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To design a range of T-shirts for Best vinaage Leeds. We re-wrote the breif to create some contempary designs. Below are some existing designs they had in store.

The below T-shirts designs for Best were inspired by walking around the shop and taking influence from the type pf clothes they already had in store They reaaly liked the design in the far left and decided tp made a run of jumpers and T-shirts.


The idea for this T-shirts was inspired by Leeds and urban youth culture. I created a mixed mediia colllage with the word ‘Best’ graffiti written in the bottom right hand corner. I am yet to have any feedbcak from this one yet however I am confident that they will like and hopefully take this one on aswel.

This Tshirt was inspired by Hip hop culture. The idea was to make the Boomboxes look as though they were jumping out out a plane like soldiers would.

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