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On The End Fanqi Sun

Eduardo Souto de Moura, Carandá market, Braga, 2001

Sir Basil Spence, Coventry Cathedral, 1962 (original Cathedral 14th Century)

On The End

Fanqi Sun

The U house was demolished. Bastille Prison was conserved in the manner of its demolition, and the occupation of its ruinous structure. Fragments of the demolished Berlin wall are regarded as mementos, to celebrate and remember the end off the Cold War. The end can be distressing, but it does not dissolve our embrace.

However, in the film “Melancholia” by Lars Von Trier the world is faced with an apocalyptic end. As that day approached, the character Justine says “The earth is evil, nobody will miss it, we don’t need to grieve for it”, as her sister grew anxious and uneasy.

The project of Carandá market in Braga by Eduardo Souto de Moura removed the original market roof, while the pillars were kept and a garden created, resulting in the appearance of ruin when the disused market closed as a result of suffocation from the surrounding programs. The Coventry Cathedral suffered a firestorm leaving it a virtual shell with only the tower and its spire still standing in the Battle of Britain. A new cathedral was built at right-angles to the ruins, intended to preserve the ruined shell of the ancient cathedral as an integral part of the overall modern design. Both of them were not overremembered and acknowledged their passing, moving on to the next stage.

The end of U house is there, an end without return. U house does not exist in enclosed form anymore, emotional repression was broken up, only wonderful memories are expected to be preserved. Don’t be grieve for that, their family will not miss it. The only value of the U house is letting it progress toward the end.

It’s the time for a new start, for U house, for ANTOUN, for us.