2013-2014 Course Catalog

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male and female reproductive, obstetrics, child

PHAR 191

health, oncology, and mental health systems.

Pharmacy Practice-Internship II

PHAR 137

This course is a continuation of PHAR 190,

Pharmacy Law and References II

Pharmacy Practice-Internship I.

Students continue to examine legal terms, state,


and federal laws as well as review references

Fundamentals of Phlebotomy

necessary to the practice of pharmacy. Students learn the role and responsibilities of a PHAR 180

phlebotomist in all types of health care facilities.

Communications and Customer Service

Demonstrate knowledge of legal issues, HIPAA,


and safety precautions/preventions related to Students learn to communicate effectively with

phlebotomy practices. Must model professional

medical offices, customers, patients, and co-

appearance, value diversity in the workplace and

workers both orally and in writing.

possess the ability to communicate effectively and professionally with patients and staff.

PHAR 181

Demonstrate knowledge of quality assurance

Management, Supervision, and Human Relations

and quality control and adhere to policies and procedures used in the laboratory. Define medical

Students practice communication methods from

terminology used in the medical laboratory. Must

a management point of view and professional

have knowledge of blood-borne pathogens

e-mail. Students learn practices in human

and practice the prevention and precautionary

resource management including evaluating work

measures against HIV/AIDS and other blood-

performance, problem solving, staff development,

borne pathogens.

policy development, and planning work schedules. JCAHO standards are also included.

PHLEB 102 Phlebotomy Laboratory Skills

PHAR 190 Pharmacy Practice-Internship I

Demonstrate knowledge of collection equipment, various types of additives used and special

Students experience practical applications of

precautions and substances which interfere with

their knowledge and skills by working five weeks

testing. Select the types of equipment needed to

in a retail pharmacy and five weeks in a hospital or

collect blood by venipuncture and/or capillary

other pharmacy settings that provide intravenous

utilizing appropriate devices. Compare and

admixture training. Students learn job search

contrast of antiseptics and disinfectants. Examine

skills as well as develop a resume for an entry-

and compare various types of requisitions and

level position as a pharmacy technician.

practice reading simulated doctor’s orders. Report potential pre-analytical errors that may occur during collection. Label, transport and process specimens. Learn special collections such as blood banking, GTT, isolation, and PKU. Students will simulate complications of blood draw such as



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