Random House FYE® Cocktail Reception Invite 2016

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Cocktails&Conversations at the FYE 2016 ®

Join Us for Cocktails & Conversations on the Theme of Resilience at the 2016 First-Year Experience® Annual Conference


Photo: Sean Berry

Photo: Piero-Ribelli


Convergent Books • HC 978-1-101-90478-7 272 pp. • $25.00/$33.00 Can. Also available in Audio DL and E-Book www.travismills.org @ssgtravismills

“A story of hope and resilience, and a reminder that no matter what life may throw at us, as Travis says, as long as we ‘Never Give Up, Never Quit,’ we can achieve anything we set our hearts and minds to. He is quite simply a great American and an example for us all.”

Photo: Philip Gourevitch

—Gary Sinise, Actor, Director, Veterans Advocate and Founder of the Gary Sinise Foundation

Penguin Press • HC 978-1-59420-652-8 320 pp. • $27.95/$32.95 Can. Also available in E-Book @platanoclassics

“Dan-el Padilla Peralta’s story is as compulsively readable as a novel, an all-American tall tale that just happens to be true. From homeless shelter to Princeton, Oxford, and Stanford, through the grace not only of his own hard work but his mother’s discipline and care, he documents the America we should still aspire to be.” —Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter, President of the New America Foundation

Moderated by LARISSA MACFARQUHAR (Author of Strangers Drowning: Impossible Idealism, Drastic Choices, and the Overpowering Urge to Help) Penguin Press • HC • 978-1-59420-433-3 • 336 pp. • $27.95/$35.95 Can. Also available in Audio DL and e-book @LarissaMacFarqu

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016 from 6:00–7:00pm Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, Florida (Executive Ballroom Salon H) RSVP Required, Space is Limited To RSVP or for questions, email commonreads@penguinrandomhouse.com. Please include the full name and school affiliation of all attendees. You may also register at Penguin Random House Booths #32/33 Travis Mills and Dan-el Padilla Peralta are represented by


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