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ATTRIBUTES OF LUXURY BUYERS We become consumers of illusions.

R e d o u a n e


-­‐ D i g i t a l F a h e d

M a r k e E n g M A H I

ATTRIBUTES OF LUXURY BUYER « DEMONSTRATION » TRANSLATION IN TERM OF MARKETING STRATEGY The brand is supposed to idenEfy the intangible needs of demonstraEon of its customers and therefore reflect, in their markeEng approach (outline & online), these kind of aspects like the precision and the perfecEon.

ATTRIBUTES OF LUXURY BUYER « TENDANCE » TRANSLATION IN TERM OF MARKETING STRATEGY Luxury buyers are naturally influenced by current trends that focus on convenience and exuberance forms, and especially on the creaEvity of their brand and perpetual renewal.

ATTRIBUTES OF LUXURY BUYER « EMPATHY » TRANSLATION IN TERM OF MARKETING STRATEGY It is increasingly currents to noted the commitment of luxury brands in humanitarian acEons and their involvement related to issues such as fair trade. Luxury brands then adapts to the sensiEvity and the growing emoEonal aspect of their clients.

ATTRIBUTES OF LUXURY BUYER « IMAGINARY » TRANSLATION IN TERM OF MARKETING STRATEGY Just as a product fulfills its ability to saEsfy a mere physical need it must saEsfy a symbolic need of the consumers to create their meanings of themselves.

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