Robb Auber: Keeping your slate clean

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Robb Auber: Keeping your slate clean “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett The mentioned-above quote from Buffett indicates that a hard earned reputation can be lost within five minutes if you take things, like customer complaints easily and for granted. It may take you many years to build a castle, but you can find it demolished within minutes. The same thing applies in the business world where an angry customer can hit you below the belt and bring you in bad books of others in the least amount of time. If left unattended, a complaint can take customer(s) away from you. It is easier to retain existing customers than finding new ones and bringing them to your shop. That is why it is important for businesses of all sizes and types to take a serious look at customer complaints and keep their slate clean in order to create immaculate goodwill in the market. When it comes to having the best and proven complaint resolution from a call center, Teleiman LLC makes its presence felt in the global call center industry. Robb knows the art of handling Teleiman LLC complaints and responding to them in an amicable manner so that a long term relationship can be formed in a perfect manner. Robb firmly admits that a real customer service experience can instantly alter the entire perception of the customers who are unhappy and look for better and improved solutions. Robb gives preference to taking right initiatives that put a positive effect on customers’ mind. Consequently, customers start praising Teleiman for its genuine efforts that build positive relationships. You can check the reality with the following quote. “I had the pleasure of working side-by-side Robb Auber in a similar capacity for three years. Robb was a very hands-on executive who was able to produce great results because of his ability to develop strong teams around him. He was stood tall in the wake of adversity and continued to move the ship forward. I would welcome the opportunity to work with Robb once again.” -- John Callaghan, VP, Customer Service/Performance Enhancement, Patriot Marketing, Inc.

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