Random House Psychiatry & Psychology Flyer

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14 Days to Cooler, Calmer, and Happier by Jan Bruce; Andrew Shatté, Ph.D.; and Adam Perlman, MD/MPH


arrying the whole-person, systemic approach of integrative medicine with the science of resilience and the tenets of positive psychology, the authors created a method that attacks stress on every level. The meQuilibrium program is supported by more than half a dozen studies showing its efficacy.

“Stress isn’t killing us: but our response to it is. In a deceptively simple yet extremely effective plan, this powerhouse trio shows us how to solve the problem of resetting the ways we respond to our daily pressures.” —Andrew Weil, MD, author of Healthy Aging and Spontaneous Happiness Harmony • HC • 978-0-8041-3849-9 • 256pp. • $26.00 • Exam Copy: $13.00

e-Book: 978-0-8041-3850-5

PERFORMING UNDER PRESSURE The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most by Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. Pawliw-Fry


obody performs better under pressure. Regardless of the task, pressure diminishes our judgment, decision-making, attention, dexterity, and performance in every professional and personal arena. In Performing Under Pressure, Drs. Hendrie Weisinger and J.P. Pawliw-Fry introduce the concept of pressure management, offering empirically tested short-term and longterm solutions to help us overcome the debilitating effects of pressure. Performing Under Pressure draws on research from over 12,000 people and features the latest research from neuroscience and from the frontline experiences of Fortune 500 employees and managers, Navy SEALS, Olympic and elite athletes, and others.

Crown Business • HC • 978-0-8041-3672-3 • 320pp. • $26.00 • Exam Copy: $13.00

e-Book: 978-0-8041-3673-0

COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY HOW WE LEARN: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens by Benedict Carey


n How We Learn, award-winning science reporter Benedict Carey sifts through decades of education research and landmark studies to uncover the truth about how our brains absorb and retain information. What he discovers is that, from the moment we are born, we are all learning quickly and automatically, but in our zeal to systematize the process, we have ignored valuable, naturally enjoyable learning tools like forgetting, sleeping, and daydreaming. Carey’s search for answers to these questions yields a wealth of strategies that make learning more a part of our everyday lives—and less of a chore.

“How We Learn makes for a welcome rejoinder to the faddish notion that learning is all about the hours put in. Learners, [Benedict] Carey reminds us, are not automatons.” —The New York Times Book Review Random House • TR • 978-0-8129-8429-3 • 272pp. • $16.00 • Exam Copy: $3.00

e-Book: 978-0-8129-9389-9

To order examination copies, go to: www.randomhouseacademic.com/desk-exam-copy EXAMINATION COPY POLICY: $3.00 for each paperback title and half the retail price for hardcover editions as noted in this flyer. No shipping & handling fees required. For academic instructors only. Limit of ten exam copies per year.

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MIND CHANGE: How Digital Technologies Are Leaving Their Mark on Our Brains by Susan Greenfield


enowned neuroscientist Susan Greenfield, known in the UK for challenging entrenched conventional views, brings together a range of scientific studies, news events, and cultural criticism to create an incisive snapshot of “the global now.” Disputing the assumption that our technologies are harmless tools, Greenfield explores whether incessant exposure to social media sites, search engines, and videogames is capable of rewiring our brains, and whether the minds of people born before and after the advent of the Internet differ.

“Greenfield is a lucid and thorough communicator, and this book is highly accessible to those with no knowledge of neuroscience. . . . That I kept being distracted from my reading to check Facebook was less a reflection on the quality of the book than a sobering lesson in how relevant these issues are.”—The Independent (U.K.) Random House • HC • 978-0-8129-9382-0 • 368pp. • $28.00 • Exam Copy: $14.00

e-Book: 978-0-8129-9383-7


Transformative Methods for Compassionate Living from a Clinical Psychologist and a Buddhist Nun by Russell Kolts and Thubten Chodron Foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama


beloved Buddhist teacher and a psychologist specializing in compassion-focused therapy (CFT) provide practical methods for living a life filled with compassion, based on traditional Buddhist teachings and on methods from modern psychology. Each of the 64 short chapters concludes with a reflection or exercise for putting compassion into practice in various life situations.

“A collection of reflections on the practice of compassion in everyday life that provides a recipe for a deeper life and a better world. It is written with minds and hearts wide open.” —Daniel Gilbert, Harvard University, author of Stumbling on Happiness Shambhala • TR • 978-1-61180-211-5 • 272pp. • $17.95 • Exam Copy: $3.00


Aha Moments, Creative Insight, and the Brain by John Kounios and Mark Beeman


n The Eureka Factor, the authors explain how insights arise and what scientific research says about stimulating more of them. They discuss how various conditions affect the likelihood of having an insight, what the relationship is between insight and intuition, and how the brain’s right hemisphere contributes to creative thought. This book goes beyond scientific principles to offer productive techniques for realizing your creative potential—at home and at work.

“The Eureka Factor presents a fascinating and illuminating account of the creative process and how to foster it.” —James J. Heckman, Nobel laureate in economics,

Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago

Random House • HC • 978-1-4000-6854-8 • 288pp. • $28.00 • Exam Copy: $14.00

e-Book: 978-0-679-64529-0

TRYING NOT TO TRY: The Art and Science of Spontaneity by Edward Slingerland


he early Chinese philosophers wrote extensively about an effortless way of being in the world, which they called wu-wei. With clarity and wit, Slingerland introduces us to these thinkers and their texts and shows how new research reveals what’s happening in the brain when we’re in a state of wu-wei—why it makes us happy and effective and trustworthy, and how it might have even made civilization possible.

“Looks like a self-help book, but it’s actually an insightful and lucid introduction to some of the most fruitful ideas in ancient Chinese philosophy.” —Julian Baggini, The Guardian Broadway Books • TR • 978-0-7704-3763-3 • 304pp. • $15.00 • Exam Copy: $3.00

e-Book: 978-0-7704-3762-6

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The Madness and Medical Genius of Dr. Perry Baird, and His Daughter’s Quest to Know Him by Mimi Baird with Eve Claxton


r. Perry Baird was a rising medical star in the late 1920s and 1930s. Just as he started studying manic depression, he began to experience it himself. By the time his experiments were published, he had been institutionalized and lost his medical license. Mimi Baird, his daughter, reconstructed his life decades later using an extraordinary manuscript he worked on throughout his institutionalization, confinement, and escape.

“An extraordinary Möbius strip of a book . . . Autobiography, biography, science, history and literature all in one, as instructive as any textbook and utterly impossible to put down . . .” —The New York Times Crown • HC • 978-0-8041-3747-8 • 272pp. • $25.00 • Exam Copy: $12.50

e-Book: 978-0-8041-3748-5

THE SOBER TRUTH: Debunking the Bad Science Behind 12-Step Programs and the Rehab Industry by Lance Dodes and Zachary Dodes


cclaimed addiction specialist Dr. Lance Dodes examines studies and first-person accounts, putting scientific and anecdotal evidence together in an exposé of Alcoholics Anonymous, 12-step programs, and the rehab industry. Dr. Dodes looks back at his 35 years of clinical practice and provides actionable information for addicts, their families, and medical providers seeking a more effective and compassionate approach to this treatable problem.

“A searing critique of the rehab industry.” —Psychotherapy Networker Beacon Press • TR • 978-0-8070-3587-0 • 192pp. • $16.00 • Exam Copy: $3.00

e-Book: 978-0-8070-3316-6


The Science of Those Without Conscience by Kent A. Kiehl, Ph.D.


rom the leading scientist in the field of criminal psychopathy comes a journey into the science and behavior of psychopaths, based on MRI scans of more than 500 psychopaths and 3,000 other incarcerated offenders. Kiehl examines the roles of nature and nurture as well as the behavior of key brain structures in psychopathic behavior.

“A world-renowned researcher of psychopaths delves into the origins of their behavior, especially as it relates to the inner workings of the brain . . . Navigates these issues and more with compassion and insight. Fast-paced and thrilling.” —Kirkus Reviews Broadway • TR • 978-0-7704-3586-8 • 304pp. • $15.00 • Exam Copy: $3.00

e-Book: 978-0-7704-3585-1

SURVIVORS ON THE YOGA MAT Stories for Those Healing from Trauma by Becky Thompson with a foreword by Rolf Gates


n inspiring collection of essays that reveal the healing power of yoga, Survivors on the Yoga Mat is a companion for trauma survivors and yoga teachers alike. Weaving together stories from her classes, travels, and workshops, author Becky Thompson shows the brave and unique ways that survivors approach yoga.

“This stunning collection of stories, including many of Becky Thompson’s own, reveals the emancipatory possibilities of yoga, but also reminds us that without deep, abiding practices of self care, there can be no radical social transformation.”—Angela Davis, activist, yogi, and author of Women, Race, and Class and The Meaning of Freedom North Atlantic Books • TR • 978-1-58394-826-2 • 328pp. • $21.95 • Exam Copy: $11.00

e-Book: 978-1-58394-827-9

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n his most eye-opening and deeply personal book yet, David Brooks, New York Times bestselling author of The Social Animal, tells the story of ten great lives that illustrate how character is developed and how we can all strive to build rich inner lives, marked by humility and moral depth. In a society that emphasizes success and external achievement, The Road to Character is a book about inner worth.

“The Road to Character is an essential read in its entirety—Anne Lamott with a harder edge of moral philosophy, Seneca with a softer edge of spiritual sensitivity, E. F. Schumacher for perplexed moderns.” —Maria Popova, Brain Pickings Random House • HC • 978-0-8129-9325-7 • 320pp. • $28.00 • Exam Copy: $14.00

e-Book: 978-0-679-64503-0


Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg Selected for Common Reading at Babson College


n The Power of Habit, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Charles Duhigg takes students to the forefront of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. With intelligence and an ability to distill vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives, Duhigg brings to life a whole new understanding of human nature and its potential for transformation.

“Entertaining, an enjoyable book . . . a serious look at the science of habit formation and change.” —New York Times Book Review Random House • TR • 978-0-8129-8160-5 • 416 pages • $16.00 • Exam Copy: $3.00

e-Book: 978-0-679-60385-6

MINDSET: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.

Selected for Common Reading at Cumberland University (Lebanon, TN)


leading expert in motivation and personality psychology, Carol Dweck has discovered in more than twenty years of research that our mindset is not a minor personality quirk: it creates our whole mental world.

“This book is an essential read for parents, teachers, coaches, and others who are instrumental in determining a child’s mind-set, and in turn, his or her future success. . . .” —Library Journal “This is a book that can change your life, as its ideas have changed mine.” —Robert J. Sternberg, IBM Professor of Psychology and Education, Yale University, and author of Successful Intelligence Ballantine Books • TR • 978-0-345-47232-8 • 288pp. • $16.00 • Exam Copy: $3.00

e-Book: 978-1-588-36523-1


Who We Are (When We Think No One’s Looking) by Christian Rudder


ataclysm is a look at what our online lives reveal about who we really are—and how this deluge of data will transform the science of human behavior. Christian Rudder, the founder of OKCupid, shows that, in the era of social media, a powerful new approach to explaining our flaws is

possible—one that reveals how we behave when we think no one’s looking. He also discusses the challenge of maintaining privacy in a world where these explorations are possible. Both absorbing and multilayered, Dataclysm addresses topics such as commerce, surveillance, and the future role of data in social science. “[A] fascinating . . . look at who we really are and what we really want.” —Steven Strogatz, Schurman Professor of Applied Mathematics, Cornell University

Crown • HC • 978-0-385-34737-2 • 304pp. • $28.00 • Exam Copy: $14.00

e-Book: 978-0-385-34738-9

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PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GUILT, SHAME, AND ANXIETY Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions by Peter R. Breggin, MD


ith the first unified theory of guilt, shame, and anxiety, this pioneering psychiatrist and critic of psychiatric diagnoses and drugs examines the causes and effects of psychological and emotional suffering from the perspective of biological evolution, child development, and mature adult decision-making. Drawing on evolution, neuroscience, and decades of clinical experience, Dr. Breggin analyzes what he calls our negative legacy emotions—the painful emotional heritage that encumbers all human beings.

“[An] engrossing self-help guide. . . . Breggin conveys empathy and maintains a clear, conversational tone while spelling out his prescriptions for overriding destructive impulses in a variety of real-world situations.” —Publishers Weekly Prometheus Books • TR • 978-1-61614-149-3 • 317pp. • $19.00 • Exam Copy: $3.00

e-Book: 978-1-61614-721-1

TRIGGERS: Creating Behavior That Lasts—Becoming the Person You Want to Be by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter


riggers confronts head-on the challenges of behavior and change, looking at the external factors (or “triggers”)—both negative and positive—that affect our behaviors, our awareness of when we need to change, our willingness (or otherwise) to do so, and our ability to see the change through. Drawing on his experience as an international executive educator and coach, Marshall Goldsmith helps readers understand how their own beliefs and the environments in which they operate can trigger negative behaviors or resistance to the need to change. He also offers simple, practical advice to help readers navigate the negative and make the most of the triggers that will help to sustain positive change.

Crown Business • HC • 978-0-8041-4123-9 • 272pp. • $27.00 • Exam Copy: $13.50

e-Book: 978-0-8041-4124-6

THE HAPPINESS OF PURSUIT Finding the Quest That Will Bring Purpose to Your Life by Chris Guillebeau


ompulsive goal-seeker Chris Guillebeau set out to visit all of the countries in the world by age 35, but he didn’t expect that his biggest revelation would be discovering how many people are also pursuing challenging quests. The more he spoke with these strivers, the more he began to appreciate the direct link between questing and long-term happiness. In The Happiness of Pursuit, he draws on interviews with hundreds of questers, revealing their secret motivations, their selection criteria, their tricks for handling logistics, and the importance of documentation.

“It’s not easy to dream big—and it’s not easy to turn that dream into reality. The brilliant Chris Guillebeau provides the essential blueprint for those of us for whom the happiness of pursuit—such as Chris’s successful quest to visit every country in the world—is a key part of the pursuit of happiness.” —Gretchen Rubin, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before Harmony • HC • 978-0-385-34884-3 • 304pp. • $25.00 • Exam Copy: $12.50

e-Book: 978-0-385-34885-0

THRIVE: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington


n Thrive, Arianna Huffington makes an impassioned case for the need to redefine what it means to be successful in today’s world. Drawing on the latest research and scientific findings in the fields of psychology, sports, sleep, and physiology that show the effects of meditation, mindfulness, unplugging, and giving, Huffington shows us the way to a revolution in our culture, our thinking, our workplace, and our lives.

“Refreshingly practical . . . Lean In may be able to tell women how to get what they want, but Thrive may help them to figure out what that is.” —Businessweek Harmony • HC • 978-0-8041-4084-3 • 352pp. • $26.00 • Exam Copy: $13.00

e-Book: 978-0-8041-4085-0

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Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin


n Better Than Before, Gretchen Rubin tackles a critical question: how do we change? Better Than Before answers that question with a practical, concrete framework that allow students to understand their habits—and to change them for good. Infused with Rubin’s humor and rigorous research, and packed with stories of lives changed by new and better habits, Better Than Before explains the (sometimes counterintuitive) core principles of habit formation.

“With bold and original insights, Gretchen Rubin reveals the hidden truths about how to change our habits—from resisting junk food and hitting the gym to ending procrastination and saving money. Better Than Before is a gem, and the first habit you should form is reading a chapter every night.”—Adam Grant, Wharton professor and

New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take

Crown • HC • 978-0-385-34861-4 • 320pp. • $26.00 • Exam Copy: $13.00

e-Book: 978-0-385-34862-1


Losing My Father, One Day at a Time by Jonathan Kozol


ational Book Award winner Jonathan Kozol is best known for his fifty years of work among our nation’s poorest and most vulnerable children. Now, in the most personal book of his career, he tells the story of his father’s life and work as a nationally noted specialist in disorders of the brain and his astonishing ability, at the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, to explain the causes of his sickness and to narrate, step-by-step, his slow descent into dementia.

“For a number of reasons, many of us avoid thinking about old age, fading health, and death. Kozol’s plainly and powerfully written book about his remarkable father is a notable and compassionate exception. It deserves to live on a small shelf with John Mortimer on Mortimer senior, Didion on Dunne, Bayley on Iris Murdoch, and Gawande on Gawande . . . A fine and often eloquent book about holding on while letting go.”

Forthcoming June 2015

—Lawrence Hartmann, M.D., Past President, American Psychiatric Association Crown • HC • 978-0-8041-4097-3 • 320pp. • $26.00 • Exam Copy: $13.00

e-Book: 978-0-8041-4098-0

To request an advance reader’s copy, email: rhacademic@penguinrandomhouse.com


Or Life Sucks and Then You Live by Kevin Breel


evin Breel burst into the public’s awareness at 19 when his TED talk became a worldwide phenomenon. A comedian and mental health activist, Breel is the National Spokesperson for the Bell LET’S TALK Campaign and has been a guest speaker at more than 100 college campuses. Through his personal stories and battles, Boy Meets Depression will give students and parents a message of hope, light, and inspiration.

“Kevin Breel has single-handedly demystified depression through his shockingly honest, first-hand account of the struggle. This is an absolute must-read.” —Josh Shipp, “The Teen Whisperer,” TV personality and author Do not order before 9/15/2015 Harmony • HC • 978-0-553-41837-8 • 224pp. • $20.00 • Exam Copy: $10.00

Forthcoming September 2015

e-Book: 978-0-553-41838-5

To view author’s TED talk, go to: tiny.cc/3g3lxx To request an advance reader’s copy, email: rhacademic@penguinrandomhouse.com

For more Psychiatry & Psychology books, go to: tiny.cc/7mpbwx To order examination copies, go to: www.randomhouseacademic.com/desk-exam-copy EXAMINATION COPY POLICY: $3.00 for each paperback title and half the retail price for hardcover editions as noted in this flyer. No shipping & handling fees required. For academic instructors only. Limit of ten exam copies per year.


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