Wakakán - La Revista Animal - Enero - Marzo 2015 - Wakakan January March

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ow that, thanks to the power of the web some cats like Oskar or Honey Bee have become authentic internet phenomena, despite being completely blind, maybe it would be a good time to reflect on the integration into our lives of felines with vision problems. When someone is planning to adopt a cat, they usually have a healthy and perfect animal in mind, but the harsh reality soon enough comes to light, showing that among those waiting for a family there are many that, due to their circumstances, present physical disabilities, which place them in that less adoptable group of animals with special needs, among which eye conditions are a large percentage.

Why are there so many cats with visual impairments? While some come from birth, trauma or old age, a vast majority of cats are blind or ene-eyed because of feline flu (a prevalent disease among kittens and old cats with depressed immune systems caused by the herpesvirus and/or calicivirus). One of the most evident symptoms of this disease, along with constant sneezing and a runny nose, is conjunctivitis, which can result in the total atrophy of the eyes if not treated in a timely fashion. For this reason it is important to know that, if we find a cat or kitten presenting eye problems, it is essential that we take it to the vet as soon as possible to get a checkup, a diagnosis and a treatment plan, designed to mitigate the symptoms and possible long-term effects.

To see or not to see? It may seem surprising, but on a practical level, cats with partial or total visual limitations are almost not affected in their daily routines, if we maintain their environment minimally controlled, something especially important with blind cats. Actually, the adaptation level of one-eyed, blind and visually impaired cats usually amazes those who live with them due to their degree

and speed. So much so, that when the sight loss is progressive and the cat can get used to its new circumstances little by little, some owners are not even aware of what’s going on for quite some time, sharing their lives with a cat that can’t see, without even suspecting it. Because when the sense of sight fails, their brain makes up by sharpening the remaining senses, which allow these cats to adapt well to their new situation. On a more sentimental level, it is important to stress that it is not fair to treat these animals as inferior, because they are not, even if they live with other cats, there are no differences, they are one more of the group. Therefore, the conclusion we can arrive at is that, given the possibility to adopt a cat with vision problems, is to feel less sorry for them and give them more opportunities, because it is worth while to wander the world beyond the visible and learn to value it with the rest of our senses, just like they do it naturally and without realising how incredible it is.

Watch it! And never better said... I must be clear that, when we say that the life of a cat with partial or total visual impairment is completely normal, we are referring to house cats without access to the outside, because living in the streets with poor or no vision is another matter altogether.

wakakan.com ♼ la revista animal


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