Catalogo de Cortes

Page 26


NOMENCLADOR ARGENTINO DE CARNES / HANDBOOK OF ARGENTINE BEEF Cor­tes SIN hue­so BONE INva­cu­nos BEEF PRIMAL CUTS / CUARTO DELANTERO 1000 / Beef Side internal view / Beef Side external view Is one of the two parts into which the carcass is divided, by means of a longitudinal cut that goes through the center of the backbone. Processing: The head is separated by a transversal cut at the level of the attlantoc­ cipital joint. The fore legs are cut off at a distance of 100 mm from the carpus, while the hind legs are severed at a distance of 100 mm from the tarsus. The tail is sepa­ rated by cutting between 2nd and 3rd coccygeal vertebrae. Kidneys, pelvic and kidney fat, as well as thymus and heart fat, must be removed. The diaphragm shall be removed, except its costal portion which shall remain attached to its costal insertion in the internal face of the side. Diaphragm membrane shall be trimmed close to the lean. Penis, testicles, precrural fat in the males and udder fat in the females, must be trimmed off. Blood clots, and ragged ends must be removed.

1006 / Leg / Butt On Consists of a round plus the rump. Made up of the following cuts rmp, tail of rump, knuckle, topside/inside, flat, eyeround, leg of beef and shank. Embraces the sacrumcoxal, femoral and tarsal-tibial regions. The skeletal components: Are os coxae, sacrum, 1st and 2nd coccygeal verte­ brae, femur, patella, tibia and tarsal bones. Processing: May be prepared from a hindquarter. Flank is removed while the backbone is sawn at the level of lumbar-sacral joint, alternatively may be prepared shank off.

1007 / Round Made up of following cuts: knuckle, inside/topside, flat, eyeround, leg of beef and shank. The skeletal components: ischion, pubic bone, femur, patella, tibia and tarsal bones. Processing: it is prepared from a hindquarter or a pistola by sawing from 2nd coc­ cygeal vertebrae to the ball of femur, separating it from the rump this way.

1001 / Side 10 Ribs Consists of the whole hindquarter plus the last 7 ribs corresponding to the fore­ quarter. Embraces all the anatomicals regions of the side except the cervical, scapular, brachial and the first 3 ribs of the thoracic region. It includes the same cuts as the beef side, except neck, brisket, shin, chuck, shoulder clod, chuck tender, oyster blade and chuck cover.

1002 / Forequarter 10 Ribs Obtained by cutting the side transversally between the 10th and 11th dorsal vertebrae. The anatomical regions are cervical, dorsal, thoracic, scapular, pecto­ ral and brachial. Made up of the following cuts neck, chuck, fore rib, shoulder clod, chuck tender, oyster blade, shin, plate, brisket and navel. The skeletal components: Halves of 7 cervical vertebrae, 1st to 10th tho­ racic vertebrae, their corresponding ribs and their cartilages, sternum and sternal cartilage, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna and carpus. 1002A 3 Ribs / 1002B 5 Ribs / 1002C 9 Ribs

1003 / Hindquarter 3 Ribs Obtained by cutting a sidetransversally between the10thand 11thdorsal verte­ brae.The skeletal componentsare 6 lumbar vertebrae,sacrum, 2 coccygeal verte­ brae, os coxae, femur,tibia, patella and tarsal bones. Made up of the following cutss: Triploin,fillet/tenderloin,rump,tailofrump,fl ank,eyeround,flat,knuckle,topside/inside,legofbeefandshank.

1004 / Pistola 4 Ribs Consists of a 4 Rib Hindquarter, after the removal of the Flank and the portion of plate corresponding to the last 4 ribs. Made up of the following cuts: striploin, fillet/ tenderloin, rump, knuckle, topside/inside, eyeround, flat, leg of beef and shank. embraces the dorso-lumbar, sacral-coxal, femoral and tarsal-tibial regions. The skeletal components: Halves of the last 4 dorsal vertebrae and portions vertebral of the corresponding ribs, the 6 lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, first 2 caudal vertebrae, os coxae, femur, tibia and tarsal bones. Processing: After the flank has been removed, a longitudinal cut is made along the external edge of the ribs. This cut shall be practiced parallel to the backbone, at a distance of 25, 50 or 75 mM., measured from the lateral end of the ribeye (M. Longissimus dorsi). The backbone shall be severed transversally between 9th and 10th dorsal vertebrae.

1008 / Round, shank off From the round the shank is removed. The skeletal components ischion, pubic bone, femur an patella.

1009 / Short loin 8 ribs Made up of the following cuts: striploin, fillet/ tenderloin and fore-rib. Is located inside of lumbar and dorsal anatomicals regions. The skeletal components halves of the 6 lumbar vertebrae, the 6th to 13th thoracic and spinal portions of the ribs. Processing: the backbone is sawn at the level of sacro-lumbar joint as well as between 5th and 6th dorsal vertebrae. Ribs are sawn paralel to the backbone at a distance of 25, 50 or 75 mm, depending on specifications.

1010 / Fore ribs Are located in the dorsal region, limited craneally with the chuck, caudally with the striploin and ventrally with the rib cage (plate). The skeletal components: The 6th to 9th dorsal vertebrae and spinal end of corresponding ribs. Muscular component: On a superficial level, the M. Trapezius thoracis and latissimus dorsi can be observed. On a deeper level, there are the M. Longuissimus dorsi, M. Spinalis dorsi, M. Multifidi dorsi, M. Ilicostalis, M. Intercostalis and M. Levatores costaruM. Processing: May be obtained by severing the backbone between 5th and 6th ribs, as well as between 9th and 10th dorsal vertebrae, performing after that a longitudinal cut along the external edge of the ribs. This cut may be practiced at a distance of 25, 50 or 75 mm measured from the lateral edge of the ribeye (M. Longissimus dorsi) depending on specifications.

1011 / Short loin / short cut Is located in the dorsal lumbar region. It is made up of the striploin and the tenderloin. The skeletal components halves of the 10th to 13th dorsal vertebrae and cor­ responding ends of the spinal ribs and halves of the 6 lumbar vertebrae. The Muscular components: M. Longissimus dorsi, M. Spinalis dorsi, M. Multifidi dorsi, M. Iliocostalis, M. Serratus dorsalis caudalis, M. Intercostalis, M. Psoas major, M. Psoas minor and M. Psoas iliacus. Processing: the backbone is sawn transversally at the lumbar-sacral joint and between the 9th and 10th dorsal vertebrae as well. Then, a longitudinal cut is made parallel to the backbone at a distance of 25, 50 or 75mm from the external edge of the ribeye, depending on specifications.

1004A 8 Ribs / 1004B 10 Ribs

1005 / Rump and Loin (R&L) 4 Ribs

Consists of the cut from the hindquarter made up of rump, striploin, and fillet/ tenderloin. The skeletal components: Halves of the 4 last thoracic vertebraes, 6 lumbar vertebraes, sacrum, os coxae and first coccygeal vertebrae. Processing: From a 4 rib pistola a cut is performed from the 1st or 2nd coc­ cygeal vertebrae to the ball of the femur, separating it from the round this way. 1005A 8 Ribs

1012 / Plate flank-in 13 ribs Is located in the thoracic and abdominal regions and embraces all ribs with flank. It is made up by the plate and the flank. The skeletal components: The diaphysis of the 13 ribs. Processing: Previously, the scapula, humerus and the muscle components of the shoulder or blade are removed. Then a cut is performed with a knife along the back edge of the last rib. As a result, the flank remains separated. Inmediately, a longitudi­ nal cut is made at the whole dorsal limit, at a changeable distance (25 to 75 mm) from the muscle longissimus dorsi. Finally, navel and brisket are removed by cuttin along the end of ribs limiting with the sternal region.

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