report to the community

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Our mission to heal the sick and to improve the health of the community doesn’t end at our doorstep. That’s why the OMHS Community Benefit Program is so important. “WE ArE COMMiTTEd TO SuPPOrTinG nOn-PrOfiT COMMuniTy OrGAnizATiOnS And PuBliC EnTiTiES WHOSE CHAriTABlE PurPOSES AliGn WiTH Our MiSSiOn,” SAid dEBBiE zuErnEr JOHnSOn,


OMHS awards over a half million dollars to grant recipients each year.

the Community needs Health Assessment. This new addition to our website includes data on the numerous health issues facing our community. This information is valuable to any organization considering making a grant application.

“OMHS provided funding for 49 deserving organizations, set a record for united Way funding, and rolled out a new website to Visit for the latest measure information on the Community community health,” said Jeff Needs Health Assessment. This new Barber. “OMHS addition to our website includes data truly has a heart for the people we on the numerous health issues facing serve.”

our community.

non-profit organizations that provide services and programs addressing health needs may apply for financial assistance through the Community Benefit Program. To qualify, activities must demonstrate measurable improvement in health status, access to care or use of healthcare resources. Grant applicants, or anyone who is interested, may visit for the latest information on

Employees from throughout OMHS serve on a 19-member committee that reviews all applications and makes recommendations. The process has become more detailed in recent years as OMHS has required applicants to show measurable outcomes. Two basic reasons exist for the changes - the hospital wants to make sure it is investing its grant dollars wisely to make the largest impact on health issues in the community, and also to be mindful of the changing irS regulations that govern the way it makes grants.

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