Arakan update #2

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ARAKAN UPDATE and MORE - #2 by Rick Heizman

Nov 22, 2012

The false accusations against the Buddhist Rakhine people in western Burma still continues, many people are blind to the truth, and it is very disturbing to see people say 'Buddhist terrorists', and 'extremist monks', racist Buddhist', etc. when the reality is opposite. The Buddhist Rakhine people are facing a vicious and brutal campaign to kill or push the Buddhist people out of their homeland, and to make it an Islamic State, independent of Burma.

The soldiers are Royingya, trained by Taliban and Al-Qaeda

PLEASE SEE AND HEAR THE GOOD LINKS BELOW People must see the reality, based on history, and the current Islamic racism and intolerance that is killing so many Buddhist, Hindus, Christians, and Jews and even other Muslims. If you think this is unfair to Muslims, then: 1) Listen to the voices of Muslims below 2) Listen to the voices of victims of the Muslims below 3) Understand that many many Muslims are good tolerant people, and are not part of this problem, 4) BUT, many many Muslims are killing others in Southern Thailand, Southern Philippines, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, and other places. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Read my paper about this situation:



GOOD LINKS: A facebook site, by Muslims, called Buddhist are NOT killing Muslims in Burma. They know the truth, and they are ashamed of the violence and lies of the Rohingya, and the false blaming of the Buddhist Rakhine people by the Muslim world. A Muslim woman School Teacher tells of the killings she saw committed by the 'Bangali Muslims' (Rohingya). She is Kaman Muslim (local Muslim, not Rohingya), and she tells of the fanatic hatred the Rohingya have, even against the Kaman muslims, she also had to escape or they would kill her. She says (in her words) the Rohingya have a terrible evil in them and it will not change - they do not know compassion or tolerance and they intend to kill or push away ALL Buddhist, Hindus, and others around them. This brings up the point that Kaman Muslims are recognized as a minority group in Rakhine State and in the rest of Burma, and they are generally accepted because they live peacefully and are an integrated part of the culture. Rakhine School Teacher tells of the slaughter of the Buddhist in June 2012 Buddhist Defense League: good Facebook site Jihad On Buddhist: Documenting Muslim jihad (holy war) against Buddhism and Buddhist Point of Balance: article about the Muslim Brotherhood and Buddhism Terrorist attack #1 in southern Thailand - similar problem as in Arakan: Terrorist attack #2 in southern Thailand - similar problem as in Arakan: Democracy for Burma: good website The Muslim Times: reports on the Taliban and Al-Qaeda training by Rohingya 80 Taliban members arrested in Arakan: A Burmese man, speaking good English, who founded an organization called Youth Development Association, in Maungdaw describes Friday June 8, 2012 when hundreds and hundreds of 'Bangali Muslims' (Rohingya) poured out of the mosques, armed with weapons, and surged down the main streets killing any Buddhist they could catch - including women and children - and burning the homes and shops and the Buddhist monasteries. When his father was young Maungdaw was almost all Buddhist. After many massacres it is now 95% Muslim, and the leaders and imams of the muslims are inciting the killing of the 30,000 remaining Buddhist in the township, and the destruction of their homes, temples and monasteries.


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