Realize Zine Issue #8

Page 40

Yoga of self Standing in tadasana, exhale down into dog’s plank wait what, forgot to breathe, too fast, no, everyones ahead of you, need to fart, ugh, I paid for this? aaaAAAAHHHH…! Then you realize that you can change EVERYTHING… in only one breath. For every breath is your creation, a conscious intention of your own choice to express your vibration out into the universe. Don’t get caught up in the ritual; playful and creative like a child, submit to the flow of your own intuition. Do what feels good for your body, it will tell you if you consciously listen. Follow your own religion in which you are the god, sent to earth to free all beings from suffering. Don’t look for answers externally, look inward within yourself. Your most important gift is to be who YOU are and shine bright. You are your own guru… Gee yoU aRe yoU! Realize that to change the world you must first change yourself. A change inward will eventually manifest change outward. Finally, we must extend this change outward into the world for all as we walk along the path to enlightenment together, the world will constantly seem to get in our way if we seek only for ourselves. We must do this not by preaching but by cultivating compassion for ALL and realizing the interconnectivity of everything, the ONE, YOU!

- RealEyes

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