Global Shiitake Mushroom market cagr 9.2%

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Shiitake Mushroom Market

Shiitake Mushroom Market Scope: Industry Analysis, Market Size, Growth, Trends Till 2031

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Shiitake Mushroom Market Size and Growth

The global Shiitake Mushroom market is projected to experience significant growth due to increasing consumer preference for healthy and organic food options. Market size is estimated to reach USD 12.1 billion by 2027, driven by rising demand for natural supplements and functional foods. Key players are focusing on expanding product portfolios to capitalize on growing market opportunities. Request Sample Report

Companies Covered (Covid 19 Impact Covered)

◍ Bonduelle SA (France)

◍ Mitoku Company(Japan)

◍ The Mushroom Company (US)

◍ Modern Mushroom Farms (US)

◍ Hirano Mushroom LLC (Kosovo)

The Shiitake Mushroom Market is highly competitive with key players such as Bonduelle SA, Mitoku Company, The Mushroom Company, Modern Mushroom Farms, Hirano Mushroom, and Banken Champignons. These companies leverage their expertise in cultivation, distribution, and product innovation to expand the market. Sales revenue figures: Bonduelle SA - $2.5 billion, Modern Mushroom Farms - $150 million, Banken Champignons - $100 million.

◍ Banken Champignons (the Netherlands)

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Market Segmentation

By Application

◍ Food

◍ Pharmaceuticals

◍ Cosmetics

◍ Others

By Product

◍ Fresh

◍ Dried

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$ X Billion USD
Market Growth
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