email or visit

Inspired Solutions


nspired Solutions, founded by Barb Klein, is committed to partnering with clients as they embrace and step into the life that is theirs for the claiming—a life that is rich and fulfilling in many ways. With offices in Fairport and Brighton, Klein offers support through one-on-one coaching by phone or in person, and she leads workshops, retreats and writing sessions to help people transform their lives. She has a particular interest in supporting women in honoring themselves and moving smoothly through career transitions. “I partner with my clients to create a safe space for their exploration and discovery of the solutions, actions and answers that are right for them,” explains Klein. “I love nothing more than watching people light up when they find their own truth and way.” Klein is an authorized facilitator in Laura Berman Fortgang’s program, “Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction,” and she offers coaching and workshops based on this best-selling program. She is also an RTA Certified Facilitator through Renee Trudeau & Associates, offering Personal Renewal Groups and retreats for women with an emphasis on self-care and self-renewal. “When a person lives in a place of authenticity and is truly honoring themselves, their impact in the world is profound. I want to help people connect to this way of being,” says Klein. For more information, call 585-705-8740, email or visit

Janet Shipman Massage Therapy Categories: Bodywork, Health and Wellness, Massage and Wellness, Massage Therapy, Therapeutic Massage


sing techniques of Swedish massage, deep tissue and myofascial release, massage therapist Janet Shipman’s goal is to provide her clients an oasis of renewal. Each client receives massage custom tailored to their individual needs—whether for stress release, pain relief or just relaxation. “Massage is much more than a way to relax and unwind,” says Shipman. “Therapeutic massage on a regular schedule offers an abundance of health benefits including increased circulation, release of toxins, pain relief and more, which can help reduce stress and strengthen immunity and overall vitality. I would encourage everyone to make massage therapy part of their regular preventive healthcare regimen.” Shipman offers her clients a relaxed environment, including a heated table; flannel sheets; a cozy fleece blanket, soft candlelight and soothing music to provide a place of tranquility and nurture. “I give each client ample time to express their individual needs and concerns while still providing a full session of table time,” explains Shipman. “My style is slow, gentle, penetrating and nurturing.” Location: 595 Blossom Rd., Rochester. For more information, call 585-364-1820, email or visit

natural awakenings

January 2016



Molly’s Yoga Corner Category: Yoga

Landia Botanicals LLC Category: Wellness Products


andia Botanicals was founded to continue the tradition of a proven ayurvedic healing oil, Sarva Roga Samana, which is handcrafted by adhering to a family recipe that was passed from father to son for generations, and is made locally in Rochester. The oil is effective in relieving pain and injury, as well as treating a broad spectrum of chronic skin conditions. Landia Botanicals offers the oil as a service to people with problems that can be alleviated with this exclusive, all-natural formula, such as arthritis, backache, new injuries, cold sores and chronic itching. The unique blend contains a synergistic balance of ingredients that allows the oil to treat both chronic pain and skin conditions. It has analgesic, antihistamine, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Sarva Roga Samana translates in Sanskrit to “relief of all ailments of the three doshas, or life forces”. It is most effective when rubbed thoroughly into the affected area on a daily basis. Healthy circulation is essential to the healing process. It can minimize recovery time, deliver oxygen to the injury, eliminate toxins and improve energy. “Landia Botanicals is a multi-generational family business. We know firsthand that Sarva Roga Samana Healing Oil provides pain relief and whole body wellness and want to share its unparalleled healing benefits,” says member Libby Burtis. The oil represents the knowledge of generations of ayurvedic practitioners. It has never been available outside the family, either in India or the U.S. For more information, call 585-662-7848, email or visit

Lori’s Natural Foods Center Categories: Health Foods, Organic Foods, Supplements


ounded in 1981, Lori’s Natural Foods Center is western New York’s largest and oldest family-owned natural foods store. Since the beginning, their focus has been to support the health of the community and the environment. Lori’s carries a wide array of natural and organic products, featuring 100 percent organic and non-GMO produce—locally grown as often as the growing season permits. They also have a large selection of high-quality supplements and herbs, and a well-trained consultant staff to support customers. At Lori’s Kitchen, delicious, homemade, organic, gluten-free and vegan to-go dishes are prepared daily, including main courses, salads, sides, soups and gluten-free desserts. Their own greenhouse, filled with vegetable, herb and flower starters each spring, also supplies their wheatgrass throughout the year. Local delivery services are available, as well as mail order shipping for both local and continental U.S. locations. Classes and workshops are scheduled on a regular basis, with guest speakers and experts covering topics such as homeopathy, healthy eating, stress management, home gardening and more. Location: 900 Jefferson Rd., Rochester. For more information, call 585-424-2323, email or visit


Rochester, NY


stablished in June of 2000 at its Fairport studio, Molly’s Yoga Corner has since opened a second location on Monroe Avenue, in Rochester, in September 2014. Both studios offer yoga students—beginner and experienced—a sense of calm and serenity as they first enter, and classes are available for all levels. “In the practice of yoga, we integrate a way of life that leads to symmetry and balance. Our physical, spiritual and emotional selves come together in a way that allows us to discover our place in the world and our place with each other,” says owner Molly Huff. “Yoga is a journey to a place where you will feel in tune with yourself and those around you. A discipline which creates and nurtures a core union between the body and the mind, yoga is fundamental to our physical and emotional well-being.” At Molly’s Yoga Corner, everyone is welcome. The certified teachers strive to create a warm, welcoming environment and understand that it can be a bit intimidating at first for those who are new to the practice of yoga or to the studio. The staff appreciates that each student will follow their own path and that the practice of yoga is non-judgmental. “Everyone has to start somewhere,” says Huff, and she and her staff embrace first-time students like old friends. “This spirit of calming and acceptance makes Molly’s Yoga Corner an ideal setting for nervous beginners.” Locations: 1000 Turk Hill Rd., Ste. 220, Fairport; 713 Monroe Ave., Rochester. For more information, email or visit

Natural Stress Reduction Services LLC Categories: Acupressure, Coaching, Natural Healing, Stress Reduction


obin Marshall, a registered nurse and owner of Natural Stress Reduction Services holistic business, offers stress relief coaching, healing energy modalities and plant-based remedies to reduce stress and improve health and well-being. Marshall is board-certified in holistic nursing and is passionate about helping people take control over their lives. In addition to conventional nursing, Marshall has extensive training and certifications in alternative medicine and modalities, which include energy-based mindbody medicine, clinical aromatherapy with essential oils, clinical herbalism and homeopathy, HeartMath health coaching and the Zentangle Method. This broad background gives Marshall an understanding and knowledge base of conventional medicine and the art of healing and coaching from an energy-based, non-conventional prospective. “My mission is to empower my clients with tools and techniques to effectively meet life’s challenges and for them to feel revived, refreshed and resilient, take control over their lives and reduce daily stress,” says Marshall. Natural Stress Reduction Services offers services including stress relief coaching with HeartMath, IGM Therapeutic Acupressure, aromatherapy, art therapy using the Zentangle Method, healing touch, Reiki and homeopathy. “Anything that I am doing for somebody else, I have had done on myself, and I found the remedies or therapies to be most powerful,” explains Marshall. Services are available by appointment, in person and phone sessions.

Neal’s Yard Organics with Kris Weltman Category: Natural Skin Care


eal’s Yard Organics, a certified organic family business originally from the United Kingdom, specializes in skin and body care for the entire family. Healing balms, essential oils, teas and hair care complete the product line. “We have soil association, which means a third party watches the soil to make sure it’s free from pesticides, chemicals and anything harmful for your body. This allows us to not be just ‘organic’ but certified organic,” says Kristin Weltman, Neal’s Yard distributor. Neal’s Yard Organics also includes a wrinkle-free frankincense line and a wild rose beauty balm that heals insect bites, stings, eczema and burns and can be used to cleanse and moisturize the skin. Other standouts include organic defense oil and hand sanitizer that boasts to eliminate 100 percent of the flu virus. Weltman offers one-on-one services as well as party services. “I am always willing to show people how to make healthy choices with their skin care. Sixty percent of what you put on your body gets into your bloodstream,” she explains. “Being able to sample, touch and smell the products is a great feature.” For more information, call 585-733-1349 or visit

Location: 7 W. Main St., Webster. For more information, call 201-220-3558, email or visit

L ife is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it. ~Charles R. Swindoll

Lori Smith,

natural awakenings

January 2016


Novus – Michelle Roberts Category: Business Development


ichelle Roberts, owner of Novus, in Rochester, teaches business owners and entrepreneurs, as well as CEOs and CMOs of large companies, about the concept and value of branding, and helps them develop successful brand strategies for their enterprises. “Branding should invoke an emotional reaction, and it should show your true value,” she says. “There are many clients out there that I work with that are not showing the world who they really are. They’re not connecting with the right people because their true value isn’t being shown. My job is to pull all of that out for them and help them authentically connect with the right people.” When Roberts first meets with a new client, she begins by asking them about their own personal stories and the reasons why they chose to go into their line of work in the first place. “The most important part is the core values of the business—the reason to be,” she says. “It’s about the business, yes, but it’s also about the personal take—the story behind the business—and that’s pretty personal sometimes.” Roberts focuses on helping create a brand that causes what she dubs “the four C’s of branding”: clarity, confidence, consistency and credibility. Her clients gain confidence in their businesses and experience growth and success. Location: 3380 Monroe Ave., Ste. 213, Rochester. For more information, call 315-269-7732, email Info@NovusCreative. co or visit

Nurses Online Academy Category: Business Development


urses Online Academy works to transition and transform nurses’ lives using online business coaching programs. Their plans help nurses brand themselves, help build a strong foundation for their businesses, teach winning strategies to remove obstacles, simplify life and boost confidence and provide support throughout the exciting journey. This unique and personalized program was designed by a nurse to help other busy, frustrated nurses—as well as anyone interested in a health/natural health-related business—become successful business owners. Participants will be able to quickly learn the skills they need to get their doors open for business, and then continue their studies in Business Basics and Core Business Concepts to design a rock-solid company. No prior experience is required. “I have been able to live life on my own terms since 2011 through my own business, It has been such a blessing for my family, and I just had to find a way for other nurses to do the same thing,” says Sandra Bullard, a naturopathic/holistic nurse and owner of Nurses Online Academy. “I decided to design a personalized coaching program that they could follow step by step and become successful just like I did—but faster and with fewer costly mistakes.” Nurses Online Academy currently offers two online programs. The six-month Healthy DNA of Business: Quick Start Program gives entrepreneurial-minded nurses the ability to quickly open for business in 24 hours and then begin their studies. The three-month Making Wellness Profitable: Mastermind Program is for those nurses that work best independently. Participants schedule mastermind sessions twice a month, as needed, and an optional business partnership is available. For more information, call 800-503-0483, email or visit


Rochester, NY

Nurturing Hands Massage Categories: Massage and Wellness


ith a combined 65plus years of massage experience, the five licensed massage therapists of Nurturing Hands Massage offer various types of massage to people in all stages of life. The practitioners are trained in Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point, sports, pregnancy, newborn, infant, hot stone and couples massage. “We can massage newborns through people at the end of their lives, offering the most thorough, relaxing full-body massages,” says Evelyn Spruill. “Through continuing education, we keep up with the latest massage techniques and trends. We will notice if you have an irregular mole, lump or sore and will direct you to a physician to make sure you have it seen by a professional.” More offerings include couples massage (couples learn how to massage each other), newborn massage (new parents learn ways to bond with their new baby through massage), infant massage and music classes, essential oil classes and healthy ways of living classes. Nurturing Hands Massage, founded in 2000, uses doTerra essential oils. They can accommodate wedding parties and other groups with their five tranquil treatment rooms, which are handicapped accessible. Everyone’s first massage is $20 off. Location: 640 Kreag Rd., Ste. 202, Pittsford. For more information, call 585-230-0910, email ESpru@ or visit NHWellness.

Fred Onufryk, Move Better to Feel Better Categories: Physical Therapy


red Onufryk is a physical therapist whose mission is to provide a service to help people move with ease and comfort. He uses an integrative body-mind approach to promote health and well-being. Onufryk is the only local physical therapist that is certified both in the Feldenkrais Method and also in Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization by the Prague School of Rehabilitation. He uses varied imagery strategies including visualization, sensory feedback, and he has studied Graded Motor Imagery in Australia. These are all aspects of utilizing body, mind and brain for optimal health. Onufryk has helped many people, including performing artists and athletes. He has been a guest speaker at the Eastman School of Music since 2000. Working with breathing and core stability can relieve pain, improve posture, coordination and strength. “When you are feeling great, you are moving really well. In order to feel better, I help you to move better,” Onufryk says. Location: 1328 University Ave., Rochester. For more information, call 585-4825060, email or visit

Our Natural Essence Wellness Center


ur Natural Essence (ONE) Wellness Center provides a broad range of holistic wellness services to individuals, groups and businesses across the Finger Lakes region. Through education, counseling/consultation and various forms of bodywork and energy work, ONE encourages its clients to tap into their own true self and live life fully. “Whether you stop in for a class or private session, browse the Wellness Library, or escape into the Meditation Room for a while, everyone is welcome at ONE,” says Cathy Woodside, licensed massage therapist and founder of ONE Wellness Center. Services offered include massage, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, lymphatic drainage, hypnosis, energy healing, harp healing, shiatsu and more. ONE Wellness Center provides a large variety of classes including Reiki, tai chi, qigong, stress management, IET and more. The Center also provides a Sampler Package, in which clients can bring a small group of family and friends to choose a variety of services to sample. “This gives you an opportunity to experience shorter sessions of a group of new services to determine what may be best for you,” explains Woodside. Location: 2349 Monroe Ave., Rochester. For more information, call 585-5450327, email or visit

W hen deeds speak, words are nothing. ~Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

natural awakenings

January 2016


businessprofiles Dr. Gregory Peechatt Categories: Children’s Health and Wellness, Chiropractic, Cold Laser Therapy, Homeopathy, Mental Health

Rochester Health Center, an Affiliate of New York Chiropractic College


r. Gregory Peechatt is a classical homeopath, child psychologist and professional naturopath, offering cold laser therapy, homeopathy and mental health services in Rochester. In his private practice, Peechatt successfully integrates classical and modern homeopathy with naturopathy, computerized assessments, psychological counseling, acupuncture point stimulation and more to lead his clients of all ages to increased quality of life and vibrant health. Using homeopathy, Peechatt can treat a variety of illnesses—acute illnesses, cold/flu, allergies, asthma and digestive issues—by enhancing healing energy without producing adverse effects. He has been practicing classical and modern homeopathy for 40 years and treats patients of all ages. A school psychologist for over 25 years, Peechatt now treats both psychological and physical problems in children, including autism, ADHD, behavioral problems, insomnia, allergies, school issues, psychological illnesses and more. Peechatt uses psychological testing to determine abnormalities in neurotransmitters, aids patients on their path to mental wellness using homeopathic remedies and educates patients on treating the brain with natural alternatives. For more information, call 585-281-0899, email or visit

Perinton Family Acupuncture Category: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine


erinton Family Acupuncture is a family practice providing care for patients across the lifespan, including women’s health, pediatrics and cosmetic acupuncture. Acupuncture promotes the body’s natural healing process, helping to alleviate several health-related issues, including pain conditions, digestive and respiratory disorders, stress-related symptoms and sleep difficulty. “Acupuncture is a gentle treatment that activates a physiological process to help the body reach proper balance, health and wellness,” says Renee Nearpass, owner and licensed acupuncturist. “We provide a calm and welcoming environment that patients can trust, where they feel comfortable and look forward to their next visit.” In addition to acupuncture, Perinton Family Acupuncture offers tui na (Chinese medical massage), Eastern dietary therapy and Chinese herbal medicine. Nearpass holds a master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, of the New York Chiropractic College, in Seneca Falls. She studied abroad at the Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in Hangzhou, China. Location: 6800 Pittsford-Palmyra Rd., Ste. 350, Fairport. For more information, call 585-598-3866, email or visit


Rochester, NY

Categories: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Chiropractic


he Rochester Health Center offers a caring, patient-centered, outcome-oriented, multidisciplinary approach to natural healthcare, where chiropractic, acupuncture, Chinese medicine and nutritional counseling are all conveniently accessible within one clinic. The team of clinicians takes the time to focus on underlying causes of patients’ problems, rather than only looking at symptoms. As an affiliate of New York Chiropractic College—which has provided natural healthcare education and training dating back to 1919—Rochester Health Center offers comprehensive services to patients that appreciate the value of a holistic, integrated approach. As an extension of New York Chiropractic College’s academic programs, health and wellness care is delivered in a teaching environment through a partnership of clinicians and students. The Rochester Health Center strives to ensure that each patient receives maximum benefit from each visit and understands their needs and health goals. Location: 1200 Jefferson Rd., Rochester. For more information, call 585-292-0642 or visit

Rochester Holistic Center Categories: Functional Nutrition, Integrative Psychiatry, Internal Medicine


ochester Holistic Center (RHC) provides a new way of healing and the future of health care: functional medicine. With two board-certified medical doctors and a clinical nutrition consultant, they offer protocols to help patients achieve genuine healing and optimal health. They offer integrative psychiatry, internal medicine and clinical nutrition consultations. RHC is unique to Rochester in that licensed medical doctors are on staff; therefore equipped to order labs and testing that chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, health coaches and others are not able to do. Conditions treated include autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, depression, arthritis, digestive issues, custom weight loss using genetic testing and more. “We offer the most comprehensive and thorough examination of the root cause of illness or disease. We don’t cover up symptoms with medications; we get to the ‘why’ in order to find the appropriate healing method,” explains Anu Chaudhri, president of RHC. “Many people are told by their physicians that their symptoms are ‘all in their head’ or that their ‘numbers look good’, yet the patient knows intuitively something isn’t quite right.” At RHC, they spend an hour interviewing the patient at the initial appointment to uncover hidden gems of information that help lead to the proper diagnosis and treatment. “I saw the need to integrate Western medicine with a more natural, holistic approach and knew we’d find success treating our many patients who have been suffering for years from chronic complaints that haven’t been resolved using traditional methods,” says Chaudhri.

Wendy Rosen, Harvard Street Integrated Wellness Category: Wellness Center


arvard Street Integrated Wellness is a diverse group of independent healthcare professionals that collaborate solely for the benefit of offering a holistic approach for the overall advantage of encouraging a balanced wellness for patients and consumers. Harvard Street Integrated Wellness is patient-centered, with a relaxing atmosphere that is accepting of the whole person. The health care professionals share respect for integrative medicine, which uses both modern Western medicine and ancient modalities and investigates how the mind and body support health. “As clinicians, we have in common a humanistic, person-centered approach to health care,” says Wendy Rosen, M.D. Current therapies offered include acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, functional nutrition, integrative psychiatry/psychotherapy, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and meditation. The yoga studio on site offers classes in basic yoga, gentle yin yoga, restorative yoga, yoga for back care and recovery, tai chi/chi quong, movement, dance, movement and essential stretch, as well as health-related seminars and workshops. Location: 18 Harvard St., Rochester. For more information, call 585-473-8180, email or visit

Location: 890 Westfall Rd., Ste. C, Rochester. For more information, call 585-690-3782, email or visit

natural awakenings

January 2016


Anais Salibian, Awareness Heals

Savvy Social Media

Categories: Personal Growth, Rosen Method, Trauma Recovery

Category: Social Media


hrough private sessions and workshops, Anais Salibian, owner of Awareness Heals, offers a path for people who are frustrated by physical pain and/or emotional distress and have not found relief from traditional therapies. Through private sessions and trainings in Rosen Method Bodywork, Salibian addresses emotional or psychological issues embedded in the body and physical symptoms originating in stress and trauma. “A healthy body requires that the conscious mind is aware of and responding to signals from the body,” explains Salibian. “A breakdown of this communication results in disease and unhappiness. Restoring the integrity of the nervous system—reuniting body, mind and soul—allows people to meet life’s challenges without getting overwhelmed.” “I don’t know of another modality that works directly with the body-mind connection as an integral part of the process the way Rosen Method does,” says Salibian. Instead of doing something to the client, she says, she is present to them in a way that allows their inborn healing process to unfold. The bodywork relieves such symptoms as backache, headache, abdominal pain, anxiety and depression and restores well-being and empowerment. In her Igniting Intimacy: Aware Touch for Couples workshop, based on the principles of Rosen Method, she teaches spouses, friends or relatives who come in pairs to stay grounded and use “listening touch” in relationships to deepen closeness. As a writer and teacher of writing for 30 years, she uses research that shows how certain kinds of writing can heal trauma in her Writing to Heal classes and workshops. All of her work creates a safe space and offers a process for people to come back home to themselves and take charge of their lives. Location: 640 Kreag Rd., Ste. 202, Pittsford. For more information, call 585-586-1590, email AnaisWorkshops@gmail. com or visit


Rochester, NY


ichelle Arbore, owner of Savvy Social Media, helps entrepreneurs and small businesses move past the frustration of social media. Her company offers social media creation, management and coaching so that business owners can be sure their online presence is giving the best impression to new and existing customers. “Using social media is no longer a consideration, a maybe or a ‘when there’s time’. It’s a must now if you want your business to grow,” says Arbore. “Our desire is to help you turn your limitations into strengths, enabling you to have more time to do what you love. From working as a business owner to being a mom, I value my time and it empowers me to give you back yours.” Savvy Social Media offers customized social media training for small businesses virtually, or through in-person, one-on-one coaching, where they can receive guidance on how to move forward and manage their social media, including finding and sharing content on social media platforms, looking at insights, interacting with the audience and keeping track of all the constant changes to social media. Savvy Social Media’s e-book, Having a Vision With Your Social Media Marketing is available for free at Location: 2011 Jefferson Rd., Pittsford. For more information, call 585-506-6291, email MArbore@SavvySocial or visit

Soul Juicin LLC

Time to Heal Spa

Category: Cold Pressed Juice

Categories: Health and Wellness, Spa


oul Juicin LLC offers fresh, coldpressed juice made in the Finger Lakes region. Juicing offers numerous health benefits including lowering cholesterol and glucose, losing weight and assisting cancer patients with obtaining enough vitamins and minerals. Raw, cold-pressed juice provides energy and revitalizes. Local entrepreneur Lynne Stewart founded Soul Juicin to provide fresh juices—“a healthy drink to soothe your soul”—to the Finger Lakes area. She sources her ingredients locally whenever possible and visits local farm markets, educating customers on juicing benefits. “The benefits of juicing are amazing,” says Stewart. “Cold-pressed juices are a natural and healthy way to get vitamins and nutrients.” Flavors include Beet-Ya, The BOMB, Popeye’s Punch and LaLa’s Lemonade, among others. Soul Juicin offers 1-, 3-, and 5-day cleanses and provides clients with a guide to wellness for 2016, featuring essential oils, cleanses and more. Location: 79 W. Main St., Victor. For more information, call 585-750-5621, email or visit

Sweet & Woodsy Aromatherapy Categories: Aromatherapy, Consulting, Essential Oils, Wellness Products


ounded by aromatherapist Mindy MacLaren, Sweet & Woodsy Aromatherapy is a local business that handcrafts a wide range of essential oil-based household cleaning products, as well as natural baby and personal care products. MacLaren is a nationally certified aromatherapist with over 200 hours of essential oil education and is a former esthetician. She uses only essential oils that come from sustainably grown plant material and that are GC/MS-tested to ensure purity. In addition to an established line of items, MacLaren also offers seasonal products such as a bug repellent spray and a decongestant salve to help relieve symptoms of the common cold. “I know natural products work, making them, in my opinion, the best option to use with people of all ages,” enthuses MacLaren. “They promote health and well-being, are better for the Earth, smell wonderful and are fun to use.” MacLaren offers one-on-one consultations, group parties and community presentations, and makes custom-blended products for individuals and private label. She offers a free consult to any natural practitioner that would like to learn more about how to use essential oils safely and effectively with their clientele. Location: 1724 Five Mile Line Rd., Penfield. For more information, call 585755-5511, email or visit


ime to Heal Spa is a space for physical, emotional and spiritual renewal, providing a range of spa services to help reduce pain, release stress and remove toxins. Owner Wendy Jo Allen cares deeply for her clients and will go above and beyond to help meet their specific needs. “I value your time with me and will make sure that you feel comfortable and relaxed so that we can work together to help you release your tension and stress,” says Allen. “I work closely with my clients to treat them on all levels—not just the physical, but also emotional and spiritual. It is important to treat the body as a whole to help them find their beauty within.” Time to Heal offers facial treatments, customized designer peels, Reiki, ear candling, ion cleanse, raindrop treatment, emotional release and tension relief. Allen says the raindrop treatment is a client favorite, in which Young Living Essential Oils are layered on the spine to help reduce inflammation and stress, increase immunity and balance the body. “I strive to continue my education with Image Skincare and Young Living Oils so that I can provide you with the most up-to-date treatments,” says Allen. “I will do my best to not only meet, but to exceed your expectations so that whatever healing benefits are experienced in my space, you are able to take that home with you and continue your ‘time to heal.’” Locations: 427 S. Main St., Canandaigua (at Lindsey’s Nail Spa); 3976 Buffalo St., Marion. For more information, call 585-202-5689, email or visit

natural awakenings

January 2016


Women of Focus, A Tradeshow of Elegance

Yoga at Living Stress Free Wellness Center

he Women of Focus Tradeshow, held during “Celebrate Women Month” in March, was created by women and for women to showcase and promote women entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses in the Rochester area. This year’s show will be from 4 to 8 p.m., March 3, at the Inn on Broadway. The third annual event is a way for savvy and creative women entrepreneurs and business owners to continue the conversation about women in business while connecting with new audiences. The 2016 tradeshow features vendors showcasing their unique products and services. Guests are invited to browse and shop during a fabulous celebration that features gift giveaways, food sampling, the Women of Focus signature cocktail and personal interaction with some of Rochester’s extraordinary businesswomen and entrepreneurs. “The mission of the Women of Focus Tradeshow is to financially and philanthropically support the local community while celebrating women business owners and entrepreneurs in an elegant and sophisticated environment,” says Angela LaVecchia, event co-founder and principal at Angelina Vagabonda. Financial support from Women of Focus benefits the Women’s Foundation of Genesee Valley, an organization focused on promoting economic self-sufficiency for women and girls through grant making and education. Guests are encouraged to bring gently used gowns for donation to Fairy Godmothers of Greater Rochester, a not-for-profit community service organization that helps girls to attend their high school proms in style.

Category: Yoga


Cost: $30. Location: 26 Broadway St., Rochester. For more information or to purchase tickets, email or visit


udha Van Munster, a Kripalu Center trained yoga teacher and Usui Reiki teacher and practitioner, leads group classes and private sessions in both yoga and Reiki at Living Stress Free Wellness Center. Van Munster joined the center to provide opportunities for people to experience meditation awareness through authentic, traditional wellness arts. “Tapping into meditation awareness through yoga and Reiki helps relieve tension and stress,” explains Van Munster. Van Munster is a lifelong practitioner of yoga and meditation. As a young adult, she spent five years living in the ashrams (intentional spiritual communities) of the Siddha yoga lineage, where she received guidance and instruction from world-renowned teachers and studied meditation, Sanskrit chanting, yoga philosophy and hatha yoga. She has been working with the healing energy of Reiki since 1989 and has been impressed with the power of this ancient healing art to bring about positive change and healing in people’s lives. Weekly yoga classes are geared toward meeting the needs of the students, and people with special requirements are welcome. Chair yoga is also offered regularly, and private yoga classes are available by appointment. Reiki trainings in levels I, II and III are offered throughout the year, with private Reiki sessions also available by appointment. In both yoga and Reiki, Van Munster places emphasis on untying physical and emotional knots and calming the mind. “My goal as a teacher and practitioner of yoga and Reiki is to help uplift and inspire people to bring themselves into a healthy relationship with their bodies, hearts and minds,” says Van Munster. Location: 131 Gregory St., Rochester. For more information, call 585-754-0943, email YogaWithSudha@yahoo. com or visit

Fall Asleep Safely, Quickly and Naturally! Pleasant Dreams™ contains a blend of safe, natural, sleepinducing ingredients including chamomile, valerian root and melatonin which may help to: 60 capsules: $34.99 plus $5 shipping Consult a healthcare professional before taking this product. Pleasant Dreams is not intended to cure, treat, diagnose or mitigate any disease or other medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration


Rochester, NY

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Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Directory, email to request our media kit.


Charles A. Sylvester, LAc, DiplAc, MSA 2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd floor, Rochester 585-764-4343

mind and spirit.

AcuMediZen provides a modern approach to an ancient form of healing, using various therapeutic modalities, including acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, tuina and dietary/lifestyle recommendations, to ease the body,


3200 Brighton Henrietta Rd, Rochester 585-242-9518 • Brighton Pathways to Health is a group of licensed, skilled and compassionate practitioners. We recognize that the body, mind and spirit must be in harmony in order for the whole person to become well and stay well. We offer Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, Chiropractic care and ongoing yoga, tai chi, meditation and other weekly classes and weekend seminars.

GENESEE NATURAL HEALING 1400 N Winton Rd, Rochester 585-205-6430

Offering compassionate, natural healthcare. Kara Waugh, L.Ac. M.Ac.O.M., has been studying and practicing natural healing for 10 years. Services include acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki, herbal medicine, qigong, diet and lifestyle counseling.

NEUROLOQI ACUPUNCTURE Desiree Sale 18 Harvard St, Rochester 585-542-9239

Specializing in pain management and neurological disorders, including stroke rehabilitation, numbness/ tingling, head/neck/back ache, sciatica and digestive disorders. Rather than “fighting” your ailment, Desiree Sale uses acupuncture to provide the resources needed to heal.

PERINTON FAMILY ACUPUNCTURE 6800 Pittsford-Palmyra Rd, Ste 350, Fairport 500 Helendale Rd, Ste 185, Rochester 585-598-3866

Family practice providing care for patients across the lifespan, including women’s health, pediatrics and cosmetic acupuncture. Expertise includes Chinese herbal medicine, tui na (Chinese medical massage), qigong and Eastern dietary therapy. See ads, page 14 and 48.


Affiliate of New York Chiropractic College 1200 Jefferson Rd, Rochester 585-292-0642 • The Rochester Health Center offers a caring, patientcentered, outcome-oriented, multi-disciplinary approach to natural healthcare where chiropractic, acupuncture, Oriental medicine and nutritional counseling are all located in one clinic.


Robin Marshall 7 W Main St, Webster 201-220-3558 A variety of natural healing energy modalities to reduce stress and improve health. Acupressure, Reiki, Healing Touch, Rain Drop, HeartMath Resilience Coaching, Zentangle Meditative Art, classes also available. See ad, page 13.


Theresa Oschmann 111 Pleasant Way, Penfield 585-748-4719 •


Jean Oswald, RN 585-703-0189 Jean Oswald RN is certified as a natural health professional, aromatherapist, shamanic healer and life coach, specializing in holistic wellness consulting, aromatherapy products, educational classes, spiritual life coaching and workshops for parents.

SWEET & WOODSY AROMATHERAPY Mindy MacLaren, Certified Aromatherapist

Offering a line of natural essential oil-based products for home and family as well as consultations to address a wide range of health issues through aromatherapy, with a focus on pregnancy and children. Classes also offered. See ad, page 19.


Kelly Halligan 274 N Goodman St, B-130, Rochester 585-319-4314 • Get Caked Bakery offers traditional American baked goods, specializing in vegan and gluten-free alternatives.


625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-598-3535 • Dr. Paula and Phil Derleth are specialized chiropractors in pregnancy, pediatrics, sports, functional blood analysis, nutritional deficiency screenings and 21-day purification programs. Help with: autoimmunity, indigestion, infertility, weight gain, reflux, colic, chronic pain, allergies, ADHD and more.

Marketing and advertising increase short-term sales. An advertising/ marketing program that includes SendOutCards keeps clients coming back, plus referring friends and family.

natural awakenings

January 2016


ROCHESTER AREA BIRTH NETWORK Amy Haas and Dianne Cassidy •

Rochester Area Birth Network is a resource that advocates health, safety and informed options in childbearing. Rochester Area Birth Network supports the MotherFriendly Childbirth Initiative, a wellness model of maternity care issued by the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services, a group of individuals and national organizations with concern for the care and well-being of mothers, babies and families.



Sandra Bullard 5471 Henty Rd, Avon • 800-503-0483



Helena Listowski, LMT 2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd Floor, Rochester 585-329-8643 • Offering Swedish Massage, CranioSacral, Lymph Drainage, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Associative Awareness Technique and zero balancing therapies. Pain relief, relaxation and freedom of movement are experienced with regular treatments.


Erika Szustakowski 81 Lacey Ln, Brockport 585-698-5696 • A customized experience for all of your maternity, nursing, and children’s clothing and accessories. Practical and stylish breastfeeding clothing designed by me or you. See ad, page 11.


Rochester, NY

Homeopathy & Natural Alternatives 333 Varinna Dr, Rochester 585-281-0899 •


Michelle Roberts, Personal Brand Strategist 3380 Monroe Ave, Rochester 315-269-7732 • Is not having a clear message and honest identity holding you back from rocking your business? We are a branding and design company helping you connect authentically and effectively to the people you are called to help.


Theresa Oschmann 111 Pleasant Way, Penfield 585-748-4719 • Marketing and advertising increase short-term sales. An advertising/ marketing program that includes SendOutCards keeps clients coming back, plus referring friends and family.

595 Blossom Rd, Ste 307, Rochester 585-364-1820

Regular massage is preventive healthcare, promoting overall wellness and rejuvenation. Shipman combines Swedish and deep tissue techniques to give each client personal, customized care for abundant health. See ad, page 15.


Transitioning and transforming nurses’ lives using online business coaching programs.

Sharon Perry-Ferrari LMT 3313 Chili Ave, Rochester 1598 Penfield Rd, Penfield 585-400-0004 • Too many of us suffer from posture problems. Examining the body as a whole, we can better understand what is going on. Postural alignment therapy is a non-invasive, nonmedicated treatment intervention program, offering longterm solutions.



Stacey Martin Offering fun fitness classes designed to teach children about healthy habits through yoga, dance and imagination. This program gets kids moving and learning simultaneously. See ad, page 22.


Healthy Birth of Rochester offers Bradley Natural Childbirth classes and information to assist women in having more positive, healthier birth experiences, by teaching women how to stay healthy and low-risk during pregnancy, labor and birth.

and more.

Certified in school psychology, Dr. Peechatt treats physical and psychological pediatric illnesses using non-toxic, non-prescription homeopathic remedies and natural supplements. Asthma, headaches, autism, ADD, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, insomnia

MOLLY DEUTSCHBEIN, LMT, CST, BCST Spirit Organic 720 East Ave, Ste 104, Rochester 585-746-4682 •

Molly’s pediatric bodywork practice uses subtle touch to help with nursing challenges. She is trained in bodywork for tongue-tie revisions, helps calm digestive tracts and encourages the nervous system to settle in children with autism, ADD, ADHD and anxiety.


3200 Brighton Henrietta Rd, Rochester 585-242-9518 • Brighton Pathways to Health is a group of licensed, skilled and compassionate practitioners. We recognize that the body, mind and spirit must be in harmony in order for the whole person to become well and stay well. We offer Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, Chiropractic care and ongoing yoga, tai chi, meditation and other weekly classes and weekend seminars.


625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-598-3535 • Dr. Paula and Phil Derleth are specialized chiropractors in pregnancy, pediatrics, sports, functional blood analysis, nutritional deficiency screenings and 21-day purification programs. Help with: autoimmunity, indigestion, infertility, weight gain, reflux, colic, chronic pain, allergies, ADHD and more. See ads, page 29 and 32.

DR. EDWIN VEGA JR, DC & DR. YASELLYN DIAZ-VEGA, DC 1732 E Ridge Rd, Irondequoit 585-266-2782

Dedicated to analyzing, correcting and improving the nervous system health and committed to educating and providing quality chiropractic care to families so as to achieve optimal wellness. See ad, page 15.


Affiliate of New York Chiropractic College 1200 Jefferson Rd, Rochester 585-292-0642 The Rochester Health Center offers a caring, patientcentered, outcome-oriented, multi-disciplinary approach to natural healthcare where chiropractic, acupuncture, Oriental medicine and nutritional counseling are all located one clinic.


Using fundamentals of functional medicine, Karin teaches how easy it is to drop excess weight, melt belly fat and reduce risk for chronic disease. Uncover the limiting beliefs keeping you stuck and empower yourself in a way that makes transformation inevitable. See ad, page 3.



Mindy MacLaren, Certified Aromatherapist


Homeopathy & Natural Alternatives 333 Varinna Dr, Rochester 585-281-0899 • Cold laser therapy is FDA-cleared, non-invasive, non-surgical, steroid-free and alleviates and/or permanently heals chronic and acute pain. Treating joint injuries, arthritis, back/neck pain, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, sciatica, gout, neuropathy, etc

Nationally certified Aromatherapist Mindy MacLaren offers her expertise of essential oils FREE of charge to those who want to use them effectively and safely with their c l i e n t s . To e x p a n d y o u r knowledge, contact Mindy today. See ad, page 45.



Tom Porpiglia 202 Dickinson Rd, Webster 585-704-0376 •


79 W Main St, Victor 585-750-5621 Fresh cold-pressed juice, a healthy juice to soothe your soul. Benefits cholesterol, glucose, weight loss, energy and adding vitamins and minerals for those with cancer. 1-, 3- and 5-day cleanses.

Alternative counseling services using Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping, and other energy psychology techniques that may help you resolve life issues quicker and easier, without medications.




CRYSTAL CLEAR CONSULTING Jill Bates 585-385-0074

Spirit Organic 720 East Ave, Ste 104, Rochester 585-746-4682 •

Do you want to make more money in 2015? With the right business consultant, you have the ability to melt obstacles and facilitate possibilities. Call today for your free business consultation with Jill Bates at Crystal Clear Consulting.

Molly is certified in two CST modalities; Upledger and Biodynamic with additional training in CST for pediatrics, infants and pregnancy. This subtle touch modality calms the autonomic nervous system and engages the body’s natural ability to heal.


Robin Marshall 7 W Main St, Webster 201-220-3558 A variety of natural healing energy modalities to reduce stress and improve health. Acupressure, Reiki, Healing Touch, Rain Drop, HeartMath Resilience Coaching, Zentangle Meditative Art, classes also available. See ad, page 13.

natural awakenings

January 2016



FLY is a yoga and adventure event and retreat company for women, featuring weekly trail adventures, monthly events focusing on yoga, the outdoors, fitness and fun and weekend-long retreats. See ads, page 8 and 23.


Dr. Arlene Messer and Dr. Anna Belous 2052 S Clinton Ave, Rochester 585-244-3337 •

At Contemporary Dentistry, we care about your total health, offering an individualized approach for cavity prevention, including saliva testing, biocompatible materials, safe mercury filling removal, laser and minimally invasive dentistry. See ad, page 4.


Alternative counseling services using Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping, and other energy psychology techniques that may help you resolve life issues quicker and easier, without medications.



3380 Monroe Ave, #217, Rochester 585-208-8707 Vicki offers psychic medium/angel card readings, assertiveness coaching and spiritual advisement. Healing and classes in Reiki/ Integrated Energy Therapy. She is a Young Living Essential Oils independent distributor.


2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd floor, Rochester 585-317-4374 Using Spiritual Response Therapy, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki and intuitive guidance to re-balance the body on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Work supports and complements standard medical treatments.


Sheila Tillich Greater Rochester Area 585-313-3996 A Master Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy, Tillich connects with our energies to provide natural, holistic therapy sessions focused on healing past energy patterns to unlock our soul’s purpose. Tillich also teaches IET classes and practices distant healing. See ad, page 36.


Lori Smith 625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-615-6427 Lori Smith, a Master-Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy, helps those seeking to release their emotional baggage of the past. Her transformation/empowerment programs assist with personal growth in unwanted patterned behavior, authenticity in the present and manifesting your desired reality. See ad, page 31.


Rochester, NY

Esca Encina shares the lifeenhancing benefits of doTERRA Essential Oils therapeutic grade essential oils through education and support. Classes and oneon-one or small group sessions are available at the client’s convenience.


62 Park Ave, Webster 585-315-0214 • ROCDrop is a team of businesswomen passionate about sharing the power of essential oils. We provide education and business strategies for the use and marketing of Young Living products.


3380 Monroe Ave, #217, Rochester 585-208-8707 Vicki offers psychic medium/angel card readings, assertiveness coaching and spiritual advisement. Healing and classes in Reiki/ Integrated Energy Therapy. She is a Young Living Essential Oils independent distributor.

SWEET & WOODSY AROMATHERAPY Mindy MacLaren, Certified Aromatherapist

Offering a line of natural essential oil-based products for home and family as well as consultations to address a wide range of health issues through aromatherapy, with a focus on pregnancy and children. Classes also offered. See ad, page 19.

YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS Natalie Luntz-Martin 7682 Baptist Hill Rd, Bloomfield 585-472-3360

Classes and one-on-one support for people seeking greater health and wellness and a healthier home. Offering wellness, support for your healthy immune system and Switch to Safer Home Cleaning.

FAMILY MEDICINE HIGHLAND FAMILY MEDICINE 777 S Clinton Ave, Rochester 585-279-4800

At Highland Family Medicine, discover maternity care for expectant mothers, as well as primary health care for newborns, children and adults.


Waddell & Reed 345 Woodcliff, 2nd Floor, Fairport 585-436-4510 x116 Financial wellness is an integral part of your health and well-being. Have you thought about the benefits of including financial planning in order to help reach your financial goals and aspirations?


2851 Clover St, Pittsford 585-641-7102 Dr. James’ mission is to enrich conventional medical practice with a more natural approach to prevention and healing in one holistic practice. She pays special attention to preconception health and provides natural treatment and guidance for ailments and issues of all kinds, with a focus on nutrition and an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle.



Lisa Hill DiFusco 21 Prince St, Rochester 585-288-6160


We o f f e r f u n c t i o n a l medicine consultancy— care to look beyond symptoms and address the underlying root cause of chronic conditions— therapeutic massage and high-quality nutritional supplements.


2425 Clover St, Rochester 10773 Poags Hole Rd, Dansville 607-661-5497 • Sleggs studied four years at a naturopathic college after pre-med. Knowledgeable in traditional and natural medicine, she focuses on treating the root cause of illness and promotes healing by using a combination of herbs, homeopathics, nutrition and counseling. See ad, page 2.

625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-598-3535

Dr. Paula and Phil Derleth are specialized chiropractors in pregnancy, pediatrics, sports, functional blood analysis, nutritional deficiency screenings and 21-day purification programs. Help with: autoimmunity, indigestion, infertility, weight gain, reflux, colic, chronic pain, allergies, ADHD and more. See ads, page 29 and 32.

INSPIRED HEALTHY BODY Karin Franz, MS, MEd, CIHC 585-425-0338

Using fundamentals of functional medicine, Karin teaches how easy it is to drop excess weight, melt belly fat and reduce risk for chronic disease. Uncover the limiting beliefs keeping you stuck and empower yourself in a way that makes transformation inevitable. See ad, page 3.

natural awakenings

January 2016



2425 Clover St, Rochester 10773 Poags Hole Rd, Dansville 607-661-5497 •


Jean Oswald, RN 585-703-0189

Sleggs studied four years at a naturopathic college after pre-med. Knowledgeable in traditional and natural medicine, she focuses on treating the root cause of illness and promotes healing by using a combination of herbs, homeopathics, nutrition and counseling. See ad, page 2.

Jean Oswald RN is certified as a natural health professional, aromatherapist, shamanic healer and life coach, specializing in holistic wellness consulting, aromatherapy products, educational classes, spiritual life coaching and workshops for parents.



Kimberly Kavanagh 890 Westfall Rd, Ste C, Rochester 585-690-3782

595 Blossom Rd, Ste 307, Rochester 585-364-1820

With more than 20 years’ experience, Kim helps patients by identifying and correcting nutrition deficiencies that have resulted in chronic health maladies. Specialties include depression, anxiety, arthritis, autoimmune conditions and many more. See ad, page 14.

Regular massage is preventive healthcare, promoting overall wellness and rejuvenation. Shipman combines Swedish and deep tissue techniques to give each client personal, customized care for abundant health. See ad, page 15.



Alana Cahoon 595 Blossom Rd, Ste A, Rochester 585-953-0503 •

427 S Main St, Canandaigua 3976 Buffalo St, Marion 585-202-5689 •

Alana Cahoon, Usui Reiki Master, creative coach and natural health professional, blends energy work, nutrition, yoga and fitness to harmonize body, mind and soul. Benefits include weight loss, freedom from stress/anxiety and clarity.

Reflect your beauty within using essential oil treatments, Reiki, customized facials, ear candling and more. Retreat into a space of wellness as Wendy Jo works with you to find harmony and inner peace. See ad, page 51.

HEALTH FOODS LORI’S NATURAL FOODS CENTER 900 Jefferson Rd, Rochester 585-424-2323 •

Rochester’s largest independent natural grocery and wellness center, family-owned since 1981. Largest selection of local and organic foods, supplements and herbs. Be good to the Earth, be good to yourself, shop at Lori’s.


505 1/2 W Spruce St, Rochester 585-633-9490 • Raise your vibration using actionable content that supports ease within, through and around body, mind and spirit. Offering Divine DNA Education, Reiki, qigong and holistic healing modalities.

HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY THE CENTER FOR HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY At The LightHeart Institute Lisa Hill DiFusco 21 Prince St, Rochester 585-288-6160 •

We are dedicated to creating a sacred space for healing. Regardless of the challenges you face in life, healing (the permanent resolution of pain) is available. There is always hope.

HOMEOPATHY AMITY ENGLESON, CHOM 625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-766-7893

Amity is a classically trained homeopath offering a natural form of healing that works with the body, restoring health and vitality while relieving physical, mental and emotional symptoms. See ad, page 43.


Rochester, NY


Homeopathy & Natural Alternatives 333 Varinna Dr, Rochester 585-281-0899 • Dr. Peechatt has been practicing classical and modern homeopathy for 40+ years. Trained in clinical p s y c h o l o g y, n a t u r o p a t h y, acupuncture, cold laser therapy and more, successfully treating chronic and acute illnesses of all age groups.


Mahipal Chaudhri, MD 890 Westfall Rd, Ste C, Rochester 585-690-3782 • Dr. Chaudhri is an integrative psychiatrist offering alternative treatments for mental health, including Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. He uses supplements, nutrition and metabolic workups in addition to a traditional medicinal approach. See ad, page 14.


2425 Clover St, Rochester 10773 Poags Hole Rd, Dansville 607-661-5497 • Sleggs studied four years at a naturopathic college after pre-med. Knowledgeable in traditional and natural medicine, she focuses on treating the root cause of illness and promotes healing by using a combination of herbs, homeopathics, nutrition and counseling. See ad, page 2.


2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd floor, Rochester 585-764-4325 Providing services for serenity in body and mind through therapeutic massage, certified clinical hypnosis, Craniosacral therapy and Reiki healing. Free self-hypnosis downloads at


Lori Smith 625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-615-6427.05 • Lori Smith, a Master-Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy, helps those seeking to release their emotional baggage of the past. Her transformation/empowerment programs assist with personal growth in unwanted patterned behavior, authenticity in the present and manifesting your desired reality. See ad, page 31.


ONE Wellness Center 2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd floor, Rochester 585-329-8643 Specializing in lymph drainage therapy—detoxing waste and reducing chronic swelling. Also offering integrated bodywork using advanced modalities for relief of pain and restrictions.



Shivender Thakur, MD 890 Westfall Rd, Ste C, Rochester 585-690-3782 • Wi t h o v e r 3 0 y e a r s ’ experience in treating patients, using a combination of Western methods that include progressive and holistic protocols. He treats both acute and chronic conditions. See ad, page 14.

458 Stone Rd, Rochester 585-663-6454 • Carol Morissette, a LMT, RMT, certified herbalist and aromatherapist, offers Thermo & Integrated Energy Therapy, and sound healing guided meditations. Sound relieves stress, anxiety, pain, inflammation, sinuses, lowers blood pressure and improves immune system.

JANET SHIPMAN MASSAGE THERAPY 595 Blossom Rd, Ste 307, Rochester 585-364-1820


3380 Monroe Ave, #217, Rochester 585-208-8707 Vicki offers psychic medium/angel card readings, assertiveness coaching and spiritual advisement. Healing and classes in Reiki/ Integrated Energy Therapy. She is a Young Living Essential Oils independent distributor.

Regular massage is preventative health care, promoting overall wellness and rejuvenation. Janet combines Swedish and deep tissue techniques to give each client personal, customized care. See ad, page 15.


2349 Monroe Ave, Rochester 585-851-8318


Jean Oswald, RN 585-703-0189 Jean Oswald RN is certified as a natural health professional, aromatherapist, shamanic healer and life coach, specializing in holistic wellness consulting, aromatherapy products, educational classes, spiritual life coaching and workshops for parents.

Jacob Toczynski, LMT, and Jen Dietrich, LMT, focus on whole wellness—addressing mind, body and soul with massage therapy and spiritual growth/meditation classes. Specializing in treatment-focused massage and opening to greater spiritual/emotional well-being.

NURTURING HANDS MASSAGE Evelyn Spirull 640 Kreag Rd, Ste 202, Pittsford 585-230-0910

Offering the most thorough, relaxing, full-body massages. Specializing in Swedish, therapeutic, deep tissue, sports, pregnancy, newborn, infant and geriatric massage. doTERRA essential oils. $20 off first massage. See ad, page 27.

natural awakenings

January 2016



2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd floor, Rochester 585-764-4325 Providing services for serenity in body and mind through therapeutic massage, certified clinical hypnosis, Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki healing. Free self-hypnosis downloads at

JANET SHIPMAN MASSAGE THERAPY 595 Blossom Rd, Ste 307, Rochester 585-364-1820

Regular massage is preventive healthcare, promoting overall wellness and rejuvenation. Shipman combines Swedish and deep tissue techniques to give each client personal, customized care for abundant health. See ad, page 15.


Helena Listowski, LMT 2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd Floor, Rochester 585-329-8643 •



Facilitate your brain’s innate ability for self-observation, relaxation and self-healing. No cognitive engagement required. Change from the inside out naturally and non-invasively. Observe “stuck” brainwave patterns and optimize performance. Better overall well-being. See ad, page 43.

Neal’s Yard Remedies is a certified organic skin care line in the U.S. Family-run business offers skin care, body care, essential oils and healing remedies. There is nothing safer for you and your family. See ad, page 41.

Claude Adair Fairport • 585-721-2131


2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd floor, Rochester 585-764-4325 Providing services for serenity in body and mind through therapeutic massage, certified clinical hypnosis, Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki healing. Free self-hypnosis downloads at

CATHY WOODSIDE, LMT, CST, RM 2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd floor, Rochester 585-545-0327

Integrating the body, mind, and spirit through massage, craniosacral therapy, Reiki and various other modalities. Focusing on education and healing for better health. See ad, page 9.

Offering Swedish Massage, CranioSacral, Lymph Drainage, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Associative Awareness Technique and zero balancing therapies. Pain relief, relaxation and freedom of movement are experienced with regular treatments.


Homeopathy & Natural Alternatives 333 Varinna Dr, Rochester 585-281-0899 • As a certified school psychologist and Doctor of Homeopathic Medicine, Peechatt uses psychological testing to determine abnormalities in neurotransmitters, aids patients on their path to mental wellness using homeopathic remedies and educates patients on treating the brain with natural alternatives.


Robin Marshall 7 W Main St, Webster 201-220-3558 A variety of natural healing energy modalities to reduce stress and improve your health. Acupressure, Reiki, healing touch, raindrop, HeartMath Resilience Coaching, Zentangle art. See ad, page 13.


622 Park Ave, Rochester 585-413-0616 •



Floating offers various ways to relieve many conditions— such as joint and muscle pain—reduces stress, soothes pregnancy discomfort, depression and sleep disorders, enhances creativity and much more. See ad, page 10.


Rochester, NY

Lemongrass Spa offers 97-100 percent natural and organic skin care products that are handmade in the USA. Purchase our products online or host a relaxing spa party.

Kris Weltman 585-733-1349


585-259-9862 • Simply Sue’s blends organic and natural ingredients to make decadent body care products that will leave your skin super hydrated. Nature has given us so many wonderful things to truly enhance the look, feel and health of our skin. Take advantage of all nature has to offer and pamper yourself. Your skin will thank you.


585-861-8127 585-704-8424 • EarthWorks’ staff is comprised of highly trained and diversely practiced professionals with over 20 years of aggregate experience in the environmental and education fields. We offer programs that educate, inspire and empower people to reconnect with themselves and their world through meaningful experience. Our goal is to create social and environmental sustainability in Rochester by building a shared responsibility for stewardship and a future of greater equity. See ad, page 8.

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE NORTH SHORE NATUROPATHIC & ACUPUNCTURE Dr. Bonnie Cronin, ND, LAc 2349 Monroe Ave, Rochester 402 N Main St, Canandaigua 585-394-3490

Finding the cause to your health issues and using safe, effective, natural therapeutics, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, oils, botanicals, homeopathies and acupuncture. Visit for more information.


2425 Clover St, Rochester 10773 Poags Hole Rd, Dansville 607-661-5497 • Sleggs studied four years at a naturopathic college after pre-med. Knowledgeable in traditional and natural medicine, she focuses on treating the root cause of illness and promotes healing by using a combination of herbs, homeopathics, nutrition and counseling. See ad, page 2.


Sandra Miceli, RN, FNP 75 W Main St, Webster • 800-664-0613 Surviving Naturally provides services in the areas of integrative family health; natural skin, nail and hair care; and counseling services for individuals and families. See ad, page 36.


Traveling Dietitian 585-953-8330 • As a registered dietitian nutritionist, Kyle strives to empower and enable you to develop the healthy and happy lifestyle that you have always dreamed of, through a compassionate nutrition counseling approach. See ad, page 48.

ORGANIC FOODS LORI’S NATURAL FOODS CENTER 900 Jefferson Rd, Rochester 585-424-2323 •

Rochester’s largest independent natural grocery and wellness center, family-owned since 1981. Largest selection of local and organic foods, supplements and herbs. Be good to the Earth, be good to yourself, shop at Lori’s.


Salon, Spa & Wellness Center Linda Allen, Owner/Cosmetologist 1726 Long Pond Rd, Ste 1, Rochester 585-426-5944 • Full service salon, spa and hair loss clinic. Massage, reiki and wellness consultations are also available. The safest, most natural, non-toxic products are used, caring for the client’s overall well-being.

PARENTING HOLISTIC MOMS NETWORK The mission of HMN is to generate national awareness, education and support for holistic parenting and green living by providing nurturing, open-minded and respectful local community networks that encourage families to share these ideals and learn from each other.





Lori Smith, a Master-Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy, helps those seeking to release their emotional baggage of the past. Her transformation/empowerment programs assist with personal growth in unwanted patterned behavior, authenticity in the present and manifesting your desired reality. See ad, page 31.

GAGR is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to finding homes for retired racing greyhounds. We feel every greyhound retired from racing deserves the chance for a real home and a loving family. Visit our website for available dogs and information on volunteering.


P.O. Box 120, Ionia, NY

Lori Smith 625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-615-6427 •

Anais Salibian Awareness Heals 640 Kreag Rd, Ste 202, Pittsford 585-586-1590 • Private sessions and trainings in Rosen Method Bodywork, classes, workshops in Writing to Heal, Igniting Intimacy for Couples. Salibian’s work provides a safe place for people to reintegrate body and mind in order to heal both. All of her work creates a safe space and offers a process for people to come back home to themselves and take charge of their lives. See ad, page 26.

LIFE SCRIPT MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING SERVICES PLLC Tom Porpiglia 202 Dickinson Rd, Webster 585-704-0376

Alternative counseling services using Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping, and other energy psychology techniques that may help you resolve life issues quicker and easier, without medications.

Greyhound Adoption of Greater Rochester, NY 877-211-1451


BDBH is an allvolunteer rescue dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing large (pure or mixed) breed dogs and making them available for adoption to appropriate/approved homes. Most dogs come from local area shelters or owners looking for help re-homing their dog, however, dogs in kill shelters take precedence.

ROCHESTER ANIMAL SERVICES 184 Verona St, Rochester 585-428-7274

Rochester Animal Services is the municipal animal care and control agency for the city of R o c h e s t e r. We p r o v i d e temporary shelter for stray and unwanted animals. We are committed to reuniting missing pets with their owners; re-homing unclaimed and surrendered pets; promoting appropriate pet care and compliance with animal laws; and promoting pet sterilization to reduce unwanted litters, mitigate undesirable behaviors, encourage pet retention and increase pet longevity.

RUDY’S RESCUE Rochester Area

PERSONAL TRAINING GET FIT PERSONAL TRAINING Josh Groth 860 Linden Ave, Rochester 585-713-5585

Get Fit Personal Training is a private facility that focuses on one-on-one training with the personal attention needed to improve your overall health and fitness goals.

Rudy’s Rescue is a 100 percent volunteer, publicly funded organization that is dedicated to finding homes for dogs in need, focusing on Labrador Retrievers. Rudy’s volunteers rescue dogs of good temperament, foster and find new homes with suitable families. They also give referrals to other organizations and educate the public on best practices for finding companion animals.

natural awakenings

January 2016




The Colony Caregivers is dedicated to taking care of feral, stray and abandoned cats in Ontario County, NY. We facilitate the scheduling of clinics at a reduced price and provide education to the public. Volunteers assist with trapping and provide techniques on the proper way to do so. We assist individuals who care for a colony of cats or who have adopted an abandoned cat, but cannot afford to spay/neuter. The organization is supported entirely by individual donations, fundraising events and the occasional grant. We do not remove cats or have a shelter.


Sandra Shaffer Photography 82 Yellowstone Dr, West Henrietta 585-831-7615

Fred Onufryk, MS, PT 1328 University Ave, Rochester 585-482-5060

Specializing in optimizing your health by moving, breathing and feeling better. Offering physical therapy and Feldenkrais to improve posture, relieve pain and restore your functional mobility. See ad, page 27.


Lisa Benesh East Side Wellness Center, 625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-350-8138

Photographer offering: n e w b o r n , f a m i l y, engagement, wedding, events, charity, corporate, head shots. Sanfire75.wix. com/SandraShafferPhoto.


Rochester, NY

Next Level Life Coaching teaches Positive Psychology tools to clients wanting to make a permanent change in their lives. Areas of focus: weight loss, parenting, relationships, personal growth and career. See ad, page 26.


Sharon Perry-Ferrari LMT 3313 Chili Ave, Rochester 1598 Penfield Rd, Penfield 585-400-0004 • Too many of us suffer from posture problems. Examining the body as a whole, we can better understand what is going on. Postural alignment therapy is a non-invasive, nonmedicated treatment intervention program, offering longterm solutions.

QIGONG GENESEE NATURAL HEALING 1400 N Winton Rd, Rochester 585-205-6430

Offering compassionate, natural healthcare. Kara Waugh, L.Ac. M.Ac.O.M., has been studying and practicing natural healing for 10 years. Services include acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki, herbal medicine, qigong, diet and lifestyle counseling.


505 1/2 W Spruce St, Rochester 585-633-9490 • Raise your vibration using actionable content that supports ease within, through and around body, mind and spirit. Offering Divine DNA Education, Reiki, qigong and holistic healing modalities.

REIKI GENESEE NATURAL HEALING 1400 N Winton Rd, Rochester 585-205-6430

Offering compassionate, natural healthcare. Kara Waugh, L.Ac. M.Ac.O.M., has been studying and practicing natural healing for 10 years. Services include acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki, herbal medicine, qigong, diet and lifestyle counseling.


505 1/2 W Spruce St, Rochester 585-633-9490 • Raise your vibration using actionable content that supports ease within, through and around body, mind and spirit. Offering Divine DNA Education, Reiki, qigong and holistic healing modalities.


Theresa Oschmann 111 Pleasant Way, Penfield 585-748-4719 • Marketing and advertising increase short-term sales. An advertising/ marketing program that includes SendOutCards keeps clients coming back, plus referring friends and family.

RETREATS FINGER LAKES YOGASCAPES 30 Wood Stone Rise, Pittsford 585-746-2674

FLY is a yoga and adventure event and retreat company for women, featuring weekly trail adventures, monthly events focusing on yoga, the outdoors, fitness and fun and weekend-long retreats. See ads, page 8 and 23.





Anais Salibian Awareness Heals 640 Kreag Rd, Ste 202, Pittsford 585-586-1590 •

55 Prince St, Rochester 585-473-0910 •

Private sessions and trainings in Rosen Method Bodywork, classes, workshops in Writing to Heal, Igniting Intimacy for Couples. Salibian’s work provides a safe place for people to reintegrate body and mind in order to heal both. All of her work creates a safe space and offers a process for people to come back home to themselves and take charge of their lives. See ad, page 26.

Recognizing our divine nature, we create a nurturing environment of spiritual freedom where all can develop their spiritual potential for lives overflowing with blessings. Practical Christianity teaching for all faiths.


1400 N Winton Rd, Rochester 315-243-3760 •


A not-for-profit meditation center that hosts services, classes and events promoting a harmonious integration of Eastern Philosophy and Western Mysticism. Our teachings are complementary to any faith path.


1545 St. Paul St, Rochester 585-544-1240 Discover RSD, a private prekindergarten through 12th grade school where deaf and hard of hearing students learn and grow together. Education programs are provided at no cost to families.


Michelle Arbore Provides training and assistance to business owners on a variety of social media platforms for business growth. Remove your challenges and focus on your business, meet new clients and spend more time with loved ones. See ad, page 17.


427 S Main St, Canandaigua 585-202-5689 At Time to Heal, it is Wendy Jo Allen’s goal to teach clients that her services are not a luxury but a necessity to well-being. Reiki, ear candling, raindrop therapy, facial treatments and more. See ad, page 51.


2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd floor, Rochester 585-764-4325 Providing services for serenity in body and mind through therapeutic massage, certified clinical hypnosis, Craniosacral therapy and Reiki healing. Free self-hypnosis downloads at


Robin Marshall 7 W Main St, Webster • 201-220-3558 A variety of natural healing energy modalities to reduce stress and improve health. Acupressure, Reiki, H e a l i n g To u c h , R a in D r o p , HeartMath Resilience Coaching, Zentangle Meditative Art, classes also available. See ad, page 13.

SUPPLEMENTS LORI’S NATURAL FOODS CENTER 900 Jefferson Rd, Rochester 585-424-2323 •

Rochester’s largest independent natural grocery and wellness center, family-owned since 1981. Largest selection of local and organic foods, supplements and herbs. Be good to the Earth, be good to yourself, shop at Lori’s.

natural awakenings

January 2016



500 Helendale Rd, Ste 195, Rochester 585-739-3575 Committed to providing in-depth, personal, customized care and healing. Specializing in acute and chronic pain relief, deep tissue, and sports massage, headaches/migraine relief, TMJ, aromatherapy and relaxation.

JANET SHIPMAN MASSAGE THERAPY 595 Blossom Rd, Ste 307, Rochester 585-364-1820 •

Regular massage is preventive healthcare, promoting overall wellness and rejuvenation. Shipman combines Swedish and deep tissue techniques to give each client personal, customized care for abundant health. See ad, page 15.


Helena Listowski, LMT 2349 Monroe Ave, 2nd Floor, Rochester 585-329-8643 • Offering Swedish Massage, CranioSacral, Lymph Drainage, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Associative Awareness Technique and zero balancing therapies. Pain relief, relaxation and freedom of movement are experienced with regular treatments.

THERMAL IMAGING DYNAMIC THERMAL IMAGING Carol Knapp, CCT, Office Manager 550 Latona Rd, Bldg D, Greece 585-734-6083 •

Provides radiation-free, noninvasive clinical imaging for detecting and monitoring overall health as well as a number of diseases and injuries. 100 % safe, FDA-approved and available to women, men and children. Take responsibility for your own health and be proactive with Dynamic Thermal Imaging. See ad, page 7.


Anais Salibian Awareness Heals 640 Kreag Rd, Ste 202, Pittsford 585-586-1590 • Private sessions and trainings in Rosen Method Bodywork, classes, workshops in Writing to Heal, Igniting Intimacy for Couples. Salibian’s work provides a safe place for people to reintegrate body and mind in order to heal both. All of her work creates a safe space and offers a process for people to come back home to themselves and take charge of their lives. See ad, page 26.


Using fundamentals of functional medicine, Karin teaches how easy it is to drop excess weight, melt belly fat and reduce risk for chronic disease. Uncover the limiting beliefs keeping you stuck and empower yourself in a way that makes transformation inevitable. See ad, page 3.


Lisa Benesh East Side Wellness Center, 625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-350-8138 Next Level Life Coaching teaches Positive Psychology tools to clients wanting to make a permanent change in their lives. Areas of focus: weight loss, parenting, relationships, personal growth and career. See ad, page 26.

WELLNESS CENTER 3200 Brighton Henrietta Rd, Rochester 585-242-9518 • Brighton Pathways to Health is a group of licensed, skilled and compassionate practitioners. We recognize that the body, mind and spirit must be in harmony in order for the whole person to become well and stay well. We offer Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, Chiropractic care and ongoing yoga, tai chi, meditation and other weekly classes and weekend seminars.

Rochester, NY

625 Ayrault Rd, Fairport 585-598-3535 • Dr. Paula and Phil Derleth are specialized chiropractors in pregnancy, pediatrics, sports, functional blood analysis, nutritional deficiency screenings and 21-day purification programs. Help with: autoimmunity, indigestion, infertility, weight gain, reflux, colic, chronic pain, allergies, ADHD and more. See ads, page 29 and 32.

HARVARD STREET INTEGRATED WELLNESS Wendy Rosen M.D. 18 Harvard St, Rochester 585-473-8180

Karin Franz, MS, MEd, CIHC 585-425-0338




An independent group of diverse healers who share a respect for integrated medicine which uses both modern and ancient approaches to healing and wellness. Onsite yoga studio; offering yoga, tai chi, movement and meditation.


458 Stone Rd, Rochester 585-663-6454 Carol Morissette, LMT, RMT, certified herbalist and aromatherapist, offers Thermo Therapy amd Integrated Energy Therapy, sound healing, guided meditations and more. Sound relieves stress, anxiety, pain and inflammation, clears sinuses, lowers blood pressure and improves immune system.


1598 Penfield Rd, Rochester 585-210-2412 • Integrative wellness center focused on helping you reach your health and wellness goals.


Nevada Ott 585-329-5751 • Arbonne is a highly regarded premium brand with a Swiss heritage, including a vegan nutrition line and anti-aging skin care. Ask me about our 28-day challenge. See ad, page 35.


18 Winding Brook Dr, Fairport 585-662-7848 • Landia Botanicals continues the tradition of an Ayurvedic healing oil, Sarva Roga Samana. Our mission is to offer the oil, handcrafted in small batches, to people with problems that can be alleviated with this all-natural formula for chronic pain and skin conditions.


Mindy MacLaren, Certified Aromatherapist Offering a line of natural essential oil-based products for home and family as well as consultations to address a wide range of health issues through aromatherapy, with a focus on pregnancy and children. Classes also offered. See ad, page 19.

WOMEN’S HEALTH MOLLY DEUTSCHBEIN, LMT, CST, BCST Spirit Organic 720 East Ave, Ste 104, Rochester 585-746-4682 •

Molly, a certified practitioner of the Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy, combines this and other bodywork modalities to help with fertility challenges, baby positioning in pregnancy and menstrual challenges. She also sees clients with trauma-related symptoms.



30 Wood Stone Rise, Pittsford 585-746-2674 • FLY is a yoga and adventure event and retreat company for women, featuring weekly trail adventures, monthly events focusing on yoga, the outdoors, fitness and fun and weekend-long retreats. See ads, page 8 and 23.

1802 Penfield Rd, Penfield 585-545-1451 Inspire Yoga is a full-service yoga studio offering classes for all ages and abilities, and the only Upstate NY Registered Children’s Yoga Training School offering the 95-hour Yoga Alliance training.


131 Gregory St, Rochester 585-754-0943


Barn Bazaar, 2851 Clover St, Pittsford 585-264-1166 Flower City Yoga offers classes for adults, kids, teens and toddlers. They specialize in prenatal yoga, baby and me yoga and infant massage instruction classes. Vinyasa, gentle yoga, happy hour/open studio and active yoga are also offered. Flower City also offers personal, private training sessions.


A Yoga Alliance-approved school offering daily classes, annual retreats and yoga teacher training. Two indoor facilities and several outdoor programs in the summer. Kids to seniors.

Kripalu-style yoga classes are designed to release physical and emotional knots and calm the mind. Each class includes centering, breathing techniques, warm-ups, postures, relaxation and meditation. Check calendar listings for dates and times.

MOLLY’S YOGA CORNER Molly Huff 585-202-1347

With two locations—in Fairport and on Monroe Avenue, Molly and her staff teach an array of yoga styles in a fun, relaxed, non-competitive atmosphere.


Sharon Perry-Ferrari LMT 3313 Chili Ave, Rochester 1598 Penfield Rd, Penfield 585-400-0004 • Too many of us suffer from posture problems. Examining the body as a whole, we can better understand what is going on. Postural alignment therapy is a non-invasive, nonmedicated treatment intervention program, offering longterm solutions.

natural awakenings

January 2016


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