Alliance Justice and Compassion 2015-2016 Catalogue

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Sea to Sea

Silk Road

Asian Spice Caribbean Sun Desert Sand

Note: Alliance Justice and compassion Supports ministries in all areas.

WELCOME to the 2015-2016 Alliance Justice and Compassion Catalogue! On mission. All the time. Everyone. Everywhere. Christ’s mission is to restore brokenness. God designed his creation to experience true shalom—well-being, security, and wholeness in all areas of life: economic, physical, relational, and spiritual. We look around and see poverty, injustice, and worldviews that contradict God’s ways. The world is broken, but not without hope. God “reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). We invite you to participate with us in extending dignity and hope to people who live on the margins of society. It is our vision that as a result of ministries of wholeness, we will see communities transformed by Jesus, set free from the effects of broken, sinful worldviews and behaviours. This book is more than a guide to giving; it’s an opportunity to learn, to pray, and to reflect on Scriptures that reflect God’s heart of compassion.

Thank you for joining us on mission!

Joanne Beach

About the Cover: The photo of this community captures the joy and encouragement that comes through disaster relief. This picture was taken after Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar in 2008, when the C&MA supported a network of local churches to bring much-needed material aid.

Faith and Hope in Action

Director of Alliance Justice and Compassion


Caribbean Island Ministry The Caribbean Island Ministry Team’s goal is to create self-sustaining movements that produce transformation throughout the region. We, along with the national church on the Island, have established the Business Training Centre to provide spiritual formation, leadership training, and business skills that are delivered in three modules throughout the year. People who successfully apply their learning are given the opportunity to receive a microloan to start or expand their business. The participants are also equipped to reach out to their communities in compassion ministries. A government official recently asked our team to assist women who want to Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN

leave prostitution. We have embraced this challenge and currently have four


women working in a microbusiness run by the church. These women receive a salary, and the extra profits are being used by the local church to provide food for seniors in the community.

Prayer Pray that God will raise up powerful leaders through the Business Training Centre who will have a profound impact in financially sustaining the growth of the church, as well as in leading compassion initiatives through economic projects in their communities.

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord... Proverbs 19:17a (NIV)

Sponsor a Student Sponsor a student’s participation in the business training program.

$30 Livelihood For Women Help provide work for a woman in need. Your gift will be used to support projects in churches that reach out to at-risk women.

Microeconomics Contribute to a microloan for an individual who has completed the business training.


Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN



Inca Link Matthew 25:40 Casa Elizabeth has been a welcoming place in Quito, Ecuador for pregnant, homeless teens since 2010. This place of refuge offers a stable and nurturing environment where girls can find emotional support and gain confidence in healthy maternal skills. This ministry provides a home for five girls at any one time. At Casa Elizabeth, these expectant mothers receive nutritious meals, personal hygiene items, maternity clothes, medical attention, medications, and provisions for their newborn baby. Personal stories and updates can be found at

Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN



Pray that the young mothers who move out of Casa Elizabeth with their babies will continue to trust God to meet their needs.

Prenatal and Infant Care Your gift will contribute to the pre- and postnatal needs of one mother and her child ($380/month).


BRAVE HEART 1 CORINTHIANS 16:13 It is the desire of Brave Heart ministry to share Jesus’ love, which gives hope and dignity to individuals and entire families who experience a variety of social challenges. This ministry offers educational training to children and youth, as well as business skills for women so that they can provide for their families. Co-operatives and small businesses are formed with indigenous women and their communities. An important focus is encouraging and understanding the value of time, money, working together, and God’s concern for our lives.

Prayer Pray that these women and their communities will be healed and reconciled, projects together.

Co-op and Small Business Training Your donation will give women the opportunity to receive an education that will help them invest in cooperatives.


Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN

so that dignity and hope will be restored in the future as they engage in


Sun Compassion Costa Rica He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry...the Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow... Psalm 146:7, 9

God is transforming communities through local leaders. In La Lidia, up to 150 children are receiving food and Bible training on a weekly basis. The local church has grown from six to 100! Guizaros has a growing women’s sewing Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN

ministry, and forty children are fed every day. Each community is unique and


requires unique responses, such as educating children, hosting adult programs, building homes, growing food, raising animals, and training leaders. Through these activities, issues of basic health and dignity are addressed in a sustainable ways.

Prayer Please pray that God will raise up local leaders and place the desire in their heart to transform their communities for Christ. Pray also that this program will continue to meet physical, emotional, and social needs in Costa Rica.

Hope for a Child’s Future Your gift will provide the textbooks, supplies, and uniform that a child needs to attend school.

$100 Buy a Pig or Chickens Your gift will provide a family with a pig or chickens

$75 Skills Training Your contribution will provide one person with skills and basic business training.


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for food on the table and a source of income.


Sun Compassion Mexico The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Mexico is dedicated to discipleship through literacy and elementary education. Our team works with a local church and two orphanages that serve at-risk children on the streets of Mexico City. Building a school for the children is a necessary next step for this ministry. Currently, a large dorm room in the orphanage doubles as a classroom. Our dream is to build a school that will provide much-needed classroom space for effective learning, so that students can compete in post-secondary entrance exams. Literacy tutoring for young girls, many of whom struggle with mental

Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN

disabilities, is also a key priority.


Julia is a young girl who dreams of learning to read so that she can understand the Bible. Her tutors have seen growth in her leadership and confidence levels through her participation in literacy classes. After reading Psalm 23, she eagerly promised to teach her friends in the orphanage to read and write, and has most recently exclaimed, “If I can learn to read, I can learn to use a computer too.” It is so exciting to witness disadvantaged children taking on greater challenges and recognizing their own potential through these literacy classes!

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6

Literacy for Girls Your gift buys three books for a young girl, helping her learn to read and write.

$25 School for Disadvantaged Kids and livelihood initiatives for at-risk children in Mexico.

$100 Prayer Pray that the children will grow in their intellectual and spiritual knowledge so that they will become strong influencers among their generation.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN

You can contribute to the costs of providing a new school


Tarahumara Project The local church comes alongside the indigenous Tarahumara people of Mexico’s Copper Canyon and provides desperately needed food, clothing, medical attention, and education to alleviate the impact of extreme poverty and isolation. Lack of food and water, poor social infrastructure, and lack of medical aid are daily concerns. The 2013-2014 Women’s Ministries Project raised the sufficient funds to build a clinic and a women’s shelter, which are currently under construction. This medical clinic and fourteen-bed shelter will provide refuge to women suffering from violence and discrimination. Malnutrition and Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN

illness have resulted in a steady decline in this population; meeting


fundamental needs will help save lives.

Prayer Pray that God will nurture an understanding of love and hope in this community, where the local language does not have a word for these concepts.

He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry... Psalm 146:7

Tarahumara Project Your gift will sustain the ongoing work of Tarahumara Ministries as they walk with this community towards wholeness.

“The Tarahumara are dying hungry, cold, and sick. We see men treat their ladies so poorly, and this is why the women’s shelter will be a great thing. Because those ladies—if we don’t help them, they die.” //  Pastor Tomas Bencomo, Founder of Tarahumara Ministries

Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN



Community Development Readiness Project Acts 10:34-35 In the Sun Region, we are equipping Christian leaders to implement community development that nurtures wholeness in all areas of life. Health education, sanitation, maternal care, disease prevention, and disaster mitigation are examples of training initiatives that strengthen the impact of local churches in their communities.

Prayer Faith and Hope in Action  //  CARIBBEAN SUN

We pray for a generation of leaders to stand and transform their


neighbourhoods, communities, and countries to bring glory to God.

Community Development Readiness Your contribution will subsidize the training of Christian leaders in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, and Colombia.


KIDS IN CRISIS James 1:27 In Guinea, we are working alongside national believers to care for orphaned children, many of whom are HIV-positive and recently left parentless by the Ebola crisis. The Kids in Crisis Centre provides a loving home for up to forty children and extends care to hundreds of children throughout the country.

Prayer Pray for the local leader Lazare, as he directs the Kids in Crisis Center and interacts with the authorities and influential people on a weekly basis. Pray also for Faith,

School Kit

Feed a Child

You can provide one child with the

Your donation will provide

required school uniform, tuition fees,

nutritious food for an orphaned

and school supplies for one year.

child for one month.



Faith and Hope in Action  //  DESERT SAND

as she supervises the care of the children at the centre.


Impacting Niger Working with the Tuareg people in Niger, we use a holistic, communitybased approach that meets needs that are voiced by the group. The community has requested help in maintaining their straw huts, which have wooden posts that are degraded by yearly termite damage. Five dollars is the difference between a wooden post and a metal post that will last five years or more. For a family in Niger scraping to get by, this increased cost could mean not eating for two days or not purchasing needed medication. Niger has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world, particularly among the nomadic Tuaregs. An estimated thirty-five per cent of primary-aged

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children are not enrolled in school. Many families are economically


disadvantaged and are without the means to provide education for their children. For this reason, we subsidize tuition and school supplies, and offer an afterschool tutoring program to provide a higher quality of education for students. In 2016, the Tuaregs will have the Word of God in their Tamajaq language for the first time! Our team wants to use this wonderful opportunity to distribute Bibles and solar-powered mp3 players, since a majority of the Tuareg community is not able to read.

“...Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. Revelation 22:17

A Brighter Future Help break the cycle of poverty by sending a child to school. Your donation will go towards tuition, supplies, educational resources, and tutoring to empower a new generation to change their future and their country.

$25 Tuareg Bibles Your donation will provide access to the Word of God for many Tuareg families by supplying two Bibles or one audio Bible on a solar-powered mp3 player.

$20 Rebuilding Homes Help subsidize the cost of rebuilding a home with seven metal posts in order to provide dependable housing,

$35 Prayer Pray that the Tuaregs will see Christ’s love through our contribution to their homes and lives. Pray for our team as we serve in this tremendously impoverished country, and that God will sustain us as we embrace his heart for the people of Niger.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  DESERT SAND

which will bring stability to family life.


Sandbox Medical I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. John 10:16

Our International Worker, a surgeon, is serving with a team that provides quality healthcare in a place where the standard care is inadequate. Church leaders in this Desert Sand country have a renewed focus to equip professionals and to

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raise the standards of local hospitals. Why? To become a beacon of light and


love to their local community.

Prayer Our team prays for patients in the name of Jesus before going into surgery. Pray that Christ, the Great Physician, will reveal himself to doctors, nurses, and to those who seek healing.

Medical Equipment Your donation will contribute to the costs of greatly needed medical equipment.


Patient Treatments For each $25 given, you are assisting with partial medical treatment costs.

Memorial Hospital Building Project You can help expand the hospital’s facility, increasing the capacity to care for more patients.


Faith and Hope in Action  //  DESERT SAND



Niger Vocational Training Centre There is hope for your future, declares the Lord, and your children shall come back to their own country. Jeremiah 31:17 (ESV)

Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, with greatly limited access to formal education. Young adults have few opportunities to learn life skills and find jobs that provide for their families. Our programs for men and women

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offer holistic teaching that encompass vocational and trades training, as well as


math, literacy, business, health, and other life skills.

Prayer Pray that God will use our team to speak deeply into the lives of these young men and women through mentoring, telling Bible stories, and praying with them. We desire that they will know how deeply they are loved. Pray that God will enable them to develop into faithful leaders in their families and communities.

Protecting and Training Young Women The Niger Vocational Training Centre’s “Girls at Risk” program has proven to be highly successful, as we aim to protect young women at risk from early marriage and other traps of poverty, such as forced prostitution. Your donation will fund the program, which provides sewing machines, fabric, and supplies to each young woman as she embarks on this opportunity.

$75 Men’s Vocational Skills Training A donation to this training program will provide young Tuareg men with on-site experience in trades, which is very difficult to acquire in Niger. Coupled with mentorship and life skills training, they will gain new opportunities to earn income for their families.

Hot Lunch for One Month Your gift will provide a month of meals for one student. We have seen these girls flourish in their physical growth, mental alertness, and overall health since we introduced this hot lunch program. Feed a girl and nourish her future.


Faith and Hope in Action  //  DESERT SAND



Human Rights and Emergency Fund A decision to follow Jesus often has harsh and even fatal consequences in many countries. There is no legal protection when a charge of apostasy is made; everything is taken away, including identity, passports, bank accounts, and possessions. Marriages are even annulled, and custody of children is removed. Fleeing is often the only recourse because, once arrested and found guilty by the courts, harsh imprisonment and even a death sentence are sure to follow. Our Silk Road team works with a network of agencies who assist people who are seeking to escape these realities.

Prayer Faith and Hope in Action  //  SILK ROAD

Pray that those who suffer persecution will know and experience the


presence and protection of the Lord. Pray that the oppressors will turn from their ruthlessness and come to know the truth.

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.  Isaiah 1:17

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” John 15:18

Assistance for Persecuted Christians Your contribution will help provide financial support for persecuted Christians in crisis. Funds will be used to assist with relocation, legal costs, and emergency medical care, such as hospitalization and medicine.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  SILK ROAD



Men’s Rehab Centre & Recovery Many families in Serbia witness loved ones struggling with addictions that lead to broken dreams and relationships. Hope is being restored for many through the men’s rehabilitation and recovery program, where participants engage in leadership training and service to the community. In May 2014, floods swept through the city of Obrenovac, destroying thousands of homes. Veljko, a graduate of the program, had grown up in that community and knew that he needed to lead the relief team. They worked tirelessly to distribute material aid and assisted with cleaning homes.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  SILK ROAD

People who had known Veljko could not believe he was the same young


man. As they witnessed this compassionate service and listened to the team members’ stories of transformation, a spiritual hunger was unleashed. A weekly Bible study soon followed, and at one point, Veljko’s father spoke out in joy saying, “My chest is too small for the huge heart that I have inside; I gave up hope that Veljko would ever change. I am now so proud of my son and grateful to God for all that is happening in Obrenovac.”

You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. Psalm 86:5

Recovery Program Your gift will provide one week of room and board, counselling, skills training, and discipleship for a man struggling with addiction.

Prayer Praise God for the impact that these restored men are having on the Kingdom as they share their stories and the love of Christ. Pray that those who are suffering with addictions will be released from that bondage and freed to serve their communities with the love of God.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  SILK ROAD



Women of Serbia: A Hope & A Future “I was just a person who needed help, who needed love, who needed everything she lost, and drugs took it away from me—took my heart, took my soul, took my brain, took my strength.” (Women’s program participant). For the people of Serbia, it has been a difficult journey through civil unrest, war, economic uncertainty, refugee camps, and NATO bombings. While Serbia has moved beyond the crisis of the 80s and 90s, the scars of those troubled times remain as hopelessness and drug abuse have risen at an alarming rate. The effect on families and individuals is clearly evident.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  SILK ROAD

Danny and Vera Kuranji are International Workers with the C&MA in


Canada, living in their homeland of Serbia with God’s heart and vision for their people. With the success of the two rehab centres for men, they feel that God is leading them to open a centre for women. The Women’s Ministries of the C&MA in Canada is partnering with the Kuranjis to help raise $150,000 to establish the woman’s rehab centre. This centre will renew and restore the women’s hope and future as they experience the love and healing of Christ.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

Women of Serbia: A Hope & A Future Your contribution to the 2015-2016 National Women’s Ministries Project will help this vision for a women’s drug rehab centre in the city of Novi Sad become a reality.

Prayer Pray for the women in Serbia who will find grace and love in this new centre. Pray that they will be freed from the addiction of drugs and find peace and hope through the love of Jesus Christ.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  SILK ROAD



Terminally Ill Patients Terminally ill people in Serbia struggle to obtain medicine, hygiene items, diapers, and home medical assistance. The hospice ministry teams have the unique privilege of sharing Christ’s love by coming alongside sick people and their loved ones, praying with them and providing needed items. Regular visits to homes provide opportunity for relationships to be formed not only with the sick, but with the extended family. The dignity offered to the patient communicates the value of each individual life. Many have discovered a deep peace that comes as they embrace the love of Christ in the midst of these

Faith and Hope in Action  //  SILK ROAD

most difficult journeys.


Prayer Pray for the hospice teams. Pray that God will use them as they show compassion to those who are hurting. End-of-life care is a powerful witness for Jesus.

“... I was sick and you looked after me... Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:36,40

Medical Care Your gift will make it possible for a patient to receive proper care and medication for one month.

“One mother who is caring for her twelveyear-old son with a rare, disfiguring skin disease expressed deep appreciation not only for the regular supply of medicinal creams, but also for our presence there. The joy on her face was proof enough that these visits have deep impact.” //  Joanne Beach, during a recent visit to Serbia

Faith and Hope in Action  //  SILK ROAD



Cup of Cold Water Isaiah 30:18 In a country where up to sixty per cent of women are illiterate, it is exciting to see women learning to read, write, and sign their own names through this literacy and health program. Health education is an important part of this training, as the basics of healthcare are not understood. Many suffer from illness and preventable disease because of their lack of knowledge, poverty, and distance from healthcare. In light of this, our team also holds clinics throughout the year in isolated villages, where we have seen up to 500 people in a day.

Prayer Please pray that God will bless the women who attend the literacy classes.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

Pray that they will understand that the true source of their blessings is God’s


love expressed directly to them.

Women’s Literacy and Health Your donation will provide needed medical treatments, as well as funds for one woman to begin her literacy course.




YES! I want to share in the Ministries of alliance justice and compassion



CARIBBEAN SUN Caribbean Island Ministries—Sponsor a Student


Caribbean Island Ministries—Livelihood For Women


Caribbean Island Ministries—Microeconomics


Inca Link—Prenatal and Infant Care


Brave Heart—Co-op and Small Business Training


Sun Compassion Costa Rica—Hope for a Child’s Future Sun Compassion Costa Rica—Buy a Pig or Chickens

$100 $75

Sun Compassion Costa Rica—Skills Training


Sun Compassion Mexico—Literacy for Girls


Sun Compassion Mexico—School for Disadvantaged Kids


Tarahumara Project


Community Development Readiness


DESERT SAND Kids in Crisis—School Kit


Kids in Crisis—Feed a Child


Impacting Niger—A Brighter Future


Impacting Niger—Tuareg Bibles


Impacting Niger—Rebuilding Homes


Sandbox Medical—Medical Equipment


Sandbox Medical—Patient Treatments


Memorial Hospital Building Project Niger Vocational Training—Protecting and Training Young Women Niger Vocational Training—Men’s Vocational Skills Training Niger Vocational Training—Hot Lunch for One Month

$100 $75 $100 $40







SILK ROAD Human Rights and Emergency Fund


Men’s Rehab Centre and Recovery


Women of Serbia: A Hope & A Future


Terminally Ill Patients—Medical Care


ASIAN SPICE Cup of Cold Water—Women’s Literacy and Health


Wonder Products Refugee Ministry


Beautiful Gate


Sustainable Rural Livelihood


Sustainable Village Healthcare—Midwifery Kit


Sustainable Village Healthcare—Medicated Family-Sized Mosquito Net


Sustainable Village Healthcare—Village Healthcare


The Dawn Project

$70 $100

GERF*—Temporary Houses for Nepal *Global Emergency Response Fund Tricked, Trafficked, Treasured


Urban Gardens


Vietnamese Diaspora Outreach


SEA TO SEA Refugee Fund


Defend Dignity—Awareness, Advocacy, and Aid


Defend Dignity—Toolkit (no tax receipt issued)


ALLIANCE JUSTICE AND COMPASSION Alliance Compassion—Where Most Needed (gift of any amount)


Village Savings and Loans


Food Aid


Global Emergency Response Fund


Global Advance Fund  (gift of any amount) M Yes! I would like to make a contribution in support of our C&MA personnel who process and oversee the work of our ministries.


$ Please complete both sides of this form and return to the address on the reverse



The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada protects your personal information.

Here ARE TWO EASY WAYS TO PARTICIPATE Option 1 To purchase gifts from the projects outlined in this catalogue online, go to our website,, click “Purchase Items”, and follow the simple steps on the donation page. If you are purchasing a gift in honour of someone, you may indicate this on the website. For online donations, a tax receipt will be emailed immediately following the transaction(s).

Option 2 Cut or tear out this response form, fill it out, and select your payment option below. (please print clearly) F IRST N A M E


CH U RCH /GROU P ( if a p p l ica bl e ) A DDRES S A PT/ UNI T CI T Y/ TOW N






M  Cheque enclosed—payable to The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada   (30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100, Toronto  ON  M9W 5T7) M  Credit card payment—PLEASE PRINT. Name and address must match credit card holder’s information


Cardholder’s Name: (As shown on Credit Card)

Credit Card #:

Exp. Date:


Please note: For donations made by cheque, an acknowledgment will be mailed initially, and a tax receipt will be issued early in the following year. For mail-in credit card donations, a tax receipt will be emailed immediately.



Cardholder’s Signature:

Email Address: (Email required for processing transaction)

GIFT OPTION  I would like to purchase this gift in honour of:


Please send an acknowledgment card to the following address:

N A M E ( if d if f er en t f ro m a b ov e ) A D D RES S A PT/ U NI T CI T Y/ TOW N

Questions? Contact donor services: (416) 674-7878  x234



The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada’s Financial Commitment: Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programs and projects. Each gift designated towards an approved special or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when any given need has been met, funds will be used towards another project in this gift catalogue, then where needed most. Charitable Registration Number: 133063859 RR0001 C&MA Canada issues tax receipts for donations of $10.00 or more.

Wonder Products Genesis 16:13 A juice production venture provides seasonal work for displaced people. By working for Wonder Products, refugees gain a sense of belonging within the community. Our hope is to expand the product lines with dried fruit and moringa, which will increase the number of employees needed year-round. Trees have been planted in order for this vision to become a reality in the near future.

Prayer Pray that through this ministry, God will reveal himself as El Roi, which means,

Wonder Products Refugee Ministry Your gift will contribute to expanding employment opportunities for refugee workers.


Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

“the God who sees”. He is a caring provider.


Beautiful Gate The plight of people with disabilities so often goes unheeded in some parts of the world. Beautiful Gate Church meets the needs of villagers with disabilities who suffer extreme poverty and are required to travel great distances for medical treatment. The church provides food and lodging to patients and family members who accompany them. Many of these villagers come to church services during their lengthy stays, and many return to their villages with newfound faith in Christ; new churches have been established as a result. Beautiful Gate’s ministry extends further as pastoral teams make regular visits to the villages providing preaching,

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

discipleship, baptism, and leadership training.


Prayer Pray that more will come to faith in Christ through the work of the Beautiful Gate ministry. Pray also for the spiritual growth of these new and developing churches. Finally, pray for the safety of the leaders as they travel to remote villages.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19, 20

Beautiful Gate Ministry Your gift will enable Beautiful Gate Church to provide food and lodging to villagers coming to the city for medical care, as well as follow-up pastoral care, encouragement, and support in


Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

local villages.


Sustainable Rural Livelihood In many countries inequality exists between the urban privileged and the rural poor. In one Asian Spice country, our team works with rural subsistence farmers who have small plots of land to grow their own food, but it is impossible for them to earn any income to support additional needs. The Sustainable Rural Livelihood Project is providing families with a business structure for earning a living within their own villages while continuing to farm their land. Yarn and clothing accessories are made in their homes, and then these products are brought to market around the world. Now, beyond simply putting food on the table, they are also able to afford clothing, education, and healthcare. In addition to supplementing their income, this project has Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

opened a door to building relationships in these communities and has offered


opportunities for spiritual conversation.

All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along. Galatians 2:10

Sustainable Rural Livelihood Your gift of $75 enables one individual to earn the income for clothing, basic healthcare, and educational expenses for their family.

Prayer It is our prayer that by providing employment rather than simply giving handouts, women will be dignified as they work to provide for their families. Pray that more product will be sold in order to increase demand, thus providing more women with employment.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE



Sustainable Village Healthcare Many tribes in Papua live too far from urban centres to receive important medical care. As a result, a high number of preventable deaths occur because of malaria, complications in childbirth, and malnutrition. Infant and child mortality rates are extremely concerning in areas where there is no access to medical care. It is not uncommon for women to bear ten children, and yet see only half of these children reach adulthood because of difficulties in childbirth, poor nutrition, and lack of medical assistance. Donating to the Sustainable Village Health Care project will provide muchneeded prenatal education, training in midwifery techniques, and access to Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

medication and mosquito netting. Malaria is the number one cause of death in


the low-lying areas, especially of children, yet these protective mosquito nets are not readily available to people living in the interior. Many women in this region have participated in prenatal education; some have become instructors and share this valuable knowledge with others, which is saving lives. Our goal is that prenatal training, coupled with midwifery care, access to medication, and provision of mosquito nets, will equip villages with the tools that they need for self-governed, self-sustained, long-term village healthcare.

This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 2 Corinthians 9:12

Midwifery Kit Your gift will provide midwifery training and the means to travel to remote villages to assist women in childbirth.

$50 Village Health Care Your gift will purchase medicine and other health resources that will equip local people to help each other.

$30 Medicated Family-Sized Mosquito Net Your gift will provide a family with protection against malaria.

Prayer Pray that God will work among these villages and raise up Christian leaders who will seek to bring holistic healing to their communities.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE



The Dawn Project The Dawn School, located in a southeastern Asian country, is providing quality elementary education for local children. The school offers extracurricular programs such as English classes, dance, art, and music—opportunities that most kids in this country would never otherwise have. The Dawn Project provides nutritious meals for the children and hygiene products like toothbrushes and toothpaste, while also maintaining teachers’ salaries and facility rental fees. Students receive a health check-up every three months, while their parents are also offered health and nutrition programs as a

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

way to improve their child’s overall well-being.


But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16

The Dawn Project Your donation will provide items such as uniforms, a book bag, notebooks, and writing supplies for a child whose family does not have the means to send him or her to school.

Prayer Pray that this school will continue to have a positive influence in nearby communities, as the children come from various areas of the city.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE



Temporary Houses for Nepal The 2015 earthquakes in Nepal have left thousands of people homeless in both urban and rural areas. Tents have been distributed as an immediate relief, but the need for sturdier, temporary housing is great. Corrugated tin houses are an ideal solution; they are easily transported and can be assembled in a matter of hours. The ends of the dome structure can be filled with bricks, wood, or tin, and adding doors and windows. As people are able to rebuild permanent structures, the corrugated tin can be reused for house roofs or animal shelters, primarily as goat and water

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

buffalo sheds.


...share your food with the hungry... provide the poor wanderer with shelter... Isaiah 58:7

GERF * Temporary Houses for Nepal You can help provide a family with a temporary home made of corrugated tin that can be reused for a roof on a future, permanent structure.


Prayer Pray for the people of Nepal, as they seek to recover from the devastating earthquakes, and as they rebuild their communities.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

*Global Emergency Response Fund


Tricked, Trafficked, Treasured The Tricked, Trafficked, Treasured project seeks to bring healing and wholeness to young women who have escaped the sex trade. The counselling, skills training, and employment opportunities provided to these women are vital to their healing, as they reintegrate into society with dignity. The girls are creating beautiful products and are developing valuable, marketable skills, which is fostering healthy self-esteem.

“A recent training event for staff was a raging success. It was encouraging to see local women taking the lead in ministering to girls in their own cities.”

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

// Ministry Leader


Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17

Tricked, Trafficked, Treasured Your gift will contribute to the freedom of girls and women trapped in the sex trade as they enter a healing program and develop skills for a variety of vocations within the local marketplace.

Prayer Our local team receives very little support or encouragement from the local church. Pray that God will move the local church to respond with compassion and care for these young women.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE



Urban Gardens This Asian Spice ministry works within a poor refugee community, where urban gardens provide fresh fruits and vegetables. Greenhouses and raised gardens empower this displaced community to provide nutritious food for themselves. It also offers an amazing opportunity to deepen relationships and to further the reach of the Gospel in this region.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

More land has become available in another refugee community, where we will be building several greenhouses, as well as [raised] gardens.


And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt. Deuteronomy 10:19

Urban Gardens You can contribute towards the cost of constructing and maintaining a growing project. Constructing a greenhouse costs $600; establishing a small garden costs $200.

Prayer Pray that these gardens will flourish and continue to provide nutrition and income for these impoverished communities.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE



Vietnamese Diaspora Outreach Ministry in Taiwan Migrant workers from Vietnam have been economically motivated to pursue jobs or marriages in Taiwan that promise to provide income for their families back home. Unfortunately, many in this population of 300,000 are caught up in systems of injustice and exploitation, helplessly unable to provide for their families and almost always stripped of their travel documentation. Attempting to escape these situations, hundreds often find themselves in Taiwanese prisons or detention centres. Responding to the need, the C&MA in Canada has launched a Vietnamese Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE

Diaspora Outreach with a threefold vision: church-planting through the


Vietnamese Gospel Centre, ministry to detainees in immigration detention centres, and spiritual care for prison inmates. The Gospel Centre welcomes many who are seeking refuge and healing. This drop-in centre offers them a place of safety, where they find friendship, love, and a place where physical needs are met. Through regular visits, Bible study, worship, and compassionate care, we have seen more than one hundred people accept the love and grace of Jesus since this ministry began in 2009.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

Vietnamese Diaspora Outreach Your gift will offer both physical and spiritual care to exploited migrant workers and brides, restoring hope for their future.

Prayer Pray for Vietnamese foreign workers and their families; pray that God will intervene in the lives of their oppressors. Pray for the newly formed church groups in Taiwan.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  ASIAN SPICE



Refugee Fund Refugee sponsorship is a relational investment in which a sponsoring group works to assist refugees resettle in Canada by financially and practically assisting a family or individual for a minimum one-year commitment. The C&MA in Canada, as an officially recognized Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) with Citizenship and Immigration Canada, enables local churches to participate in this life-changing ministry. Many Alliance churches are responding to the crucial needs of refugees in light of the millions of displaced people around the world. The Refugee Fund is a safety reserve; sponsoring groups can apply to use the funds for unexpected

Faith and Hope in Action  //  Sea TO SEA

financial emergencies outside of the resettlement budget.


“The United Nations High Commission on Refugees estimates that there are more than 18 million refugees globally!”

For more information, support, and guidance, contact

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 9:9

Refugee Fund Your donation will provide emergency funding for refugees and their sponsoring groups facing unforeseen financial needs.

Prayer Pray that more Alliance churches will become aware of the plight of refugees and be moved to respond.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  Sea TO SEA



Defend Dignity Defend Dignity acts as a catalyst for individuals and churches to end sexual exploitation in Canada. Sexual exploitation is on the rise in Canada, with traffickers and pimps making an average of $280,000 per year from each victim. In addition to prostitution, commercial sexual exploitation includes: pornography, strip clubs, escorts, and massage parlours. All involve the selling of sexual services that undermine the dignity of women, men, and children, and are detrimental to a healthy society.

Faith and Hope in Action  //  Sea TO SEA

Join the initiative! Together, we can end sexual exploitation in Canada.


Prayer Pray for people who are being sexually exploited or who are at risk of being exploited. Pray that those who engage in the exploitation of others will recognize the devastating impact of their actions and stop. Pray for our governments, law enforcement agencies, and organizations working to combat sexual exploitation.

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked” Psalm 82:3,4

Awareness, Advocacy, and Aid Your donation helps Defend Dignity to raise awareness, to advocate for law reform that will protect vulnerable people from exploitation, and to aid churches and individuals who minister to sexually exploited people. A portion of donations will go to survivors to assist them in making a life change.


Toolkit The Defend Dignity Toolkit* is an excellent resource to equip you with the tools needed to educate others exploitation. *The toolkit will be mailed to you upon your purchase order; tax receipts will not be issued for this item.


Faith and Hope in Action  //  Sea TO SEA

and to engage in the issue of sexual


Alliance Compassion 1 John 3:16-17 The Alliance Compassion Fund is used to support  justice and compassion initiatives in Canada and around the world that need immediate and one-time funding that is not already covered under other projects. This past year, for example, we were able to contribute to a peace training program for youth in


the Spice Region.


Prayer Pray that as we are able to support unforeseen acts of compassion, recipients will experience the peace, love, and dignity that God desires for them.

Alliance Compassion Your donation will be used where it is most needed.

Your Gift of Any Amount $

Village Savings and Loans Deuteronomy 15:7-8 Village Savings and Loans is a community-based microfinance method in which 15-25 people generate their own fund by making weekly contributions. This money is then used to make loans to one another. This method equips people in extreme poverty to work as a community, to increase their earning ability, to provide for for emergencies.

Prayer Pray that God will bless communities who desire to support one another and provide for those in need living among them.

Village Savings and Loans Your donation will provide a start-up kit and implementation training. It will also contribute funds for sustainable livelihood training.



their daily needs and their children’s education, and to save money


Food Aid The United Nations reports that 870 million people—or one in eight people— suffer from chronic hunger. It also states that hunger kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. This happens in a world that produces enough food to feed our entire population. The World Hunger Organization states that the problem is that many people in the world do not have sufficient land to grow food, money to buy food, or even access to food.


Through our membership with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), we are


responding to global hunger by implementing food assistance and agricultural and livelihood programming.

The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Proverbs 22:9

Food Aid Money designated to this fund will enable us to offer food assistance and sustainable agricultural programming through our C&MA—Canadian receive up to 4:1 matching support from the Government of Canada.


Prayer Pray that the agricultural programs that we are funding will provide the needed food and nutrition for communities that have experienced chronic hunger. Pray that the beneficiaries will be drawn to Jehovah Jireh, which means, “the Lord will provide”. He meets every need!


Foodgrains Bank account, which is eligible to


Global Emergency Response Fund The C&MA in Canada is committed to providing disaster relief in situations caused by disasters such as earthquakes, floods, drought, and war. The Global Emergency Response Fund is designated for disaster relief for the various stages of immediate relief, rehabilitation, recovery, and reconstruction. A generic account allows us to disburse funds within hours or days of a disaster and


respond to smaller disasters that the public is not aware of.


Our priority is to resource and partner with local believers, a national church, or a Christian relief agency. The size of specific responses will be determined by availability of resources and the capacity of our local personnel or selected partners to implement the projects.

And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10

Global Emergency Response Fund C&MA to respond with emergency aid to people who have been affected by disasters both globally and domestically.


Prayer Pray for people who have been affected by disasters around the world; pray that they will experience God’s peace and a restoration of hope as they rebuild their lives.


Your donation to this account will enable the


Global Advance Fund 2 Corinthians 8:3-4 Your contributions to the projects outlined in this catalogue provide the funds for our International Workers to facilitate these ministries. A separate fund called the Global Advance Fund provides the finances for their cost of living and administrative expenses. Through this fund, the Alliance provides International Workers with fixed allowances so that they can focus more on ministry and less on raising funds for their personal support. This is different from many mission


organizations, where workers are required to raise their own support.


Prayer Pray that people will generously support the Global Advance Fund, so that we can provide for our International Workers and send more workers to where least-reached people live.

Global Advance Fund Your donation to the Global Advance Fund will provide the means for our International Workers to reside in the country where they are administering these compassion ministries.

Your Gift of Any Amount $

THANK YOU Together, through compassion and care, and with your generosity, we are meeting needs, communicating love, and seeing peoples’ lives transformed.

The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada 30 Carrier Drive  Suite 100 Toronto  ON  M9W 5T7 (416) 674-7878

Follow Alliance Justice and Compassion at @CMACompassion

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