Arakan update #1

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ARAKAN UPDATE and MORE - #1 by Rick Heizman

Nov 3, 2012

I am s&ll amazed and concerned to see that the conflict in Rakhine State, western Burma / Myanmar is s&ll misunderstood by many. Almost all Burmese people know that the Rakhine people are facing a vicious and brutal campaign to kill or push the Rakhine Buddhist people out of their homeland, and to make it an Islamic State, independent of Burma. But, many non-­‐Burmese don't know about the history of the area, and the waves of uncontrollable Muslim Rohingya people, and the fana&c intolerance and contempt they have for the 'infidel' and 'idol worshipping' Buddhist. And, many people have believed the vast amounts of fake and manipulated media from the Muslim world that has shaped opinion, emo&on, and sympathy to suit their aims.



I wrote a very detailed, historical accurate, and very highly regarded paper called: HISTORY, ISSUES AND TRUTH IN ARAKAN / RAKHINE STATE Please read it - in English: in Burmese: -------------------------------------------------------------------

A few points, since the time my paper was written: 1) Banning anything critical of Islam and Muslims: Muslims around the world are trying to ban any criticism or critical thinking about Islam, and that includes efforts to force Google, YouTube, and Facebook to delete anything the muslims label as 'anti-muslim', by using Facebook sites such as: People are instructed to ‘red flag’ or ‘mark’ sites as being: Offensive, Hate Speech, Pornographic, Inappropriate, etc.

2) The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) pressured the Burmese government to allow it to open an office, or offices, in Rakhine State. First, the Government reluctantly agreed, then after strong public opinion against that, the government reversed that, and said 'NO'. This is absolutely the right decision. The OIC is a group of 56 Islamic countries, that has agendas and bias, and would do nothing to recognize the Rakhine voices. In it's history it has never condemned or even seemed concerned about the massive killings of Christians in Nigeria and Egypt, or the 5000 Buddhist killed in southern Thailand, or the genocide committed by Sudan, etc. In fact, the OIC often uses it's weight to shield any Islamic country engaged in genocide (Sudan), engaged in repression and violence against non-muslims (Nigeria, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.), or threatening extermination of Jews, (Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas). The OIC would be blind to the Rohingya being wrong in any way, and would not recognize any of the legitimate and historical truths of the Rakhine Buddhist.


3) Bangladesh refuses to do what it should: Some people are pointing the finger at Burma, and demanding that Burma give the Rohingya citizenship, but instead, they should point the finger at Bangladesh! That is the place that the Bengali Muslims (now self-named 'Rohingya') came from - same language, same look, same DNA, same religion. Bangladesh is where these people should live (or another muslim country). That way the muslims don't create conflict with others (southern Thailand, southern Philippines, Burma, Christian parts of Indonesia) and the Rakhine Buddhist can live in their homeland without the threats of violence, genocide and annihilation. (I explain, in my paper HISTORY, ISSUES AND TRUTH IN ARAKAN / RAKHINE STATE, why Bangladesh will not help the Rohingya, and not give them citizenship in Bangladesh.)

4) Muslim history with Buddhist: In history, whenever Muslim culture bordered Buddhist culture, the Buddhist culture lost. It was pushed out, and/or annihilated down to the last Buddhist - that's why there are no more Buddhist in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Persian (Iran) areas. Don't let Arakan be the next one. --------------------------------------------------

YOUTUBE VIDEOS: June, 2012, hundreds of armed Rohingya men run out the mosques after Friday prayers, running down the main streets in town, killing any Buddhist they catch, burning buildings…… A young Rakhine girl tells of escaping while others, including her family were beaten to death: 2 Rakhine boys tell of the horrors of the Rohingya killing the Buddhist: An old monk tells of he, monks, and laypeople trying to escaping the huge gangs of muslims, surrounded by armed muslims the monk had to fight for the first time in his life as he saw the mobs killing Buddhist people including women and kids: Fake videos and pictures try to show the Rohingya as the victims - easily proven false: Fake Media part 2: THIS ONE IS VERY VERY HORRIBLE - DO NOT SHOW TO CHILDREN - BE AWARE THAT IT SHOWS VERY DISTURBING SCENES Hundreds of Rohingya are in a circle. Buddhist are being violently beaten to death by Rohingya muslims yelling 'God is Great', More Buddhist are thrown in to the circle. A muslim policeman checks the pulse to see if bloody broken bodies are still alive, if they are he signals to continue, if they are dead new Buddhist people are thrown in and the crowd of muslims cheers loudly and watches them die: Rohingya plot and plan terrorist attacks:



ARTICLES: A recent CNN report: 1942 Massive Genocide of Buddhists in Maungdaw district: On the other side of Bangladesh the same thing is happening!: Very detailed history of Arakan: 1942 Massive Genocide of Buddhists in Maungdaw district: A Muslim Scholar - progressive critique of Islam: Hindu families forced to convert to Islam - escape: Islamic Genocide of Native Buddhists: UN and INGO's conspiracy in Rakhine:

Rakhine Straight View (RSV) မီးရိႈ႕ၿပီး ထြက္းေျပးတိမ္းေရွာင္ေနၾကေသာ ကုလားမ်ားမီးရိႈ႕ၿပီး-ထြက္းေျပ/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rohingya refugees should be treated humanely, (unlike Bangladesh does), but CANNOT be allowed to overrun and destroy another culture. That is not right. They will NOT live in harmony and respect with Buddhist, and Arakan is NOT their homeland, and the solution, for the benefit of both sides, is for the Rohigya to live only in a muslim country. The Rakine Buddhist people are good and devout Buddhist, but they see their women raped, and their villages burned, and the Royingya leaders and imams call for the slaughter of the Buddhist, and the throngs of muslim men running out of the mosques with weapons after saying their Friday prayers and running down the streets killing and burning. If you don't believe it - SEE the videos, LISTEN to the voices of Buddhist children, monks and mothers, and READ the articles and information. The Rakhine Buddhist finally have to defend themselves, or die. And too many have died already. Rick Heizman, San Francisco, USA, Nov 3, 2012 3

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