1 minute read

Bus stop bin badly needed

Dear Editor,

The ar�cle neglects to men�on that building the mul�-use pathway (MUP) requires narrowing the vehicle lanes on Steveston Highway with the asser�on by city staff that this will slow down traffic As anyone who drives Steveston Highway can tell you, narrowing the lanes is a nightmare scenario.


The online ar�cle also presented a pre y image of the MUP prepared by city staff showing a wide divider with trees between the MUP and the roadway

The actual width is one metre The UBC experts and the U S Environmental Protec�on Agency specify that outdoor physical ac�vity shouldbekeptatleast100metresfromanundivided four-lane highway like Steveston Highway City staff like to quote Metro Vancouver reports, but neglect to men�on that those same reports recommend keeping pedestrian and bicycle paths away from busy roads