Grainger College Staff Handbook 2012

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Grainger College Staff Handbook

“Engaging the Learner at Every Stage of their Journey”

The Principal’s Welcome

Tation, vero consequat quadrum eu fere minim, dolus olim decet, exputo. Suscipere duis validus nulla opes accumsan euismod, acsi semper fi iusto fere loquor iriure laoreet rusticus. Consequat fatua facilisi acsi virtus exerci foras vicis sed tego brevitas accumsan vero jus, turpis. Eum vulputate nisl vel exputo vindico lobortis, eligo, exputo velit at velit, ullus ergoluctus quae sed. Suscipit nunc quidne te decet, alla abdo veniam abluo. Immitto, causa amet hos refero utinam autem saluto iusto enim facilisis sed. Dolor diam venio molior suscipere molior typicus eu opto validus abigo exerci, autem. Qui nulla, suscipit consequat tation vulputate fatua comis. Eum quia damnum, natu,


A very warm welcome to Grainger College Team We pride ourselves on our warm and friendly environment and our commitment to helping our students reach their goals and are pleased to have you on board to help us achieve this aim. We all know life can present us with challenges and that is why Grainger College operates on a collegiate basis; there is always someone who can help you, and your students, negotiate life’s challenges. This handbook details the support services available to you. Please use the support services whenever you need to, remember the adage ‘if you are thinking of asking for help, you should have probably asked already’. Enjoy your teaching and make a difference!

Grainger College

Group Tutors Every student will be assigned a Group Tutor (PLC). You may be assigned a group of students for who you act as a PLC. Your tutor group may be a group that you teach but this might not be the case. Your role as a PLC is to offer individual support to learners. You will meet with your tutor group as a whole at least once a term and you will hold individual meetings with each of your tutees at least once a term. Your line manage will timetable you for this. On occasion, as a PLC, you may be sought out by another member of the teaching team to help with specific issues. You will have insight into the students’ overall situation and will be able to offer advice and guidance as to the students’ specific needs.

Grainger College

Individual Meetings You will create and complete progress reviews for each of your tutees assessed against targets you have mutually agreed. The records for this must be stored as per the college’s Data Protection Policy. Progress reviews will consider whether your tutee is performing as expected on coursework, homework assignments and exams. If your tutee is not performing as expected you should agree an action plan for performance. The action plan may require you to refer the learner for additional support (e.g. dyslexia support; college counselling; medical care; legal and welfare support; financial support; careers guidance; anti-bullying support; equality and diversity support). You may also be required to liaise with other teaching staff, as well as parents, employers, careers officers and other support agencies.

Grainger College

Your Support Services Dyslexia Support Team If a student has previously been assessed as dyslexic their group tutor will have to make an appointment with the Dyslexic Support Team to verify this assessment and to ensure relevant support strategies are in place. If you suspect one of your students is dyslexic then ask their Group Tutor to make an appointment for them with the Dyslexic Support Team where they will be assessed and relevant support strategies put is place as necessary. Please contact the Dyslexic Support Team on 0125 4567895 The Counselling Service If you are worried or stressed and would like to discuss any issues you may have confidentially, our qualified Counsellors are on hand. You can make an appointment with the Counselling Service for yourself, or for a student, by calling 0987 765 5432 or by Emailing

Medical Care Resident students should make arrangements with a local GP Centre for medical care whilst at college. The student must have their National Health Service Card with them to access medical care – Student Services have NHS application forms or you can telephone 0845 610 1112 to request an application form on your students behalf.

Legal and Welfare Support If a student asks you for advice with welfare or benefit matters you can seek additional support from Grainger College’s specialists. You can make an appointment for your students with the Welfare Team on 0987 654 4321 or contact Student Services.

Grainger College

Your Support Services Cont. Financial Support Grainger College has a number of financial resources to help support students whilst they are studying. If you have a student who is struggling financially please consult Money Matters section below or contact Student Services. Money Matters The college has a number of financial resources available to help support you whilst on your course. Students regardless of their age can apply to the college for help towards their costs such as travel and equipment. Applications are mean tested. For more information contact Student Services.

Careers Guidance Group Tutors and Teaching Staff will be able to give careers and further study advice within their field of expertise. If one of your students requires more in depth advice you can arrange this with Student Services.

Grainger College

Your Support Services Cont. Anti-Bullying Support Bullying may be defined as follows: It is a deliberate misuse of power or influence. It can take the form of verbal or physical threat or action. It is intimidation, often repeated, of a victim(s) by a more powerful person(s) carried out with the intention of causing physical or emotional hurt. Where the intention may not be to deliberately cause hurt it can still be considered as bullying if the victim perceives it as so. There are three main types of bullying: 1. Physical – e.g., hitting, kicking: 2. Verbal – e.g. name calling, racist/sexist remark: 3. Indirect – e.g. rumours, taking things. Grainger College recognises the detrimental effects on learners and staff who may be subjected to bullying and will work efficiently to eradicate its occurrence. Learners and staff at Grainger College are entitled to enjoy a secure, happy and friendly environment in which they can learn effectively. The College will do its utmost to establish and sustain such an environment. Equality and Diversity Grainger College recognises and values the social and cultural diversity in which it operates and is committed to promoting equality and respecting the dignity of all staff, students and other individuals to whom it provides services. The college is committed to providing conditions which enables everyone to participate fully in learning and achieve to their fullest potential and is opposed to any form of harassment or discrimination. The college has a fundamental belief in the right of everyone to be treated with respect and regarded as equal status regardless of: Race; Economic status; Gender/gender re-assignment; Age; Religion or belief; Disability; Sexual orientation; Pregnancy and maternity If you need any additional information please contact a member of the Equality and Diversity Task Group.

Grainger College

College Policies Below are a collection of supporting documents to help you as a staff member here at Grainger College. If you have any questions please contact our Human Resources Department.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Disability Equality Policy

Learning and Teaching Policy

Learner Involvement Policy

Data Protection Policy

Grainger College

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