Tonitrus Yearbook | Senior Tribute Magazine Pt. 2 | Printed May 2021

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senior tribute

2021 now next

Heyyyy… so remember that 2020-21 school year?

You know, the time during coronavirus? Well, even calling it a school year sounds like a stretch; it was more like a… well it definitely felt like a fever dream to many of us. Looking on the bright side, at least you could say this year was memorable. In twenty years or so you could be telling your kids about your high school experience during a time of masks, and vaccines, and crazy schedules. But, that’s not the only takeaway of this year. In fact, this whole year we have been hearing COVID this… COVID that... but frankly, we are getting quite sick of it. For that reason, this magazine is looking past all the struggles of this year and giving the seniors their moment to shine. It is obvious that the graduating seniors had their high school experience broken in many ways. With no prom, no rallies, and no football games, all we can do is try to make the best of the situation and push forward. As things are starting to return normal around campus, seniors are beginning their transitions out of high school and on to their future. Our goal as a Publications staff was to document these seniors’ journeys, and give the students who aren’t regularly covered a chance to tell their stories.

CONTENTS Adamic, Ryan 020 Adao, Analicia 016 Alexander, Alexis 023 Allison, Stephane 038 Alvarez, Abraham 027 Angellar, Jenna 006 Avila, Angelo 038 Bailey, London 009 Baird, Wes 024 Baldridge, Owen 035 Baught, Jeffrey 045 Benko, Kristoff 047 Bennet, Natalie 025 Benzel, Marin 015 Bishop, Kurtis 011 Buckley, Griffin 029 Buckly, Kyla 017 Campbell, Ian 025 Carruth, Tanner 037 Carter Buchanon, Cameron 005 Castro, Jayla COVER Chaney, Lindsey 015 Charubin, Katie 043 Chipp, Ellena 034 Christensen, Haylee 031 Colla, Giavanna 003 Connell, Kadey 037 Cooke, Alex 031 Cooper, Addison 039 Corrales Arana, Jassidel 005 Deveza, Justin 006 Eckman, Taylor 031 Edwards, Matthew 045 Eigner, Jessie 030 Entrican, Paige 014 Erl, Hayden 018 Fairchild, Jacquelyn 036 Fitzgerald, Morgan 043 Flynn, Riley 049 Fong, Holli 047 Forsyth, Hunter 007 Fortenberry, Dylan 045 Frazer, Colton 020 Gali, Nicholas 033 Graham, Audrey 027 Gudapati, Sowmya 034 Halley, Lalina 043 Hammes, Emma 008 Hayes, Dustin 022 Hicks, Andrew 028 Hill, Harley 015 Hoerman, Andrew 004 Johnson, Jenna 002 Johnson, Nick 025 Johnson, Sophia 017 Joramo, Kylie 008 Jurgeit, Brennen 047 Leiker, Jacob 032 Ljadi, Arad 046 Lu, Kailana 012 Lucho, Joshua 010 Madison, Marcus 037 Madril, Marcus 017 Mangum, Michael 040 Martin, Ashlyn 013 Mattson, Georgia 043 Matty, Weiland 029 Mckeel, Emily 013 Meggers, Chase 045 Minor, Ashly 023 Morrel, Jackson 032 Morris, Cierra 003 Motley, Ryan 032 Moylan, Lieselotte 048 Nakamura, Kendal 002 Nigh, Zach 036 Pandis, Kylie 027 Passalacqua, Angela 013 Paul, Nithin 026 Pickens, Jaylen 028 Pompa, Marcus 009 Price, Andrew 032 Pudova, Polina 014 Rathe, Emmaline 035 Rawe, Jenna 026 Rees, Kainoa 011 Reese, Riley 008 Riddle, Noah 017 Roberson, Tyler 013 Robinson, Brooke 030 Rothe, Chase 035 Santos, Alyssa 043 Silviera Mattos, Ramiro 019 Singh, Nayana 004 Sivakumar, Suchita 022 Spence, Aleena 047 Stauts, Ayva 044 Straub, Camille 003 Taylor, Lindsey 049 Terpstra, Justin 004 Tom, Anya 007 Uhl, Michael 019 Vargas Sanchez, Sherlyne 006 Wang, Alexander 019 Watson, Michael 011 Wells, Grant 011 White, Julie 021 Wilkins, Ty 019 Williams-West, Riley 023 Woodward, Andrew 039



SIVAKUMAR says, “I want to go to UC Riverside in the future and I’m excited for my future to turn out there. I also really enjoy dancing at the moment.”
Allie Mongahan, Photo Journalism Olivia Jeffra, Photo Journalism


“I would remember going out with new friends all the time. This fall I’m going to college in Tahoe to become an interior designer.”


Right now I’m working on what’s making myself happy and how to stay happy. After graduation I’m probably going to Sierra and I want to go into construction.

Working my current job at the paintball fields, I enjoy playing paintball and it gives me extra cash to pursue my photography business.Working on getting my business on its feet and trying to set myself up for success in my future.

23 Jaden Clifford, Photo Journalism
RILEY WILLIAMS Joshua Kelly, Photo Journalism Dayna Garcia, Photo Journalism
Taylor Hughes, Photo Journalism


When asked what are his current focuses he answered, “playing football, man. I am focusing on this week and getting a dub for my team.” When asked what his future goals look like he answered, “One of my goals is going to LSU and trying to play football there,”

“In 20 years from now, I want to remember all the different relationships I had in high school, the freedom I got my senior year, and how close I got to everyone. I also wanna remember how hard I was able to work and how much effort I put in during high school. In the future I see myself studying at Chico State and becoming a teacher or something within a managing position. I love working with people but I also love being able to become a leader”


“Right now I like hanging out with my friends and playing hockey and lacrosse and in the future I am excited to go to Sierra College and hopefully play some hockey.”
Joshua Kelly, Photo Journalism
Jackson Minnick, Photo Journalism
Julia DeLaby, Photo Journalism


“In long run I hope to never forget about all the immature things I’ve done. My freshman year I had a lot of detentions, I got myself there by doing things just to get a laugh out of people. Overtime I started becoming more independent and gained new friends with better influences.”

“After high school graduation I definitely will be going to Sierra for a couple years because I want the independence of taking care of myself. After Sierra I might go to Cal State. I don’t know what the future holds for me but I want to travel the world.”

“When I look back on high school I want to remember all the amazing relationships I made. After high school I will be studying at BYU, go cougars!”
Olivia Kleinschmidt, Photo Journalism
Julia Dalaby, Photo Journalism




Now? - “Focusing on my last season of golf.”

Next? - “Just focusing on graduating.”

make new experiences!

I am going to study psychology at UC Davis and do research for their psych department. I’m super excited to meet new people and make new experiences! I am going to study psychology at UC Davis and do research for their psych department. I’m super excited to meet new people and
Daniel Everett, Photo Journalism
“After highschool I want to be successful and get into the air force where I will become a pilot. I plan on going to Sierra College.”
Savannah Martin, Photo Journalism
Allie Monaghan, Photo Journalism

endings to beginnings

andrew hicks


I will probably look back at my senior year and laugh at how lazy I was with school work. I don’t really regret being lazy with my work though. I only have first and second period so I don’t have plus at all which is pretty nice.


After graduation I am planning on working and going to Sierra College. I’ll most likely get my AA and then a degree in marketing. I’m not sure what job I want specifically, but something along the lines of marketing. After that I plan to move out of the state, maybe somewhere that’s not as expensive as California.

jaylen pickens


I have a lot of memories that I would want to remember but the ones I have enjoyed the most would be the nights where I would hang out with my friends. Most of the time we would just hang out at someone’s house and play video games, but we’d go to parties with a lot of our other friends.


My plan after high school is to continue my education at a junior college and hopefully get into a university later. While I’m in college I’m thinking about studying nutrition and maybe become a trainer in the future. Being in football and always working made me interested in it. I think that being able to help other people get in shape would be pretty cool.

I think one of my funniest memories from high school that would like to remember would be my teacher roasting all the kids in my math class. Mr. Bumgarner would even roast some of the other teachers. One time he roasted Mr. Spears and it was so funny. It was always fun in that class.

After I graduate, I’m going to go to Sierra College to get my associates degree in sales. Then I plan on going to Amsterdam University in the Netherlands. I want to become a real estate agent and go into real estate development. Hopefully i’ll be able to move to Idaho and work on commercial buildings. I’ve always been interested in sales and real estate pays really well, so I thought it would be a good idea.

griffin buckley

I am currently getting prepared to say goodbye to all of my friends, which I never knew was this tough because up until recently I never really had anyone I could call a friend. There was this one time a little while ago that I was working out and I was on the floor. As I got up, I hit my head on the squat bar and knocked myself out. It hurt at the time but thinking about it now is pretty funny.

Right after graduation I plan on being shipped out to boot camp for the United States Marine Corps. I don’t plan on going to college. I’ve always wanted a job where I could use strength to my advantage, as well as get stronger, and the Marines was exactly that. I applied to be an aviation mechanic in the USMC so I’ll get to work on airplanes and helicopters which is very interesting to me. I’ll also be able to travel a lot because of the job. And then after I eventually retire I’m hoping to move somewhere rural and quiet.

matty now
now next

to writing our new chapters

brooke robinson

“Twenty years from now I want to tell my future self that I’ve traveled around the world and seen and experienced new cultures. I want to be living in San Diego working as a nurse. I want to tell my future self this because those are the biggest things I want to accomplish by then, and I’m really hoping I’m able to. Something my future self will probably laugh or smile about is how stressed out I’ve been this year. When looking back I’m sure I’ll realize how silly it was to be worried about anything.”


“My next step after grad is to move to San Diego and start college, so I can get my degree and hopefully travel right after that before settling into a career! I’m going to Mission Beach to stay in a beach house with a bunch of my family for a week a couple days after graduation! I’m planning to attend college in San Diego at Mira Costa Community College, and I’m going for nursing. I’m going to have a roommate and rent an apartment while I’m there.”

jessie eigner

“Twenty years from now I would want to tell myself how crazy this time in the world is. With the pandemic and so much happening in the world it’s a once in a lifetime experience. I hope things have calmed down in the world and we are back to living life normally. I’d want to tell myself this because it would remind me to always be grateful for the life we get to live and the people around you because things change so fast. High school went by so quickly and I wish I had taken advantage of more opportunities and spent more time with my favorite people. Something that will make my future me smile will be remembering high school memories with my best friends. I’ll always love remembering things like going to backside, cheering at football games, and going to high school dances. “

“My next step after graduation is to start planning out my college experience! I’m going to find roommates, decorate my dorm, and spend time with friends and family before I leave for college. I’m doing a senior trip to Mexico with 5 of my best friends! We’re staying for a week In Cabo in late June. I’m super excited for the beaches and having quality time with them before we all go our own ways. I’m attending San Diego State University. I went into SDSU with an undecided major! I don’t really know exactly what I want to do yet for my career, but I’m thinking of something either in psychology or child development.”

courtsey of
courtsey of jessie eigner
brooke robinson

“I would probably want to tell my future self to not forget my childhood and keep my imagination. Don’t grow up too fast. I think it’s important to keep myself and my mind young. I want to do this because it’s too easy to get caught up in the day to day of things. I think something that would make myself smile or laugh is remembering all of my game nights with all of my friends and inside jokes.”

“My next step after graduation is going to Oregon State and studying Kinesiology. I’m super excited and I’ll be living in the dorms. I am going on a senior trip with my friends but we’re not sure yet. We’re planning on going early June. I’m attending college at Oregon State in Corvallis, Oregon. I’m going to study Kinesiology and focus on a prephysical therapy track. I’m super excited to use and work at their recreation center and live on campus!”

haylee christensen

“I think I’d want to tell my future self to live in the moment. These past four years have gone by so quick, I can’t even imagine how fast 20 years will go by. I hope to always embrace the phase of life I’m in because you only get to be that age once. I wish I appreciated this time in my life more during these last four years of high school and I hope I will have learned from that. I would also want to tell myself about all of the memories I’ve made with my friends and just get to relive those moments. I hope that in 20 years from now I will have still held on to the people who mean the most to me. Any memory with my friends is one that would make my future self smile. I think my best memories are the simple ones like driving around blasting music with my friends, watching sunsets at backside, late night McDonald’s runs, or our Monday night movies.”


“My next step after graduation is to enjoy my last summer here! I want to be able to see my friends and family as much as I can before I leave. I’m planning on going to Cal State Fullerton. I applied undecided but I’m thinking about becoming a psych major and minoring in child development! I’m super excited to live in SoCal and get to go to the beach and Disneyland all the time!!

I’m going on a senior trip in late June with my best friends to Cabo! We’re staying in an all inclusive resort. I’m so excited to lay by the beach for a week. It’s gonna be fun to travel with my friends and get to have this experience we all will share together!”

alex cooke

“In twenty years I would tell myself to stay focused and fight through adversity. Because it’s the most important thing to say when you want to reach your goals and there are always goals to reach. I think that something that would make me laugh would be the time I tripped over a tire on my first day of work at America’s tire. I am going to be working at America’s tire until I get into the fire academy. I really want to go to Hawaii, I’ve never been before, or Texas. Fire science is the study of how fire are handled, how certain fire are made or prevented.“

“I’m going to Sierra college to get my AA and then start fire academy. I have a couple places I want to go over summer, visit a couple friends across the country, might go to a family beach house in North Carolina. I’m going to attend college at Sierra college to get my AA in fire science and then become a firefighter. I have always wanted to be a firefighter because my dad is a firefighter so I’ve kind of grown up around the environment so I’m very passionate about the job. Preferably I want to be a municipal firefighter so more in city environments but I don’t have a set place, anywhere besides California right now.”

now now next
courtsey of teagan van biber taylor eckman courtseyofhayleechristensen
courtsey of taylor eckman

ten years I plan on being In medical school. The only thing is “I’m at a different stage of life right now than I will be in the future.” “I feel like 5 years from now I’ll graduate college hopefully to become an anesthesiologist. I’ve always known I want to be in the medical field.

I just like the idea of helping people, I’m a people person so I would love the interaction. The change each day, and I know it’s a good job.

Right now I need to start taking classes as seriously as I can because in college medical school isn’t a joke. The classes are tough and competitive so If I can set myself up for success by performing at a high level that’s the best thing that I can do.

Andrew Price Ryan Motley

In Ten years Ryan sees himself “getting out of medical or dental school.” to prepare for this dream, “I’m going to have to graduate college and then get into medical/ dental school.¨ ¨In order to stay out of the debt I will most likely get a military scholarship.”

“They will pay for my school and then when I’m finished I will pay them back in service for the years they paid for school.” “This way I will be able to achieve my goals while staying out of debt.”

In Ten Years

Jacob sees himself getting into “in software development or in computer programing”

Right now Jacob going “to prepare by getting a PC to help me learn how to do differant types of code to learn Javascript and Python, and also learn other subjects to epand my area of expertice.” “I do know that this career path will take alot of math and thats gonna be hard but I can deal with it. Last semester I took Pre-Calc and Trig Honers because it could help me alot for college.” He will be going to Sac. State. to major

Jacob Leiker In

In ten years

Nicolas plans on going into the navy, he has prepared for this dream in two ways. “I’ve been in the ROTC program for four years. I’ve also gone to the gym to keep my body in the best physical shape I can be.” If anyone is interested this is from someone who been through it all, “In the ROTC program it’s a pretty good experience you get to do some cool activities and training.” But why the navy, out of so many career opportunities what makes the navy desirable, “I want to be in the navy for many reasons, It’s a great career opportunity, I’ll be 18 in June. Then after six months I’ll be making roughly $96,000 a year. I’m gonna learn lots of life skills.” But where will this get you Nicolas wants “to be a construction mechanic.” so he can “get to work on some cool diesel engines eventually I’ll build a cool track. Hopefully I get to become a firefighter in the future, so it’s an invested dream.” In High School I did the basics to graduate.“But after High School I plan on doing something different than most people do going into the military. I’m going to boot camp June twenty second for two months then boot camp then I go to A school, then I go to san diego for a close combat training for CBs. I will go from great lakes with boot camp then I go to fort Lemoore in ventura california for construction school then san diego again for close quarter combat training then I get to come home for eight years. I’ll be going to sierra and taking normal classes plus fire classes in sierras fire academy trying to get as much experience as possible. I’ll also be in the reserves for the navy and I’ll be down at their base in sacramento.”

Nicolas Galli

Sowmya Gudapati

Sowmya Gudapati is an excellent academic student and one of the top singles players on the Rocklin Varsity Tennis Team. Her four years at Rocklin were all very memorable, but one event for her was unforgettable. “My very first dance was in high school, it was my Freshman year Homecoming, and I didn’t really know what I was doing. Most of my friends went to Whitney High School, so it was really the first time I got to do something outside of school with my new friend group. It was something that made us a lot closer, and these are the same friends that I have four years later.” Sowmya applied to a lot of colleges both in and out of state including UC LA, UC San Diego, and Purdue. “I wanted somewhere closer to home, so I picked Berkley because of that. I’m excited to experience being an adult, having my own space, and figuring out what I want to do with my life. You don’t feel that in high school, and that kind of freedom sounds really nice.” She is planning on attendingwww a 4-year university and then going into Medical school. It takes about 8 years to finish, but she is ready for the challenge.

Ellena Chipp Ellena Chipp Ellena Chipp Ellena Chipp

Ellena Chipp has many fond memories of her time at Rocklin, but the dances are the ones that stand out the most. “Whenever I think about my most fun high school memories, I always go back to dances because it was just so fun to get all dressed up with friends and just have a good time. I really hope that we get to have one last one this year because I want to have one last happy memory. I really liked my sophomore homecoming. I just went out with a group of girls and we all went to the Cheesecake Factory and that was my first time going there so that was also fun. I really liked the brown bread! All of them were equally fun, but that one will always have a special place in my heart because of the brown bread.” Ellena is currently taking two classes at RHS and 2 at Sierra College. She plans on continuing this after she graduates. “After high school, I’m going to do two years at Sierra College, then I’ll do two years at Sacramento State. I want to get my bachelors in biological sciences. I’m kind of nervous, there is going to be a lot of chemistry, but I think it’ll be fun. I’m working at a dental office close by, so staying local will allow me to continue working there and get a really good education for a low cost.” She is ready to start this new chapter in her life and excited to see what the years after Rocklin will bring her.

Photo Credits: Ellena Chipp Photo Credits: Olivia Owens

Chase Rothe

Chase Rothe

Emmaline Rathe

Emmaline Rathe

Emmaline Rathe has enjoyed all of her classes at Rocklin, yet there was one class that she loved so much that she took it all four years of her high school career. “French was really fun for me, but I liked French two the most. I made a lot of new friends in that class, and there were a lot of orals, so I got more confident with my speaking and it was just really nice to meet a lot of new people. One of my favorite memories of that class was when my friend brought in his Nintendo Switch, and we all just played that the entire day and that was just really fun.” After high school, she is planning on going to Sierra College and transferring to UC Irvine or UC Davis to study chemistry. “ I plan on being a pharmacist or a pharmaceutical researcher, so for that path, you can do biology, biochemistry, or chemistry and I like chemistry the most out of those.” She loved her chemistry class and

Owen Baldridge

Owen Baldridge is on the Varsity Football team at Rocklin, and when he looks back on his years at Rocklin, he has one specific memory that sticks out. “ It was my sophomore year, and we were at a rally. We were doing one of the balloon popping games where you answer the questions, and we were down 3-1 with the freshmen, and I just ran up and got all the questions right and just boom! I ran back and everyone was cheering and it was just really fun.” For college, he is going all the way out to Texas. “I’m going to be going out to Houston and studying fire sciences at the Lone Star College so I can get accepted to the Fire Academy and become a fire fighter.’” His whole family is going to Texas with him, and he is excited to have them along for the ride.

Chase Rothe is also on the Varsity Football team at Rocklin, and has been playing since his Freshman year. He is planning on continuing playing football all the way through his years at ARC. “ Currently, I’m planning on going to American River College to play football and study just my general eduacation classes. I will hopefully transfer out because I really want to study engineering once I transfer out to a 4 - year university. I would really like to go to either ASU, Colorado, or Cal Poly - I would say those are my top 3.” When he reflects on his time at RHS, all of his time playing football is the main highlight. “Just beinng with the football team and just being a part of that experience and playing with some of my best freinds is something that I will look back on in 20 years and be proud of. My favorite memory with my teamates is when we built a boat over the summer, and just activites like that made us a lot closer.” He eats, breaths, and lives football, and it definetly shows in his dedication to the sport. He is excited to go to college to play, and hopes to keep doing it in the future.

Photo Credits: Owen Baldridge Photo Credits: Chase Rothe Photo Credits: Emmaline Rathe


For many students, school is all they know. It can be frightening to think about the future and what life has in store for them. It is important to hold on to the little things that bring you joy in your everyday life. For senior Jackie Fairchild, it’s spending quality time with her friends; no matter where they are, or where they are headed. “Something that I’ll miss in 20 years is driving around with my friends even when we don’t have a destination in mind. We will just hangout and talk” said Fairchild. “Once we got our licenses it hit us that we could do and go where ever we want. It’s nice to be able to hang out together without adults around and that’s why it’s my favorite thing to do” she explained. Outside of academic work, having an interest that brings you closer to your school is a great way to make your closest friends and lifelong hobbies. For Jackie, it’s music. She comments on how it has affected her life, “During and outside of school, music and choir are a big part of my life. I’m in orchestra and I play the cello which is another huge part of my life. Post High school I’m definitely planning on doing orchestra and playing the cello, even if it’s just for myself. I definitely hope to keep both of those skills after High school”. As for what’s next, Fairchild has Med. school in mind, “As of now, I’m hoping to pursue some type of nursing position in the future or some other job in the medical field. I’m going to Sierra college to do my pre-reqs and I’m super excited to have that opportunity.”


(After leaving Rocklin High...) “I’m going to miss all my friends from highschool and hanging out all the time with them” explained Nigh. He plans on attending San Diego State University in the fall, “I’ve heard that it’s a great place to spend four years at, and that there’s a bunch of stuff to do down there. I’m looking forward to being able to make my own decisions and be more independent. I decided on SDSU because there’s plenty of opportunities down there and the weather is really nice.”


(After leaving Rocklin High...) “I’m going to miss making all the close relationships with the friends I have and making friends with people you wouldn’t necessarily expect” said Connell. (Outside of school...) “Cheer was a big one. It’s something that really impacted my life in highschool. It really included me into the school spirit and it’s something I will look back on and remember fondly. The Quarry Bowl games were definitely the most memorable and the most important games I want to remember. I did stunt last year and I prefer cheer. It’s not as competitive and I missed having fun during football games and there’s just not as much spirit” she explained. Although Connell hasn’t picked a major yet, she plans to attend San Diego State University, “I’m planning on just doing general education right now and switch my major in the future; probably business.”


“Something I want to look back on and remember in 20 years would be the friends I have made” said senior Marcus Madison. (Another hard part of becoming an adult and going into a new part of like is...) “When I’m older I won’t be able to mess around or get into trouble anymore and I’m really gonna miss that”. When asked what his highschool life was like Madison said, “with my friends I go shopping and just hang out with them so I’m gonna miss that a lot too. There’s not a big event I’m going to miss from my childhood in perticular just my life with my friends.”


(After leaving Rocklin High, Tanner Carruth is going to miss...)“Just the little things I do with my friends. The things that I would probably overlook if I didn’t think about it. I’m doing projects [in classes such as Tech Theatre and last semester in Yearbook]” said Carruth. “I enjoy Tech Theatre because I get to make stuff and be creative. Work outside of school is something I overlook a lot but I’m really going to miss once it’s gone” explained Carruth. [In the future] I plan on going to Sierra College for my first two years of schooling and then head toward some type of Medical School. I don’t have any specific plan for which Med. school I want to go to but I do want to get out of Rocklin. I want to possibly become a Registered Nurse in the future.”




“Currently I’m working towards good mental health and good grades. After graduation I want to try and be a therapist and I’m trying to go to Sierra College.”


“After gradation I’m really looking forward to moving out and having my own experiences and really growing up on my own.”
Dayna Garcia, Photo Journalism
Lily Moylan, Photo Journalism




”Right now, I enjoy spending time with my family and hanging out with them. My brother and I are very close, so I’d like to spend more time with him before he transfers to Sierra College. And in the future, I’m going to go to Folsom Lake College to play baseball and continue my athletic and academic career.”

“I will be attending the University of Mississippi in the fall to study criminology & criminal justice and possibly minor in spanish. I cannot wait to live in the south and have Ole Miss be my new home!”
Savannah Martin,
Taylor Hughes, Photo Journalism


“I’m looking forward to making money and I want to remember all the memories I had with my teammates along the way.”


In the future

I see myself working at Universal Studios.

Photo Journalism
Payton Clark, Photo Journalism


“I’m really excited to discover myself after graduation without the assistance of my parents”

”I am looking forward to playing basketball in college, I don’t know where yet. I want to remember this last year but this basketball team and the experience and memories we had is something I want to remember as long as I can.”

“Using something I’ve done with music to give back to my home town Redwood City in the bay area that’s faced mass gentrification the past 10 years.”

1 2 3
Lily Moylan, Photo Journalism
Jack Hyde, Photo Journalism Sean Montley, Photo Journalism


yet yet TOGETHER

but when you look back everything is different...”
“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes
Fitzgerald Santos Mattson Halley

NOW: “Something I would want the “future Morgan” to know would be that senior year has not been what I expected at all, and I’ve felt kind of lost for part of it to be completely honest. But the important thing to remember is that the only way to find yourself is to get lost, so I think I’m making the best of it.” NEXT: “The next step for me after graduation is to attend Cal Poly SLO to pursue my education in communications and business. I’m super excited to be a Mustang!”

NOW: “20 years from now, I want my future self to know that all the worked I did in high school was worth it. I had a great four years in high school, but I can’t wait to start college and made even more memories.” NEXT: “After graduation, I’m going to Texas Christian University to study computer science. I’m not really sure yet [what job I would like in the future], but I want to do something with computer programming for a big tech company.”

NOW: “20 years from now I want future me to know that despite the setbacks of Covid-19, that the summer of 2020 and senior year were the most fun years I’ve ever had. I don’t regret any of my decisions because they’ve led me to some of the best people I’ve ever met and so many memorable experiences. Lastly, I hope you have a Toyota Tacoma by now future Alyssa!” NEXT: “After graduation I’ll be staying in Rocklin and will attend Sierra College while majoring in Nursing. I’ll also be playing soccer there and plan to transfer to a four year college hopefully still in California after two years at Sierra.”

NOW: “[I want my future me to know] that I was really happy right. This year I was really really happy. All of my friends, all the relationships that I have, and I have a really good relationship with my parents and sister right now [are what made me really happy].” NEXT: “I am going to go to Sonoma State and get my Bachelors in history and try to become a teacher after that. I am pretty interested in history. [Also,] it’s a fun thing to be a teacher. I really respect teachers a lot and I think they have a really cool job.”

NOW: “[I want my future me to know that] making friends is tough but once you get those friends, it’s awesome. I have had times where I am just hanging out and I’ll just look at them and I’m like ‘Wow. I have this person in my life. They are my friend and I don’t want them to leave ever.’” NEXT: “After graduating, I plan on going to Sierra for maybe two years and transferring to maybe Amda or somewhere in New York for music. [In the future, I would use my degree] probably just singing but if that doesn’t really work out, I want to fall back in voice acting. I feel like that would be fun.”

courtesyoflalinahalley 43



Ayva Stauts

I would say to keep perusing the thing I am passionate about Ayva begins, To not let other peoples opinions stop me from them Ayva continues people are gonna leave my life but thats not gonna matter what they think, It matters what I wanna do. Ayva goes on to talk about graduation plans “I’m committed to Bose state after graduation I’m actually moving to auburn, I’m leaving in August to go up to Bose to major in business with a non-profit management minor. She counties I have family up there, skiing and hiking plus they have the minor I’m looking for, it’s just honestly a very beautiful place.

Photo by Russell C.R.

Chase Meggers

How hard I’m working for baseball and in school Chase begans to put myself in a good position later on in life Chase countines Ive always wanted to play baseball thats what my dad did he played professional baseball and thats something Ive always wanted to do Chase continues I also want to be a firefighter I’m also working towards that, in the gym and also in classes. I’m excited hopefully we do have a graduation I really have all my credits Chase explained I’m just trying to get through this year, I plan on getting with my family and celebrate.

Matthew Edwards

“No matter what you go through no matter what trials are put towards your life it’s all going to be okay”Matthew begins “I changed schools a bunch in high school, that was tough not knowing if I would have friends at the new school or not” Matthew explains “Knowing that I’ll be fine no matter what, keeping it with myself and staying strong knowing that is the best thing I can do.” Matthew starts talking about his plans for the future “I’m getting a summer job working as a mechanic in Roseville just a apprenticeship job not really focusing on college to much, more focused on trade and learning from work.” Matthew goes into detail about his plans for graduation “I’m doing a family slash friends trip to Santa Cruz, My friends have been talking about it and they wanted to go to Santa Cruz I was like lets go to santa Cruz senior trip”

Dylan Fortenberry

Currently my only plans for celebrating graduation Dylan explains just going on a small road trip with some friends

Dylan adds that I plan on attending UNR for a four years to study Mechanical Engineering. I would have to say that if I were to let myself in 20 years know something about my life Dylan explained that he would tell himself that quarantine is the worst, add zombies to the pandemic stories

Jeffrey Baught

Keep the worth ethic I learned from my teachers he goes into detail Thath highschjool was not just about the content expected of us to learn but the development and becoming ourselves Go to sierra, Work and get out doors more, Nothing like a bit of fishing with the boys.

Photo by Russell C.R. Photo by Russell C.R. Photo by Sean Motley Photo by Mr. Rubinstein



I would rate my high school experience on a scale of one to 10 a solid nine because it was a crazy adventure, and it a mind-opening thing. I went to Rocklin high school for freshman year and then I transferred to Whitney for my sophomore year and then I came back for my last two years at Rocklin. I think definitely being at a different campus has helped me recognizes its flaws because when you go to Whitney and then come back everything thing feels a bit more at home. Whitney feels a bit more artificial. There are some great teachers and people at Whitney but after my sophomore year, it made me want to come back. My favorite part of high school was probably the social interactions. I’m a people person, and love meeting new people. I also like the teachers and the learning. I feel like I like things not a lot of people else joy. I like to enjoy everything. Sometimes I’ll enjoy things other people won’t be enjoying.


I want to be a model after high school, So I’m definitely going to be building up my portfolio. I’m going to be going to sierra for two years and then I’m going to transfer to UCSB. Because I do want to live in So-Cal, I love the beach and the energy there is just all good. A goal of mine would be in vogue. I would tell my future self in twenty years to take every new experience that I can because I feel like freshman and sophomore year of highschool, I definitely held myself back from new experiences that I could have had. After I got in the mindset of wanting to experience new things, I looked back and thought about what I could have been experiencing, if I didnt hold myself back. Just, Don’t be afraid. One of my life motos is s to remember whatever energy you put forth you’re going to get backSo that is why I try to put positive energy in to the world.


My life motto is to live in the moment if you think too much about what you’re going to do you forget to have fun on the way there.

Mrs. Taccat was an awesome teacher, every time I would go in there she would help me out. Digital art was a fun class I ended up making some animation and now I’m going to be a graphics designer for college, at sierra

I hope my future self end up doing something more fun than just sitting around for a year waiting for a disease to end, that been boring.

Making friends and meeting new people was the best part of my highschool experience, but one thing I wished I could have experienced in high school was probably Sports. I played baseball for like 8 years and I dropped out of it 8th-grade year. So to to do a sport in highschool would have been fun.


My favorite part of high school, in general, is seeing my friends. I’m not a very social person so school helps me see all my friends constantly.

My favorite class was probably marine biology with Mr. Mertz. Unfortunately, I had this class with Covid so half of it was online and the other half was in hybrid, but Mr. Mertz still made it so fun. I also love marine biology and the ocean so it was such a fun and interesting class anyway.

After high school, I am planning on going to Sierra for 2 years then transferring to 4-year colleges. I am hoping to eventually get an MD and become a medical examiner.


I would rate my high school experience like a sevon., I transferred here last year from St. Francis and I didn’t really like it there but last year was fine, at Rocklin up until the pandemic.

I really like Marine Bio it is one of my favorites classes I only have this class and Econmics which is not as intrestin. MarineBiology, is alot more interesting to me I am planning on going to college, I have always wanted to work in a hospital, but I dont know what I want to do in it.

I’m going to go to sierra for two years and then transfer somewhere, I’m thinking San Diego..


My plan after high school is to go to Sierra College to figure out what I want to do because I haven’t really figured that out quite yet. I am thinking of doing something in the medical field in the future. I’m thinking of medical engineering, I’m thinking of maybe transferring after two years to Cal Poly.


I would rate my high school experience about an eight, mostly because of the masks and Covid, which brings it down a little, Overall it has been pretty good. I feel I got to experience everything I wanted to. I’m not the one who does the parties and stuff. so I didn’t really care that I missed those. My favorite part of high school was some of the classes. They were really interesting like Marine Biolog and the biomedica classes, those were interesting.




“Senior year has gone pretty good, it’s been rocky with all the COVID stuff going on, but otherwise it’s been pretty good for me. I am going to Sierra for right now and do my first two years there, and then I’ll transfer to a fouryear university. I think I want to stay in state for right now, but I would also like to study abroad at some point. South Korea, it’s really strange, but I don’t know, I kinda fell across the world again, and I want to discover different countries, and South Korea really stood out to me. I’ve done very little research about it, but it’s the number one place that intrigues me the most, especially their culture. I think I chose Humanities on my senior form for my major. I like people and culture, so that is something that really interests me, and something that I really want to base my life around. A business degree and stuff like that doesn’t really spark my interest. I think in the future I want to look back, and I will think about how I miss that time, or I miss the people I was friends with. But I will miss the experience of high school.”

“We’re trying to find positives, and luckily parents are putting on dances and things, and I get to go to one, even though it’s not that responsible. It’s in May, so I haven’t gone yet, but I’m excited. I still wish we had school dances and all of that though. I am really looking forward to graduation, and I am hoping it will be normal. We’re supposed to be able to have two guests who can come and be in the stadium like normal so I’m excited for that. I’m also excited for grad parties and moving to college. I’m moving to Boise State in August, so I’m very scared for that. I am majoring in Biology, but it’s very subject to change. I don’t have a super clear vision of what I want to do like a lot of people do, but I like science and math so I thought that I might as well start there and see where it takes me. As for what I want to look back on, I am very proud of my accomplishments, and my portfolio for my AP Art class. I haven’t finished yet, but thus far I’m proud of it. It’s hard to find a stable career with art, so I hope to keep it as a hobby.” 49

jayla castro

Everyone has that childhood dream that they will always remember, maybe to grow up and become a doctor, firefighter, or veterinarian. Most of the time, however, these dreams change and all they amount to are bittersweet memories. Well that is not the case for Jayla Castro. Jayla was accepted to UCLA for softball, and UCLA has been her number one school since she was just six years old. Her uncle is a professor there and used to take her with him to classes, “I would sit in his lecture halls with my mom and I always just felt at home there.” Ever since she first set foot onto the field at a softball camp she claims “I knew exactly what I wanted to do and what I was shooting for, so the second they asked me to come to the school I immediately said yes.” The whole recruiting process may seem really simple, but Jayla assures that “hard work beats everything, you can live your whole life with this God given talent but if you don’t continue to learn and build that strength, you are not pushing yourself enough. You have to go everyday putting in the work because it will pay off.” She has been working as hard as possible since day one of knowing she wanted to go to UCLA, whether it meant going to softball camps, canceling plans, or making big sacrifices. “I knew it was going to be really challenging to put myself out there academically, but if I could do it athletically that would be the best way for me so I started looking into their softball camps, where the coach will see you

and watch how you interact and play on the field, and evaluate your skills” After this, Jayla was pulled aside and asked why she wanted to attend UCLA and what her major would be. “My major is psychology they are a really big psych school, and I was really interested in getting into that program. When they asked me if it was a school I’d prefer to go to, I told them UCLA had been my number one for a very long time.” As soon as they heard this they sent her home to think about the offer and the next day she accepted. What’s next for Jayla is set; majoring in psychology and minoring in criminal justice before she’ll be moving into basic training for the airforce to be a behavior analyst for her five year plan. “I think it’s so crazy that we know more about space than the human mind, so I’ve been interested in psychology since the eighth grade.” Excited for this new setting and experience, Jayla says that her main goal moving forward is not necessarily to live by routine, “Routines can be good but you can get into that autopilot sort of brain and you can stop taking in the little things like going on a walk, saying hi to your family, or spending time with your friends. Sometimes your path or mission in life becomes so important that you start losing the track of right now and the things that make you happy. I want to live by enjoying the little things because there is not a lot of time that you’re going to be able to go to school and hangout with friends, you have to prioritize your youth and make yourself happy.”


... and many more!

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