Rocklin High Flash September 2012

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REF5RESH Rocklin High School The Flash -September 2012

Can you escape the code?


Editor in Chief Amanda Wong


Co-Editor in Chief Mason Ganz

Managing Editor Devin Moss

Assistant Editors Maddie Wuelfing Alex Walsh

Chief Designers Arin Muhic Delanie Chrisman

Ashley Jones

Co-Web Editors

Trevor Bohatch Rhiannon Chuter-Davies



13 Dear Readers, Refresh. The communications department of RHS is ready for a refresh. This year, we are moving to make news a bigger part of the Rocklin life. We hope that, through our articles, insights, and posts that we can refresh your life. Just by opening this magazine, you are pressing an F5 in your own world. So read on. Refresh your life. - The Editors

Casey Nichols


Kiersten Austefjord, Franchesca Awwad, Elias Alba, Shelby Boyajan, Leah Marie Brewster, Alexis Brown, Aubrey Butte, Alina Holtsman, Cali Lewis, Emily McCrary, Taras Maksimuk, Ryan Peterson, Julie Schwarzkopf, Taylor Shoultz, Melanie Seyfried, Juliette Sherrill, Lydia Tahraoui, Elizabeth Vasquez, Sabrina Wilson, Rahul Verma

4. Popular or Provocative? : The RHS Dress Code 6. A Rant on Politics 7.From Russia to Rocklin Follow us on Twitter by scanning the QR code below! 8.Behind The Numbers @RocklinHSFlash 10.Reviews @RocklinHS_Live 11. Date Night 12. JV Varsity 13.Football Comeback 14. Secrets 15. The Last Word Friend the Rhs Flash on Facebook!

Rocklin High School 5301 Victory Lane Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 632-7498

F5 is a public forum produced by students for students in an attempt to inform and entertain its audience. Students have the final authority on any content found in this publication. F5 encourages letters regarding content to onstitute a respectful avenue for student opinion. Letters should be addressed to the publication’s email

October 2012

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Popular, or... P RO



t’s only just the beginning of the fourth week of school, and Rocklin High School has already undergone some changes. With a new vice principal and a new on-campus officer, it seems that a new unwritten dress code has been enforced as well. In the past, the dress code has seemed fair to students. What has changed since the last school year? Has the dress code been altered? Is it being enforced more than previous years? Though there is not a direct answer to these questions, it appears that the Rocklin High administration has been modifying the rules. As fashion trends begin to emerge and fade, students dress accordingly. These new styles are catching the school off-guard and they are scrambling to bring back control into their hands. Administration seems to be upset at the fact that students are finding “loop-holes” around their unrelenting dress code. Blouses and shirts that could be easily considered office attire or even church appropriate, are becoming “unacceptable” in the eyes of Rocklin High discipline. Mr. David Bills, our principal explained, the school dress code in positive terms. “In the handbook, it talks about first having clothes that are safe,” Mr. David Bills says, on behalf of the administration. “Shop classes, design classes,’s designed to make sure we are safe.” Safety is an important issue, that is a statement that is nonnegotiable. However, at what point are jeans with a hole in the knee considered dangerous? Another concern is distraction. Our rules leave the impression that our shoulders are just so seductive that they provide a distraction to the school as a whole. The ironic thing is that our administration does not realize that students are much more distracted from the fear of being hunted down by an staffer who appears to give extra attention to managing the dress code. The reality of the issue is that the majority of the student body are almost adults--in fact most of the seniors already are. High school is supposed to prepare us for our lives outside the classrooms of

By Ashley Jones and Maddie Wuelfing


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Rocklin High. If that is the true meaning of high school, then this dress code is a hypocritical way of restraining our ability to express ourselves and our individuality. How are any of the students supposed to take responsibility for their lives if they cannot make the decision on what they wear in the morning? Rocklin High School needs to allow for it’s students to dress themselves and learn what is appropriate and what is not within more reasonable limits such as safety. If they cannot figure that out, their parents should. Sending a student home due to violation of dress code is basically a slap to the face of the parents. Rocklin might as well be saying, “You are not doing your job as a parent, we will take over for you.” Not only is the dress code unfair, but it also unclear. The staff seems to be making up these new rules that are clearly not listed in the student planner. It is simply causing more harm than good, so this issue needs to be fixed fast. Rocklin High is not a private school, so let’s stop acting like one.

Senior, Drew Ardissone, signs the dress code petititon currently circulating throughout the school. With more than 500 signatures, the petition was scheduled to go to administration on Sept. 21. (photo by Aubrey Harper)

October 2012


73% 12%

students surveyed

What would Wagner Do?

do NOT agree with dress code

of the 300 students do agree with it


dress code A

topic often crossing Rocklin High’s students is the dreaded dress code. Time after time, it is revised and shaped to the administration’s likings. As most have probably heard, the students are mostly unhappy with the arrangement. One of the rules that has been placed quite recently is that girls can’t wear shorts with holes in them. This honestly confuses me. It’s not why girls can’t wear shorts with holes in them, it’s why girls would wear it in the first place. Shorts these days are extremely short already. Now, fashion wants to take away even more layers of clothing and expose more skin? Where would the holes even go? It’s grossing me out to think about it. There isn’t any way I would disagree with putting this rule into action. It’s simply unsavory. What surprises me all the time is seeing younger generations dressing less modestly. They wear way shorter shorts than even students at Rocklin High do. What’s worse is that they’re not even half our age! If we are the leaders of tomorrow, shouldn’t we all set an example? Don’t get me wrong; I don’t agree with everything. Although the rumor of a basketball short ban was proved false, I felt enraged at the idea. It’s not because I have an obvious bias to wear basketball shorts rather than the normal girly-shorts, but it really didn’t show

anything. I’m pretty sure guys aren’t trying to show off anything with basketball shorts. The whole shoulder-can’t-be-seen fiasco is ridiculous. Nobody is checking out each others’ shoulders, let me tell you that. Not meaning to belittle the dance and cheer teams’ uniforms, but does anybody else think that it’s unfair that they get to show their shoulders? Schools shouldn’t place a rule and have special exceptions for certain people. I do understand it makes it easier to move around in, but the rule still could be revised so that it’s not unfair to rest of the student population. I would prefer if Rocklin students to think about this though: the rules are there for a particular reason. Now, I’m not saying that the admin’s rules are necessarily correct all the time, but I can definitely see where they’re coming from. It may seem unfair at times, but it’s all with good intention. People are really missing that point. Ask anybody that works and they’ll tell you the same thing. People aren’t going to work in shorts that are not even six inches long or wearing their favorite spaghetti-strapped tank tops. If Rocklin High is honestly trying to prepare its students for the real world, then students, especially in this town, need to stop expecting to get what they want all the time. Written by Julie Schwarzkopf


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ith this being an election year, politics is something on the American brain With both the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention happening recently, politics have been even more prominent. Even with Hurricane Isaac and its aftermath or the Curiosity rover on Mars, politics somehow continue to dominate the headlines day after day. Whether it’s Todd Aiken and his comments about rape, or Bain Capital, American politics seem to have just gone crazy. With accusations of crimes, claims of fascism, extremely biased reporting, and even straight up racism, this year is just insane. Politics are simply going down. Everyone who has run for office has fallen victim to the cruel thrashing of the media. Our political scene today looks like it belongs in Canada on a hockey rink, not in Washington D.C. So that leads me to my view of politics. I believe in how George Washington saw parties. Our first president described the System like this.

“The alternate domination of one faction over another. . . is itself a frightful despotism. . . sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.” — George Washington, September 19, 1796 Basically, he says that factional parties will never work. When Washington took office in the late 1790’s, the party system wasn’t around. In fact, there was nothing like it in the world! Washington explained that if a party system was put in place, they would seek to overtake the margin, and dominate all branches of government causing mass anarchy. He goes on to explain that in the end, one party will ultimately become the only party. Washington also mentioned that eventually, party leaders will lead because they are the elite.


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In today’s America, lobbyists and bureaucrats play huge roles in our government, and they sure aren’t working for the benefit of the people. More fortunate people have simply begun to rule politics. Sadly our political needs have become brutally irrelevant as politicians have worked more and more for their own gain, not for that of the people Parties become locked in huge hateful battles without any foreseeable positive outcome. They are forced to elect whoever is supported by the most lobbyists and bureaucrats, and attack fellow Americans over an outdated system that no longer serves the good of the people. However, no matter what, straight revolution and anarchy will not fix anything for America We have too big of an effect on the world. Since our nation was started under a Christian government, we continue to protect Israel, even when tactically it doesn’t make sense. This alliance has made Iran one our enemies. They are backed by superpowers Russia and China, maintaining an Cold-War era feel throughout the international world. Besides our tension with Iran, North Korea also has a hatred for us. If they were ever to go to war against us, they would not only attack us, but also possibly invade South Korea, our ally. Innocent Korean people should not die because of American politics. We are also fighting on economic fronts; our economical struggle with China is expanding daily. With the ability to make anything the world needs, as well as a genius level generation in its adolescence, China is making communism look good. Overall, modern day American politics have become corrupt and, as some would say, irreparable. I’m not here to offer a solution, but more of a reminder. This November, just think about George Washington’s beliefs. He was our first president, one of the creators of our country. I am sure if he were alive today that he would say our politics have become a joke; and it’s not funny anymore.

October 2012


W it h L o v e

making the shift to Rocklin in six months


aulina Timokhin was born in Virginia, but was raised in Moscow, Russia. She moved to Russia when she was a year old and lived in Russia until about 6 months ago. Paulina then moved across the world to live here, in Rocklin. Paulina moved here because her parents wanted her to get a better education and to learn English. She only started learning English about two years ago, but she speaks it very well and believes her usage has improved immensely since she moved to Rocklin. Though she has only lived here for a short while, she already likes America better than Russia. “The weather is different and I like the weather here better,” she said. When she met people here, she saw a difference in them that she liked. “I like the people here better because they like you for who you are, not for your money or something that you didn’t earn. They like you for your intelligence or your talent.” Another difference is what the schools are like. “Teachers are so kind and nice here. They are glad to help you. In Russia, the teachers want you to do everything by yourself, you can’t count on them. If you ask for help here, you are sure to get it.”



iving in an American home, leading a French life? It’s crazy, pure and simple. A glance at Anais Tournier will reveal nothing far past your typical freshman--interested in fashion and basketball among many other things. A deeper look, however, reveals her By Sarah Lovejoy split life at home and her interesting cultural diversity. Both of her parents were born and raised in France, only moving to the United States a year before Anais was born. At home, she’s French, but everywhere else, she’s as American as the rest of us. “My parents are always nagging me to speak French... English is definitely easier. I have to think more for French,” Anais said. Her parents persistence with their native language pays off, however. Every summer, the Tournier family takes a two-month vacation in

By Taylor Schoultz

They also have separate schools in Russia. In the morning they attend public school and in the evening, music school. In music school, classes on subjects like art or music. Paulina initially went to music school because her parents wanted her to learn how to play the piano. However, she quickly found that she liked to sing; a passion that grew into a love for the arts. “I am very proud that I went there,” said Timokhin. Though she is from a different country, she has many of the same hobbies many of us do. Paulina sings, plays piano, dances, and is learning how to play guitar. She wants to try to get on the dance team next year and also be in the Chamber Choir because of her passion for singing and dancing. For Paulina, these activities bridge the differences between Russian and America and are a lesson to us all that passions easily transcend continents.

France. They visit family in both North and South France, experiencing pure French culture at its finest while visiting Tournier’s aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and friends. Every year in France, she does something different, whether it be visiting her favorite place, the Louvre, or simply hanging out with family friends. “[France] has such an amazing culture,” says Tournier. She says that in America everything has its own place, whereas in France, most things are looser and more easygoing. The culture is familiar to her by now, but there are still those noticeable differences in the smells and sights, actions and traditions. Although not always excited to go to France, she always ends up enjoying her trip, spurred on by the thought of authentic French pastries. Tournier loves how even though her real home is in America, she feels welcomed and loved by friends and family alike in France. Two months of the year Anais steps out of all that her everyday life is composed of, and takes a leap into her heritage.


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1) The Dance team performs at a home game for Varsity football. 2) Scott Walsh plays on the JV team for Rocklin soccer. 3) Shelby Kubota of Varsity tennis. They opened the season with a strong win against rival Del Oro. 4) The girls’ volleyball team takes a breather. 5) Cross Country poses with medals at the Hornet Invitations. . 6) Girls’ water polo takes a team photo. 7) Logan Webb of Varsity Football has led the team to two wins in three games and was nominated for player of the week after throwing four touchdowns in the Homecoming win. . 8) Cheerleaders at the Quarry Bowl, where Rocklin won 6-0 against the Whitney Wildcats. 9) Golfer Megan Thorstensen.


photos by Christie Effendie, Rylan Younger, Jillina Lerner, Sarah Cluff, Brandon Wahlberg.

October 2012



fall athletes

161 football players

80 water polo

61 cheerleaders

57 cross country

44 volleyball

38 soccer

34 tennis





17 golf

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page nine




READ • LISTEN • WATCH • REVIEW • LEARN • REFRESH There is a time in everyone’s life when they can safely say that they have nothing to do. Usually, this day happens when we are a toddler or even a kid younger than the age of ten. Sometimes, when we encounter this day, our imaginations soar or if we are the unlucky ones, we see everything around us as dull and unentertaining.This adventure is mixed with the acquiring of new knowledge as well as perspectives that can teach generations for years.This book, even though it may be a childrens book at best and was published in 1961, has the best lessons to learn, as well as many English proverbs, riddles, and legends hidden within. The Phantom Tollbooth may be an oldie, but it is certainly a classic book that will live generations on with plenty lessons to be learned; the most important one being: Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.

No Doubt. Known for their captivating hits in the late 90s and early 2000s, they are making a comeback. For the past 10 years the band has been on standstill as they pursued solo careers and started families of their own. The wait however, is finally over. No Doubt is releasing their first album in 11 years titled “Push and Shove,” on September 25, 2012. The first single, ‘Settle Down,’ has had modest success on the charts. It’s Jamacian inspired tone dates back to the band’s 2001 album “Rock Steady,” but also include beats similar to their 1990 hits from “Tragic Kingdom.” Settle Down is an upbeat tune with Gwen Stefani belting out the chorus, “I’m trying to get a hold on this,” and “Get in line and settle down.” Overall, the message of the song is trying to manage life’s hectic challenges and how you can handle it, as Stefani sings, “I’m all good, no I’m fine.” ‘Settle Down,’ sounds like nothing else on the radio which makes it very unique in today’s music world. No Doubt has a ‘hold on this. ‘

Based on a true story, “The Possession” tells the terrifying tale of a divorced couple (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedwick) who must save their daughter, Emily who becomes possessed by a demon seeking what it does not have, life. This is a movie that will definitely keep viewers jumpy. However the problem with horror movies is quite simple. Everybody is scared by different things. A handful of people could be mortified by the thought of a demon being inside them, a killer running round the neighborhood, or even a bad experience as a kid that makes something like Alice in Wonderland terrifying. And because I am a person who isn’t scared easily by any of these genres, I’d have to rate this movie an 7/10. The fact of the matter is I came into the movie pessimistic, thinking it was so cliché for a little girl to be possessed. And that is partly true. But the thing that kept me interested is that you could see the demon taking over Emily almost immediately after she first opens the box. It means for the next hour or so you know that Emily’s behavior is completely unpredictable.

By Elizabeth Vasquez, Mason Ganz, and Alex Walsh


page ten

October 2012

Date Night

The Food: Via Roma V

ia Roma, located on the corner of Sunset Boulevard and West Oaks Boulevard, is the perfect place for an evening out. Whether it be with you friends or a special someone, you can’t go wrong with this little family owned restaurant. When you first walk in you are immediately charmed by their welcoming staff and asked where you would prefer to sit, even though the restaurant was very busy. We were seated and asked what we would like to drink right away and quickly received our drinks and a complimentary bread basket soon after. The menu held a wide variety of Italian favorites including custom pizzas, salads, and endless choices of pasta. We were offered an off menu special appetizer, which our waiter recommended. After his description we were eager to try this pesto rice filled, breaded, and fried mozzarella balls with marinara sauce. This dish was no disappointment, in fact it was the highlight of our meal, maybe even the whole evening.

Dinner and a Movie

For our actual meal, Kiersten got the Fettuccine Pollo and she absolutely loved it. It was the perfect Italian pasta dish and it wasn’t too expensive for the quality of the food. The price was 13 dollars and definitely worth it. Franchesca got something a little different, the Risotto which is still a pasta but more like a rice. Having a little trouble figuring out what to get, she asked the waiter what he recommended and he said that he “dreams about the Risotto.” So of course she had to get it! She figured if he loved it that much it must be delicious. It was a little more expensive than Kiersten’s, 15 dollars, but it also included shrimp and scallops; so the price was expected. Overall, this restaurant is a perfect place for a date night or a night out with friends, its delicious, has a cute atmosphere, and has reasonable prices. Next time you aren’t sure where to go for dinner or lunch check out Via Roma, you won’t be disappointed.

The Movie: Hit and Run F

or the second part of our evening, we went and saw Hit and Run at Blue Oaks Century Theatre. We both really enjoyed the movie and the different character personalities kept us engaged throughout the film. The movie could definitely be categorized as an action-comedy-romance. It had so many different twists within the script, which constantly left us surprised throughout the whole movie. This definitely is a perfect movie for a couple going out or even ones on a first date. It was hilarious, action packed, and had a slight hint of romance which toned down the immense amount of action and comedy. The movie is about a man in the witness protection program, he lives in a little house in the middle of nowhere. There he met

his girlfriend who is the love of his life. When she got an awesome teaching opportunity in LA he chose to move despite the risk of being found and killed by the people he had testified in court against. Most of the movie consisted of them in the car driving and running from a crazy ex-boyfriend, a witness protection marshall, and of course the criminals. Overall we give this movie 4 stars out of 5. We felt it was a little too much “running” and not enough of the story line. We were left a little confused with the result of the plot, and wish it had ended a little differently with more explanation. Other that that it was so funny, the actors did a great job, and we would definitely recommend it, especially for a date night. By Franchesca Awwad and Kiersten Austefjord


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JV: scoring machine

Rocklin High varsity football has already played some hard-hitting games in the 2012 preseason. The Thunder lost by a point to Del Campo, and before, beat local adversaries Whitney in a 6-0 win at the "ThunderDome." However, no other Rocklin team continues to pulverize teams like the JV football team. In their first four games, the JV team tallied a total of an unbelievable 171 points. The team didn’t upset the fans either, when they won the homecoming game against the Inderkum Tigers 21-18. They stand 5-0 heading into the league opener at Nevada Union on Friday. Despite having two key players pulled up to assist varsity, Max O’Rourke and Riley Clark, the team continued the work rate needed to win games with such a high scoreline. "Our team chemistry is great. That’s why we’re so successful," Dillon Smethurst commented on the team’s success. Regarding the future for what is now Junior Varsity, Smethurst is very optimistic when it comes to his team’s future games. "We aren’t playing the best teams, but it is great prep for league,” Smethurst said. Whether the results keep on rolling in or not, nobody can deny that it has been a phenomenal start to the season for a hard-hitting JV side.

JV Football player Blake Laurin

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October 2012


t was only three seasons ago that Rocklin High football was undefeated and made its way to a State Appearance with an All-star ensemble of offensive and defensive players alike. But in those three years the program has since declined in starquality of players and win totals. In the three years that passed, Quarterback Jimmy Laughrea has gone to play for Boise State and has had his successor, Daniel Kniffin take the field. Although he has played solid football, Kniffin has also met injury riddled seasons. Just this year he separated a joint in his shoulder and was out for three weeks. With another injury taking a toll on Kniffin, Rocklin has thrown backup Quarterback and junior, Logan Webb into the mix. Webb was last seen on the field as a starting QB since his JV days last season. During the Quarry Bowl, he completed 6 of 13 passes for 105 yards, including a 17-yard touchdown pass to Spencer Gregg in the Thunder's 6-0 over Whitney. After winning the Homecoming game against Inderkum 31-22, Rocklin now stands at 2-3. Logan Webb threw four touchdown passes. “I feel like we can go 7-3, we just need to work and focus on our jobs and assignments. I feel like we can go to playoffs this year,” said QB Webb. Even Coach Greg Benzel’s expectations were high as well as, “I expect every player will give their best for their team mates. Once that’s done, we believe we can contend for an SFL championship,” Benzel said. Last year Rocklin went 3-10 with a junior dominated squad that rarely saw the light of the field.

“We’re always excited to play Whitney, because it’s always fun to play against your friends. Whitney’s always a great game.” - Freshman football player William Floyd, whose brother attends and father works at Whitney High School .



By Ryan Peterson

Varsity football’s Daniel Kniffin, Sam Woods, Cory Burmester, and Kaige Miller

This year however, both seniors and juniors share equal number of players and talent. The new players offer depth and with the recent success of the JV team this year and the past two years, offer a chance and opportunity to have a fresh and talented squad for years to come. Both JV and Varsity won the annual Quarry Bowl against Whitney High School, with Varsity scoring 6-0. “I think theres a great chemistry, between the Juniors and Seniors. Lots of juniors have been playing heavy roles both on offense and defense,” Benzel said, noting the juniors’ impact. “We’re not a first half team, we’re not a second half team,” said senior defensive lineman Sam Woods to the Placer Herald. “We’re 48 minutes. . .we never stop.”

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page thirteen



ecrets I’m secretly obsessed with “Toddlers and Tiaras.”

There is a serious chance I will become a crazy cat lady, and I’m totally okay with that.

I have never kissed anyone.

L i g h t

I have a waffle in my backpack right now. I like big butts and I cannot lie.

I secretly love One Direction.


Every girl in this school is so beautiful, but why do they have to cover up with so much make up? I have no life. People mess everything up.

Made Us Cry

I don’t go to RHS but sometimes I come here to fill out the survey.

I’m in the closet.

My friends are the reason for my low self esteem.

I have a crush on Mr. Underwood. I drink unheated soup right from the can.

I cry every time I think of my dad and how he left me. There are ten of them, dead, at the bottom of the creek.


page fourteen

Cracked Us Up

In the spirit of the popular, RHS students submtted their own private thoughts online and we published anonymously those that grabbed our attention I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it!

I wish I was in the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Club

My brother is a drug addict and I’m afraid to tell my mom.

I was hospitalized for Anorexia.

I let my brother eat a donut that one of my friends had licked.

H e a v y

I think my cousin’s hot.

I’m fat... And I’m proud!

I am absolutely terrified of Barbies. I can’t sleep if one is in close proximity.

October 2012

The Last Word

Chik-fil-A made the headlines when Dan Cathy, it’s chief op-

erating officer, publicly announced his opposition to gay marriage. This By Rahul Verma led to local leaders in several progressive cities to state their opposition to the company’s expansion in their areas, and caused many LGBT-rights advocates to boycott and protest the restaurants. They were met by a fervent response from social conservatives, who named August 1 “Chik-fil-A Appreciation Day” and flocked to eat there. Meanwhile, Chik-fil-A claimed to maintain neutrality in the same-sex debate. However, it did not stop donating money to organizations that actively work against marriage equality - LGBT advocacy group Equality Matters reports that the company gave almost $2 million to groups that oppose gay rights and equality.That changed on September 18th, at least according to breaking news. That’s when The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA), an Illinois-based pro-LGBT rights group, released a report that claimed Chik-fil-A had negotiated with Chicago Alderman (city government official) Joe Moreno, who initially had fought the company’s presence in his part of the city. According to TCRA, Chik-fil-A has promised to stop giving money to anti-gay groups. As of press time, Chik-fil-A had yet to officially confirm this news. An official statement released by the company on September 20th failed to explicitly confirm anything regarding the purpose of the donations. However, if what the TCRA and Alderman Moreno does in fact hold true, this represents a major victory for LGBT rights. Even before this turn of events, MSN reports that companies like Ben and Jerry’s, JC Penney’s, and Google already had come out in support of gay marriage. If Chik-fil-A’s real neutrality on gay marriage turns out to be genuine, it will be another sign of what many businesses are starting to realize; equality regardless of sexual orientation is now

good business.

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page fifteen

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