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More victims of rogue landscaper surface

Alan Campbell

More vic ms of Richmond’s rogue landscaper are surfacing a�er the Richmond News broke the story of his trail of woe


The News reported last week how several Richmond residents felt they had been duped by Chris “Slawko” Hawryluk, who had turned up at their doors offering landscaping services

On each occasion, Hawryluk who used a “Pro Pruners” business card agreed to carry out a range

Developer InformationSession

12931, 13031, 13111, 13131 NO. 2 ROAD

Jim Pattison Developments Ltd. has submitted a Development Permit application to the City of Richmond for a two-storey commercial self-storage building located at 12931-13131 No 2 Road (see Map 1). The site is designated for industrial use, with a portion of the site along the western edge designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). The site is zoned Light Industrial (IL) and commercial storage is a permitted use The proposed building will be located outside the ESA.

We invite interested community members to join us on June 15, 2023, for an in-person Developer Information Session to review the proposal and provide comments.


Date: Thursday June 15, 2023

Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: Gym at Homma Elementary (5100 Brunswick Drive)

This is a drop-in event with no pre-registration or formal presentation. A series of self-guided informational boards will be displayed in the venue with members from the project team in attendance to answer questions that you may have

For more information and to provide comments, please visit the project website at www. StorageonNo2Rd.ca, or scan the QR code above

Questions? Contact us at angela@poonigroupcom or 604 731 9053 ext 105 of work in their gardens, take thousands of dollars from the homeowners and then ply them with illhealth excuses a�er doing a day or two’s labour

Hawryluk gave two neighbours in west Richmond a different excuse each me for not being able to finish the jobs first up, Brian Flagel was told Hawryluk had a broken foot, before a woman down the street was told it was a bad back.

A�er the story about the door-to-door landscaper came out last week, another Richmond resident, Kelly Dhillon, contacted the News to say she successfully took Hawryluk to a Civil Resolu on Tribunal (CRT) a year ago

And his ex-wife and Richmond resident, Lynne Fay, also called in, claiming that her near 70-year-old ex-husband has been pulling this stunt for decades. Dhillon, meanwhile, had to take Hawryluk to the court in Richmond, despite the CRT ruling in May 2022 that he had to repay her the $2,000 she gave him as a deposit for a $4,000 backyard landscaping job in the summer of 2020

That case eventually led to an arrest warrant being issued for Hawryluk earlier this year

He finally appeared in court earlier this month, where a judge ordered him to pay Dhillon back in four instalments, star ng next week

“It’s not really about the money any more, it’s more about him taking responsibility,” Dhillon told the News, adding that she wants as many people as possible to be aware of Hawryluk’s methods

In the original CRT case, Hawryluk claimed he had offered to give Dhillon a refund but failed to do so because she was “harassing” him.

Dhillon told the CRT that Hawryluk was “largely absent and did almost no work ”

His most recent “customers,” Flagel and his neighbour went to the RCMP but say they were told it was a civil ma er and there wasn’t much they could do

“Unfortunately, he does just enough work to eliminate possible criminal charges,” claimed Flagel “It becomes a civil matter because he has failed to deliver on an unwri en contract. Good luck with that in court ”

The News has made several a empts to contact Hawryluk on the number on his business card and le� a message on his voicemail.

He has yet to reply Richmond RCMP told the News that people should always check a business’ background before giving money