affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi

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affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi Related

"Insurance Rates For '05-'09 Mustang GT, '02 WS6 Trans Am Ram Air And '02 Cadillac Eldorado?" (thank you sooooo much for all answers to my previous question! It's a shame I couldn't shout thank you for pushing the vote button by mistake. I was a total noob here) As everyone recommended me to purchase a 4th gen Trans Am (hopefully the ram air of the final edition), with one person also picking the 05-09 Mustang GT out of my wishlist and my friend telling me to get a 92-02 Cadillac Eldorado, how much is the average of the insurance rates for each car? I'm 24, male, just graduated from college in Japan and have no driving history in America. I'm moving outta here in a year. My nationality is Japanese as well, which means I won't be trusted for a while. Sure my Japanese licence won't be valid in the US so I'll have to retake it over there hence no history... right? :/ Does anyone have a clue? Thanks a lot for reading :)" "If you are driving someone else's car while they are in it, does insurance cover an accident?" Hey, I have my full G license however I am not insured under any car because I do not own a car. However, my girlfriend does own a car and we're planning on going on a trip which requires 12 hours of driving. She wants me to drive but I am unsure that if we got into an accident we would be covered. So question: Are we covered by the insurance company in the event of an accident Note: I am driving, have no car or insurance in my name on any car She is in the passenger seat during the whole duration of the trip" Cheapest Auto Insurance In NJ? What's the cheapest auto insurance company in NJ for someone who is a first time driver and doesn't have anyone elses insurance to go off of? I keep getting different quotes, rangeing between 200-400$ a month, which is a little bit insane. Are these quotes just accounting for things that I don't really need?" Best overall car insurance company? In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance? Do I need to include a speeding ticket that got reduced to a moving violation on a new insurance policy? I am trying to get a quote for insurance and it asked if I have had any tickets. i did get pulled over and got a ticket once, but I had a lawyer get it reduced to a moving violation so it wouldnt affect my insurance at the time. do i need to mention it when i try to get insurance somewhere else?"

My son is 21 and wants to get his license. We live in michigan. If i don't tell the insurance wod it go up. If i don't tell them, would they ever find out he is geting it for job purpose. He is never going to drive me car. thanks" How much would car insurance cost for me? i'm a male, 17 years old, live in nj, no accidents/traffic violations, vehicle is a jeep wrangler from the 80s or 90s, i have state farm now" What are the most famous sites for insurance? eg. car insurance etccc Please can anyone help me out on my car insurance dilemma? I passed my driving test on the 24th of July 2007, however I was stopped on the 25th of July 2009 for having no insurance on a car owned my mum and my younger sister who are both insured on it. I was wondering if I would get my driving license revoked. As I got told that after 2 years I would have the full 12 points on my license, and I got told by the police that the penalty for driving uninsured was 6 points of my license. I then rang DVLA and they said that I would receive the full 12 points on my driving license on exactly two years to the day i.e 24th of July 2009. They were pretty certain about it. And that any point changes would take up to a month to show up. The police men were really rude and when I asked them what was going to happen they were like you have to go court etc. So I'm just wondering what I would actually happen, would I lose my license, have a ban, go to court, etc. Any information would be helpful and most appreciated." Consequences of not paying car insurance? Im 19 years old, living by myself. My car insurance is $170 a month. I had not payed it in multiple months, and by October it was at $500, and foolishly I decided there was no way to pay it and I just left it alone until they cancelled my insurance. Have I totally F*cked my credit? To the point of no return? Also, will I be able to get another car insurance provider? Thanks.." Can The Insurance Be In Someone Else's Name When You Finance A Car? I want to finance a car, i know full coverage insurance under my name won't be cheap but can like a family member put full coverage insurance on my car through their name (i'll pay the bill) so it can be cheaper...? thanks" How much does business car insurance cost? How much does business car insurance cost?

"Driving other cars, insurance policy for under 25?" does anyone know of any insurance companies that offer DOC on their comprehensive insurance policy for an under 25? If not, how much roughly would a weeks insurance cost on another car?" Maternity Insurance? I'm looking for health insurance that I can have for basic coverage, and at somepoint (if needed) add maternity coverage. Everything I have looked at so far will only cover more" Am i paying too much for car insurance? I am in my early 30s. A single male, no kids. I have a pretty much spotless driving record. The only ticket i have had in the past 10 years that i can think of off hand was for not using a turn signal, that was over a year ago. Other than that, nothing in around 10 years. No claims on my insurance in over 10 years either. I drive a 2001 Ford ZX2, its a compact car-for those not familiar with it , it would be similar to a Chevy Cavalier or Dodge Neon. Oh, im paying $700 every 6 months for full coverage car insurance through Nationwide. I have been with them ever since i started driving. This seems like alot. Is it? My friends tell me im overpaying, yet when i call around other places to get quotes i never find anything cheaper. In fact several places have told me to stay where im at. I dont have a problem paying it, but im just trying to find out if this sounds about right and fair as far as the price goes. Anyone out there a insurance agent?" Auto insurance deductible? I got into a wreck recently, it was not my fault and the other guy didn't have insurance. just got my damage estimate and it was 1400 with a $500 deductible. Since the wreck was not my fault and the other guy didn't have insurance at the time is there anyway i could get him to pay the 500" Car insurance without a license? Help? Hi. So my dad just bought me a car in Chicago. We live in North carolina. I need to transfer the title and get it registered, but i think i need insurance first. I also need proof of insurance to get my license. I dont know who will give me insurance without a license and a car that hasnt been transfered into my name yet in North carolina. So what do I do? what insurance companies have policies for somebody like me where i can spend a decent amount. I'm think 250 max a month. and yeah my parents dont wanna put me on their insurance." How much will my insurance be? im 21 never had an accident i have a scion fr-s and plan on getting a yamaha r6 next month and this summer im buying a wrecked supra for a project car once everythings fixed what will my insurance cost? What is the average cost for motorcycle insurance in Maine?

I am considering getting a bike and am just curious as to how much it will cost to insure. What's affordable about obamacare? or the Affordable Care Act that so many want us to call it so that Obama hopefully isn't yoked with this monstrous failed program for the rest of time. Can I my Dad's car without being on his insurance? I am a 17yr old student living with my parents and i have just passed my driving test. Everyone keeps saying i can drive my Dad's car once he is in the passenger seat, but i am not sure. My dad has insurance on his car, but i am not a named driver. So can i drive my dad's car if he his in the passenger seat, without being named on his policy." I need help for cheaper auto insurance... any suggestions in my situation? I was really stupid as a kid. When I first got my New York State drivers license within half a year I had gotten 2 speeding tickets, a DWI under the age of 21 (I blew a .16 and was reduced to a dwai luckily), seatbelt violation, talking on the phone while driving, and not fully stopping at a stopping at a stop sign. I got my license suspended for a year and I've been able to drive for over a year now. Ive matured a lot sense I was in high school and regret all of it but because of all the stupid, irresponsible, things I did when I was a teenager my insurance just to drive is putting me in debt its so high. Does anyone have any advice to get cheaper insurance in the same situation as me? And please no your a bad person you could have killed someone responses. I've learned my lesson and would like to go on with my life without paying thousands of dollars for insurance. Thank you!" How does american income life compare to other insurance companies? anyone ever use american income life insurance and other? Am I still eligible for car insurance? My car insurance dropped me today because I had four traffic tickets over two years ago. It was when I was just starting out driving and since then I have learned to be a responsible driver. Since the premiums were up for renewal next month, they pulled my file (audit) and found the tickets, and dropped me. I was told Progressive and Safe Auto would be good ones to check out. My first two tickets will be at the 3 year mark in a few months, the next about a month after." Car insurance for men and women? I passed my test Feb 2011 I've never had a car due to high insurance, so I did i check and went through a quote and mine came out at 3500 for a one liter x reg then I went back thrpugh and.just changed mr to miss and it went down almost 2000 then changed the date to a women just passing her test and it came out at 2600 why's it so high for men, and wasn't it ment to be changing to male and female having the same insurance?"

affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi "Can i drive on indian driving licence,and how much the cost for first car insurance?" i am a international student,i have two years visa.i am 23 years old" "My dad is the main driver on vehicle insurance, and i am the named, am i aloud to drive the car more than him?" Ive just passed my test and looking for cheap ways to get cheaper insurance. Can i do it so my dad is the main driver and im the named, but i will be using the car much more than him? is this illegal? The car is in his name and everything but didnt no whether he has to cover more miles than me in a year with it being in his name? thanks" What's the cheapest auto insurance company in New Jersey? I live in Newark and my insurance keeps going up. I have a 2002 ford focus with geico and although I got a speeding ticket and a seat belt ticket, it has gone up a little to much. PLEASE HELP!!!" Im 19 years and i need a car but im woried about the insurance? Hi im 19 years old. I have a good job but no credit. i recently saw this 2000 dollars car. how much could i be paying for the insurance. Regarding Auto Insurance? Applied online to AAA for an auto insurance quote.. Currenty with Geico and AAA ssent email offering to beat the rate.. So I completed the app online nad a gal calls me back.. My GF answers the phone and she gives it to me.. So the rep from AAA asks who is living with me and if she drives.. I told her a friend and she doesnt drive, no DL for over 10 years.. So AAA tells me I have to list her on the policy even if she isnt licensed and never drives a car.. So I said No thanks and said goodbye. whats the policy on roommates having to be insured for auto insurance? Not listed on my current GEICO policy." How much does your insurance go up after a DUI? Also does old insurance let you back on or they kick you out? I think I was kicked off my dad's insurance... Is there a company I should look at that wouldn't be as expensive as others would since I have a DUI on my record? I'm a 21 yr old female from NJ How did mandatory car insurance effect prices upon gov requirements to have insurance to drive? how did this government policy effect costs?

What's the Best Car Insurance? What's the best car insurance that gives good coverage, good service, and will be cheapest if one has had a minor moving violation in the past 6 months?" What Insurance Saves You the Most Money? By your experience. Any insurance company All-State, State Farm, Progressive etc... and how much your auto/life insurance costs and how much you saved." Driving my moms car and insurance coverage? My mom's car has full coverage insurance on it. I am not added to her insurance as a driver because I only drive it once a month or so. If I ever got into an accident, will her insurance still cover her car?" Were is the best place to get cheap car insurance- new driver!? please dont say money supermarket! The cheapest i found is 900, third party fire and theft. I'm a 24 year old femaile just passed my test!" Switching car insurance providers? am i able to switch car insurance providers before my year is up? i have 8 months left but i have had a cheaper quote elsewhere which saves me 900 a year! How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day? including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average" What is the best health insurance? Hi! I have been trying to find an affordable health insurance company. I am young and in good health. I am a nanny and am not offered health insurance. At my husband's job they more Why is car insurance so expensive in the U.K.? I often see U.K citizens complaining about how expensive car insurance is. I understand that many factors make up the cost of car insurance, but is there anything in particular that makes it so expensive? In the U.S. I'm rated as a single female under 25, no tickets or accidents, driving a 2010 Ford F100 pickup truck. My car insurance runs about $1600 a year (roughly 1000 GBP). Also, just curious. If I lived in England, just a close ballpark guess, what would I pay using that criteria"

"Car wreck, how much is the insurance going to give me?" I got into a car wreck sometime this month of May. It wasn't my fault, the guy made an early turn and hit me. My car and his car are now totaled. I was wondering how much money the insurance will give me on the newer car...? By the way, I have a 1995 Honda Accord Ex and its now totaled. I just wanna know how much they will pay me back? And I have insurace, but not full coverage." Cheap car insurance for 17 years olds? Hey i was wondering if anyone know where i could get car insurance for under 1500, cheapest i can find is elephant and that 1500, i have only just passed my test, and i have looked at putting my parents on the insurance too but it doesn't make much of a difference to the extensive prices, its just my car is only worth 1000 and i dont want to have to pay 2000 insurance when my car isnt worth that" "If I send a demand letter to an insurance company, do I have to ask for a specific amount?" Or can I leave it open-ended? I was in an accident in June '09. The other driver was found to be 100% at fault. I received a settlement offer from the at fault driver's insurance company that was ridiculously LOW. I replied with a letter stating that I would not accept their low offer and explained why. I'm wondering now, though, if I should have specified an amount that I expect to receive. I simply told them to get back to me with a real and significantly higher offer or I would be seeking legal representation. Did I make a mistake?" Would you say my insurance is going to right my car off......? i had a crash the other day where i got hit in the passanger side door and the car then bounced up an fell down on a high curb aon the drivers side. so after everything was sorted out i drove it home. the insurance have said it was my fault anyway. so i have got a fiat punto evo 60 plate, 4500 miles on clock 3 door. it cost me in april 10,995 to buy. So its been in a body shop got an estimate of 5300 to fix it and i have an excess of 1150. The body shop thinks its going to be a right off?? i am just wondering what your veiws are? thanks" What is insurance? What is insurance? What is the best place to buy whole life insurance from? I want to buy life insurance for my 47 year old husband and my 9 year old son. There are so so so many companies out there. What are some of the better names that are not schemes ? "What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?"

What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?" Why are Pickup trucks so expensive to insure? ok, I'm 17 and I own a 1999 Dodge Ram 4x4. I pay an insane amount for insurance, and I know I'm a teenager, but I haven't had any tickets or accidents to make it go up. Anyway, my truck is really common in my area, there are Ford, Chevy, and Dodge trucks everywhere you look. But yet I compare the insurance of my truck to a brand new Camaro SS, and the Camaro way cheaper, Heck I compared it to a Brand new Mercedes Benz CLS63 AMG, and it's still way cheaper. I'm thinking about getting a little newer Dodge Ram, but the insurance is a little more expensive on it than what I'm already paying. So why are trucks the most expensive vehicles to insure? I mean if they are in a low speed accident, they don't cost nearly as much to fix as a Brand new expensive car such as a Mercedes with expensive parts, and trucks don't get damaged as easily either. It's kind of frustrating that I have a 11 year old vehicle that you see everywhere, and the cost to insure it is outrageous already, but even If I get the same truck only 5 years old, it's even more to insure, which is understandable seeing how it's newer. I know trucks are big, but even a Brand new Suburban cost less to insure than my 11 year old truck. The truck I'm thinking about buying is the most expensive vehicle possible to insure on a standard drivers license." Do you need insurance for a scooter under 50cc in Pennsylvania

Car Insurance think my car is a write-off but independent garage think otherwise? My car (an 05 Peugeot 206) was involved in an accident (which was my fault but thankfully no other vehicle or persons involved) and there's been some damage to the front of my car (bonnet, grill etc.) - I've rung my insurer and they believe it's a write-off but I've asked them to send an assessor to check the damage. I've also had an independent garage look at the car (as someone else said that they did this in a similar scenario) who believe its not a write-off and they can repair it (450 was quoted for parts!!). He's sending me a quote for insurance work and a quote if it was done for cash. Can I get my insurer to use this garage if their assessor still deems it a write-off? If not, what are my options? This is my first time claiming insurance and I've got no real idea!!" affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi What 7 seat cars have the lowest insurance group rating? Looking for a new car for our expanding family and want to find something that's low on insurance. The lowest two I've found so far are the Fiat Doblo (Group 3) and the Nissan Cube (Group 4). Does anyone know of any other low insurance 7 seaters? Thank you! :) I was a passenger in a car accident. The car was not at fault. Will my insurance go up?

Also, just to know, assuming that the car I was in had been at fault, would MY insurance go up?. Again, I was not driving." "On an Annual basis, how much does health insurance cost in America? I would like to know how much the average American citizen pays in Health Insurance per year please. Insurance- dui-? if i get convicted of a dui- my insurance will go up correct, the question i have is how long will i be paying the higher premium? 10 years? 5 years? 1 year? and also what is the avergae price it goes up considering i am 23 years old no tickets or accidents till the dui accident(hit a tree) live in southern california and drive a mustang gt i pay 160 with the accident right now(i think i paid 100-125ish before the accident. thanks" When will insurance total a car? At what point will my insurance company total a car? My husband was in a car accident and the whole front end of the car is damaged - the estimate is $7800 to fix and the car is valued at $9100. The body shop has been waiting a 2 days, so far, for the insurance to decide what to do. I am hoping it can be fixed but I also need to know if I need to start car shopping." Do you have to have insurance to register your vehicle in California? I called the DMV to ask this, but I have been on hold for about 40 min." How does coordination of benefits work with health insurance? My primary insurance is through my employer, my husband also carries on his employers insurance (United Healthcare). How would my claims be processed under the two insurance plans? Would his insurance pick up where my primary insurance left off?" What insurance company is best for self employment health insurance? I am thinking about becoming self employed. What company offers the best insurance policy for self employed people? How much would insurance cost? I'm 18 years old and live in Suffolk county new York on the east end of long island. I drive a 2002 red dodge intrepid with 140,000 miles on it. It's an R/T which is a sport edition!!! The car has a few dings on it. I have no convictions on my license or points and I am a male. How much would insurance cost per month and what company is the most reasonable ? Any info at all would be great, thank you!!!!" Can i buy my own health insurance?

Can i buy my own health insurance? i'm 17. How Much do you pay for Car Insurance? Im 19 and i just bought a new 07 Impresa 2.5Si insurance is 2650...i was wondering if anyone else was getting screwed Ohh ive had my liscence 2 1/2 years, no tickets, no accidents, nothing" Where can i find affordable car and renters insurance? i plan to move out and rent an apartment very soon and i really need to find somewhere that i can afford with good coverage? I live in Georgia May have a preexisting condition and i need affordable insurance? i may have a preexisting condition i will find out monday ,anyway we are on a month to month with a high cobra premium and it is kicking our butts my husband's job closed after 20 yrs we both are not working and if i have a condition how do we pay for it, how can i get i get affordable health with no job .help somebody i feel for people i feel for everyone who needs health care and can't get it what a shame i pray that i am well and the doctor has good news for me so everyone please pray for a good outcome when prayers go up blessings come down and i need your prayers i love my yahoo family some people are rude but for the most part real decent people live here Sorry for my jumby words" Can i do this with my car insurance? am actually going to be out of the country for 6 months for some work purpose my car is just going to be sitting there in the garage during this period is it ok for me to change my car insurance from full coverage to just the basic.. is this a good move so thati could save some on my insurance can i tell my insurance the above ..or will they cause any issue because of this Nissan skyline insurance and price? ok im 16 and wondering how much a 1990's nissan skyline cost and how much the insurance cost. im 16 a male and has never been in trouble with the police actually my dad was an officer. this is my first car... How much would this car insurance cost? say... a 17 year old with a V8 mustang.. how much per month/year do you think it'd be? assuming i got the cheapest deal i could Can the insurance company do this? I am sheepishly wishing I had not spoken to the insurance company this morning, but what's done is done. If the (auto) insurance company has your VIN & license plate #, can they do a check to see who's name is on the title to a vehilce?"

What is the best auto insurance carrier? Hi everyone. I am shopping for car insurance and want to know the best but most affordable out there. My mother thought to put me on her policy with Progressive and I would pay her for the insurance, but they were going to charge her over $500.00 to do so. My friend has gotten into two accidents and hasn't had to pay nearly that much , and neither did her dad when he put her on his policy. So my question is, which is the best, most affordable insurance? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. :D" Couple questions on cars and insurance..? Here are a list of questions i appreciate being answered.. Why would your car be stopped if your taxed and insured? Could I use my name and everything on the insurance but change a couple of details like age and stuff? Ways to make insurance cheaper? Could I use my dads insurance and use his details? WHat does a provisional licence allow me to do? This is because i have been looking into buying a Range Rover sport on a finance with my dad but the insurance has come to 17 grand!!! I am 17 with a provisional. My car got hit in the middle of the night. I don't have insurance but the person at fault does.? I woke up yesterday to find my car hit and another car, with temp tags, abandoned up the road (it had a lot of damage to the front of it, so it was obviously the one that hit mine.) Today the officer who came yesterday called and had found the person at fault and gave me all of their information. I don't have insurance currently, and my car will cost a few $100 to repair, so what can I do with this info?" What insurance information do I need for my driver's test? The DMV specified I need insurance information... Can car insurance companies commit an offence? IN10? My car insurance company (One Call) recently cancelled my policy due to them not receiving my proof of no claims in time (that's another issue). However, they failed to notify me in time and I carried on driving my car for 5 days un insured, until the letter arrived (policy cancelled on 10/9/12 and letter sent 14/9/12). Does anyone know if they have committed an offence, IN10 or other? They also charged me 205 cancellation (even though an extension on the proof of no claims was agreed and then later denied when I questioned them) Any advice is very welcome. Thanks." Insurance on a scion? how much is the insurance on a scion? if im a teen and i took drivers ed with safe way. How much money would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a 1982 dodge ramcharger?

i have allstate and i was just wondering if anyone new. and a ramcharger is a big truck/suv What would be the average price of car insurance for a 18 yearold driving a scion tc in Florida? Thinking about buying one, trying to see what the price of insurance would be like." affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi Car insurance.....??? What is the best Insurance Company for young adults? I'm 23 years old. Who can save me the most money?? What is the average collision deductible on insurance for a 2005 leased vehicle? i'm trying to determine whether i need a big deductible or not, this determines whether i stick with geico or move to the cheaper esurance" Can i list my vehicle at another adress for insurance? hi, i own a 2006 acura RSX-s and i live in the philadelphia suburbs. my insurance is quite PRICEY! any how, my father owns property in northern PA which is primarily farm land, and insurance would be alot cheaper if listed there. tho i dont live there, can i list my insurance there? is there anything illegal or could it hurt me? i see alot of people with New Jersey tags who live in PA to get cheaper Insurance. what do you suggest, and what would i have to do, change adress on D/L etc?" "New Driver Insurance question , Help me out if u can.?" Hi i just passed my test and want to know what Insurance company to go with . Im 25 years old . Just got my self Saxo VTR cheap on Ebay , The issue i have is , I only want insurance for 2 months on the car as im getting better car in 2months Time as the VTR is just temp car for me to start with. Anyone know good Insurance company ? Also Note this is ENGLISH Question. So no Yanks please x x x Thanks" Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami? Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami? ChEAPEST CAR INSURER FOR? I want to get either a reno clio 2001 or an old mini. i know the mini is likely to be cheapest. I'm a 17year old male. Which company would give me the cheapest car insurance? DON'T TELL ME TO GO TO GOCOMPARE.COM TRIED THIS ALREADY, AND ON VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. Thanks"

How much would the insurance be? I found a 1998 ford mustang for sale. The car is perfect. It has 50,000 miles. Its in great shape. The engine and body is incredibly clean. Just a few scratches. I'm 18 years old and just wanted to figure out what the insurance would be. I keep trying web sites, but all of the quotes are $100 different than the other ones. So does anyone know?" Is car insurance sexist? im a guy trying to get a car and am being penalized on car insurance being quoted 10k for a 400 car yet the insurance quoted offers the same coverage for only 5k if i selected gender more How much money would a 16 year old have to pay for yearly insurance for a sports car? how much money would a 16 year old have to pay for yearly insurance on a sports car? for example a 1999 ford mustang What the steps to take if someone doesn't want to use car insurance to pay for accident? Someone just rear ended me. There are deep scratches on the bumper. He has car insurance, but doesn't want to use it. I got most of his information - driver's license #, car insurance info, ect. What are the steps I should take? My car insurance company said I have to call in and report accidents as soon as they happen. Should I do this in case he doesn't follow through and pay me for repairs? Should I go get an estimate right now, and have him send me a check?" "Young drivers (in your early 20), how much are you paying for car insurance?" Young drivers (in your early 20), how much are you paying for car insurance?" Dual Car Insurance trouble? I had insurance through a company called Sunset Plaza Insurance, and only agreed to do a 6 month period (from 12/08 to 06/09). I moved during the time, and never received a renewal notice at my new address, even after I gave them my new address. However, I found out that for the past 6 months (06/09 - 12/09) they have been charging me for insurance. But I never signed a renewal consent or anything! I remember explicitly saying that I only wanted the insurance for a 6 month period too! What are my options? Please..any advice would help!" How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old newly licensed driver and a car? How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old newly licensed driver and a car?

Where can i get the cheapest car insurance for my teenage son who has a rolling stop and a speeding tkt. in WA He is 18 years old. He is driving a 2000 Toyota Corolla What all do I get on his insurance policy Do I have him get his own policy What's the cheapest way to get insurance when your 17? I just bought a car and when i found out how much i had to pay i was shocked i heard something about saying you live in a different address from your parents or something i don't remember please help. "What kind of car insurance do I need for a rental, when I DON'T have any current auto insurance?" We are looking to rent a car for a month, and since we are both ex-pats, we don't have any USA car insurance. We've looked up and discovered we should get Collision, Liability and Comprehensive insurance. Where can we get these for cheap? My travel insurance includes a Collision option, but no Liability or Comprehensive (I'm American, my husband is English)." What is the average yearly cost of landlord insurance? Let's say the place is a newer (built after 2000) duplex in Texas and has a $1,000,000 liability policy as well. Can someone give me a ballpark estimate?" How would insurance work in college? When I go to college, how would I be able to receive insurance, to go to the Dentist or Doctor?" What are the best websites to get car insurance quotes from different companies in New York City? What are the best websites to get car insurance quotes from different companies in New York City? Help with car insurance? I am 15 with 1 month before my birthday, and of coarse my license. I have made some sort of a deal with my parents. This deal allows me for every month I postpone my license i get a percentage of the insurance they would have payed. How much is insurance, how much of it should i get, and is it worth it?" Best Insurance Company for a Minor? If you are a teenage boy, what's the best insurance company for him?" Need help buying and insuring a motorcycle.?

I am trying to buy and insure a motorcycle without my parents knowing. I am 21 years old and have moved out of my parents house. I have my own car and my own job, but my car is still insured through my parents' insurance. Is there any way I can start my own insurance plan, without my parents knowing, to get motorcycle insurance? Or would motorcycle insurance have to be tied back to the same insurance that covers my car (through my parents). What kind of monthly rates would that cost me? (I'm a 21 year old male living in Nebraska) Any and all help and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!" What's this 50 cash back with a car insurance quote all about? I was quoted 370, clicked on 'buy now' and it said get the 50 cash back, in a cheque, through the post after 120 days" "Depending on certain factors, what would my insurance premiums be?" i am a teen driver, just got my license and now am looking for a car and i was wondering how much more my insurance rates would be if i was driving an early 2000 era BMW, Audi, Lexus or Jaguar vs something like a simple japanese or american made small truck or sedan. I also get straight A's in schooll as ive heard that can factor into it as well." Car Insurance Company Refuses to Insure my Brother!? So, my brother got into a car accident about 3 years ago. He was driving his car and a motorcyclist ran into him doing around 90 mph, causing the bike to flip and the guy on the bike to dismount and skid across the freeway. The motorcyclist was lucky he didn't get run over or killed. It was deemed by both the insurance companies that it was the motorcyclists fault and when the motorcyclist tried to sue our insurance company, we got a letter from our attorney that the case had been dismissed and no further action was needed. Today, we got a call out of the blue from Mercury saying my brother couldn't be on the insurance anymore because they had settled with the motorcyclist for $100,000 and basically, if we didn't get him off the insurance, my whole family would be removed. We didn't receive any notification that Mercury was planning on paying this guy out or that our rates would be altered. We called the attorney's office but he wasn't in and we explained the situation and the receptionist said they might of just settled anyway without letting us know even though this whole thing wasn't even my brother's fault. My question is, if the accident was the fault of the motorcyclist and when the motorcyclist initially sued and was denied a settlement (there was no mention of a settlement on the attorney's letter; it just said that it was dismissed), how and why would Mercury give this jacka$$ $100,000 and deny my brother coverage? It's all very confusing and any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!" affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi affordable health insurance in milwaukee wi

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