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On Eternal Repeat Clara Ong

On Eternal Repeat

Clara Ong

Antoun was constructed through a continuous evaluable of similar tasks. It become a routine to consider the U House with each project, but requires to hold sustained a ritual in the proposal of a cabinet.

The first task imagined the U House as an object to protect and cradle. The remaining wall reflected the fragility of the houses beginning, and was something precious and potentially lasting, that required an enveloping cabinet. In the final project, the cabinet become a conceptual device that unfolded the wall as a narrative, confronting both routine and ritual.

The fifth project reflected a consideration of the Shrine of Remembrance. The careful transitioning of various architectural proposals held against the continuity and permanance of the memorial, potentially established by the eternal flame. The project attempted to reflect the difficulty of these two ideas held so closely, seemingly resolved, in the monument.

The flame is dutifully cared for and maintained by the caretaker, a spectre. The eternal threat of its almost imminent extinguishing embraces the difficulty of the studio as it comes to an end.

Image: “Perpetuitas” by Matija Dolenc and Clara Ong